PODROČJA PRESOJE KAKOVOSTI VIS - Domov | NAKVIS...pri akreditaciji in evalvaciji visokošolskih...


Transcript of PODROČJA PRESOJE KAKOVOSTI VIS - Domov | NAKVIS...pri akreditaciji in evalvaciji visokošolskih...

  • zunanji prepogib

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    notranji prepogib

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    notranji prepogib

    notranji prepogib

    notranji prepogib

    POSLANSTVONacionalna agencija Republike Slovenije za kakovost v visokem šolstvu (NAKVIS) skrbi za primerljivost in mednarodno prepoznavnost slovenskega visokošolskega prostora ter se zavzema za nenehno izboljševanje njegove kakovosti. Deluje vsebinsko in formalno odgovorno, strokovno in neodvisno ter svetovalno do vseh deležnikov v terciarnem izobraževanju v skladu z evropskimi in svetovnimi smermi razvoja.

    VIZIJANAKVIS bo z aktivnim delovanjem pri izvedbi procesov na področju zagotavljanja in izboljševanja kakovosti v visokem šolstvu spreminjal nacionalni in mednarodni visokošolski prostor.



    presoja kakovost visokošolskih zavodov, višjih strokovnih šol in študijskih programov.


    na jasen način obvešča javnost o izvedenih presojah in ostalih dejavnostih.


    na podlagi ugotovitev pri presojah kakovosti redno pripravlja sistemske analize o stanju kakovosti v slovenskem visokem in višjem šolstvu ter predlaga njegove izboljšave.


    v skladu z evropskimi in svetovnimi smermi razvoja svetuje pri vzpostavitvi in delovanju sistemov kakovosti na visokošolskih zavodih in višjih strokovnih šolah.


    Je temeljna dejavnost NAKVIS in zajema celovito in poglobljeno presojo kakovosti visokošolskih zavodov (univerz, fakultet, akademij in visokih strokovnih šol), višjih strokovnih šol in študijskih programov.

    NAKVIS pri tem ugotavlja, ali visokošolski zavod oziroma višja strokovna šola izpolnjuje standarde kakovosti po področjih presoje iz meril, ki jih sprejme svet NAKVIS kot najvišji organ odločanja agencije.

    Poleg naštetega NAKVIS odloča tudi o izpolnjevanju pogojev za vpis visokošolskega transnacionalnega izobraževanja v javno evidenco ter o priglasitvah v tujini akreditiranih mednarodnih skupnih študijskih programov.

    Na podlagi ugotovitev iz presoje sve

    t NAKVIS:

    podeli akreditacijo visokošolskemu z

    avodu za pet let ali pa vlogo

    za akreditacijo zavrne,

    podaljša akreditacijo visokošolskemu

    zavodu za obdobje petih

    let, krajše obdobje od petih let ali pa

    akreditacije visokošolskemu

    zavodu ne podaljša,

    podeli akreditacijo študijskemu progr

    amu za nedoločen čas ali pa

    vlogo za akreditacijo zavrne,

    ugotovi (delno) ustreznost izvajanja

    študijskega programa, ali pa

    mu akreditacijo odvzame,

    da priporočila visokošolskemu zavod

    u za izboljšanje

    samoevalvacije, izvajanja, posodablj

    anja oziroma kakovosti

    študijskega programa v celoti,

    akreditira spremembo visokošolskega

    zavoda, ali zavrne vlogo za

    akreditacijo spremembe visokošolske

    ga zavoda,

    odloča o akreditacijah mednarodnih

    skupnih študijskih programov,

    sprejme mnenje o izpolnjevanju stand

    ardov kakovosti višjih

    strokovnih šol.

    NAKVIS s članstvom v Evropski zvezi za zagotavljanje kakovosti v visokem šolstvu (ENQA), Evropskem registru agencij (EQAR) in Evropskem konzorciju za akreditacijo (ECA) utrjuje mednarodni ugled in veljavnost slovenskega visokošolskega in višješolskega prostora.


    NAKVIS presoja kakovost po naslednjih področjih:

    pri akreditaciji in evalvaciji visokošolskih zavodov in višjih strokovnih šol

    1. delovanje visokošolskega zavoda ali višje strokovne šole,

    2. kadri,

    3. materialne razmere,

    4. študenti,

    5. notranje zagotavljanje in izboljševanje kakovosti ter izvajanje študijskih programov, pri visokošolskih zavodih pa še spreminjanje in posodabljanje študijskih programov;

    pri akreditaciji študijskih programov visokošolskih zavodov

    1. sestava in vsebina študijskega programa in

    2. zasnova izvajanja študijskega programa;

    pri evalvaciji študijskih programov visokošolskih zavodov

    1. notranje zagotavljanje in izboljševanje kakovosti študijskega programa,

    2. spreminjanje in posodabljanje študijskega programa in

    3. izvajanje študijskega programa.

    zunanji prepogib

    zunanji prepogib

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    notranji prepogib

    zunanji prepogib

    zunanji prepogibzunanji prepogib

    zunanji prepogib

    Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

    Slovenska cesta 9, 1000 LjubljanaT: 01 400 5771, [email protected], www.nakvis.si

    Students and future students are encouraged to visit

    before enrolment and check the information about accreditations or evaluations of higher education institutions and higher vocational colleges, as well as to make sure whether their studies lead to a state-approved graduation certificate.


    Tertiary Education in Slovenia


     Opportunities for improvement

     Inconsistencies with regulations

    During 2014 and 2017, the experts evaluated 26 higher education institutions, 485 study programmes, 26 higher vocational colleges and found 8012 strengths, 8587 opportunities for improvemenet and 233 inconsistencies with regulations.

    48 %51 %



    The procedure of quality assessment covers a comprehensive and in-depth assessment of a higher education institution or higher vocational college. It involves at least three independent experts, of which at least one is a foreign expert and one is a student. Their findings are evident from reports, which are one of the important bases for the SQAA council to adopt decisions on accreditations and evaluations in higher education and decisions on compliance with the quality standards in higher vocational education.  

    In external evaluation, the group of experts focuses especially on the assurance and improvement of quality of study programmes while taking account of quality standards.

    Based on the application with enclosures and other required documentation, visit and self-evaluation report of a higher education institution or higher vocational college, the group of experts carries out an assessment and writes a report, in which particular attention is devoted to compliance with criteria as well as to strengths and possible opportunities for improvement of studies.

    PUBLISHED BY: Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

    PREPARED BY: Martina Mravlja, Tatjana Debevec, Anita Kajtazović, Andrej Krček, Ivan Leban, Ph.D., Gregor Rebernik, Jernej Širok, M.Sc., Klemen Šubic, Barbara Zupančič Kočar

    TRANSLATED BY: Polona Glavan, Jernej Širok, M.Sc.

    DESIGNED BY: BELA design

    FOTO BY: Peter Giodani

    (Photographs were taken in Kavarna Tiskarna d.o.o., PE Znanstvena kavarna Mafija, Ljubljana and in front of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Ljubljana.) PRINTED BY: Printing House Petrič

    CIRCULATION: 500 copies

    Ljubljana, June 2018


    The SQAA regularly organises education and other training courses intended for advancing knowledge about assessment and changes in the field of quality in higher education and higher vocational education both for new candidates and for experts and students already entered in the register of experts.

    By publishing expert reports about quality assessment, accreditation decisions and opinions, it provides the broader public with access to detailed contents of assessments, established strengths and opportunities for improvement of individual higher education institutions or higher vocational colleges.




    zunanji prepogib

    zunanji prepogib

    notranji prepogib

    notranji prepogib

    notranji prepogib

    notranji prepogib

    notranji prepogib

    notranji prepogib

    POSLANSTVONacionalna agencija Republike Slovenije za kakovost v visokem šolstvu (NAKVIS) skrbi za primerljivost in mednarodno prepoznavnost slovenskega visokošolskega prostora ter se zavzema za nenehno izboljševanje njegove kakovosti. Deluje vsebinsko in formalno odgovorno, strokovno in neodvisno ter svetovalno do vseh deležnikov v terciarnem izobraževanju v skladu z evropskimi in svetovnimi smermi razvoja.

    VIZIJANAKVIS bo z aktivnim delovanjem pri izvedbi procesov na področju zagotavljanja in izboljševanja kakovosti v visokem šolstvu spreminjal nacionalni in mednarodni visokošolski prostor.



    presoja kakovost visokošolskih zavodov, višjih strokovnih šol in študijskih programov.


    na jasen način obvešča javnost o izvedenih presojah in ostalih dejavnostih.


    na podlagi ugotovitev pri presojah kakovosti redno pripravlja sistemske analize o stanju kakovosti v slovenskem visokem in višjem šolstvu ter predlaga njegove izboljšave.


    v skladu z evropskimi in svetovnimi smermi razvoja svetuje pri vzpostavitvi in delovanju sistemov kakovosti na visokošolskih zavodih in višjih strokovnih šolah.


    Je temeljna dejavnost NAKVIS in zajema celovito in poglobljeno presojo kakovosti visokošolskih zavodov (univerz, fakultet, akademij in visokih strokovnih šol), višjih strokovnih šol in študijskih programov.

    NAKVIS pri tem ugotavlja, ali visokošolski zavod oziroma višja strokovna šola izpolnjuje standarde kakovosti po področjih presoje iz meril, ki jih sprejme svet NAKVIS kot najvišji organ odločanja agencije.

    Poleg naštetega NAKVIS odloča tudi o izpolnjevanju pogojev za vpis visokošolskega transnacionalnega izobraževanja v javno evidenco ter o priglasitvah v tujini akreditiranih mednarodnih skupnih študijskih programov.

    Na podlagi ugotovitev iz presoje sve

    t NAKVIS:

    podeli akreditacijo visokošolskemu z

    avodu za pet let ali pa vlogo

    za akreditacijo zavrne,

    podaljša akreditacijo visokošolskemu

    zavodu za obdobje petih

    let, krajše obdobje od petih let ali pa

    akreditacije visokošolskemu

    zavodu ne podaljša,

    podeli akreditacijo študijskemu progr

    amu za nedoločen čas ali pa

    vlogo za akreditacijo zavrne,

    ugotovi (delno) ustreznost izvajanja

    študijskega programa, ali pa

    mu akreditacijo odvzame,

    da priporočila visokošolskemu zavod

    u za izboljšanje

    samoevalvacije, izvajanja, posodablj

    anja oziroma kakovosti

    študijskega programa v celoti,

    akreditira spremembo visokošolskega

    zavoda, ali zavrne vlogo za

    akreditacijo spremembe visokošolske

    ga zavoda,

    odloča o akreditacijah mednarodnih

    skupnih študijskih programov,

    sprejme mnenje o izpolnjevanju stand

    ardov kakovosti višjih

    strokovnih šol.

    NAKVIS s članstvom v Evropski zvezi za zagotavljanje kakovosti v visokem šolstvu (ENQA), Evropskem registru agencij (EQAR) in Evropskem konzorciju za akreditacijo (ECA) utrjuje mednarodni ugled in veljavnost slovenskega visokošolskega in višješolskega prostora.


    NAKVIS presoja kakovost po naslednjih področjih:

    pri akreditaciji in evalvaciji visokošolskih zavodov in višjih strokovnih šol

    1. delovanje visokošolskega zavoda ali višje strokovne šole,

    2. kadri,

    3. materialne razmere,

    4. študenti,

    5. notranje zagotavljanje in izboljševanje kakovosti ter izvajanje študijskih programov, pri visokošolskih zavodih pa še spreminjanje in posodabljanje študijskih programov;

    pri akreditaciji študijskih programov visokošolskih zavodov

    1. sestava in vsebina študijskega programa in

    2. zasnova izvajanja študijskega programa;

    pri evalvaciji študijskih programov visokošolskih zavodov

    1. notranje zagotavljanje in izboljševanje kakovosti študijskega programa,

    2. spreminjanje in posodabljanje študijskega programa in

    3. izvajanje študijskega programa.


    PUBLISHED BY: Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

    PREPARED BY: Martina Mravlja, Tatjana Debevec, Anita Kajtazović, Andrej Krček, Ivan Leban, Ph.D., Gregor Rebernik, Jernej Širok, M.Sc., Klemen Šubic, Barbara Zupančič Kočar

    TRANSLATED BY: Polona Glavan, Jernej Širok, M.Sc.

    DESIGNED BY: BELA design

    FOTO BY: Peter Giodani

    (Photographs were taken in Kavarna Tiskarna d.o.o., PE Znanstvena kavarna Mafija, Ljubljana and in front of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Ljubljana.)

    PRINTED BY: Printing House Petrič

    CIRCULATION: 500 copies

    Ljubljana, June 2018

  • VISIONBy activities in the implementation of processes in the field of assuring and improving quality in higher education, the SQAA will change the national and international higher education area.

    MISSIONSlovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (SQAA) provides for comparability and international recognition of Slovenian higher education area and strives for continuous improvement of its quality. It operates with substantive and formal responsibility, in expert, professional and independent manner, and provides counselling for all stakeholders in tertiary education in accordance with the European and global development orientations.

  • SQAA IS ...


    it assesses the quality of higher education institutions, higher vocational colleges and study programmes.


    it provides clear information to the public about completed assessments and other activities.


    on the basis of findings in quality assessments, it regularly prepares system-wide analyses about the state of quality in Slovenian higher education and higher vocational education and proposes its improvements.


    in accordance with European and global development orientations, it provides counselling regarding the establishment and operation of systems of quality in higher education institutions and higher vocational colleges.

    Being a member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR) and European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA), SQAA strengthens international reputation and validity of Slovenian higher education and higher vocational education area.


    Is the fundamental activity of the SQAA and covers comprehensive and in-depth assessment of quality of higher education institutions (universities, faculties, academies and professional colleges), higher vocational colleges and study programmes.

    The SQAA establishes whether a higher education institution or a higher vocational college complies with quality standards by areas of assessment referred to in the criteria adopted by the SQAA council as the highest decision-making body.


    The SQAA assesses quality in the following areas:

    accreditation and evaluation of higher education institutions and higher vocational colleges

    1. operation of the higher education institution or higher vocational college,

    2. human resources,

    3. material conditions,

    4. students,

    5. internal assurance and improvement of quality, and delivery of study programmes and, in higher education institutions, the transformation and update of study programmes;

    accreditation of study programmes of higher education institutions

    1. composition and content of the study programme, and

    2. concept of delivery of the study programme;

    evaluation of study programmes of higher education institutions

    1. internal assurance and improvement of quality of the study programme,

    2. transformation and update of the study programme, and

    3. delivery of the study programme.

  • Besides the above, the SQAA also decides on compliance with the conditions for the entry of transnational higher education in the public records and on notifications of international joint study programmes accredited abroad.

    Based on the findings of the assessm

    ent, the SQAA:

    grants accreditation to the higher edu

    cation institution for the

    period of five years or rejects the ap

    plication for accreditation,

    grants re-accreditation to the higher e

    ducation institution for the

    period of five years, a period shorter

    than five years, or does not

    grant re-accreditation to the higher e

    ducation institution,

    grants accreditation to the study prog

    ramme for an indefinite

    period, or rejects the application for


    determines (partial) adequacy of deli

    very of the study programme,

    or revokes its accreditation,

    provides recommendations to the hig

    her education institution for

    the improvement of self-evaluation, d

    elivery, update or the overall

    quality of the study programme,

    grants accreditation to the change of

    the higher education

    institution, or rejects the application

    for accreditation,

    decides on accreditations of internati

    onal joint study programmes,

    adopts opinions about compliance wi

    th quality standards of higher

    vocational colleges.


    The procedure of quality assessment covers a comprehensive and in-depth assessment of a higher education institution or higher vocational college. It involves at least three independent experts, of which at least one is a foreign expert and one is a student. Their findings are evident from reports, which are one of the important bases for the SQAA council to adopt decisions on accreditations and evaluations in higher education and decisions on compliance with the quality standards in higher vocational education.  

    In external evaluation, the group of experts focuses especially on the assurance and improvement of quality of study programmes while taking account of quality standards.

    Based on the application with enclosures and other required documentation, visit and self-evaluation report of a higher education institution or higher vo-cational college, the group of experts carries out an assessment and writes a report, in which particular attention is devoted to compliance with criteria as well as to strengths and possible opportunities for improvement of studies.

    Tertiary Education in Slovenia

     Strengths Opportunities for improvement Inconsistencies with regulations

    48 %51 %


    During 2014 and 2017, the experts evaluated 26 higher education institutions, 485 study programmes, 26 higher vocational colleges and found 8012 strengths, 8587 opportunities for improvemenet and 233 inconsistencies with regulations.

  • Students and future students are encouraged to visit

    before enrolment and check the information about accreditations or evaluations of higher education institutions and higher vocational colleges, as well as to make sure whether their studies lead to a state-approved graduation certificate.


    Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

    Slovenska cesta 9, 1000 LjubljanaT: 01 400 5771, [email protected], www.nakvis.si


    The SQAA regularly organises education and other training courses intended for advancing knowledge about assessment and changes in the field of quality in higher education and higher vocational education both for new candidates and for experts and students already entered in the register of experts.

    By publishing expert reports about quality assessment, accreditation decisions and opinions, it provides the broader public with access to detailed contents of assessments, established strengths and opportunities for improvement of individual higher education institutions or higher vocational colleges.