
•••> . •••i ••• » ; •; : , ; ' ' * ' ' - . ' ' >-• -i . * . * . "•: > - . ' ' ' .''' ' ' - . . ' '. ; " ' - ' ' . ) ' ' ' - ' . - " ' ' . " ' ' » '.' ':'.."•' " v ! ' - - " '..••', . fr ~^ r 7r'' : T r~ '. . . . . " ' - ' ' . " v . J ' e L - » . ' . . . . ' ' . ' > » ' . . i . ' ' . * ' , . : . ' ' '.' ' _ ' . . , ' . * . . ' . : . . . . , " . ' - ' ; . . ; ' : . ' ; r " " - : - v . . ' . . ' . ' . ' ' ' : ' 1 _ ' . ' . , ' ' : * u » ' / ' , ' . . ' ' " ' . ' . ' ' " •• " ' ( . . . - . , , - ; . ' . > « •'• " . ' * - , ' . ;.' * 5 .•• ' ' . / ; . . , . _ ' . ' .. -•"•'. •'••.•'• •-, ••• ' "Jifcadovrbrook7-<2cditrT.Oro<'L-i~ Eiet'iteen j graduate of ..which acts as an-insulator tcT he cprhpiett'4 oh the, tentative 19(51 budgeirso it-can be intror duced for first leading at the regu- lar' trie'eting on the -.night of Jan- uary 24. •:.•' . ' •y^-^s "'_ "'••. . - \ •' ' •; . A ••...• V.;,...' . . »- •'•.. .' ' " - * ' -. _ , «*• Topi 6 fIan c Told l'mrc'ha'-f-d''-|ft-opi'i-lv- lor a now i u,hit-.i.i,.<>'erect i.tipfi• r, _._ _ , Munic-ip.;.,. Buildim; and h:ive-.just I "N<w Unit iVionVrbinK' lias 'boon ] tr^'cTi out' co'ntnicis for llu; ,con- [insta'lk'd on Monroy Avenue, the strilclion' of u modern bn&d'trifi-'l KtVoet .\vjlj . b e paved. a*r_t:ti{iiv "JIB '^•iTiio Heir Eric S^l'tliat' will a Word our the pastor "tif ..the- .United-, (.iimrlcrsin winch to do the job- ' J' Chu*-ciyof i '* of them. . has selected :is his M aTlv. vorshiy-i" "'AH of the foix-f'oint, Have been. weather conditions permit? ' rcf,'ai:d, we Xortljnato" to re- ceive.'state. ;iitC 'tKeivbjj' r the puoporty nwuiW of the <; fhi ill i topic for. Sunday. •".Helpj-the re-suit of definite, plartnine j «»V- >W roadway w h f " th ;. w 11 thi' worst section of . ..Sunday sfchool classes will mcei j without constant ftiYprovowJi.-l, a Kive.n .1.6'continual improvement of The JuniRCrs and senior youth \ Sr- rapidly in fact that some haver I!' / h ' r'i. -group .will meet, Sunday' from 7 found dcprechiiltm ( ,.ul ck-cay 'oul- t" 1 "^ 1h( ,\.. klhc ji<- e o | t ,,6uHht rind 8:30 p.m. "Vicwi'ns a rotrnirat>Je Junipers Will y'y- Values." frorn the htu ol SolQiKuti. "tTw? Chancel Choir will njrieet.' for rehearsal at 7:45 p.m. tocjay and thi?.board of deacons at-8 p.m. The committee .for ing, of church officer di-stanritit: im[>r<iv« i pn£*ritK. •' This rt-BXiits in' ctin&sT'-crirnc' nnd~its'T sociated evils. • -ol these •,. a^tuinttoti •» sUt>til;d be Sdv-en-~U> pipinf! of the 'hTfiok o"n Washington Avenue, from lilth Stages' mit,sl vealize thai to erect'. •I hf" institutions;,' and . to .rtiajntiy.n ad.v.'intage.s and freedom whifh I tl*'noniuiaV^l^jjjjjfjsitiye vvc all. dc.-s.irtv dues Hot- _*rf xvjll meet, coim , without sacrifice of .some. at 8 o'clock tornorrpu' ••ncl->thol wt ,., slII . e 'flic Session and board jrf—trustees 'will} .,,.).(.,) . | 0 .s|jar h.eet- «it.8 j?.m. Mon/Jay.,'-"All re-. 1 • ~ '• •ports frorn the,.,' churtli, ; gi^qjis sho'ii'lci be lurried jovor tlic' clerk are major prSjcctrboth as' tqrcfwi~aiid- :', phms to of session by -.that iupe . The Sunday School staff and meet at 8 p m. Tuesday and* the -«nid-wej>k Bihle study arid prayer hour. will, be, held at fi p.m. \Ved- -** ^, Mayor Tells ' "ic&nUii-iiea.' yr&n pagi^l)—— Kenilwortlj. : oV^r tho > p.'.sl few years'. 'I want to mention some^'of Ihese irrtpiroveinents .bvcaiLse I .-feel thai they demonstrate the profiress -'•In : 195t>, we constructed ttirbs on the-Boulevard with tln> inden- tation in front of our uiiiikets. Wcf we.-eemsidpv the benefit 1 ;'re- ceiv-<;ci._ Some --.|>eop.k' itslc, -r.froin liyie to ir.iTVtv'ivh.v o\Jr i.'iW'S.- coYi-*- tii'iue' to' climb. This VsTa fair ques- tion ,-j,nd'one that could take-fur nuJi.o'iin'iL 1 iu .'iViswtiijJiiit WIJ t"in diAijfti tin this 1 accii'sioriTTif^' vvill, howovor, briefly outline our own I'iarticiUnr situation. Our tax' dol- it should be oil .1 year to.year'basis so-as Ui not create too v great tf-bur- <leh and to'tiliniina'i'if- the 'necessity ,of'"bonding the'issue. ._ , l :'-"M the last iViformatjon". .it is lyidei-Btlood a irmj.or portion.of .the ""•'•' relate, to ihe.iin- of ..South'' Michigan Avenue h.'is been nccontpfohod' and-ft i^'-ouv'hopo' and "desire {bat I d^'idod'ns follows: ,'i'i,. local ich'oolii; ;afi, Regional HiKh Sc'hool; .r.S, County Tax- :m\ Loca'l •Gin- cniment. ; ' "Oh thy local level, .m our ":iaijiii*.ipa'l Government, it- should be .noted that in J.he'last dv«.' years,, our rate has increased M mtiuiuiiunt. in Lite J-.poTntl A clieck irf-j'pur pr<:vr ions tax- bills will rollect: tjiat in JiC Sanw-r»fdod t(io foUowin^,in- creases' arc present:" County Tax, ~2'( . paint increase;. i- J ~oeTlT~SeViool, Borough Q! Kenilworth./ \Vo va- S'li^Sfir' tlie tear of our school-system. "We pnvfed a portion of Jefferson Ave- nue and paved Fsfirfleld.'Avenue, between .Michigan Avenue and' S^ 12-point jiU!»-e.-(s6; Hofiionnl 'Hifih Ichool,. 1Of. Rojn.l"in£i'eai'.e. *'\V<> •iwjs-laiin'- tills, not'to c'harce that these jiiu'iiclt's have been un- (.eonpiTu'eal, biit rating' to diuiptw str.'jte Hint we 'in the ''Municipal-, Government, have been faced U the .same "spirtillintr.costs', in- croaxtHl population to serve, and in .addition, have effected many iimprovements and additional scr-. Ire* and fricititlt".- for ouv ritivcrm incrensint! our rate. This, Is"~nol_a(''co~m~ pli.shcd by leKcrdemain or .small -triifjiclo, It has been careful scrutiny of 7T d most difficult, especially _\vhere it concerns those that are trusted with theloperation of our municipality. We have endeavored to be 'economical with our fi- W.4JLTEK 'E.. Market Sirc4t - \V«i JWGHT Street and installed A storm-scwef ••u Jefferson Avenue and.N. 26th Street. WpTpurchased a hew fire engine and' conslrutled an -Hcl tipn to the Municipal'Garago^ to house our vehicles.--We-adopted an Ordinance regulaUpg-soil re- imoval __ worth. We . also adopted a Fire Prevention Code jthat__ was long over?clue for our eommunity. "In 1957, we" purchased a hew dump truck and acquired .addi- tional lands to be used for off- street' parking in the vetnv of our Municipal Building. We .'installed a sanitary sewer on. i»afayette Avenue between N. 15th";iiid lfith Street, constructed curbs on the .Kenilworth' Boulevard- from. N-. and sanitary sewers ..on 18th. .19t>» and 20th Streets,, bc- ta/eea Sheridan Avenue and Laf- t' of installing a storm sewer Wh A bt on Washington Avenue between N: I4th and 13th Streets and this program will be continued. We an Ordinance to','provide uate pension •-for t idow? and children of volunteer remen. Our., greatest contribution during tttis~pgrjod7^.ous;~tln_' f.minntiomtnd- adoption of a •comprehensive 2 "In-1958. we adopted ordinances. to regulate garbage and ash re- moval and to require 'that snow be removed from sidewalks with- in a reasonable periodfollawing.a storm. We.-adopted an" ordinance regulating Shopping Carts and I .think you .will autee that theyn& loiiger constitute a hazard on our streets. We ' i * ^ Jin,. | ji around-.'Uy; ftofough y a f i e and this ltpipaid 1 tor;itself many pfts.* We); aKo adopted' an ordi- nance to- ifegulate -the opening -of streets: .Vje constructed a-•Civil t>efense Building. We, caused curbs to -Me installed r '6n' N. 18th strtet," Si w<;r on Washinutori Uir "M Streets. We |>aved. N. 22nd frat» r Sh(.*r|dan Avenue to.the rail- road, paved N. lftth Street and Borigh} Avc-itue. Weji]so adopted : a bus-stop or.din:mee to provide isome measure of safety for out" ' citixt-iis J h a t use this means transportation. > •. "In I059»"we purchased a nuw duinp truck; v. installed sianltary scwera on M. 22 Sire<ii'and a' .storm Sewer on Monroe-. Avt-nuiJ, We . constructed a water*Vnafrt on Sher- ,idao Avenue and adopted.JI. revis- ed gambling ordinance as reeom- lnendcd by the County 'Pro.tccutor. ""This past year, we havd .iidopt- ed an ordinance? regulating tnxl- cabs, we curbed &Lfonr6e Avenue L \v«> t>urchased a-new garbage truck with accessor!** tor p!ow{ng"ancf' this equipxni-nt was put to good For ^ y item, and del(;ti«^ anythiiaj,! biit the ost'"-i4.'.s5,l''iitl;'i]: At""UiiiVly, ')i ".I. were not benifi fair "with oOr em- ployees in, iiccoiitipliKhinK our i^ir-. poise. .They were, neverthelfcss, TuTTor ro«p^lIve.«^Airo any consideratiV.irt ' rot ; t;i<,'ed. r ao\v find . we are ii. a position, •where -TCadjii.jtnier.ts | miist^ be inude .to••'ohntihuo the ' lint morale j 1 and Utiijm 1 which they hav,e and wsi.the Governing Body. The success wohiive onjoyed has been, due to tho splendid people, we have k i d i i 1 '•Without cpmnH-nding indivi- or-they-ate •'•o-numerous.-it- would be near,. intpossiBle. to men- crn n\Y lit titis time, we would like tp'lhTiijlt- the following for their coritributions to our Bor- ouRh and forHte eNC(.*nent manner in which . they .jhnve | corraueted themselves: Board of Adjustment, Board of 'Assessors,. Borouti+i At- tQ,^iW, Clerkls Office, Civil •itihie 'department; .Colleeto/. .and Treasurer's' •office. Borough ,Engi- nocr, Fire Department, Board of Reallh,"^ Library Board, BorouRh MajiiKtrate, PlannhiiK Board, Po.lieo Dei)nr1ment;.|iiiblie]cs Depart- j, , items pressing, importon'ce requiring im- medinte attention. The first is'our real property re-valunfioiv- pro- Cram. As you know, we hesitated to, proceed in'this matter pntll we wont; refiuiredt'o"c'o'iwply, The iinw lias 'now'"arrivod. "We have reci*ived offers from the besftuttionally known firm engaged in this activity and in 4he" near future, work willH'Ommenco "bw.jfeiin asstijre the public.- it. will hTii'iriiirHitl-nnd -'fait* -npp.'nlaal and on completion, will provide ua witli the necessary tools' to main- tain a-satisfactory assessment pro- cedure, for 4ho future. "We badly new! -facilities for our. fire equipment. In this regard, we are, pleased to report negotiations, n ;j _ imr) ..TjihH jonaih 'in " Hjiyton . .'luSolj'.. ai»tl' Katllieciij -;j soj ore at'.^he rey-iinial '•Sth'ool. Mr. VondAnia-wns an uniatcess- ful .candidate for 'the Kenilw«rth Board of E(l(njitii)il about 'ten- years 'iji'o. ' . - - Warnsjoii Dog License v «..._ : .._..,. r . —Ba/iste Brurto .of''Metiichen,' a 'professional skin' GAnWOOlj—Police Chic'f ; Fred J.' Fal:/ li-fijed a reminder 10 local i-Cficlc-'nts-tliis week that hew dot; Iicen'ses* bi v . taken out l)v'Jrmiiar.vjil. - ' ~^~^-^- "Startini! February 1," "members of the police-department,' will cair- •x'£is!5" bartniKh- horm'.-v-iiird^fStL'.-iions found to- h:ive—do(:a ..w.iJJlOllL_new licenses will be [!"(v<iii.-'«iimmo'nses. Addresses _ diver, was Diving equipment^including"dry aixd-wet .suits-were displayed by the spejikej who Basbeen- diving ror" eifjht years TVIOIIK- H ' C * East. Coast, Florida Keys and the Carib- ihciiii. M.r.r._B'r.un6,".i!XRlain i j^ : Jth&t: a "wot' suit which permits water seepage is- made.Jrom' foani ruB- spcaker' also displayed a diving .mask and snorkel which lie uses for Spear -Ashing. Persons, wishing to learn .about- skin'' div- hiy •should-'jorn a'order'to receive propey- insilructiqii, Mr. BruTio ; saidj. :''•", - ,„••. •- Mr.^firtnip, pa'st-presidt-nt of the New Jersey. CpunciT Of Diving tuchen. pnderwater^ i)ivi?ry aiiS" Erwater usiici ist^fsm Borough nucVj! jyieet'jjijj ^ARWOOtj'^—' Annualjbudget meeting of, tb« mayor and council AnnouriceTrath ALlkiai KENlLWORTflAnhpunce'ment was, made, engagement- o( Misii Joan•'- Mavi*-- PrOOy-,---dirujh— ivr of. J^, .-anti Mi«, -Stephen A. fbdru North 'ISth-street,-t6 tended. . i'he brjdc-elect, a graduate of Jonathan Dayton. Regional High Schpol, Sprihefield, is' a ft\-Ahman at- Coker CoUcge; Ha'rtevtilcf^g. c_ _'. -SIV.' Cti t re,'. an alumnus of Roielk* Park ftliih Sih6ol y '. attends Scion' Mail 'University' College. M'6 ^ associated with~Lasky CQ^ New- ark, s '• ...• ' ••••'.• . County, is seven one niilo xyidc. ' , .A helping; woifd fo|one in trouble is often lifefe'"'a switch :ori^ a. rail- .eharleVH: Cure, son of Mr. and ir^^ilT^nrtyxat^hrr^d^sntStrtii^^^ tiucUi'iioii ' ty.BonrJ holders will cortiplotcTthe project this ,,vear». ln_nny r ..Ovenl. AVC. vvill, continue our' efforts to finalize the.; -•'•We- have pointed,out the niost ovid'e.n't needs bill wish to iinpress e cili'/.eijry, XfijT^, 'US tins' been our practice in the. past, .many other ,' -'•ejnents, of a lesser defiroe w iffeeled in- the -future as tho . tension arises!. «• •^Vc-jtrtr-tltrf tjly-gi'H-tef u Ho-on r- citiisens for continuing this adrnin- istriition whieh-hfls enabled'us in turn to accomplish our ajms.arid trusi those"" Avh" foHow not only r-.mnU'tij *tho plain: we hnvf; prn- posed. for theiuture.bul will im- plement them.' •••••" — ~ ''Afjain, we want ko thank you for-your indiilgoncc aijd \Vish one jj afl ii. HiTprjy^ind Prosperous •Wjy Year." ""' . ' ~ SlidesBkted '. KENILWORTII Slides of the OberammerKuu ,' Passion P.lay in -suminer Will be shown at a family night on Wc'fl- n'csdiiy at-ihe Comnuuiity Me)1io- dist Church 1+tf •Methodist Men's Club.. ' ' ' ' A covered dish' supper,.will be served at (j:3n p.m. Edward Dor- rell, presirlent of the .sponsoring Kroup, has asked that each frim- iiy briny; ^ a salad, vegetable; . or The sliclp- prpRrnm will be pre- sented by Dr. .Tohn Bishop, a na- tive of England and pastor o'f tli^ Emory Methodist 'Chui*c : h. of .Ter- sdy'City. ". ' ,•'"-.' "' ~ : \ '*i'(}linR children.,.wiU- be eator-i' tained the program. At the 0:30 and 11 a.m. serv- ices Sunday, the Rev. James S. U l t e , .jMstor., 'wttl' preach on "Does God Bifleve'ln You?" The Methodist™ choir under the direc- tion of. "Mrs., William.3ridges will offer the morning anthem. The Junior Methodist Youth Fellow- ship will meet SSundny evening at T4:*3O, and .the Senior High Fellow- ship, 7:30 p.m. Betsy Liang, pres- ident- of the "senior group, an- nounced that the or-gnnizaUon of a senior high choir will"be dis- cussed. Young people-interested in •joining the choir-are asked to at- tend. ,,.The Woman's Society of.Chris- tian Service will meet Tuesday at ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ariSJjHori'zon.s',". A (ilm x "NOIICGOCS His Way Alone," will be shown. Men of the church will resume "wrcldy^vnrlc~TriBlTrs---riT—renovtrtc Sunday School rooms on Monday at T^p.m! William Smith, one of the foremen of tl\e project, asked participants to bring paint brush- es, rollers, and step ladders with them. Tf Is hoped the work,"will be completed for the^annuarSWSCS mother-dauRhter banquet on Jan- (Continued jrara Page! 1) years.' He attended Newark Col- lege of _5?nt,'incerjnp.- The Vondeifiaii, wiio have lived here 13 years, have two "daughters, Judith, a freshman nl'Drcxcl Irt- ,are underway toacfiiilrt* Jand ad- stl'tute of Te'chnology, Philaij.eU , W u Weitfiold •nyiN BORO AUTO conp. AtJtHbHlZED POHD EQPD. wrtH \ BADIO •HEATER Oil Filter DLX Wheel Arm Resfi Clg LigWei'• Dif Sig elo CH<sait»it 5-B100 1S8 WeiHUld AvsjEa Bfiioll* frk. ohwlnn QualHy ,CoiuL»»«ia th«Lona ttuii! * COMPUTE DELIVD PRICE « . YAXlS Blcyclo Repairs Ci-anford Cycle y Co* Inc; from 'Theatra Hi E, WestMeld Avc. . ,»,CH h}*** Kbseliu SiiovvroonUi Open 8 AJtt.%-9 5 AwaUed^0Tea(^ ""r 1 :-- sixty-six tranford_ teachers'-will take part in an art workshop -.oil Monday, Tuesday and:Wednesday In Bloomtngdale Avenue School provided; by Binney & Smith, Inc., manufacturers of "Cray.ola" cr.gyons and other.schoof art supplies'. ' .. . \ : . v . -'• > ..", l ^; S' : ••'.. '' ' . MrS. Margaret Johnson, ^ho—has,;'bad many years of teaching oxpi. : rif;nee gnd' holds a master's) ~'—• ••••' '•'••' *—— - — wgz R* - - - - - - . . . fducational workshop. • , ' Teachers will d.cvote. 15 hours of their'own lune'-tai learning more about, mbdenii "cifeatiye art cdUcaV t:on, M^ ina'ierials and tools'. They "•will JjL'arn— b"y. rolling up thrfr 'slet'vl-'s'ana "trying ~6ut~lhe r art '4--,-* ' structjlr. .,.,'-. ... •_ Techniques 4vill include uses, of v.a-'ttV coYors^, poster, paints, colored chalks, modeling (play and crayons. •Simple' crealivt- 4 craft techfikjues ;,\*o ' will . be .presented' ; giving touchers -an ol»portiiniiy' to >volfl«- with -pSp^ers', "paste and, various- othi'V ma-lOEials. for three-dimtn- Fional cilectsi'.'[Teaphers will 'be r >.).- tr.rMrrif workshop •••activities TtKAT^IIS CHEVROLET, lac AoU.orl.ed gALBS ^ BEUV1CB Norti) BBII Cablral AveJ. B Z-765I REILLY OLDSMOBILE —* 1 u o 0 i* p p t a t a d , —• ,• AibUd ^ Se* ti (jdtl ADaws 2>76S1 • _ SGO North Ave., East Westfiold 3TINC: PONTUC Sales - Service' erp liJh p liJhglish Ford Line GOOD WILL USED CAH3 ADamB 2-3700 UNION COUNTY BUXCK CO. ktld genlea .GMC tHOCK SALES GOOD U8IEII CAttS"'••" 880 .W. Broad.-Ht. fcU ELisabeih 4-3300 BEKSEBK6THEKS Plymouth m Soto Valiant ADams 3-1020 - Norih' Avo.' W. ''ftl PACKARD WESTFIELD CO., .**7<We*i<l>tMttte* Utithst!* BttTOfcBAKEn PACKA Sale* (U Sfivlce ' ADama 3-4646 418 North Av«, ti ' Wi«tfloli HUGH CLARK MOTORS Dodge Dart v Bales b Sorvte* Dodge "Job-Rated" Trucks ADaajs 3-3434 % ' AtfTO DEALERS W COVI Car Imports Sales and Service JLtaUn •B«aJ» .ioD-M»raii Bprllo ;_ .•" '• Cktraen . . Benanii HHowroom i ..nMO Showroom M. Uroad St. 42 Wettfleld AVe, tabcth t-bZOO --.. 'EU*. i'tli I-S0M- 1206 Mary St AND SERVICE Elizabeth BUBUD1NG CONTRAC1ORS CARPENTRY- nd'E JOBS OB BMALti BRldgo 6.9543 BANItAND SAVINGS COLONIAL SAVINGS & LOAN -1_-. ASSOCIATION . MOKf AGE LOANS INSURED SAVEHdS 'ACCOUNTS Co*l,- BEATING OILS - Cok(i BRidgo 8-0900 JLNortH Avo^E.—,__ Cranfoxd DIVIDEND FJtl On EnUro Btlaneo From SI tip CHcsinut S-2313 ".' ; —--'- . ! : Mala OMcor I - 1. Wnatfiold ^vik.W.' HosoUp'pMk Elkabotb OHico 29 Biond St .. . . \ Insured Savlrtas Home Loans Boft^Vu-d at CenUr. KioUyorth - y" BHidgo e-eaoo / ' 6 North Wood bear Elm," ILlndeB BEAUtY SHOPS * _ WILLIAM'S > BEAUTY BOX Expert Ilalrdresiiiljt ' XSJUdaiiSt. ' BRldgo 6-0105 CAMEIUS 34 North BRldg» 6-1024 COAIT CO. KOPPERS COKE BHldgo 6-1144 k DEUtCAtESSENS COLONY D 5LICATESSEN Conlplo elf All CooMldf 4k llakldi. Bott* on tr«mlu< 13 N. Union A^o. BRldgo 6-6169 ' Siding jButters -Leaders AUWork '• -Guaranteed JOHN J. DI FABIO BRia 0 o^no5 ~ •43 R LINCOLN XVEHtnS.. ItSlP MARINO'S Fresh . . •• • Call BRidgs B-1M8 34 North A»«* E. " Otofoid FOOD MARKETS ^-CKAS. CHOICE MEATS tt VOVLTBX ,• !• BRldga 6-tt3t32 <* IB North tlnlon Ave. . .,. ' ' Cnnfard ir P0EL OIL LOVELRND FUEL CO. Authorized ESSO HEAT t'UHL OILi— ; Prompt, • Courteous - Service Call BBidga 6-1144 ;" n NoCra AVE., JS. CBANTOIU) REEL STftQNG FUEL CO. RANK1N FUEL CO. . Melered Smiea - P,rgmpt DeM.nrli - _ oix nunNEB BEnyicn Cali BHldgo 6>9200 M No Answer, Bliidgo 6-3341 32rConienaial A^a, . Cranford "Satisfaction GiMranteed" EXPERT OIL, BURNER SERVICE - • - : ••; BJrids'i ; e-i»i 41 Myrllo Ave, FUNERAL DIRECTORS FUNERAL SERVICE ' FcNEilAi "DBOECTOHS Phono: BRldgo '6-0255 ' »18 Worili A»o..,W. 'Crltiford FuueralDirectors 12 Sprinefleld Aventte BKIdCc 6-0092 FURNITURE Fern's Furniture, Inc. Everything Vat 'The Mema" Furnltuni Appliances . Juvoiille -Airhtimx JUaby Cavvlaaes ; Linoleum Huas Lamps . Gllta B Euslntan SL• dranljutd Prejudice. Is never eas^ unless It tan pass itself off for reason. .^u —WHUam Hadltt ..- SEE. ; • Storm Windows LIFETIME Aluminum Prod. 102 Soufh Ave y \W. o rt-3705 H- r=fe Open 24 Hour* « Day RAPPS PHARMACY • I I jparjc Plalufl.W Regiftior*(f VPhormadfli DAY Ud NIGHT '30 Eastman Si. STORE " Call BHld^e 6-0150 21 N. Union Avo. Cranlord SCHER'S UQUOfe No Charge for Ib4 ./~ Crarilbid it/ MOVING and * STORAGE HENRY P. TOWNSEND MOVIMO AVD|STOEAQK 241 Nottfa Ave., W. Weatfield to classroom 1 teachings: Forty-seven cfhc'r teachers-will mei't in curriciilar"." stufly "grolips J. L. SCIUIOEOER Eilabllihtd 19S8 -The 'Wil discuss scipiicei wuslc : and physical ed- licati'Cn.". ' . ./ "',• .' .' ' i.. JTho _.WQtkshQ^is_l > have: been . ar-r ringed by" Dr. . Clark -\V. Mclierrhith, > superintehdent -of schools; Mrs/Riith. Janovsik, ele- memary-rsut)er v i tr^ry. principals, CluWren Entertained AL Party In Fireiittu^e^ Annual Christnjas party., -lor children of rnenn^ers' of the Cran-^ "^ord l Fire ^eparttrientlS^as held at the iirehoust*. ^ecetitfti^- ' "*' Thore waii a prdgrhrri I6f games and' songs, and gjfta were -distri- buted byJoseph Heuer in the role of-Sahtii C|aus_.. : ... ' 7 : T-T<-lt> th'vscU; Herbert. CUTTERS. LEADEKS Experi Slate Stxiaele md Til0 Repairs —-• -BBl4»»i)*-a*7* •-••-'- .1 Walnut ^yenue - "Cranford -.' : - • '.•-'• ' ••• •" . KUIlGEt STATEMENT , I •••,.• •—• ' ' '.FOU SCHOOL VEAHi lUlil-lnirt .... ..- '.••••.' ' SCHOOL UJSTIUCT OK TI^E K1MION COUNTV UKCilONfAl, 1(1011 SCHOOt, - ' .- bisTitiCT NO; 1 .- - • •• —" '•" ' '• ' "- NoT-ICE ' ' '—'--•' •' SERVICE STATIONS Irvin Muldrow~ Staa Costle; Mechanic on Duty at All Tlmw TniciT & Auto Etpolfi Boad-ScnRc - BHidgo 6-9775 367 Centennial Avo. ~ Cnmfori * SHOE REPADRESfCT* E X P E RT OE REPAIRING QW1CK SEBVICK- -LOLM.^J MONTSNI SB REPAIRING . 32 AldoE Cianjort AN© CLEANERS Yes We Do ye'r l9Gl-«15flll' r will bo open for-examination nnu dliicusnioia. . "a, adopted 1. a. folios: ^ ; ^ ^ ^ lu(ll-r>-! ' Arid-*ADE—Tuition Puplb Biwivcd .... Averagci D-Uly Enrollment ..... , T-I'RKENT EXVENSE i -.•<' A.^roprl;»!lon' Bal;^ict» ......^-.:.. Balance Af>|>f.tiprklt«'d ~> •Local THK Levy •" - State Aid •> ; Fi'iii-ral Aid—N0EA .: :-i /rut'iim MiECfllant-ous Kuvenuo ••••• >t\> TOT At. CUnRENT EiCP •• 2.701!.t) -l«l.MI-llll (AituaU • 1UIIU-U1 l l.aav.sftS.QO aoa.voB.oo To.72B.55 B,Ua3.BD Sl.B2*.S4ti.(!4 . S - fT$-—~—Li- n IOO.OO6.DO ioo.oao.od 1.77S.B&4.00 2.101,889.00- 23i.098.oo JO.BOO.OQ 17^0,00 10,500.00 -.. 15.000.00 Approprlitlon UaUnee ; Ikiiunc*' . <\Pl i *'* > P r i4'ted _.-«—- ^—• Local Tan I-cvy ."....i-...-"...". •'• Aid : - —.- -. Mt.cullani-Oiii Kev«jmie i.. • — ID-, TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY .... PE11T SEfcVICE' " .- .... '*-• ^A^py<it'>il.iU<*i.' ' D n i a n r f l n-ii, ' •,••„,. ,. MSSUOO . 31.401.07 17.75J.B3 S 113,850,00 .-. 38.6S0.UO 4.-380.OO $ 39,-lUO.OO .152.77-: ' 30,000.00 4SS,B78.-{!5 32.BO7.OO IC TOTAL DE11T SERVICE $ 51,1,383.1)2. CVEKTKO VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS ' '"'' ~ ' _ _^_430.707.2S S 487,00025 g SBa,B8BJ.5 Pressing .- Repairing - Alieralions -Hbmodsilug ' All Work Guaranload lx>c:ii TjxUjvy.: ...c.;..-; : «: Sur.e Aid ..: -: ....... •_ ....•'.•»•• •'• Federal Aid" .,..* u4>-<* •'..,-•• ;.....,;..,.. ..390.00 111)0.00 81B,t)0 0397(53" 926.00 300.00 1,-lfS.O 16 South Union Ave., Cranford Uic.Bnt-ts.-5te *.B». ralotli. Pro?. T0W.IP nfiVESoe-ALL' ACCOUNTS ........ SK3M.tisa.57 sai'.M,,34«1.25 «UJ05,329.35 AVi-iioi-iiiATioNa : ' * TRUCK AND CAR it NURSING HOLIES it CRANFORD HALL NtritSING WOME tte(titeiud Nnr«e» Id Chi/ca * BWdS*e-7100 600 Lincoln Pk., E. Cranford .PAINTS RICHARD HARTIG fall Faper ; 7 • Art Suppl ' Saint Window Shaded. 101 No. tTnlon X»o. Cranfoid PLUMBERS BHENNAN & TOYJS gj •—• Heating & Tinning •• ' -GHAPMAN-BHOJ Plumtlng &Heating Contradora JOBBWO OH.' BOJINER3 - A1H COMprrlONlNQ BRidgo 6-1320 80 Norii Avo., E. . ._ Crinfoj I^ALJESTjATE . JOS. t pldKE / -I JD Ol Ail Kkidi 111 Norih Af«'o W. . &H 6-1890 INSURORS SuecoMor io John W. Molns it Sou BRidgo 64777 HAROLD F. BENNER Incorporated Automobile P&InHng Authorized bUeGJaennlaWboiT BODY tad LENDER WORK DuluX Enamel Reflnlshlni '• Weldintf J 'Tnick Lettering BRIDGE 8-1U1 * US BOOTH Go The Easy.-AyIS Way!.. For Local = Car or Truck Rental s.900.00. lUtes Include, <3al. pi!, Vtoptr WruiM ' FISE 1060 VOtZUtl ana oU^r. ben Can io choo«o from HENTaCA GRECO'S GARAGE South & Ceutennial Ave& Cranford UPHOLSTERERS * GHANFORD ^ 'Itfjuiiner - &, t S«tu _._ . BRMgf* 6-0895' lid Sooth 'A-»«.. £, . CrxrJeltt Textbook'ii' , •-- "•— Libraries & Audio Visual Mj»t IViichl'ni: Supplies ...-...- E ............. All '-Other' Expanses .-. ATTOJDANce--* HKAI/I'll iSEKVlCK.It Salaries—Attendance— ...- - - All' Other- 'Expcnse^fltfitih '..-" -;•• 1 Dalarir*—:^.r.f-:-^«.'.i Coivtrafilcd Svfvicei) i Pub. Carriers ... Ucplsccmt'nt Dlst. 'Owned Buses ._ Insurance— Pupil Traniitvirtatloii All.Other Ir'xpc-nsct—Oper Ji: Main. Salaries - .'.-.-. CofitwaiiKl Services .— Heat ....: -. --.: SupplU'a ....'. All Other EKtwriKes ..- ' Cou'tr-icled-SeVviCrt .*•.-?/-"•—-.•:••' • •'• llepl.Wj'raent (Purrhase^j/of Kquipnwnl •• All\,Oth£r Kxpenses YWY.U CllMMtM /• Employee •Hellrt'.rjrfnt; Conlylbullcin..- 1. Insurance i 21I.IH2.37 _13,7a5.9tl " 15>u!7'»' a.200.00. TSOB.IM 467.B1 1,07X57- 1-J,OBU,U(1 32,570.81 510.04 12.TKW.S5 '22.174.15 5.81S.S1 1 322.100 bO 2000tf lftboo'.oo M00.0O '21.B3S.00 a3oxio0 y.BOOOO 107,000.00 ' 4M.D0 2;0»C00 lOl.4ilO.tX> •- 3.900.00* "15.200.00 14.«W).00 6.000.00 11.150.00 18.0SO.OO 11,010.00- 38J0Q0.00 40.B7O.OO 04.o0o.oo 33.7O0.OO 3,500.00 25,000.00 a.580:oo , B.OO'O.OIB 1 260X100.00 0,700.00 400.00 3.600.0O no.fiuioo < 3,400.00 24,Ou!kO0i ioSoO.OCr 8,OOO.tiO 17.S00.00 aa,45o.oo 12.S0O.OO 2S^2i!.OO 20,000^10 3d.330.OO •__ ^11,100.00 —- T-a;tM).{X): ^fl^iaa^'i*aw4y^'»>* & '* i> '^' Ma:j ** m$^-^ um ' ujher .^Kxpenr nso . vs. tr» Covt-r Dt'llelts nowv Ctivinzs ECKBE Upholstery Shop Upholstering "- SUjv Covers Drapes - Furnjttirc Rcpalrg 1* VMH At the S:ira« LaciUon oinpr K)ir*nsi> l^tpfncliturrv to Cover- D.'fleUs KVITIAfc SftlOOLS—KVKKINO Atiuit KilucBlIon ., Birnmcr jjstioo! ....<:....-.•...•:..» 'A, ^OTAL cOlUlEJ'JT PAPITAl, Ol'ttAY (KllOOOO Jj ,290.00 2.817.14 a.700.UO -. 3.000.00 ^KWOOWJ 2J.400;00 r7,4lO3,Bl 33.BOO.00 800.00 •iXMioa*. ", -if/jflo.oo' a.700:O0 - 'i4,ltM).'60 3p,SO0.6o 3.780.00 ai.eoo.oo «a'.l3H•l>^a no .Kt.sn4.Bflg.txi oprUUqO louo-ul B.020.1S $ 10.-560.00 S •J01.60 - B.lOft.00 .?'? 00 ' n <> - -43.45H.12 Bll.3ttO.lW 84.40(1 telephone BKidge 63050" 31 South Union ^veai&b Cranford, N. J. . I "> _CRANFORD UPHOLSTERY SHOP Cij.l^ia Qaaliiy Bund* BRldge 6-0803 6hrUn>. Cnb Uul d lU±iy To Servo i 'Vf5 371,000.00 204.SOa.2S 'Ci TOTAL DEBT SERVICE ; .. 1E1 TOTAL VOCATIONAl! EVJOJINO -."... 10a.oao.2s S 4.17.Mil ">S a71.0O, 2B7.68a.3S a.ino.fto a.Kw .. aso.oo " aso.oo •* » 1 , a rjii s a.aKi •n TAPITAL OUTtjVY k- S1.4SK.04 C DEllT SKRVICB M.IW7.S7 y. tVCMNG VOCATIONAt. T. 1.01B.00 TOTAL KXI'EMDITOHKS .VND BALAKCKS '"t • .. June U0» 1D6Q •«•--*in.Bv . iMPHOVEiiKNT AV'i;libuiZATibNS JULY 1., 1059 AUTilOlllZKO n OK v . - urtws.43 * 1.00.000.IK) 17,033.42* 04.B35M a AND rtEfUNfNlN'fi AtfrHOMlZATION <• lid SWW 74.fi3B.6d 13.Y4H.11 WJ.533.31 TOTAL IMPROVEMENT At5T»tOHl?.ATION I'NEXl'KNpfo IMI'liOVKMKNT AUTMOltf VEMENT At5T»tOHl?.ATION FXrVNOl IMI'liOVKMKNT AUTMOltfZATlONS JUNt 30. ••/4,Hort 4 leiu a /'.-*- s TOTAL EXPrXDlTVlltS ANDENDtfJO HALAKCE , * "' |l< *"' •Tr.i»^fcrre<l tiS Cnnllal Olltl.nv "MudeM Vtot" ' '•' In J.iniinr,. n. lfifll', V 'tbi Hni^nf hPorln'u. l»«"tu-m'n' thp hour* of 0 A.M. nnrl 4.P.M. on rt-ivs u-hrn si'linnl i« In u ,. ( |im In (h» €*«'<••• tli» o»»pl«rv ol tV"' H«r*<« « plication „( tlii. Jonathan Djytnn lli>iilonal IllBh School. .Mcimtnln AVciUiP, Sprlna J" Till* .Ur|lnr> fruiliKv Hsj/l "liili S<hnol Oi.trlct *vio: 1 UI.J J,n Adv. Vim: V/'lilrallaM -TlXf^- cnAKFQKh (X.3.) CITIZEN' A?JI> cnRojrtcrK-rtriirTvSp.w, SXSXJAV.V 5. MGI. * rase rive •.••""•"-i" It is ofteta-d.ifficuU for people tw get started on a^ " to-suve regularly for.liiturc security. So, from tiiiit> to' •im«> ' wti offi'f llu*so gift nrograius as'starting sjiviitgs progruiu iiiiu it i» our j ivtvs for iw»w cnvi'i-s. knowing by experience that oWC 5t;lrtT5l}T^Wy J il~rrmtiTinrTiTr1:h:rrToni^ Tlioiisuiiiiii (/( our severs'start«><l' siivin^ thi*) w;iy and coimttcsB"others opened n second- account for another ing-thrift mid H vis'a program' that lioiK-fits all our depositors. i'l'caidcnt Choice'of One: 18-K Gold Filled Eversharp fountain pen or all stee! .Pdrker JoHer ball-point pen. Inqraham electric kitchcti clock. Haised boUi numerals. 'sxA/eep Better Homes & Garden's new colorful coolc book.' m A beautiful sliver plated sandwich tray by Sheridan fea- turing gadnoon border pattern and finely etched design thrpuahout. ', ! . \ BEAUTIFUL ^^^/•^.i»*!^^^if<iiiKW:tvi^i«.^jaai1i7giiW4<^J V '•' BLAIiiCET Mode by the largest maker of bldnkets in the world, this loveiy "SeVlsle" blanket is an ot- ,_ tractive addition to any bedroom. Large six© ^72"x90" ^-'^90% rayoHTtti^o nylon for extra - strength— completely washable. ONE GIFT PER PEtlSON limited Poriod-ACT N0W| PIUS ON YOUR SAVINGS LINDEN MAIN-OFFICE: ELIZABETH KENILWOKTH ELMORA t- , , .1 I V r . . , _ , . . . , r _ - ' " \

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"Jifcadovrbrook7-<2cditrT.Oro<'L-i~Eiet'iteenj graduate of ..which acts as an-insulator

tcT he cprhpiett'4 oh the, tentative19(51 budgeirso it-can be introrduced for first leading at the regu-lar' trie'eting on the -.night of Jan-uary 24. •:.•' . ' •y^-^s "'_

" ' • • . . - \ •'

' •; . A ••...• V. ; , . . . '

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fIanc Told

l'mrc'ha'-f-d''-|ft-opi'i-lv- lor a now i u,hit-.i.i,.<>'erect i.tipfi• r, _._ _ ,Munic-ip.;.,. Buildim; and h:ive-.just I "N<w Unit iVionVrbinK' lias 'boon ]tr^'cTi out' co'ntnicis for llu; ,con- [insta'lk'd on Monroy Avenue, thestrilclion' of u modern bn&d'trifi-'l KtVoet .\vjlj . b e paved. a*r_t:ti{iiv "JIB

'^•iTiio Heir Eric S^l'tliat' will a Word our ™ thepastor "tif ..the- .United-, (.iimrlcrsin winch to do the job-

' J' Chu*-ciyofi '*

of them.. has selected :is his M aTlv. vorshiy-i" "'AH of the foix-f'oint, Have been.

weather conditions permit?'rcf,'ai:d, we Xortljnato" to re-

ceive.'state. ;iitC 'tKeivbjj' rthe puoporty nwuiW of the <;

f h i illi topic for. Sunday. •".Helpj-the re-suit of definite, plartnine j «»V- >W roadway w h f " t h ;. w 11thi' worst section of

. ..Sunday sfchool classes will mcei j without constant ftiYprovowJi.-l, a Kive.n .1.6'continual improvement of

The JuniRCrs and senior youth \ Sr- rapidly in fact that some haver I!' / h' r'i.-group .will meet, Sunday' from 7 found dcprechiiltm (,.ul ck-cay 'oul- t " 1 " ^ 1 h ( , \ . . k l h c ji<-e o | t,,6uHht rind

8:30 p.m.

"Vicwi'nsa rotrnirat>Je

Junipers Will

y'y- Values." frorn thehtu o l SolQiKuti.

"tTw? Chancel Choir will njrieet.'for rehearsal at 7:45 p.m. tocjayand thi?.board of deacons at-8 p.m.

The committee .foring, of church officer

di-stanritit: im[>r<iv«ipn£*ritK. •' Thisrt-BXiits in' ctin&sT'-crirnc' nnd~its'Tsociated evils. • •

-ol these

•,. a^tuinttoti •» sUt>til;d beSdv-en-~U> pipinf! of the 'hTfiok o"nWashington Avenue, from lilth

Stages' mit,sl vealize thai to erect'.•I hf" institutions;,' and . to .rtiajntiy.nad.v.'intage.s and freedom whifh I

tl*'noniuiaV^l^jjjjjfjsitiye v v c all. dc.-s.irtv dues Hot-_*rf xvjll meet, c o i m , without sacrifice of .some.

at 8 o'clock tornorrpu' ••ncl->thol w t , . , s l I I . e 'flicSession and board jrf—trustees 'will} .,,.).(.,) . | 0 .s|jarh.eet- «it.8 j?.m. Mon/Jay.,'-"All re-.1 • ~ '•

•ports frorn the,.,' churtli, ; gi^qjissho'ii'lci be lurried jovor t« tlic' clerk


major prSjcctrboth as' tqrcfwi~aiid-:', phms to

of session by -.that iupe. The • Sunday School staff and

meet at 8 p m. Tuesday and* the-«nid-wej>k Bihle study arid prayerhour. will, be, held at fi p.m. \Ved-

-** ^ ,

Mayor Tells' "ic&nUii-iiea.' yr&n pagi^l)——

Kenilwortlj. : oV^r tho > p.'.sl fewyears'. 'I want to mention some 'ofIhese irrtpiroveinents .bvcaiLse I .-feelthai they demonstrate the profiress

-'•In: 195t>, we constructed ttirbson the-Boulevard with tln> inden-tation in front of our uiiiikets. Wcf

we.-eemsidpv the benefit1;'re-ceiv-<;ci._ Some --.|>eop.k' itslc, -r.froinliyie to ir.iTVtv'ivh.v o\Jr i.'iW'S.- coYi-*-tii'iue' to' climb. This VsTa fair ques-tion ,-j,nd'one that could take-furnuJi.o'iin'iL1 iu .'iViswtiijJiiit WIJ t"indiAijfti tin this1 accii'sioriTTif ' vvill,howovor, briefly outline our ownI'iarticiUnr situation. Our tax' dol-

it should be oil .1 year to.year'basisso-as Ui not create toov great tf-bur-<leh and to'tiliniina'i'if- the 'necessity,of'"bonding the'issue. ._ , l

:'-"M the last iViformatjon". .it islyidei-Btlood a irmj.or portion.of .the

""•'•' r e l a t e , to i h e . i i n -of ..South'' Michigan

Avenue h.'is been nccontpfohod'and-ft i^'-ouv'hopo' and "desire {bat I d^'idod'ns follows: ,'i'i,. localich'oolii; ;afi, Regional HiKh Sc'hool;.r.S, County Tax- :m\ Loca'l •Gin-cniment. ; • '

"Oh thy local level, .mour ":iaijiii*.ipa'l Government, it-should be .noted that in J.he'lastdv«.' years,, our rate has increased

M mtiuiuiiunt. in Lite

J-.poTntl A clieck irf-j'pur pr<:vrions tax- bills will rollect: tjiat inJiC Sanw-r»fdod t(io foUowin^,in-creases' arc present:" County Tax,~2'( . paint increase;. i-J~oeTlT~SeViool,

Borough Q! Kenilworth./ \Vo va-S ' l i ^ S f i r '

tlie tear of our school-system. "Wepnvfed a portion of Jefferson Ave-nue and paved Fsfirfleld.'Avenue,between .Michigan Avenue and'


12-point jiU!»-e.-(s6; Hofiionnl 'HifihIchool,. 1 Of. Rojn.l"in£i'eai'.e.

*'\V<> •iwjs-laiin'- tills, not ' to c'harcethat these jiiu'iiclt's have been un-(.eonpiTu'eal, biit rating' to diuiptwstr.'jte Hint we 'in the ''Municipal-,Government, have been faced

U the .same "spirtillintr.costs', in-croaxtHl population to serve, andin .addition, have effected manyiimprovements and additional scr-.

Ire* and fricititlt".- for ouv ritivcrmincrensint! our rate. This,

Is"~nol_a(''co~m~pli.shcd by leKcrdemain or .small

-triifjiclo, It has been achieved.bycareful scrutiny of 7T


most difficult, especially_\vhere it concerns those that aretrusted with theloperation of ourmunicipality. We have endeavoredto be 'economical with our fi-


Market Sirc4t - \V«i


Street and installed A storm-scwef••u Jefferson Avenue and.N. 26thStreet. WpTpurchased a hew fireengine and' conslrutled an -Hcltipn to the Municipal'Garago^ tohouse our vehicles.--We-adoptedan Ordinance regulaUpg-soil re-imoval __worth. We . also adopted a FirePrevention Code jthat__ was longover?clue for our eommunity.

"In 1957, we" purchased a hewdump truck and acquired .addi-tional lands to be used for off-street' parking in the vetnv of ourMunicipal Building. We .'installeda sanitary sewer on. i»afayetteAvenue between N. 15th";iiid lfithStreet, constructed curbs on the.Kenilworth' Boulevard- from. N-.

and sanitary sewers ..on18th. .19t>» and 20th Streets,, bc-ta/eea Sheridan Avenue and Laf-

t' of installing a storm sewerW h A b ton Washington Avenue between

N: I4th and 13th Streets and thisprogram will be continued. We

an Ordinance to','provideuate pension •-for t idow?

and children of volunteer remen.Our., greatest contribution duringtttis~pgrjod7 .ous;~tln_' f.minntiomtnd-adoption of a •comprehensive 2

• "In-1958. we adopted regulate garbage and ash re-moval and to require 'that snowbe removed from sidewalks with-in a reasonable periodfollawing.astorm. We.-adopted an" ordinanceregulating Shopping Carts and I

.think you .will autee that they n&loiiger constitute a hazard on ourstreets. We '

• —i * ^ J in , . | j i • around-.'Uy; ftofough ya f i eand this ltpipaid1 tor;itself many

pfts.* We); aKo adopted' an ordi-nance to- ifegulate -the opening -ofstreets: .Vje constructed a-•Civilt>efense Building. We, causedcurbs to -Me installedr'6n' N. 18thstrtet," Si w<;r on Washinutori

Uir "M

Streets. We |>aved. N. 22ndfrat»rSh(.*r|dan Avenue to.the rail-road, paved N. lftth Street andBorigh} Avc-itue. Weji]so adopted

: a bus-stop • or.din:mee to provideisome measure of safety for out"

' citixt-iis Jha t use this meanstransportation. • > •.

"In I059»"we purchased a nuwduinp truck; v. installed sianltaryscwera on M. 22 Sire<ii'and a' .stormSewer on Monroe-. Avt-nuiJ, We

. constructed a water*Vnafrt on Sher-,idao Avenue and adopted.JI. revis-ed gambling ordinance as reeom-lnendcd by the County 'Pro.tccutor.

• ""This past year, we havd .iidopt-ed an ordinance? regulating tnxl-cabs, we curbed &Lfonr6e AvenueL\v«> t>urchased a-new garbage truckwith accessor!** tor p!ow{ng"ancf'this equipxni-nt was put t o good

For^ y

item, and del(;ti«^ anythiiaj,! biit theost'"-i4.'.s5,l''iitl;'i]: At""Ui i iVly , ' ) i " . I .

were not benifi fair "with oOr em-ployees in, iiccoiitipliKhinK our i^ir-.poise. .They were, neverthelfcss,

TuTTorr o « p ^ l I v e . « ^ A i r oany consideratiV.irt ' rot;t;i<,'ed.r

ao\v find . we are ii. a position,•where -TCadjii.jtnier.ts | miist^ beinude .to••'ohntihuo the ' lint morale

j 1and Utiijm 1 which they hav,e

and wsi.the Governing Body. Thesuccess wo hiive onjoyed has been,due to tho splendid people, we have

k i d i i 1'•Without cpmnH-nding indivi-

or-they-ate •'•o-numerous.-it-would be near,. intpossiBle. to men-

crn n\Y lit titis time, wewould like tp'lhTiijlt- the followingfor their coritributions to our Bor-ouRh and forHte eNC(.*nent mannerin which . they .jhnve | corrauetedthemselves: Board of Adjustment,Board of 'Assessors,. Borouti+i At-tQ,^iW, Clerkls Office, Civil•itihie 'department; .Colleeto/. .andTreasurer's' •office. Borough ,Engi-nocr, Fire Department, Board ofReallh,"^ Library Board, BorouRhMajiiKtrate, PlannhiiK Board, Po.lieoDei)nr1ment;.|iiiblie]cs Depart-

j, , itemspressing, importon'ce requiring im-medinte attention. The first is'ourreal property re-valunfioiv- pro-Cram. As you know, we hesitatedto, proceed in'this matter pntll wewont; refiuiredt'o"c'o'iwply, The iinwlias 'now'"arrivod.

"We have reci*ived offers fromthe besftuttionally known firmengaged in this activity and in 4he"near future, work willH'Ommenco

"bw.jfeiin asstijre the public.- it. willhTii'iriiirHitl-nnd -'fait* -npp.'nlaaland on completion, will provide uawitli the necessary tools' to main-tain a-satisfactory assessment pro-cedure, for 4ho future.

"We badly new! -facilities for equipment. In this regard, weare, pleased to report negotiations,

n;j_ imr) ..TjihHjonaih 'in " Hjiyton .

.'luSolj'.. ai»tl' Katllieciij -;j sojore at'.^he rey-iinial '•Sth'ool.

• Mr. VondAnia-wns an uniatcess-ful .candidate for 'the Kenilw«rthBoard of E(l(njitii)il about 'ten-years 'iji'o. ' • . - -

Warnsjoii Dog Licensev « . . . _ : . . _ . . , . r . —Ba/iste Brurto

.of''Metiichen,' a 'professional skin'

GAnWOOlj—Police Chic'f; FredJ.' Fal:/ li-fijed a reminder 10local i-Cficlc-'nts-tliis week that hewdot; Iicen'ses* biv. taken • outl)v'Jrmiiar.vjil. - ' ~^~^-^-

"Startini! February 1," "membersof the police-department,' will cair-•x'£is!5" bartniKh- horm'.-v-iiird fStL'.-iionsfound to- h:ive—do(:a ..w.iJJlOllL_newlicenses will be [!"(v<iii.-'«iimmo'nses.


_diver, was

Diving equipment^including"dryaixd-wet .suits-were displayed bythe spejikej who Basbeen- divingror" eifjht years TVIOIIK- H'C* East.Coast, Florida Keys and the Carib-ihciiii. M.r.r._B'r.un6,".i!XRlainij :Jth&t:a "wot' suit which permits waterseepage is- made.Jrom' foani ruB-

spcaker' also displayed adiving .mask and snorkel whichlie uses for Spear -Ashing. Persons,wishing to learn .about- skin'' div-hiy •should-'jorn a'order'toreceive propey- insilructiqii, Mr.B r u T i o ; s a i d j . • :''•", - ,„••.

•- Mr.^firtnip, pa'st-presidt-nt of theNew Jersey. CpunciT Of Diving

tuchen. pnderwater^ i)ivi?ry aiiS"Erwater usiici ist^fsm

Borough nucVj!jyieet'jjijj^ARWOOtj'^—' Annualjbudget

meeting of, tb« mayor and council



was, made, engagement- o(Misii Joan•'- Mavi*-- PrOOy-,---dirujh—ivr of. J ^ , .-anti Mi«, -Stephen A.f b d r u North 'ISth-street,-t6

tended.. i 'he brjdc-elect, a graduate ofJonathan Dayton. Regional HighSchpol, Sprihefield, is' a ft\-Ahmanat- Coker CoUcge; Ha'rtevtilcf^g. c__'. -SIV.' Ctitre,'. an alumnus of Roielk*Park ftliih Sih6oly'. attends Scion'Mail 'University' College. M'6 ^associated with~Lasky C Q ^ New-ark, s '• . . . • ' ••••'.• .

County, is • sevenone niilo xyidc. '

, .A helping; woifd fo|one in troubleis often lifefe'"'a switch :ori^ a. rail-.eharleVH: Cure, son of Mr. and


tiucUi'iioii ' ty.BonrJholders will cortiplotcTthe projectthis ,,vear». ln_nnyr ..Ovenl. AVC. vvill,continue our' efforts to finalize the.;

-•'•We- have pointed,out the niostovid'e.n't needs bill wish to iinpress

e cili'/.eijry, XfijT , 'US tins' been ourpractice in the. past, .many other

,' -'•ejnents, of a lesser defiroew iffeeled in- the -future astho . tension arises!. «•

•^Vc-jtrtr-tltrf tjly-gi'H -tef u Ho-on r-citiisens for continuing this adrnin-istriition whieh-hfls enabled'us inturn to accomplish our ajms.aridtrusi those"" Avh" foHow not only

r-.mnU'tij *tho plain: we hnvf; prn-posed. for the iu tu re .bu l will im-plement them. ' •••••" — ~

''Afjain, we want ko thank youfor-your indiilgoncc aijd \Vish onej j afl ii. HiTprjy^ind Prosperous

•Wjy Year." ""' . ' ~

SlidesBkted'. KENILWORTII — Slides of the

OberammerKuu ,' Passion P.lay -suminer Will beshown at a family night on Wc'fl-n'csdiiy at-ihe Comnuuiity Me)1io-dist Church 1+tf•Methodist Men's Club.. ' ' ' '

A covered dish' supper,.will beserved at (j:3n p.m. Edward Dor-rell, presirlent of the .sponsoringKroup, has asked that each frim-iiy briny; ^ a salad, vegetable; . or

The sliclp- prpRrnm will be pre-sented by Dr. .Tohn Bishop, a na-tive of England and pastor o'f tli^Emory Methodist 'Chui*c:h. of .Ter-sdy'City. ". ' , • ' " - . ' "' ~:\

'*i'(}linR children.,.wiU- be eator-i'tained the program.

At the 0:30 and 11 a.m. serv-ices Sunday, the Rev. James S.U l t e , .jMstor., 'wttl' preach on"Does God Bifleve'ln You?" TheMethodist™ choir under the direc-tion of. "Mrs., William.3ridges willoffer the morning anthem. • TheJunior Methodist Youth Fellow-ship will meet SSundny evening atT4:*3O, and .the Senior High Fellow-ship, 7:30 p.m. Betsy Liang, pres-ident- of the "senior group, an-nounced that the or-gnnizaUon ofa senior high choir will"be dis-cussed. Young people-interested in•joining the choir-are asked to at-tend.,,.The Woman's Society of.Chris-

tian Service will meet Tuesday at

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ariSJjHori'zon.s',". A (ilmx "NOIICGOCSHis Way Alone," will be shown.

Men of the church will resume"wrcldy^vnrlc~TriBlTrs---riT—renovtrtcSunday School rooms on Mondayat T^p.m! William Smith, one ofthe foremen of tl\e project, askedparticipants to bring paint brush-es, rollers, and step ladders withthem. Tf Is hoped the work,"willbe completed for the^annuarSWSCSmother-dauRhter banquet on Jan-

(Continued jrara Page! 1)years.' He attended Newark Col-lege of _5?nt,'incerjnp.-

The Vondeifiaii, wiio have livedhere 13 years, have two "daughters,Judith, a freshman nl'Drcxcl Irt-

,are underway toacfiiilrt* Jand ad- stl'tute of Te'chnology, Philaij.eU

, Wu Weitfiold



• Oil Fil ter

DLX Wheel • Arm Resfi

Clg LigWei'• Dif Sig elo

CH<sait»it 5-B100

1S8 WeiHUld AvsjEa Bfiioll* frk.

ohwlnn QualHy,CoiuL»»«iath«Lona ttuii! *COMPUTE DELIVD PRICE «


Blcyclo RepairsCi-anford Cycle

y Co* Inc;from 'Theatra

Hi E, WestMeld Avc. . ,»,CH h}*** KbseliuSiiovvroonUi Open 8 AJtt.%-9


AwaUed^0Tea(^""r1:-- sixty-six tranford_ teachers'-will take part in an art workshop-.oil Monday, Tuesday and:Wednesday In Bloomtngdale Avenue Schoolprovided; by Binney & Smith, Inc., manufacturers of "Cray.ola" cr.gyonsand other.schoof art supplies'. ' .. . \:.v . -'• >..",l ^ ; S': • ••'..

' ' ' . MrS. Margaret Johnson, ^ho—has,;'bad many years of teachingoxpi.:rif;nee gnd' holds a master's) —~—'—• —••••' '•'••' *——

- — wgzR * - - - - - - . .

. fducational workshop. • ,' Teachers will d.cvote. 15 hours

of their'own lune'-tai learning moreabout, mbdenii "cifeatiye art cdUcaVt:on, M ina'ierials and tools'. They

"•will JjL'arn— b"y. rolling up thrfr'slet'vl-'s'ana "trying ~6u t~ lhe r art


' structjlr. .,.,'-. . . .•_ Techniques 4vill include uses, ofv.a-'ttV coYors , poster, paints, coloredchalks, modeling (play and crayons.•Simple' crealivt-4 craft techfikjues;,\*o ' will . be .presented' ; givingtouchers -an ol»portiiniiy' to >volfl«-with -pSp^ers', "paste and, various-othi'V ma-lOEials. for three-dimtn-Fional cilectsi '.'[ Teaphers will 'ber>.).- tr.rMrrif workshop •••activities





Norti) BBII Cablral AveJ.

B Z-765I

REILLY OLDSMOBILE—* 1 u o 0 i* p p t a t a d , —• ,•

A i b U d ^

S e * ti ( jdtlADaws 2>76S1 • _

SGO North Ave., East Westfiold


PONTUCSales - Service'

e r pliJh

pliJhglish Ford Line


ADamB 2-3700


ktld genlea.GMC tHOCK SALES


880 .W. Broad.-Ht. — fcUELisabeih 4-3300


Plymouth • m SotoValiant

ADams 3-1020 -Norih' Avo.' W. ''ftl



Utithst!*BttTOfcBAKEn • PACKA

Sale* (U Sfivlce '

ADama 3-4646418 North Av«, t i ' Wi«tfloli




v Bales b Sorvte*

Dodge "Job-Rated" Trucks

ADaajs 3-3434% '


COVICar ImportsSales and Service

• • JLtaUn • B « a J »

.ioD-M»raii • Bprllo ; _.•" ' • Cktraen . .

Benanii HHowroom i ..nMO ShowroomM. Uroad St. 42 Wettfleld AVe,

tabcth t-bZOO --.. 'EU*. i ' t l i I-S0M-

1206 Mary S tAND SERVICE




BRldgo 6.9543





Co*l,- BEATING OILS - Cok(i

BRidgo 8-0900

JLNortH Avo^E.—,__ Cranfoxd


FJtl On EnUro Btlaneo From SI tip

CHcsinut S-2313 ".' ;

—--'- . ! : Mala OMcor I -

1. Wnatfiold ^vik.W.' HosoUp'pMk

Elkabotb OHico 29 Biond St.. . . \

Insured Savlrtas — Home LoansBoft^Vu-d at CenUr. KioUyorth -y" BHidgo e-eaoo /

' 6North Wood bear Elm," ILlndeB



Expert Ilalrdresiiiljt 'XSJUdaiiSt. ' BRldgo 6-0105


34 North BRldg» 6-1024






All CooMldf 4k llakldi. Bott* on tr«mlu<

13 N. Union A^o. BRldgo 6-6169

' SidingjButters -Leaders

AUWork '•-Guaranteed

JOHN J. DI FABIOBRia0o^no5 ~



Fresh .

. •• • Call BRidgs B-1M8

34 North A»«* E. " Otofoid



• , • — ! •

BRldga 6-tt3t32 <*

IB North tlnlon Ave. . .,. ' ' Cnnfard



ESSO HEAT — t'UHL OILi—; • Prompt, • Courteous - Service

Call BBidga 6-1144 ;"n NoCra AVE., JS. CBANTOIU)


RANK1N FUEL CO.. Melered S m i e a - P,rgmpt DeM.nrli

- _ oix nunNEB BEnyicnCali BHldgo 6>9200

M No Answer, Bliidgo 6-334132rConienaial A^a, . Cranford

"Satisfaction GiMranteed"EXPERT OIL, BURNER SERVICE- • -: ••; BJrids'i ;e-i»i41 Myrllo Ave,



Phono: BRldgo '6-0255 '

»18 Worili A»o..,W. 'Crltiford

FuueralDirectors12 Sprinefleld Aventte

BKIdCc 6-0092

FURNITUREFern's Furniture, Inc.

Everything Vat 'The Mema"Furnltuni — Appliances. Juvoiille -Airhtimx

JUaby Cavvlaaes ;Linoleum — Huas — Lamps

. Gllta

B Euslntan SL• dranljutd

Prejudice. Is never eas^ unlessIt tan pass itself off for reason.

.^u —WHUam Hadltt

..- SEE. ; •Storm Windows

LIFETIMEAluminum Prod.

102 Soufh Avey \W.o rt-3705

H- r=feOpen

24 Hour*« Day


• I I jparjc Plalufl.W

Regiftior*(f VPhormadfli l»


'30 Eastman Si.


Call BHld^e 6-0150

21 N. Union Avo. Cranlord


No Charge for






241 Nottfa Ave., W. Weatfield

to classroom1 teachings:Forty-seven cfhc'r teachers-will

mei't in curriciilar"." stufly "grolips

J. L. SCIUIOEOEREilabllihtd 19S8

-The 'Wil discuss

scipiicei wuslc : and physical ed-licati'Cn.". ' . ./ "',• .' .' 'i.. JTho _.WQtkshQ is_l>have: been . ar-rr inged by" Dr. . Clark -\V.Mclierrhith, > superintehdent -ofschools; Mrs/Riith. Janovsik, ele-m e m a r y - r s u t ) e r v itr^ry. principals,

CluWren EntertainedAL Party In Fireiittu^e^

• Annual Christnjas party., -lorchildren of rnenn^ers' of the Cran-^"^ordl Fire ^eparttrientlS^as heldat the iirehoust*. ^ecetitfti^- ' "* '

Thore waii a prdgrhrri I6f gamesand' songs, and gjfta were -distri-buted by Joseph Heuer in the roleof-Sahtii C|aus_.. :... ' 7 :

T-T<-lt> th'vscU;Herbert.


Experi Slate Stxiaele md— • Til0 Repairs

—-• - B B l 4 » » i ) * - a * 7 * •-••-'- •

.1 Walnut ^yenue - "Cranford

-.' :- • '.•-'• ' ••• •" . K U I l G E t S T A T E M E N T , I • • • , . • •—• '' ' . F O U S C H O O L VEAHi l U l i l - l n i r t . . . . . .- • ' . • • • • . ' '

• SCHOOL U J S T I U C T OK TI^E K1MION C O U N T V UKCilONfAl, 1(1011 S C H O O t ,- ' .- b i s T i t i C T N O ; 1 .- - • ••

—" '•" ' '• ' " - N o T - I C E ' ' '—'- - • ' •'


Irvin Muldrow~ Staa Costle;

Mechanic on Duty at All TlmwTniciT & Auto Etpolfi — Boad-ScnRc

- BHidgo 6-9775367 Centennial Avo. ~ Cnmfori




SB REPAIRING .32 AldoE Cianjort


Yes We Do

ye'r l9Gl-«15flll'r will bo open for-examination nnu dliicusnioia.. "a, adopted 1. a. f o l i o s : • ^ ; ^ ^ ^


' Arid-*ADE—Tuition Puplb B iwivcd ....Averagci D-Uly Enrollment . . . . . ,

T-I'RKENT E X V E N S E i - . • < 'A.^roprl;»!lon' Bal;^ict» ......^-.:..Balance Af>|>f.tiprklt«'d • ~>

•Local THK Levy •" -S t a t e A i d •> ;

Fi'iii-ral A i d — N 0 E A .: :-i/rut' i imMiECfllant-ous Kuvenuo •••••


•• 2.701!.t)







. S - • fT • $-—~—Li-n IOO.OO6.DO • ioo.oao.od

1.77S.B&4.00 2.101,889.00-23i.098.oo

JO.BOO.OQ 17^0,00

10,500.00 -.. 15.000.00

Approprlitlon UaUnee ;Ikiiunc*' . <\Pli*'*>Pri4'ted _.-«—- ^—•Local T a n I-cvy ."....i-...-"...". •'• Aid : - —.- -.Mt.cullani-Oiii Kev«jmie i.. • —


PE11T SEfcVICE' • " .- . . . . ' * - •^ A ^ p y < i t ' > i l . i U < * i . ' ' D n i a n r f l n - i i , ' • , • • „ , . ,.

MSSUOO. 31.401.07


S 113,850,00

. - . 38.6S0.UO4.-380.OO

$ 39,-lUO.OO

.152.77-:' 30,000.00

• 4SS,B78.-{!532.BO7.OO

I C TOTAL DE11T S E R V I C E $ 51,1,383.1)2.



S 487,00025 g SBa,B8BJ.5

Pressing .- Repairing -• Alieralions -Hbmodsilug' All Work Guaranload

lx>c:ii TjxUjvy.: ...c.;..-; : « :Sur.e Aid ..: -:....... •_ ....•'.•»•• •'•Federal Aid" .,..* u 4 > - < * •'..,-•• ;.....,;..,..




16 South Union Ave., CranfordUic.Bnt-ts.-5te *.B». ralotli. Pro?.

T0W.IP nf iVESoe-ALL' ACCOUNTS ........ SK3M.tisa.57 sai'.M,,34«1.25 «UJ05,329.35AVi-iioi-iiiATioNa : ' — •



tte(titeiud Nnr«e» Id Chi/ca* BWdS*e-7100

600 Lincoln Pk., E. Cranford


fall Faper; 7 • Art Suppl' • Saint • Window Shaded.

101 No. tTnlon X»o. Cranfoid


gj •—• Heating& Tinning •• '

-GHAPMAN-BHOJPlumtlng & Heating Contradora


BRidgo 6-132080 Norii Avo., E. . ._ Crinfoj


JOS. t pldKE

/-I JD

Ol Ail Kkidi111 Norih Af«'o W. . &H 6-1890


SuecoMor io John W. Molns it Sou

BRidgo 64777

HAROLD F. BENNERIncorporated

Automobile P&InHngAuthorized bUeGJaennlaWboiT


DuluX Enamel Reflnlshlni '•Weldintf J 'Tnick Lettering


Go The Easy.-Ay IS Way!..For Local

= Car or Truck Rental


lUtes Include, <3al. pi!,Vtoptr W r u i M '

FISE 1060 VOtZUtl ana oU^r. benCan io choo«o from


GRECO'S GARAGESouth & Ceutennial Ave& Cranford



^ 'Itfjuiiner - &, t S«tu

_._ . BRMgf* 6-0895'lid Sooth 'A-»«.. £ , . CrxrJeltt

Textbook'ii' , • - - "•—Libraries & Audio Visual Mj»tIViichl'ni: Supplies ...-...- E .............All '-Other' Expanses — .-.A T T O J D A N c e - - * HKAI/I'll iSEKVlCK.ItSalaries—Attendance— ...- - -

All' Other- 'Expcnse^fl t f i t ih '..-" -;••

1 Dalarir*—:^.r.f-:-^«.'.i —Coivtrafilcd Svfvicei) i Pub. Carriers ...Ucplsccmt'nt Dlst. 'Owned Buses ._Insurance— Pupil TraniitvirtatloiiAll.Other Ir'xpc-nsct—Oper Ji: Main.

Salaries - .'.-.-.CofitwaiiKl Services . —Heat ....: -. - - . :

SupplU'a ....'.All Other EKtwriKes ..-

' Cou'tr-icled-SeVviCrt .*•.-?/-"•—-.•:••' • •'•llepl.Wj'raent (Purrhase^j/of Kquipnwnl ••All\,Oth£r KxpensesYWY.U CllMMtM /•Employee •Hellrt'.rjrfnt; Conlylbullcin..- 1.Insurance i

21I.IH2.37_13,7a5.9tl "


a.200.00. •





12.TKW.S5'22 .174 .15


1 322.100 bO2000tf





' 4M.D02;0»C00




• 04.o0o.oo33.7O0.OO


— a.580:oo




no.fiuioo< • 3,400.00

24,Ou!kO0i• ioSoO.OCr


2S^2i!.OO 20,000^103d.330.OO •__ ^11,100.00

—- T-a;tM).{X):


. Kxpenrn s o .vs. tr» Covt-r Dt'lleltsnowv Ctivinzs

ECKBE Upholstery Shop

Upholstering "- SUjv Covers

Drapes - Furnjttirc Rcpalrg

1* V M H At the S:ira« LaciUon

oinpr K)ir*nsi> -»l^tpfncliturrv to C o v e r - D.'fleUs •KVITIAfc S f t l O O L S — K V K K I N OAtiuit KilucBlIon .,Birnmcr j j s t ioo! ....<:....-.•...•:..»

'A, ^ O T A L cOlUlEJ'JT

PAPITAl, Ol ' t tAY

(KllOOOO J j ,290.002.817.14 a.700.UO

-. 3.000.00

^KWOOWJ 2J.400;00r7,4lO3,Bl 33.BOO.00



", -if/jflo.oo'a.700:O0

- 'i4,ltM).'60• 3p,SO0.6o


«a'.l3H•l>^a no .Kt.sn4.Bflg.txi


B.020.1S $ 10.-560.00 S•J01.60 - B.lOft.00 .?'?00'n<>

- -43.45H.12 — Bll.3ttO.lW 84.40(1

telephone BKidge 63050"

31 South Union veai&b

Cranford, N. J. .

I ">


Cij.l^ia Qaaliiy Bund*

BRldge 6-0803

6hrUn>. Cnb Uuld lU±iy To Servo

i 'Vf5





S 4.17.Mil ">S


a.ino.fto • a.Kw.. aso.oo " aso.oo

• * » 1 ,

a M» rjii s a.aKi


TOTAL KXI'EMDITOHKS .VND BALAKCKS '"t • ..June U0» 1D6Q •«•--*in.Bv

. iMPHOVEiiKNT AV'i;libuiZATibNS JULY 1., 1059


OKv . - urtws.43

* 1.00.000.IK)17,033.42*


a AND rtEfUNfNlN'fi


<• l id SWW




••/4,Hort 4

l e i u a

/ ' . - * - s

TOTAL E X P r X D l T V l l t S A N D ENDtfJO HALAKCE , * "'|l< *"'

•Tr.i»^fcrre<l tiS Cnnllal Olltl.nv "MudeM Vtot" ' '•'

In J.iniinr,. n . lfifll',V'tbi Hni^nf hPorln'u. l»«"tu-m'n' thp hour* of 0 A.M. nnrl 4.P.M.on rt-ivs u-hrn si'linnl i« In u , . ( | im In (h» €*«'<••• • n« tli» o»»pl«rv ol tV"' H«r*<« «plication „( tlii. Jonathan Djytnn lli>iilonal IllBh School. .Mcimtnln AVciUiP, Sprlna

J" Till* .Ur|lnr> fruiliKv Hsj/l"liili S<hnol Oi.trlct *vio: 1

UI.J J,nAdv. Vim:


-TlXf^- cnAKFQKh (X.3.) CITIZEN' A?JI> cnRojrtcrK-rtriirTvSp.w, SXSXJAV.V 5. MGI. * rase rive


It is ofteta-d.ifficuU for people tw get started on a "

to-suve regularly for.liiturc security. So, from

tiiiit> to' •im«>' wti offi'f llu*so gift nrograius as'starting

sjiviitgs progruiu iiiiu it i» our j

ivtvs for iw»w cnvi'i-s. knowing by experience that

oWC 5t;lrtT5l}T^WyJil~rrmtiTinrTiTr1:h:rrToni^ —

Tlioiisuiiiiii (/( our severs'start«><l' siivin^ thi*) w;iy and

coimttcsB"others opened n second- account for another


mid H vis'a program' that lioiK-fits all our depositors.


Choice'of One:18-K Gold Filled Eversharp fountain pen or all stee!.Pdrker JoHer ball-point pen.Inqraham electric kitchcti clock. Haised boUi numerals.'sxA/eepBetter Homes & Garden's new colorful coolc book.'


A beautiful sliver plated sandwich tray by Sheridan fea-turing gadnoon border pattern and finely etched designthrpuahout. ' , ! .



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