Recently arrived in Australia - Karen ရ ကရ တဖ ဒ ခ စ ကရ အဂ တဖ လ ကမ...

KAREN 9334KAR.1707 PAGE 1 OF 15 နဟဲတု ၤလၢအီးစထြ လယါအပူ ၤဖဲတယံ ာ ဒံးဘၣ နၣ ဧါ နမ ၣဟဲသု းလီၣသု းကျဲဆူ အီးစထြ လယါဖဲတယံ ာဒံ းဘၤ နၤ လံ ာရၤလီၤအံ ၤပဃု ာဒီးတၣဂ ၣတၣကျိၤလၢဘကကဲဘျးလၢနဂီၣနၤ လီၤ. တၣဆီလီၤပာလီၤသးဖဲြံ ကီၣအံ ၤအပူ ၤန ဘၤ တၣလဲၤခီဖျိအံ ၤမ ၣတၣလၢအတၤတၣဒီးကီခဲသ နၤ လီၤ. ဒနမ ၣပှ ၤဟဲတု ၤလီၤသီအသိး, ဘၤ နကမၤနၣတၣဟ တၣဘူးတၣလဲဒီးတၣမၤစၢၤတနီၤလၢကီၣအီးစထြ လယါပဒိၤ အအိၤ နၤ လီၤ. တအိၣ ဆူ ၣ အိၣ ချ တမၤစၢၤတဖၣ အီးစထြ လယါအိၤ ဒီးြံ ဖိကီၣဖိတၣအိၤ ဆူ ၤ အိၤ ချ တၣကွၣြွဲတၣမၤအကျိၤအကျဲလၢအမ Medicare နၤ လီၤ. Medicare မၤစၢၤဝဲတၣဘူးတၣလဲဒီးတၣမၤစၢၤတဖလၢအမၤစၢၤတၣသ ဖဲနစူ းကါတၣအိၤ ဆူ ၤ အိၤ ချ တၣကွၣြွဲတၣမၤစၢၤတဖ တမ ပှ ၤကသံ ကသီတဖၤ အခါနၤ လီၤ. တၣအံ ၤပဃု ာဒီးတၣဟ ကဒါက ၤစ တနီၤဖဲနမ ၣဟ တၣအပှ ၤလၢနလဲၤဆူ ကသံ သရၤ အအိၤ , ဒီးမၤနၣ ကသံ ၤ ကသီလၢ အပှ ၤ ဘၤ ခီဖျိ Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (ကသံ ၤ ကသီတၣနၣဘျးတၣတိာကျဲၤ) တမ Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (တၣဟ ကဒါက ၤကသံ ကသီတၣနၣဘျးတၣတိာကျဲၤ) နၤ လီၤ. လၢနကမၤနၣတၣဂ ၣတၣကျိၤအါြီ အဂီၣလဲၤကွၣဖဲ တက . နလိၤ ဆဲးလီၤမံ ၤလၢ Medicare အပူ ၤဒီးတု ၤြီ ဒီးတၣထကၢးဝဲဘၤ ဝဲတၣလိၤ ဘၤ တဖၤ နၤ လီၤ. လၢနကမၤနၣအါြီ တၣဂ ၣတၣကျိၤ ဝဲဘၤ ဝဲတၣလိၤ ဘၤ တဖၤ အဂီၣလဲၤကွၣဖဲ တက . နမ ၣအိၤ လၢြံ ကီၣလၢတၣပာပနီၤ အီၤလီၤတံ ၣလီၤဆဲးတဖဒီးဟဲဟးဆူအီးစထြ လယါနၤ , ဘၤ နကထကၢးဝဲဘၤ ဝဲဒီး တၣအိၤ ဆူ ၤ အိၤ ချ တၣမၤစၢၤတၣဟ မၤပှ ဲၤစၢၤစ တနီၤလၢ Reciprocal Health Care Agreements (တၣဟ သကိးတၣ အိၤ ဆူ ၤ အိၤ ချ တၣကွၣြွဲ အပှ ၤတၣအၢလီၤအီလီၤတဖ ) အဖီလာနၤ လီၤ. အီးစထြ လယါအိၤ ဒီး Reciprocal Health Care Agreements (တၣဟ သကိးတၣ အိၤ ဆူ ၤ အိၤ ချ တၣကွၣြွဲအပှ ၤတၣအၢလီၤအီလီၤတဖ ) ဒီးြံ ကီၣအဂၤတနီၤန လီၤ. လၢနကြံ ၤ ဘၤ ြံ ကီၣတဖၤ အံ ၤ အမံ ၤစရီအဂီၣ လဲၤကွၣဖဲ တက . နမ ၣပှ ၤဟဲလၢြံ ကီၣတဘ အကျါလၢြံ ကီၣတဖၤ အံ ၤဒီးတု ၤြီ ဘးဒီးတၣထကၢးဝဲဘၤ ဝဲတၣလိၤ ဘၤ တဖၤ နၤ , ဘၤ နကထကၢးဝဲ ဘၤ ဝဲလၢ Medicare တၣမၤစၢၤတဖအဂီၣဖဲနအိၤ လၢအီးစထြ လယါအပူ ၤအခါန လီၤ. ပတဟ စၢၤတဘူးတလဲတဖၣ တၣဘူးတၣလဲလၢနမၤနၣအီၤသ နၤ ဒိးသနၤြီ အသးလၢလံ ာခီကီၣဘံ ၤ စၤ အကလု ာလၢနစိာအီၤ တမ နကဲအီးစထြ လယါြံ ဖိကီၣဖိလံ ဧါ အဖီခိၤ နၤ လီၤ. ဘၤ တၣကအိၤ ဝဲဒၤ ဒီးတၣအိၤ ခိးတၣအဆၢကတီၣဒီးတၣအိၤ သးအဂၤတဖလၢ နလိၤ ညါဘၤ အီၤတဖ နၤ လီၤ. နကမၤနၣတၣဟ မၤစၢၤတၣအပှ ၤတနီၤဖဲနမ ၣပှ ၤအသီလၢဟဲတု ၤလီၤဆူ အီးစထြ လယါဒီးအိၤ ဒီးပှ ၤအိ ဆိးြီဘိ , ပှ ၤဂ ၣဝီဘၤ ြွဲအတၣလိၤ ဘၤ , ပှ ၤဘကီဘၤ ခဲ , ပှ ၤအိ ဆိးကီၣတစိၣတလီၣအမါ /ဝၤလၢအဟ မၤစၢၤအီၤ တမ တစိၣတလီၣတၣဒီသဒၢလံ ာခီကီၣအကလု ာနၤ လီၤ. လၢကမၤနၣအါြီ တၣဂ ၣတၣကျိၤဘဃးဒီးပှ ၤအိ ဆိးြီဘိတၣလိၤ ဘၤ တဖၤ အဂီၣလဲၤဆူ တက . နဖိကဘၤ ဆဲးကသံ ၤ ဒီသဒၢချးနံၤချးသီ လၢနကထကၢးဝဲဘၤ ဝဲလၢကမၤနၣတၣလၢလာသ တဖၤ အဂီၣ- Family Tax Benefit Part A supplement (ဟံ ၤ ဖိဃီဖိခိသွဲတၣနၣဘျး အကူ ာ တၣမၤစၢၤလၢပှဲၤြီ တၣ) Child Care Benefit (ဖိသၤ တၣကွၣြွဲတၣနၣဘျး), ဒီး Child Care Rebate (ဖိသၤ တၣကွၣြွဲတၣမၤစှ ၤလီၤနၣတၣအပှ ၤ).

Transcript of Recently arrived in Australia - Karen ရ ကရ တဖ ဒ ခ စ ကရ အဂ တဖ လ ကမ...

Page 1: Recently arrived in Australia - Karen ရ ကရ တဖ ဒ ခ စ ကရ အဂ တဖ လ ကမ စ ပ ဘ က ဘ ခ ဒ ပ လ ဟ လ တ ဆ တ လ ဒ က ÒÑ ဂ အကလ



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နဟဲတုၤလၢအီးစထြ့လယါအပူၤဖဲတယံာ်ဒံးဘၣ်န့ၣ်ဧါ နမ့ၣဟဲသုးလီၣသုးကျဲဆူအီးစထြ့လယါဖဲတယံာ်ဒံးဘၤ်န့ၤ် လံာ်ရၤလီၤအံၤပၤ်ဃုာ်ဒီးတၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤလၢဘၤ်သ့ၤ်သ့ၤ်ကကဲဘျုးလၢနဂီၣန့ၤ်လီၤ. တၣဆီလီၤပာ်လီၤသးဖဲြံကီၣအံၤအပူၤန့ၤ်ဘၤ်သ့ၤ်သ့ၤ်တၣလဲၤခီဖျိအံၤမ့ၣတၣလၢအတၤတၣဒီးကီခဲသ့န့ၤ်လီၤ. ဒ်နမ့ၣပှၤဟဲတုၤလီၤသီအသိး, ဘၤ်သ့ၤ်သ့ၤ် နကမၤန့ၣတၣဟ့ၤ်တၣဘူးတၣလဲဒီးတၣမၤစၢၤတနီၤလၢကီၣအီးစထြ့လယါပဒိၤ်အအိၤ်န့ၤ်လီၤ.

တၢ်အိၣ်ဆူၣ်အိၣ်ချ တ့ၢ်မၤစၢၤတဖၣ်

အီးစထြ့လယါအိၤ်ဒီးြံဖိကီၣဖိတၣအိၤ်ဆူၤ်အိၤ်ချ တ့ၣကွၣြဲွတၣမၤအကျိၤအကျလဲၢအမ့ၣ—Medicare န့ၤ်လီၤ. Medicare ဟ့ၤ် မၤစၢၤဝဲတၣဘူးတၣလဲဒီးတၣမၤစၢၤတဖၤ်လၢအမၤစၢၤတၣသ့ဖဲနစူးကါတၣအိၤ်ဆူၤ်အိၤ်ချ ့တၣကွၣြဲွတၣမၤစၢၤတဖၤ် မ့တမ့ၣ ပှ့ၤကသံၤ် ကသီတဖၤ် အခါန့ၤ်လီၤ. တၣအံၤပၤ်ဃုာ်ဒီးတၣဟ့ၤ်ကဒါက့ၤစ့တနီၤဖဲနမ့ၣဟ့ၤ်တၣအပှ့ၤလၢနလဲၤဆူကသံၤ်သရၤ်အအိၤ်, ဒီးမၤန့ၣ ကသံၤ်ကသီလၢ အပှ့ၤ ဘၤ်ခီဖျိ Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (ကသံၤ်ကသီတၣန့ၣဘျုးတၣတိာ်ကျၤဲ) မ့တမ့ၣ Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (တၣဟ့ၤ်ကဒါက့ၤကသံၤ်ကသီတၣန့ၣဘျုးတၣတိာ်ကျဲၤ) န့ၤ်လီၤ. လၢနကမၤန့ၣတၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤအါြီၤ်အဂီၣလဲၤကွၣဖဲ တက့ၣ.

နလိၤ်ဆဲးလီၤမံၤလၢ Medicare အပူၤဒီးတုၤြီၤ်ဒီးတၣထကၢးဝဲဘၤ်ဝဲတၣလိၤ်ဘၤ်တဖၤ်န့ၤ်လီၤ. လၢနကမၤန့ၣအါြီၤ်တၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤ ၢၢးဝဲဘၤ်ဝဲတၣလိၤ်ဘၤ်တဖၤ်အဂီၣလဲၤကွၣဖဲ တက့ၣ.

နမ့ၣအိၤ်လၢြံကီၣလၢတၣပာ်ပနီၤ်အီၤလီၤတံၣလီၤဆဲးတဖၤ်ဒီးဟဲဟးဆူအီးစထြ့လယါန့ၤ်, ဘၤ်သ့ၤ်သ့ၤ် နကထကၢးဝဲဘၤ်ဝဲဒီး တၣအိၤ်ဆူၤ် အိၤ်ချ ့ တၣမၤစၢၤတၣဟ့ၤ်မၤပဲှၤစၢၤစ့တနီၤလၢ Reciprocal Health Care Agreements (တၣဟ့ၤ်သကိးတၣ အိၤ်ဆူၤ်အိၤ်ချ ့ တၣကွၣြဲွ အပှ့ၤတၣအၢၤ်လီၤအီလီၤတဖၤ်) အဖီလာ်န့ၤ်လီၤ. အီးစထြ့လယါအိၤ်ဒီး Reciprocal Health Care

Agreements (တၣဟ့ၤ်သကိးတၣ အိၤ်ဆူၤ်အိၤ်ချ တ့ၣကွၣြဲွအပှ့ၤတၣအၢၤ်လီၤအီလီၤတဖၤ်) ဒီးြံကီၣအဂၤတနီၤန့ၤ်လီၤ. လၢနကြံၤ်ဘၤ် ြံကီၣတဖၤ် အံၤ အမံၤစရီအဂီၣ လဲၤကွၣဖဲ တက့ၣ.

နမ့မ့ၣပှၤဟဲလၢြံကီၣတဘ့ၤ်အကျါလၢြံကီၣတဖၤ်အံၤဒီးတုၤြီၤ်ဘးဒီးတၣထကၢးဝဲဘၤ်ဝဲတၣလိၤ်ဘၤ်တဖၤ်န့ၤ်, ဘၤ်သ့ၤ်သ့ၤ် နကထကၢးဝဲ ဘၤ်ဝဲလၢ Medicare တၣမၤစၢၤတဖၤ်အဂီၣဖဲနအိၤ်လၢအီးစထြ့လယါအပူၤအခါန့ၤ်လီၤ.


တၣဘူးတၣလဲလၢနမၤန့ၣအီၤသ့န့ၤ် ဒိးသန့ၤြီၤ်အသးလၢလံာ်ခီကီၣဘံၤ်စၤ်အကလုာ်လၢနစိာ်အီၤ မ့တမ့ၣ နကဲအီးစထြ့လယါြံဖိကီၣဖိလံဧါ အဖီခိၤ်န့ၤ်လီၤ. ဘၤ်သ့ၤ်သ့ၤ်တၣကအိၤ်ဝဲဒၤ်ဒီးတၣအိၤ်ခိးတၣအဆၢကတီၣဒီးတၣအိၤ်သးအဂၤတဖၤ်လၢ နလိၤ်သ့ၤ်ညါဘၤ်အီၤတဖၤ် န့ၤ်လီၤ.

နကမၤန့ၣတၣဟ့ၤ်မၤစၢၤတၣအပှ့ၤတနီၤဖဲနမ့မ့ၣပှၤအသီလၢဟဲတုၤလီၤဆူအီးစထြ့လယါဒီးအိၤ်ဒီးပှၤအိၤ်ဆိးြီဘိ, ပှၤဂ့ၣဝီဘၤ်ြဲွအတၣလိၤ် ဘၤ်, ပှၤဘၤ်ကီဘၤ်ခဲ, ပှၤအိၤ်ဆိးကီၣတစိၣတလီၣအမါ/ဝၤလၢအဟ့ၤ်မၤစၢၤအီၤ မ့တမ့ၣ တစိၣတလီၣတၣဒီသဒၢလံာ်ခီကီၣအကလုာ်န့ၤ်လီၤ.

လၢကမၤန့ၣအါြီၤ်တၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤဘၤ်ဃးဒီးပှၤအိၤ်ဆိးြီဘိတၣလိၤ်ဘၤ်တဖၤ်အဂီၣလဲၤဆူ တက့ၣ.

နဖိကဘၤ် ဆဲးကသံၤ်ဒီသဒၢချုးနံၤချုးသီ လၢနကထကၢးဝဲဘၤ်ဝဲလၢကမၤန့ၣတၣလၢလာ်သ့ၤ်တဖၤ်အဂီၣ-

Family Tax Benefit Part A supplement (ဟံၤ်ဖိဃီဖိခိသဲွတၣန့ၣဘျုး အကူာ် တၣမၤစၢၤလၢပဲှၤြီၤ်တၣ)

Child Care Benefit (ဖိသၤ်တၣကွၣြဲွတၣန့ၣဘျုး), ဒီး

Child Care Rebate (ဖိသၤ်တၣကွၣြဲွတၣမၤစှၤလီၤန့ၣတၣအပှ့ၤ).

Page 2: Recently arrived in Australia - Karen ရ ကရ တဖ ဒ ခ စ ကရ အဂ တဖ လ ကမ စ ပ ဘ က ဘ ခ ဒ ပ လ ဟ လ တ ဆ တ လ ဒ က ÒÑ ဂ အကလ


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နဖိမ့ၣဆဲးကသံၤ်ဒီသဒၢလၢြံဂုၤကီၣဂၤန့ၤ် နထကၢးမၤန့ၣတၣဆဲးကသံၤ်ဒီသဒၢလံာ်အုၤ်သးတဖၤ်န့ၤ်ဒီးြၢနုာ်ဃုာ်ဆူ Australian

Immunisation Register (အီးစထြ့လယါတၣဆဲးကသံၤ်ဒီသဒၢတၣမၤနီၤ်မၤဃါ) အပူၤန့ၤ်လီၤ. ဟဲစိာ်ဃုာ်နတၣမၤနီၤ်မၤဃါ ကဲွးဒိလၢအ ကျိးြံအသးဆူန အီးစထြ့လယါကသံၤ်သရၤ်ြီရီၤအအိၤ်န့ၤ်တက့ၣ. အဝဲသ့ၤ်ကသမံသမိးကသံၤ်ဒီသဒၢတဖၤ်လၢနဖိဆဲးတ့ၣဟံးန့ၣတ့ၣ အီၤဒီးနဖိမ့ၣတဆဲးဘၤ်ဒံးကသံၤ်ဒီသဒၢတမံၤလၣလၣန့ၤ်ကတဲဘၤ်နၤ လၢနကဘၤ်မၤအီၤဒ်လဲၤ်န့ၤ်လီၤ.

ကသံၤ်ဒီသဒၢလၢအလိၤ်တဖၤ်န့ၤ်ဘၤ်တၣကဲွးရဲၤ်လီၤပာ်ဖျါြီၤ်အီၤဖဲ National Immunisation Program (ြံဖိကီၣတၣဆဲး ကသံၤ်ဒီသဒၢ တၣတိာ်ကျၤဲ) အဖီခိၤ်, လၢတၣလဲၤဃုကွၣအီၤသ့ဖဲ န့ၤ်လီၤ.

တလိၤ်နတဲဘၤ်ပှၤဖဲနဖိဆဲးကသံၤ်ဒီသဒၢအခါဘၤ် - ပကသမံသမိးကွၣအဝဲသ့ၤ်အတၣအိၤ်သးအပတီၣဖဲ Australian

Immunisation Register (အီးစထြ့လယါတၣဆဲးကသံၤ်ဒီသဒၢတၣမၤနီၤ်မၤဃါ) အလိၤန့ၤ်လီၤ.

လၢကမၤန့ၣအါြီၤ်တၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤအဂီၣလဲၤကွၣဖဲ တက့ၣ.


နမ့ၣဟဲတုၤလီၤသီလၢနကအိၤ်ဆိးဖဲအံၤန့ၤ်, နဃ့ြီၤ်ဟံၤ်ဖိဃီဖိတၣဟ့ၤ်စၢၤတၣဘူးတၣလဲလိၤလိၤတဘျီဃီသ့န့ၤ်လီၤ.

ပှၤအိၤ်ဆိးအသီတဖၤ်ကဘၤ်အိၤ်ခိး ၁၀၄ နံွတချုးလၢကဃ့ြီၤ်တၣဘူးတၣလဲအဂၤတမံၤလၣလၣန့ၤ်လီၤ. တၣအံၤအိၤ်ဒီးတၣပျပူဲၤတနီၤ န့ၤ်လီၤ. အဒိ, ဖဲနမ့ၣဟဲတုၤဒီးပှၤဘၤ်ကီဘၤ်ခဲလံာ်ဘံၤ်စၤ်အဃိန့ၤ်လီၤ.

နတၣအိၤ်ခိးတၣအဆၢကတီၣတဖၤ်စးြီၤ်အသးဖဲမုၣနံၤလၢနအိၤ်ဆိးဖဲအံၤဖဲနမၤန့ၣပှၤအိၤ်ဆိးြီဘိဘံၤ်စၤ်ဝံၤအလီၣခံန့ၤ်လီၤ. တၣကဂံၣဒွး ြဲဒၤ် မုၣနံၤမုၣသီလၢနအိၤ်ဆိးဖဲအီးစထြ့လယါအပူၤအတီၣပူၤဧိၤ ဒ်တၣအိၤ်ခိးတၣအဆၢကတီၣန့ၤ်လီၤ. လၢကမၤန့ၣအါြီၤ်တၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤအဂီၣလဲၤကွၣဖဲ တက့ၣ.

ပှၤနၠူစံၣလဲၤ်ဖိလၢအအိၤ်ဆိးလၢအီးစထြ့လယါအပူၤလၢအဖီၤ် Special Category ဘံၤ်စၤ် (အကလုာ်လီၤဆီတဖၤ်) ဃ့ဝဲတၣတဖၤ် လၢလာ်သ့-

ဟံၤ်ဖိဃီဖိတၣဟ့ၤ်တၣဘူးတၣလဲတဖၤ်, ဒီး


နလိၤ်ဘၤ်ပှၤအိၤ်ဆိးြီဘိဘံၤ်စၤ်လၢနကဃ့ြီၤ်တၣဟ့ၤ်စၢၤတၣဘူးတၣလဲလၢအဂၤတဖၤ်န့ၤ်လီၤ. လၢကမၤန့ၣအါြီၤ် တၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤ အဂီၣ လဲၤကွၣဖဲ တက့ၣ.

International social security agreements (ဟီၣ်ခိၣ်ဘီမုၢ်ပှၤဂ့ၢ်ဝီတၢ်ဘံၣ်တၢ်ဘၢတၢ်အၢၣ်လီၤအီလီၤတဖၣ်)

ပအိၤ်ဒီးတၣအၢၤ်လီၤအီလီၤဒီးြံကီၣအဂၤတဖၤ်လၢအမၤစၢၤနၤလၢနကမၤန့ၣတၣဟ့ၤ်စၢၤတၣဘူးတၣလဲလၢပအိၤ်သ့န့ၤ်လီၤ. အဝဲသ့ၤ်မၤစၢၤ နၤ လၢနကမၤန့ၣတၣဟ့ၤ်တၣဘူးတၣလဲလၢြံကီၣအဂၤသ့စ့ၣကီးန့ၤ်လီၤ. တၣဆၢကတီၣလၢနအိၤ်ဆိးလၢအီးစထြ့လယါအပူၤဒီးြံကီၣအဂၤ တဖၤ် ကမၤစၢၤနၤလၢနကထကၢးဝဲဘၤ်ဝဲလၢတၣဟ့ၤ်စၢၤတၣဘူးတၣလဲတဖၤ်အဂီၣန့ၤ်လီၤ. လၢကမၤန့ၣအါြီၤ် တၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤအဂီၣ လဲၤကွၣ ဖဲ တက့ၣ.


နတၣဘူးတၣလဲ မ့တမ့ၣ တၣန့ၣဘျုးခးက့န့ၤ် ဘၤ်သ့ၤ်သ့ၤ်ကအိၤ်ဒီးတၣဒိဘၤ်ဖဲနမ့ၣလဲၤဆူြံဂုၤကီၣဂၤတဖၤ်အခါန့ၤ်လီၤ. ဒိးသန့ၤြီၤ် အသးလၢ တၣဘူးတၣလဲလၢနမၤန့ၣအီၤအဖီခိၤ်, နကလိၤ်တဲဘၤ်ပှၤဘၤ်ဃးဒီးနတၣလဲၤတၣက့ၤတၣတိာ်ကျၤဲတဖၤ်တချုးလၢနဟးန့ၤ်လီၤ. လၢနကမၤန့ၣအါြီၤ်တၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤအဂီၣလဲၤကွၣဖဲ တက့ၣ.

Page 3: Recently arrived in Australia - Karen ရ ကရ တဖ ဒ ခ စ ကရ အဂ တဖ လ ကမ စ ပ ဘ က ဘ ခ ဒ ပ လ ဟ လ တ ဆ တ လ ဒ က ÒÑ ဂ အကလ


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တၣမၤစၢၤနၤလၢနကျိာ်ဒၤ်ဝဲ ပဟ့ၤ်လီၤပှၤတဲကျိးြံတၣဒီးတၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤလၢတၣကဲွးြံလၢတလိၤ်ဟ့ၤ်အပှ့ၤ ပၤ်ဃုာ်ဒီးဘံၣဒံၣအိၤ်, တၣကလုၣဒီး လံာ်ကဲွးပီးလီတဖၤ် န့ၤ်လီၤ. လဲၤဆူ တက့ၣ.


ကိးပှၤဖဲ 131 202 လၢနကကတိၤတၣဒီးပှၤတဂၤဂၤလၢနကျိာ်ဘၤ်ဃးဒီး Centrelink တၣဟ့ၤ်စၢၤတၣဘူးတၣလဲတဖၤ်ဒီး တၣမၤစၢၤ တဖၤ်န့ၤ်တက့ၣ. လၢတၣမၤစၢၤဒီး Medicare မ့တမ့ၣ Child Support (တၣဆီၤ်ြဲွမၤစၢၤဖိသၤ်) တၣမၤစၢၤတဖၤ်အဂီၣကိး Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) (တၣတဲကျိးြံဒီးတၣကဲွးကျိးြံတၣမၤစၢၤ) ဖဲ 131 450 န့ၤ်တက့ၣ.

Multicultural Service Officers (တၣဆဲးတၣလၤအကလုာ်ကလုာ်တၣမၤစၢၤပှၤဘၤ်မူဘၤ်ဒါတဖၤ်)

Multicultural Service Officers (တၣဆဲးတၣလၤအကလုာ်ကလုာ်တၣမၤစၢၤပှၤဘၤ်မူဘၤ်ဒါ်တဖၤ်) မၤသကိးတၣဒီးပှၤတဝၢ ကရူၣကရၢတဖၤ်ဒီးခၢၤ်စးကရၢအဂၤတဖၤ်လၢကမၤစၢၤပှၤဘၤ်ကီဘၤ်ခဲဒီးပှၤလၢဟဲလၢတၣဆဲးတၣလၤဒီးကျိာ်ဂံၣြံးအကလုာ်ကလုာ်တဖၤ် လၢကဘျးစဲဒီး အီးစထြ့လယါပဒိၤ်တၣမၤစၢၤတဖၤ်အဂီၣန့ၤ်လီၤ.

ပှၤဘၤ်ကီဘၤ်ခဲတၣမၤစၢၤတဖၤ် နမ့ၣဟဲတုၤလၢအီးစထြ့လယါအပူၤဒီးပှၤဘၤ်ကီဘၤ်ခဲ မ့တမ့ၣ ပှၤဂ့ၣဝီတၣလိၤ်ဘၤ်လံာ်ခီကီၣတဖၤ်, မ့တမ့ၣ တၣမ့ၣအုၤ်ကီၤြုးြီၤ်န့ၣနၤ Permanent Protection Visa (တၣအိၤ်ဆိးြီဘိတၣဒီသဒၢလံာ်ခီကီၣ) လၢအီးစထြ့လယါအပူၤန့ၤ်, နကမၤန့ၣတၣတိစၢၤမၤစၢၤ တဖၤ်လၢပအိၤ်လၢပကမၤစၢၤနၤလၢနကဆီလီၤအိၤ်ဆိးလၢနတၣအိၤ်မူအသီအပူၤန့ၤ်လီၤ. ပပှၤဘၤ်ကီဘၤ်ခဲတၣမၤစၢၤတဖၤ်မၤစၢၤနၤ ဒီး ကျိၤ်စ့တၣတိစၢၤမၤစၢၤ, Medicare တၣဆဲးလီၤမံၤဒီးတၣဆှၢခီတဖၤ်လၢ တၣလၢလာ်တဖၤ် အဂီၣသ့-



တၣကူၤ်ဘၤ်ကူၤ်သ့ဒီးတၣမၤလိ, ဒီး


ပှၤလၢအဟ့ၤ်လီၤ Humanitarian Settlement Service (ပှၤဂ့ၣဝီတၣလိၤ်ဘၤ်တၣဆီလီၤတၣအိၤ်တၣဆိးတၣမၤစၢၤ) တဖၤ် ကမၤစၢၤနၤ လၢနကမၤန့ၣပတၣမၤစၢၤတဖၤ်အံၤန့ၤ်လီၤ. နလဲၤဟးဆူတၣမၤစၢၤစဲြၢၤ်တမံၤလၣလၣလၢ နကဃ့ြီၤ်တၣဟ့ၤ်စၢၤ တၣဘူးတၣလဲတဖၤ် မ့တမ့ၣ တၣမၤစၢၤတဖၤ်သ့စ့ၣကီးန့ၤ်လီၤ.


Department of Human Services (ပှၤကညီတၣမၤစၢၤဝဲၤကျိၤတဖၤ်) ပှၤဂ့ၣဝီပှၤမၤတၣဖိ ဟ့ၤ်လီၤနၤကတီၣဖုၤ် တၣဟ့ၤ်ကူၤ် ဟ့ၤ်ဖး, တၣဆီၤ်ြဲွမၤစၢၤဒီးတၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤသ့လၢကမၤစၢၤနၤခီဖျိတၣကီတၣခဲအဆၢကတီၣအံၤန့ၤ်လီၤ. ပှၤဂ့ၣဝီပှၤမၤတၣဖိတဖၤ် ဟံးစုနဲၤ် ကျနဲၤဆူ တၣဆီၤ်ြဲွမၤစၢၤဒီးတၣမၤစၢၤအဂၤတဖၤ်လၢကတိစၢၤမၤစၢၤနၤသ့န့ၤ်လီၤ. နဃ့ြီၤ်လၢနကကတိၤသကိးတၣဒီး ပှၤဂ့ၣဝီပှၤမၤတၣဖိ ခီဖျိ ကိး လီတဲစိဖဲ 132 850 မ့တမ့ၣ ခီဖျိလဲၤဟးဆူနလီၣကဝီၤတၣမၤစၢၤစဲြၢၤ်တဖၤ်သ့န့ၤ်လီၤ.

International Services (ဟီၤ်ခိၤ်ဘီမုၣတၣမၤစၢၤတဖၤ်) ပသမံသမိးသ့ဘၤ်ဃးဖဲနမၤန့ၣတၣဟ့ၤ်စၢၤတၣဘူးတၣလဲပအိၤ်ဒိးသန့ၤြီၤ်အသးလၢပှၤဂ့ၣဝီတၣဘံၤ်တၣဘၢတၣအၢၤ်လီၤအီလီၤဒီးြံကီၣအဂၤ အဖီခိၤ်သ့တသ့ဧါန့ၤ်လီၤ. ပမၤစၢၤနၤလၢနဃ့ြီၤ်ြံဂုၤကီၣဂၤပ့ၤ်စ့ၤ်သ့စ့ၣကီးန့ၤ်လီၤ. ဆဲးကျၢပှၤဖဲ 131 673 န့ၤ်တက့ၣ.

Page 4: Recently arrived in Australia - Karen ရ ကရ တဖ ဒ ခ စ ကရ အဂ တဖ လ ကမ စ ပ ဘ က ဘ ခ ဒ ပ လ ဟ လ တ ဆ တ လ ဒ က ÒÑ ဂ အကလ


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ဘီှဘၤ်နတၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤချုးနံၤချုးသီြီဘိ ဖဲနတၣအိၤ်သးဆီတလဲအခါလိၤ်လၢနကတဲပှၤလီၤ. တၣအံၤပၤ်ဃုာ်ဒီးနတၣဟဲနုာ်, တၣစုလီၣခီၤ်ခိၤ်တဖၤ်, ဒီးနအိၤ်ဆိးတၣလီၣဖဲလဲၤ်ဒၤ်လဲာ် န့ၤ်လီၤ. စူးကါပတၣမၤစၢၤလၢအ့ြၢၤ်နဲးအဖီခိၤ်တၣဃုြၢတဖၤ်လၢကပၢၤဃာ်နတၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤချုးနံၤချုးသီြီဘိအဂီၣန့ၤ်တက့ၣ. ညီနုၣပကွၣကဒါက့ၤတၣလၢကမၤလီၤတံၣလၢပှၤဒိးန့ၣဘၤ်တၣဟ့ၤ်စၢၤတၣဘူးတၣလဲလၢအဘၤ်ဒီးစ့ခဲလၢာ်ပာ်ဖိှၤ်လၢအဘၤ်ဘျိးဘၤ်ဒါန့ၤ်လီၤ.

Assurance of Support (တၣဆီၤ်ြဲွမၤစၢၤတၣအုၤ်ကီၤ)

Assurance of Support (တၣဆီၤ်ြဲွမၤစၢၤတၣအုၤ်ကီၤ) န့ၤ်မ့ၣတၣအၢၤ်လီၤအီလီၤလၢပှၤအုၤ်ကီၤတၣ မ့တမ့ၣ တၣကရၢကရိလၢ က ဆီၤ်ြဲွမၤစၢၤပှၤလၢအပတံြီၤ်လၢကသုးလီၣကျဲဆူအီးစထြ့လယါ, အဃိအဝဲသ့ၤ်တလိၤ်ဃ့ြီၤ်တၣဟဲနုာ်တၣဆီၤ်ြဲွမၤစၢၤတၣဘူးတၣလဲ ဖဲအဝဲသ့ၤ်ဘၤ်တၣအုၤ်ကီၤဟ့ၤ်လီၤအီၤလၢဘံၤ်စၤ် မ့တမ့ၣ ဟဲတုၤ လီၤအခါ န့ၤ်လီၤ. နမ့ၣအိၤ်လၢ Assurance of Support (တၣဆီၤ်ြဲွမၤစၢၤတၣအုၤ်ကီၤ) တၣရဲၤ်တၣကျၤဲအဖီလာ်ဒီး ဃ့ြီၤ်တၣ ဟ့ၤ်စၢၤဘူးလဲလီၤတံၣလီၤဆဲးလၢပအိၤ်န့ၤ်, နပှၤဟ့ၤ်တၣအုၤ်ကီၤ ကဘၤ်ဟ့ၤ်ကဒါက့ၤစ့ခဲလၢာ်ပာ်ဖိှၤ်ပဲှၤပဲှၤလၢနဒိးန့ၣဘၤ်အီၤဖဲတၣပာ်လီၤ န့ၣနၤ Assurance of Support (တၣဆီၤ်ြဲွမၤစၢၤတၣအုၤ်ကီၤ) အခါန့ၤ်လီၤ.

တၣမၤလိအဲကလံးကျိာ် ပမၤစၢၤနၤသ့လၢနကမၤန့ၣတၣမၤလိတဖၤ်လၢ နကမၤလိ မ့တမ့ၣ မၤဂ့ၤြီၤ်နအဲကလံးကျိာ်အဂီၣန့ၤ်လီၤ. နကလိၤ်မၤလိအဲကလံးကျိာ်ဖဲ နမ့ၣ အဲၤ်ဒိးကဲြီၤ်အီးစထြ့လယါြံဖိကီၣဖိအခါန့ၤ်လီၤ.

တၣမ့ၣအုၤ်ကီၤဟ့ၤ်လီၤနၤဒီးဘံၤ်စၤ်လၢနကဟဲဆူအီးစထြ့လယါကီၣဒ်ပှၤသုးလီၣသုးကျဲ, ပှၤဘၤ်ကီဘၤ်ခဲ မ့တမ့ၣ ပှၤဂ့ၣဝီတၣလိၤ်ဘၤ်ပှၤ နုာ်လီၤကီၣအသိးန့ၤ်, နမၤန့ၣအဲကလံးကျိာ်တၣမၤလိလၢအကလီသ့ခီဖျိ Department of Education and Training’s

Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) (တၣကူၤ်ဘၤ်ကူၤ်သ့ဝဲၤကျိၤဒီး ပှၤနုာ်လီၤကီၣတၣမၤလိ အဲကလံးကျိာ်တၣတိာ် ကျၤဲ) သ့န့ၤ်လီၤ. နလိၤ်ဆဲးလီၤမံၤလၢ ပှၤဟ့ၤ်လီၤ AMEP တၣမၤစၢၤအကျါတခါလၢဃုလါအတီၣပူၤ (မ့တမ့ၣ ၁၂ လါ အတီၣပူၤ ဖဲနသး မ့ၣအိၤ် ၁၅ ဒီး ၁၇ အဘၢၤ်စၢၤ) ဖဲနဟဲတုၤလၢအီးစထြ့လယါအပူၤ မ့တမ့ၣ တၣအုၤ်ကီၤဟ့ၤ်လီၤ နၤပှၤအိၤ်ဆိးြီဘိအခါန့ၤ်လီၤ.

Skills for Education and Employment (တၣသ့တၣဘၤ်လၢတၣကူၤ်ဘၤ်ကူၤ်သ့ဒီးတၣဖံးတၣမၤ) တၣတိာ်ကျဲၤအဂီၣ, မၤစၢၤနၤလၢ နကမၤဂ့ၤြီၤ်အဲကလံးကျိာ်, တၣဖးလံာ်ဖးလဲၣဒီးဂံၣခီၤ်ြံးတၣဂံၣတၣဒွးတၣသ့တၣဘၤ်တဖၤ်သ့ အဃိနမၤအါြီၤ် နတၣခဲွးတၣယာ်လၢနကမၤန့ၣဒီးဟံးဃာ်တၣဖံးတၣမၤတဖၤ်သ့န့ၤ်လီၤ. လၢနကဃုသ့ၤ်ညါလၢမ့ၣနထကၢးဝဲဘၤ်ဝဲလၢတၣတိာ်ကျၤဲအံၤအဂီၣဧါန့ၤ်, ကိးပှၤ မ့တမ့ၣ လဲၤ ဟးဆူတၣမၤစၢၤစဲြၢၤ်န့ၤ်တက့ၣ.

ဟံၤ်ဖိဃီဖိဒီးဟံၤ်ပူၤဃီပူၤတၣစုဆူၤ်ခီၤ်တကး ပဟ့ၤ်တၣဆီၤ်ြဲွမၤစၢၤ, တၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤဒီး တၣဆှၢခီတဖၤ်လၢ ကမၤစၢၤပှၤလၢ အဒိဘၤ်လၢဟံၤ်ဖိဃီဖိဒီး ဟံၤ်ဖိဃီဖိ တၣစုဆူၤ်ခီၤ်တကး န့ၤ်လီၤ. နၤ မ့တမ့ၣ ပှၤတဂၤဂၤလၢနသ့ၤ်ညါအီၤလၢအိၤ်ဒီးတၣဒိဘၤ်လၢဟံၤ်ဖိဃီဖိဒီးတၣစုဆူၤ်ခီၤ်တကးလၢဟံၤ်ပူၤဃီပူၤန့ၤ်, လဲၤကွၣဖဲ မ့တမ့ၣ ကိး 131 202 လၢကကတိၤသကိးတၣဒီးပှၤတဂၤဂၤလၢ နကျိာ်ဒၤ်နဲန့ၤ် တက့ၣ.

တၣဆီၤ်ြဲွမၤစၢၤအံၤတၣမၤန့ၣအီၤသ့စ့ၣကီးဖဲ -

1800RESPECT—1800 737 732 မ့တမ့ၣ

MensLine Australia—1300 789 978 မ့တမ့ၣ

Page 5: Recently arrived in Australia - Karen ရ ကရ တဖ ဒ ခ စ ကရ အဂ တဖ လ ကမ စ ပ ဘ က ဘ ခ ဒ ပ လ ဟ လ တ ဆ တ လ ဒ က ÒÑ ဂ အကလ


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နမ့ၣအဲၤ်ဒိးလၢနကမၤန့ၣပှၤအဂၤတဂၤလၢကရဲၤ်ကျဲၤမၤသကိးတၣဒီးန Centrelink, Medicare မ့တမ့ၣ Child Support (တၣ ဆီၤ်ြဲွမၤစၢၤ ဖိသၤ်) တၣကရၢကရိန့ၤ်, နဟ့ၤ်စိဟ့ၤ်ကမီၤပှၤတဂၤ မ့တမ့ၣ တၣကရၢကရိတဖုလၢကမၤသကိးတၣဒီး ပှၤလၢနခၢၤ်စးအလီၣ သ့န့ၤ်လီၤ. လၢ ကမၤန့ၣအါြီၤ်တၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤဘၤ်ဃးဒီးတၣရဲၤ်တၣကျၤဲတဖၤ်အံၤအဂီၣလဲၤကွၣဖဲ မ့တမ့ၣ ကိးပှၤ မ့တမ့ၣ လဲၤဟးဆူတၣမၤစၢၤစဲြၢၤ်န့ၤ်တက့ၣ.


Centrepay အံၤမ့ၣဝဲတၣဟ့ၤ်န့ၣကဒဲွစရီတၣမၤစၢၤန့ၤ်လီၤ. စူးကါ Centrepay လၢနကရဲၤ်ကျၤဲတၣြုးကံွာ်ဒ်အညီနုၣလၢန Centrelink တၣဘူးတၣလဲလၢကဟ့ၤ်န့ၣနၤနကဒဲွစရီအပှ့ၤတဖၤ်အဂီၣန့ၤ်တက့ၣ. နစးြီၤ် မ့တမ့ၣ ပတုာ်တၣစူးကါတၣအံၤသ့ဖဲ နအဲၤ်ဒိး အီၤတဘျီလၣလၣ အခါန့ၤ်လီၤ. နစူးကါတၣအံၤသ့လၢကဒဲွစရီအကလုာ်အါကလုာ်အဂီၣ - အဒိဖိသၤ်တၣကွၣြဲွ, လီမ့ၤ်အူဒီးဟံၤ်ဒိးလဲ န့ၤ်လီၤ. နလိၤ်ဟ့ၤ်ပှၤ တၣအၢၤ်လီၤဟ့ၤ်ခဲွးလၢကဟ့ၤ်န့ၣနကဒဲွစရီအပှ့ၤတဖၤ်ခီဖျိစူးကါနတၣဘူးတၣလဲတနီၤန့ၤ်လီၤ.

လၢနကမၤန့ၣအါြီၤ်တၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤအဂီၣလဲၤကွၣဖဲ တက့ၣ.

တၣဟ့ၤ်အါြီၤ်တၣဘူးတၣလဲဒီးတၣမၤစၢၤတၣမၤတဖၤ် ပသ့ၤ်ညါပာ်ပနီၤ်လၢနကအိၤ်ဒီးတၣအပှ့ၤကလံၤ မ့တမ့ၣ တၣဂ့ၣကီတနီၤလၢနလိၤ်အါြီၤ်တၣမၤစၢၤဒီးတၣအံၤအဂီၣန့ၤ်လီၤ. ဘၤ်တဘၤ်နကမၤန့ၣတၣလၢလာ်တနီၤအံၤစ့ၣကီး-

Rent Assistance (ဟံၤ်ဒိးလဲတၣတိစၢၤမၤစၢၤ)

Financial Information Service (ကျိၤ်စ့ဂ့ၣဝီတၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤတၣမၤစၢၤ)

Rent Deduction Scheme (တၣြုးစှၤလီၤဟံၤ်ဒိးလဲတၣတိာ်ကျၤဲ)

Income Management (တၣပၢဆှၢတၣဟဲနုာ်)

Agents and Access Points, ဒီး


လၢကမၤန့ၣတၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤအါြီၤ်ဘၤ်ဃးတၣဟ့ၤ်စၢၤတၣဘူးတၣလဲတဖၤ်ဒီးတၣမၤစၢၤတဖၤ်အဂီၣလဲၤကွၣဖဲ မ့တမ့ၣ ကိးပှၤတက့ၣ.


နကလိၤ်ဘၤ်Customer Reference Number (CRN) (ပှၤပှ့ၤစူးကါတၣမၤစၢၤတၣကွၣသတတဲၤနီၤ်ဂံၣ) လၢနကဃ့ြီၤ် Centrelink တၣ ဟ့ၤ်စၢၤတၣဘူးတၣလဲတဖၤ်ဒီးစူးကါပတၣမၤစၢၤလၢအ့ြၢၤ်နဲးအလိၤတဖၤ်န့ၤ်လီၤ. နတၣမ့ၣတအိၤ်ဒံးတခါဘၤ်န့ၤ်, လဲၤဟးဆူတၣ မၤစၢၤ စဲြၢၤ်လၢနကဟ့ၤ်လီၤနနီၣကစၣတၣအုၤ်သးလံာ်တီလံာ်မီတဖၤ်ဒီးမၤန့ၣ CRN တက့ၣ.

နကလိၤ်ဘၤ် Medicare ခးက့လၢနကဃ့ြီၤ် Medicare တၣန့ၣဘျုးတဖၤ်ဒီးစူးကါပ Medicare စရီလၢအ့ြၢၤ်နဲးအလိၤ မ့တမ့ၣ Express Plus Medicare လီတဲစိစိာ်စုတၣရဲၤ်တၣကျၤဲန့ၤ်လီၤ. နမ့ၣတအိၤ်ဒီး Medicare ခးက့န့ၤ်လဲၤဆူ လၢနကဃုြံၤ်သ့ၤ်ညါလၢနကမၤန့ၣအီၤသ့ဒ်လဲၤ်န့ၤ်တက့ၣ.

လၢနကစူးကါ Centrelink ဒီး Medicare စရီလၢအ့ြၢၤ်နဲးတဖၤ်အလိၤအဂီၣနကလိၤ်ဘၤ် myGov စရီန့ၤ်လီၤ. ဒုးအိၤ်ြီၤ်တခါဖဲ န့ၤ်တက့ၣ.

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နကလိၤ်ဘျးစဲန Centrelink မ့တမ့ၣ Medicare စရီတဖၤ်ဆူ myGov န့ၤ်လီၤ. ဆဲးလီၤမံၤဆူ myGov, ဃုြၢ Services ဝံၤဒီး Centrelink မ့တမ့ၣ Medicare တက့ၣ. နကလိၤ်စံးဆၢတၣသံကွၣတနီၤဒ်သိးပဘျးစဲတၣမၤနီၤ်မၤဃါ လၢအဘၤ်ဆူန myGov စရီန့ၤ်လီၤ.

လၢကဒုးအိၤ်ြီၤ်ဒီးဘျးစဲန myGov စရီအဂီၣ, ဖးပတၣနဲၤ်ကျလဲၢအ့ြၢၤ်နဲးအလိၤဖဲ တက့ၣ.

နကွၣပတၣသိၤ်လိလီၤဆီတဖၤ်ဖဲန YouTube အလိၤသ့ဖဲ န့ၤ်လီၤ.

Express Plus လီတဲစိစိာ်စုအဲး(ပ)တဖၤ်

စူးကါန Express Plus လီတဲစိစိာ်စုတၣရဲၤ်တၣကျၤဲလၢနကမၤတၣဖံးတၣမၤဒီးပှၤ တနံၤ ၂၄ နၤ်ရံၤ်, တနံွ ၇ သီတက့ၣ.

Express Plus Centrelink










ကွၣ, ရဲၤ်ကျၤဲကဒါက့ၤ မ့တမ့ၣ ဆိကတီၣတၣသ့ၤ်ဆၢဖးကတီၣတဖၤ်

ရဲၤ်ကျၤဲန BasicsCard ဖဲနမ့ၣအိၤ်ဒီးတၣဟဲနုာ်လၢနရဲၤ်ကျၤဲအီၤ, ဒီး


Express Plus Lite

Express Plus Lite လီတဲစိစိာ်စုတၣရဲၤ်တၣကျၤဲအဲး(ပ)အိၤ်လၢနကပာ်ဖျါြီၤ်နတၣဟဲနုာ်လၢ အၤ်ရး(ဘ), တရူး, ဖၢၡၢၤ်ဒီးဘံၤ်ယဲးနၤ် အကျိာ်တဖၤ်န့ၤ်လီၤ.

Express Plus Medicare


ကွၣန Medicare ခးက့တၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤတဖၤ်ဒီးကရၢဖိခးက့အခဲအံၤတဖၤ်



မၤလိာ်တၣဆီတလဲ မ့တမ့ၣ ကဲွးဒိ Medicare ခးက့တဖၤ်

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ကွၣ, လဲၤဟံးန့ၣ, စဲကျံး မ့တမ့ၣ အံမ့(လ)န Medicare Claims History Statements (တၣဃ့ြီၤ်တၣစံၤ်စိၤတၣပာ်ဖျါတဖၤ်) လၢအပူၤကံွာ်သၢနံၤ်အဂီၣ

ကွၣန Medicare Safety Net စ့အိၤ်တ့ၣ

ကွၣ, လဲၤဟံးန့ၣ, စဲကျံး မ့တမ့ၣ အံမ့(လ) Immunisation History Statements (တၣဆဲးကသံၤ်ဒီသဒၢတၣစံၤ်စိၤတၣပာ်ဖျါတဖၤ်) လၢနနီၣကစၣ မ့တမ့ၣ နဖိလၢအသးအိၤ် ၁၄ နံၤ်အဖီလာ်

ဆဲးလီၤမံၤ မ့တမ့ၣ ဆီတလဲ န Australian Organ Donor Register (အီးစထြ့လယါတၣဟ့ၤ်မၤဘူၤ်လီၤနီၣခိက့ၣဂီၤဒဲွ) တၣဆၢတဲာ်

ဃ့ြီၤ် Australian Organ Donor Register (အီးစထြ့လယါတၣဟ့ၤ်မၤဘူၤ်လီၤနီၣခိက့ၣဂီၤဒဲွ) ခးက့အသီ

ကွၣ န Australian Organ Donor Register (အီးစထြ့လယါတၣဟ့ၤ်မၤဘူၤ်လီၤနီၣခိက့ၣဂီၤဒဲွ) ဒံးကံၠးတၢၤ်ခးက့ကဲွးဒိ, ဒီး


လၢတၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤအါြီၤ်ဘၤ်ဃးဒီးပတၣရဲၤ်တၣကျၤဲအဂီၣလဲၤကွၣဖဲ တက့ၣ.


ပာ်နတၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤဘံၤ်ဘံၤ်ဘၢဘၢလၢအ့ြၢၤ်နဲးအလိၤတက့ၣ. လဲၤဆူ လၢနက ဃုြံၤ်သ့ၤ်ညါလၢနကဘၤ်မၤဒ်လဲၤ်န့ၤ်တက့ၣ.


လၢနကဃုြံၤ်သ့ၤ်ညါဘၤ်ဃးဒီးတၣဆီတလဲလၢတၣမၤအီၤလၢတၣဟ့ၤ်စၢၤတၣဘူးတၣလဲဒီးတၣမၤစၢၤတဖၤ်အဂီၣ- လဲၤကွၣဒီးဆဲးလီၤမံၤဖဲပတၣမၤစၢၤတၣကစီၤ်လၢအ့ြၢၤ်နဲးအလိၤလၢတၣမၤချုးမၤသီြီၤ်တၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤအဂီၣဖဲ တက့ၣ

ဘျးစဲဒီးပှၤဖဲ ဒီးသံကွၣပှၤတၣသံကွၣ, ဒီး

ပိာ်ြဲွပှၤဖဲ Twitter @humanservicesAU


လဲၤဆူ လၢနကမၤန့ၣအါြီၤ်တၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤလၢအဲကလံးကျိာ်အပူၤ

လဲၤဆူ တၣလီၣဖဲနဖး, ဒိကနၤ်, မ့တမ့ၣ ကွၣဘံၣဒံၣအိၤ်ဃုာ်ဒီး တၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤလၢနကျိာ်အပူၤ

ကိး 131 202 လၢနကကတိၤသကိးတၣဒီးပှၤလၢနကျိာ်အပူၤလၢအဘၤ်ဃးဒီး Centrelink တၣဟ့ၤ်စၢၤတၣဘူးတၣလဲဒီးတၣမၤစၢၤတဖၤ်အဂီၣ

ကိး Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) (တၣကဲွးကျိးြံဒီးတၣတဲကျိးြံတၣမၤစၢၤတဖၤ်) ဖဲ 131 450 လၢနကကတိၤသကိးတၣဒီးပှၤလၢနကျိာ်အပူၤဘၤ်ဃးဒီး Medicare ဒီး Child Support (တၣဆီၤ်ြဲွမၤစၢၤ ဖိသၤ်) တၣဟ့ၤ်စၢၤတၣဘူးတၣလဲဒီးတၣမၤစၢၤတဖၤ်


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တၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤပၤ်ဃုာ်လၢလံာ်စဲကျံးြုးြီၤ်ရၤလီၤအပူၤအံၤမ့ၣဝဲြဲဒၤ်လၢတၣနဲၤ်ကျလဲၢတၣဟ့ၤ်စၢၤတၣဘူးတၣလဲဒီးတၣမၤစၢၤတဖၤ်အတၣပညိၤ်အဂီၣဧိၤန့ၤ်လီၤ. တၣအံၤမ့ၣဝဲနမူနဒါလၢနကဆၢတဲာ်လၢ မ့ၣနအဲၤ်ဒိးပတံြီၤ်တၣလၢတၣဟ့ၤ်စၢၤတၣဘူးတၣလဲဒီးတၣမၤလံာ်ပတံြီၤ် တၣလၢအဘၤ်ဃးဒီးနတၣဂ့ၣတၣကျိၤလီၤဆီတဖၤ်အဂီၣဧါန့ၤ်လီၤ.

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PAGE 9 OF 15

Recently arrived in Australia?

This brochure contains information that might be useful to you if you’ve recently moved to Australia. Settling in can be a challenging experience. As a new arrival, you may be able to get some payments and services from the Australian Government.

Health services

Australia has a national health care system—Medicare. Medicare provides payments and services that can help when you use health care services or buy medicines. This includes getting some money back if you pay to visit a doctor, and getting cheaper medicines through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme or Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. For more information go to

You need to be enrolled in Medicare and meet eligibility requirements. For more information about eligibility requirements go to

If you’re visiting Australia from certain countries, you may be entitled to some subsidised health services under Reciprocal Health Care Agreements. Australia has Reciprocal Health Care Agreements with a number of other countries. For a list of these countries go to

If you’re from one of these countries and meet the eligibility requirements, you may be eligible for Medicare services while you’re in Australia.

Our payments

The payments you can get depend on the type of visa you hold or whether you already have Australian citizenship. There may also be waiting periods and other conditions that you need to know about.

You may get certain payments if you’re new to Australia and have a permanent residence, humanitarian, refugee, provisional partner or temporary protection type visa.

For more information about residence requirements go to

Your child must be up to date with their immunisations for you to be eligible to get:

Family Tax Benefit Part A supplement

Child Care Benefit, and

Child Care Rebate.

If your child was vaccinated overseas you should get those vaccinations added to the Australian Immunisation Register. Take translated copies of your records to your Australian general practitioner. They will check the vaccines your child has had and tell you how to catch up if any are missing.

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The required vaccines are listed on the National Immunisation Program, which can be viewed at

You don’t need to tell us when your child is immunised—we’ll check their status on the Australian Immunisation Register.

For more information go to

Waiting periods

If you’ve just arrived here to live, you can claim family payments straight away.

New residents must wait 104 weeks before claiming any other payments. There are exemptions to this. For example, if you arrived on a refugee visa.

Your waiting period starts on the day you start living here after you get a permanent resident visa. Only days spent in Australia during this time count towards the waiting period. For more information, go to

New Zealanders living in Australia on a Special Category visa can claim:

family payments, and

concession cards.

You need a permanent resident visa to claim most other payments. For more information, go to

International social security agreements

We have agreements with other countries that may help you get a payment from us. They may also help you get a payment from the other country. Time spent in Australia and the other country may help you to qualify for payments. For more information go to

Payments paid outside Australia

Your payment or concession card may be affected if you go overseas. Depending on which payment you get, you may need to tell us about your travel plans before you leave. For more information, go to

Our services

Help in your language

We provide free interpreters and translated information including videos, audio and written products. Go to

We also provide free translation of the documents you need to make a claim for a payment.

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Call us on 131 202 to speak to someone in your language about Centrelink payments and services. For help with Medicare or Child Support services call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450.

Multicultural Service Officers

Multicultural Service Officers work with community groups and other agencies to help refugees and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds link up with Australian Government services.

Refugee services

If you have arrived in Australia with a refugee or humanitarian visa, or you were granted a Permanent Protection Visa in Australia, you can get assistance from us to help you settle into your new life. Our refugee services can help you with financial assistance, Medicare enrolment and referrals for:

employment assistance

English language tuition

education and training, and

other government and community services.

Your Humanitarian Settlement Service provider will help you access our services. You can also visit any service centre to claim payments or services.

Social workers

A Department of Human Services social worker can provide short-term counselling, support and information to help you through this difficult time. Social workers can also direct you to other supports and services to assist you. You can ask to speak to a social worker by phoning 132 850 or by visiting your local service centre.

International Services

We can check if you can get a payment from us based on a social security agreement with another country. We can also help you claim a foreign pension. Contact us on 131 673.

Other information

Keep your details up to date

You need to tell us when your circumstances change. This could include your income, assets, and even where you live. Use our online service options to keep your details up to date. We do regular reviews to ensure people get the right payment and the right amount.

Assurance of Support

An Assurance of Support is a commitment by an assurer or an organisation to support a person who is applying to migrate to Australia, so they will not have to claim an income support payment once they have been granted the visa or have arrived. If you’re under an Assurance of Support arrangement and have claimed certain payments from us, your

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assurer must repay the full amount you received while the Assurance of Support was in place.

Learning English

We can help you access classes where you can learn or improve your English. You’ll need to learn English if you want to become an Australian citizen.

If you were granted a visa to come to Australia as a migrant, refugee or humanitarian entrant, you can access free English classes through the Department of Education and Training’s Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). You’ll need to register with one of the AMEP service providers within six months (or 12 months if aged between 15 and 17 years) of arriving in Australia or being granted permanent residence.

The Skills for Education and Employment program, can help you improve your English, reading, writing and basic maths skills so you can increase your chances of getting and keeping a job. To find out if you are eligible for this program, call us or visit a service centre.

Family and domestic violence

We offer support, information and referrals to help people affected by family and domestic violence.

If you or someone you know is affected by family and domestic violence, go to or call 131 202 to speak to someone in your language.

Support is also available from:

1800RESPECT—1800 737 732 or

MensLine Australia—1300 789 978 or

Extra assistance

Getting someone to deal with us on your behalf

If you’d prefer to have someone else handle your Centrelink, Medicare or Child Support business, you can authorise a person or organisation to deal with us on your behalf. For more information about these arrangements go to or by calling us or visiting a service centre.


Centrepay is a free bill paying service. Use Centrepay to arrange regular deductions from your Centrelink payment to pay for your bills. You can start or stop using it whenever you like. You can use it for many types of bills—for example child care, electricity and rent. You’ll need to give us permission to pay your bills using part of your payment.

For more information go to

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Additional payments and services

We recognise you may have some costs or issues that you need extra help with. You may also be able to access some of the following:

Rent Assistance

Financial Information Service

Rent Deduction Scheme

Income Management

Agents and Access Points, and

concession cards.

For more information about these payments and services go to or call us.

Getting started

You will need a Customer Reference Number (CRN) to claim Centrelink payments and use our online services. If you don’t have one, visit a service centre to provide your identity documents and get a CRN.

You’ll need a Medicare card to claim Medicare benefits and use our Medicare online accounts or the Express Plus Medicare mobile app. If you don’t have a Medicare card go to to find out how to get one.

To use Centrelink and Medicare online accounts you’ll need a myGov account. Create one at

You’ll also need to link your Centrelink or Medicare accounts to myGov. Sign in to myGov, select Services and then Centrelink or Medicare. You will need to answer some questions so we link the correct record to your myGov account.

For help creating and linking your myGov account, read our online guides

You can also watch our tutorials on YouTube,

Express Plus mobile apps

Use your Express Plus mobile apps to do business with us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Express Plus Centrelink

Use the app to:

report employment income

get reporting reminders

view your payments and transaction history

update details

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view your online letters

upload documents

track your claim

view and update your family income estimate and payment choices

view, reschedule or cancel appointments

manage your BasicsCard if you’re income managed, and

view your digital concession cards.

Express Plus Lite

The Express Plus Lite mobile app is available to report your income in Arabic, Chinese, Persian (Farsi) and Vietnamese.

Express Plus Medicare

Use the app to:

view your Medicare card details and current card members

update your contact details

update your bank account details

order a replacement or duplicate Medicare card

submit claims for most services

view, download, print or email your Medicare Claims History Statements for the last three years

view your Medicare Safety Net balance

view, download, print or email Immunisation History Statements for yourself or your child under the age of 14

register or change your Australian Organ Donor Register decision

request a new Australian Organ Donor Register card

view a digital copy of your Australian Organ Donor Register card, and

locate your nearest service centre.

For more information on our apps go to

Online security

Keep your information safe online. Go to to find out how.

Keeping up to date

To find out about changes being made to payments and services:

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visit and subscribe to our online news service for up-to-date information at

like us on and ask us a question, and

follow us on Twitter @humanservicesAU

For more information

go to for more information in English

go to where you can read, listen to or watch videos with information in your language

call 131 202 to speak with us in your language about Centrelink payments and services

call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 to speak with us in your language about Medicare and Child Support payments and services

visit a service centre.


The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to payments and services. It’s your responsibility to decide if you wish to apply for a payment and to make an application with regard to your particular circumstances.