二零零七年冬季刊 Winter 2007 愛護您的 Care of Your Skin · 2019-08-02 · • Remove...

二零零七年冬季刊 Winter 2007 華人社區健康資源中心 Chinese Community Health Resource Center 835 Jackson Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94133 Tel: 415.677.2473 www.cchrchealth.org Health Newsletter S O A P 不知您是否觸摸過嬰兒的肌膚,它是如此的光 滑和柔軟。您也希望一直擁有這樣的肌膚嗎?隨著年齡 的增長,皮膚會失去大量的皮下脂肪,皮膚變薄、乾燥 和缺乏彈性,同時導致皮膚鬆弛和皺紋的出現。由於皮 膚在人的一生當中會不斷的變化,欲永保青春健康的肌 膚,每天必須進行適當的肌膚護理。 皮膚的結構 作為人體最大的器官,皮膚可分為3層。其外層 可防止異物進入人體,同時含有製造肌膚黑色素的細 胞。皮膚的中層由膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白(具有構造和 支撐功能)組成,同時含有汗腺、脂腺、毛囊、血管 和神經。皮膚的底層主要由脂肪構成,有助於保護人 體免受寒冷和熱浪的入侵。除了抵抗有害物質 (例如 細菌和紫外線) 的侵害之外,皮膚還具有調節體溫、 感知傷痛和舒適的功能。 Have you ever touched a baby’s skin and felt how smooth and soft it is? Do you often wish that your skin would feel that way all the time? As a person ages, the skin loses much of the underlying fat, becomes thinner, drier, and less elastic, causing it to sag and wrinkle. Because the skin changes throughout a person’s lifetime, keeping it looking young and healthy requires good skin care each day. Structure of the Skin The skin is the largest organ of the body and is made up of 3 layers. The outer layer prevents foreign substances from entering the body and contains cells that produce the dark-colored pigment of the skin. The middle layer is made up of collagen and elastin (proteins that give structure and support), and contains sweat glands, oil glands, hair follicles, blood vessels and nerves. The bottom layer is mainly fat which helps to protect the body from cold and heat. In addition to shielding the body from harmful substances such as bacteria and the sun’s harmful rays, the skin also regulates body temperature, and senses pain and pleasure. 愛護您的 肌膚 Care of Your Skin

Transcript of 二零零七年冬季刊 Winter 2007 愛護您的 Care of Your Skin · 2019-08-02 · • Remove...

  • 二零零七年冬季刊 Winter 2007

    華人社區健康資源中心Chinese Community Health Resource Center835 Jackson Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94133 Tel: 415.677.2473 www.cchrchealth.org

    Health Newsletter

    清 潔 劑S O A P







    皮膚的結構 作為人體最大的器官,皮膚可分為3層。其外層





    體免受寒冷和熱浪的入侵。除了抵抗有害物質 (例如

    細菌和紫外線) 的侵害之外,皮膚還具有調節體溫、


    Have you ever touched a baby’s skin and felt how smooth and soft it is? Do you often wish that your skin would feel that way all the time? As a person ages, the skin loses much of the underlying fat, becomes thinner, drier, and less elastic, causing it to sag and wrinkle. Because the skin changes throughout a person’s lifetime, keeping it looking young and healthy requires good skin care each day.

    Structure of the Skin The skin is the largest organ of the body and is made up of 3 layers. The outer layer prevents foreign substances from entering the body and contains cells that produce the dark-colored pigment of the skin. The middle layer is made up of collagen and elastin (proteins that give structure and support), and contains sweat glands, oil glands, hair follicles, blood vessels and nerves. The bottom layer is mainly fat which helps to protect the body from cold and heat. In addition to shielding the body from harmful substances such as bacteria and the sun’s harmful rays, the skin also regulates body temperature, and senses pain and pleasure.

    愛護您的肌膚 Care of Your Skin

  • 皮膚基本護理

    1. 防止過度日曬










    - 太陽光最強烈的時候(上午十時至下午四時),應


    - 外出30分鐘前,應擦足夠的防曬霜,並且每2小時





    - 請選擇防曬指數 (SPF) 為15或更高的、同時可阻




    - 佩戴太陽眼鏡有助於保護眼睛以及眼睛周圍的脆


    - 穿戴長袖的襯衫、長褲和寬邊帽子。

    - 避免室內照紫外線燈。


    - 涼水淋浴或浴缸浴。

    - 擦蘆薈護膚液、潤膚霜、或1%氫化可的松膏(1% hydrocortisone cream)。

    2. 戒煙



    3. 經常溫和地清潔肌膚

    - 用溫水(非熱水)淋浴或泡浴,時間不得太長,


    Basic Skin Care

    1. Limit sun exposureUltraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can lead to premature aging of the skin and increase the risk of skin cancer. Fair-skinned people are more prone to sunburn and the effects of the sun’s rays. Years of sun exposure before the age of 18 are most damaging to the skin, so make sure that your children are well protected. Keep in mind that areas such as the nose, ears, cheeks and shoulders burn more easily. Certain medications may cause a person’s skin to be more sensitive to the sun. Talk to your doctor first before spending too much time under the sun. To protect your skin:• Stay out of the sun during the hours when the sunlight is

    most intense (10 am to 4 pm). • Apply lots of sunscreen 30 minutes before going outdoors

    and reapply every 2 hours, especially after heavy sweating and swimming. Use sunscreen even on cloudy or foggy days. Keep in mind that UV rays reflect off water, sand, ice, snow and concrete.

    • Choose a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher and one that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Waterproof or water-resistant sunscreen provides longer protection even when swimming or sweating.

    • Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes as well as the delicate skin around them.

    • Wear long sleeved shirts, long pants and wide-brimmed hats to shade your body.

    • Avoid tanning booths or salons.To reduce pain and discomfort from sunburn:• Take a cool shower or bath. • Apply aloe vera lotion, moisturizing cream, or 1%

    hydrocortisone cream to the skin.

    2. Avoid smokingSmoking decreases blood flow to the skin, speeds up the normal aging process and contributes to wrinkles.

    3. Clean your skin regularly but gently• Use warm (not hot) water and take shorter shower/bath to

    reduce the loss of natural oils from your skin.• Use a mild soap or cleanser. Avoid deodorant, antibacterial,

    or perfumed soaps, which can dry and irritate your skin.Moisture

  • - 應使用溫和的香皂或清潔劑。避免使用除臭、抗



    - 應使用棉質毛巾或柔軟的洗浴海綿。切勿用力地


    - 睡覺前應卸妝。

    4. 充分的潤膚




    5. 每月一次檢查您的肌膚



    - 出現新的或不尋常的腫塊;

    - 黑痣的顏色、大小或形狀發生變化

    - 傷口長期不愈合


    1. 乾燥、痕癢的肌膚


    - 溫度過高或過低,同時濕度較低;

    - 長時間地在有空調(冷暖氣)或中央暖氣的室內;

    - 經常的淋浴、泡浴或游泳;

    - 經常地接觸到強力鹼性肥皂、清潔劑或其他化學



    - 飲足夠的水,保持身體水分充足。

    - 使用增濕器。

    - 沐浴的時間應限制在15分鐘內並使用冷水。

    - 洗碟子或使用清潔劑的時候,應佩戴手套。

    - 應使用溫和的、不含染料或香精的肥皂和洗衣劑。

    - 應經常塗擦潤膚霜或護膚液,特別是洗手、沐浴


    - 應避免穿戴用羊毛或人造纖維製作的衣服。

    - 避免容易刺激肌膚的香水、化妝品或首飾。

    - 使用含有1%氫化可的松膏 (1% hydrocortisone cream) 或服用一片抗過敏藥 (anti-histamine),有助於緩解嚴重的瘙癢症。切勿抓撓!持續的抓撓會使瘙癢


    2. 暗瘡和毛孔堵塞


    - 過度的油脂分泌和死皮細胞的脫落會導致毛囊的


    - 身體荷爾蒙分泌的變化

    • Use a cotton washcloth or soft sponge. Don’t scrub too hard as the skin can become irritated.

    • Remove makeup before going to bed.

    4. Moisturize generouslyApply a fragrance-free moisturizer right after washing or shaving to seal in moisture. Choose cream or oil instead of lotion if you have very dry skin.

    5. Examine your skin monthlyCheck your face and body (front and back) to look for warning signs of skin cancer. Contact your doctor right away if you find anything suspicious:• New or unusual growths • Changes in the color, size, shape of an existing mole• A sore that does not heal

    Minor Skin Problems and Self-Care Tips

    1. Dry, Itchy SkinCauses:• Very high or low temperatures with low humidity.• Prolonged exposure to air-conditioning or central heating.• Frequent showering, bathing or swimming.• Frequent contact with strong soaps, detergents, or other


    Self-care tips:• Drink enough water to keep your body well hydrated.• Use a humidifier.• Limit bath time to less than 15 minutes and use cool water.• Wear gloves when doing the dishes or using any

    cleaning agents.• Use mild soaps and laundry detergents free of dyes or

    perfumes.• Apply moisturizing cream or lotion frequently especially

    after hand washing, bathing, or shaving.• Avoid wearing clothing made of wool or synthetic materials.• Avoid perfumes, cosmetics, or jewelry that can irritate

    the skin.• Use an over-the-counter cream containing 1%

    hydrocortisone or take an anti-histamine pill to help relieve severe itching. Don’t scratch! Persistent scratching worsens the itch and can cause the skin to break and become infected.

    2. Pimples and Clogged PoresCauses:• Excess production of oil and shedding of dead skin cells

    causing hair follicles to become plugged.• Hormonal changes in the body



    PERMIT NO. 11882

    445 Grant Ave., Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 94108

    Sponsored By Chinese Community Health Care Association, Chinese Community Health Plan, And Chinese Hospital 2007 Chinese Community Health Resource Center 華美醫師協會,華人保健計劃暨東華醫院聯合贊助


    - 用溫水和溫和的清潔劑洗臉,每天兩次。切勿用


    - 使用去暗瘡乳液,以減少油脂分泌和抑制細菌繁


    - 保持頭髮乾淨並不讓頭髮遮蓋臉部。

    - 選擇不會堵塞毛孔的護膚品或化妝品。

    - 切勿擠壓或擠破暗瘡!否則會導致皮膚感染或疤








    Self-care tips:• Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and warm water

    twice a day. Avoid scrubbing. • Try an over-the-counter acne lotion to reduce oil production

    and bacterial growth.• Keep your hair clean and away from your face.• Choose skin care products or cosmetics that do not

    clog pores.• Don’t squeeze or pop pimples! This can lead to infection or


    Nothing can stop the natural aging process of the skin. However, there are ways to improve and maintain the health and appearance of your skin. If you are concerned about the condition of your skin or have a skin problem, talk to your doctor or a dermatologist (skin specialist). To learn more about healthy habits that can help you look and feel good, visit the CCHRC bilingual health website at www.cchrchealth.org.


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    The California Transplant Donor Network saves and improves lives by facilitating organ and tissue donation for transplantation. One person can save up to eight lives through organ donation, and enhance 50 others with tissue donation. Sign-up at www.donateLIFEcalifornia.org or call 1-888-380-9821 for more information.

    You have the powerto donate life A Donate Life organization