「逆 境 自 強」公 開 講 座 - 面 對 金 融 海 嘯 :心 理 紓 解 法 ·...

Resilience 抗逆十八式 Tsang Fan Kwong 19 July 2011

Transcript of 「逆 境 自 強」公 開 講 座 - 面 對 金 融 海 嘯 :心 理 紓 解 法 ·...

Page 1: 「逆 境 自 強」公 開 講 座 - 面 對 金 融 海 嘯 :心 理 紓 解 法 · 安全的需求舒適 安全免於恐懼的自由Security and comfort 生理的需求水氧氣食物Basic

Resilience 抗逆十八式

Tsang Fan Kwong

19 July 2011

Page 2: 「逆 境 自 強」公 開 講 座 - 面 對 金 融 海 嘯 :心 理 紓 解 法 · 安全的需求舒適 安全免於恐懼的自由Security and comfort 生理的需求水氧氣食物Basic

我們哭住來這世界We cry when we were born

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While we grow

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Maslow 的需求的層次

Peak experience

自我實現Self actualization

唯美的追求 對稱順序美Carving fro beauty

認知的需求 知識 理解 神奇性To acquire knowledge

尊敬的需求 能力 認同 賞識To seek appreciation and recognition

隸屬性與愛的需求 關聯性 接納 隸屬性Identification and acceptance

安全的需求 舒適 安全 免於恐懼的自由 Security and comfort

生理的需求 水 氧氣 食物 Basic stuff: water,air, food, sunshine

在低層次需求被滿足後, 我們會努力追求高層次的需求When lower need satisfied, we then proceed to higher needs (如自尊或藝術成就)

留芳百世 遺臭萬年To leave a legacy

學習成長To learn and develop

愛與關懷 To love

To live

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認識生命的本質 To know real life

An Impression of a Tour to Mainland I 99 X 99 cm 1997

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要活着就得盡快適應Survival for the fittest

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逆境(生命事故)引致的心理反應Psychological response to adversity

WK0 WK26 months

面對與接受: 妥協、接受、徵狀消失、新






PTSD 抑鬱症 焦慮症 失眠 輕生 精神緊張


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要活着就得盡快適應Survival for the fittest

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我們如何面對轉變?How we face changes?


面對突變的心路1. 否認: , 爭扎與


2. 複雜而激烈的情緒湧現:感到前景不狗、沮喪、憤怒、內疚、埋怨他人、抱怨命運等

3. 面對與接受: 妥協、接受、徵狀消失、新平衝出規

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危機五步曲 Five steps in crisis

1. 否認 Denial

2. 隱瞞 Containment

3. 謠言四起互相指責Shame-mongering

4. 血流成河屍橫遍野Blood on the floor

5. 達致團結解決問題Crises get fixed, life

goes on

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接受轉變不逃避To accept

現實殘酷 Cruel reality

不願面對挫敗傾向 Not willing to face being defeated

盡快接受事實, 跑不了 Yet cannot escape

只有盡快面對才能克服 You have to face to overcome

or to get used to it

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什麼叫抗逆能力 What is resilience?

在逆境、悲劇、威嚇、和極大壓力下適應得好 The process of adapting well in adversity,

trauma, tragedy, threats or significant

stress like family and health problems,

workplace or financial stresses

從谷底反彈 Bouncing back


經歷一定的情緒困擾 Emotional pain and

sadness are common

生為、思想、態度和行動因而改變:成長Behaviours, thoughts, attitude and action

that can be learned and developed in


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增強抗逆力的因素factors enhance resilience

關愛與支持 Caring and supportive relationship within and outside family

愛與信任 Love and trust

典範依循 Role models

鼓勵與肯定 Encouragement and reassurance

作出現實的計劃並將之變作事實 Able to make realistic plans and take steps to carry them out

肯定自己的能力 Positive view of the ourselves and be confident in our strengths and abilities

溝通與解難技巧 Skills in communication and problem solving

管理激動的情緒 Able to manage strong feelings and emotions

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盡快回到生活常軌Back to usual life

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維持家庭及社交聯繫Make connection with family members and friends



同學 朋友





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不要單打獨鬥 Make connections

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管理激動的情緒Managed your emotions

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別視危機為不可逆轉Do not see crises as insurmountable

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讓事情在正確位置Keep things in perspective

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接受變幻為人生常理Accept changes as part of living

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靈活有彈性 Be flexible




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調整期望 Fine tune your expectation



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看遠(濶)些 Look far and wide

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星空之下我們是何等渺小 We are nothing in the universe

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艱難與痛苦讓你成長 Look for

opportunities for self discovery and grow








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幽默感 Humour







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保持正向:珍借手裏仍然握着的東西Maintain a hopeful outlook

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肯定自己的能力、接受自己的弱點Nurture a positive view of yourself

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意志堅定向目標邁進Move towards your goal

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當机立断別指望問題悄然而去Take decisive actions

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從昔日找靈感Recall past experience

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讓自己在危難中成長:上天不會讓你白捱Allow yourself to grow up

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好好照顧自己Take good care of your self

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謙遜得救Humble saves

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積極準備逆境到來 Be prepared




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從昔日找靈感Learning from past experiences

What events make me feel most stressful?

How I was affected and how I deal with it?

Do significant people in my life inspire me?

To whom can I reached out for help?

What have I learned about myself and my

relationship with others during difficult


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有彈性Be flexible

Flexibility enhance adaptability and survival

A balanced life also help

Courage to let go emotions, step forward to take action

Step back to rest and re-vitalized ourselves

Stay with love ones

Trust ourselves and trust others

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抗逆十八式1. 面對現實 To face

2. 盡快回到生活常軌 Back to normal tract

3. 不要單打獨鬥 Don’t withdrawn yourself

4. 維持家庭及社交聯繫 Be connectd

5. 管理激動的情緒 Manage your emotion

6. 別視危機為不可逆轉Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems

7. 讓事情在正確位置 Keep things in perspective

8. 接受變幻為人生常理Accept change is part of living

9. 向目標邁進Move towards our goals

10. 當機立斷Take decisive actions and do not expect the problem would go away by itself

11. 掌握發現自己的契機Look for opportunities for self discovery

12. 保持正向 Be optimistic

13. 相信自己相信別人trust yourself and others

14. 保持樂觀與希望 Be optimistic and maintain hope

15. 好好照顧自己 Take good care of yourself

16. 從昔日找靈感靈感 Learning from past experiences

17. 有彈性易適應 Be flexible

18. 謙卑與求助 Be humble and seek help

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激流飄筏Live (resilience) is

raftingThere are rapids, turns, slow water, shallows and quarrels among team members…

Changes experienced affecting us

Knowledge and past experience helps

A plan or strategy or a coach guides us

Perseverance and trust are important

Courage and insight gained while navigating

Trusted companions needed for the rapids, upstream currents and other difficult stretches

Take a rest by the side of the river yet need to get back to the raft and continue