Неля Биць Практичні завдання з іноземної мови за ...

Міністерство освіти і науки України Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка Педагогічний коледж Циклова комісія викладачів української мови, методики навчання, дитячої літератури, діловодства та іноземних мов Неля Биць Практичні завдання з іноземної мови за професійним спрямуванням для студентів спеціальності “Початкова освіта” Львів 2019

Transcript of Неля Биць Практичні завдання з іноземної мови за ...

Page 1: Неля Биць Практичні завдання з іноземної мови за ...

Міністерство освіти і науки України

Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка

Педагогічний коледж

Циклова комісія викладачів

української мови, методики

навчання, дитячої літератури,

діловодства та іноземних мов

Неля Биць

Практичні завдання з іноземної мови

за професійним спрямуванням

для студентів спеціальності “Початкова освіта”

Львів 2019

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Міністерство освіти і науки України

Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка

Педагогічний коледж

Циклова комісія викладачів

української мови, методики

навчання, дитячої літератури,

діловодства та іноземних мов

Неля Биць

Практичні завдання з іноземної мови

за професійним спрямуванням

для студентів спеціальності “Початкова освіта”

Львів 2019

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Розглянуто на засіданні циклової комісії викладачів української

мови, методики навчання, дитячої літератури, діловодства та

іноземних мов (протокол №1 від 27.08. 2019 р.)

Схвалено Методичною радою Педагогічного коледжу

Львівського національного університету імені Івана Франка (протокол

№4 від 10.12.2019р.)

Биць Н. М. Практичні завдання з іноземної мови за професійним

спрямуванням для студентів спеціальності “Початкова освіта” /

Н.М.Биць. – Львів, 2019.

Методична розробка включає практичні завдання з англійської

мови різного рівня складності, що відповідають темам змістових

модулів програми з іноземної мови за професійним спрямуванням для

студентів спеціальності 013 «Початкова освіта».

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1. Передмова

2.Тексти професійного спрямування із завданнями

2.1 Освіта та методи навчання

2.2 Навчання в школі

2.3 Навчання в коледжі

2.4 Професія вчителя

2.5 Освіта в Україні

2.6 Освіта у Великій Британії

3. Тексти для домашнього читання

4. Термінологічний словник

5. Література












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Методична розробка призначена для студентів Педагогічного

коледжу, які навчаються за спеціальністю 013 “Початкова освіта”.

Метою викладання навчальної дисципліни “Іноземна мова за

професійним спрямуванням” є формування у студентів

комунікативної компетенції в сферах професійного та ситуативного

спілкування в усній і письмовій формах та набуття навичок

практичного володіння іноземною мовою в різних видах мовленнєвої

діяльності в обсязі тематики, обумовленої професійними потребами;

отримання новітньої фахової інформації з допомогою іноземних

джерел; користування усним монологічним та діалогічним мовленням

у межах побутової, суспільно-політичної, загальнонаукової та фахової

тематики; перекладу з іноземної мови на рідну текстів наукового

характеру; реферування та анотування суспільно-політичної та

загальнонаукової літератури рідною та іноземною мовами. Володіння

іноземною мовою професійного спрямування дає можливість

майбутнім фахівцям брати участь у міжнародних проектах,

обмінюватись інформацією та досвідом із зарубіжними колегами,

налагоджувати необхідні контакти міжнародного рівня.

Для кращого засвоєння студентами навчального матеріалу та

термінологічної лексики іноземною мовою, викладач використовує

різноманітні форми та методи роботи протягом заняття. До них

належать: опрацювання професійних автентичних текстів, виконання

системи вправ, засвоєння професійної термінології, висловлення

власних думок засобами іноземної мови.

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Основну частину посібника складають англомовні тексти

професійного спрямування із завданнями, вкінці подано тексти для

домашнього читання, а також найважливіші педагогічні терміни

англійською мовою викладені в алфавітному порядку з українським


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2.1 Education and Methods of Teaching


Education plays a very important role in our life. It is one of the most

valuable possessions a man can get in his life. During all the periods of

human history education ranked high among people. Human progress

mostly depended upon well-educated people. Self-education is very

important for the development of human’s talents. Only through self-

education a person can become a harmonically developed personality. A

person becomes a highly qualified specialist after getting some special

education. And professionalism can be reached only through it. Even

highly qualified specialists from time to time attend refresher courses to

refresh their knowledge. Many famous discoveries would have been

impossible if people were not interested in learning something.

Education develops different sides of human personality, reveals his

abilities. Besides, it helps a person to understand himself, to choose the

right way in this world. The civilized state differs from others in the fact

that it pays much attention to the educational policy. John Kennedy said:

“Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education”.

But it doesn’t concern only one particular nation. We know that science

and art belong to the whole world. Before them the barriers of nationality

disappear. So education brings people closer to each other, helps them to

understand each other better. Education is about teaching and learning

skills and knowledge. Education also means helping people to learn how to

do things encouraging them to think about what they learn. It is also

important for educators to teach ways to find and use information.

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Through education, the knowledge of society, country, and of the

world is passed on from generation to generation. In democracies, through

education, children and adults are supposed to learn how to be active and

effective citizens. More specific, education helps and guide individuals to

transform from one class to another.

There are different methods of categorizing types of education. One

way is to divide it into formal education, non-formal education, and

informal education.

Answer the questions on the text:

1. Why is education important in our life? Give at least 3 reasons.

2. What types of education are mentioned in the text? Describe each

of them.

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Teaching Methods

Read the following text. For each paragraph choose the correct heading.


The primary teaching classroom stands out as a very dynamic

environment where students from different backgrounds with varying

abilities and personalities are brought together. It is thus important to be an

effective teacher who can implement the creative and innovative teaching

strategies in order to meet the individual needs of the students. Whether

you have been in the teaching profession for two months or twenty years,

knowing the right teaching method to choose that will work best for the

students is far from an easy task. You may find the job a little easier if you

have taken a course for primary school teachers.

A teacher cannot be expected to enjoy the benefits of a one-size-fits-all

solution. In that regard, here is a look at a range of effective teaching

strategies that can be used for inspiring the classroom while on a primary



Active listening can be used as a teaching method to assist the children who

may lack the verbal skills necessary to express themselves fully. Active

listening is in many ways similar to play-by-play sportscasting where

teachers describe activities and behaviours to the children while performing

the action. Active listening techniques taught during every primary teacher

training program also help at the moment of exchange between students

when feeling remain improperly expressed. Not only is active listening of

big assistance in helping to resolve classroom conflicts, it also provides an

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aid to teachers by streaming directions and information to the primary


3. _________________________________________________________

Offering positive feedback is one way a primary educator can help educate

and guide the students. Constructive feedback offers direct praise for a job

well done. By incorporating this method into the classroom, teacher

acknowledge the children when they are carrying out some task or

following directions. It also gives encouragement to other children to

follow the lead of the child who has just received praise. Praising a child

for good behaviour has a far better impact than punishing a student who is

having a hard time following the rules.


Children exhibit a sense of trust and interest in each other – this can be a

focus area for teachers as a prospective method of teaching. Peer teaching

provides encouragement to the children to help each other and also to work

together. If one child is excelling in an area where another child is

experiencing difficulty then by teaming the two together in a joint project,

they will be encouraged to learn from one another. Peer teaching as a

primary teacher can also help in individual projects that can be presented to

the peers.


Working together often gives encouragement to learning and community

building among the children. Creating classroom lists or job charts is a

means of listing and tracking the daily duties that need completion. The

student of primary school should be allowed to select who is in charge for

the day and who gets to complete specific tasks mentioned on the slit.

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Working together provides encouragement to classroom harmony and

allows the children to take turns in terms of being in charge of a task. This

further enables development of self-esteem and encourages



Having in place an effective behavior management strategy is crucial in

primary teaching for gaining the respect of the students and ensuring that

they have an equal chance of reaching their full potential. Noisy, disruptive

classroom do not provide encouragement for a productive learning

environment so, developing an atmosphere of mutual respect through a

combination of reward and discipline can prove beneficial for both the

teacher and the students.

Some of the ideas that can be put in place are fun and interactive reward

charts for the younger students where they can move up or down based on

their behavior while the top students earn a prize at the end of the week.

7. ________________________________________________________

A key aspect often highlighted as part of a course for primary school

teachers is to keep oneself abreast of the developments in the field. While

many of the aspects of primary teaching are largely focused on teacher-to-

student interactions, the educators can make use of professional

development tools and outside learning options for their personal

knowledge development. By staying updated on the trends and ideas in

primary education, teachers can introduce these new ideas and teaching

methods into the classroom for more effective communication of their

instructions thus helping to make learning more constructive in the


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It can be a challenge to prove oneself as an effective primary teacher

because every student is unique. However, with the right combination of

teaching strategies their varying learning styles and academic capabilities

can be addressed while also making the classroom a dynamic and

motivational environment for the students to thrive in.

A. Constructive Feedback

B. Active Listening is the Most Important Skill for Primary


C. The Best Teaching Methods for Primary Teaching

D. Task Lists

E. Behaviour Management

F. Staying Educated

G. Peer Teaching

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2.2 Studying at School

1. Choose the correct words to make compound nouns with the words in


1. a head

2. a staff

3. a play

4. a science

5. a sports

6. a playing

7. a notice

8. a play

b. sports

b. text

b. school

b. head

b. notice

b. play

b. head

b. time

c. time

c. table

c. notice

c. playing

c. time

c. text

c. time

c. school









2. Read the riddles below. Which person, place or object in Ex1. they are


1. It’s wide and long, outside and green. It’s here that football matches are

seen. ______________________________________________________

2. What time is maths? When’s PE? We read this to know where we should

be. ___________________________________________________

3. Potassium, magnesium, burning hot. Wear a white coat when you’re in

this spot. ____________________________________________________

4. It’s a big indoor space where we jump and run. Playing basketball here

can be lots of fun. _____________________________________________

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5. She’s the most important person in our school. She may be kind, but

don’t break the


Fill in the text with the words given below Words: atmosphere,

computers, canteen, facilities, library, results.

School Facilities

School ______________________ can be defined as those things

that enable the teacher to do his/her work very well and help the students

to learn effectively. These are, first of all, the school accommodation:

classrooms for studying; an assembly hall for meetings, concerts and

school performances; a gym for doing sport. Some schools have a

swimming pool, sports grounds. To create positive and comfortable

_______________________ for studying the classrooms must be light and

spacious. Studies have found that noisy, artificially lit, hot and poorly

ventilated classrooms can lead to poor education


In each school there are classrooms for different subjects: English,

History, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology Literature

etc. Most of them are well-furnished, containing a blackboard and all the

materials and supplies necessary for studying.

___________________ is also a very important part of any school

as it provides the pupils with free textbooks, fiction and non-fiction books.

The library resources can be borrowed for a few weeks, which help the

pupils to prepare for their lessons and develop reading skills.

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Nowadays one of the most essential classrooms in any school is a

well-equipped IT centre. As _______________________ have become an

integral part of our lives, it is vital to give the children the basics of

computer studies at modern PCs.

Besides one cannot imagine a school without

a____________________ , a place where both the pupils and the teachers

can have a snack or a proper meal (lunch or dinner). At present day

Ukraine a lot of attention is paid to the school diets.

In conclusion, the school environment, its quality and facilities have

a powerful impact on the overall learning and performance of students.

They affect students’ health, behavior, engagement, studying, and growth

in achievement.

Give the translation of the following words:

Essential School Items and Equipment

book, textbook –

pen, pencil –

pencil-sharpener –

pencil–case –

school bag -

rubber, eraser –

ruler –

chalk –

blackboard (whiteboard) –

whiteboard marker -

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glue –

scissors –

bookshelf –

bookcase –

an overhead projector –

modeling clay –

cardboard –

watecolour paints –

brush –

office file –

strip file –

desk -

coloured pencils, paper –

a pair of compasses -

School Uniforms

Divide the following arguments for and against the school uniform


feel part of school community

better discipline

boring to wear the same every day

cheaper than fashionable clothes

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School Exams

1. Match 1-4 to a-d

1 Although school exams can be very stressful for some students,

2 . Some people argue that exams only test what we can remember,

not what we know.

3 On the one hand, exams are a good way to compare students'


4 Exams are unfair for people who don't work well under pressure,

a but they are the only practical way to test students.

b they are the fairest and most equal way of testing everybody.

c On the other hand, it is fairer to test students on their everyday


d However, I think they test our knowledge and our ability to express

ourselves clearly.

2. Choose the correct linking words or phrases

1. Although / However exams are unpopular, they are necessary.

2. I don’t like exams, but / on the one hand I can’t think of a better

way of testing students.

3. Some exams are practical and useful. However, / Although, I

don’t think we should have so many of them.

4. On the one hand, / However, exams help to develop our ability to

work under pressure. On the other hand, some people do badly in exams

because they get very nervous.

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Speaking. Imagine you are teachers at a new school and you have

decided to introduce fines for bad behavior. Look at the list of ‘crimes’

and agree on a fine for each one. The minimum fine is 10 euros. The

maximum fine is 500 euros. Then compare your ideas.

being late, cheating, bullying, fighting, swearing, truancy, using a mobile

phone in class, forgetting homework, vandalism.


forgetting homework


€ 10

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2.3 Studying at College

1. SPEAKING. Work in pairs. Read the sentences and decide if they

are true for you. Then compare your answers with a partner.

1. I study well at college, so I can pass my final exams successfully.

2. My parents think studying at college is important.

3. I like college because I’ve got a lot of friends here.

4 My parents pay for my books and lessons.

5 I'd like to be a teacher when I graduate from college.

6 Studying at college is the most important thing in my life at the


2. Read about exams in different countries. Match the names 1 -4 to

sentence A -E. There is one sentence that you do not need.

Jane 1_______________

Peter 2_______________

Alice 3_______________

Joe 4 _______________

A Exams in this country determine what a student can study at


B Exams in this country are so long that some students fall asleep

before they finish.

C Exams in this country are so important that they affect everybody

in the country.

D Exams in this country are not the only important thing for getting a

university place.

E Exams in this country don't make up all of a student’s final mark.

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Jane 1

In my соuntrу, students take an exam called 'The College Scholastic

Ability Test' when they finish school. This is the most important ехаm in

your life because the results decide if you саn go to university оr not.

Everything stops оn the day of the ехаm which is always the second

Thursday of November. Teams of volunteers and special police units сlеаr

the traffic so that students can get to the ехаm and companies change their

working hours, so that employees travel to work after the students have

started the ехаm. Exam time is extremely stressful, as you саn imagine.

Peter 2

In my country, we have exams about twice а year оnсе we get to

secondary school - in the winter and in the summer. Sometimes, the work

you do in class is also included in the final mark, which takes the pressure

off а bit. Students take GCSE exams when they are sixteen and there аrе

lots of different subjects to choose from. When they аrе eighteen, they take

A-levels. The ‘A’ stands for ‘Advanced’. Students usually do A-levels in

three оr four subjects that are related to what they want to study at


Alice 3

In mу country, we do exams in every subject all through the уеаr, and

the results соmе out at the end of every term. You get mоrе than оnе

сhаnсе to pass each subject, which is good. If you fail mоrе than thrее

subjects, you have to repeat the year. Students who want to go to university

have to pass all thеir subjects in the school exams, and then take а

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university еntrаnсе exam. Their final mаrk decides which subject they can

study at university. One of the most difficult соursеs to get onto is

medicine, so you nееd а really high mark if you want to study that.

Joe 4

In my country, most of the school exams аrе multiple choice tests.

These are ехаms that ask а question and give four possible аnswеrs to

choose from. We also have to write essays for some of the exams, but nоt

for all of them. To get into university, you have to do the SAT еntrаnсе

test. 'SAT' stands for 'School Aptitude Test’ but it isn't оnlу your exam

results that саn get you а place. Students also need to show that they have

other skills, such as bеing good leaders оr playing а sport very well.

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2.4 Profession of a Teacher

Fill in the text with the words given below

Words: difficult, personality, profession, parties, children,

appearance, methods.

The Profession of a Primary School Teacher

There are a lot of interesting and useful professions nowadays. As for

me, I am studying at Pedagogical College of Ivan Franko Lviv National

University. My specialty is a primary school teacher. To teach and to bring

up ____________________ is a complicated and noble thing but it

demands a lot of effort from anyone. Everything that we learn has come

from a teacher of some form, whether that teacher is our parent or someone

who stands in front of us in class every day.

I think the _________________ of a primary school teacher is one of

the most important as she/he is the first person who teaches the children to

read, write, count, draw and many other things. The

_____________________ and skills of the primary teacher influence not

only the knowledge of small children but also their wish to study in

general. So, to my mind the elementary school teacher should be

intelligent, well-educated person who knows the methods of teaching of the

primary school subjects properly. Besides she or he should be

communicative, patient, kind and tolerant. All children are different with

their own characters and abilities and the task of a primary school teacher is

to find approach to each child. Teacher’s calm and neat

__________________ helps the children to tune up to a working mood. A

good teacher should understand and motivate her/his pupils for better

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results in studying. She /he is to be able to organize and discipline the

children. One more crucial thing for teachers in our fast-moving world is

professional development, learning new teaching _____________ and


For elementary school teacher the working day is not over with the

school bell, as there are a lot of copy-books to be checked and lessons plans

to be written. There is also practice in many schools to organize school

_______________________ and the preparation to them takes a lot of time

and effort as well.

So the profession of a teacher is _________________ and stressful

one, but the kids’ smiles, their achievements both in studying and in life is

the best praise and reward for any teacher.

I love children and enjoy my studying at college, so I hope I'll be a

good teacher who gives the young minds profound knowledge and teaches

them to be real humans.

Learn the words:

complicated – складний

noble – благородний

demand – вимагати

influence – вплив

find approach – знайти підхід

to tune up to a working mood –

налаштуватись на робочий лад

crucial – важливий

Answer the questions on the text:

1. Why is the profession of a primary school teacher important?

2. What traits of character are necessary for a good teacher?

3. What is a crucial thing for teachers in our fast-moving world?

4. What extra work beside giving lessons does the teacher do?

5. Name some of the pleasant moments of teaching profession.

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The World’s Youngest Head Teacher

Learn the words:

afford – дозволити собі

only chance – єдиний шанс

promise – обіцяти

fee – плата за навчання

difficult decision – важке рішення

raise money – збирати гроші

hungry to learn – спраглий до знань

2. READING. Read the text and answer the questions after it:

It's two o'clock and sixteen-year-old Babar Ali has just got back from

school in West Bengal. It's been a long day, but he isn't going to relax or

play with his friends. What is he going to do? He's going to teach the

children from his village what he learned today. Babar Ali has got his own

school - he's the world's youngest head teacher.

Babar Ali started teaching when he was nine years old. At first, he

taught friends as a game, but then he decided to do it seriously and help

poor children in his village. There are other schools outside the village, but

Babar Ali's school is different because it’s free. It also gives students free

books. Ali thinks that children won't go to a school which has fee because

their parents can't afford it. His school is their only chance to have an

education. I promise I'll help them learn he says.

It's 2.15 p.m. and children are arriving at the school, but there are big

black clouds in the sky. It's going to rain and the classrooms are outside.

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Ali looks at the clouds and makes a difficult decision. We'll close the

school today, he says, but he has a plan. He's going to raise money for a

new building so the school can stay open all the time.

The rain starts and the children run home. Will they come back

tomorrow? Of course they will. They're hungry to learn and they want a

better future. That's what Babar Ali wants, too.

1. How old was Ali when he started teaching?

2. Why is his school different?

3. Why did Ali decide to abolish classes that day?

4. What is he raising money for?

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Read the text below. For questions (1-10) choose the correct answer

(A, B, C or D).

Teacher is a Nation Builder

The important responsibility of child’s future is in the golden hands

of teacher, so the character of the teacher is (1)______________________

the growing personality of students and must possess all the good qualities

(2) _______________________ patience, sense of humour, subject

knowledge, discipline etc. to become the ideal of his/her students.

Of course different people value different aspects of a good teacher.

As to myself, (3) _____________________________ passionate in work

and inspiring others are the most important qualities of a good teacher.

Good teachers should be those that bring hopes to their students. They

encourage and motivate their students (4) _______________________ on

their own, act on their own and take adventures. As a result, they usually

(5) __________________________ the best in their students.

In my opinion, a sense of humour is one of (6)

__________________________things to make a good teacher. If a teacher

just (7) ___________________________yelling or shouting at students,

it’s a bad idea to make children (8) ____________________________.

Instead of that, why we (9) ______________________________ wit and

humour to keep the temper in check and act calmly in such situations,

explain the topic in a varied way to make the student laugh and feel

attracted. Also, a good sense of humour is the best tool to help students

(10) __________________ and concentrate on the things the teacher

taught. Thanks to this way, maybe the students can respect you as a good

leader and laugh with you as a good friend.

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to keep the temper in check – стримати роздратування

be aware of – знати

1 A. influential B. most


C. the more


D. more


2 A. as B. as if C. like D. likes

3 A. be B. being C. to be D. to have been

4 A. think B. thinking C. to think D. to be thinking

5 A. see B. watch C. stare D. buy

6 A. most


B. much


C. the more


D. the most


7 A. feel like B. feels like C. feeling like D. to feel like

8 A. to obey B. to be obeying C. obey D. have obeyed

9 A. don’t use B. not use C. not to use D. don’t be


10 A. being aware B. is aware C. have been


D. be aware

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2.5 Education in Ukraine

1. Complete the text with the words given below:

elective exams primary extensive kindergarten

subjects alphabet specialized private upper

Education in Ukraine

Pre-school years

In Ukraine most parents send their children to

_______________________ or nursery school at the age of three. Between

the ages of three and six children develop social skills and learn to get on

and play with each other. They also take their first steps in literacy and

numeracy and are taught to count and to read letters of the Ukrainian

________________________. They have lessons in art and craft and

sometimes English.

Compulsory education

Compulsory education in Ukraine begins at the age of six when

children start ____________________________ school (grades 1-4). Then

at the age of ten they go to basic or lower secondary school (grades 5-9)

where they study until they are fifteen. Education is compulsory up to the

end of grade 9. After this students can either continue their studies in

_________________________ secondary school (grades 10-11) or leave

school and go to college or a vocational school.

Core curriculum

Ukrainian students have a wide choice of __________________ . They

study literature, mathematics, history, science, information technology, art,

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music and foreign languages. Most students start learning a foreign

language – usually English, German or French – when they are in grade 1.

Students who go to ____________________ language schools learn a

foreign language from the first year of school.

Finishing school

Students in senior grades usually take _______________________

courses in addition to their compulsory subjects. These are intended to

prepare them for their future studies and to help them decide which

profession to choose. After finishing grade 11 of upper secondary school,

students can go into higher education. All applicants must take

________________ called the National Independent Testing. The exams

test students knowledge of core school subjects at the end of their school


Types of schools

There are more than 20.000 schools in Ukraine and 95% of them are

state schools. The other 5% of Ukrainian schools are

____________________ schools where parents pay for their childfrn’s

education. There are now more and more different types of schools such as

gymnasiums, lyceums and specialized schools which offer

__________________ learning in particular subjects, for example foreign

languages, information technology, maths, law or art. In these schools

students have access to interesting new subjects in addition to more

traditional ones.

Extra-curricular activities

School isn’t just about hard work. It’s also about making friends and

having fun. Some of the best learning experiences come from going on

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school trips and taking part in extra-curricular activities. There are clubs

and activities covering a range of interests from literature to environmental

issues and science. Students can choose to do sport, join an art or drama

club, have dance lessons or learn handicrafts such as embroidery, sewing or

knitting. There is indeed something for everybody!

Read the text again. Answer the questions

1. What skills do children develop in kindergarten?

2. What can students do after grade 9?

3. When do most students start to learn a foreign language?

4. Who can take elective courses?

5. How many schools are there in Ukraine?

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2.6 Education in Great Britain

Read the text and answer the questions after it:

Education in Great Britain

Education in Britain is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16 (4

and 16 in Northern Ireland).

Primary education includes three age ranges: nursery for children

under 5 years, infants from 5 to 7, and juniors from 7 to 11 years old.

About half the children under the age of 5 receive nursery education, and

many other children attend pre-school playgrounds mostly organized by


Compulsory primary education begins at the age of 5 in England,

Wales and Scotland, and 4 in Northern Ireland. Children usually start their

school career in an infant school and move to a junior school or department

at the age of 7.

The subjects in the National Curriculum include English,

mathematics and science, history, geography, music, art and physical

education. Religious education is available in all schools, although parents

have the right to withdraw their children from such classes.

Secondary schools are generally much larger than primary schools. A

small number of students attend fee-paying private, or ‘independent’

schools. The large majority of schools teach both boys and girls together.

The school year in England and Wales normally begins in September and

continues into the following July.

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At 7 and 11 years old, and then at 14 and 16 at secondary school,

teachers measure children’s progress in each subject. Parents receive

regular information about the way their child is progressing.

The main school examination, the General Certificate of secondary

education examination (GCSE) is taken in England, Wales and Northern

Ireland at around the age of 16. If pupils are successful, they can continue

to more advanced education or training. Many study for ‘A’ (Advanced)

and ‘AS’ (Advanced Supplementary) level qualifications. These are two-

year courses in single subjects. Students usually take two or three subjects

which may be combined with one or two ‘AS’ courses, which are offered

by both schools and colleges. These exams are the main standard for

university entry and for many forms of professional training.

There is also a Certificate of Pre-Vocational Education (CPVE) for

those staying at school for a year after the age of 16; this provides a

preparation for work or vocational courses.

Answer the questions:

1. What is the compulsory schooling age in different parts of Great Britain?

2. What can you say about religious education in the UK?

3. What other schools besides comprehensive give (provide) secondary


4. How long does the school year last in Britain?

5. When do teachers measure children’s progress in each subject?

6. What is the main school examination and when is it taken?

7. What are ‘A’ and ‘AS’ level qualifications?

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Read the article and choose the correct answers to the questions after it

Summerhill School

Imagine a school...

Where kids have freedom to be themselves...

Where you can play all day if you want to...

And there is time and space to sit and dream ...

... could there be such a school'

If you travel about 140 kilometres north of London to England's east

coast, you’ll find a very unusual school. It’s a boarding school in a large

nineteenth- century building, where children, teachers and other members

of staff live, eat and study together Its name is ‘Summerhill’. There are

about a hundred students at the school, aged between five and eighteen, and

the school has its own library, theatre, sports hall and playing fields. What

makes the school different, however, is the way it treats* its students.

Summerhill is a free school. If you go there, you have the right to choose

when you attend classes, the right to vote on school rules, and the right to

take exams.... but only if you want to. If you prefer going for a walk in the

countryside instead of going to maths, that’s OK. Nobody is going to

punish you.

This may sound like a new and revolutionary idea for a school but,

actually, Summerhill first opened in the 1920s and describes itself as the

oldest and most famous free school in the world. Back in the 1920s, society

believed that children were immature and irresponsible and that the only

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way to educate them was to be strict. Children had to wear uniforms, be

silent and never ask questions. Schools regularly used corporal

punishment when pupils broke the school rules, and there were so many

rules that it was difficult not to get into trouble. In contrast, A.S. Neill, the

man who started Summerhill, wanted a school where children were free to

make their own decisions and to give their opinions. His philosophy was

that if you’re responsible for what you say and what you do, you’ll make

decisions that are good for you and for other people. He believed that all

crimes and all wars only happened because people were unhappy, so he

created a school where students were free to be happy.

Nowadays, the rules in state secondary schools aren’t as strict as

they were a hundred years ago, but the pressure on students to work hard

and do well is perhaps greater than before. In the future, there will probably

be more tests and exams in state schools, but not at Summerhill. Students

there will be free to discuss ideas, write stories, play games and act in

plays. In this way, these young people will develop their imaginations and

their personalities.

Interestingly, however, some things are going to change soon at

Summerhill. A. S. Neill died in 1973, and his daughter, Zoe Neill

Readhead, is the head teacher today. In a recent book, she wrote that the

school is going to introduce more discipline because young people today

are spoiled. Modern parents spend a lot of time with their children - they

take them to interesting places, they organize things for them to do, and

they buy them lots of presents. In Ms Readhead's opinion, this isn't always

a good thing. When these young people get to Summerhill, they don’t

know how to do things by themselves, and they are too selfish to

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understand how other young people feel. They need to learn to be free from

having their lives organized by adults. Summerhill continues to be a school

that believes young people should live their own lives, not the lives that

their parents and teachers think they should have.

1. Choose the correct answers:

1. Which of the following statements about Summerhill School is not


a It’s by the sea or not far from the seaside.

b. It’s possible to have meals at the school.

c. The school building is modern and unusual.

d. Both teachers and students stay at the school.

2. According to the text, which one of the following ‘rights’ do

children at Summerhill have?

a They can choose their teachers.

b. They can choose not to do any exams.

c. They can have classes outside if they want.

d. They can vote for their favourite classes.

3. According to the text, what was typical about schools in the 1920s?

a There were a lot of free schools during that period.

b. Teachers weren’t sure how to educate children.

c. It was unusual to wear school uniforms at the time.

d. Children couldn’t speak during their lessons.

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4. In what way are modern state schools different from Summerhill


a Their students spend more time discussing ideas than at


b. They don’t expect their students to do as well in exams as


c. Their children certainly won’t work as hard as Summerhill’s.

d. Their students are under a lot more pressure to do well in exams.

5. What is going to change at Summerhill soon?

a. There’s going to be a new head teacher.

b. They are going to release a book about the school.

c. The school is going to start being stricter with its students.

d. They are going to encourage parents to do more with their children.

6. What is the best way to describe the ‘philosophy’ of Summerhill


a Young people need loving, kind, helpful parents.

b. They need adults to give them a good example.

c. They need the freedom to learn by themselves.

d. They need to have lots of interesting things to do.

2. Match the highlighted words in the article to definitions 1-8

1. a school where the students live and sleep

2. the people who work in a school or an office

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3. schools for students aged between eleven and eighteen, which you

don’t have to pay for

4. go to and be present at

5. having very strong rules

6. hitting people with something to punish them

7. a word used to describe children who are not nice because their

parents give them everything they want

8. to show your view or opinion in a meeting or an election

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in exercise 2

Britain’s School System

In 1918, the British government opened a lot of new

_________________________________ for children aged between eleven

and fourteen. They were day schools, not _________________________,

and children had to _______________________ them for three years. At

fourteen, they could get a job. Teachers and other __________________ at

the schools were very ________________________, and the head teacher

often used _________________________________________ when there

was bad behaviuor – he often hit the children. In 1944, politicians

_________________ for a new law – they raised the school leaving age to

fifteen. Children in those days certainly weren’t ____________________!

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Texts for Homereading

Text 1


English children must go to schools when they are five. First they go

to infant schools where they learn first steps in reading, writing and using

numbers. The curriculum for “strong" and “weak" groups is different.

When children leave the infant school, at the age of seven, they go to

junior schools. Their school subjects are English, Mathematics, History,

Geography, Nature Study, Swimming, Music, Art, Religious Instruction

and Organized Games.

When children come to the junior school for the first time, they are

divided into three “streams” — A, B and C — on the basis of their infant

school marks or sometimes after a special test. The brightest children go to

the A stream and the least gifted to the C stream.

In primary schools pupils are mostly taught by a class teacher who

teaches all subjects. Methods of teaching vary, but there is a balance

between formal lessons with the teacher at the front of the classroom and

activities in which children work in small groups round a table with a

teacher supervising.

The junior classroom often looks like a workshop, especially when

the pupils are working in groups making models or doing other practical


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Text 2


Formerly, at the age of eleven children went to a grammar school or

secondary modern school. At present, the state school system has changed

at the secondary school level to provide, in place of grammar and

secondary modern schools, a single comprehensive school system, where

children, at every age, find their own level according to ability. Formerly,

children took an exam at the end of their primary education. Then they

continued their education at secondary modern or grammar schools. At

secondary moderns pupils received a more practical education. At grammar

schools the emphasis was academic.

Now about 90 % of all secondary schools are comprehensive. Pupils go

there automatically, regardless of intelligence. However, some

comprehensive schools do not have the full range of academic courses for

six-formers. Pupils can go either to a grammar school or to a six- form

college to get the courses they want.

Beside the state system, there is a private education system. Private

schools charge fees for education. Many private schools are also boarding

schools, at which pupils live during the term time.

Since 1988, most sixteen-year-olds have taken the General Certificate of

Secondary Education (GCSE) in live, ten or even fifteen subjects.

The exams are taken as individual subjects, so a pupil may take as many

subjects as ability and time permit, and success or failure in one subject

will not influence another.

Pupils going on to higher education or professional training usually take

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“A level” examinations in two or three subjects. These require two more

years of study after GCSE either in the sixth form of a secondary school or

in a separate sixth form college. Other pupils may choose vocational

subjects such as tourism, secretarial and building skills. Subsidized courses

in these subjects are run at colleges of further education.

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Text 3


In our country the school begins on September 1. Children who have

turned six or seven are eligible for admission. For registration the parents

must submit the child’s birth certificate and a medical certificate.

September 1 is a always a solemn occasion. Children come to school

with flowers. The school principal and representatives of state and public

organizations greet the pupils. Senior pupils take the 1st formers to their

first lesson.

Usually classes are held in the first half of the day. The lessons are

45 minutes long followed by a 10-minute interval, with a 30-minute lunch

break usually after the third lesson.

In the afternoon there are extracurricular activities that the pupils can

take part in if they so desire. Teachers help the pupils to determine their

interests. Teachers, parents and specialists from industrial and other

enterprises and organizations run different circles, studios and clubs.

Prolonged day groups are organized for youngsters in the lower

classes to be looked after while their parents are at work. They have their

dinner, outdoor recreation, do their homework, play indoor games and

read. Each age group has its own educator who is with them until 5 or 6 p.

m. when most parents return home from work.

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Text 4


The school and the family combine their efforts to rear the growing


The family is the first and the principal educator for it gives the child

its first insight into the world. The child begins schools with a certain

amount of knowledge, habits, a definite character. Then the parents share

their role of educators with the teacher.

In the family the child makes its first contacts with the dearest to

him. Long before the child develops a conscious perception of the world

he/ she develops a certain attitude to his/her environment. It is not by

chance that the family is considered the basis of the child’s moral

background. Family life has a tremendous impact on the development of

the individual’s fundamental qualities.

Basic forms of work with parents include parent education and

school and class parents’ meetings. Besides current school matters they

deal with diverse aspects of upbringing and the pupils’ home regime. The

rearing of children is a civic responsibility, a duty to the people, to the


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Text 5


Childhood is a time filled with happy memories of carefree play and

excitement. Childhood plays an important role in building the character,

developing personality, and enhancing intellectual abilities. Childhood is

the best time to promote social and emotional development, modify or

correct unfavourable traits, teach or learn good habits, such as proper

exercise and good eating habits. Childhood is the best time to learn

lifelong skills.

The role of the family: family is the most basic unit of any society;

family is the source of identity, inspiration, love, affection, strength,

comfort, security, support and encouragement. Family provides guidance

and protection for its members. Family plays a key role in the emotional

and behavioural development of children. Family plays a significant role

in the development of adult achievements. The role of family is to nurture

relationships, transfer the values and initiate the young into culture.

Family ties. Family gatherings play an important role in nurturing

family relationships. Family helps its members solve their problems more

easily. Family ties build common interests and strengthen family

relationships. Family togetherness develops interpersonal skills.

Suggestions for family ties: eating meals together wherever possible,

help family members with housework, attending their sports event or

activity and giving positive feedback: no matter what the outcome is,

watching a TV programme that family members like, having a family

night out, exercising together, doing chores together, driving them

whenever possible, sharing a hobby together, and going on family holiday.

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Text 6


I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well

Alexander the Great

Education is just impossible without a good and proper teacher.

Teachers deserve our respect and praise every day for the hard work they

perform. Among the most famous pedagogues in history who contributed

greatly to the field of education are: John Amos Comenius, Jean Jacques

Rousseau, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, Friedrich Froebel, Maria Montessori

and many others. As for Ukrainian outstanding educators, they were Sofia

Rusova, Anton Makarenko, Vasily Sukhomlinsky.

John Amos Comenius (1592-1670) a Czech philosopher, pedagogue and

theologian who is considered the father of modern education. Comenius

introduced a number of educational concepts and innovations including

pictorial textbooks written in native languages instead of Latin, teaching

based in gradual development from simple to more complex, lifelong

learning with a focus on logical thinking over dull memorization.

Comenius wrote “Didactica Magna” (The Great Didactic), published in

1632, which laid out his educational ideas.

Friedrich Fröbel or Froebel (1782 –1852) was a German pedagogue, a

student of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, who laid the foundation for modern

education based on the recognition that children have unique needs and

capabilities. He created the concept of the "kindergarten". Froebel strongly

believed in the use of toys as educational aids. He designed several toys

such as balls, wooden blocks, rings. The philosophy behind his

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kindergarten schools was to meet the individual needs of children and use

games and other activities to develop their senses. Froebel provided

individual attention to his students and said, “Children are like tiny flowers;

they are varied and need care, but each is beautiful alone and glorious when

seen in the community of peers”.

Born in Italy in 1870, Maria Montessori was exceptional from the

beginning. The only female attendee of an all-boys school, she excelled at

her studies and eventually earned a degree that made her one of Italy’s first

female doctors. She became interested in education, and in 1907, opened a

child-care center in Rome called Casa del Bambini (Children’s House) that

allowed her to put her educational theories into practice. If at first such

establishments were mainly for children with mental disabilities, later they

became to change the direction and usual children studied there.

The distinctive features of her methodology are as follows:

- Children can choose activity, which is interesting for them.

- Teacher shouldn’t be authoritarian

- All knowledge children get through activity and practice, not from words.

Vasyl Olexandrovych Sukhomlynsky (1918-1970) was one of the most

influential Ukrainian educators of the post-war period. He devoted thirty-

five years of his life to the upbringing and teaching of children. For twenty-

nine years he was director of a school in the Ukrainian town of Pavlysh. To

see an individual in every school child – this was the essence of his

educational method and a necessary requirement for anyone who hopes to

raise and teach children. V.A. Sukhomlynsky was a humanistic educator

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who saw the aim of education as formation of a truly human being. His

deep love for children led him to develop a holistic system of education

which placed great emphasis on children’s health and on their moral and

aesthetic development, as well as on intellectual and vocational one.

Sukhomlynsky wrote a lot of books and articles, the best known of which

are “To Children I Give My Heart”, “The Birth of a Citizen”, “100 Pieces

of Advice for Teachers” and many others. Vasyl Sukhomlynsky is known

in many parts of the world as the creator of the "School of Joy", a preschool

program that was conducted almost totally outdoors and addressed all the

needs of growing children: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual.

His writings are all based on his own experience, and contain vivid

descriptions of his interactions with students. They have been translated

into many languages and have inspired generations of educators around the


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Text 7


The basic tasks of elementary education are to give the pupils

knowledge of reading, writing and elementary mathematics. The pupils

acquire the elementary knowledge of the history of the man and nature and

have physical and manual training. Considerable attention is paid to

helping the child to think logically and cope with his/her studies.

Native language programmes cover grammar, reading and

mathematics. Pupils get the rudiments of grammar and develop their

ability to express themselves in writing and orally. In non-Ukrainian

schools the pupils have an option to study their native language. Nearly

half the time is spent on studying the Ukrainian language.

At mathematic lessons the pupils learn the four rules of arithmetic,

how to measure time, length, weight, area and do fractions. Much time is

spent on sums and mental arithmetic. The programme also includes

elements of geometry and algebra.

The elementary course in natural science acquaints the pupils with

animate nature (plants, animals) and inanimate nature (land, water,

atmosphere). They are also taught the rudiments of the geography of their

country, the structure of the human body and hygiene. Much attention is

paid to nature conservation. The pupils plant trees and flowers and take

care of them.

Manual training, music, fine arts and physical education lessons

promote the all-round development of elementary school pupils. At

manual training lessons the children are taught to make things out of

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cardboard, paper and fabric. They learn the elements of technical modeling

and how to make toys.

The music programme helps the child to develop an ear for music

and singing abilities.

At art lessons children learn to draw from nature, decorative art and

get to know great painters and works of art. Drawing lessons are closely

connected with reading and manual training lessons.

At physical education lessons the pupils do gymnastics and

participate in field and track athletics. From the third class on they have

acrobatics on apparatus, outdoor games and skiing. Children who are

excused from physical education lessons because of their health have

therapeutic exercises.

In the elementary school the pupils have one teacher for all lessons.

From the fourth form on each subject is taught by a special teacher.

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Термінологічний словник

1. ability – здатність, вміння

2. absent – відсутній

3. absent-minded - неуважний

4. activity (activities) – діяльність, заняття

5. achieve – досягати

6. achievement – досягнення

7. add (addition) –додавати

8. answer – відповідь, відповідати

9. approach – підхід

10. assess – оцінювати

11. assessment - оцінення

12. attend school – відвідувати школу

13. Bachelor of Sciences (Bachelor of Arts) – бакалавр точних

наук (бакалавр гуманітарних наук)

14. behave – поводитись

15. behaviour – поведінка

16. blackboard – дошка

17. break – перерва

18. bring up – виховувати

19. canteen - їдальня

20. chalk – крейда

21. check – перевіряти

22. classroom – класна кімната

23. clever - розумний

24. correct - правильний

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25. creative – творчий

26. creativity – творчість

27. comprehensive school – загальноосвітня школа ( у Британії)

28. compulsory – обов’язковий

29. communicative – комунікабельний

30. curriculum – навчальний план

31. develop – розвивати

32. development – розвиток

33. diligent - старанний

34. diploma - диплом

35. discipline - дисципліна

36. divide (division) – ділити (ділення)

37. educate – навчати

38. education (pre-school, primary, secondary, higher) – освіта

(дошкільна, початкова, середня, вища)

39. educational – освітній

40. elementary school – початкова школа

41. encourage – заохочувати

42. encouragement – заохочення

43. eraser (rubber) – гумка

44. exam/ examination – екзамен

45. exercise - вправа

46. explain – пояснювати

47. explanation - пояснення

48. extracurricular activities - позакласні заходи

49. failure - невдача

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50. fee-paying – платний

51. fine motor skills – дрібна моторика

52. fractions – дроби

53. games – ігри

54. General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) – атестат

про загальну середню освіту

55. generation – покоління

56. gifted - обдарований

57. graduate from – закінчувати (коледж, університет)

58. grow up – рости

59. grown-up – дорослий

60. hall – актова зала

61. headmaster/mistress – директор школи

62. helpful – готовий допомогти

63. homework – домашня робота

64. important – важливий

65. improve – покращувати

66. improvement – покращення

67. individual needs – особисті потреби

68. intelligent - розумний

69. interactive board – інтерактивна дошка

70. kind – добрий

71. kindness – доброта

72. kindergarten – дитячий садок

73. know – знати

74. knowledge – знання

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75. language - мова

76. learn – вчити

77. learn by heart – вчити напам’ять

78. learning – навчання

79. lesson – урок

80. library - бібліотека

81. locker – шафка

82. mark - оцінка

83. Master of Arts (MA) – магістр гуманітарних наук

84. Master of Sciences – магістр гуманітарних наук

85. motivate – мотивувати

86. motivation – мотивація

87. multiply (multiplication) – множити (множення)

88. national curriculum – національна програма

89. nursery school/kindergarten – дитячий садок

90. obey – слухатися

91. obedient – слухняний

92. patient –терплячий

93. pencil– олівець

94. pencil-sharpener –стругачка

95. personality – особистість

96. play truant - прогуляти

97. primary school – початкова школа

98. primary school teacher – вчитель початкової школи

99. psychology –психологія

100. points - бали

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101. postgraduate student – аспірант

102. postgraduate programme – аспірантура

103. pupil – учень

104. question - питання

105. read – читати

106. reading – читання

107. recite a poem – розповідати вірш

108. repeat – повторювати

109. report card – табель

110. respect – поважати

111. response – відповідати, відповідь

112. responsible – відповідальний

113. responsibility – відповідальність

114. review – рецензія

115. revise – перечитувати, повторювати матеріал

116. rule - правило

117. science laboratory – наукова лабораторія

118. scholarship – стипендія

119. school year – навчальний рік

120. schoolboy – учень

121. schoolgirl - учениця

122. skills – навики

123. special educational needs – особливі освітні потреби

124. solve math problems (do sums) – розв’язувати задачі

125. strict – суворий

126. study – навчатись

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127. student – студент, учень

128. subtract (subtraction) – віднімати

129. support – підтримка

130. take an exam – здавати екзамен

131. teach (taught, taught) – навчати

132. term – семестр

133. test – контрольна робота, тест

134. time table - розклад

135. understand – розуміти

136. uniform (school uniform) – форма (шкільна форма)

137. upbringing – виховання

138. write – писати

139. writing - письмо

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Subjects – Навчальні предмети

Ukrainian – Українська мова

Ukrainian Literature – Українська література

Mathematics (Maths) – Математика

Nature Study – Природознавство

Music – Музика

Religious Education – Християнська етика

Health Education – Основи здоров’я

Information Technology (IT) – Інформатика

English – Англійська мова

German – Німецька мова

French – французька мова

Polish – польська мова

Physical Education (PE) – Фізкультура

Art – Образотворче мистецтво

Handicrafts – Трудове навчання

Social Studies – Я у світі

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Список використаної літератури:

1. Англійська для початкового і середнього рівня (А1-В1). – К.: Літера

ЛТД, 2012.- 624 с.

2. Білецька І.О., Паладьєва А.Ф. Англійська мова за професійним

спрямуванням: навч. посіб. для студентів філолог. спеціальностей

вищих закладів педагогічної освіти / І. О. Білецька, А. Ф. Паладьєва. –

Умань : ВПЦ "Візаві". 2015. - 162 с.

3. Валігура О., Давиденко Л. 200 English Topics for Discussion. 200

усних тем з англійської мови / О. Валігура, Л. Давиденко. – Тернопіль:

Підручники і посібники, 2018. – 304 с.

4. Євчук О.В. Англійська мова. Збірник тестових завдань. 20 варіантів

у форматі ЗНО / О.В. Євчук, І.В. Доценко. - Кам’янець-Подільський:

ФОП Сисин О.В., 2019. – 172 с.

5. Євчук О.В., Доценко І.В. Англійська мова. Збірник тестових

завдань / О.В. Євчук, І.В. Доценко. – Кам’янець-Подільський: ФОП

Сисин О.В., 2019. – 500 с.

6. Caroline Krantz, Rónán McGuinness. Insight Pre-Intermediate Teacher’s

Book. - Oxford University Press, 2013. – 160p.

7. English: Тексти. Підручник для студентів гуманітарних,

природничо-географічних і математичних факультетів вищих

навчальних закладів / Укладач Є.О. Мансі. – К.: Видавничий центр

«Академія», 2004. – 528 с.

8. Jane Wildman, Fiona Beddall. Insight Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book. -

Oxford University Press, 2014. – 144p.

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9. Mike Sayer, Rachael Roberts. Insight Pre-Intermediate Workbook. -

Oxford University Press, 2013. – 136p.

10.Tim Falla, Paul A Davies. Solutions Pre-Intermediate Workbook.

Ukrainian Edition. - Oxford University Press, 2011. – 120p.

11. Learn The Best Teaching Methods for Primary Teaching

[Електронний ресурс] / – Режим доступу:



Список рекомендованої літератури:

1. Голіцинський Ю.Б. Граматика: Зб. вправ / Перекл. з рос. 4-го вид. –

К.: А.С.К., 2003. – 544с.

2. Мансі Є. О. English: Фонетика, граматика, тексти, діалоги, розмовні

теми. Підручник. - К.: Видавничий центр "Логос", 2004. - 368 с.

3. Мясоєдова С.В. Найкращі теми з англійської мови, ситуації, тексти

для дискусій, діалоги, повідомлення. – Харків: Промінь, 2002. – 432 с.

4. Шкваріна Т. М. Англійська мова: Підручник для студентів вищих

педагогічних навчальних закладів. — К.: Освіта України, 2007. —


5. Mary Slattery and Jane Willis. English for Primary Teachers. A

handbook of activities and classroom language. Oxford University Press,

2001. – 148p.

6. Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and

practice book for intermediate students, fourth edition. Cambridge

University Press, 2012. – 299p.

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7. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Rebecca Minor. Kindergarten Teacher.

Express Publishing, 2016. – 40p.




