NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

NatAxtin® Astaxanthin We invite you to to have a look at our Natural Astaxanthin line of products called NatAxtin®. Find out more about the power of Astaxanthin in different applications! We believe in natural algae- based astaxanthin. We believe in our production partner Atacama Bio Natural

Transcript of NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

Page 1: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

N a t A x t i n ® A s t a x a n t h i nW e i n v i t e y o u t o t o h a v e a l o o k

a t o u r N a t u r a l A s t a x a n t h i n l i n e

o f p r o d u c t s c a l l e d N a t A x t i n ® .

F i n d o u t m o r e a b o u t t h e p o w e r

o f A s t a x a n t h i n i n d i f f e r e n t

a p p l i c a t i o n s !

W e b e l i e v e i n n a t u r a l a l g a e -

b a s e d a s t a x a n t h i n . W e b e l i e v e

i n o u r p r o d u c t i o n p a r t n e r

A t a c a m a B i o N a t u r a l

Page 2: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

A s t a x a n t h i n h e a l t h a r e a s

B i o a v a i l b i l i t y

S k i n

E y e

H e a l t h y a g i n g

S p o r t s

I n f l a m m a t i o n

N a t a x t i n ® p r o d u c t s

P r o d u c t t r e e

N a t a x t i n ® P u r e M a s s

N a t a x t i n ® O l e o r e s i n

N a t a x t i n ® O l e o r e s i n M E

N a t a x t i n ® C W D

V e g a n S o f t g e l s

V e g a n H a r d c a p s

A t a c a m a B i o & L u s H e a l t h

N a t u r a l a s t a x a n t h i n

T h e T r a d e m a r k

C o n t a c t d e t a i l s









1 0

1 1

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 5

1 6

1 7

1 8

1 9

2 0


N A T A X T I N ® A S T A X A N T H I N

Always Vegan , Natura l & No-nonsense

Page 3: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

A S T A X A N T H I N H E A L T H A R E A SO U R F O U N D A T I O NS c i e n c e l i e s a t t h e v e r y h e a r t o f e a c h o f o u r i n g r e d i e n t s . H o w t h e y a r e t a k e n u p , t h e i r

i m p a c t , e f f i c a c y & s a f e t y , b u t l e t s n o t f o r g e t c o n s u m e r o p i n i o n a n d u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e

m a r k e t . W e h a v e a l a r g e s e t o f o r i g i n a l s t u d i e s a v a i l a b l e f o r o u r c l i e n t s . C u r r e n t l y n o

o f f i c i a l E U h e a l t h c l a i m s a r e a l l o w e d a n d t h e s t u d i e s d i s c u s s e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t s e r v e

a s i n s p i r a t i o n . A s t a x a n t h i n i s a l l o w e d i n a t o t a l d a i l y d o s a g e o f 8 m g .

B i o a v a i l a b i l i t y

N a t u r a l v s S y n t h e t i c

S k i n h e a l t h

W r i n k l e s

S u n b u r n

E y e H e a l t h

p r o t e c t i o n f o r s c r e e n w o r k e r s

N i g h t b l i n d n e s s

H e a l t h y A g i n g

S a r c o p e n i a & C o g n i t i o n

S p o r t s

P o w e r

R e c o v e r y

I n f l a m m a t i o n

C a r p a l t u n n e l s y n d r o m e

R h e u m a t o i d A t h r i t i s

Page 4: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin is a keto-carotenoid that, just like other carotenoids and fatty components follows the route of fattyacid take up, i.e. it enters the blood as lipoproteins called chylomicrons. These chylomicrons are taken up by theliver which will in turn make lipoproteins (VLDL filled with energy dense fats AND astaxanthin. Within 6 hours asingle dose of astaxanthin will have spread through the different lipoproteins.

Not surprisingly efficient uptake of astaxanthin is enhanced by a (fatty) meal, which almost doubles the uptakein our blood. Another factor that comes into play is the format in which the astaxanthin is in. Synthetic or yeast-based non-esterified forms of astaxanthin as used in feed (and sometimes even in supplements!) only yield 5-10% of astaxanthin in blood. Only natural Haematococcus leads to effective concentrations ofAstaxanthin in the blood.


Aoi et al, 2017; Coral-Hinostroza 2004, OKADA 2014




0h 2h 4h 6h20h






Without meal With Meal





0 Heamatococcus Synthetic Yeast






Relative blood levels of astaxanthin, aftertaking the same amount with or Without ameal

The raw material containing the astaxanthindetermines for a large amount the uptakeinto the body

Within 6 hours afteintake of a single dose theastaxanthin concentration in the bloodreaches its maximum

Astaxanthin in the different lipoproteins after6 hours

Page 5: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

-5 0 5 10 15



S K I N H E A L T HOur skin is our biggest organ. Itprotects us from outsideinfluences and gives us thesense of touch. Keeping theskin healthy is important tomake sure it can play thebarrier role. An unhealthy skinis more susceptible forinflammation, redness, drynessand wrinkles. Studies haveshown the positive effects inreduction of wrinkles, holdingmoisture and elasticity.

Consumers have reviewed the use of Astaxanthin personally with interesting result. Both on skin improvements but mostly on the

prevention of sun burn as one reviewer describes: 27% "This is one of the best supplements I've ever used. It helps toprevent sunburn. I typically get a sunburn after 20 minutes inthe sun. When I take this supplement, I've been outside for 5hours straight in a hot sunny day and only get a little tan"

Skin elasticity after 12 weeks. 4mg of Astaxanthin / day. Placebo = MCT oil. Changefrom baseline. RCT with 44 women, Yoon et al 2004

of consumers self reportbenefits on skin

The market for nutricosmetics is growingrapidly at a 11,5% CAGR between 2011-2020. Amajor market focus is healthy (skin) aging andbaby boomers are willing to spent substantialamounts to keep their skin youthful. Collagen isking - why not combine it with Astaxanthin?

11,5%CAGR 2011-2020

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0 50 100 150



E Y E H E A L T HOur eyes are important to usand the strain they have tocope with throughout our livesis bigger than ever. Already ata young age now children areusing screens and we don'tstop using them to the lastmoment. Astaxanthin mayhelp screen workers improvetheir accommodationamplitude, .i.e to decreasingthe chance of developing nearvision.

Consumers have reviewed the use of Astaxanthin personally with interesting result. Both on general eye health and interestingly also

night vision. 20% "My ophthalmologist was shocked that my right eye lenscorrective number went from 2.50 to 1.00 & my left eye wentfrom 2.75 to 0.75. She said “no one of 78 years old ever has

their eyesight improve!"


Accommodation amplitude improvement after 4 weeks of 5mg Astaxanthin per day in Screen workers. , Nagaki et al 2002; Kono et al 2014

of consumers self reportbenefits on eye health

The eye health supplement market is probablyone of the fasting growing segments around.Following the AREDS I and II studies brandshave launched globally. The top selling brandon Amazon sells over 1,7M$ a month ! There isroom for your brand !

1,7M$Top seller on Amazon

Page 7: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

Control Astaxanthin





H E A L T H Y A G I N GAn aging body comes with itsproblems. Muscle strengthdeclines, cognitive functionscan be impaired and generalmetabolism & recovery areslower. Studies on Astaxanthinindicate that this powerfulantixoidant may be involved inprocess that can slow downage related complaints or evenprevent them

Consumers have reviewed the use of Astaxanthin personally with interesting result on anti-aging, eye sight and lifting weights though

this topic is underestimated!3% "Three weeks later I noticed that I suddenly was able to liftabout 30% more than I was ever able to lift before in the gym"


Maximum voluntary contraction (grey) and increase of muscle size (brown inexercising elderly (65-82) on 12mg of Astaxanthin / day after an RCT of 4months. Liu et al 2018

of consumers self reportbenefits on aging

The healthy aging market is vast when lookingat the consumer in the 50+ age group,strangely enough not many brands havefocussed on this category and the roomposition a product or brand in that area is wideopen.

Control Astaxanthin





6,6%CAGR 2019-2025

Page 8: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin


Control Astaxanthin






0 Control Astaxanthin






We all love sports. Somerather watch it on TV, butthe gym membership andthe number or runners hasnever been this high.Astaxanthin has shownsome marvelous results onincreasing power, speed andrecovery. We have a fulldatabase on Asta & Sports,feel free to reach out !

Consumers have reviewed the use of Astaxanthin personally with interesting result on recovery, strength and joints13% "...for joint pain, and overall recovery from working out it

works great..."


Time improvement (s) - grey and increase of powder (W) - brown in trained cyclist on a 20km time trial using 4 mg of Astaxanthin / day for 4 weeks.Earnestet al 2015

of consumers self reportbenefits on sports

Dominated by Whey protein the sportsnutrition has grown at enormous ratesthe last decade now totalling anestimate 15,6 billion USD in 2019 withan expected growth rate of 8,9% thecoming years

15,6B$value in 2019

Page 9: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

start 4 weeks 8 weeks






I N F L A M M A T I O NNearly all inflammation inour body goes hand inhand with the productionof reactive oxygen species(ROS) or free radicals. Asone of nature's strongestantioxidants astaxanthinmay help the bodyovercome (and prevent)inflammation and freeradical formation

Consumers have reviewed the use of Astaxanthin personally withinteresting result on joint pain and general inflammation 34% "I lift regularly and my joints feel better than they've ever felt.

My knees and elbow joints were hurting before I started takingthis, however now the pain is gone"


Improvement in pain score for individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome when using 12mg of astaxanthin for 8 weeks compared to control (100%) Nir et al2002

of consumers self reportreduction of inflammation

Inflammation is wide spread in thewestern world.With joint pain probablythe number one. The amount of peoplewith rheumatoid athritis is growingglobally especially now the babyboomers are growing older.

63Mpeople suffer from athrtitis

Page 10: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

N a t A x t i n ® p r o d u c t l i n eA N C O M P R E H E N S I V E P O R T F O L I OT h e N a t A x t i n ® p r o d u c t l i n e c o n s i s t s o f a r a n g e o f p r o d u c t s a i m e d a t d e l i v e r i n g n a t u r a l

a s t a x a n t h i n t o a n y a p p l i c a t i o n . P o w d e r s , O l e o r e s i n a n d e v e n V e g a n s o f t g e l s a r e p a r t o f

t h e e x t e n s i v e p o r t f o l i o .

P r o d u c t T r e e

N a t A x t i n ® P u r e M a s s & P u r e M a s s M E

N a t A x t i n ® O l e o r e s i n 5 & 1 0 %

N a t A x t i n ® O l e o r e s i n M E

N a t A x t i n ® O l e o r e s i n C W D 2 , 5 %

N a t A x t i n ® V S G 4 m g ( o t h e r c o n c e n t r a t i o n u p o n r e q u e s t )

Page 11: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

N a t A x t i n ® F l o w c h a r t

Page 12: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

NatAxtin® is available in bulk oleoresin (5 & 10%), bulk powder(for tablets or in shakes) as well as vegan soft gels.The product is

fully natural, Free from allergens and chemicals. 



NatAxtin® PureMass

NatAxtin® PureMass is made by cracking the cells of dried Haematococcusbiomass making the astaxanthin (bio)available for extraction or other



Guaranteed safety, quality and consistency by your trusted supplier Lus Health ingredients. Find out more at or email us [email protected]

Nataxtin® is a registered brand of Atacama Bio Natural.

NatAxtin® PureMass is a powder format. This powders is the most crudeproducts sold from Haematococcus pluvialis containing 3-4% Astaxanthin

Straight from the source

NatAxtin® PureMass isideally suited for extraction ofastaxanthin by scCo2 to gain

a concentrated oleoresin.The cells are already cracked

and extraction can beexecuted immediately.

A classic applications ofpowders is the tablet. we

recommend extensivetesting to make sure ourNatAxtin® PureMass canresist the forces that areapplied and the product

remains stable

Two-piece hard caps are oneof the most common

supplement forms on themarket today. NatAxtin®PureMass is suited to fill

capsules as the astaxanthinbut will need a filler for

optimal free flowingness Currently no EU health claims are allowed. Original scienfitic papers are available freely upon request

This product is available in nearly unlimited quantities and can be freshlyproduced the suit your needs.

Page 13: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

NatAxtin® is available in bulk oleoresin (5 & 10%), bulk powder(for tablets or in shakes) as well as vegan soft gels.The product is

fully natural, Free from allergens and chemicals. 


NatAxtin® Oleoresin5 & 10% astaxanthin


The oleoresin contains a minimum 5% or 10% astaxanthin depending onthe product, with 95% of the astaxanthin in the favorable esterified format

enabling high bioavailability.


Guaranteed safety, quality and consistency by your trusted supplier Lus Health ingredients. Find out more at or email us [email protected]

Nataxtin® is a registered brand of Atacama Bio Natural.

NatAxtin® oleoresin is a thick dark red oily substance at roomtemperature. It is sold in a container size fitting to a customers needs with

an MOQ as low as 1 kilogram.

High purity Astaxanthin

NatAxtin® oleoresin comes intwo strengths, 5% & 10%

astaxanthin, a percentagebased upon pure astaxanthi, diluted in extra virgin olive


Freshly made andpackaged under inert

conditions our Nataxtin®oleoresin is stable for 48


Oleoresin is highly suitablefor applications like soft gelsor for use in oily solutions.

Currently no EU health claims are allowed. Original scienfitic papers are available freely upon request

NatAxtin® Oleoresin is always made by using super critical CO2 extractionmakign the product guarenteed free from solvents.


Our oleoresin is alwaysextracted using scCo2 tehmost sustainable way of

extracting Astaxanthin fromalgae.

Page 14: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

NatAxtin® is available in bulk oleoresin (5 & 10%), bulk powder(for tablets or in shakes) as well as vegan soft gels.The product is

fully natural, Free from allergens and chemicals. 

Spray drying

NatAxtin® OleoresinMicroencapsulated


The product has good mixing properties and suitable for capsules andshakes. The product is vegan but it does contain soy allergen that need to

be declared.


Guaranteed safety, quality and consistency by your trusted supplier Lus Health ingredients. Find out more at or email us [email protected]

Nataxtin® is a registered brand of Atacama Bio Natural.

NatAxtin® Oleoresin ME is the powder format of the successful oleoresin. The product is made by using in-house spray drying technology and usesmaltodextrin, pea protein and soy lecithin to create a free flowing powder.

The product contains 2,5% astaxanthin.

An input to your dry formulation

NatAxtin® Oleoresin ME isspray dried in-house by

Atacama Bio. The spray driedproduct has a shelf-life of 2


Use of the product intoshakes gives, depending on

the concentration, asubstantial colour to the

end product which can addhealth benefits and create

visual appeal.

Two-piece hard caps are oneof the most common

supplement forms on themarket today. NatAxtin®

Oleoresin ME is highlysuitable to fill capsules as the

astaxanthin is bioavailablebut also protected aftermicro-encapsulation.

Currently no EU health claims are allowed. Original scienfitic papers are available freely upon request

Though the product is not cold water dispersible it can be used as aningredient into shakes at allowable levels of maximum 8mg of astaxanthin

per day.

Page 15: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

Nataxtin® is available in bulk oleoresin (5 & 10%), bulk powder(for tablets or in shakes) as well as vegan soft gels.The product is

fully natural, Free from allergens and chemicals. 


Nataxtin® CWDCold water dispersible

Guaranteed safety, quality and consistency by your trusted supplier Lus Health ingredients. Find out more at or email us [email protected]

Nataxtin® is a registered brand of Atacama Bio Natural.

Original scienfitic papers are available freely upon request


Nataxtin® PureMass is made by cracking the cells of dried Haematococcusbiomass making the astaxanthin (bio)available for extraction or other



Nataxtin® PureMass & PureMass ME are both powder formats. Thesepowders are the most crude products sold from Haematococcus pluvialiscontaining 3-4% Astaxanthin (Nataxtin® PureMass) or 1,5% Astaxanthin

Nataxtin® PureMass ME.

Straight from the source

After years of research, wemaanged to develop a cold

water dispersible formNataxtin® .that can be

applied in your favorite drink.Try it today !

Two-piece hard caps are oneof the most common

supplement forms on themarket today. Nataxtin®

PureMass ME is ideally suitedto fill capsules as the

astaxanthin is bioavailablebut also protected aftermicroencapsulation.

Currently no EU health claims are allowed. 

Nataxtin® PureMass ME is the microencapsuled product made byAtacama's in-house spraydrying technology. The main carrier is

maltodextrin enabling a high level of protection against oxidationb whilstincreasing propewrties as free flowingness

Use of the product intoshakes gives, depending on

the concentration, asubstantial colour to the

end product which can addhealth benefits and create

visual appeal.

Page 16: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

The soft gel shell is made from only vegan ingredients including the foodsafe carrageenan, creating that clear soft gel that consumers love. It is easy

to digest and releases the contents within 10 minutes after reaching thestomach making sure the Nataxtin® is delivered effectively

Vegan soft gelsNatAxtin® 4 & 8mg Astaxanthin

Other concentrations upon request

Private Label


Oleoresin &MCT's

Guaranteed safety, quality and consistency by your trusted supplier Lus Health ingredients. Find out more at or email us [email protected]

Nataxtin® is a registered brand of Atacama Bio Natural.

Our vegan soft gels are made with NatAxtin® and PalmfreeMCT™ and are5 oval in size. Our most sold products, 4 & 8mg astaxanthinper soft gels

are stock item and available at low MOQ to serve new customers quickly.

All our vegan soft gels aremade with NatAxtin® and

PalmfreeMCT™ to create thebest and most natural

content available

We have various optionsavailable to deliver our softgel in turn key private label

packaging. HDPE roundpackers, Pet packers or asustainable favorite the

glass jars NatAxtin® is available in bulk oleoresin (5 & 10%), bulk powder(for tablets or in shakes) as well as vegan soft gels.The product is

fully natural, Free from allergens and chemicals. 

Sustainable health benefitsThe vegan trend is nolonger about replacing

meat or fish in our dietsbut is now also becoming

the new standard insupplements, as a hallmark

of sustainability. Our softgels are V-label certified

Currently no EU health claims are allowed. Original scienfitic papers are available freely upon request

*Minimum input is 45,000 soft gels.

We offer all our Nataxtin® soft gels in private label packaging of yourchoice starting as low as 1000 jars per order*

Page 17: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

Nataxtin® is available in bulk oleoresin (5 & 10% TCAC), bulkpowder (for tablets or in shakes)

as well as vegan soft gels & hard caps  

Eye Health



Astaxanthin has shown benefits in different areas based uponit's superior antioxidant capacity. It is believed to be in our diets as long as

we have been eating fish and that humans may have evolved ourbiochemistry based upon this, just like fish oil fatty acids EPA & DHA.

Where some promote a synthetic and cheaper version of astaxanthin, the

natural version have proved them wrong in delivering more effectivebenefits.

Our vegan hard caps provide an easy and effective way of delivering your

customers with the amount of Astaxanthin desired up to the EU maximumof 8mg.

Our Astaxanthin hard caps contain Naxtaxtin, made as nature intended

Endurance &muscle energy

Vegan hard capsNataxtin® Astaxanthin

Guaranteed safety, quality and consistency by your trusted supplier Lus Health ingredients. Find out more at or email us [email protected]

Nataxtin® is a registered brand of Atacama Bio Natural.

Our hard caps contain your label claim of choice for Astaxanthin with amaximum of 8mg in the EU. Astaxanthin is a highly researched and

powerful antioxidant that is found in nature in sea food, flamingos andalgae. Our source is fully natural from Haematococcus pluvialis, grown in

the Atacama Desert.

Going further than antioxidant power

worlds bestantioxidant

A number of studies showthe impact of this great

antioxidant on inflamttaionbased joint conditions likecarpel tunnel syndrome.

Not just studies butconsumers themselvesclaim astaxanthin is atremendous protector

against sunburn

Screen worker's eyehealth deteriorates over the

years and many needglasses quite early in

their careers. Studies showthat when using

Astaxanthin, you addprotection and improve


Astaxanthin will get into yourmitochondrial membrane

where it will not only preventreactive oxygen species from

forming, but also enhanceenergy output by 10%. Cyclist

have more power, runnersrun longer.

Currently no EU health claims are allowed. Original scienfitic papers are available freely upon request

Page 18: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

Companies connect on values like honesty, transparency, doing the right thingAmbitious to jointly create healthier people and planet using naturalingredients. Quality for an afforable price Lus exclusivively distributes the Nataxtin® product line in Europe

Collaboration highlights

A T A C A M A B I O & L U S H E A L T HAtacama Bio producesHaematococcus pluvialis in,what is probably the world'smost natural and sustainableway, right in the heart of theAtacama Desert, known for itsclean environment and clearskies. This is the basis for ahighly cost-effective range ofproducts called Nataxtin®

Lus Health Ingredients is a companyon a mission! To inspire people withhealthy & sustainable choices, sothat we may all benefit. Togetherwith a portfolio of sustainable &plant-based products we deliver ourcustomers with the science, marketpositioning and consumerinformation to help them succeed.

Page 19: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

Higher bioavailability leading to more effective results as shown inseveral scientific studiesAn esterified and more stable product Fitting with the consumer need for natural product products

Advantages of Natural Astaxanthin over other forms

N A T U R A L A S T A X A N T H I NThere are three astaxanthin-richproducts currently on the market. Asynthetic form, a yeast fermentationproduct and natural astaxanthinfrom Haematococcus Pluvialis.Astaxanthin-rich Haematococcus canbe found in nature around the globeand co-existed with humansthroughout their entire evolution.

As one of the worlds largestproducers of Natural astaxanthin,Atacama Bio has registered itsnature identical process andnatural products with Naxa, theindependent organisation thatverifies natural origin. A Naxa-verfied seal prevents counter-fittedor adulterated material made withcheaper synthetic Astaxanthin.


Page 20: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

Continuous quality and supply to support your brandA sign of quality and transparancy to your consumers Scientific support from the brand owner to further build your product

Advantages of using the trademark

T H E T R A D E M A R KTo our B2C clients we can makeavailable the original trademark ofNataxtin® on your packaging. As a signof trust, natural product and qualityyour consumers will recognize you havemade the right decision for your product

Page 21: NatAxtin® Astaxanthin

L u s H e a l t h I n g r e d i e n t s

M a r k t 1 8 , 3 1 4 4 G G , M a a s s l u i s

T h e N e t h e r l a n d s

i n f o @ l u s i n g r e d i e n t s . c o m

Y o u r A s t a x a n t h i n e x p e r t :

R i c a r d o S n i j d e r s

r s n i j d e r s @ l u s i n g r e d i e n t s . c o m

+ 3 1 6 5 7 3 6 9 2 9 1

C O N T A C T D E T A I L ST h e t e a m o f L U S h e a l t h i n g r e d i e n t s i s d e d i c a t e d t o m a k i n g

t h e c h a n g e t o w a r d s a n e w w a y o f e a t i n g a n d l i v i n g . S u s t a i n a b l e p l a n t b a s e d i n g r e d i e n t s ,

L o w c a r b a n d h e r e t o s e r v e o u r c u s t o m e r w i t h s c i e n c e , c o n s u m e r o r m a r k e t i n f o r m a t i o n