Lesson Ten Body Language Words for Production. 1. bow bow 屈服 We must bow to fate. bow to nobody...

Lesson Ten Body Language Words for Production

Transcript of Lesson Ten Body Language Words for Production. 1. bow bow 屈服 We must bow to fate. bow to nobody...

Lesson TenBody Language

Words for Production

1. bow

bow 屈服 • We must bow to fate.

bow to nobody 自認為無人能比、高人一等 • He bows to nobody. He is very proud and

independent. bow down (to) 屈服

• We will never bow down to their threats.

1. bow

bow n. [C] 弓 發音為 [bo]

• Many years ago, people hunted with bows and arrows.

make one’s bow 初次公開出現 • The new singer will make his bow in the


2. similarly

similarity n. [U, C] 相似 • How much similarity is there between

these two cultures?

• The differences between the old machine and the new one are more noticeable than their similarities.

striking similarity 異常相似 • Harry bears a striking similarity to his


3. gesture gesture 表示

• It was a kind gesture to offer me a ride home.

gesture v. [I] 打手勢 • He gestured to the waitress to come to his


4. essential essence n. [C] 本質;精華,萃取液

• These poems capture the essence of what it was like to grow up poor in Dublin.

in essence 本質上,實質上 • He is in essence an honest person, but in

this situation, he felt he had no choice but to lie.

essential oil 精油;香精

5. manner

ill-mannered adj. 態度惡劣的 • The ill-mannered clerk was fired by his

boss. well-mannered adj. 有禮貌的

• Even though the boy is only five years old, his well-mannered behavior impresses everyone.

bad-mannered adj. 沒有禮貌的

5. manner

mannered adj. 矯揉造作的 • I can’t stand her mannered way of


all manner of 各種,各式各樣 • This old store sells all manner of things.

6. proximity

proximate adj. 最近的

in close proximity to 靠得很近• In some countries, people of different

races or religions prefer not to live in close proximity to each other.

• The post office is in close proximity to his office.

7. standard

standard time (官方)標準時間

SOP 標準作業程序• standard operating procedure

• Just follow the SOP and everything will be right.

7. standard

living standards 生活水準 • Living standards in China’s modern cities

are rising. a high / low standard of living 高 / 低生活水準 double standard 雙重標準

• My parents let my brother do anything but are strict with me. I’m sick of that double standard.

7. standard

standard time (官方)標準時間

double standard 雙重標準 • My parents let my brother do anything but

are strict with me, and I’m sick of that double standard.

7. standard

standardize v. [T] 使標準化 • It will take a lot of time to standardize the

Chinese translation of these English names. standardization n. [U] 標準化

• Standardization is essential when holding entrance exams.

standardized test / products / production 標準化測驗 / 產品 / 生產

8. diplomatic

diplomatic relations / ties 外交關係 establish / break off diplomatic relations

(with ...) (與)建交 / 斷交 • Chad, a republic in northern central Africa,

just broke off diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

diplomatic immunity 外交豁免權

8. diplomatic

diplomacy n. [U] 外交• gunboat / armed diplomacy 武力外交 • dollar diplomacy 金元外交 • international diplomacy 國際外交

9. furthest

far adj. 遠的• Kenting is in the far south of Taiwan.

far adv. 遙遠地,久遠地;最極端地• I want to move far away.

go too far (做事、說話等)太過分• You went too far when you told that joke

to my parents.

9. furthest

三態:far, farther / further, farthest / furthest

• 表距離時常用: farther & farthest

• 表程度時常用: further & furthest

• Japan is far from England, but New Zealand is even _______.

• I need ______ explanation; I still don’t know what to do.

12. quiz

pop quiz 隨堂測驗 quiz show / program (電視、廣播等的)

問答節目 quizmaster 問答節目的主持人 quiz v. 對…進行測驗

• The teacher quizzed us on spelling.

13. lid

close / lift / open the lid 蓋上 / 掀起 / 打開蓋子

sipping lid 外帶咖啡杯上有飲用口的上蓋

【比較】 lid 是指有大開口容器的蓋子

• box 、 jar 、 pan 、 pot 、 coffin 、 garbage can

cap 是指像是 pen 、 bottle 、 toothpaste 、 lens(照相機的鏡頭)等的蓋子。

13. lid

keep a / the lid on sth. 嚴格控制、保密…

lift the lid on sth. 揭露…醜聞、秘密• = take / blow the lid off sth.

• This is an exclusive news story that lifts the lid on the bribery scandal.

13. lid

put a / the lid on sth. 【非正式】停止,制止;使……完蛋,吹了• He didn’t know how to put a lid on his


• Financial difficulties finally put a lid on his hopes for running his own business.

put a lid on it 【口語】把嘴巴閉上• Put a lid on it, OK? I’m trying to watch the


14. hip

hip pocket 長褲或裙子後面的口袋 hip flask (隨身攜帶,放在長褲後面口袋的)


hip adj. 時髦的;酷的• Alex always wears the hippest new styles

of clothing. hip-hop 嘻哈音樂;嘻哈文化;嘻哈風的

15. snap

折斷• He got so angry during lunch that he

snapped his chopsticks in half!

snap n. [C] 斷裂的啪噠聲;快照 • I heard a snap as I leaned back in the

chair, and I knew I’d broken it.

• He took a snap of his daughter and wife when they were having a picnic.

15. snap

snap adj. 倉促的;突然的 • We should avoid making snap decisions.

16. zero n. [C] 零 absolute zero 絕對零度

• 約 -273.16 度 C 或 -459.69 度 F

sub-zero temperatures 零度以下的氣溫• It is difficult to live in sub-zero


19. check

check in (在旅館、機場)辦登記、登機手續 • When you check in at the airport, you will

be asked to show your ticket. check out (在旅館)結帳離開

• We had to check out of the hotel before ten o’clock.

check sth. out 去查探一下

19. check check n. [C] 「」記號;支票;帳單

• Waitress! May I have the check, please? checking account 支票帳戶 checkbook 支票簿 traveler’s check 旅行支票 checkpoint (通行)檢查站,關卡 (medical) checkup 健康檢查 spell-checker 拼字檢查(文書軟體的功能)

20. guidebook

guide dog 導盲犬 (= seeing eye dog) TV guide(s) 有線電視月刊;(報紙上的)電

視節目表 guided missile 導向飛彈 guided tour 有導遊的觀光旅行 guidance n. [U] 指導

• Nowadays kids are in greater need of moral guidance than ever before