Lecture Note 4

س ي در ت ل ا ج ماذ ن عه راج مولا ا ون س ا ون ج اله ق م عه راج م ي ل ا ت ل ا ج وذ م ن* لن عه ا راج مCID س ي در ن ج وذ م ن اء ت ب وات ط خ ي3 حث ب رض ع ع م ول ي وذ م اء ت ب وات ط خ م ه ب اصه خ ل ا ولات ي وذ م لء ا ا ت ب ي ف وG دا تH ب ه ب ل لط ا م هG ب لا م ع ر م وها3 ش ق ا ت ب م و ه ب لا ن وذ م وا ض ر ع ي اذرس ان رة ك* ف و) 3 ث ح ب ل م ع ل عدي ي ي ل ت ق ار ت ت خ ا ن ك م م( م ه ب اعا ت ط ن وا ا ض ر ع ي مدارس و ل ا ي ف وها ق ب ط ن( يG ئ ا ت لن س ا ي در ت ل ا ج وذ م ن دام خ ت س ر ا3 ث ا5 و ح ب ه ب ع ف والدا اهات خ بلا ي ا عل) ي ئ لا ط عدذ ي ه ف ل ت ح م رق ط. ه بG ب دا ت بلا ا له رخ م ل ا ه ب ل ط وم لدي ل ع ل ا عدي ي ي ل ت ق ار ت ت خ ا ن يG ئ ا ت لن س ا ي در ت ل ا ج وذ م ن م ه لي ع ا ت ف ب ط ن ي الد ول ص ف س م خ ل م ا ه3 ث ح ب ل ا ة ب ت ع ي عث ي سH يH ي ا ق م ل ا ز ه ج ا ان ن م د لان اي

Transcript of Lecture Note 4

Page 1: Lecture Note 4

التدريس نماذج مراجعه اوالجوناسون مقالة مراجعه

التالي الننموذج CIDمراجعه

تدريس نموذج بناء خطواتبحثي عرض مع موديول بناء خطوات

بهم الخاصة الموديوالت بناء في يبدأو الطلبةزمالئهم مع ويناقشوها موديالتهم يعرضوا

لعمل ) بعدي قبلي اختبار ممكن انطباعاتهم ويعرضوا المدارس في يطبقوهاادرس ( ان وفكرة بحث

البنائي ) التدريس نموذج استخدام على ( 5اثر طالبي بعدد مختلفة طرق. االبتدائية المرحلة طلبة لدى العلوم نحو والدافعية االتجاهات

التدريس نموذج عليهم طبفنا الذين الخمسفصول هم البحث عينة يعنيبعدي قبلي باختبار البنائي

المقاييس اجهز ان من البد اي

Page 2: Lecture Note 4

2.1 Steps in the Instructional Design Process There are six basic steps in instructional design: 1( Analyze your learners and the learning context. 2( Define your learning outcomes )knowledge-attitudes-skills(. 3( Structure the learning content. 4( Select the learning materials or resources. 5( Design the learning activities. 6( Determine the modes of assessment.

In performing each step, an instructional designer seeks to answer the following basic questions:

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1( Who are our learners? What do they already know and how do they learn best? 2( What do we want our learners to learn? Why? 3( How do we structure the learning to achieve our learning objectives? 4( What learning resources are appropriate, effective, and available? 5( What strategies will we use to ensure that effective learning takes place? What combination of activities will enable the learners to achieve the learning objectives? 6( How do we know whether the learners are learning/have learned what they are supposed to learn? How do we assess learning?

Although they are listed in sequence, each step in the instructional design process has implications not only for the steps that follow but also for previous steps. In doing one step, it is important to refer back not just to the immediately preceding step but even to the earliest steps in the process )see Figure 1(. Also, while it is always adviseable to begin with analyzing the target learners, an instructional designer could work on the steps in any sequence. For example, the modes of assessment could be determined immediately after the learning outcomes have been set, or the two steps can be performed in tandem.

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Step 1: Analyze your learners and the learning context. In section 1 of this handbook we did a preliminary analysis of the Academy’s target audience. We listed some of their general characteristics and we concluded that adult learning principles should be applied in the design of training programs for them. A finer analysis of learners involves an assessment of their training needs. You can accomplish this through a quick survey of your training learners several weeks before the actual training dates so that you can use the results as basis for planning the training sessions. Such a survey could aim to acquire a profile of the target training learners in terms of their ICT skills and their familiarity with topics covered by the Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders module series.

The results of this short structured survey should enable you to plan the sequence of topics to be covered in your training program, how much time to allot to each topic, and what instructional strategy to adopt for each topic.

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You can also fine-tune your target learning outcomes on the basis of the participant survey results.

Step 2: Define your learning outcomes. Each of the Academy modules specifies its target learning outcomes. However, you will need to structure or organize these learning outcomes, and in some cases reformulate them, for the training program you are planning.

Note that learning outcomes are expressed using verbs that refer to observable or measurable learner behavior on the part of training learners. Such behavior signals or demonstrates that learners have achieved the target learning outcome. In addition, in continuing professional development programs it is always good to set higher order thinking skills as learning outcomes. Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive or thinking skills is useful in identifying such outcomes.

In more recent versions of Bloom’s taxonomy, evaluation is at a lower level than synthesis, or creation, which is considered the most high-level cognitive skill. It is important to specify target learning outcomes to allow learners to benchmark their own performance, or the extent to which they are meeting

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the target learning outcomes. This in turn is in keeping with Thiagi’s ―law of self-direction‖.

Step 3: Structure the learning content. In the Notes to Teachers at the back of each Academy module are suggestions on which module topics to cover for training sessions of varying duration. But depending on your analysis of your target learners for a particular training program, you could create your own menu of module topics, including combinations of topics from several modules.

Step 4: Select the learning materials or resources. The modules are themselves an important learning resource for any national training program on the Academy. So are the slide presentations for each module that are available on the APCICT Virtual Academy )http://ava.unapcict.org/(. National Academy teachers are encouraged to translate and customize these slide presentations to suit their own training needs and purposes. Box 2 lists some tips for customizing the slide presentation.

An important reason for making use of different types of training resources is the fact that learners learn in different ways )the ―law of individual differences‖(. Some learn best from text materials while others learn best from audio-visual materials. Hence the value of multimedia resources.

Step 5: Design the learning activities. According to Thiagi, effective instruction has three components: 1. Content related to the instructional objectives 2. Activities that require learners to process the content and to provide a response 3. Feedback to learners to provide reinforcement for desirable responses and remediation for undesirable responses


Learning activities are key to promoting active learning, which in turn is much more effective than passive learning. Thus, in the training programs we design, we need to pay attention to designing learning activities that learners will find engaging and from which they will learn in the most

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effective way possible the key concepts and principles that form the core of the training program.

For a lecture to be effective, it must first of all be the most appropriate means for achieving the learning outcomes )for example, the topic is something that needs to be explained by an expert(. In addition, the lecturer has to be not only knowledgeable about the subject matter but also engaging, perceptive, and motivating. )Saskatoon Public Schools, 2004( And the lecture must be done in an interactive way, or in combination with short participatory activities. Interactive lectures foster active learning by getting learners to engage with the content by answering a question, interpreting a case or situation, or solving a problem. The activities are designed to allow everyone to participate, and increase their chances of retaining what they are learning through immediate practice. For instructors or lecturers, the activities provide feedback on the level and extent of understanding of the topic. )MacDonald and Teed, 2009( See Box 3 for pointers on how to make interactive lectures.

Box 3 : How to make interactive lectures

An interactive lecture will include lecture segments combined with activities where learners are interacting with each other and the instructor. The lecture segments should ideally: focus on content that learners might have difficulty finding on their own )it is not, for example, already explained adequately in available written sources( lay a foundation for work that the learners will do on their own model an approach to problem-solving in the subject stimulate interest in the subject and motivate learners to find out more about it even after the lecture

Each lecture segment should not be longer than 20 minutes. The lecture segments should be interspersed with learning activities. The interactive segments or learning activities should be short )about 10 minutes( but should involve everyone in the session. A very useful format is think-pair-share which has the follow format: 1. Ask the learners to get together in pairs. If you have an odd number of learners, allow one group of three. If necessary, have learners to move

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around the room to find a partner. 2. Ask a question that requires learners to apply critical thinking skills (see below). 3. Give learners a few minutes to discuss the question and work out an answer. 4. Ask for responses from some or all of the pairs.

The question should be about the topic just lectured on and can involve any or a combination of the following: Interpreting a graph Making calculations or estimations Brainstorming Tying ideas together or synthesizing Applying what has been learned to solve a problem Analyzing examples Sharing experiences

Source: MacDonald, H. and Teed, R. )2009(. Interactive Lectures, Starting Point. Retrieved 18 June 2009 from http://serc.carleton.edu/introgeo/interactive/index.html. In all of the Academy modules, the ―Questions To Think About‖ and ―Something To Do‖ items may be used for think-pair-share segments within interactive lectures. Effective interactive lectures demonstrate a balance among the three components of effective instruction, namely, content, practice, and feedback. The importance of practice cannot be overemphasized. Teachers should design activities that give learners sufficient time and opportunity to practice new knowledge and skills )the ―law of practice and feedback‖(. How much time for practice? One suggestion is 6 hours out of 8 hours of training time. )Thiagi, 2007( If that is too much for you, consider spending at least half the training time on practice activities. After all, practice makes perfect.

In designing any learning activity, remember the following principles: 1( Integrate content and activity to focus on key content and foster active learning. 2( Design and implement activities that help learners to master the content and strengthen their critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving and decision-making skills.

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3( Be guided by your target learning outcome/s. Choose content and learning activities according to the target learning outcomes. 4( Engage in authentic learning: Use real-life examples and simulations of real-life activities, such as making an assessment, analyzing a problem, identifying solutions, and making a proposal. 5( Help learners build on prior knowledge and professional experience and make connections between these and the training content. Design activities to get learners with varied levels of experience and expertise on the training topic.

Debriefing is essential for ―experientially rich, emotionally intense, cognitively complex‖ learning activities )Thiagi, 2008(. It helps learners reflect on what they have been doing and derive useful insights in relation to the topic or content that is the focus of the activity.

Step 6: Determine the modes of assessment. In designing training programs, it is important to systematically and continually assess training effectiveness. By this we mean the outcomes of the training, as well as the process of training. Outcomes refer to whether the learners learned what they were supposed to learn while process refers to the training design. A widely used model for evaluating training effectiveness is Donald Kirkpatrick’s four-level evaluation model, which measures the following: Level 1: Reactions Level 2: LearningLevel 3: Transfer Level 4: Results Reactions refer to how learners felt about the training program as a whole, as well as specific aspects of it, such as the training facilitators, topics covered, time allotment, venue, and even food. It is important to get learners’ reactions or emotional responses as these have an impact on how and whether they achieve the target learning outcomes. )Winfrey, 1999( Level 1 evaluation is usually done through an end-of-training questionnaire. The evaluation results are useful for interpreting learning outcomes, as well as for planning subsequent training.

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OVERALL QUESTIONS ABOUT THE MODULE1. The subject matter of the module was relevant.2. The sequence of topics included in the module was logical.3. The treatment of the module topics was adequate.4. The module’s level of difficulty was just right.5. The module provided new ideas, insights, or perspectives.6. The module developed a better understanding of major concepts and principles.7. The module stimulated critical thinking.8. The module fostered creative thinking.9. The module developed knowledge and skills that can be applied in real-world settings.

Measuring learning, which is level 2 in Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model, could also be either formative or summative. Formative assessment, which is undertaken throughout the training, is usually less formal than summative evaluation, which is done at the end of the training. Formative assessment takes place through the learning activities done in the course of the training, and its primary purpose is for the teacher to be able to facilitate learning. Summative evaluation of learning could be through formal or informal testing, or through self-assessment.

At Level 3 of Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model, the focus of evaluation is transfer, or whether learners are able to apply in their everyday environment what they have learned from the training.

Level 4 evaluation looks at results, which is defined as the impact of what the learners have learned on their productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness. This type of evaluation requires going beyond self-reports to reviewing evidence such as projects or programs proposed and/or implemented by the training learners, project outcomes achieved, and stakeholder groups reached.

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The development of STS issues-based physics curriculum is required to

identify the strengths or shortcomings in the existing curriculum in

accordance with the characteristics of STS approach. According to Print’s

model, curriculum development may take effect at any stage; but because it

all starts with reconsidering the curriculum via STS charactaristcs, the

researcher will begin with the first stage: Analysis of the situation and the

upcoming stages.

1. Situation Analysis

This stage aims at determining the faults and features of the present

curriculum, the extent a development is needed, and the nature of these

developments. Naturally, this stage takes benefits from the Curriculum

Assessment Outputs )such as reports, seminars, and relevant researches(. In

this study, the researcher analysed the situation as follows:

a. Analysis of the results of literature review in science education in


In achieving this aim, the researcher analyzed the situation of science

education in Yemen by reviewing the literature in science education in

Yemen. The review covered the studies in all of science education domains

such as curriculum studies, pedagogy, learning activities, class

administration, and students’ achievement.

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b. Documentary Analysis

Documentary analysis was used to describe and analyze the existing

curriculum. It is the systematic examination of instructional documents such

as syllabus, textbooks and course evaluation results in order to identify the

needs and the challenges. A documentary analysis can help the researcher to

gain insight into an instructional activity or approach. Chism )1999(

identifies several types of instructional documents that can be analyzed:

course policy and practices, syllabus, ground rules for discussion, course

guides, and course content.

The analysis of the Yemeni curriculum documents helped the

researcher to identify the characteristics of the existing curriculum, and to

determine the extent to which there was a need to adjust the curriculum to

suit the STS approach. For instance, the statements of objectives of the

existing curriculum were to be reviewed to determine the extent to which

they would be in agreement with the STS approach. This procedure enabled

the researcher to identify the curriculum objectives that needed modification

or adding up.

To analysize the physics documents related to the Yemeni secondary

curriculum, the researcher used the following procedures:

1. Developing a review plan which included:

- Defining the objectives of the plan: to review documents for

the physics curriculum of the secondary stage in the

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Republic of Yemen, that was to determine the needs to

develop a new curriculum in accordance with the STS


- Determining the required documents: to identify and review

their relation to the physics curriculum in terms of the

Yemeni curriculum framework, its objectives and content.

- Determining the whereabouts of these documents, according

to the rules in Yemen, "the Center for Educational Research

and development, Sana'a," that is responsible for the

curriculum development process.

- Set a check list that reflects the objectives of the analysis,

such as:

i. The objectives related to STS.

ii. The extent to which the science curriculum

framework aligned with STS.

iii. The need to add new components to the existing

curriculum according to STS.

iv. The components of the current curriculum, which

must be reconsidered.

- A time-plan for the document analysis process.

2. After deciding the objective of the analysis and the reference

index that the analysis should refer to, the researcher analyzed

the following:

- Curriculum framework: This includes the general

philosophical framework of Education in Yemen, objectives

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of education, goals of the educational grades, and objectives

of teaching science. Also, it includes organizing the contents

of science in Yemen and physics in the secondary grade.

The researcher made sure that these curricula documents

included STS characteristics such as learner-orientation

level, applicability of science etc.

- School textbooks: The researcher checked the following:

a. Number of subjects that are STS-related

b. Methods of infusion of STS issues )if available( in the


c. The extent to which the general objectives of a book’s

unit are STS-related.

3. The researcher implemented the plan in June 2006. Also the

researcher visited the "the Centre for Educational Research and

development" in Sana’a city to meet the coordinator of the

development of physics curriculum at the secondary grade, and

explain the research’s objectives and requirements. After that,

the researcher visited the centre’s library and photocopied the

documents available.

4. Based on the results of analyzing the Physics’ curriculum

documents and its characteristics that were built to suit STS

assigned characteristics, the researcher set out to develop the

new curriculum.

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2. Aims, goals and objectives

Indeed, the terms “outcomes” and “objectives” have often been used

interchangeably in the literature. although, a distinction between learning

outcomes as being "broad statements of what is achieved and assessed at the

end of a course of study", and instructional objectives as being "specific and

detailed statements of educational intent" are made, the distinction between

objectives and outcomes is less important than how the objectives or

outcomes are constructed. They must be defined in sufficiently broad terms

to include the non-quantifiable aspects of learning, yet specific enough to

provide clear guidance on the expected knowledge, skills and values to be

acquired at the end of the course.

The setting of goals and objectives is a critical step and as such, can be

the most challenging part of curriculum development. As discussed

previously, it should be informed by a situation analysis and the

characteristics of STS, so that the curriculum goals and objectives

adequately serve the needs of those who are affected by the curriculum.

3. Content

Determination of the content of the curriculum follows directly from the

specified goals and objectives as well as the STS issues. In other words, STS

issues-based curriculum developers need to consider what content is

required to enable the student to achieve the objectives or outcomes.

Decisions regarding what should be included and what should be excluded

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from the vast scope of information available in the field, are required,

considering the science concepts and STS issues.

Once the content has been determined, the organization of the content

will need to be planned. For STS issues-based curriculum, a sequence

developed by Aikenhead )1992( )see figure 3.4( is followed, it begins in the

domain of society and STS issues, moves through the domains of technology

and traditional science/ physics content, and then out again to technology.

Students will make more sense out of the technology by using the science

they have just learned. The teaching should end by decision-making and acts

in the society.

4. Learning Activities

The choice of the type of instructional strategies and methods for the

delivery of the content of the curriculum can be guided by educational

theories. Educational theories, broadly categorized into behaviorist,

cognitive, constructivist, and humanist approaches, provide theoretical

guidance by describing the conditions and factors under which effective

learning can be promoted.

Each approach has a set of assumptions about what facilitates learning

as well the nature of the teacher-learner relationship. The constructivist

approach, views learning as an active construction of reality brought about

by the learner’s experiences. This approach would emphasize the importance

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of exposure to many experiential opportunities to enable learning through

experiencing, reflection and active experimentation.

Instructional methods can range from lectures and demonstrations to

problem-based learning and high fidelity simulations. Each method has its

strengths and limitations, and like any tool, an individual value is

determined by how the method is used and in which context.

5. Instructional Evaluation

Assessment serves the purpose of ascertaining whether the curricular content

has been learned successfully. Assessment can be defined as summative )for

"pass/fail" purposes( or formative )for learning purposes(. Formative

assessment can also be referred to as feedback.

In designing what types of assessment methods should be used,

several considerations are important. First, assessment should be matched to

the intended objectives and goals of the curriculum taking into account its

categories )knowledge, skills, attitudes, and the nature of science( from the

aspect of STS approach. It is also important to consider whether the purpose

of assessment is formative or summative.

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It would not be a safe assumption to think that STS is a single, coherent and

well-articulated approach to science education. Rather, it is a movement

with a number of different strands. Recognizing that STS instructional

materials have been developed in the developed countries and have not been

directly applied in developing countries yet, the second objective of the

study is to develop an STS issues-based physics curriculum.

It is evident that an STS issues-based module will be a model for the

developed STS issues-based curriculum; it presents a science content area

from the perspective of the student and society. It stresses the application of

science facts in real world situations and empowers the student to take


Designing teaching plans/module is an active, creative and time

consuming process, it is a process that results in a product. According to Vos

)2001(, many steps can be followed to develop any module, these steps

include [framing the unit, the curriculum planning process, and verification

and revision]. Hassard )2005( points out that there are four questions should

guide the process of designing a module; they are:

1. Why we would like to teach the module? This leads to consider values

and general science education goals and purposes.

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2. What we would like to teach? Here we will consider the objectives of the

module, and design a conceptional map to show the relationships among

the major ideas of the module.

3. How can we teach? Describing the instructional plan and how to engage

the students to achieve the stated learning objectives.

4. What did the students learn? the evaluation plan will help in providing

information about what the students learned, and how successful was the


Consideing these questions, and the different steps for desgning a

module or an unit of study, the resercher took the following procedures :

1. Selecting STS issues which are interesting and suitable for secondary

students. These issues are based on the survey results.

2. Developing a comprehensive view of the Module to link between the

selected STS issues and the scientific concepts in the light of the

objectives of the developed curriculum. This step included: a( the

definition of the STS theme and the related STS issues, b( concept map

for the STS issues, c( the module rationale, d( the module’s aims, e(

learning outcomes, and f( the brainstorm session.

3. Regulating the content of the module according to the proposed STS

teaching model. The researcher briefly described one or two lessons for

each category in the STS module. The descriptions presented the topic of

the lessons, and identified what the students would do. The proposed STS

teaching model included the following instructional levels:

Level I: the Orientation to the Issue.

Level II: Identifying and defining the issue.

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Level III: Investigating the issue.

Level IV: Application.

4. Preparing the teaching Guide. This teaching guide contained the

suggested teaching methods, the educational activities, and the modules'

assessment to find out what the students have learned.

5. Identifying an evaluation plan for the STS module. Through this step, the

researcher evaluated the developed curriculum, which includes setting

criteria that will be used on evaluating the curriculum by physics teachers

and specialists in science education.

Figure 4.2 presents the framework for module design and development.

Figure 4.2 Framework for Module Design and Development

Identifying an evaluation plan

Preparing the teaching Guide

STS teaching model

Regulating the content of the module

Developing a comprehensive view of the Module

a) the definition of the STS theme b) concept map for the STS issues c) the module rationale d) the module’s aims e) learning outcomes f) the brainstorm session

Learning Objectives

Scientific concept STS issues

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A comprehensive curriculum should promote achievement of approved

curriculum objectives and learning outcomes, support a full range of

pedagogical approaches for learners of different achievement levels, and

provide for cumulative building of skills that reflect the trends towards STS

education. Therefore, the researcher planned to evaluate the developed

curriculum through the evaluation of the developed STS issues based


Accordingly, after developing an STS issues-based module, it was

important to ensure that the module was developed in a way which reflected

the goals of STS approach. So, the aim of this phase was to evaluate the

developed curriculum through the evaluation of the developed module. To

do so, the researcher set a list of criteria to be used in the evaluation process

of all the curriculum’s components. The criteria had been derived from:

STS characteristics )e.g., responsibility, mutual influences of STS,

relation to social issues, balance of viewpoints, decision making,

responsible action, and integration of a point of view(;

An emphasis on societal problems and issues, relating to local and

global concerns;

The STS issue's definition and significance;

Characteristics of the scientifically literate citizen, and features of

science curriculum that meet these characteristics;

Points of view of some Yemeni scientists, curriculum developers,

and instructors; and

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The Yemeni curriculum Goals.

This approach to curriculum materials evaluation sounded so logical

for me ; it makes best use of the time available to learn. The criteria

recommended on this phase were designed to help in evaluating the process

of curriculum development. To decide these criteria the researcher follows

these procedures: