Kimberly J. Peters Cook Library Towson University Towson, MD Kpeters@towson

Kimberly J. Peters Cook Library Towson University Towson, MD [email protected] Introduction As a new medium, interactive TV (iTV) allows the user to access and navigate information in a different way. In order to clearly illustrate such an experience, the information architecture deliverables demonstrate a more cinematic approach to mapping out the user experience. For example, a “site map” is not an appropriate document – because it is not really a “site”. On the other hand, a “process flow” provides a similar function while not constraining the experience to a particular hierarchy. The following documents were created in the spring of 2001 for a prototype of an interactive cable channel which would allow the user to access their cable account and change their services. Process Flow People have become accustomed to using the TV remote to change channels and select items from a factory preset menu in a basic linear experience. With iTV, the remote uses the same buttons to navigate through a potentially non-linear experience. The process flow document is a crucial tool for working out how this experience will flow. iTV C hannelS ubscriber G uide W atching TV 0.0 U ser Decision S tarting S tate Page # S ystem Decision User Interaction P ro cess Flo w s V1 05/23/2001 Key S creen Page # Jane Selects M enu on Rem ote M enu S creen 0.1 S elects "S elf Service Account S elects "M ailM essage" S elects "N ew s" Selects "Traffic" Selects "W eather" Selects "In French" Selects A dvertising PIN Prom pt S creen 0.2 Jane enters PIN # No Yes M y Account 1.0 Rem ove Channels Selects "Add N ew Channels" Change Cable Service M y B illing S tatem ent Rem ove Channels 1.2 H ighlights Channel to R em ove Selects C hannel N am e for M ore Info S elects "M y Changes S elects "A dd N ew C hannels" S elects "Rem ove S elected Channel" M y Changes 1.2.1 S elects "C om plete Transaction" S elects "U pdate C hanges" S elects "A dd N ew Channels C hange C onfirm ation Selects "A dd C hannels" Selects "R em ove C hannels" Selects "View B illing S tatem ent" M y Personal Inform ation H elp Page D ow n for M ore Channels S elects "M y A ccount" Selects "R eturn to W atching TV" Selects "M y A ccount" Add New Channels 1.1 Pages D ow n for M ore C hannels S elects "M y A ccount" H ighlights Channel to A dd Selects C hannelfor M ore Inform ation S elects "M y Changes" M y Account Selects "R em ove C hannels" ChannelD em o Page 1.1.1 Selects "A dd S elected Channel" S ystem Decision Error S creen - reenter Pin num ber 0.2A


Kimberly J. Peters Cook Library Towson University Towson, MD [email protected]. Introduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Kimberly J. Peters Cook Library Towson University Towson, MD Kpeters@towson

Page 1: Kimberly J. Peters Cook Library Towson University Towson, MD  Kpeters@towson

Kimberly J. PetersCook LibraryTowson UniversityTowson, MD [email protected]


As a new medium, interactive TV (iTV) allows the user to access and navigate information in a different way. In order to clearly illustrate such an experience, the information architecture deliverables demonstrate a more cinematic approach to mapping out the user experience. For example, a “site map” is not an appropriate document – because it is not really a “site”. On the other hand, a “process flow” provides a similar function while not constraining the experience to a particular hierarchy.

The following documents were created in the spring of 2001 for a prototype of an interactive cable channel which would allow the user to access their cable account and change their services.

Process Flow

People have become accustomed to using the TV remote to change channels and select items from a factory preset menu in a basic linear experience. With iTV, the remote uses the same buttons to navigate through a potentially non-linear experience. The process flow document is a crucial tool for working out how this experience will flow.

iTV Channel Subscriber Guide

Watching TV0.0



Starting State




User Interaction

Process Flows V1 05/ 23/ 2001




e #

J ane Selects Menuon Remote

Menu Screen0.1

Selects"Self Service


Selects"Mail Message"




Selects"In French"


PIN Prompt Screen0.2 J ane enters PIN #


Yes My Account1.0

Remove Channels

Selects"Add New Channels"

Change CableService

My Billing Statement

Remove Channels1.2 Highlights Channel

to Remove

Selects ChannelName for More Info

Selects"My Changes

Selects "Add NewChannels"

Selects "Remove Selected

Channel"My Changes





Selects "Update Changes"

Selects"Add New Channels

Change Confirmation



Selects"Add Channels"

Selects"Remove Channels"

Selects"View BillingStatement"

My PersonalInformation


Page Down for MoreChannels

NoSelects"My Account"

Selects"Return to Watching


Selects"My Account"

Add New Channels1.1 Pages Down for

More Channels

Selects"My Account"

Highlights Channelto Add

Selects Channel forMore Information

Selects"My Changes"

My Account

Selects "RemoveChannels"

Channel Demo Page



Selects "Add Selected


System Decision

Error Screen -reenter Pin number0


Page 2: Kimberly J. Peters Cook Library Towson University Towson, MD  Kpeters@towson


This interactive television program will be used by an audience which ranges from those who have no experience with new technologies to the savvy techie. The identification of personae to represent this varied audience at the beginning of the project allows the rest of the design to be based upon the needs of the user.

The user personae for most iTV projects already have a mental model for how the television should work. Interactive television challenges the user to break that model. Some personae will have an easier time navigating the iTV experience than others, dependent upon their prior experience with technology and other personality factors.


The safe design area for an iTV screen is limited by the need to use large fonts in order to be legible on the television set.

The wireframes provide an initial structure for navigation and content on each screen. Generally, the less content on the screen, the better the screen looks on the television. The amount of content that you are able to fit within the safe area can often cause a re-evaluation of the process flow.


Zoë just signed up for the new digital cable services offered by her local cable company in Denver. She follows the new movie scene closely and is really excited about having access to multiple movie channels. Zoë lives alone and on and flips around while she is online. Zoë used to have to lookup TV listings all the time to find the name of a movie she came across, but that is no longer an issue with her new cable. Now the problem is weeding through the incredibly long list of options! Zoë considers herself an expert Internet user. She works as a paralegal and uses the Internet extensively to do research for the lawyers at her firm. At home she uses the Internet to comparison shop for any big purchase she might be considering (she went online to help her decide between cable and satellite). She has a tendency to multitask by being online and watching TV. Rather than looking up a show’s website or chatting with other “Survivor” fans, she likes to catch up on her email and look at those stupid little games her brother is always sending to her. Normally she wouldn’t even bother, except that he likes to call her up and quiz her on them. Zoë mainly uses her interactive cable system to order movies from pay-per-view and to check the weather and time before she leaves for work. The technician who installed her cable told her that they would be adding new services soon, so she keeps an eye out for new and interesting iTV services to come along.

Zoë’s Characteristics:

Zoë’s Goals: Find out if there are new services available. Subscribe to a new movie channel. Unsubscribe to a channel that she never watches. Pay her cable bill using her tv.

Is familiar with iTV: 0 0 Watches TV for Information: 0 0 Watches TV to Escape: 0 0 0 0 Internet Savvy: 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5

1.0 Login


iTV Channel Subscriber Guide Wireframes V1 05/ 23/ 2001

Page 1

Self-Service Account

Welcome to the Self-Service Account area.Within this application you can add and removechannels from your line-up, change your cableservice, review your current billing statement andupdate your personal information.

Please enter your personal id #:

Jane, 28, Marketing Professional

Jane is going to delete some channels and add some channels...

Jane sits down in front of her tv and selects "Menu" from her remote

Remember pin # for me


3.0 Remove Channels


iTV Channel Subscriber Guide Wireframes V1 05/ 23/ 2001

Page 2

2.0 My Account


Welcome Jane...

My Account

To begin, select one of the buttons below using the arrow keys and the enterkey on your remote:

Remove Channels Add New Channels My Changes

Use the check boxes to remove channels from your line-up. Click on the channelname for more information about that channel.

A la Carte Channels Price/month

Channel 1 $14.95

Channel 2 $10.95

Channel 3 $12.95

Channel 4 $12.95

V More channels V

Remove Channels

Add Channels

Change Cable Service

My Billing Statement

My Personal Information



Remove Selected Channels My Account>