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Unit1 How to be a Successful Language learner? 1. To Start the Ball Rolling now the ball is in your court ; to start the ball rolling 美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美 。。。,,,。,,。。体,。, ball 美 美 ,:on the ball ,, 美美美美美美美美美美 ball 美 美 美 。一:now the ball's in your courtNow the ball is in your court美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美 ,:。,一,,,, 美美美 美美 。, 美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美 ,。,,。。一 ·美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美 美美-1:"This is Henry Higgins calling about the Brown divorce case. I'm sending you Mr. Brown's offer to pay your client a thousand dollars a month for child support. Now the ball's in your court: let me know whether Mrs. Brown agrees to this amount."

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Unit1 How to be a Successful Language learner?

1. To Start the Ball Rolling

now the ball is in your court ; to start the ball rolling

  美国人非常喜欢运动。凡是在各种运动中出类拔萃的人都成了人们心目中的大明星。这些明星的收入每年可以高达几百万。他们有的从事慈善活动,有的则关心年轻人的教育,在各方面做出不少贡献,很受人尊重和敬仰。但是,也有的人不但生活腐败,而且还有吸毒等犯法行为。严重的甚至被判刑入狱。在所有体育运动中,美国人特别喜爱球类运动。我们已经给大家介绍过好几个和球,也就是 ball 这个字有关的习惯用语,例如:on the ball,就是很机灵,工作做得很好的意思。今天我们再来给大家讲解两个和 ball 这个字有关的俗语。第一个我们要给大家介绍的是:now the ball's in your


  Now the ball is in your court 从字面上来解释,它的意思是:现在球在你那边的场地上了。实际上,这是打网球时用的一句话,也就是你已经采取了行动,把球打过了网,到了对方的场地,现在是

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  例句-1:"This is Henry Higgins calling about the Brown

divorce case. I'm sending you Mr. Brown's offer to pay

your client a thousand dollars a month for child support.

Now the ball's in your court: let me know whether Mrs.

Brown agrees to this amount."



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  例句-2:"Here's a revised budget our people are ready

to vote for. It's about the best I can do. Now the ball's in

your court, my friend: see whether your people can agree

to it."


  下面我们再给大家介绍一个和 ball 这个字有关的习惯用语:to

start the ball rolling。

  To start 就是开始,rolling 是滚动的意思。To start the ball

rolling 要是从字面来翻译就是:开始滚这个球。作为习惯用语,它的意思就是:开始一个活动。我们经常说,万事开头难。比如说,每当逢年过节的时候,或者有什么事值得庆祝的时候,我们往往会组

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  例句-3:"It looked like a dull party with everybody just

sitting there. But Dick started the ball rolling by telling a

couple of funny jokes, and then Jack brought out his guitar

and sang some folk songs. People started singing along

and we had a good time after all."

  这个人说 :“聚会一开始,大家都坐在那里,看起来很沉闷。后来,迪克讲了两个挺滑稽的笑话,总算开了个头。然后,杰克把他的吉他拿了出来,还唱了几首民歌。大家也都跟着一起唱。我们玩得很高兴。”

  当然,to start the ball rolling 这个习惯用语也可以用在严肃的场合。下面就是一个例子。这是一个公司的总经理把手下各部门的主管都召集来开会。他说:

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  例句-4:"Okay, I've called this meeting to see what

ideas we have for the new ad campaign. I'll start the ball

rolling by telling you a few ideas I already have."


  这句话里用了 ad 这个字。其实,这个字是个缩略字,它的原形是:advertisement。 Advertisement 就是广告的意思。

  今天我们给大家介绍了两个和球这个字,也就是 ball 这个字有关的习惯用语。第一个是:now the ball is in your court。

  Now the ball is in your court 作为俗语的意思是:现在该是你采取行动的时候了。我们讲的第二个俗语是:to start the ball


To start the ball rolling 是开始一个行动。

2.To Hit the Ceiling

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make one's blood boil.我们今天再来讲两个和生气有关的俗语。我们要讲的第一个俗语是:To hit the ceiling.To hit 就是“碰撞,打击”。Ceiling 就是“屋顶”。To hit the ceiling,顾名思义就是“撞到了屋顶”。作为俗语,它的意思就是:一个人生气得暴跳如雷,甚至都撞到了屋顶。这个说法具有一般成语和俗语的特点,也就是夸大。但是,也正是由于这一特点使得成语和俗语变得很生动,有时还带有幽默的色彩。下面我们举的例子是一个儿子因为出了车祸而使他的爸爸非常生气。这个男孩对他的朋友说:

  例句-1: The only real damage was a bent fender, but I

knew Dad would hit the ceiling when he saw it. Sure

enough, he was so angry that he made me pay for the

repairs myself.


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  例句-2: Mary's been always very slow in her work. Her

boss has warned her several times. Yesterday, when she

again missed the deadline for a report, he hit the ceiling

and fired her on the spot.


  生气的时候火冒三丈,跳得那么高,甚至碰到屋顶,这还不算厉害。下面还有一个说法,其后果可能更糟:to blow one's top.

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  To blow 可以解释为“吹气”的“吹”。但是,在这里解释为“爆炸”。Top 一般来说是最高的意思,在这里是指人的头顶。所以,to blow one's top 的字面意思就是把某人的头顶都炸开了。俗语的意思几乎跟中文里的怒发冲冠相似,当然,怒发冲冠可能比把头顶炸开要温和的多,但是他们都是表示非常生气。下面我们来举个例子。这是一个妈妈在对他的孩子做自我检讨:

  例句-3: I'm sorry I yelled at you kids this afternoon

when I came home and saw the mess you'd made in the

kitchen. Sure, I had a hard day at work, but I really

shouldn't blow my top that way!



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  例句-4: Every time Bill and I make plans to see each

other, he's always late and keeps me waiting at least

twenty minutes. This morning I waited for almost an hour

and I practically blew my top when I saw him.


  说到准时不准时,有的美国人认为这跟每个民族的文化和风俗习惯有关。因此,有的时候当某人迟到的时候,他们就会说这是:Mexican time. 意思是“墨西哥人往往迟到,所以这是不足为奇的”。这种观点有它一定道理,但是也不能一概而论。墨西哥人里也有准时的,美国人当中也有不准时的。

Unit2 Families

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1. Couch Potato and Mall Rats

 couch potato;mall rats

  电视业的发展,特别是有线电视的出现为美国人提供了更多的选择,随之也就出现了一种花很多时间看电视的电视迷,人们把他们叫做:couch potato。

  Couch 是指沙发,potato 就是土豆。Couch potato 是指那些一有时间就坐在沙发上看电视的人下面讲话的人就是一个不折不扣的 couch potato:

  例句-1: " why should I go out to see a movie or a

concert -- it’s a lot more comfortable to stay at home. I

have cable TV, which gives me a choice of 30 different

programs. Why, I can see a championship fight right in my

living room. Or I can rent a good movie for a couple of

bucks and watch it on my VCR."

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  Couch potato 可能也知道他们的习惯不好。下面这个例子是一个 couch potato 在说他如何处理孩子看电视的问题:

  例句-2: "I'm a couch potato and it's too late for me to

change. But we try to keep our kids from watching more

than two hours of television a day: we don't want them to

be couch potatoes, too."

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  这个人说:“我是个电视迷,一有空就坐在沙发上看电视。要我现在改掉这个习惯已经为时过晚。但是,我们尽量让孩子们 每天看电视不超过两个小时。我们不想让他们也变成电视迷。”



  有的 mall规模较小,只有十几家商店。可是,有的购物中心规模非常大。例如,在华盛顿附近的维吉尼亚州,有一个购物中心里面一共有两百多家商店,另外还有饭馆,电影院和几公顷大的停车场。一到周末星期六和星期天,各地的 mall 里都是买东西的人。有的人也不见得想买什么,但是他们也在里面逛。这些购物中心对那些青少年来说具有很大的吸引力。美国人把这些经常到 mall去逛的人叫做:mall rats。

  Rat 就是老鼠。Mall rats当然并非真的指老鼠,而是指那些年轻人像老鼠那样在 mall 里钻来钻去。下面是一个 mall rat 在说一个大的购物中心是如何地好玩。

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  例句-3: " Hey, there's always something to do there for

us mall rats. At least a dozen fast food places where we

can buy a burger, a slice of pizza, ice cream -- whatever.

Ten different movie theaters. And a whole lot of people to

watch, you know? I can, like, spend the whole day there,

you know?"



  例句-4: "Sure, I use d to be a typical mall rat hanging

around watching the crowds, especially the girls. But then

I went out for basketball, made the team and I don't have

time to waste anymore!"

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  这个年轻人说:“当然了,我过去是个典型的逛购物中心的迷,喜欢在那里观看来来往往的人,特别是女孩子。可是,后来我去打篮球, 进了球队,这样我就没法再浪费时间了。 ”

  这些购物中心对退休了的老人具有另外一种吸引力。这些购物中心都是室内的,冬天有暖气,夏天有冷气。因此,不管外面天气如何,他们都可以在 mall 里面散步。

  我们今天学习了两个和美国人的生活习惯有关的俗语。第一个是:couch potato,就是指那些一有空就坐在沙发里看电视的人。我们今天学习的第二个俗语是:mall rats,是指那些老喜欢到购物中心去逛的年轻人。

2.Pain in the Neck & Neck and neck

下面我们再讲两个和脖子有关的俗语。第一个是 pain in the

neck。Pain 这个字大家都知道是痛的意思。 Neck 是指脖子。但是,pain in the neck 并不是脖子痛的意思,pain in the neck 是说某人很讨厌。这个俗语非常普遍,你每天都可以听到美国人这么说:

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He's a real pain in the neck.这就是说:“那个人真讨厌。”下面这个例子是一个饭馆的老板在说某个顾客:

  例句-1: I want to run and hide every time I see that

woman come into my place. A real pain in the neck; she's

always complaining about the food and the service.


  Pain in the neck 不是一定要针对别人说的,有时还可以用在自己身上。我们来举个例子。下面是一个很不高兴的爸爸在对儿子说话:

  例句-2:I don't want to be a pain in the neck, son, but

I've reminded you a dozen times already to clean up your

room. Better do it tonight, or you can't use the car this


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  下面我们要介绍的一个和 neck 有关的习惯用语是 neck and

neck。 Neck and neck 是指比赛进行得很激烈,竞争双方不相上下。 Neck and neck 这个说法原先是来自比赛,如赛跑、赛马等。就拿赛马来说吧,有的时候两匹马齐头并进,很难分辨出那匹马在前头,那一匹在后头。在有的情况下,一匹马由于它的脖子比另一匹马先到终点而获胜,还有的时候甚至由于它的头,或它的鼻子先到而成了冠军。但是,neck and neck 现在也经常用在别的竞争方面,下面这个例子就能说明这一点:

  例句-3:Right now, only a week from the election, the

republicans and the democrats are running neck to neck

and none of the experts can predict which party will win.

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  Neck and neck 有时还可以用在其他场合,就拿我们广播的这课“美国习惯用语”来做例子吧:

  例句-4:I'm running neck and neck with the clock to see

if I can finish on time.


  我们讲了两个和 neck 这个字有关的习惯用语,其中之一是pain in the neck。 Pain in the neck 是指某人非常讨厌的意思。这是美国非常普遍的一个俗语。我们今天介绍的另一个和 neck 这个字有关的习惯用语是 neck and neck。 Neck and neck 是指比赛双方齐头并进,竞争十分紧张,不分上下。Unit3 Fallacies about Food

1. Apple Pie & Hot Potato

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美国人很喜欢吃 apple pie。 Apple pie 是一种用烤箱制作的甜点心,它的外面是一层面粉,里面是用苹果做的馅儿。中文有时把 apple pie翻成“苹果排”。美国人喜爱吃 apple pie 是他们刚从欧洲移居到美洲来以后就开始了。每个家庭主妇都经常做苹果排。为了说明 apple pie 是美国生活的一个特点,人们常说: "As American

as apple pie." 这句话的意思是:就像苹果排一样具有美国特色。下面就是一个例子:

  例句-1: So many Asian restaurants have opened up in

Washington that a writer on a daily paper here jokes that

dim sum, Japanese sushi and Vietnamese spring rolls have

become as American as apple pie.


  美国人和其他各民族一样具有很多特色。除了爱吃 apple pie 以外,美国人有一个很突出的特点就是,他们非常喜爱运动,特别是

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  例句-2: Football and baseball are as American as apple

pie as they were invented by Americans and played and

watched everywhere in this country. Many people would

glue to their TV sets whenever there are major



  美国人也很喜欢吃土豆,特别是刚从烤箱里拿出来的一个个热气腾腾的土豆。下面我们要介绍的一个俗语是: hot potato。大家都知道 hot 的意思是热或烫。 Potato 就是土豆。热的土豆固然好吃,但是它会烫你的手,你会想法马上甩掉的。 Hot potato 作为俗语,

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  例句-3: The question of whether to raise taxes to cut

the budget deficit is a real hot potato for a lot of




  例句-4: If I were you, I'd drop that client like a hot

potato; he's always suing somebody for something, but he

usually loses and he doesn't pay his lawyer's bills.


2.Bread and Butter

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  以前美国人在吃面包的时候总是在面包上面涂上厚厚的一层黄油。但是,那时候人们还不太关心自己的胆固醇是不是太高了,吃的脂肪是不是太多了。现在,由于人们越来越关心自己的健康,所以许多人都吃那种用植物油做的黄油。可是,在五十年前,人们根本看不起这种代用品。现在美国人饭桌上的黄油可能比以前少多了,但是在日常讲话的时候,butter 这个字还是经常出现的。我们先来讲一个用的非常普遍的习惯用语。Bread and butter. Bread and butter

的意思就是生活最基本的需要,例如,食品、住房、衣服等。有的人把自己的工作叫做 bread and butter。

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  例句-1:Cooking hamburgers at MacDonald's is not the

job I expected to get with my degree in business

administration. But at least it's my bread and butter until I

find a job that suits my education better.



  例句 2:Michael, you've changed three jobs in a year. It

seems that no job suits you, either the pay was too low or

the manager was nasty. It's not easy to find a job

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nowadays. You'd better stay on with your job; at least it's

your bread and butter.

  这个人说: 麦克,你一年内换了三个工作。好像什么工作都不适合你。不是工资太低,就是经理太厉害。这些日子要找工作可不容易。你还是继续在现在的公司里做下去,至少它能提供你基本的生活需要。

  下面我们再给大家介绍一个以 butter 为主的习惯用语。To

butter up someone. 大家要注意的是 butter 这个字在这里是当作动词用,意思就是:涂黄油。但是,to butter up someone 并不是把黄油涂在谁的身上。作为习惯用语,to butter up someone


  例句 3:Since the word came out David will be

promoted to vice president, everybody in the office is busy

trying to butter him up except Joseph. Joseph is an honest

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person, he just doesn't know how to say things that are

not true.



  例句 4:Some people believe to butter up your boss is

the only way to get ahead. It may be true in some cases.

But, in my view, the most important thing is your own

qualifications and skills.

  这个人说: 有些人认为,拍你老板的马屁是事业有进展的唯一道路。在某种情况下,这也许是确实的。但是,从我的观点来看,最重要的还是你自己的条件和技术。

Unit4 Preserving the Environment

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1. Fit as A Fiddle

in the pink; fit as a fiddle

  我们曾经给大家介绍过几个在你感到身体不舒服的时候说的习惯用语。不知大家还记不记得? 比如说:under the weather 是什么意思?这是指:不太舒服。什么是:down with the bug? 这是:由于流行性病毒的感染而不舒服。当然,表达身体不舒服的说法有很多,上面举的只是其中的两个。可是,我们不能老是说不高兴的事,今天我们来讲两个在身体很健康和精力充沛的时候说的常用语。首先,我们要讲的是:in the pink。

  当一个人告诉你:He is in the pink,那你就知道他肯定感到身体很好。In the pink 这个习惯用语的出处说法各有不同。有的人说,in the pink 这个俗语可能是来自跑马场,因为在那里,人们把 in the pink 用来形容那些看起来很健壮的马。但是,有的人有不同的看法;他们认为凡是身体健康的人,他们的皮肤都会呈现一种粉色的光泽,就像我们说有的人脸色很好,白里透红一样。这些人说in the pink 这个说法就是从这儿来的。我们来举个例子吧:

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  例句-1: "Our next door neighbor came back from the

hospital yesterday after his heart attack. And I'm glad to

say he certainly looks back in the pink again."


  在美国,邻里关系也各有不同。有的地方邻居关系很密切,互相照应,来往很多。有孩子的家庭往往会互相合作,轮流接送孩子,这样大家都可以省点时间。美国人经常要出去旅行,邻居关系好会带来很多方便,因为在你出门的时候,你可以请邻居替你浇花、喂猫、收取邮件等。更重要的是,好的邻居会经常关心你的家,万一发现有可疑的人想乘虚而入时,他就会及时替你报警。但是,也有的地方邻居没有来往的。有的人在一个地方住了好几年还像陌生人一样。下面我们再来用 in the pink 来举个例子,这是一个人在睡了一个好觉后感到精神百倍。他说:

  例句-2: "It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do

for a man. I thought I was getting a cold yesterday so I

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went to bed a couple of hours early and I really feel in the

pink now."


  要是你觉得身体非常好,你不仅可以说 in the pink,你还可以用另一个习惯用语来表达这个意思:fit as a fiddle。

  Fit 是身体好的意思,fiddle 是类似小提琴的乐器。 要是一个人说他 fit as a fiddle,那就好比是一把琴的弦和音调都调得很好。请听下面这位年轻人谈谈他是怎么样保持健康的:

  例句-3: "I think my health is important, so I don't

smoke or drink. I eat lots of vegetables and fruit, and I do

exercises three times a week. These things help to keep

me fit as a fiddle."

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  例句-4: "My grandfather looks like he's sixty but he's

really eighty years old and fit as a fiddle: he still has his

own teeth, doesn't need glasses, and walks four miles

every day."

  这个人说 :“我的祖父看起来像一个六十多岁的人。可是实际上,他已经八十岁了。而且他还非常健康:他不用装假牙,看东西也不用眼镜,每天还走四英哩路。”


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  今天我们给大家讲解了两个表示身体很健康的习惯用语。第一个是:in the pink。

  In the pink 的意思是指一个人脸色看上去白里透红,气色很好,身体很健康。我们今天讲的另一个习惯用语是:fit as a fiddle。

  Fit as a fiddle 的意思也是指身体很好,就像一只调好音的小提琴,准备演奏美丽动听的音乐一样。

2. Backseat Driver

backseat driver; back-up system

  我们给大家介绍过几个由 back 这个字组成的习惯用语,例如backslider,backslapper 等。今天我们再来给大家讲解两个和back 这个字有关,而且是非常普遍的俗语。我们首先要给大家讲解的是:backseat Driver。

  Backseat 是由 back 和 seat 这两个字组成的。Back 是背后或后面的意思,seat 就是座位。Backseat 两个字合在一起就是指汽车后面一排的座位。Driver 就是开车的人。那末,坐在后面座位上的

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人怎么能开车呢?这就是 backseat driver 作为俗语的意思了。在美国开车出门是许多人每天生活的一部份。开车的技术当然每个人都不一样。一般来说,开车的人都不太喜欢别人给他指指点点,教他怎么开,怎么走。坐在后面的人本来满可以轻松地聊天,看风景,只要开车的人把你带到目的地去不就完了吗?可是,偏偏有的人坐在后面还不甘心,老是要给开车的人不断地提出没有必要的指导,警告和批评。这种人就是:backseat driver。我们先来给大家举个例子:

  例句-1: "Honey, why don't you pass the car in front --

he's going too slow! Look out -- do you see the car coming

out of that side street! Oh, oh, better slow down: the

light's turning red up ahead!"

  这是一个丈夫在车子里对正在开车的妻子讲话。他说:“亲爱的,你超过前面那辆车吧,他开的太慢。当心,注意旁边那条街里开出 来的那辆车。得了,得了,慢点开吧,前面的路灯刚变红。”

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  人们开玩笑说某人是 backseat driver 一般指妇女的情况比较多。可是,实际上男人在车里指手画脚的也大有人在。这些人就是没有认识到女人同样可以开车开得很好。

  由于开车时指指点点而产生不愉快,引起夫妇吵架的情况也是常有的。有的时候,太太一生气就对先生说:“Darling, just shut

up and let me do the driving, okay?”意思是:“亲爱的,闭上你的嘴,让我专心开车,可以吗?”

  有一点必须指出的是,backseat driver 不一定用在开车的情况下。其他方面也同样使用。下面这个例句就给大家提供了一个实例:

  例句-2: "One place where you find lots of backseat

drivers is in politics. These are people who can't get

elected themselves but keep bothering elected public

officials with unneeded advice."

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  当然,我们不能说所有没有当选,而提意见的人都是backseat driver。有的人也许是出自好心或良好的愿望。

  现在我们来给大家介绍另外一个和 back 这个字有关的俗语:back-up system。

  Back-up system 在目前大量使用现代技术的情况下是经常听到的一种说法。它的意思是后备的设施。比如说,大型喷气式飞机都有一套后备的机械设备,要是主要的机械在飞行的过程中出现故障的话,这套后备的设备就可以马上运转,这样可以使飞机继续安全地飞行。Back-up system 也就是这种后备的设施。航天飞机的内部就有好多后备的设备来保护宇航员。下面就是一个例子:

  例句-3: "On the second day of the flight, the space

shuttle's main air-conditioning system broke down. But the

astronauts switched on the back-up system and were able

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to continue the mission for another three days and land

safely at Edwards Air Force Base."



  例句-4: "This airline pilot talked about getting ready to

land that famous day when all the lights in New York went

out. He said he was lucky the airport had a back-up

system of its own generators -- otherwise he would have

to try to land in total darkness."

  这个人说:“大家都知道纽约发生停电, 全城陷入黑暗的那一天。这个飞行员谈到当天他准备降落的情景。他说,幸运的是,机场自己有后备的发电设备。否则,他得设法在黑暗里降落。”

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  各位听众,我们今天又给大家介绍了两个由 back 这个字组成的习惯用语。第一个是:backseat driver。Backseat driver 是指那些自己不在岗位上,但是却喜欢不断给在位的人提供别人不需要的意见或建议的人。我们今天讲的第二个俗语是:Back-up


  Back-up system 是指后备的设施,以便在主要的设备出现故障的时候发挥作用,使工作能够正常地持续下去。

Unit5 Keeper of the Spring

1.Green Thumb

green thumb; all thumbs



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国人在口语里也有一些由 thumb 这个字组成的习惯用语,有的和大拇指有直接关系,有的则和大拇指没有什么关系,或者至少没有什么直接的关系。我们今天先要给大家讲解的一个常用语是:green


  Green 是绿颜色的意思。Green thumb 要按字面来翻译的话就成了:绿色的大拇指。绿色的大拇指究竟是什么意思呢? 美国人很喜欢在家里种花草,有院子的人不仅在院子里种花,不少人还种各种蔬菜,如西红柿、黄瓜等。他们还在室内养花草。这几乎是每个家庭都有的。但是,有的人种花,种菜种得很成功,所有的植物看上去都是绿油油,非常光亮,很健康。可是,有的人尽管他们也浇水,也让植物晒太阳,也上肥;但是他们种的东西总是没精神, 半死不活。上面说的 Green thumb 就是指那些很会种花种菜的人。换句话说,在这些人的手下,植物都生长得很好。这些 green thumbs 有时还很受到别人的羡慕。下面就是一个例子:

  例句-1: "I sure wish I had a green thumb like Mister

Jones next door. Every year he grows the best tomatos

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and sweet corn in our whole neighborhood. And his roses

are absolutely beautiful!"



  例句-2: "All my friends said that I have a green thumb.

They keep on asking me what I do to the plants at home

as they look so shining and healthy. To tell you the truth,

the only thing I do is watering them once a week. "


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  我们以前就说过,英文里有的时候一字之差就会使得意思完全相反。今天我们要给大家介绍的第二个习惯用语也就是和上面讲的green thumb只差一个字,但是意思却完全不同。我们要讲的第二个常用语就是:all thumbs。

  All 就是所有,一切的意思。All thumbs 从字面上来说就是:全是大拇指。Green thumb虽然在种花草方面很好,但是,要是一个人的十个手指全是大拇指,那他也会感到很难受、很不方便。所以,all thumbs 这个俗语是指那些手脚很笨的人。 请看下面这个例子:

  例句-3: "It's funny how Doctor Brown can do delicate

brain surgery in the operating room, yet his wife Mabel

says he's all thumbs at home when he tries to change a

light bulb or hammer a nail in the wall to hang up a



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  例句-4: "It's amazing you can knit so fast and finish a

sweater in a week. Have you seen the way Julie knits?

She's all thumbs, I'm afriad it's going to take her years to

finish a sweater."


  今天我们给大家介绍了两个和 thumb 这个字有关的常用语。它们是:green thumb 和 all thumbs。

  Green thumb 是指那些很会种花养草的人。All thumbs 是笨手笨脚的意思。你们看,这两个常用语只是一字之差,但是 green

thum 的意思是好的,而 all thumbs 的意思却是反面的。

2.To Rock the Boat

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To shape up or ship out ; To rock the boat

  今天我们要给大家介绍两个和船有关的习惯用语。船在英文里就是: Ship. 船员或者和水上生活有关的人创造了一套他们自己的语言。但是,他们的有些表达形式已经上了岸,成为日常用语了。和 ship 有关的俗语还不少,我们今天只能给大家讲解两个, 我们要讲的第一个是: To shape up or ship out. To shape up or ship out,我们先来看前面一半 to shape up. To shape up 的意思是改进你的工作或行为。后面一半 to ship out 就是离开一个地方。把前后两部份合在一起 to shape up or ship out 就成了一个俗语,意思是:要就改进你的工作,否则就离开这儿。美国的陆军里经常用这个俗语。下面这个例子是一个陆军中士在训斥一个二等兵。

  例句-1:"Jones, you are without a doubt the worst

soldier in the whole company! Your uniform looks like you

slept in it! Your rifle is always dirty, and you can’t follow a

simple order! I’m telling you, soldier -- either shape up or

ship out, you hear me!"

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  我们上面说 to shape up or ship out 这个俗语在陆军里用的比较多,但是在日常生活中也可能出现的。例如,一个公司的老板对手下一个雇员说:

  例句-2: "Mary, you often come late in the morning and

leave early in the evening, and you are always on the

phone talking to your friends. This is not acceptable here.

I’m now giving you a last chance, either shape up or ship

out. "



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  女:美国人有时也把船叫做 boat. 但是,ship 和 boat 之间还是有一点差别的,一般来说 boat 总是比 ship 要小。我们下面要给大家介绍的一个俗语就是和 boat 这个字有关:To rock the boat. To

rock the boat 指的是:找麻烦,或者让人感到厌烦,就像一个孩子站在一艘船当中,故意把船弄得摇摇晃晃,使得船上的人很害怕一样。人们往往会劝别人不要去找麻烦。下面是两个人在办公室里谈论一个很偷懒的同事。

  例句-3:"Sure, I agree Smith isn't worth the big salary

he gets, but I wouldn't tell the boss if I were you. Smith is

one of his favorites, and he'll think you're just rocking the

boat and making trouble."


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  例句-4:"After much discussion, five of us in the class

have finally decided to go to Europe for three weeks.

Preparation is already underway. Please don't rock the

boat by telling mother, because I’m sure she wouldn't




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  今天我们给大家讲了两个和船有关的习惯用语。第一个是: To

shape up or ship out. To shape up or ship out 翻到中文就是:

要就改进,否则就离开这里。我们今天讲的第二个和船有关的习惯用语是: To rock the boat. To rock the boat 是找麻烦,或是破坏某个计划。

Unit6 Banks and Banking

1.You just Said a Mouthful

今天我们还要给大家介绍两个以 mouth 为主的习惯用语。第一个是:

To put your money where your mouth is. To put your

money where your mouth is 是一种不很正式的方式告诉别人不要说大话,不如用钱来证明他说的话是确实的,或者是拿出证据,或实是际行动来。在下面这个例子里说话的人有一个朋友。他老是吹牛说他大学里的足球队是如何每次比赛都取胜的。这个人听的都厌烦死了,于是他对这个朋友说:

  例句-1: Jack, you're talking big about how great your

team is and how bad they'll beat my team Saturday. Okay,

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let's bet fifty dollars on who wins. Let's see you put your

money where your mouth is!



  例句-2: The governor of our State talks about the need

to improve public education but puts no money where his

mouth is. He simply uses education as a reason to raise

taxes but he never intends to spend money on it.



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  大家已经知道在英文里有各种不同的说法表示同意别人的观点。我们在这次节目里要讲的第二个习惯用语就是另一种说法。You just

said a mouthful! Mouthful翻译到中文就是:一口,也就是吃一口饭,或一口菜的一口。但是这个意思跟我们现在讲的这个俗语没有多大关系。You just said a mouthful!的意思是:你说的非常对,也就是称赞说话的人,表示同意。现在我们来举一个例子。这是一个人在赞扬一位竞选连任的参议员所发表的讲话。这个人说:

  例句-3: Senator, I want to tell you that you sure said a

mouthful when you said taxes are too high and you'd work

hard to lower them. Good to hear, and you can certainly

count on my vote!

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  例句-4: Jeff, you said a mouthful! Yes, I've been very

weak in the past always trying to avoid trouble; so I put up

with a lot. But some people would take advantage of you if

you don't stand up for your own rights.

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2. Short and Sweet

这次我们要给大家介绍两个以长短的短,也就是英文里的 short 这个字为主的习惯用语。第一个习惯用语是: Short and sweet 的意思就是很简短,也很明确,一点废话都没有。大家都知道,sweet 这个字的意思是:甜,甜酸苦辣的甜。但是,在 short and sweet 这个俗语里,sweet 这个字并没有听起来很甜的意思。它只是意味着能够很快地知道说话的人,或写文章的人到底要说什么。下面是一个父亲在说他儿子给父母写的一封信。他说:

  例句-1: I got a letter yesterday from my son at college.

It was certainly short and sweet. All it said was "Dear

Dad/Mom, please send me a hundred dollars right away.

Love, your son, Mike."

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  我们再来举一个 short and sweet 的例子。这是一个丈夫在工作了一天后回到家里看到他太太给他留的一张简短的条子。他现在在对他的邻居讲话。

  例句 2: I was really tired after a hard day at the office.

But the first thing I saw after I got home was this short and

sweet note from my wife. It said: I'm going out to have

some fun. Please pick up the kids and get them something

to eat.


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  我们现在来给大家介绍第二个习惯用语。这个习惯用语把长和短这两个对立面都结合在一起。The long and short of it. 这个俗语的意思就是:你把有关某一件事的基本事实和情况都说的很明白了,已经没有必要再说什么了。举例来说吧。一个家庭里的几个孩子都想让爸爸买一辆新车。他们不断地去说服他们的爸爸,把他弄得烦死了。后来,他对孩子们说:

  例句 3: No, we are not going to buy a new car right

now. The old one still runs fine. Besides, the simple truth is

we don't have the money and that's the long and short of




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  例句 4: If you want to go on sharing this apartment

with me, you've got to stop having parties everyday and

playing music loud after midnight. If you think you're not

able to observe these rules, you can move out anytime -

that's the long and short of it!


Unit7 The First Four Minutes

1.To Knock off

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 我们经常提到在学英文过程中不时会碰到一个困难,那就是一个英文字,或一个表达形式有好几种不同的意思。今天我们要给大家介绍的一个常用语就是很好的例子。这个常用语就是:To knock off. To

knock off 这个常用语至少有六,七个不同的解释。正因为如此,我们今天可能要打破常规,不能像平时那样每次讲两个习惯用语,而是只能讲一个习惯用语了。

  首先,to knock off 可以解释为:停止工作。比如说,有两个油漆工人在粉刷房子,其中一个工人突然发现时间已经很晚了,于是他对另一个工人说:

  例句-1:“Say, Charlie, do you know it’s already six

o’clock? Time to knock off. We can finish painting this

room tomorrow.”

  这个人说:“我说呀,查理,你知道现在已经六点钟了吗? 该停工啦。我们可以明天来把这间房间粉刷完。”

  有的时候, to knock off 还可以解释为:降低某一个商品的价钱。下面这个例子是一个人在电话上对他的朋友讲他新买的汽车。

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  例句-2:“Sally, let me tell you, I got a great bargain on

my new Ford Escort! I bought it from my brother-in-law so

he knocked fifteen percent off the dealer list price.“

  这人说:“萨莉,我告诉你,我新买的福特 escort 型汽车,价钱可真便宜。我是从我姐夫那儿买来的,所以他在汽车推销商列出的价格基础上给我打了百分之十五的折扣。”

  To knock off 的另一个意思是:很粗鲁地命令别人不许说话,不许作声。这在军队里用的更普遍。我们来举个例子。要是一个军官很晚回到军营,可是尽管已经过了息灯时间,他发现他手下的士兵还没睡觉。于是,他就说:

  例句-3:“All right, men! Knock off all the noise and turn

the lights out right now! Any more noise out of you and

you’ll be scrubbing latrines this weekend!”


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  上面我们讲的三种有关 to knock off 的解释是:停止工作,不许做声,降低价格,它们都带有抑制的含义。可是,to knock off 还有一个和这些相反的意思,那就是:不顾质量匆忙地写什么东西。下面说话的是一个学生,由于他当晚一定要完成第二天必须交的作业,所以不能和同学一起去看电影。他说:

  例句-4:“I’d love to go to the movies with you, but

tonight I have to stay home and knock off a term paper for

my English class. I won’t spend much time on it but I need

to turn in something tomorrow to make sure I pass the



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  To knock off 还有一个最可怕的意思,那就是: 谋杀。这个用法在犯罪集团里很普遍。犯罪集团之间往往竞争很激烈,下面是一个集团的头头在和他的助手说话:

  例句-5:“Louie, we’ve got to do something quick about

these guys from Chicago coming in here to sell dope in our

territory. What do you think -- how about we knock off one

of these guys as an example and scare the rest out of


  这个犯罪集团的头目说:“路易,那些正在从芝加哥来的家伙要在我们地盘上贩毒。我们得赶快采取行动。要不我们干掉他一个,杀鸡给猴看,把其他人吓跑。你看, 怎么样?”


  以上讲了 to knock off 这个常用语的五种不同解释,它们包括:

停止工作,不许出声,降低价格,不顾质量地匆忙写文章,以及谋杀。其实,我们今天讲的并不是 to knock off 的全部解释,它还可以指:吃东

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西吃的非常快;没有得到许可就模仿其他产品等。我们很清楚,仅仅一个常用语就有那末多解释确实能使人感到很混乱。但是,实际上,问题并不是太复杂的。要是你在看书报时遇到这一常用语,你只要注意上下文就会懂得 to knock off 是什么意思了。要是你在和别人讲话时对方用 to knock off 这个俗语,那你可以从周围发生的事或他正在谈论的主题中了解它的意思。

Unit8 Marriage in Iran and America

1.Let Me Pick up the Tab

今天我们要讲的是,要是你和朋友一起出去吃饭,到最后由谁来付账的问题。在美国,要是一个朋友约你一起出去吃午饭,那当然由他付钱。然而,要是你和三四个朋友一起去饭馆吃饭,事先也没有说好谁请客,那末,当服务员把帐单放在桌上的时候应该怎么办呢?如果你们当中有一个人很慷慨的话,那么他可能会主动表示他愿意请客。在这种情况下,他可以说:Let me pick up the tab. To

pick up 就是把什么东西拿起来的意思。Tab 在口语里就是指帐单。因此,let me pick up the tab, 就是我来付账的意思。我们来举一

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  例句-1: Listen, please don't argue with me. Let me pick

up the tab this time. You two treated me many times

before when I was looking for a job. Now I'm making good

money, so it should be my turn.


  但是,to pick up the tab只是一种说法,还有其他表达方式。比如,你也可以说:say, let me foot the bill for this. 这是说:嗨,这次我来付吧。大家可能知道 foot 就是:一只脚。但是,to

foot the bill跟脚没有任何关系,而且这儿的 foot 是用做动词。To

foot the bill 就是付账。要是你愿意请你的朋友吃饭,你还可以说::

It's my treat. 这是说:我请客。To treat 就含有招待,款待的意思。

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  例句 2: I go out with Jack quite often, but he will never

foot the bill for anything we spend. Even girls nowadays

offer to treat me from time to time.


  我们在这句话里用的是 to foot the bill,你也可以用其他两种说法来替代。另外有一点要指出的,以前在美国,要是男的和女的一起出去吃饭,那总是由男的来付账。但是现在随着社会和经济的不断变化,男女一起出去吃饭由女的来付账也是可以接受的了。这当然跟妇女的社会和经济地位提高有关。

  美国人一起出去吃饭的时候,也往往采用分摊的做法。许多人,包括不少外国人在内,都认为这种做法很好。也就是说,大家一起到饭馆去,但是各自付自己的钱。这原来在英文里叫做:Dutch treat.

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Dutch treat翻到中文就是:荷兰式的请客,但是实际上并没有人请客。因为 Dutch treat 就是各自付自己的钱。当然,事先说好由谁请客也是经常的事。现在,人们已经把 Dutch treat简化成:Go

Dutch. 我们来举一个例子。这是一个人在向他的朋友建议一起去试试一个新的餐馆。

  例句 3: How about trying that new French restaurant

on Columbus Drive tonight? I heard it's expensive so let's

go Dutch, Okay?




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  例句 4: Why don't we go Dutch in the future. I believe

we'll be able to get together more this way as nobody

would worry about who's going to pick up the tab.


2.To be Caught with One's Pants down

  当一个人正在做坏事的时候被人家发现,这个人就会感到很难堪。今天我们要给大家介绍的两个习惯用语都是形容这种局面的。我们先来讲第一个:To get caught with one's hand in the

cookie jar. Cookie 就是饼乾,甜点心。Cookie jar 就是放这些饼乾点心的罐子。To be caught with one's hand in the cookie

jar 从字面上来解释,它的意思就是:当一个人的手正在点心罐子里的时候被人发现了。


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妈妈突然走进厨房,那就被当场发现。这就是 to be caught with

one's hand in the cookie jar。现在,这个俗语已经用得非常普遍,只要是一个人在做不该做的事的时候被人当场抓到都可以用这个习惯用语来形容。我们来举一个例子。这是一个人在说某个邮局的雇员。

  例句-1: It's too bad what happened to her, but it's her

own fault. One day they caught her with her hand in the

cookie jar; she was stealing stamps for personal use and

she was fired on the spot.



  例句 2: Tom was caught with his hand in the cookie jar

when he was sitting at my computer desk reading my files

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last night. He admitted he stole my code a month ago and

tried to find out what I wrote in the outline for the new



  下面我们要讲的习惯用语所描写的情况要比小偷小摸被人发现更严重。这从字面上就可以显示出来。这个习惯用语就是:To be

caught with one's pants down. Pants 就是人们穿的裤子。因此,按字面来解释,to be caught with one's pants down 就是一个人在裤子掉下来的情况下被人发现。作为俗语,它的意思就是当一个人正在做坏事,做可耻的事的时候被人发现了。下面这个例子是一个电台新闻记者报导有关一个市政府官员在做坏事的时候被人发现。这位记者说:

  例句 3: The road commissioner was arrested today for

taking a bribe from the contractor he hired to build the

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new highway. He was caught with his pants down, on

video tape showing him accepting the money.


  英国电影男明星休.格兰特最近发生的一件事最能说明 to be

caught with one's pants down 这个俗语的意思。这是一个人在谈论这件事。

  例句 4: Actor Hugh Grant was caught with his pants

down when he was having sex with a prostitute in the

back of his car. He was arrested by Los Angeles police and

the media made a fuss of it. I really feel sorry for him.


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More Sayings…

1.Sacred Cow & Dark Horse


cow. Sacred 是神圣的意思,cow 就是一头牛。Sacred cow 从字面上来解释,它的意思是:神圣的牛。Sacred cow 这个说法是本世纪初来自印度。在印度,牛是神圣的,它们可以在马路上大摇大摆地走,即便影响交通也没有人敢碰它们,因为印度古代的宗教习惯是保护它们的。但是,作为习惯用语,sacred cow 是指某个人,或某样东西,从来没有受到批评或嘲笑,即便在应该批评的时候也没有人敢这样做,就像印度的牛一样。当然,每个国家都有自己神圣的牛。美国政界就有很多这样不能碰的东西。下面就是一例。

  例句 1: One of our biggest sacred cows is the national

social security program which pays many older Americans

a pension. This program costs more money every year.

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But politicians are afraid to touch it because older folks

have a lot of votes.



  例句 2: Laura takes great care of her health. She's

been very careful about what she eats and spends an hour

every morning doing exercises. This has become her

sacred cow - nothing can change her schedule rain or



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  刚才我们讲了一个跟牛有关的习惯用语,sacred cow,下面我们再来讲一个跟马有关的习惯用语。Dark horse. Dark 就是暗的,或者是暗黑的,horse 就是一匹马。Dark horse 并不是一匹颜色暗黑的马。作为习惯用语,dark horse 是指一匹没有名气的赛马,但是有的时候,它却会出人意料地获胜。这是 dark horse 的原来意思。现在,新闻界经常在政治性的报导中用这个习惯用语来指一个原来毫无名气的政界人士,但是他突然出面参加竞选,跟有名气的竞选人竞争。在一般情况下,dark horse往往是落选的,但是也不一定,就像下面这个例子一样:

  例句 3: Our congressman had been in Washington 20

years and thought we'd keep voting for him forever. This

year, though, the other party nominated a dark horse out

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of nowhere. He kept telling voters it was time for a change

and he won the election.



  例句 4: People tend to elect candidates who have big

names. But after listening to the new candidate's speech, I

think he makes a lot of sense. I'm going to vote for him

even though he's a dark horse.


2.To Have a Heart & Cross My Heart

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人的心是我们喜、怒、哀、乐各种感情的源泉,因此“心”这个字出现在美国不少的成语和俗语中也就不足为奇了。在大多数情况下,人心显示出来的是人类感情善良的一面,例如慷慨。要是有一个人对你说: "Aw, come on -- have a heart!"To have a heart 要是从字面上来解释那就会毫无意义了,因为每个人生下来都是有一颗心的 。To have a heart 是一个俗语,它的意思就是要求别人对说话的人表示同情,或者是要求别人帮助他。


  例句-1: Hey, Dad, have a heart and let me use the new

car; I have this big date with Jennie tonight.


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  例句-2: Charlie, I know I've owed you the hundred

bucks for a long time. But, have a heart: give me a little

more time because I really don't have it right now.


  下面我们要讲解的一个俗语是美国人日常生活中经常用的:cross my heart。 Cross my heart 在中文里的意思就是“保证”或者“发誓”等。一个小孩会说:cross my heart 来让你相信他说的话是真的。例如:

  例句-3: Billy, cross my heart, it wasn't me who broke

your bicycle.

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  Cross my heart 这个俗语用的面是很广的,不仅小孩常用,大人也经常用这个俗语。例如,有的谈恋爱的人就用 cross my

heart 来向对方表白自己的真情。下面就是一个例子:

  例句-4: Honey, cross my heart, I've never looked at

another woman since the first day I set eyes on you!

Believe me, that's the truth!


3. Redneck & McCarthy


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  在美国,打击对立派的方法之一就是把他们说成只能迎合那些既无知又顽固的选民。有一个美国人常用的词就包含这个意思:Redneck. Redneck 是一个字,但是实际上是由两个字 red 和neck组成的。按字面来解释,redneck 就是:红脖子。美国南部贫穷的农民,因为每天在太阳下劳动,所以他们的脖子老是红红的。这些南部农民大多数是白人。一般都比较粗暴,思想顽固,没有知识,而且种族观念很深,不喜欢黑人。美国的保守派很愿意争取他们。下面这个例句是一个地方的电台评论员在说话。

  例句-1: Usually rednecks in this State vote for the

conservative candidate. But this year it's hard to predict

because they're getting hurt by the slowdown in the




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为是一个典型的 redneck。他自己也说 redneck 是那种喜欢开大卡车,一路开一路喝啤酒,然后把空瓶扔到车窗外面的粗人。但是,现在 redneck 这个说法已经不局限在形容南方农民了。它也可以用来指一般干粗活和具有种族歧视的人。下面是一个人在和他的朋友讲话。

  例句 2: I met Bill's uncle that day at the party. He

seems to be a typical redneck. He talked so loud and

insulted the blacks all the time. I'm very surprised, he has

nothing in common with Bill.


  四十年前,美国有一个共和党的参议员名字叫麦卡锡。英文就是:McCarthy. 这里要注意一下这个名字的拼音。大家都知道,人名地名的第一个字母要大写。但是,McCarthy 这个名字有些不同。除了第一个字母M 要大写外,第三个字母C 也要大写。美国有一些名字

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都是如此,但是不多。McCarthy 在五十年代初在没有经过证实的情况下,骇人听闻地指责政府官员秘密为国际共产主义服务,从而迫害了不少人。1954 年年底,参议院通过决议,正式谴责他的不当行为,从此结束了麦卡锡时代。虽然,麦卡锡时代已经过去,但是他的名字却变成美国人日常语言中含有贬意的用词。McCarthyite.

McCarthyite 就是在 McCarthy 这个名字后面加上 ite,成为麦卡锡份子。现在,McCarthyite 是指那些习惯于对反对自己的人进行毫无根据的,不公平的指责的人。下面是一个教政治学的教授在说话。

  例句 3: You may see a McCarthyite in either party.

Often he makes false charges against the other side

simply to hide the fact that he has such a weak record of

his own to sell the voters.


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  例句 4: My opponents accuse me of stealing public

funds and accepting bribes when I was a cabinet member.

None of these is true. They behave like true McCarthyites

and the American people will not tolerate that.


4.Under the Weather

under the weather

  down with a bug

  在寒冷的冬天,伤风,咳嗽和感冒等小毛小病有可能使孩子没法上学,大人不能上班。在这种情况下,美国人打电话到办公室去请假的时候,他们是怎么说的呢? 一般来说,他们会说:"My

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daughter Mary is sick." 意思是说:“我女儿玛丽病了。”或者说:"I'm not feeling good." 意思是:“我不太舒服”。

  这些讲法都是非常普遍的。但是,美国人在表达这些意思的时候也有一些常用的俗语。今天我们就给大家介绍两个。美国人在说“我不太舒服”的时候,经常会用:under the weather。

  Weather 就是天气,但是 under the weather 的意思是:我不太舒服,和天气没有关系。下面我们举的例子是一个人打电话到办公室去请假。

  例句-1: "Mr. Jones, this is Sally Smith. I'm sorry, but I

can't come to work today -- I'm feeling a little under the



  当你用 under the weather 的时候,你只是告诉对方你感到不舒服,而不用具体地告诉别人你究竟是头痛呢,还是拉肚子 。

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Under the weather 可能是有小毛小病的时候最普遍的用法。下面我们再来举个例子,这回是刚才那位老板Mr. Jones 生病了,他打电话给他的秘书,当然不是向她请假,而是告诉她他不去上班,给她下一点指示而已。

  例句-2: "Miss Smith? This is Mister Jones here. Could

you please cancel my appointments for today? I'm feeling

under the weather so I'm going to stay home. I hope I see

you tomorrow."


  这位史密斯小姐一定很高兴,老板不来上班事情会少得多。一般秘书小姐成天都得围绕着老板的工作节奏行事,有时忙的喘不过气来。 有一家咖啡批发公司的秘书,她非常喜欢写作,但是苦于没有时间。所以,每当他的老板出差到外地去的时候,她就利用空余时间写她的短篇小说。她也很坦率地告诉她的老板,老板并不反对,说是

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  Bug 这个字的意思是:小虫子。虽然从医学的角度把病毒叫做bug 是不正确的,但是在这种情况下,你要是用 bug 这个字,谁都知道你是指传染疾病的病毒。我们来举个例子吧。这是一个人在打电话给他的朋友:

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  例句-3: "Susan, this is John. I'm sorry, but Helen and I

are both down with this darn bug that's going around, so

I'm afraid we won't be able to come to dinner tonight."




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  例句-4: "Doctor, this is John Smith. I think I'd better

come in to see you for a check-up. I don't know what's

wrong with me. I'm afraid I am down with a bug."




  今天我们讲了两个表示身体不舒服的习惯用语:under the

weather 和 down with a bug。

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  Under the weather 是很概括地表示不舒服,而不是具体地说明什么病,如头痛,头晕,或胃痛等。Down with a bug 是指受到流行性病毒的感染而身体不舒服。

5. In the Clouds

今天我们要给大家讲解两个由 cloud 这个字组成的习惯用语。大家肯定都知道 cloud 就是天上的云。天上满布乌云的时候,天空往往就变得很暗淡。我们要讲的第一个俗语就是这个意思。

  Cloud 这个字是名词,意思是云。Cloud 后面再加上一个字母 y


  例句-1: When you look at all the trouble spots around

the globe right now, the future of international trade looks

very cloudy.


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  例句-2: I'd have to say the chances are cloudy. We

have quite a bit of support for this bill but we're not sure

that we have enough votes to get it passed.


  不管是美国人,还是中国人,我们每个人恐怕都有做白日梦的时候。有的时候,我们一边走路,一边在想心事,或者是一边做什么事,一边在想其它事情,身边发生什么事全然没有注意到。美国人把这叫做:in the clouds。

  In the clouds 可以解释为:心不在焉。请听下面这个例子,这是一个人在说她的朋友:

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  例句-3: Sally is my best friend but she walked right

past me today, and didn't even say hello. Her head

certainly was in the clouds--she looked like her mind was a

thousand miles away.



  例句-4: I was really embarrassed--the teacher asked

me a question and I didn't even hear him; I was

daydreaming and my head was in the clouds.


6.A Straw in the Wind

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a straw in the wind

  to grasp at straws

  今天这一课我们要再给大家介绍两个由 straw,也就是“稻草”这个词组成的习惯用语。稻草虽然没有什么价值,但是美国人常用的不少俗语都和 straw 这个词有关。我们首先要给大家介绍的一个常用语就是:a straw in the wind。

  按字面来解释,a straw in the wind 意思就是:随风飘的一根稻草。可是,作为俗语,a straw in the wind 是指:在事情发生前的一些风吹草动,也就是事态发展的一些迹象。一些记者在写经济或政治新闻的时候经常用这个俗语。我们先来举个例子看看到底 a

straw in the wind 在句子里是怎么用的。

  例句-1: "Economic experts said today that the increase

in auto sales the last 30 days is a straw in the wind that

the nation's economy is beginning to recover from the

brief recession."

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  这句话里的最后两个字是:brief recession。Brief 是短暂的意思,recession 是目前经常用的一个字,它的意思是:经济衰退。

  A straw in the wind 这个说法的来源可能和农民的习惯有关。要是你去过农村的话,你就知道农民经常把一把草往空中一扔,以此来看风往那个方向吹。逐渐地,a straw in the wind 这个说法就应用到生活的各个方面,成为某件事的发展迹象了。


  例句-2: "I wish we had a good idea of how the voters

feel about us. The only straw in the wind I see is that a lot

more people are registering to vote this time. But is that

good or bad for us?"

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  下面我们要给大家介绍另一个和 straw 有关的习惯用语:to

grasp at straws。

  Grasp 就是抓紧的意思。To grasp at straws 字面上的意思就是抓紧稻草,但它的实际意思和中文里的[捞救命稻草]很相似。要是有一个人在一艘船上,这艘船突然起火,他就被迫跳进海水里。但是,他不会游泳。于是,他只能拚了命在水里想办法抓到任何能不让他沉入海水的东西,例如一块木头,一只空瓶子,甚至一把稻草等。当然,这些东西里没有一样能救他的。这个人只是在绝望之中想用任何办法

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  例句-3: "Harry, you're grasping at straws if you think

you can pass that exam by starting to study the night

before. You'll never catch up, man! All you'll do is lose a

night's sleep, and still you won't get a passing grade."


  这个例句里的 passing grade 就是学校里考试的及格分数。


  例句-4: "This man claims that a burglar shot his wife.

But there was no sign a robber had broken in and the

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husband was found with a gun in his hand. He's just

grasping at straws trying to stay out of jail."



  我们今天讲的两个习惯用语是:a straw in the wind 和 to

grasp at straws。

A straw in the wind 这个常用语的意思是:事态发展的迹象;to grasp at straws指的是企图捞救命稻草。

7. To Call It A Day

to call up ; to call it a day

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  我们曾经说过,学习英语的一个困难就是有些英文字一个字就有好几个不同的意思。就拿 call 这个字来说吧。在一本字典里,call

这个字和它所组成的词汇一共有六十九种不同的意思。一个很简单的例子就是:to call up。

  To call up 的最普通的意思是给某人打电话。但是,to call up


  例句-1: "Every time I look at that black and gold

lacquer box on my desk, it calls up memories of our trip to

Bangkok last year."


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  To call up 还可以用在军事方面,意思是在紧急情况下调动预备役军队来参加某些行动。佛罗里达州州长就这样做过:

  例句-2: "After the hurricane hit the Florida coast, the

governor called up the National Guard to help with the

rescue work."


  我们再来给大家解绍一个由 call 这个字组成的俗语:to call it

a day。To call it a day 的意思是你工作了一天,到晚上你停止工作回家休息,但是准备第二天再回去继续完成昨天没做完的事。说简单一点也就是:结束一天的工作。下面是一个学生在说他正在为英语教授写的一份期终报告的进展情况:

  例句-3: "I worked on my term paper until about ten

o'clock last night, but got so sleepy I decided to call it a

day. I'll finish it this afternoon when I come back from


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  例句-4: "We've got so much news to handle today that

I didn't even have time to have lunch. Now I am going to

call it a day and go home to have a good rest."


  以上我们讲了 to call up 和 to call it a day 这两个词。To call

up 可以解释为:打电话、钩起回忆、征集预备役军人等。To call it a

day 就是结束一天的工作。

8.Straight From the Horse's Mouth


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  第一个是:to pull no punches。 To pull no punches,这是指毫不保留地告诉别人你的看法。Punch 这个字的一种解释就是拳击。 To pull no punches 这个俗语使人脑子里顿时出现一个拳击场里两个拳击手扭成一团,互相攻打对方,而对方设法回避的形像。但是 to pull no punches 这个俗语并不是用在拳击方面的。下面的例子说明在日常生活中怎么用这个俗语:

  例句-1: When I saw my brother Joe, I didn't pull any

punches -- I told him to stop drinking and go out and find a




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  例句-2: I pulled no punches when I went to see the

auto dealer who sold me such a lousy car. I told him he

ought to be ashamed to charge so much for a car that had

so many things wrong with it. No, he didn't give me my

money back, but I sure felt better afterwards.


  今天我们要讲的另外一个俗语是:straight from the horse's

mouth。 Straight from the horse's mouth,从字面上来解释它的意思是:直接来自马的嘴巴。可是,这个俗语的真正意思是:你听到的消息是真实的,因为这消息来自可靠的来源。马和消息可靠又有什么关系呢?你要知道,远在人们还没有使用汽车的年代,人们是依靠马作为他们主要的交通工具,认为马是十分可靠的。现在,汽车

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  例句-3: I tell you I know for certain that Lisa will be

promoted to manager. The boss told me himself, so it's

straight from the horse's mouth!



  例句-4: Say, did you hear that Sally and Bob are going

to get married. Honest, I'm not joking. I heard it from Bob

himself, so it's straight from the horse's mouth!


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