INFORMATIKA ANGOL NYELVEN - · gyakorlati vizsga 0805 2 / 16 2008. október 31....

Informatika angol nyelven középszint — gyakorlati vizsga 0805 Név: ........................................................... osztály:...... INFORMATIKA ANGOL NYELVEN KÖZÉPSZINTŰ GYAKORLATI VIZSGA 2008. október 31. 14:00 A gyakorlati vizsga időtartama: 180 perc Beadott dokumentumok Piszkozati pótlapok száma Beadott fájlok száma A beadott fájlok neve OKTATÁSI ÉS KULTURÁLIS MINISZTÉRIUM ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA 2008. október 31.

Transcript of INFORMATIKA ANGOL NYELVEN - · gyakorlati vizsga 0805 2 / 16 2008. október 31....

Informatika angol nyelven középszint — gyakorlati vizsga 0805

Név: ........................................................... osztály:......




2008. október 31. 14:00

A gyakorlati vizsga időtartama: 180 perc Beadott dokumentumok

Piszkozati pótlapok száma Beadott fájlok száma

A beadott fájlok neve









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gyakorlati vizsga 0805 2 / 16 2008. október 31.

Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

Important information

You have 180 minutes to solve the practical exercises.

Devices allowed for the exam: computer assigned to the student, paper, pen, pencil, ruler, sealed notepaper.

You can take notes on the internal sides of the exercise sheet and the notepaper, these should be submitted at the end of the exam but their content will not be evaluated.

The exercises can be solved in any order.

Please pay attention to frequent saving (every 10 minutes); it is suggested that you save your work every time you start a new exercise.

You should save your exam work in the exam directory that corresponds with your name. Check that this directory is accessible; if it is not accessible, notify the supervising teacher at the beginning of the exam.

Save your works in the exam directory and at the end of the exam check that every solution is in the given directory because only those solutions can be evaluated. Check that the files to be submitted are readable because files that can not be opened can not be evaluated.

The source files can be found in the exam directory.

It is suggested that you read through the exercises first, then solve the individual exercises one by one.

If your computer has technical problems, indicate it to the supervising teacher. The fact of indication and the observed problem will be recorded. The lost time will be added to the dura-tion of the exam. If the problem is not of computer nature, the correcting teacher should take the description of the case in the record into consideration. (The system administrator can not help the candidate with the solution of the exercises.)

At the end of the exam you should indicate the number and the name of the files created and submitted by you and located in the exam directory and its subdirectories on the first page of the exam document. When finishing the exam, do not leave the room until you have done so and have shown it to the supervising teacher.

gyakorlati vizsga 0805 3 / 16 2008. október 31.

Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

1. Begonia

Many people like nicely flowering indoor plants. Taking care of these is a rewarding task and many books help with it. The two pages shown in the example were created based on a book describing indoor plants. Create these two pages using a word processing program ac-cording to the example and the description. The text of the document can be found in file szoveg.txt (UTF-8 encoding). You should insert pictures kep1.jpg and kep2.jpg into the document.

1. Open file szoveg.txt in the word processor and save it as begonia in the default for-mat of the word processor.

2. In the attached text some occurrences of the name of the begonia flower were misspelled as begoni. With the exception of the four Latin names, which were spelt correctly, replace each occurrence of the word “begoni” in such a way that instead of it the word “begonia” appears. (The plural of the word also appears in the text.)

3. The page size is A4, its orientation is portrait, the top and bottom margins are 2.3 cm, the left and right margins are 1.8 cm.

4. The default font type of the document should be Times New Roman (Nimbus Roman). The font sizes used in the main body of the text are 48, 16, 12 and 8 points (this latter is the size of the Roman numbers), in the header the font size is 10 points. The paragraphs should be aligned justified with the exception of the headings.

5. Format the header of the document (which contains the words “Indoor plants” and the page number) according to the example.

6. The main title is aligned centered, leave a spacing of 24 points (0.85 cm) before and 36 points (1.27 cm) after it.

7. On the first page, both the left and right indents of the text in the box should be 3 cm. The text should have a line spacing of 1.5 lines, the background should be light green and the text should be dark green. The part of the text shown in the example should be placed into the box and should be surrounded by a double-line frame of width 2 points. Leave a spac-ing of 48 points (1.69 cm) after the paragraph.

8. Below the text in the box, create the table of the legend, which should be aligned centered. It should be a table that contains 2 columns and 5 rows and has no borders; the 2nd and 4th rows should be empty. The column widths should be 2 cm and 4 cm, respectively. Set the background of the cells in the first column as follows: in the 1st row it is grey, in the 3rd row it is green, in the 5th row it is yellow. Type texts “Dormant period”, “Growth period”, “Flowering period” into the 1st, 3rd and 5th cells of the second column, respectively.

The exercise continues on the next page.

gyakorlati vizsga 0805 4 / 16 2008. október 31.

Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

9. The second page contains the description of two begonia species in one table each. The characteristics of the upper table are:

a. Contains 2 columns and 3 rows

b. The table ranges from margin to margin; the width of its first column is 7 cm.

c. The cells should be merged vertically in the first column.

d. The second row of the second column should be divided into 12 parts.

e. The table has no borders.

10. Insert picture kep1.jpg into the first column of the upper table. Reduce it proportionally to change its width to 6.5 cm; align it centered both horizontally and vertically.

11. The Latin name of the begonia species (BEGONIA SEMPERFLORENS) should be placed into the first cell of the second column with a font whose style is small caps, size is 12 points; it should be aligned centered horizontally. Leave a spacing of 12 points (0.42 cm) before and after it.

12. Type the numbers of the months with Roman numbers (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII) into the 12 cells of equal width of the second row using a font size of 8 points. As this begonia species flowers throughout the year, colour the background of all 12 cells with the yellow colour used in the legend.

13. The 3rd cell should contain the short description of the flower. Format it according to the example. The spacing used should be 12 points (0.42 cm). At the temperature set the nota-tion for degrees Celsius in the standard way (ºC).

14. Create the lower table so that it differs from the upper one in only that the position of the two columns are swapped.

15. Place picture kep2.jpg into the right-side cell of the lower table, the left-side cells should contain the description of the species BEGONIA ELATIOR. The format of the picture and the text parts is completely identical with the format used in the upper table. The col-ouring of the cells containing the months is:

– I, XII: dormant period (grey);

– II, III, IV, V, X, XI: growth period (green);

– VI, VII, VIII, IX: flowering period (yellow).

16. Use hyphenation in the required places of the document.

40 marks

gyakorlati vizsga 0805 5 / 16 2008. október 31.

Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

Example for the Begonia exercise:

gyakorlati vizsga 0805 6 / 16 2008. október 31.

Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

2. Modern Times

Create a presentation to advertise Charlie Chaplin’s last silent film based on the example and the description.

Save your work in the default format of the program as chaplin. The pictures required for the presentation are located in files modern_1.gif, modern_2.jpg, modern_3.jpg and modern_4.jpg, the text is in file forras.txt.

1. The background of each slide has horizontal colour transition, at the top they are light brown, code RGB(223, 192, 141) and at the bottom they are white.

2. The colour code of the text is RGB(80, 45, 30) and the colour code of the titles is RGB(100, 50, 0), of brown shade.

3. Type the text of the presentation or copy it from file forras.txt into the slides accord-ing to the example.

4. On the 1st slide the font size of the title is 54 points and its style is bold. The size of the subtitle is 40 points and its style is italics. In the bottom right corner picture modern_1.gif should appear.

5. On the 2nd slide, modern_2.jpg appears on the left and the film information appears in a table on the right. The width of the picture should be 9 cm, its size should be scaled pro-portionally. The font size of the text in the table is 24 points, in the first column the style is bold. Set the table and column widths so that the words and the names are not broken into several lines.

6. On the 3rd slide the text should appear without bullets, according to the example. In the bottom right corner two pictures should appear after each other during the slide show: modern_3.jpg and modern_4.jpg. Set the width of both pictures to 12 cm using pro-portional scaling.

7. Set the slide show parameters for the presentation. The slide transition should happen on click, the titles and the texts should appear immediately. The pictures should appear from the right on all three slides, without click, after the texts. The exception from this is modern_4.jpg on the 3rd slide, which should appear from the right, above picture modern_3.jpg on click and cover it completely.

15 marks

gyakorlati vizsga 0805 7 / 16 2008. október 31.

Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

Example for the Modern Times exercise:

1st slide

2nd slide

3rd slide

gyakorlati vizsga 0805 8 / 16 2008. október 31.

Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

3. Bandy

Bandy is a winter sport, which is similar to ice hockey, soccer and hockey. Create two webpages to introduce the history and the rules of the sport. For the creation of the webpages use files tortenet.txt, szabaly.txt, gorog.gif, jatekos.jpg and csik.jpg and the given examples as sources. The text files have UTF-8 encoding.

1. Create two pages with names tortenet.html and szabaly.html. The following properties should be the same for both webpages:

a. The title appearing in the header of the browser should be “BANDY”.

b. The background colour of the page, the text colour and the colour of every state of the links should be black (code #000000).

c. Create a table of 2×2. The table should be aligned centered, its width should be 800 points. The background colour should be orange (code #FF5A18). Set a border of 2 points and a cell padding of 10 points.

d. Merge the cells in the first row of the table and insert picture csik.jpg here.

e. Set the width of the first cell of the second row to 140 points. Align the content of the cell to the top vertically according to the example.

f. Enter texts “The History of Bandy” and “The Rules of Bandy” into this cell and format them according to the example. Convert the corresponding text into a link that leads to the other page.

2. On page tortenet.html, enter text “The History of Bandy” into the second cell of the second row of the uniform table created in the above way, then format it with style Heading1 and align it centered horizontally.

3. Insert the text from file tortenet.txt under the heading. The alignment of the text should be justified.

4. Place and align picture gorog.gif in the text according to the example. Set the horizon-tal spacing between the picture and the text to 5 points.

5. On page szabaly.html, enter text “The Rules of Bandy” into the second cell of the sec-ond row of the uniform table, and then format it in the same way as the heading on page tortenet.html.

6. Insert the text from file szabaly.txt under the heading. Set bulleting for the paragraphs containing the rules.

7. Insert and align picture jatekos.jpg according to the example.

15 marks

gyakorlati vizsga 0805 9 / 16 2008. október 31.

Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

Example for the Bandy exercise:



gyakorlati vizsga 0805 10 / 16 2008. október 31.

Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

4. Weather

The weather data of a winter day are available in the text file idoadat.txt; it is tagged by tabs and has UTF-8 encoding. The measurements were carried out at Kékestető every hour starting from midnight, therefore the data of a total of 24 hours are available. Perform the analysis of the measured data according to the description and the example using a worksheet processor. During the solution take the followings into consideration.

• Whenever possible, use a formula, function or reference in the solution. • There are parts in the exercise that use the results from a previous question. If you could not

solve the previous part completely, use its solution as it is, or instead of a formula resulting in a number enter “10”, instead of a formula resulting in a text enter “day-time” and work on with this value, because this way you can receive marks for these exercise parts.

1. Import the data from file idoadat.txt and then save it as idojaras in the default for-mat of the worksheet processor.

2. Insert a column before the first column. The heading of the column should be “Time of measurement”.

3. The weather characteristics that appear in the table were measured every full hour. The first measurement took place at 0 o’clock. Fill the first column based on this information. The number format of the times should be the same as in the example.

4. For the measured data of wind speed and atmospheric pressure units “km/h” and “hPa” should be displayed respectively, in accordance with the example; the units should be se-parated from the data by one space. The values of humidity should be displayed in percent format.

5. In the corresponding cells of row 32, determine the average temperature, the average wind speed, the average atmospheric pressure and the average humidity for the given day. The average values should be displayed to two decimal places, with units that correspond to the given category.

6. Calculate how atmospheric pressure changed in each hour during the day. In order to do so, from 1:00 o’clock determine the increase in atmospheric pressure with respect to the value that was measured one hour earlier and enter it into the Change in atmospheric pressure column. The format of the calculated data should be the same as the one set for atmospheric pressure values.

7. In the Part of the day column display expressions “night-time” and “day-time” with a function that can be copied flawlessly depending on whether the given measurement was performed in the day-time or in the night-time. Day-time lasts from sunrise to sunset (in-cluding the limiting times). The time of sunrise and sunset can be found before the meas-ured data.

8. In the corresponding cells of column G, determine the daily temperature range (the differ-ence of the highest and lowest temperatures measured) and the mean night-time and day-time temperatures. (You are advised to use the values calculated in column Part of the day for this.) Display two decimal places for the mean values. If required, you can use an aux-iliary table in columns K, L.

gyakorlati vizsga 0805 11 / 16 2008. október 31.

Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

9. On the worksheet that contains the table create a chart that shows the temperature histo-gram at every hour according to the followings. Choose a chart type where each data point is displayed. Further characteristics of the chart are:

a. The title of the diagram should be “Temperature measured in degrees Celsius”.

b. On the value axis the scaling should range from -6 to +6 degrees Celsius with a step of one degree.

c. The chart should not have a legend.

d. The labels of the horizontal axis (the times) should be displayed below the chart.

e. Choose the size of the chart and the axis labels so that the times are readable horizontally.

f. In order to determine the values belonging to the individual times easily, dis-play vertical gridlines

10. Format the table according to the example.


30 marks

gyakorlati vizsga 0805 12 / 16 2008. október 31.

Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

5. Dictionary

Emma and her friends began an interesting experiment: they create an electronic Hungar-ian-English dictionary. During their translation work they register those English words (to-gether with their Hungarian meaning) into a dictionary program that are not included in it already. They do the same if they meet another meaning of a word that is already in their dic-tionary. They check the words of the continuously expanding dictionary regularly and evalu-ate the registries of the others. They register how many of them approve and disapprove of the meaning of a word. You have to work with the data of the database created this way, which forms the background of the dictionary program.

1. Create a new database with name szotar. Import the provided data table, file szolis-ta.txt into the database with the same name as the file name (szolista). The file has en-coding UTF-8, it is tagged by tabs, the first line contains the field names. Upon creation set the suitable types. Add a unique key azon to the szolista table.

Table szolista (azon, magyar, angol, felvetel, helyes, helytelen)

azon the identifier of the word pair (autonumber), this is the key magyar the English member of the word pair, the English meaning (text) angol the Hungarian member of the word pair, the Hungarian meaning (text) felvetel the date of registration of the word pair into the dictionary database (date) helyes the number of those who approved of the word pair (number) helytelen the number of those who disapproved of the word pair (number)

When you solve the following exercises, save the queries with the names given in brackets. Pay attention to displaying exactly the required fields and expressions in the solution, do not display other fields.

2. Create a query that displays the English words for which some Hungarian meaning was approved by at least 150 people or disapproved by less than 5 people. (2jo)

3. Create a query that lists the English words whose Hungarian equivalent is written in ex-actly the same way as the English one. (3egyezo)

4. Create a query that gives the average number of people who evaluated the English words starting with letter “a”. (4atlagos)

5. Create a query that gives the time of the first registration of the English word “warp” into the database. (5warp)

6. Create a query that gives the English words of the database that have at least 3 Hungarian meanings. (6min3)

7. Using a query create table helyes that contains the English-Hungarian word pairs that were approved by at least 100 more people than they was disapproved by. (7helyes)

8. Create a report that groups the English-Hungarian word pairs by the day of registration and within the groups display them in the alphabetical order of the English meaning. (8naponta)

20 marks

gyakorlati vizsga 0805 13 / 16 2008. október 31.

Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

gyakorlati vizsga 0805 14 / 16 2008. október 31.

Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

gyakorlati vizsga 0805 15 / 16 2008. október 31.

Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

gyakorlati vizsga 0805 16 / 16 2008. október 31.

Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

Maximum mark /

Maximális pontszám

Achieved mark / Elért

pontszám Word processing / Szövegszerkesztés 1. Begonia 40

Presentation and graphics / Prezentáció és grafika 2. Modern Times 15

Web page composing / Weblapszerkesztés 3. Bandy 15

Worksheet processing / Táblázatkezelés 4. Weather 30

Database management / Adatbázis-kezelés 5. Dictionary 20

TOTAL MARK / ÖSSZESEN 120 javító tanár/examiner

Date: ................................................. __________________________________________________________________________

Achieved mark / Elért


Mark written into program /

Programba beírt pontszám

Word processing / Szövegszerkesztés/ Presentation and graphics / Prezentáció és grafika Web page composition / Weblapkészítés Worksheet processing / Táblázatkezelés Database management / Adatbázis-kezelés

javító tanár/examiner jegyző/registrar

of the Board of Examiners Dátum/Date: ............................................. Dátum/Date: .................................................