Hermanus times 26 06 2014

THURSDAY, 26 JUNE 2014 | Tel 028 - 312 3717 | Fax 028 - 312 4316 Hermanustimes.mobi/www.hermanustimes.co.za R5.20 Huisbrake neem toe ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Die Joubert-familie het Saterdagog- gend 21 Junie in hul huis in Voëlklip wakker geword en besef ’n huisbraak het onder hul neuse plaasgevind. Volgens Daniël Joubert het sy dogter om ongeveer 07:00 wakker geword om haar selfoon te laai in die kombuis. “Sy het ge- sien my skootrekenaar lê nie meer op die eetkamertafel nie, maar gedink een van ons het dit net geskuif. “Ek het sowat 20 minute later opgestaan om koffie te maak. Ek het gesien my skoot- rekenaar is weg en my vrou gevra of sy dit iewers anders gesit het. Sy het nie en dis toe wat ons besef hare is ook weg.” Joubert se dogter het ondersoek kom in- stel oor die bohaai en besef haar selfoon, wat minute vroeër in die kombuis was, ook weg is. “Die dief moes in die kombuis weggekruip het toe sy ingeloop het.” Joubert het agtergekom die inbreker het ’n venster in die eetkamer oop forseer. “Ons het niks gehoor nie. Ons het met ver- dere ondersoek gesien die dief het my skootrekenaar se sak, my dogter se sel- foon, die twee rekenaars, my beursie en horlosie wat op die tafel was, en my vrou se handsak gevat.” Later dieselfde dag, ná die polisie-onder- soek, het Joubert met sy kleindogter in haar stootwaentjie gaan stap en ’n straat weg van hul huis sy vrou se handsak sien lê. “Die kontant was weg, maar ten minste het ons haar beursie en kaarte terugge- vind. Ek sal my bestuurslisensie, ID en vuurwapenlisensie moet vervang. En ek hoop ek wen nie die Lotto dié week nie. My kaartjies is ook daarmee heen!” Volgens Joubert is die ergste die gevoel van privaatheid wat geskend is. “Dis ook nie net die goedere wat altyd vervang kan word nie. Ons foto’s en video’s van ons kin- ders en kleinkinders is vir altyd verlore.” Luidens lt. Fadila September van die Hermanus-polisie, was daar die afgelope paar maande ’n toename in huisbrake in die gebied, veral in Voëlklip, Hawston, Mount Pleasant, Sandbaai, Fisherhaven, Zwelihle en Paradise Park. “Dit blyk of diefstalle veral tydens die wintermaande meer algemeen is. In mees- te van die voorvalle word kleiner items, soos gereedskap en visvangtoerusting, skootrekenaars en selfone geteiken en volg ook dieselfde modus operandi. “Die diewe sal wag tot al die huis se ligte af is en dan toegang verkry deur oop ven- sters. Ons vra dat die publiek seker maak vensters en deure is toe en gesluit en alarms geaktiveer. ’n Taakspan is tans be- sig om dag en nag te werk om die skuldiges aan te keer. Ons het ook ’n hele paar spesia- le operasies wat voorlê.” Sy vra dat alle verdagte voertuie of persone dadelik aan- gemeld moet word by die polisie. ) In ’n soortgelyke voorval is ’n kinder- fiets etlike meters van die eienaars in On- rus, waar hulle helder oordag sit en eet het, gesteel. Sien die brief op bladsy 10. MY OWN DAUGHTER DID THIS: Well-known community worker, counsellor and auxiliary social worker at the Hermanus Rainbow Trust, Winnie Nywebeni, stands amongst the charred remains of what was once a lovely bedroom in her home in Zwelihle. Her daughter, who has allegedly been addicted to tik for nearly a year, went in- to a rage and set fire to the house on Monday 23 June. Winnie says she reported the in- cident to the Hermanus Police, who are investigating a charge of arson. Her daughter (31) appeared in court on Wednesday. See story on page 2. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG Baboon monitors to continue 2 Owners bid Burgundy farewell 3 Robbery foiled by youths 4


Hermanus times 26 06 2014

Transcript of Hermanus times 26 06 2014

  • THURSDAY, 26 JUNE 2014 | Tel 028 312 3717 | Fax 028 312 4316 Hermanustimes.mobi/www.hermanustimes.co.za





    Die Joubert-familie het Saterdagog-

    gend 21 Junie in hul huis in Volklip

    wakker geword en besef n huisbraak

    het onder hul neuse plaasgevind.

    VolgensDanilJouberthet sydogterom

    ongeveer 07:00 wakker geword om haar

    selfoon te laai in die kombuis. Sy het ge-

    sien my skootrekenaar l nie meer op die

    eetkamertafel nie, maar gedink een van

    ons het dit net geskuif.

    Ekhet sowat 20minute later opgestaan

    omkoffie temaak.Ekhet gesienmyskoot-

    rekenaar is weg en my vrou gevra of sy

    dit iewers anders gesit het. Sy het nie en

    dis toe wat ons besef hare is ook weg.

    Joubert se dogter het ondersoekkom in-

    stel oor die bohaai en besef haar selfoon,

    wat minute vroer in die kombuis was,

    ook weg is. Die dief moes in die kombuis

    weggekruip het toe sy ingeloop het.


    n venster in die eetkamer oop forseer.

    Ons het niks gehoor nie. Ons hetmet ver-

    dere ondersoek gesien die dief het my

    skootrekenaar se sak, my dogter se sel-

    foon, die twee rekenaars, my beursie en

    horlosie wat op die tafel was, en my vrou

    se handsak gevat.


    soek, het Joubert met sy kleindogter in

    haar stootwaentjie gaan stap en n straat

    weg van hul huis sy vrou se handsak sien

    l. Die kontantwasweg,maar tenminste

    het ons haar beursie en kaarte terugge-

    vind. Ek sal my bestuurslisensie, ID en

    vuurwapenlisensie moet vervang. En ek

    hoop ek wen nie die Lotto di week nie.

    My kaartjies is ook daarmee heen!

    Volgens Joubert is die ergste die gevoel

    van privaatheid wat geskend is. Dis ook

    nie net die goedere wat altyd vervang kan

    wordnie.Ons fotosenvideosvanonskin-

    ders en kleinkinders is vir altyd verlore.

    Luidens lt. Fadila September van die

    Hermanus-polisie, was daar die afgelope

    paar maande n toename in huisbrake in

    die gebied, veral in Volklip, Hawston,

    Mount Pleasant, Sandbaai, Fisherhaven,

    Zwelihle en Paradise Park.

    Dit blyk of diefstalle veral tydens die

    wintermaandemeer algemeen is. Inmees-

    te van die voorvalle word kleiner items,

    soos gereedskap en visvangtoerusting,

    skootrekenaars en selfone geteiken en

    volg ook dieselfde modus operandi.

    Die diewe salwag tot al die huis se ligte

    af is en dan toegang verkry deur oop ven-

    sters. Ons vra dat die publiek seker maak

    vensters en deure is toe en gesluit en

    alarms geaktiveer. n Taakspan is tans be-

    sigomdagennag tewerkomdie skuldiges


    le operasies wat voorl. Sy vra dat alle

    verdagte voertuie of persone dadelik aan-

    gemeld moet word by die polisie.

    ) In n soortgelyke voorval is n kinder-

    fiets etlike meters van die eienaars in On-


    gesteel. Sien die brief op bladsy 10.

    MY OWN DAUGHTER DID THIS: Wellknown community worker,

    counsellor and auxiliary social worker at the Hermanus Rainbow Trust, Winnie Nywebeni,

    stands amongst the charred remains of what was once a lovely bedroom in her home in

    Zwelihle. Her daughter, who has allegedly been addicted to tik for nearly a year, went in

    to a rage and set fire to the house on Monday 23 June. Winnie says she reported the in

    cident to the Hermanus Police, who are investigating a charge of arson. Her daughter (31)

    appeared in court on Wednesday. See story on page 2. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

    Baboon monitors

    to continue 2

    Owners bid


    farewell 3


    foiled by

    youths 4

  • 2HermanusTimes

    26 June, 2014



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    The baboon monitor pro-

    gramme in Volklip, doomed

    by budget cuts, will, however,

    carry onas usual due to a part-

    nership formed between the

    Overstrand Municipality

    (OM), Expanded Public Works

    Programme (EPWP) and

    Working for the Coast.

    The baboon monitor pro-

    gramme was started as an initia-

    tive by the OM to prevent people

    fromharming baboons that enter

    and damage residents proper-


    But as a part of much needed

    cutbacks, the council decided to

    do away with the programme

    leading to a saving of R1,4million

    on the 2014/15 budget.


    roleplayers, itwasdecidedtocon-

    tinue with the programme.

    Working for the Coast will pay

    the baboonmonitors salaries, al-

    though the new salary packages

    will be smaller than before, Leon

    Steyn, environmental specialist

    at the OM said on Monday.

    TheEPWPwill sponsor theba-

    boon monitors uniforms and the

    OM will sponsor office space, all

    equipment and transport for the


    Steyn further said theyarehop-

    ing that the cut in salaries can be

    toppedupbyresidents tokeep the

    current experienced baboon

    monitors from looking for other


    In Pringle Bay, residents, or-


    ation, have been working togeth-

    er withWorking for the Coast for

    the past year.

    The Association tops up the

    difference in salaries and by do-

    ing that, they have themost expe-

    rienced and loyal monitors and it

    is a great success.

    ) After a baboon was shot and

    killed, and another poisoned in

    Volklip last week, an older fe-


    avehicle onFriday late afternoon

    on themain road inVolklip. The


    rolla while she crossed the road..

    Steyn says baboon monitors

    were on the scenewithinminutes

    and found the seriously injured

    baboon stuck in a part of the en-

    gine of the car.

    The baboon monitors had to

    physically lift the car in order to

    remove the baboon. The baboon

    then continued to run until the

    monitors,membersof theOMand

    CapeNature found her in a criti-

    cal state a fewmetres fromwhere

    the accident had taken place.

    Aveterinarianwascalled to the

    scene where he decided to imme-

    diately put the baboon down due



    The driver of the Corolla was

    not injured and the car was not

    damaged except for the number

    plate that had fallen off.

    Tik addict chargedwith arson


    I never thought it could

    happen to me. Drugs

    know no boundaries and

    they are destroying our

    childrens lives.

    This is what a distraught

    mother of five and commu-

    nity worker, said after her

    daughter set fire to her

    house on Monday 23 June.

    Standing in the ashes of

    what was once a lovely bed-

    room in her house, Winnie

    Nywebeni says: This is

    what drugs can do. Parents

    need to be aware and take a


    Winnie is a well-know

    counsellor and auxilliary

    socialworker in theZwelih-

    le community. Through her

    work with the Hermanus

    Rainbow Trust, she has

    helped countless children

    and parents through diffi-

    cult circumstances. But

    Winnie has had her fair

    share of personal challeng-

    es, and this last act has left

    her reeling.

    Winnie says her daughter, now

    31, was born and raised in Her-

    manus and comes out of a stable, re-

    spectable middle-class home. She

    was always a good girl who was in-

    volved in the churchand the choir.

    In2010herdaughterwas involved

    in a serious car accident and at the

    end of 2013 she received a substan-

    tial amount of money from a claim

    relating to the accident. This is

    when things went wrong, says

    Winnie. She threwmoney around,

    got involved with friends who had

    a bad influence on her, and started

    doing tik.

    Winnie sayswhen she chased her

    daughters friends away from the

    house, her daughter threatened to

    burn the house down.

    When she allegedlywent on a vio-

    lent rampage on Monday,

    sheset fire tothehouse.Be-

    sides a bedroom that was

    completely gutted and all

    of her linen destroyed,

    Winnies kitchen was ru-

    ined with blackened ceil-

    ings and ruined applianc-

    es. The lounge and the rest

    of the house was spared,

    but the smoke has black-

    ened walls and destroyed

    what has always been a

    family home.

    Winnie says she and her

    husband started from

    scratch and worked hard

    to build the house over the


    Winnie reported the in-


    a charge of arson against

    her daughter, who handed

    herself in at the Zwelihle

    police station.

    Winnie says: Tik is so

    dangerous and my daugh-

    ter is a danger to us and a

    danger to herself.

    She says the police need

    to get the drug dealers off

    the streets, because the

    drug lords justgoonwith theirbusi-


    According to Lt Fadila Septem-

    ber, the woman appeared in court

    on Wednesday on a charge of arson

    and no bail was granted.

    With 26 June being International

    Day against drug abuse and illicit

    drug trafficking, this incident is a

    reminder of what drug and alcohol

    abuse can cause.

    Regstelling oor beseerde se toestand

    In verlede week seHermanus

    Times (19/06/2014) in die arti-

    kelBeseerdes inbestendige toe-

    stand is verkeerdelik berig

    dat Bridget Mesias reeds uit

    die hospitaal ontslaan is.

    Di inligting is deur die

    Wes-Kaapsedepartement van

    gesondheid aan die Herma-

    nus Times deurgegee. Jo-An-

    ne Otto, woordvoerder van


    vandag (Vrydag) om versko-

    ninggevravirdie foutiewe in-

    ligting.Mesias is steeds in die


    vuldige beenbreuke. Volgens

    haar pa, Andrew Arendse,

    gaan dit nog n ruk wees voor

    sy ontslaan word. Sy is een

    van twee beseerdes in die on-

    geluk waarin Mathew Speel-

    man (24) op 8 Junie dood is.

    Die tweedebeseerde,Came-

    ronLottering,herstel ooknog

    in die Worcester-hospitaal.

    Understanding baboons and their habits dos and donts


    After a pregnant baboon was

    shot and killed, and another

    poisoned last week in Volklip,

    Hermanus Times (19/06/2014)

    Baboons killed, the environ-

    mental specialist at the Over-

    strandMunicipality (OM)Leon

    Steyn, gave an insight into un-

    derstanding baboons so that

    residents can be informed on

    what to do when they have en-

    counters with baboons.

    According to information

    documents from the OM and

    CapeNature, baboon numbers

    in certain troops are declining


    many injuries and deaths - if

    the death rate continues at the

    present pace, the viability of

    the population will be threat-


    Baboons are a protected spe-

    cies in the Western Cape, thus

    it is illegal to feed baboons, to

    poison, trap, hurt or kill a ba-

    boon. All of these offences are

    punishable by law and carry

    stiff penalties.

    Baboons on your property:

    Baboons are attracted by

    food and enter the villageswith

    thesolepurposeof finding food.

    A baboon troop can cause ex-

    tensive damage to your home,

    it is therefore essential to effec-

    tively manage your property,

    to make it less attractive to ba-


    Keep rubbish secure in a ba-

    boon-proof dustbin and prac-

    tice good waste management.

    Compost should be contained

    in composting bins.

    The easiest way to get ba-

    boons off your property is by

    turning the hosepipe on them.

    They hate getting wet!

    Also, do not leave dog food

    outside and if you plant fruit

    trees and vegetable gardens,

    you will be attracting baboons.

    Baboons in your home:

    Ifbaboonsgainaccess toyour

    home it is important to remain

    calm and to not block their exit


    If you panic, the baboons

    could panic and in doing so,

    may run frantically around the

    house causing even more dam-


    First and foremost, youmust

    make it obvious that you are

    confident and serious about

    getting themout. Back off slow-

    ly and identify the baboons

    shortest escape route.

    To coax a stubborn baboon

    out your house, try using a wa-

    ter spray bottle (never use any-

    thing stronger than water, as

    they might react negatively).


    its death sentence:

    Baboons have learnt that hu-

    mans are a good source of food

    and can show aggressive be-

    haviour in their efforts to gain

    access to food. They jump into

    cars and onto people in their

    search for food.

    Once baboons show aggres-

    sion, the authorities are forced

    to shoot them.

    ) Contact the Overstrand

    Municipality control room on

    028 313 8000 or 028 313 8111 if

    you encounter problems with


    Winnie Nywebenis kitchen was damaged after her

    daughter, a tik addict, set fire to her house on

    Monday. Her new fridge, which she is still paying

    off, was also ruined.


  • 3HermanusTimes

    26 June, 2014



    CeliaandRaynobidBurgundy farewell after4years

    The landmark restaurant Bur-

    gundy and its owners are syn-

    onymous with all that is good

    and delicious about Her-


    But Celia and Rayno Rabie

    have decided the time has come

    for them to move on.

    Burgundy has seen its fair

    shareofchangessince itwasbuilt

    in 1876, and now, after four years

    at its helm, the Rabies will hand

    over the reins to new owners.

    Talking toFriedaLloyd, theRa-

    bies said they regard ownership

    of the Burgundy as the ultimate

    experience for a local restauran-

    teur the cherry on the Her-

    manus eat-out scene and feel

    that they have restored the repu-

    tation of this golden oldie to the

    stature it deserves.

    Four years ago we saw the po-

    tential offered and worked hard

    to awaken all the happy memo-

    ries shared by different genera-

    tions of Hermanus visitors.

    Clients remember the Cyprus

    Tea Room with fondness and the

    Burgundy is currently an estab-

    lishment where friendships are

    rekindled and memories made,

    remarked Rayno.

    This is a restaurant that is not

    only about serving good food it is

    also about community, develop-

    ment and involvement. Well en-

    trenched in the community with

    more than 60 staff members, an

    involvement and an interest in

    the business community has

    made Burgundy and its people a

    tourism interface for the region,

    says Rayno.

    Adds Celia: Burgundy em-

    ployees have remained through

    ownershipchangeswith the long-

    est employment record being 26

    years and the average employee

    working for 10 years.


    staff as much as she will miss the

    clients: Our clients and staff

    were our world.

    ) New owners, Willem en Es-

    thie Steyn, said they feel privi-

    leged to takeover the jewelofHer-

    manusandthankful toRaynoand

    Celia for building up this restau-

    rant to this successful business

    that it is.

    Celia and Rayno Rabie are looking forward

    to relaxing and recharging their batteries

    now that they have sold Burgundy. We feel

    we have restored Burgundy to its righteous

    place as an esteemed Hermanus restaurant

    and it is time to take a break. It truly was a

    matter of the right offer at the right time. We

    are looking forward to having time to sit

    down and enjoy being customers for a




    Evan Austin from African

    Wings did his first whale

    watching flight on Tuesday 24

    June and said he counted 22

    southern right whales in the

    bay, which means the 2014

    whale season has officially

    begun in Hermanus.


    Leopard sculpture showcased

    Inkeepingwithitspredator friendly

    status, Creation Wines recently un-

    veiled a life-sized version of a Cape

    Leopard on their front lawn.

    What gives this sculpture thewow

    factor is that it was created from 220

    gin traps that were gathered from

    farmsin theBaviaanskloof region in

    the Eastern Cape during one of the

    Landmark Foundations effort to

    gather as many as they could. The

    effort was aided by an award of R50

    paid for each gin trap.

    Weeventually collectedabakkie-

    load of traps symbolising a pile of

    collective suffering, said Bool

    Smuts of theLandmarkFoundation.

    A gin trap (also referred to as soft

    catch traps, slaughter irons or

    steel jawed leg traps) is made up

    of twometal jaws, oneor twosprings

    that slam the jaws closed, and a trig-

    ger plate in the middle.

    When an animal steps on the trig-

    ger, the jaw closes around the foot,

    preventing the animal from escap-



    ed with an information session. Ac-


    and marketing director, the sculp-

    turewill remainwith them for some

    months servingas a symbol of our

    ongoing commitment to conserving

    natures rich gifts to our land.

    We also trust that this will raise

    awareness of the plight of leopards

    and encourage more farms to join

    the foundation in their quest to

    make more areas available for the

    Cape Leopard to roam freely.

    The sculpturewas created byRob-

    ert Leggat and is on loan to Creation

    from the Landmark Foundation.

    Eventually the sculpture will find a

    home in Kirstenbosch.


    Smuts and



    with the


    of a leop

    ard made

    of 220

    gin traps.




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  • 4HermanusTimes

    26 June, 2014



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    Paraplegic onmobility



    To tryand takeawayhis last bit

    of independence, while we are

    battling so much already, is


    So said Paulette Peyrot after her


    ity scooter in front of Abagold near

    the New Harbour on his way home

    from the physiotherapist.

    Steven (43) suffers frommultiple

    sclerosis (MS) and cancer and

    drives his mobility scooter to

    Hermanus industrial area daily,

    as the family cannot afford an auto-

    matic car for him.

    Three men ran towards Steven

    on Friday at around 17:30 while he

    was driving towards the Beach

    Club, where the couple live.

    Themen tried to pull himoff the

    scooter while looking for things to

    steal in the basket attached to the

    front of the scooter.

    A towel, that he used during his

    physiotherapy session was the on-

    ly item in the basket, said Pau-


    Luckily two other men saw the

    incident and ran towards Steven to

    help him. Security guards from

    Abagold also ran to Stevens aid.

    Paulette, whoworks at theBeach

    Club, was informed of the incident

    by her husband on his arrival.

    His ribs are bruised as well as

    other parts of his body and he is ex-

    periencing a lot of pain, she says.

    Now, every time he leaves the

    house to go to the physiotherapist

    or elsewhere, we are both stressed

    and worried.

    The family is hoping to find a

    cheap, automatic car soon, so that

    they dont have to worry about his

    safety and so Steve can regain his

    confidence and independence.

    Paulette says she hopes that peo-

    ple walking in the area will be on

    the lookout for dangerous charac-

    ters. There are a lot of kids walk-

    ing to and from the Beach Club and

    they should really be careful.

    The family was allegedly too

    shocked to report the incident to

    the police.

    Our family would like to ex-

    press our sincere gratitude to the

    two unknown men who, even after

    the ordeal, walked Steven all the

    way to the entrance of the Beach

    Club, she adds.

    Youths andmotorist foil robbery


    A robbery at Penny-

    pinchers inSwartdamRoad

    was foiled when a group of

    young boys and a motorist

    chasedafter the culpritwho

    had grabbed a rucksack

    filled with money.

    Dean White, the store

    manager atPennypinchers,

    said that one of their em-

    ployees was on his way to

    the bank with the rucksack


    June), when two men ap-

    proached him in the park-

    ing lot.

    They grabbed the bag and it

    tore as he resisted, leaving him

    holding only the handle.

    A group of boys, between the

    ages of 11 and 15, from Mount

    Pleasant were passing by on their

    bicycles and happened to see the


    They called out that they

    would chase after the thief.

    The suspect started running

    down Swartdam Road towards

    Zwelihle with the bag. With the

    high speed chase of bicycles tear-

    ing down the road after the sus-

    pect, a passingmotorist saw there

    was trouble afoot.

    Shane Teek and his father

    were driving down the road and

    saw the commotion.They stopped

    and Shane ran after the suspect

    and tackled him, and got back the

    stolen bag of money.

    In the meantime, an employee

    of Pennypinchers had called the


    inminutes. Theyarrested the sus-


    White, who was in a meeting in

    their boardroom, said he had no


    a policeman handed over

    the stolen bag, with all the

    cash still intact.

    The whole incident hap-

    pened in a matter of min-


    A second suspect was ar-

    rested later that day.

    The two men (aged 28 and

    30) are still in custody.

    White thanked the mem-

    bers of the public who

    stepped in to help.

    It is really encouraging

    to see that there are still

    members of the public who

    care enough about others to

    stepupandcreatea safer environ-


    Pennypinchers gave a cash re-

    ward to the group of boys and

    Shane Teek for their efforts. The

    fourboys cameby the shop so that

    I could shake their hands.

    White was grateful that every-

    one was unharmed and that the

    stolen goods had been recovered.

    According to police spokesper-

    son Lt Fadila September, a case of

    robbery is being investigated.

    They thanked the public for their

    effort and assisting in the arrest.

    Pennypinchers in Swartdam Road where a

    robbery took place on Monday.

    Crime in brief

    Policeman shot during abalone

    bust:Amemberof theHermanusSAPS

    flying squad was shot in the leg during

    an abalone bust in Zwelihle on Satur


    According to police spokesperson Lt

    Fadila September, the police received

    information on 23 June regarding ille

    gal abalone being held in a house in


    They arrived at the house at about

    02:00 where four suspects (25, 29, 30

    and34years old)were arrested.A total

    of 1 583 abalone was confiscated on

    the scene.

    While on the scene, Const. Joseph Tha

    lithi was shot in the leg when a man

    came from behind and tried to take his

    firearm from him.

    A struggle ensued and he was shot in

    his leg. Hewas taken toMediclinic Her

    manuswhere he is in a stable condition.

    Thedoctorsarewaiting for the swelling

    to go down before the bullet is re

    moved, September confirmed.

    A case of attempted murder is being in

    vestigated by the local police. The sus

    pect is still at large.

    Business robbery:A shopkeeper in

    Hlobo Street, Zwelihle, was robbed on

    21 June.

    According to police spokesperson Lt

    Fadila September the complainant was

    asleep, but was woken up at around

    03:30 by four men inside his shop.

    One of the men pointed a firearm at

    the complainant anddemandedmoney

    from him. They assaulted him and took

    cashandairtime to the value of R1 400.

    No arrests have yet been made.

    The police are still looking for suspects.

    Anyone with information can call the

    investigating officer at 028 313 7000.

    Woman stabbed for cellphone:

    Awoman, waiting for a taxi in Zwelihle

    to get towork,was stabbedand robbed

    on the corner of Swartdam and Stil

    Street on 21 June.

    The complainant saw three African

    males approach her. One grabbed her

    by her shirt while another searched her

    for her cellphone.He took her Blackber

    ryandwallet containingR500.Shewas

    stabbed in her head after which they

    left her at the side of the road. Anyone

    with information can contact Const

    Craig Philander on 028 313 7000.


    ING: There is

    still no sign of

    the 68yearold

    man from Parow

    who went miss

    ing in rough sea

    conditions last

    week. The man

    had reportedly

    been standing

    on the rocks in

    front of The

    Beach Club com

    plex near the New Harbour with a friend. Both were swept off the

    rocks, but his friend managed to get to shore safely. The Hermanus

    NSRI volunteer sea rescue duty crew, the Hermanus police and the

    Western Cape Government Health EMS and EMR ambulance services

    responded, but after an extensive search, there is still no sign of the


  • 5HermanusTimes

    26 June, 2014



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    Crossing over with Christy

    I have relocated from Johannesburg and as a reputable

    medium have begun practicing in Hermanus.

    Make a connection with those that have

    crossed over

    Find greater peace in knowing they are

    ok and very much still with you

    Resolve issues that you feel you may

    not have been able to on earth

    Find out more about Gods purposes for

    your life

    Having a session is a wonderfully uplifting


    Private and group readings, book a

    session at your restaurant, hotel, resort

    or function:

    R600 private reading / R800 family reading

    R150 per person for group reading,

    minimum 5 people

    I also offer REIKI therapy

    Call Christy:

    on 083 381 3406 or

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Crossing over with Christy

    Businessowners fedupwith flooding


    Businessowners in thecentreof townare

    pretty fed up and frustratedwith the per-

    petual flooding of Main Road.

    Seven times in five years is getting a bit

    much and the frequency is increasing, says

    Johan Pretorius, optometrist at Pappin and


    WewerepromisedaR2 millionallocation

    to upgrade the storm-water drainage prob-

    lem, but nothing happened when the new

    road was built.

    New storm-water draining was put in

    front of Debonairs, but themain line in front

    of Seeff is the same 20 cm pipe from years

    ago. So, what happens is that thewater accu-

    mulates and reaches Main Road quicker

    from other streets, Pretorius says.

    He is not alone when it comes to battling

    with flooded roads and pavements. Louis

    Saayman from Fleurs Bloemiste and Jaco

    van der Merwe from Seeff Properties have

    voiced the same concerns

    Margie Frost, receptionist at Seeff, says

    during the last heavy downpour the water

    was three timeshigher than theheight of the

    pavement because the small storm-water

    drain on the corner of the road near their

    office could not cope.

    Frost says the situation has becomeworse

    since the road was resurfaced and after the

    last major downpour, between 4 and 6 June,

    the pavement collapsed and people are trip-

    ping over it.

    Several businesses were closed for a week

    in November after suffering major flood

    damage. According to Pretorius, insurance

    companies are refusing to pay once again

    andtheaffectedbusinesseshave toseekcom-

    pensation from the municipality.

    Being flooded twice in five days is ridicu-

    lous, he says.

    The municipality and traffic department

    had responded within an hour and water-

    works, three hours later, to try and clear the

    drains. Pretorius says the road was closed

    on the Wednesday when the flooding was at

    its worst, but by Saturday around midday,

    drivers were racing to see who could create

    the biggest wave, which flooded premises

    even more.

    Pretorius, Van der Merwe and Saayman

    agree that the road should be closed immedi-

    ately if it is floodedandtheyexpect thedrains

    to be cleaned weekly to minimise damage to

    the affected properties.

    At the re-opening ceremony of the newly

    resurfaced Main Road on 14 February, the

    mayor warned that it was not the end of the

    roadworks because the outdated storm-wa-

    ter system would require more work in the

    future, to the tune of R1,9 million. It was re-

    ported then that there is currently no budget

    for this project.

    Roderick Williams, director of Communi-

    ty Services confirmed that there is no fund-

    ingavailable in the 2014/15 financial year for

    this project and will have to be reconsidered

    in the next financial year.

    He says themaintenance teamwill contin-

    uously monitor the situation and in the case

    of extensive flooding, give priority to allevi-

    ate the problem.

    The perpetual flooding of Main Road in the CBD, especially in front

    of Seeff Properties and Pappin and Pretorius (as was the case dur

    ing the last heavy rains earlier this month) has business owners ask

    ing when the promised upgrading of the stormwater drains will be


    Camphill School safe and secure

    The Camphill Communi-

    ty in the Hemel-en-Aarde

    Valley can breathe a col-

    lective sigh of relief now

    that the project to fence

    and safeguard the school

    and farm has been com-


    After a series of crimi-

    nal incidents at Camphill

    School last year, a project

    to ensure the security of

    the school was launched

    byPaulduToitof theWine

    Village. The goal was to

    fence the entire property

    and to erect an electronic

    securitygate to control ac-

    cess to both Camphill

    School and the Camphill

    Farm Community.

    In November 2013 a suc-

    cessful fundraiser for

    Camphill School was or-


    of Bona Dea Estate. Those who were

    lucky enough to obtain a ticket to the

    glittering ball on the estate will re-

    member it as one of the social events

    of the year in Hermanus.

    Thanks to the generosity of the

    Hermanuscommunity, enoughmon-

    ey was raised to fence the Camphill

    School property, and more besides.

    The schoolwasable to erect securi-

    ty lights on the campus, which was

    very dark at night, upgrade its alarm

    system and install Trellidors on the

    external doors of all the

    school buildings. Not only

    are Paul du Toit and the

    Johnsons to be thanked

    for leaping into this

    project, boots and all, and

    literally moving moun-

    tains, but so too are the

    people ofHermanus for re-

    sponding so generously.

    The school is grateful, too,

    to thebusinessesthathave

    successfully completed

    the various phases of the


    One of these was Trel-

    lidor Hermanus, which,

    with the backing of Trel-

    lidor head office, installed

    18 Trellidor units at cost,

    resulting in a huge saving

    for the school.

    The principal, Dr Mat-

    thi Theron, together with

    members of the Board of Camphill

    School,haveexpressed theirdeepap-

    preciation to one and all for making

    the school a safer and more secure

    space for everyone who works, lives

    and learns there.


    Dr Matthi Theron (right), principal of Camphill School,

    thanked Theron Delport (left), Trellidor Hermanus sales

    consultant and David Botha (centre), (Trellidor franchise

    owner), for providing 18 security gates for the school at

    cost price. In so doing, they, along with many other indi

    viduals and businesses, have contributed significantly to

    help complete the project to improve the security of the


    CBD rain and floods

  • 6HermanusTimes

    26 June, 2014



    Kokkedore/Koekedorekookvir liefdadigheid


    Hierdie tong-in-die kies opsomming van

    die Hermanus Top Sjef-kookkompetisie

    wat Saterdagaand by die Grobbelaarsaal

    plaasgevind het is deur een van die beoor-

    delaars, Rudolph van der Berg van Savan-

    nah Caf, kwytgeraak.

    Die kompetisie is georganiseer deur Projek

    Hoop om geld in te samel vir Operasie Mobili-

    sasie, n wreldwye organisasie wat hom on-


    daagse slawerny.

    Elf spanne, bestaande uit twee kokke, twee



    VanderBerg,Anli vanVuurenvanHermanus

    Gholfklub enFransGroenewald vanGabrils-

    kloof, was die enigste professionele sjefs. Die

    deelnemende kokke het onder meer bestaan

    uit afgetredenes,maatskappybestuurders, re-

    kenmeesters en huis-kombuiskokke.

    Diesaalhet soos nverenigdenasie-dineege-

    lyk met tafels wat volgens landstemas gedek

    is. Die wentafel se tema was Griekeland.

    Disse is voorberei op gasstofies in n alle-



    loin, pruime, vars mossels, spek en arborio

    rys) en n volgepakte bykostafel.

    Die wenners van die beste voorgereg was

    Clayton Delplanque enDino Pinto en die wen-


    lisasie-span.ProjekHoopgaandie geld ingesa-

    mel aan Operasie Mobilisasie (OM) skenk as

    deel van hul Freedom Climb-inisiatief. Vir

    meer inligting gaan gerus na www.omafri-


    Liezl Skein (links) het die beoordelaars in n

    goeie luim gesit met n proesel Griekse Ou

    zo. Die beoordelaars was Frans Groenewald,

    Rudolph van der Berg en voor is Anli van


    Die kookduo

    wat die


    reg voorbe

    rei het was

    Clayton Del

    planque en

    Dino Pinto.


    werk by

    Xpedient en

    Dino is van Fruit & Veg, en saam het hulle

    n Thaise rooikerriestyl mosselpot gemaak,

    voorgesit in n kokosneut.

    Delana Finlayson en Nicolene Finlayson (on

    derskeidelik getroud met die Finlaysonbroers

    Andrew en Dieter) het hul kookvernuf gewys

    deur pasta te maak. Gewone klerehangers is

    ingespan as pastahangers.

    Hoewel geklee in n netjiese wit sjefbaadjie

    is kok Johan Hugo eintlik n rekenmeester.

    Sy spanmaat was Juan Pieterse, ook in die fi

    nansile afdeling by Abagold. Saam met Jo

    han by die bykostafel is Francois Barnard

    (Harbour Rock) en Peter Deverson (Intravel).

    Baie moeite

    is gedoen

    met die dek

    van die ta

    fels volgens


    Hierdie een

    was Span


  • 7HermanusTimes

    26 June, 2014



    Double bill for

    history buffs

    If history interests you there are two events

    of significant historical value coming up.

    From 2 - 17 July the international Anne

    Frank -AHistory for today, travelling ex-

    hibition will be hosted at the auditorium.

    The Frank familys history is juxtaposed

    against world events before, during and af-

    ter the rise to power of Hitler and the Nazi

    Party. By placing complex historical events

    against the backdrop of the life of one young

    person, the exhibition enables visitors to

    gain a greater understanding of human

    rights, and provides the opportunity to ex-

    plore democracy and positive citizenship,

    diversity and community cohesion, and the

    terrible human consequences of persecu-

    tion and war.

    Horse ladys story comes to stage

    TheHermanusHistorySociety inassocia-


    rector Charles J. Fourie, will present an

    evening of entertaining theatre also at the

    auditorium on Friday 4 July.

    Fouries production of his play, Ellas

    Horses, is based on the true story of the

    horse lady of Hermanus. It tells the story

    of the eccentric Ella Gordon, who barters

    a dealwithher local priest to takeher belov-

    ed horses and dogs to heaven.

    Ella Gordon was a Scottish immigrant

    whocametoSouthAfricawitha touringcir-

    cus during the early 1900s. She settled in

    Hermanus and later moved to her farm at

    Karwyderskraal, where she built a church

    and school. She also dedicated her life to the

    localcommunityandherbelovedhorses, for

    which she built the famed horse graveyard.

    It is the only one of its kind in South Africa

    and can still be seen today.

    The award-winning production features

    acclaimed television and film actors Deir-

    dr Wolhuter and Leonard Moss. The

    evening is hosted to raise funds for the Her-

    manus History Society whose aim it is to

    restore the heritage and history of Her-

    manus for future generations.Your support

    of this event will be greatly appreciated.

    Tickets for the performance at 19:00 cost

    R80. For bookings contact Angela Heslop at

    e-mail: [email protected]. Tickets

    willalsobeavailableat theauditoriumfrom

    18:30 on the evening.





    The first


    Tourisms Lit

    erary Lunch

    es series

    takes place

    at lunch time

    at Madres

    Kitchen on

    Sunday 6 July. The event will include

    a reading and fireside chat by fairly

    new South African author and star

    on the rise, Diane Awerbuck. The

    event begins with sherry on arrival

    at 12:15. The cost is R180 per head;

    there is seating for 40 only, so book

    now with Philippa at philippa.mur

    [email protected]. Diane Awerbucks

    first book Gardening at Night, won

    the 2004 Commonwealth Writers

    Prize for best first book (Africa and

    the Caribbean). Her collection of

    short stories, Cabin Fever, includes

    Phosphorescence, which has been

    shortlisted for the Caine Prize for Af

    rican writing, which will be an

    nounced on 14 July. Her novel

    Home Remedies also gained much

    local praise

  • 8HermanusTimes

    26 June, 2014



    2 Carriages Mall

    173 Main Road, Hermanus

    NOW OPEN!!

    All sports equipment direct from the factory

    To the Public @Wholesale prices

    Schools & Clubs WELCOME!!

    Special prices for schools and clubs - BULK ORDERS

    076 101 8738

    9 Hemel en Aarde Village, Hermanus

    028 316 3831 or 072 237 0777

    [email protected] / [email protected]


    Kennis word hiermee gegee dat Nellis en Karin Beyers hul lisensie ooreenkoms met Beds B'Us

    Hermanus beeindig het. Hulle sal steeds in die bedbedryf bly en voortaan hul besigheid op dieselfde

    perseel, onder hul eie naam bedryf. Kyk uit vir hul nuwe naam en logo wat eersdaags sal verskyn. -

    Kwaliteit produkte, diens en beter pryse aan die publiek.

    Notice is hereby given that Nellis and Karin Beyers ended their licence agreement with Beds B'Us

    Hermanus. Theywill still operate in the bed industry andwill in future trade at the samepremises under

    their own name. Watch this space for the new company name and logo. Quality products, service and

    better prices to the public

    Kennisgewing / Notice



    A. Stewart Pharmacy

    held a Fathers Day pro

    motion last weekend and

    handed out muffins to all

    the fathers. The winner

    of the Fathers Day

    drawing competition was

    Michelle Beeton (11).

    Presenting her with her

    prize are Amanda Sym

    ington (left) and Janita

    Shepherd (right).


    ONTWERPERSBRUIDE: Mina Naude (regs), die

    eienaar van @Miens modeboetiek, het Saterdag

    oggend by Bona Dealandgoed bruid en aand

    drag ten toon gestel. Sy het dit gedoen in same

    werking met Ilse Roux (tweede van links), n

    bruidsrokontwerper, en Carla Cornelissen (links),

    n ontwerper van aanddrag. Die funksie is gehou

    in die privaatwoning van Robert (tweede van

    regs) en Diddi Johnson, eienaars van die Bona

    Dealandgoed. Elane Kriel (middel), assistentbe

    stuurder van Bona Dea het gesorg dat al die re

    lings glad verloop. FOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

    Taking thepenguinplunge...


    A total of 36 brave souls (and two dogs) took

    on the icy waters of Klein River in Stanford

    Saturday to help raise funds for Stanford Ro-

    tary during the fourth annual Penguin


    The weather played along beautifully and

    drew quite a few plungers and chickens (who

    stood by for moral support) to the plunge.

    Anton Duivestein started the initiative in

    2011 after a dare by one of the locals. I enjoy

    swimming in the river throughout the year

    and I have heard about a similar initiative


    I then approached the Rotarians, who said

    they needed to raise funds for the local soup


    Now, every year on the Saturday closest

    to the shortest day, we take the plunge.

    The event was sponsored by Springfontein

    Winerywho provided glwhein andhot choc-

    olate for the plungers.

    A total of R6 140.00 was raised and handed

    over to Rotary.

    The organisers for the annual Penguin

    Plunge in Stanford are Anton (who came up

    with the idea in 2011) and Tracey Duivest

    ein, John Finch from Stanford River Lodge

    and Sean Petersen from Springfontein.


    After bracing

    the icy cold

    water of

    Klein River in

    Stanford to

    take the an

    nual Penguin

    Plunge are

    Felix Unite,



    Piet Human,

    Mortimer Lee

    and Su Wolf.

    Mina Naude (middel) met mo

    delle Ruth MaoCheia en Nadia

    Oostenbrink in ontwerpe deur Il

    se Roux Designs.

    Talle mas

    en dogters

    het die

    funksie by


    onder an

    dere ook


    Koen en




  • 9HermanusTimes

    26 June, 2014



    SunGreeff heads forPaarl


    Tourism manager at the Over-

    strand Municipality for the past


    Greeff, has decided to spread her

    wings (and follow her heart) and

    is heading for Paarl.

    With 20 June being her last day

    as the champion of the Cape Whale

    Coast, the Hermanus Times caught

    upwith her to find out how tourism

    in the Overstrand has benefited

    from her input and experience in

    the tourism industry, and what the

    future holds for her.

    Q: What have been some of the

    highlights for you as tourism

    manager for the Cape Whale


    A:Wewere the first region in the

    WesternCape to have its ownbrand

    ambassador; we now have a newly

    designed website for the CWC

    which is mobile friendly. I am also

    proud of the winter campaigns we

    established with Thompsons holi-

    day packages, and the implementa-

    tion, application and development

    of the CWC brand.

    Q: What challenges have come

    your way?

    A: There is a perception that we

    are a big team, but the reality is that

    for the first year itwas onlyme, and

    now there is a second tourism offic-

    er to help. There aremany adminis-

    trative processes that come with

    working for local government.

    What was overwhelming when I ar-

    rived in Hermanus, was having to

    do the compulsory Municipal Fi-

    nance Management Act (MFMA)

    training course. That was a person-

    al challenge for me a part-time

    course that lasted one-and-a-half

    years and a full time job.

    Q: Tell us more about your re-

    sponsibilities as municipal tour-

    ism manager.

    A: Its a very public role, a very

    service orientated role, and a very

    important role. I was here for the

    whole of the Whale Coast and to or-

    ganise the four tourism bureaus in

    our area and promote the unique at-

    tractions of each town. Its a diverse

    andtotallyhandsonposition there

    is no delegation you do it yourself

    and I had to be multi-skilled, doing

    everything fromwebsitemarketing

    to campaigns, shows and exhibi-

    tions, and writing press releases.

    Q: Why the decision to leave?

    A: I am leaving for personal rea-

    sons which have to do with a spe-

    cialman inmy life. He is inDurban-

    ville and this is where I am headed.

    Its been a long distance relation-


    ingmanager at the Drakenstein Lo-

    cal Tourism Association, where I

    start on 1 July, has made the move

    that much easier.

    Q: What will you miss?

    A: Inmy career in the tourism in-

    dustry, I learnt themost in thisposi-

    tion. I feel proud to haveworked for

    this municipality. The place (Her-

    manus) has really stolen my heart

    and it will be difficult to market an-

    other area. I believe in this area as

    a tourism product.

    Q: What is your advice to your


    A: Work closely with the four

    tourism bureaus and maintain the

    relationship with their committees

    as team work is important. Have a

    good relationshipwithpeople in the

    tourism industry as a whole. Im-

    prove on what has already been

    done, as most of the structures are

    now in place.

    Sun Greeff has resigned as the

    Overstrand Municipalitys tourism

    manager and takes up her new

    position at Drakenstein Tourism on


    Save a tie, save a child

    MrsCapeTown2013, fashionand

    image stylist Chantal Witthuhn

    from Kleinmond, will be hosting

    the Save a Tie, Save a Child

    Fashion Show Fundraising

    Event on 27 and 28 June.

    The concept of recycling and


    was birthed over four years ago

    when Witthuhn visited friends

    in theUKandmetadesignerwho

    was fashioningawaistcoat out of

    old ties.

    As an avid recycler, Witthuhn

    used the Mrs Cape Town plat-

    form to demonstrate her passion

    as a fashion stylist to promote

    and establish the event and

    cause. A request for old and un-

    used ties was sent out and over

    4 000 ties have been collected.

    Witthuhncontacteda fewfash-

    ion designers and Hein Smit and

    Marshall Enyioma (both Ta-

    bleview area) and Saskia Wi-

    comb (Stellenbosch) have agreed

    to sponsor the designs, by fund-

    ing and creating it at their own


    Each will be designing 12 to 15

    outfits, which will eventually be


    The Mrs Cape Town charity

    beneficiary is the RoleModels

    Foundation Imfundo Project, an

    initiative and support for pre-

    school and aftercare facilities in

    disadvantaged areas.

    The event will be hosted at the

    All Star Theatre, Cape Gate Life-

    styleCentre inBrackenfell, on 27

    and 28 June starting at 18:30, at

    R280pp. Bookings: Computicket.

    One of the designs made out of

    ties that will be showcased.

    RotaryAnns support worthy causes



    nations to nine organisations active

    in the Hermanus community at a

    special function on Friday 20 June.

    TheHermanus RotaryAnns and a

    group of committed volunteers run

    the Bargain Box, which is predomi-

    nantly a second-hand clothing shop.

    The money generated by this flag-

    ship fundraising shop is used to pro-

    vide food parcels for needy families

    and to support numerous non-gov-

    ernmental organisations on a

    monthly basis. Most of the R114 000

    (gross) the shop generated this year

    is used on the monthly donations,

    and a portion is allocated each year

    for a groupof beneficiarieswho send

    a wish list to the Anns.

    Christel Augustyn, outgoing past

    president of the Rotary Anns, said


    that were selected to receive finan-

    cial support, andwere amazed at the

    good work being done. R30 000 was

    shared between the nine selected

    beneficiary organisations.


    thenumberofbeneficiaries thisyear

    to give amore substantial amount to

    the worthy causes they have chosen

    to support.

    The donationswere distributed as


    )Animawho asked for horse-rid-

    ing lessons for their learners;

    ) Cansa who need a guillotine as

    well as cutlery and glasses;

    )Overstrand Hospice who will

    buy medical supplies;

    )Overstrand Wheelchair Associ-

    ation who will buy a two-plate stove

    and groceries;

    )Huis Lettie Theron plan to buy

    a mini Hi-Fi and two egg box mat-


    ) the Recycle Swop Shop will buy

    food items for their Swop Shop in


    ) theNSRIwill use their donation

    for needs at Sation 17; and

    ) the NG Church in Onrus wants

    to build a path for wheelchair users.


    nations, Augustyn, who completed

    hertermaspresidentof theorganisa-

    tion,handedover the reigns toMoni-

    ca Hamman, who will now continue

    as president of the Rotary Anns.

    Past president of the Hermanus Rotary Anns, Christel Augustyn (seated

    front left) and incoming president of the organisation, Monica Hamman

    (standing back left) with some of the Bargain Box volunteers and repre

    sentatives from the beneficiary organisations who were presented with

    donations at a special hand over function at Mollegren Park on Friday 20


    Bos tot Bach konsert

    n Smaaklike ete, goeie geselskapen

    musiekwatdiegees,harten lyfvoed

    kikker s jou Sondag, 6 Julie, op

    met n uitstappie via die Van der


    jie-mooi ou opstal, Goedvertrouw.

    Die tema van die konsert-ete is:

    VanBostotBach,met nverskeiden-

    heid van In the Jungle tot Bach en

    Tchaikovsky. Die kunstenaars is

    die opwindende Handevat Marim-


    Dit kosR200perpersoon, enbegin

    om 12:00.

    Verlede jaar het Hans en Stefn

    van Dyk, in samewerking met Nar-

    rative Foundation en verskeie an-

    der belangstellendes, n interkultu-

    relemusiekontwikkelings- en gelet-

    terdheidsprogram op Kleinmond

    onder die jongmense van die omge-

    wing begin, en uit di projek is n

    Handevat Marimba-orkes gebore

    wat uit nege leerders bestaan van

    drie verskillende skole.

    Verlede jaar is hulle aangewys as

    die algehele mede-wenners van die

    Overbergse Eisteddfod en het se-

    dertdien al by verskeie funksies en

    troues opgetree.

    Die konsert by Goedvertrouw is


    aan die derde Internasionale Ma-


    tus inJohannesburgendienasgeld-

    insameling. Tydens die komende

    vakansie gaan die groepie op n na-

    weekuitstappie waar Irene de Waal

    van Caledon en Elreda Pillman hul-

    le gaan voorberei in die fyner detail

    van optrede. Vir besprekings, kon-

    tak Elreda Pillman by 028 284 9769.

    Die Handevat

    Marimba Band

    en die nege ta

    lentvolle leerders

    wat drie verskil

    lende skole in

    Kleinmond ver

    teenwoordig, sal

    deel wees van

    die konsert en

    ete op Goedver

    trouw op Sondag

    6 Julie.

  • 10


    26 June, 2014



    Audacity of criminals

    Whether its a childs bicycle pinched virtu

    ally from under your eyes, or laptops and

    cellphones stolen while your family is

    asleep, these ongoing criminal incidents

    reinforce the knowledge that none of us

    are immune to these kind of audacious


    Hermanus has had a rough week on the

    criminal activity front,with cowardly crimi

    nals targeting a father of three who, be

    cause of a debilitating illness, has to rely

    on a mobility scooter to get around. And

    a woman waiting for a taxi was stabbed

    in theheadbecausea thiefwantedher cell


    A robber at Pennypinchers did not get

    far with his loot, thanks to the quick action

    taken by a brave group of youngsters on

    bicycles and another member of the public

    who came to the rescue.

    And a sculpture at Gearings Point,

    which forms part of the outdoor public art

    exhibition, was damaged this week, either

    by vandals or some

    one trying to steal it

    from its plinth.

    While the statue

    cannot feel pain, its a

    sad day when a thing

    of beauty meant for

    all to enjoy is targeted

    by people who have

    no regard for other

    people or their things.

    And all these incidents combined are a

    harsh reminder that none of us are really

    safe from potential malicious attacks.

    Dont blame innocent

    creatures for invading

    Thank you for awell reasoned and intelligent


    lem. Living with wild life is not difficult if we


    nocentcreatures for invadingwhatisactually

    their long standing territory.

    Perhapswehave a fewpeoplewhoneed any

    excuse to use a gun in order to satisfy their

    masculinity. The municipality must rethink

    the decision to stop the monitoring.


    Get with it, old chap! of, Kom by my ou!

    Brian Slades Circulation should deter-

    mine language policy (HT 19/6) refers.

    The writer decries petty nationalism

    as being responsible for the Hermanus

    Timess use of Afrikaans and pleads for

    pragmatism in its language policy.

    I dont know Slade or his origins, but he

    seems to be an exemplar of the insuffera-

    bly arrogantEnglish culturalnationalism

    which has been bugging victims of it for

    centuries all over the world.

    Their mantra has always been: Lets be

    pragmatic and give the English all they

    want, including our gold and diamonds

    and their empire, and then thank them for

    their generous civilising of us savages!

    However, in this day and age, Slades


    nism - sometimes even quite endearing,

    givenitsold-worldnaivety -ofanimperial-

    ist still loyal to a long departed empire.

    There are even someAfrikaners among

    us who still, even more amusingly, share

    this sentiment.

    The slogan God is in his Heaven, the

    Queenisonherthrone, thenativesintheir

    place and all iswell no longer applies,Mr.

    Slade, have you noticed?

    Ek kanmaar net virmnr. Slade s: Kom

    by, my ou! (In deference to Mr. Slades

    pragmatism, bless him, a translation

    would be: Get with it, old chap!).



    Kondome by Fernkloof



    van die leser (Hermanus Times 19 Junie) ra-

    kende die opgestapelde bokse kondome in die

    toilette van die Fernkloof Natuurreservaat.

    Ek wil selfs verder gaan: Dit is vir my totaal

    onaanvaarbaar om elke keer wanneer ek,

    plaaslik of landswyd, n publieke toilet be-

    soek, met opgestapelde en oopgeskeurde hou-

    ers kondome gekonfronteer te word.

    Wat s dit van ons as Suid-Afrikaners? S

    dit dat ons ten alle tye seksbehep rondbeweeg

    - in hierdie geval selfs wanneer ons n natuur-

    reservaat besoek?

    Die senior bestuurder van munisipale ope-

    rasionele dienste verduidelik, in reaksie op

    die beswaar, dat die kondome versprei word

    deur n nie-regeringsorganisasie wat verwag

    dat dit in alle openbare badkamers geplaas

    word.Ekhet nprobleemdaarmeeas nnie-re-

    geringsorganisasie aan n munisipaliteit

    voorskryf, en is van mening dat kondome in

    die Fernkloof toilette totaal onvanpas is, en

    nie daar toegelaat behoort te word nie. Dalk

    is dit tyd dat daar deur die munisipaliteit na

    al die kondoom-verspreidingspunte gekyk

    word, of dit daar enigsins gepas is, en of dit

    ordelik en diskreet gedoen word.


    Gesteelde fiets gevind

    OpMaandag 16 Junie het ons hele gesin mid-

    dagete geet in ons eetkamer toe ons klein-

    seun se fiets skaars 5 meter van ons af uit die

    huis uit gesteel is! Ons het vinnig straat-op

    en straat-af gery op soek na die dief maar..


    Later diemiddag het ons die diefstal aange-

    meld by n baie vriendelike vroue polisiebe-

    ampte. Onswas amper seker dat dit die laaste

    sien van die fiets was en het maar die baie

    hartseer kleinseun getroos.

    Groot was ons verbasing toe ons net n dag

    later n oproep kry dat onsweer die fietsmoet

    beskryf want dis moontlik teruggevind.

    Dieselfde middag lui speurder-konstabel

    Owen Matiai ons voordeurklokkie met die

    fiets in sypolisiemotor.Die fiets is bydie taxi-

    staanplek in die dorp teruggevind waar die

    dief dit probeer verkwansel het.

    Ons wil die Hermanus-polisie bedank vir

    die flinke diens. Dis voorwaar gerusstellend

    om te weet ons kan op julle staatmaak.

    Ons weet weereens dat dit n goeie besluit

    was om op Hermanus te kom aftree.




    are you Mother dear ? This juvenile

    Gymnogene was calling out for its

    mother, flying from roof to roof, says

    Hettie Maree, who took this photo in

    their complex in Sandbaai. It was

    my first time hearing a Gymnogene

    calling out. PHOTO: HETTIE MAREE Congratulations FynArts,

    on Youth Day concert


    to go to the Cape Philharmonic Orchestras

    concerts after our retirement to Hermanus.

    This we had to give up considerable time ago

    due to advancing age (and petrol prices!).

    So, when a friend phoned to tell us that he

    had two tickets for the concert at theHawston

    Thusong Hall, which they were unable to use

    due to a sudden family commitment, and

    wouldwe like tohave the tickets,wecertainly

    accepted, never imagining what sort of treat

    we were in for!

    From the first note of Verdi, through Men-

    delsohns violin concerto superbly played by

    17-year-old Jeffrey Armstrong, a wonderful

    cello concerto and solo played by Abel Selao-

    coe, to the finale,whichwasthe4thmovement

    of Beethovens 5th Symphony wewere abso-

    lutely spellbound, as was the rest of the audi-

    ence in the seeminglypacked to capacityThu-

    song Hall.

    The conductor, Brandon Phillips, the solo-

    ists,andtheyoungmusiciansof theCapePhil-

    harmonic Youth Orchestra certainly de-

    served the ovation they received.


    Homo Sapiens

    Where there is prosperity there is develop-

    ment. Where there is money there is animal

    abuse.Where therearehumans thereare self-

    ish decisions.

    I lovetheFishermansVillagethemebut

    I want it all (aka Queen). If you dont like the

    rapid expansion of Hermanus, go to Fra-


    tein or Nieuwoudtville or any other small dot

    on the map.

    Kill the baboon he eats my proteas, he

    steals my figs, he smells my bananas and

    breaks in to enjoy. Chop down the 100-year

    old Norwegian pine it spoils my view of the

    ocean or horizon orwhatever. Ohwhat a cute

    puppy lets buy and breed and dump at

    HAWS when we are fed-up.

    We are appalled by the horrible rituals un-

    dertaken by the Marikana miners to make

    themselves invincible (eg. burning sheep

    alive to eat their ashes), but we see the same

    trend among well-off Europeans. Shoot, kill,

    abandon, chop down, destroy all for their

    ownpleasure and convenience..... (Written in

    English by an Afrikaner please feel free to



    Wonder what is eating

    our hens?

    Readingthearticleonpagetwoof theHTweek

    before last has confused my thinking com-


    We have a large property in Bergsig Street

    and have always kept chickens, enjoying the

    fresh bright orange farm eggs and listening


    early in the morning.

    Overthe last fourmonthswehavelost twen-

    ty hens. Disappeared at night.We found some

    half eaten on the outside of our 2 m security

    fence. I thought at first it must be a wild cat,

    maybe a civet, butwhen a large hen thatmust

    weigh about 3-4 kilogram disappeared off her

    nest of eggs two weeks ago without a noise

    and just a couple of small feathers, I changed

    my suspicions to a lynx.

    After reading the article of the owl and see-

    ing the photo of the buzzard on the same page

    I feel like a chameleon on a Smarty box. I

    do not knowwhat to think. I have now locked

    upmyremaining rooster and 4hens in a large

    pen covered on the sides and on top but on

    Monday night something dug under the fence

    and took another hen. Back to the lynx idea.

    But like my neighbour says, with the bush

    covered plots in Bergsig Road anything is to

    be expected. This all happened after our dog

    died; I cannot wait for our new dog or for the

    municipality to clear theplotswhich theown-

    er wont do. Oh well, back to the yellow eggs.


    Alternative stateof thenationaddress

    Enough isEnough.Wemustnowget thecoun-

    try working. Affirmative action will cease.

    Suitability for thepostwill be the only criteri-

    on. Education will be given top priority. Ap-

    prenticeships and training facilities will be

    reintroduced, eg teachers training and nurs-

    ing colleges and trade skills.

    Trade unions will be banned. Management

    and labour disputes will be settled by mutual

    discussions by those directly concerned,with

    an independent arbitrator. The decision will

    be binding.

    Workers ormanagement who disagree will

    be given the option to resign.

    Political and economic refugees will be

    banned. Illegal immigrants will be removed.

    Immigrants from the East and elsewhere

    will be banned unless they have skills thatwe

    are unable to provide.

    Uncontrolled influx into urban areas will

    be regulated by availability of housing, serv-

    ices and job opportunities.

    Drug lordswill be identified, convicted and


    Unprofitable state enterprises eg SAA,

    Denel, Eskom, Telkom, will be privatised or

    closed down.

    Agriculture will be subsidised so as to be-

    come competitive with other countries.

    Farm employees will be able to purchase

    shares in farms based on their years of em-

    ployment, with responsibility for both profit

    and loss.

    Land redistribution will be stopped.

    TribalLandswillbehandedovertothe local

    inhabitants and given Title Deeds.

    Unemployedyouthswillbegiven theoppor-

    tunity to joinYouthBrigades andbe educated

    in basic skills.

    Government officials not performing will

    be removedandnot transferred to alternative


    Corruption on any level will not be tolerat-

    ed. Offenders to be jailed without the option

    ofa fine.TheCabinet tobereduced tomanage-

    able levels.




  • 11


    26 June, 2014



    ) Overstrandmunisipaliteit daar is geen

    waterproblememeer in die area nie. Oorstro

    mings dreig a.g.v. oorvol damme. Hoekom

    kan waterpryse nie nou verlaag word nie?


    ) Skande Overstrandmunisipaliteit se ver

    keersafdeling! Julle kan nie padwaardig

    heidstoetse doen nie want die gat is vol wa

    ter! As julle nie n pomp kan bekostig nie kan

    julle sekerlik een leen of huur? H JACOBS

    ) Telkom takes a long time to attend to faults.

    TohellwithgettingADSL.Woebetide this area

    ifwegetnuclearpowerand theyhave thesame

    attitude! SALLY DOVE

    ) This is a message to the owner of the old

    brown Merc who is dumping black plastic

    bags full of rubbish at the childrens play park

    in Onrus, please stop doing that. You are giv

    ing all of us other old brown Merc owners a

    bad name. Eish!

    )VolgensOverstrand Herald het ons munisi

    pale direkteurs lewenslange kontrakte en na

    aftreding voordele. En, ons munisipale be

    stuurder verdienmeer as sy eweknie in Stellen

    bosch! NP WATKINS

    )Awoman alone on a farm? Sees footprints,

    goes outside at night? My cellphone is next

    to my bed, so is the panic button and my bed

    room closed off to the rest of the house with

    security door and we live in town. By the way,

    Alsation sleeps in lounge next to fireplace.

    )VadersdagbyCKSushiwasweer nheerlike

    ervaring.Dankie aandie familiewat hul bottel

    rooiwyn met ons en nog n familie gedeel het.

    Jul is spesiale Hermanusmense. KOTZ


    ) Baie dankie vir die oplettende jong man

    wat Vrydagmiddag by Pick n Pay my motor

    sleutels vir my gebring het. Ek is opreg dank

    baar. ME. UYS

    ) Straatligte is vandag gedurende dag in

    Mcfarlanestraat, Eastcliff aan.Ekhetgisterge

    durende dag gemerk dat hulle in n ander

    straat aan was. Miskien toets iemand net?

    ) The Hospice Shop is in urgent need of shop

    ping bags. If you have any to donate please

    contact us at 028 313188. We will be very

    grateful. HOSPICE

    ) Thank you Riaan Booyens from Hermanus

    Toyota for the outstanding service you gave

    in going the extra mile to repair my Toyota

    Hilux Bakkie. RICHARD

    ) IBG regarding your letter. I think the Her

    manus Times is perfect as is. Both English and

    Afrikaans in the same newspaper. Some days

    theres more English and the other days more

    Afrikaans and I dont mind.

    Anne just gowith the flow and enjoy life, learn

    a bit Afrikaans or stop buying the Times!


    ) I cantwait for Thursday toget theHermanus

    Times. English or Afrikaans. I speak both. I

    am South African.

    )Volklip seafront todevelop in touristMecca

    with multistorey buildings? Boutique hotel ap

    plication in Hermanus Times of 22 May, page

    16 seeks approval for different zoning.


    ) Just awarning to fellowpedestrians, cyclists

    and disabled people, like my husband who

    travels the section of Church Street that leads

    to Hermanus Beach Club.

    The section between Abagold and the Beach

    Club entrance is a very risky part.Myhusband

    was recently the victim of an attack and an

    attempted robbery while on his way home

    from work.

    He uses a disability scooter so was obviously

    seenasa soft target.My sincere thanks toAba

    gold security and the two unknown strangers

    who came to his assistance! PAULETTE


    ) Foolish woman in white GP vehicle with a

    toddler standingonback seat. Youll never for

    give yourself if you need to suddenly brake

    and send that baby through the front wind


    ) Oh what a fabulous festival. Thank you to

    Mary Faure and her team of happy helpers.

    Roll on next year and please bring the Bovim

    ballet back again. MIKE AND MOI


    ) Dankie, Mary Faure, vir n wonderlike 10

    dae! Gunstelinge: die kuns by Gearing Point

    en die twee jazzkonserte. B&M

    )HelenGertenbach, baie bly dit gaan stukke

    beter met jou pasaangeer. Sterkte met inpak

    en geniet jul verblyf in aftreeoord in Reebok.

    Tonne liefde. SUSANENAL JULVRIEN-


    )We received exceptional service and work

    manship from Executive Panel Beaters thanks

    to Chris and his staff. HERRINGTONS

    ) Ons Telkomlyn by ons woning is al langer

    as n week buite werking! Die probleem is al

    verlede Sondag gerapporteer. Ons kry elke

    dag n sms om te s hulle gaan dit reg maak

    maar wraggies weet....dis bietjie belaglik.


    ) Om uit jou eie huis gesit te waarvoor jy

    23 jaar lankhuurbetaal het, is die ergstegeval

    van vernedering, mishandeling enmenswees.

    Jy verloor nie net jou huis nie, maar ook jou

    vriende en trots! INWONER, DE MOND

    What todoaboutbarkingdogs

    A question to the director of law enforcement in

    Hermanus. Kindly advise me of my rights as

    homeowner and taxpayer in Hermanus with re-

    gard to the incessant barking of neighbours

    dogs? Please also advise me and the public of our


    unattended at home? I am rapidly losing my pa-

    tience, and sanity, as a result of this problem.


    Neville Michaels, Director: Protection

    Services answers:

    The Overstrand Municipal By-law regarding

    the Keeping of Dogs and Cats P.N. 6540 of 2008,

    prohibits a person to keep a dog that barks exces-

    sively. Sec 4.(b) states that: No person may keep

    a dog which barks, whimpers or howls to such an

    extent that it, or has another habit which, causes

    an unreasonable disturbance or nuisance to in-

    habitants of the neighbourhood.

    A person that would like to lay a complaint re-

    garding a dog nuisance may do so by contacting

    the Law Enforcement Department of the Over-

    strandMunicipality at 028 313 8996/5 during office

    hours. A statement will be taken from the com-

    plainant and thematterwill be investigated by the

    Law Enforcement officials.

    The onus to control a dog is on the owner. An

    owner who does not comply with the provisions of

    the by-law may receive a written warning notice.

    Failure toadhere to thenoticemayresult in further

    legal action whereby the owner may receive a fine

    of R100 for the first offence. A second offence may

    result in a fine of R300. If the owner is fined for

    the third time the matter will be referred directly

    to court without the choice of a fine and the dog

    may be impounded according to Sec 11(1)(a)(ii) of

    the by-law.

    It is however advisable that the complainant

    tries to resolve this matter in an amicable fashion

    by bringing it under the neighbours attention be-

    fore layinga charge at theLawEnforcement office.

    The by-law is available at the libraries and on

    the official Overstrand Municipality website,


    ThankyouHermanus forhelpingmakeFynArtswork!

    Hermanus FynArts 2014 has come and gone, but

    hopefully the music will linger on.

    Thank you for helping Hermanus Tourism

    grow a festival that is starting to make waves!

    As Stefan Hundt, curator of the Sanlam exhibi-

    tion, commented: FynArts is an unusual festival

    and a special one that has been conceptualised

    and grown from within the local community.

    Stefan is spot on. Suggestions, advice, support

    and feedback from so many people in Hermanus

    and a growing number of highly respected art-

    ists, musicians and festival people further

    afield is nudging the festival into becoming a

    festival to be reckoned with.

    The newly formed advisory board and the indi-

    vidual members of Hermanus Tourism manage-

    ment committee are committed to the concept of

    FynArts and have developed events and offered

    their expertise.

    A small and invaluable team of two has also

    lifted themedia coverage for FynArts beyond the

    boundaries of Hermanus. And a growing band of

    volunteers offered their time toman exhibitions.

    It is these people who have contributed in a very

    real way to the success of FynArts.

    A specialwordof thanks is due to our sponsors.

    SanlamPrivate Investments,Tollman/Bouchard

    Finlayson, Standard Bank, Overstrand Munici-

    pality, Business and Arts South Africa,


    Pam Golding and the Hermanus Times.

    Thank you also to a couple of benefactors who

    made it possible to offer seats to those less privi-

    legedandcontributed to someevents inHawston


    a generous andmaterial support at concerts, and

    toWalker BayNursery andOkasie Flowers. And

    many thanks to the local media Hermanus

    Times, Whale Talk, Splash and Village Explorer

    who generously included articles over many

    months and helped to create a buzz.

    Thank you too for the generous support of the


    wewouldnothavebeenable toputupthegrowing

    number and calibre of presenters andmusicians

    we were able to attract.

    It would be remiss not to give special mention

    to the staff of theWindsor andMarineHotelswho

    copedwith enthusiasmand commitmentwith an

    influx of visitors to exhibitions, workshops, tast-


    modation. The galleries too have worked hard to

    put on special exhibitions.

    And then there is Mission Control the fabu-

    lous and ever calm Tourism-office team of Gar-

    dean,Chantel,Anneline,EricandJulieunder the

    leadership of Celeste Scheepers. Their support,

    dedication, and their determination that all

    would run smoothly and their insight intowhat

    was needed when, where and how was over-



    manus. For everything. Roll on FynArts 2015.




    Peil daar n kruitvat

    water op ons af?

    Met so baie warm lugwat bo ons koppe skynbaar

    doelloos rondslenter, weet ons daar is langer dae

    en korter nagte wat op ons wag. Maar ook dat

    dit te vroeg is om te raai of die Kaapse rens

    nou gaan end kry. Dit is ook of die wolke vir ons

    wil s nog ren is op pad.

    Die Overstrand se merkbare verandering in

    temperature het Dinsdagoggend begin met on-

    stuimige lugstrome wat vroegoggend minstens

    drie verskillende wolksoorte geskep het, elkeen

    met sy eie moontlikhede.

    Die moontlikheid van klam lug die volgende

    paardaehetegterdramatiesverander in nkrui-

    wa vol water wat op ons afpeil.

    Ons moet altoos na wolke kyk teen die agter-

    grond dat hulle deur voorspelbare toestande in

    die bolug geskep word, en nie andersom nie. n

    Voorbeeld is wanneer n sigbare lugstroom (jet-

    stream)uitdienoordweste inonsrigtingdryf.Vir

    weerkykers s dit dat die lugstroom aan die rant

    van n hoogdruk is. Dit is die grens tussen warm

    en koue lug, waar konveksie plaasvind.


    mente het nie, te verduidelik wat om die na-


    die berge rondomons in ag geneemword, is nie

    soos trippe, trappe, trone in storieboeke nie.

    Waaroor ons nie durf saamgesels nie is die

    oorsaak van onstabiele lug wat grootmense



    Watonsweet isdat temperaturenelkeonge-

    reelde (onstabiele) lugverskuiwing vinnig ver-

    ander en dat die bietjie ekstra son na 22 Junie

    nie n faktor is om koue weg te hou nie.

    Feit is dat Antarktika tans warmer as ge-

    woonlik lugnaons toe opgestuurhet endat gro-

    ter konveksie plaasgevind het as wat verwag

    is. Dit word n hengse neerslag van 15 mm tus-

    sen Donderdagnag (gisteraand) en die aand-

    nuus verwag.

    Wat nie verander nie is die 12 C wat by tye

    oor die naweek verwag word. En nog heelwat

    ren volgende week.

    The past weeks warmerweather ismakingway for rain. Cold

    andwet conditions are forecast fromThursday, through to the

    weekendwith aminimum temperature of 12 C.More rain can

    be expected next week.

  • 12


    26 June, 2014



    Councillors paystill under scrutiny

    I refer to the Budget Offices response to my

    asking for justification for a 12%+ increase

    for Councillors and must admit that this is

    the lamest excuse, for trying to avoid the is-

    sue, I have seen in years.

    Allowme to quote the numbers taken from

    the 2013/2014 and this years budget reports.

    Bear in mind that a budget runs over 12

    months and it seems that there is a tendency

    to make interim adjustments to the annual

    budget during the financial year, which gets

    lost in translation or interpretation.















































    % in-
















    % in-









    R6,710 R7,197 7,26% R7,968







    R361 R380 5,26% R545



    Total R7,071 R7,577 7,16% R8,516



    The practice of interim adjustments to the

    budget leads to excessive increases in year on


    account when compiling the new budget. Un-

    fortunately the adjusted budget becomes the

    new base, which does not reflect reality of the

    cost increase. The following information was

    taken from page 15 of this years budget re-



























    % In-


    se ye-













    % in-


    se ye-










    R7,084 R7,978



    R8,516 6,74%

    It is clear that the audited outcome for

    2012/2013 did include cell phone allowances

    and that the argument of non inclusion is

    therefore irrelevant and could be construed

    as an effort to mislead the readers.

    I re-iterate, irrespective how you interpret

    the numbers, there is an increase in Council-

    lors costs (Salaries andCell PhoneAllowanc-

    es) amounting to 12%+ plus, be that for the

    currentyearorthenextyear.Howisthis justi-




    Budget office answers: The writer conti-

    nues to ignore the purpose of Table SA22 and

    the explanation regarding the classification of

    costs, referring to it as irrelevant and therefore

    will never come to the correct conclusion regar-

    ding salary increases. Further explanations

    seem futile and therefore this matter will re-

    main at an impasse.

    For this reason, the published Government

    Gazettes that regulate the determination of up-

    per limits of salaries, allowances and benefits

    of different members of municipal councils,


    areappliedannually for thepayment of sala-

    ries, allowancesandbenefits to councillors, are

    hereby included for the writer to calculate the

    year-on-year increases.

    The following gazettes are included:

    Government Gazette 37281 of 29 January

    2014, applicable from 1 July 2013

    Government Gazette 35962 of 7 December

    2012, applicable from 1 July 2012

    Government Gazette 34869 of 14 December

    2011, applicable from 1 July 2011

    Government Gazette 33867 of 10 December

    2010, applicable from 1 July 2010

    It shouldbenotedthatOverstrandmunicipa-

    lity is classified as a Grade 3 municipality for

    the application of the tables in the gazettes.

    With David Kau


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    Cruel carnage of

    baboons unnecessary

    In response to your front page article, Ba-

    boons Killed, 19 June, it would appear that

    the 21st Century in which we live, is the age

    of increasing terrorism.

    Tokill ormaimany living creaturewithout

    the courage to confront and disclose your

    identity and purpose for your action is to de-

    value your integrity to that of the level of a

    basest criminal. Everything and anything ap-

    pears to be permissible in modern society on

    the precept that the action taken is my hu-

    man right and thereby justified.

    We should also remember that the baboons

    inhabited this area long before humans.

    The authorities recent claim that they are

    unable to afford the monitors shows a total

    disregard for the natural heritage of our re-

    mainingwild life.Wehavebeenaskedbytour-

    ists on several occasions whether there are

    organisedwalks in the Fernkloof Reserve not


    ly also to spot the baboons and other animals.

    These monitors could be sustained financial-

    ly by using their skills and knowledge in con-

    ducting tours such as this.

    There has to be a way