郭易滿分口說天書GuoYi Speaking Skybook第2版

◎郭易滿分口說天書GuoYi Perfect Speaking Skybook 【五大獨步全球權威特色】 ◎上百題 Independent Qs-Q1Q2 全英文分類真題 托福 Q1Q2/IELTS/TOEIC/GEPT 滿分必備 ◎獨立題 稀土 稀土 稀土 稀土 45 7 步驟滿分答案(Rare earth level) ◎獨立題難得素 難得素 難得素 難得素級 滿分考前重點大綱(Unobtainium level) ◎整合題 稀土 稀土 稀土 稀土 托福 Q3-Q6 八大類真題/滿分答案 ◎十四類難得素 難得素 難得素 難得素級 口說聽力片語句型 郭易老師 Mr.GuoYi 親撰 史上首位-學生 10 周托福 20 爆升近滿分 史上首位-學生 10 周過 GEPT 英檢高級 感謝各校/政府機關邀請擔任英語演講/話劇競賽評審 感謝兩岸各大企業/學術界/媒體邀請國際專訪/演講 師訓北美籍外師教授英語口說/演講競賽 指導全球 DLP 排名第 1 科技公司英文簡報競賽第 1 名 Facebook/Yahoo blog: 郭易 GuoYi Google/yahoo/msn 關鍵字第 1 版權所有 All Rights Reserved

Transcript of 郭易滿分口說天書GuoYi Speaking Skybook第2版

Page 1: 郭易滿分口說天書GuoYi Speaking Skybook第2版

◎郭易滿分口說天書◎ GuoYi Perfect Speaking Skybook


◎上百題 Independent Qs-Q1Q2 全英文分類真題 �托福 Q1Q2/IELTS/TOEIC/GEPT 滿分必備

◎獨立題 稀土稀土稀土稀土 級級級級 45 秒 7 步驟滿分答案(Rare earth level)

◎獨立題難得素難得素難得素難得素級級級級滿分考前重點大綱(Unobtainium level)

◎整合題 稀土稀土稀土稀土 級級級級托福 Q3-Q6 八大類真題/滿分答案


郭易老師 Mr.GuoYi 親撰 � 史上首位-學生 10 周托福 20 爆升近滿分

� 史上首位-學生 10 周過 GEPT 英檢高級 � 感謝各校/政府機關邀請擔任英語演講/話劇競賽評審

� 感謝兩岸各大企業/學術界/媒體邀請國際專訪/演講

� 師訓北美籍外師教授英語口說/演講競賽 � 指導全球 DLP 排名第 1科技公司英文簡報競賽第 1名

Facebook/Yahoo blog: 郭易 GuoYi Google/yahoo/msn 關鍵字第 1 名

版權所有 All Rights Reserved

Page 2: 郭易滿分口說天書GuoYi Speaking Skybook第2版

◎郭易滿分口說天書◎GuoYi Perfect Speaking Skybook


Q1-Independent task

[Personal experience] 1. Describe the most useful book to you and explain why.

2. Describe an important decision you made and explain why it is important.

3. Describe a celebration or special moment that really impressed you.

4. Describe a social or political celebration in your culture.

5. Describe your [least] favorite place in your home city and explain why.

6. Describe a public area that you visit frequently.

7. Describe one of your challenging experiences. Explain why it was challenging and

how you conquered this challenging experience.

8. Describe an enjoyable event in your childhood, and explain why it was enjoyable.

9. Describe a school that you have attended.

10. Describe a special opportunity given to you.

11. Describe an object which is very important to you.

12. Describe your ideal room layout and explain why you like it.[房間擺設]

13. Describe a work of art, such as a song, poem or painting, which has made a lasting impression on u.

14. Describe one of the most important skills for students to study.

15. Describe one skill that you most want to learn and explain why.

16. Describe some good[bad] news that you heard recently and explain why it was good[bad].

17. Describe an experience that you asked for someone’s help and specify how the person helped you.

18. Describe your feelings when you finally joined an activity that u looked forward to for a long time.

19. Describe an interesting cloth in your country and explain why it is interesting.[民族風服飾, e.g.和服]

20. Describe an enjoyable day and explain why it is an enjoyable and special day.

21. Describe a person who has a positive[negative] influence on you.

22. Describe a music type that is enjoyable to you and explain why.

23-27. What good qualities should a teacher/parent/leader/friend/colleague possess?

28. What do you think is the most efficient form of transportation in your country?

29. What discovery in the last 100 years has been the most beneficial for the people in your country?

30. What do you do to relax?

31. What do you miss most when you are away from home?

32. What are the ways to make new friends?

33. What is your [least] favorite time of the year and why?

34. What was the thing you enjoyed most with your family when you were a child?

35. Which one of the following influences you the most, newspapers, TV or teachers?

36. Which is your [least] favorite type of movie: action, drama, or others?

37. Who [Which celebrity] do you [not] admire most and why?[最欣賞/不欣賞]

38. Where do you like to go when hanging out with your friends and why?

39. When you are in a restaurant or a café, what are the most important features that you care about?

40. When going on a vacation, do you prefer to have outdoor activities or indoor activities?

41. Forests, deserts and plains, which environment would you prefer to live in and why?

42. Usually, novels, magazines & poetry are considered the 3 major forms of literature. Ur preference?

43. Restaurant, café or home, in which of these places do u prefer to socialize with your friends?

44. If you could choose any job, what would you do?

45. If you are to learn a new thing, which three steps will you use?

46. Everyone has a goal to fulfill. What’s your goal?

47. In your opinion, what are students supposed to do on holidays?

48. Loyalty, honesty, a sense of humor, what is the most important quality when it comes to friendship?

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◎郭易滿分口說天書◎GuoYi Perfect Speaking Skybook


Q2-Independent task

Paired choice Qs

1. Do you think television has a positive or negative impact on contemporary society?

2. Do you think high schools should teach music and art as well as other basic sciences?

3. Do you prefer to work alone on class assignments or work in a study group?

4. Do you prefer to take photographs during the trip or not?

5. Do you prefer to go to school in the morning and work part-time in the evening or

the other way around?

6. Do you prefer to do difficult assignments in the early morning or in the evening?

7. Do you prefer indoor activities or outdoor activities?

8. Do you prefer to be with a group with regular friends or with close friends?

9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? ‘Parents should restrict the TV

programs that their children watch, instead of letting the C watch whatever they like’.

10. Do you agree or disagree that people should always tell the truth?

11. Do you agree that we can judge a person by their appearance at first glance?

12. Do you agree or disagree: Students should wear school uniform?

13. Do you agree or disagree that Ss should have a part-time job or take a summer internship

to ensure that their career is suitable for them?

14. Do you agree or disagree that students should have a one-year break before entering univ?

15. Do you agree or disagree that students learn more when they have discussions?

16. Do you agree or disagree: “The most important lessons can not be learned in class”.

17. Do you agree or disagree: “It's easier to teach children in primary school than students

in University.

18. Should cell phones be prohibited in some public areas? State your opinion & explain why.

19. Should governments sponsor the building of museums and theaters?

20. Should universities be open to everyone, or just a limited number of students?

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◎郭易滿分口說天書◎GuoYi Perfect Speaking Skybook


Q2-Independent task

Paired choice Qs

21. Should schools add sports courses to their academic syllabus?

22. Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or demolish them and replace them

with modern buildings? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

23. Should university education be free? Please give specific reasons for your opinion.

24. Some students choose to live alone, while others prefer to live in shared accommodation.

Which do you think is better? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

25. Some students choose to study at universities located in big cities, while others choose to

study at universities in small towns. State your opinion & explain why.

26. Some Ss would choose to study a subject because it brings plenty of job opportunities.

However, others would choose to study a subject which really interests them, even though

it probably doesn’t sell well in the job market. Which opinion do you agree with and why?

27. Some Ss prefer the internet-based teaching. Others prefer to study in traditional classrooms.

Which method do you prefer?

28. Some people prefer to eat at home, while others would rather eat at a restaurant.

Which do you prefer and why?

29. Some people prefer to be a team leader while some prefer to be a member on the team.

Which role do you prefer and explain why?

30. Some prefer to read news paper everyday while some prefer read newspaper regularly,

which do you prefer?

31. Some people think that computers have improved our lives, while others think that

computers have caused more problems. State your opinion & explain why.

32. Some people think that you should immediately go to the aid of someone who is in danger.

Others think that you should first assess the situation before lending support.

33. Some people think that studying at univ is very important while others think that it isn’t.

34. Some people believe that first-year college students should live in a dormitory building

that houses only freshmen. Others may prefer the idea that first-year students must live

together with students in their second, third and even fourth years.

Which opinion do you agree with and why?

35. Some people think schools should stop recycling. What do you think?

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◎郭易滿分口說天書◎GuoYi Perfect Speaking Skybook


Q2-Independent task

Paired choice Qs 36. If faced with having to choose between your job and your career, which would u choose?

37. If you unexpectedly received a large amount of money, what would you do with it?

Would you use it for practical purposes or simply for fun?

38. Is it better to get advice from family and friends, or learn through personal experience?

39. Is it better to have a relaxed and unhurried life?

40. Is it better to communicate with your family & friends by letter & e-mail or by telephone?

41. Is it more important for students to attend class regularly or study by themselves?

42. Is it easier for a S who attends college 2 succeed in their career than someone who doesn’t?

43. Which do you think is more useful for doing research, the internet or academic books?

Support your opinion with specific reasons.

44. Which would you prefer: a job that allows you to earn a lot of money, or a job that gives

you personal satisfaction? Please give specific reasons for your opinion.

45. Which would you prefer to learn news from: newspapers, TV, or magazines?

46. Working at home or in an office: which one would you prefer?

47. What do you think is more influential, information from the media, such as television and

newspapers, or word-of-mouth from family and friends?

48. Would you prefer to take one long vacation or several short vacations in a year?

49. Would you like to spend time with family or friends rather than alone and why?

50. When traveling, some people prefer to go directly to their destination, while others prefer

to enjoy the scenery throughout the journey. Which one would you choose?

51. When you encounter a difficulty or a problem, would you go to an advisor, use the Internet

or a book?

52. Where do you prefer to shop? On-line or In-store?

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◎郭易滿分口說天書◎GuoYi Perfect Speaking Skybook


Independent task Q1




按照郭易老師的 45 秒七步驟架構 方有基本方


(Abt 3 points, each no

longer than 7 words)


Describe a public area that you visit frequently. 可最快可最快可最快可最快抓抓抓抓出重點出重點出重點出重點



I live in the downtown area N my favorite public place

is definitely ☺☺☺☺the Central Library☺☺☺☺.

For one thing,it is one of the oldest and most advanced

Libraries in my country

N becoz it is in my neighborhood, I can say all the librarians

hv bn my friendly neighbors N the lib is my big study room!

For another thing, in that lib, there ra lot of academic resources N

internet access for me to spend a whole wkend in there- for free!

Since I am a graduate school student now, I find those materials

very useful.

That is why it is my favorite public area☺


There's a park, just ten minutes from my house. Like many others, I

go there with my dog a lot.

It's a big park with many areas, some where you can appreciate

the central pond and another one where there's a small

amphitheater, for example, I don't live in a big house so I my dog

gets bored, so he loves it when I let him run free in the park.

After he's tired of running and playing with other dogs we go over

to one of the tables by the pond and I sit down to enjoy the sunset

and a drink from one of the coffee shops. This is why I like it so

much and try to go there at least once a week.

Sample Ans 1

1. The central lib

2. oldest/most advanced

3. neighbor/study room

4. free material

5. e.g. I = Grad S

Sample Ans 2

1. The park

2. Dog runs free

3. Coffee with the sunset

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◎郭易滿分口說天書◎GuoYi Perfect Speaking Skybook


滿分口說學堂滿分口說學堂滿分口說學堂滿分口說學堂 demodemodemodemo

Independent Speaking Qs4個滿分破題點

1. reasons 論點的思考

2. 3-step structure 起承合結構

3. time control 時間的掌握

4. white lies 白白白白色的謊言



◎Perfect Speaking Criterions◎口說滿分七重點!

1. Relevance

2. Structure

3. Coherence

4. Pronunciation

5. Grammar

6. Vocabulary

7. Fluency








Q1/2口說滿分魔板-7 steps

(45s, 7-10 sentences)

1 Answer 1S

2 1st reason 1S

3 Detail 1&2 2S

4 2nd reason 1S

5 Detail 1&2 2S

6 Example 1S

7 conclusion 1S


A plus, not a must!

1.Definition2. In other words3.example



Q1-Describe ur favorite public place.

(7 steps, 45s, 7-10 sentences)

Answer I live in the downtown area N my favorite public place

is definitely ☺☺☺☺the Central Library☺☺☺☺.

1st RFor one thing,it is one of the oldest and most advanced

Libraries in my country

D1&D2N becoz it is in my neighborhood, I can say all the librarians

hv bn my friendly neighbors N the lib is my big study room!

2nd RFor another thing, in that lib, there ra lot of academic resources N internet access for me to spend a whole wkend in there- for free!

D1&D2• Since I am a graduate school student now, I find those

materials very useful.

Conclus That is why it is my favorite public area☺






Listen &Read




Listen &Repeat

STEP 5Shadow


STEP 6Listen &




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