GodSpace is a resource to help children find their place ... · GodSpace is a resource to help...

GodSpace Introduction 1 GodSpace is a resource to help children find their place in God’s space... his world. GodSpace is built on the foundational truth that knowing God is more than knowing Bible stories. Knowing God is about relationship. GodSpace is a place for children to engage with God’s word and respond, learning how to talk with God, sing to and for him, and experiencing God’s love, as you love them. GodSpace is committed to providing clearly defined lesson plans with choices, including resources that work on the interactive whiteboard, so that you can tailor the core lesson to best suit your situation. GodSpace also has underling values in the lessons. (see more details on p. 9) To do this GodSpace is a three year curriculum focused on introducing Jesus to children. structured as a yearly program, designed to take children on a journey from little understanding into a deeper experience of God and his love for us and all people. Bible based, relationship building, relevant and engaging lessons for children ages 4 to 12 years. Although GodSpace lessons are designed to lead to set outcomes, ‘spiritual development’ outcomes are often less observable in the short term. This is because they are value and relationship based, so can only be evidenced in the children’s lives over longer periods of time. The GodSpace Teacher’s Pack provides materials for all four levels together: one comprehensive Lesson Manual with lessons full colour Lesson Tools visual aids resource Power Tools CD-ROM audio & visual resource - that is interactive whiteboard compatible In addition there are optional children’s magazines for each of four levels.

Transcript of GodSpace is a resource to help children find their place ... · GodSpace is a resource to help...

GodSpace Introduction 1

GodSpace is a resource to help children find their place in God’s space... his world.GodSpace is built on the foundational truth that knowing God is more than knowing Bible stories. Knowing God is about relationship.

GodSpace is a place for children to engage with God’s word and respond, learning how to talk with God, sing to and for him, and experiencing God’s love, as you love them.

GodSpace is committed to providing clearly defined lesson plans with choices, including resources that work on the interactive whiteboard, so that you can tailor the core lesson to best suit your situation.

GodSpace also has underling values in the lessons. (see more details on p. 9)

To do this GodSpace is a three year curriculum focused on introducing Jesus to children. structured as a yearly program, designed to take children on a journey from little understanding into a deeper experience of God and his love for us

and all people. Bible based, relationship building, relevant and engaging lessons for children ages 4 to 12 years.

Although GodSpace lessons are designed to lead to set outcomes, ‘spiritual development’ outcomes are often less observable in the short term. This is because they are value and relationship based, so can only be evidenced in the children’s lives over longer periods of time.

The GodSpace Teacher’s Pack provides materials for all four levels together: one comprehensive Lesson Manual with lessons full colour Lesson Tools visual aids resource Power Tools CD-ROM audio & visual resource - that is interactive whiteboard compatible

In addition there are optional children’s magazines for each of four levels.

2 GodSpace Introduction

So you’re involved in teaching children about life and faith using the Bible – good on you!

This is a task in which you partner with God who loves children and wants them to reach their potential, even more than you do. Make prayer a priority. Pray for the spiritual development of each child. Invite others to pray as well.If you are teaching in a school, you’re also partnering with the school for the good of the children. Read the school newsletter and website so you know what’s going on. Your faith, your love of children, your knowledge of the Bible and your life experience means you have something valuable to offer the school. Go with a servant heart. Be a good representative of your church, the Christians in your community, the Church and God. Take every opportunity to make yourself known and if possible volunteer for other roles like reading or sports organisation.

Don’t assume that you teach into a vacuum. The children will already have their own ideas and beliefs even if they have never had Bible teaching before. Effective teachers encourage their children to express what they think. GodSpace will help you do that. Show respect for the children’s beliefs and opinions and those of their parents, even when they vary from yours.

When talk turns to violence or evil spirits... Don’t allow discussion of violence, the devil or evil spirits to continue in the classroom, no matter how interested the children are. Even if you are careful in what you say, children’s imaginations can run wild and parents complain about such things.

Imagine the school principal and the children’s parents in the classroom with you. It shouldn’t change what you say, but may change the way you say it. Particularly with over 7s, don’t state things as fact if they are really beliefs. ‘Own’ beliefs by prefacing them with ‘I believe’. or ‘ground’ them with phrases like ‘The Bible says...’ or ‘Christians believe...’.

Activity choices do matter. Often, lack of time will mean that you have to make choices about leaving out activities. If you always drop the introductory or application activities to give full time to the Bible input, children may conclude that faith is irrelevant.

Keep on investing in the children.Sharing faith with children outside the church is a challenging task, but it’s so worth it! Be assured that you don’t do it alone. Your GodSpace materials are prayerfully compiled by experienced teachers who love Jesus and love children and they are cheering for your success. May the children you teach discover God’s love and God’s purpose for living.

Using GodSpace at school...


Yellow One

GodSpace Introduction 3

Made for relationshipChristianity is about relationship. God is a relationship (trinity) who created us in his image as relational beings. The Christian faith is about God reaching out to all people, inviting them into relationship with him. GodSpace encourages relationship with God and others. The lasting impact of your lessons is likely to be through your interactions with the children and your love for God, not just the Bible stories you teach.

Children – all unique and wonderfully madeGod has made each child unique, with different gifts, abilities and preferences. Some children are quick to understand words, logic or spatial relations. For others, music, movement or stories are particularly powerful learning tools. Others grasp meaning best from exploring relationships or connecting with the natural world. Therefore GodSpace lessons include pictures, diagrams, songs, stories, drama, games, puzzles, drawing, discussion and reflection.

God has also made each child with the ability to reason and choose. God allows them to explore the world and make up their own minds and we need to do the same, respecting the children’s opinions even when they are different from ours.

Singing Reflections PuzzlesDramas Drawings Outdoor ActivitiesDiscussions Stories Group ActivitiesJUST TO NAME A FEW!

Teachers – unique and wonderful too

Individuals have different teaching styles and as well as resourcing in excellent and practical ways, GodSpace is committed to developing and upskilling teachers through these materials.

GodSpace offers teacher training where able and when invited. For information about teacher in-servicing phone 02 9868 9235 or email [email protected].

GodSpace provides a small teaching tip on each Teachers Notes page to help you develop in the area of group management and teaching principles.

The GodSpace website exists to encourage and equip you in your strategic role with children. Pray for other GodSpace groups, register your prayer requests so others can pray for you, find extra resources, sign up for a regular teaching tip to be emailed to you, all at www.godspace.org.au.

Hands On BiblesGodSpace is committed to helping children become familiar with the Word of God. It would be great for them to be able to put their hands on one. You may like to consider approaching your church about the possibility of purchasing some Bibles for the children. Single gospels or paperback New Testaments are available at a reasonable price from The Bible Society. We recommend the Contemporary English Version, or the International Children’s Bible for use with children. If this is not possible, we have provided each passage (CEV) as a file on the Power Tools CD-ROM. Ask your church to print the weekly Bible passage out for each child or make an overhead for the appropriate lesson.

The Unit Memory Verses are included in personal memory card format in the Lesson Tools that you may copy. They are also found on the Power Tools CD-ROM that you may print and hand out to each child to learn at home.


Our website has links to other useful websites with puppet scripts, games for kids and resources for teachers.Let us know if you find a good one and we’ll add it on too!

Looking for some fresh ideas?

See page 8 for more details

1. God’s Way ( Living Jesus’ way is the best way to live!)

This is the practical living out of the Christian way of life. Jesus said he came to give life and life to the fullest (John 10:10). Only as we live life God’s way can we experience life as it was designed to be.

3. Followers of Jesus ( New Testament & modern day followers)

Jesus’ disciples and the followers in the early church provide an exciting example of what it means to be a friend of Jesus. They are helped by him to do many amazing things. Their example has been an inspiration for many Christians.

Each book contains a five-lesson unit from each mega-theme.

4. God’s People (Old Testament) God chose a people for himself – Israel. They were to be a blessing to all nations by showing God’s love and values. Several major figures in the Old Testament have been chosen as examples of God working through people.

2. Jesus’ Life & Lessons (Gospels) Jesus is our Lord and Saviour and his life and lessons are presented in the gospels. Our number one job as teachers of children is to introduce them to Jesus. This can only be done if the children learn about him.

The Shed characters, Gra Gra the sheep dog, Shaun and Sally sheep, and a kookaburra named Kookie, host the Explorers and Adventurers magazines.

Opportunities to involve the children in the learning process keeps them interested and helps them learn in different ways.Throughout the Lesson Manual you’ll find the following:

GamesMost children like playing games and suggestions are spread throughout the book, often in the Start up section. They are also on the Power Tools CD-Rom. Let us know if you have any different ones that work well with your group. We’d love to share them.

Memory VersesInstilling the word of God that they will hopefully draw upon later in life is a good skill to pass on. A combined list of the ones suggested in the lessons can also be found on the Power Tools CD-Rom.

PuppetsPuppets are a great way to communicate to children and we’ve included a number of scripts in selected lessons. We suggest that you purchase an inexpensive puppet, use a soft toy or make one (there’s pattern on the Power Tools – under Extras). We use the name ‘Fuzzy’ but you can choose your own character’s name.

SingingThere are 20 different songs available for you to use on the CD. Words are printed in the appropriate magazines but all songs have Power Points and re-producible words available on the Power Tools CD-Rom. So too is a list of the Top 10 tips for Teaching Songs.

Engaging the children

4 GodSpace Introduction

GodSpace Introduction 5

The semester at a glance...Easy reference guide to this semester. Easy reference guide to this semester.

Unit 1: Colours of Good News MEGA THEME God’s WayOVERVIEW This is an introduction for the children, about God, Jesus and the Bible. It gives an

overview of God’s good news from Creation, through the first people’s disobedience to Jesus loving us and people being forgiven, finishing with a glimpse of heaven.

AIMS • To give the children a God’s-eye view of the earth, past, present and future. • To provide a visual aid to explain God’s story for humanity.

LESSONS1 Welcome to GodSpace2 Green – God’s Perfect Creation (Gen 1-2:4)3 Dark Grey – Wrong Choice (Gen 2-3)4 Red/White – A New Choice (1 John 1:1-9)5 Gold – Heaven (John 14:1-6, Rev 21:1-7)

Unit 2: Who Is Jesus? MEGA THEME Jesus’ Life and LessonsOVERVIEW People saw and heard Jesus and many started to wonder if Jesus was the long promised

messiah and for many, they discovered who Jesus was by what they saw of his life and the message he gave of God’s love.

AIMS • To give some insight into who Jesus is and to introduce him as the Living God • To encourage children to recognise that Jesus loves them

LESSONS 6 Who Is Jesus? (John 14:1-11)7 Someone to Follow (Luke 5:1-11)8 Are You the One? (Matthew 11:1-6)9 He is the Living God (John 20:11-31)10 Celebrating Easter

Unit 3: Come Follow Me MEGA THEME Followers of JesusOVERVIEW Who were Jesus’ followers? Were they the cream of society’s ‘A’ list? No. Many of them

were common, or lower class people, some were even social outcasts who despite their failings (or even because of this) Jesus chose them to be his friends.

AIMS • To teach a model of prayer, that Jesus taught his close friends, which we call the ‘Lord’s Prayer.’

• To explore how Jesus demonstrated his love for his friends. • To encourage the children to be Jesus’ friend.

LESSONS 11 Come With Me (Matthew 9:9-13)12 Jesus Teaches His Friends to Pray

(Matthew 6:5-13)13 Helping His Friends (John 11:1-45)14 Too Hard to Follow? (Matthew 19:16-29)15 Being Jesus’ Friend (Revision) (John 8:12)

Unit 4: Life Can Be Tough – JosephMEGA THEME God’s People OVERVIEW The Bible account of Joseph’s life is action-packed, dramatic and exciting. From

Canaan to Egypt, from prisoner to governor, Joseph trusts God to look after him, learning that God can bring good out of difficult and unfair situations.

AIMS • To tell the story of Joseph who experienced tough times but worked with God to save his people.

• To introduce Joseph as an example of a person who trusted God. • To assure children that God is always with them.

LESSONS 16 Does God Care? (Genesis 37)17 From Bad to Worse (Genesis 39-40)18 What a Change! (Genesis 41)19 Starting Again (Genesis 42-47, 50)20 Good From Bad (Revision)

6 GodSpace Introduction

Lesson Outlines are divided into two parts: A Teacher’s Notes page, followed by Activity Ideas for each of the different age groups. The lesson plans contain a number of options for you to choose from. Lesson plans have a pre-selected 25-30 minute core lesson shown by the in the choices boxes.For those who have more time, or prefer to make other choices, there are other activity suggestions. Remember you may glean from all age levels and adapt as appropriate for your group.

Unit Outlines

The Manual provides Unit Outlines to explain the thinking behind each unit, content and concepts to be explored by the unit, and how the following lessons will meet the unit aims. There are four units in each GodSpace book.

Required ResourcesDepending upon your activity selection you will need a number of resources. There are 6 frequently required resources. These are represented by symbols in the lesson plans, i.e.:

Lesson Outlines

Lesson Notes

Each lesson comes with it’s own set of Teacher’s Notes.This is the curriculum page. It provides an overview of the content of the lesson, aims, learning outcomes, teaching tips, and space for your own notes. Remember that the learning outcomes may not always be immediately measurable.

Activity Ideas

Activity Ideas include a “Required Resources” section and three lesson segments. start up a short ‘hook’ or introduction. Sometimes these relate to the big idea of the lesson. get into it the body of the lesson, the time when together you ‘get into’ the Bible and/or content of the lesson. go for it time to reflect on, and think about what they have just learned. The magazines are often the stimuli for responding to the material covered.

Option BoxLesson plans have a pre-selected 30 minute core lesson shown by in the choices boxes.

Combined/Large Group

These outlines are designed for large group/assembly style presentations for each lesson. We are aware that many people present this way each week.

The Bible (or print outs of the weekly Bible passage found on the

Power Tools CD)

Power Tools CD and

a CD Player

Chalk / white board & chalk or white board


All other resources are described in a list below the ‘frequently used resources’.

Children’s Magazine

Memory Verse Activity

Fuzzie (Our puppet character)

or your puppet

Using the Lesson Manual

GodSpace Introduction 7

Support MaterialLesson Tools

Lesson Tools is a complementary visual aids resource booklet.It contains support material for your lessons with games, start up activities, response stimuli, dramas and cut out story telling pictures.

ABBREVIATIONSIn the lesson outline pages Lesson Tool resources are written in an abbreviated form, i.e. LT followed by the Lesson Tools page number. e.g. LT p29 (Lesson Tools booklet, page 29 - Creation Drama)

Available for free are two double sided A3 size story telling backgrounds. Please email [email protected] if you need them/replacing. To ensure the longevity of these poster sized pages, it is recommended that you either cover them in clear plastic adhesive paper, or even better, ask your church to have them laminated for you.

Explorers MagazineThe Explorers Activity Sheets (Magazine) offers an A4 double-sided, tear out activity sheet catering for the pre-reader or emergent reader. They are designed to be completed with the teacher’s help, not as a ‘do alone’ activity sheet.

Answers for Magazine ActivitiesA number of the answers for the Magazine activities are listed in the back of the Lesson Manual, and a complete list is on the Power Tools CD-Rom.

Power Tools CD-ROM (See page 8 for how to use)Offering more choices, the Power Tools CD provides the songs for all age groups.The CD-ROM contains

weekly Bible passages words of all the songs to photocopy or reproduce on a data projector (NB. Remember

to follow copyright requirements and register with CCLI any words that you copy) ‘Extras’ page with reproducible activities sheets for fast finishers additional lesson tools Power Point Presentations for use with a data projector & Interactice White Board all the story telling pictures to create your own Power Point presentation answers to the magazine activities

MagazinesWe see the need to provide magazines that the children can ‘own’. They are designed to review the lesson, and help the children work towards the learning outcomes.

Adventurers MagazineThe Adventurers Magazine is designed for early readers and you still may need to clearly explain (read) each activity for the children. The activities reinforce the lesson content and concepts helping the children adventure deeper into GodSpace.

Navigators & Voyagers MagazinesThe Navigators Magazine is used to revise or as a stimuli for responding to the material covered in the ‘Get into it’ section.The Voyagers Magazine is provided to help the children think through their own beliefs, feelings and responses to what has been taught in the lesson. The magazine may also be used throughout the lesson plan to help with group discussions.

PC users – depending on your operating system your web browser may automatically runPower Tools or look for ‘index.html’ in the file names and click.Mac users – click Power Tools CD icon, find ‘index.html’, click to run.Does not require the internet in order to work.

As well as being a CD that plays the songs you can also use the Power Tools in the classroom with the interactive white board. So put the Power Tools into your computer to discover the wealth of additional resources you have available to you.

Check out the different ‘goober’ characters across the bottom of the page that will direct you to the different resources available to you.

You’ll find all the Lesson Tools plus some extras, all the song words and weekly Bible passages that you may print out, Power Points to tell stories, Power Points of the songs that can be played directly through an electronic board – with sound! There is a letter that can be adapted to send home to parents to inform them of the topics being covered this semester. And more. Take your time and discover all that’s there. PC users – depending on your operating system your web browser may automatically runPower Tools or look for ‘index.html’ in the file names and click.Mac users – click Power Tools CD icon, find ‘index.html’, click to run.

NB: You do not need to be on the internet to make it work though it will send you to an internet browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox) – that’s how computers work with CD-Roms.

* Keep in mind, with so many different computers (your own and those at school) and the diverse software programs available these days (including software updates that may change your settings and therefore effect the way the CD-Rom is read) it seems that the Power Tools do not always work as we desire – but be assured everything is there.

If you having difficulties on a PC then follow this path.Go to My Computer, right click on Power Tools icon, go to Open, go to the file ‘e’ index (where ‘e’ is the Internet Explorer icon) and Home page opens.More information can be found on the GodSpace website. Look under ‘Resources’.

Many activities that can be used on the interactive white board.


What’s on the Power Tools?

8 GodSpace Introduction

Within the education policies of our schools are commitments towards developing the values of our society. GodSpace lessons strongly affirm Christian values and we’ve listed below the values incorporated in this semester’s lessons. These are underlying values within but not the focus of the lesson.

Underlying Value Lesson Title

Encouragement Lesson 1 Encouraging Respect Lesson 1 Welcome to GodSpace Significance Lesson 2 Green: God’s Perfect Creation Choices and Consequences Lesson 3 Grey: Wrong Choice Participation Lesson 4 Red/White: New Choice Hope Lesson 5 Gold: Heaven Understanding Lesson 6 Who Is Jesus? Trust Lesson 7 Someone to Follow Responsibilty Lesson 8 Are You the One? Confidence Lesson 9 He is the Living God Christian Cultural Heritage Lesson 10 Celebrating Easter (Assembly) Inclusiveness Lesson 11 Come With Me Encouragement Lesson 12 Teaching His Friends to Pray Comfort Lesson 13 Helping His Friends Making Choices Lesson 14 Too Hard to Follow? Acceptance Lesson 15 Being Jesus’ Friend Patience Lesson 16 Does God Care? Integrity Lesson 17 From Bad to Worse Leadership Lesson 18 What a Change! Forgiveness Lesson 19 Starting Again Resilience Lesson 20 Good From Bad

GodSpace Introduction 9

GodSpace Values

Available from GodSpaceWhen parents ask the school or you about what their children will be learning in SRE/RI classes, there is a double sized DL postcard available now that you can give to them.

Email [email protected] for more details.

Price List

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Lesson Manual & Lesson Tools (includes Power Tools CD)

Story Telling Background Sheets (These will no longer be sent unless ordered)

Explorers Activity Sheets Preschool/Kindergarten – Ages 4 to 6

Adventurers Magazine Infants – Ages 6 to 8

Navigators Magazine Lower Primary – Ages 8 to 10

Voyagers Magazine Upper Primary – Ages 10 to 12


Please complete the above form and return to Burst Christian Resources Mail PO Box 572 Penrith NSW 2751 Fax 02 4732 1225Phone 1300 GODSPACE (1300 463 772) +61 2 9868 9235 (for international calls) Email [email protected] Web www.godspace.org.au


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Yellow Two (with Christmas) AVAILABLE MID JUNE

Coming next semester More details of the curriculum available on the website www.godspace.org.au

UNIT 1 MEGA THEME:Followers of JesusUNIT NAME:God’s Messenger – Paul

1. Changing His Mind Acts 8:1-3, 26:2-20

2. Changed Forever Acts 9:1-25

3. Good News, Big Trouble Acts 16:20-40

4. The Unknown God Acts 17:16, 21-34

5. Can’t Stop the Good News Acts 27:1-28:10


6. God’s Word for Us 2 Timothy 3:16-17

7. Who Wrote It? (Luke 1:1-4)

8. Sharing God’s Word Modern stories

9. Following God’s Word Luke 8:4-8, 11-15

10. Words for Life Deuteronomy 6:4-9

UNIT 3 MEGA THEME:God’s PeopleUNIT NAME:God’s Rescue Man – Moses

11. God Saves a Baby Exodus 2:2-10

12. God Calls Moses Exodus 2:11-4:20

13. God Is In Charge Exodus 5-10

14. Power to Save Exodus 11-14

15. God Still Saves – Jesus John 3:16-17

UNIT 4 MEGA THEME:Jesus’ Life and LessonsUNIT NAME:Jesus, the Promised One

16. Child of a Promise Isaiah, Micah, Matthew

17. Waiting for the Promise Luke 2:22-38

18. Finding the Promise Matthew 2:1-12

19. Celebrating the Promise Assembly Luke 2:1-20

20. Christmas Celebration Matthew 1:18-25

Order Form

Prices at October 2014. Subject to change without notice. Postage will be added to invoice.



Lesson Manual(incl. Lesson Tools, Power Tools CD + songs, images & text) $45.00 $45.00

Story Telling Background Sheets Free Free

Explorers MagazinesPreschool/Kindergarten – Ages 4 to 6

$2.45(less than 50)

$2.35(50 or more)

Adventurers MagazineInfants – Ages 6 to 8

$2.45(less than 50)

$2.35(50 or more)

Navigators MagazineLower Primary – Ages 8 to 10

$2.45(less than 50)

$2.35(50 or more)

Voyagers MagazineUpper Primary – Ages 10 to 12

$2.45(less than 50)

$2.35(50 or more)

GodSpace Introduction 11

Multi-aged or Assembly style lessons

Coming next semester More details of the curriculum available on the website www.godspace.org.au

For those who are responsible for large groups and/or assembly style lessons you will find a lesson outline as well (though you are more than welcome to put together your own using the other four lessons).Where there are a number of teachers/leaders we recommend that you share the responsibilities around. It’s also good to take advantage of this time to give the children different tasks to allow them the opportunity to develop skills and confidence in leading and sharing.When working with large and/or multi-age groups, it’s good to change activities with a well thought through transition. E.g. verse of a song, a quick quiz, memory verse revision, someone sharing a personal experience.

POWER POINT PRESENTATIONSOn the Power Tools you will find Power Points that can be used to tell the story. An outline is provided but we would encourage you not to read it word for word but rather familiarise yourself with the story and the progression of the pictures so that you can engage the children as you tell the story. Pause at different points and ask them to predict what might happen next. Ask them how they might respond/react? Ask questions that are opened ended, i.e. there could be different answers, not just yes/no answers.Have a break in the story if it’s appropriate, to do a reading or sing a song. Put the words on the same power point. NB. If you want to change the prepared Power Point to add song words etc, you will find that we have used the extension .ppt to make it easier.Using power points requires more technical accessories (e.g. a computer, data projector, screen, interactive whiteboard, extension cords, power paks, etc.) It is important to check your resources before you start and to have a back up activity planned and prepared in case something goes wrong.

REVISION GAMESThere are revision games and memory verses as Power Point for each unit (should work for PC and Mac’s using Office2011). You will need to read the instructions beforehand to make yourself familiar with each one.Again, keep in mind that they are to be aids in your lesson and we encourage you to engage the children in participating in the playing of the game. Questions for revision are usually found in the Lesson Manual or on the Power Tools though you may want to design your own – or have the children make them up.

SPECIAL EVENT/END OF YEAR ASSEMBLIESSpecial Events such as Easter, Christmas, and Education Week, provide a wonderful opportunity for groups to work together to present a powerful example of unity as you present the gospel message. If you are considering doing that, then ensure that you speak with other teachers and leaders about it to plan it together. In a school setting the coordinator needs to negotiate with the school about the best time and place to run such an activity.Plan ahead at least six–eight weeks so that all the participants have time to practise items, dramas, readings, etc.If you are in need of a speaker consider first someone within your own group or approaching other churches or schools within your region and offer to work in partnership in planning similar programs where you can share resources and speakers (e.g. someone from your group goes as the speaker to other groups and vice-versa). Sometimes people find it easier to speak in front of another group rather than their own. Check out our website (www.godspace.org.au) for other suggestions.

12 GodSpace Introduction

GodSpace recognises the importance of a positive group environment.Remember to

be familiar with the discipline policy of your setting. Meet with other teachers to discuss the organisation’s (school’s/church’s) policies. be confident of your authority as a teacher/ leader and as a Christian. be well prepared and enthusiastic. Your body language will be a real give away if you don’t want to be there. decide on what discipline strategies you’ll use, then be consistent.

Common reasons for misbehaviour are not having their basic needs met. not knowing the rules. sensing that the teacher/leader is not in control. sensing that the teacher/leader lacks confidence. thinking the teacher/leader will not follow through on warnings given. having a teacher/leader they do not know or trust. sensing the teacher/leader is under-prepared or unsure where the lesson is going. the children are bored or they are afraid of being humiliated.

10 Essential Skills for Classroom Management1. State expectations

Students need to know what you expect of them. Then when they don’t meet expectations you can say, “What are you doing?” “What should you be doing?”

2. Give clear, short instructions Good instructions help students know what to do to stay actively engaged. The shorter the child the shorter the instruction.

3. Wait and look at your students for 5-10 seconds after you give an instruction This gives you a chance to assess if they have heard and understood. Start with, “When I say...”

4. Acknowledge those who are doing what’s required This cues those who are off-task to what they should be doing while remaining positive.

5. Use your body language to encourage compliance A deliberate look may be enough. Walk over and stand beside someone who is off-task. Point to what will redirect them to the learning.

6. Describe what they’re doing well This encourages them in those behaviours that you know will facilitate learning. Look out for things to commend.

7. Selective attending Effectively ignore safe, off-task behaviours, for a limited time, that is ‘choose your battles’.

8. Respectfully redirect the off-task student to the learning If you’re always directing students to ‘listen’ or ‘watch me’ it may be that you need to rethink your teaching methods to make lessons more engaging.

9. Give students a choice This allows students to make it clear they own responsibility for their behaviour. Choose two options which are both acceptable to you. “Which are you going to do - go back to your table and finish it or complete it in your group.”

10. Keep your word Follow through on what you say you’ll do no matter how tired or rushed. Don’t say something you’re not prepared to carry out. These are skills. As with all skills they are developed and mastered by practice.

Getting StartedPut a star beside the one you do best. Underline the one you think might solve some problems for you. Circle the one you’ve been missing out on most.There is also a Power Point presentation with more details that can be used for group training are available on the GodSpace website, www.godspace.org.au under Resources.