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    GLOSSRIOTema: Biodiversidade

    Word Definition Palavra Definio


    Exemplo InglsTermo

    PortugusExemplo Portugus

    Family Genera are aggregatedinto families, familiesinto orders, orders intoclasses, and so up the

    hierachy (BISBY,1995:28)

    Famlia As espcies fazem parte deunidades maiores - osgneros - que por sua vez seagrupam para formar as

    famlias. (PEREIRA, 1980:50)

    Genus As the common namessometimes imply, somespecies are clearlymembers ofrecognizable largeraggregations (or thedescendants of acommon ancestralform) known as genera( singular genus): e.g.

    date palm, canary datepalm, dwarf date palm -species in the date palmgenus Phoenix (BISBY,1995:28)

    Gnero As espcies fazem parte deunidades maiores - osgneros - que por sua vez, seagrupam para formar famlias.(PEREIRA, 1980:50)

    Class Genera are aggregatedinto families, familiesinto orders, orders intoclasses, and so up thehierarchy (BISBY,1995:28)

    Classe As ordens se renem emclasses e estas em filos oudivises. (PEREIRA, 1980:50)

    Order Genera are aggregatedinto families, familiesinto orders, and so upthe hierachy (BISBY,1995:28)

    Ordem Um conjunto de famliasconstitui uma ordem.(PEREIRA, 1980:50)

    Species A species is a group oforganisms thatrecognize each other forthe purpose of matingand fertilization.(BISBY,1995:42)

    Espcie O Centro de Pesquisas para aConservao de AvesSilvestres (CEMAVE) atuadesde 1977 com o objetivo depromover a conservao e omanejo de aves silvestrescom nfase nas espcies

    migratrias....PRNCDB-BrIntraspecific Competition within the Competio A competio pode ser intra-



    competition same kind may beviewed as struggling forthe opportunity of fillingone of the nichesvacated by death in thenext generation, orintraspecificcompetition.(COLINVAUX, 1993:140)

    intra-especficaespecfica ou interespecfica.(DAJOZ, 1986:186)


    Stepping stones areecologically suitablepatches where anorganism cantemporarily stop whilemoving between habitatpatches (modified fromForman, 1995).(METZGER & DCAMPS,1997: 1-12)

    Pontos deligao

    ...os fluxos entre a1 e a3sero maiores para asespcies que so capazes deutilizar corredores finos e"pontos de ligao" (steppingstones). (METZGER,1999:446-463)

    Periphyton Periphyton includes allorganisms that grow onsubmerged substracts.It is still very difficult topresent quantitativemeasures ofperiphyton. (WELCH,1952:332)

    Perifton H ainda um outro grupobastante heterogneo deorganismos, do qualparticipam vrias espcies,que se desenvolve sobresubstratos submersos, comorazes de vegetais flutuantes,caules, pedras, pedaos demadeira, etc.o Perifiton.

    (PEREIRA, 1980:26)Autochthonous

    Autochthonous detritus- detritus producedlocaly(WELCH,1952:222)

    Autctone A matria orgnica importada(contribuio de rios,drenagem de solos, etc.) chamada alctone.(PEREIRA,1980:94)


    Allochthonous detritus -detritus originatingoutside a given locality(WELCH, 1952:222)

    Alctone A matria orgnica produzidadentro do ecossitema(organismos auttrofos,excrementos de organismosaquticos, corpos deorganismos mortos)

    chamada autctone.(PEREIRA, 1980: 93)


    The size and isolation ofhabitat fragments areconsidered here, as wellas, the parametersrelated to habitatconnectivity and inter-habitat matrix features.(METZGER, 1999:446)

    Fragmento dehabitat

    Uma metapopulao formada por um conjunto desubpopulaes, isoladas noespao e em diferentesfragmentos de habitat, masno entanto unidas por fluxosde indivduos, sementes egros de plen. (METZGER,1999:446)

    Biotope Geographically isolatedareas and biotopes(sensu van Tol &

    Bitopo O bitopo condiciona asbiocenoses, que por sua vez,influenciam e modificam o



    Verdonk, 1988) such ascertain islands,mountains peaks,ancient lakes,caves,thermal vents, hotsprings, veranl pools,the abyssal zone, andchemically imbalancedsubstrates support adisproportionately bignumber of stenotopicendemics.(HAWKSWORTH &KALIN-ARROYO,1995:181)

    bitopo. (PEREIRA, 1980:26)

    Soil horizon Soil horizons form asrotting plant parts mixwith the upper layers ofthe mineral soil and asdrainage waterpercolates downthrough the litter towork a slow washingand chemistry on thelower horizons.(COLINVAUX, 1993:527


    Estas camadas so chamadasde horizontes edficos e aseqncia de horizontes dasuperfcie para baixo chamada de perfil edfico.(ODUM, 1986:169)

    Biosphere The biosphere is notonly a source, but alsoa sink of radiativity

    active trace gases andatmospheric pollutants(MOONEY et al.1995:417)

    Biosfera O ar, o solo e a gua quesustentam toda a vida doplaneta constituem a Biosfera.

    (PEREIRA, 1980: 24)

    Trophic level Within a web, speciesdeletion stability mayvary considerably,depending, amongother things, on thespecies richness of thesystem, the trophiclevel from which the

    species are removed,and the degree ofconnectance of thespecies interaction in afood web divided by thenunber of possibleinteractions. (MOONEYet al.,1995:429)

    Nvel trfico A cada etapa da cadeiaalimentar se d o nome denvel trfico. (PEREIRA,1980:32)

    Niche The term "niche"entered the normalusage of ecology onlyafter Elton defined it in

    his 1927 textbook.(COLINVAUX,

    Nicho Consequentemente, o nichoecolgico de um organismo,alm de depender do lugaronde ele vive, tambm inclui

    o total das suas necessidadesambientais. (Odum, 1986)




    Microclimate Endogenous propertiesaccruing fromfunctions:(1); (2); (3)Microclimate.

    (SCHULTZER &MOONEY, 1994: 271)

    Microclima Quando se quer fazerreferncia ao conjunto defatores fsicos e qumicos quetm relao de contigidade

    com um determinadoorganismo, fala-se emMicroclima.(PEREIRA,1980:29)

    Food chain A food chain is a chainof eating and beingeaten that connectslarge and carnivorousanimals to theirultimate plant food.(COLINVAUX, 1993:16)


    A cada etapa da cadeiaalimentar se d o nome denvel trfico. (PEREIRA, 1980:32)

    Food web Within a web, species

    deletion stablity mayvary considerably,depending, amongother things, on thespecies richness of thesystem, the trophiclevel from which thespecies are removed,and the degree ofconnectance of thespecies interaction in afood web divided by the

    nunber of possibleinteractions (MOONEYet al.,1995:429)

    Teia alimentar Alm disso, um mesmo

    animal ou vegetal podeconstituir alimento decarnvoros ou herbvorosvariados e assim, as diversascadeias alimentares seentrelaam constituindoverdadeiras redes ou teiasalimetares. (PEREIRA,1980:32)

    Biomass To the extent of thatincreasing biodiversitydecreases thefrequency and intensityof disturbance, it shouldlead to increasedstanding biomass(MOONEYetal.1995:405)

    Biomassa As medidas de biomassa,expressas em massa/rea ouvolume, possibilitam acomparao de espcies.(PEREIRA, 1980: 34)

    Productivity Measuring productivity,in the sense of caloriesfixed in unit time, hasbecome one of thepractical necessities ofecology. (COLINVAUX,1993:498)

    Produtividade A produtividade expressaem massa ouenergia/tempo/rea ouvolume e geralmente servepara a comparao de reas.(PEREIRA, 1980:34)


    By biotic potential ismeant thosecharacteristics andhabilities inherentwithin an organismwhich enable it to existand reproduce.


    O potencial bitico de umorganismo o conjunto decaractersticas que tornapossvel sua existncia ereproduo. (PEREIRA,1980:26)




    Surface film When certain conditionsare met, the surfacefilm serves as amechanical support for

    organisms andmiscellaneous ofparticular materials.(WELCH, 1972:164)

    Camada detenso


    Num ecossitema aqutico horganismos que habitam ofundo, (Bentos), organismosque habitam a massa de gua

    (Plncton - flutuampassivamente e Ncton -dotados de movimentosprprios e portanto capazesde vencer a correnteza) ouainda, que se relacionam coma camada de tensosuperficial na interface ar-gua (Nuston - de tamanhomicroscpico e Pluston, detamanho macroscpico).(PEREIRA, 1980:26)

    Viscosity Since, like density,viscosity varies withtemperature, itsopposition to thetendency of a particle tosink varies, the greaterthe viscosity the greaterthe opposition.(WELCH, 1952:143)

    Viscosidade Considerando-se que aviscosidade da gua muitosuperior do ar, percebe-seque os animais aquticosnecessitam grande foramuscular para deslocar-se.(BRANCO, 1971:243)


    The combinedcontributions of anumber of these

    attempts constitute thebackground of aclasification which isnow a familiar one inlimnological literature,viz., the division oflakes into three majortypes, the oligotrophic,eutrophic anddystrophic types.(WELCH, 1952:343)


    Os lagos oligotrficos(etimologicamente: "quealimentam pouco") so

    profundos , tendo umimportante hipolmnio(DAJOZ,1973:156)



    Competition within

    different kinds isinterspecificcompetition.(COLINVAUX, 1993:140)



    A competio interespecfica

    qualquer interao que afetaadversamente o crescimentoe sobrevivncia de duas oumais populaes de espcies.(ODUM, 1986:234)


    The combinedcontributions of anumber of theseattempts constitute thebackground of aclassification which isnow a familiar one in

    limnological literature,viz., the division of

    Lago eutrfico Os lagos eutrficos("quealimentam bem") so poucoprofundos e suas guas nasproximidades do fundo tmuma temperatura maiselevada que no caso dos lagosoligotrficos.(DAJOZ, 1972:




    lakes into three majortypes, the oligotrophic,eutrophic anddystrophic types.(WELCH, 1952:343)

    Dystrophiclake The combinedcontributions of anumber of theseattempts constitute thebackground of aclassification which isnow a familiar one inlimnological literature,viz., the division oflakes into three majortypes, the oligotrophic,eutrophic anddystrophic types.(WELCH, 1952:343)

    Lago distrfico Os lagos distrficos ("quealimentam mal") distinguem-se dos lagos eutrficos porsua riqueza em cidoshmicos que tornam as guascidas e de cor escura.(DAJOZ, 1972: 157)


    The use of biologicalindicators is importantin that it gives moreaccurate results thanthose obtained by theuse of physical andchemical methods.(ROCHA, 1992:35)


    Tais organismos sodenominados ndices ouindicadores biolgicos depoluio e permitemestabelecer uma verdadeiraclassificao ecolgica dosorganismos aquticos, deacordo com o ambiente quepreferem ou que so capazesde suportar.

    (BRANCO,1971:688)Benthos The term benthosincludes all bottom-dwelling organisms.(WELCH, 1952: 315)

    Bentos Num ecossitema aqutico horganismos que habitam ofundo, (Bentos), organismosque habitam a massa de gua(Plncton - flutuampassivamente e Ncton -dotados de movimentosprprios e portanto capazesde vencer a correnteza) ouainda, que se relacionam coma camada de tenso

    superficial na interface ar-gua (Nuston - de tamanhomicroscpico e Pluston, detamanho macroscpico).(PEREIRA, 1980:26)

    Community This indicates that anydifference among siteswas far less importantin determining theunderstory communitythan the effects ofisolation. (STOUFFER &

    BERREGAARD, 1995:2429-2445)

    Comunidade As comunidades so formadaspor populaesinterrelacionadas de algumaforma. (PEREIRA,1980:26)



    Limnology Limnology is nowcommonly defined asthat branch of sciencewhich deals withbiological productivity ofinland waters and withall causal influenceswhich determines it.(WELCH, 1952: 10)

    Limnologia Limnologia - Captulo daecologia dedicado aosambientes de gua doce(estritamente aos lagos).(BRANCO, 1971:1196)


    Marine phytoplankton iscomposed of smallautotrophic plants.(AIDAR & SIGAUD,1992: 65) Trad

    Fitoplncton O fitoplncton evidentemente limitado zona superficial iluminada.(DAJOZ, 1972:402)

    Zooplankton It is difficult togeneralize on thevertical distribution of

    the zooplankton as awhole and the same istrue of the varioustaxonomic groupscomposing thezooplankton.(WELCH,1952:238)

    Zooplncton O zooplncton espalha-se atas maiores profundidades massua biomassa decresce

    rapidamente. (DAJOZ,1972:402)

    Bloom The lake contained abloom of Microcystis sp.(BEYRUTH et al., 1992:57)

    Florao No s algas do tipoplanctnico em sentidoestrito, isto , aquelas quevivem em suspenso nasguas causam florao.

    (BRANCO, 1971: 497)Seston The term -Seston -

    came into use of recentyears. (WELCH,1972:221)

    Sston Ao conjunto de partculas,vivas ou no, em suspensonum corpo de gua d-se onome de sston. (PEREIRA,1980:26)

    Neuston Neuston - Organismswhich are related to thesurface film of water,either by hanging fromor floating against thelower side(infraneuston):bacteria, protozoa,algae, Hydra, certaininsect larvae, andothers; or by rangingupon the surface film(supraneuston):Gerridae, Vellidae,Hydrometridae,Gymnidae, certainCollembola, and others.(WELCH, 1952:221)

    Nuston Num ecossitema aqutico horganismos que habitam ofundo, (Bentos), organismosque habitam a massa de gua(Plncton - flutuampassivamente e Ncton -dotados de movimentosprprios e portanto capazesde vencer a correnteza) ouainda, que se relacionam coma camada de tensosuperficial na interface ar-gua (Nuston - de tamanhomicroscpico e Pluston, detamanho macroscpico).(PEREIRA, 1980:26)

    Nekton Nekton - organisms oflarger size which swim

    Ncton Num ecossitema aqutico horganismos que habitam o



    freely and determineindependently, togreater or less extent,their distribution inspace regardless of themovement of thesurrounding water.(WELCH, 1952:221)

    fundo, (Bentos), organismosque habitam a massa de gua(Plncton - flutuampassivamente e Ncton -dotados de movimentosprprios e portanto capazesde vencer a correnteza) ouainda, que se relacionam coma camada de tensosuperficial na interface ar-gua (Nuston - de tamanhomicroscpico e Pluston, detamanho macroscpico).(PEREIRA, 1980:26)

    Plankton Plankton - organisms ofrelatively small size,mostly microscopic,which have eitherrelatively small powersof locomotion or elsenone at all and whichdrift in water subject tothe action of waves,currents, and otherforms of water motion.(WELCH, 1952:221)

    Plncton Num ecossitema aqutico horganismos que habitam ofundo, (Bentos), organismosque habitam a massa de gua(Plncton - flutuampassivamente e Ncton -dotados de movimentosprprios e portanto capazesde vencer a correnteza) ouainda, que se relacionam coma camada de tensosuperficial na interface ar-gua (Nuston - de tamanhomicroscpico e Pluston, detamanho macroscpico).(PEREIRA, 1980:26)

    Biome The working setconsisted of 11examples of mutualisticand antagonicinteractions whichincluded casesapplicable to specificbiomes and casesapplicable to all biomes(MOONEY et al.,1995:430)

    Bioma As florestas de rvorescopadas da Europa constituemum bioma que nos familiar.(DAJOZ,1972:280)

    Biota This workshop resultedin a detailed diagnosisof existing knowledge ofthe biota of the stateand the existingcollections and humanresources available, andalso proposed theestablishment of aspecific programme toaccelerate researchefforts on the biologicaldiversity of the state.FNRCBD-Br

    Biota Portanto, prefervel noutilizar o termo"decompositores" paranenhum grupo de organismosem particular, mas considerara "decomposio" umprocesso que envolve toda abiota, alm de processosabiticos. (ODUM, 1983:13)



    Soil profile This layered appearanceis called the soil profile,which is the set of soilhorizons between theundifferentiated parentmaterial and thesurface litter.(COLINVAUX,1993:527)

    Perfil edfico Estas camadas so chamadasde horizontes edficos, e aseqncia de horizontes dasuperfcie para baixo chamada de perfil edfico.(ODUM, 1986:169)


    Studies of modelcommunities (i. e. thosewith high connectance)are more sensitive tothe loss of toppredators while the lossof primary producersand consumers has lessof an effect oncommunity dynamics.(MOONEY et. al.1995:429)


    Quando o predador umconsumidor primrio(geralmente um animal) e apresa ou hospedeiro umprodutor primrio (planta) ainterao denominadaherbvora. (ODUM, 1986:241)

    Consumers Studies of modelcommunities (i. e. thosewith high connectance)are more sensitive tothe loss of toppredators while the lossof primary producersand consumers has less

    of an effect oncommunity dynamics.(MOONEY et. al.1995:429)

    Consumidores Os demais seres vivos, ditosconsumidores (porqueconsomem matria orgnica)ou hetertrofos, incapazes deproduzir matria viva a partirde compostos minerais,utilizam em seus processosvitais a energia contida em

    compostos orgnicosexistentes no meio. (PEREIRA,(1980:33)

    Top predator Studies of modelcommunities (i. e. thosewith high connectance)are more sensitive tothe loss of toppredators while the lossof primary producersand consumers has less

    of an effect oncommunity dynamics.(MOONEY et. Al.1995:429)

    Predador detopo

    O ltimo elo de uma cadeia depredadores chamadopredador de topo. (PEREIRA,1980:31)

    Ecosystem One of the keyelements in defining anecosystem is the spatialextent.(SCHULTZER &MOONEY, 1994:271)

    Ecossistema O conceito de ecossistemaenvolve o conjunto decondies fsicas e qumicasde um local determinado e osseres vivos que habitam estelocal. (PEREIRA, 1980:26)

    Corridor Corridor is a strip of aparticular landscape

    unit (e.g. anecossystem or land

    Corredor Os corredores correspondema estruturas lineares da

    paisagem que diferem deunidades vizinhas e que ligam



    use/cover type) thatdiffers from theadjacent land on bothsides (Forman, 1995).(METZGER & DCAMPS,1997:1-12)

    pelo menos dois fragmentosde habitat anteriormenteunidos.(METZGER, 1999: 445-463)

    Connectance Within a web, speciesdeletion stability mayvary considerably,depending, amongother things, on thespecies richness of thesystem, the trophiclevel from which thespecies are removed,and the degree ofconnectance of thespecies interaction in afood web divided by thenunber of possibleinteractions (MOONEYet al.,1995:429)

    Conectividade A conectividade pode serdefinida como a capacidadeda paisagem de facilitar osfluxos biolgicos deorganismos, sementes e grosde plen (METZGER,1999:447)


    Although species-richsystems might beexpected to be moreresistant to the loss ofplant species, theoccurrence of keystonesplant species such as

    Ficus spp in highlydiverse tropical forests(see Terborgh,1986),suggests that removalof certain plant speciescan indeed haveprofound effects onspecies composition andlinkages in the rest ofthe web.(MOONEY et al.1995:429)

    Espcie-chave Quando a perda de umaespcie causa um profundodesequilbrio na teia alimentarde um ecossistema, chegandomesmo eliminao deoutras, esta espcie considerada uma espcie-

    chave. (PEREIRA, 1980:27).

    Pluston Pleuston - Higher plants

    which float either uponthe surface or withinthe water. (WELCH,1952:221)

    Pluston Num ecossitema aqutico h

    organismos que habitam ofundo, (Bentos), organismosque habitam a massa de gua(Plncton - flutuampassivamente e Ncton -dotados de movimentosprprios e portanto capazesde vencer a correnteza) ouainda, que se relacionam coma camada de tensosuperficial na interface ar-gua (Nuston - de tamanhomicroscpico e Pluston, detamanho macroscpico).(PEREIRA, 1980:26)




    Suppose that the lake isoligotrophic with a smallBOD in the deep waterand an originalhypolimnion that retainsoxygen throughout thesummer; asaccumulating sedimentreplaces the oldhypolimnion the BODwill not change, but theoxygen reserve bywhich this BOD can bemet will lessenprogressively.(COLINVAUX,1993:557)

    DemandaBioqumica de


    A DBO provoca umadesoxigenao da gua quetende a ser compensada poruma reoxigenao partir do aratmosfrico ou promovida porseres fotossintezantes.(PEREIRA, 1980:124)

    Taxonomy Taxonomy is the theoryand practice ofclassifying organisms(BISBY, 1995:28)

    Taxonomia A parte da Biologia que sededica classificao dosseres vivos a Taxonomia(PEREIRA, 1980:50)

    Systematics Systematics is thescientific study of thekinds and diversity oforganisms and of anyand all relationshipsamong them. (BISBY,1995:28)

    Sistemtica Sistemtica a cincia queestuda a classificao, aidentificao e a nomenclaturadas plantas. (JOLY, 1975:3)

    Hypolimnion Suppose that the lake is

    oligotrophic with a smallBOD in the deep waterand an originalhypolimnion that retainsoxygen throughout thesummer; asaccumulating sedimentreplaces the oldhypolimnion the BODwill not change, but theoxygen reserve bywhich this BOD can be

    met will lessenprogressively.(COLINVAUX,1993:557)

    Hipolmnio Os lagos oligotrficos

    (etimologicamente: "quealimentam pouco") soprofundos , tendo umimportante hipolmnio.(DAJOZ,1973:156)


    At a genetical level,gene flow among thecomponents of ameatpopulation worksto reduce geneticdifferentiation.(BARBAULT &SASTRAPRADJA, (1995:


    Metapopulao Uma metapopulao formada por um conjunto desubpopulaes, isoladas noespao e em diferentesfragmentos de habitat, masno entanto unidas por fluxosde indivduos, sementes egros de plen. (METZGER,

    1999:446)Percolation Disturbances occuring Percolao O limiar de percolao tem



    only within a habitat(i.e. a forest parasite)are favoured by valuesof p above thepercolation threshold.(METZGER & DCAMPS,1997:1-12)

    tambm importanteconseqncia sobre ofuncionamento da paisagem.(METZGER, 1999: 445-463)

    Matrix In contrast,disturbances having thecapacity of spreadingthrough the matrix ororiginating in the matrix(e.g. invasion of foreignspecies) are favouredby values of p belowthe critical threshold.(METZGER & DCAMPS,1997: 1-12)

    Matriz As unidades da matriz podemmuitas vezes , ser fonte deperturbaes e favorecer odesenvolvimento de espciesgeneralistas, predadoras eparasitas invasoras (Rolstad,1991). (METZGER, 1999:445-463)


    Abundance and speciesrichness declineddramatically afterisolation, even thoughfragments wereseparated fromcontinuous forest byonly 70-650m.(STOUFFER &BIERREGAARD,1995:2429-2445)

    Riqueza deespcies

    A relao entre a rea dofragmento e a riqueza deespcies foi verificada paradiferentes grupostaxonmicos, em particularpara plantas vasculares.(METZGER, 1999:445-463)

    Recolonization For a great number ofspecies, habitatconnectivity becomestoo low forrecolonization of emptypatches to occur andlocal extintion tends toexceed recolonization.(METZGER & DCAMPS,1997:1-12)

    Recolonizao Diversos estudos empricosdemonstram a importncia daconectividade nos processosde recolonizao apsextino local e assim namanuteno de umametapopulao em paisagensfragmentadas. (METZGER,1999:445-463)

    Extinction For a great number ofspecies, habitat

    connectivity becomestoo low forrecolonization of emptypatches to occur andlocal extintion tends toexceed recolonaization.(METZGER & DCAMPS,1997:1-12)

    Extino Diversos estudos empricosdemonstram a importncia da

    conectividade nos processosde recolonizao apsextino local e assim namanuteno de umametapopulao em paisagensfragmentadas. (METZGER,1999: 445-463)


    For birds, studies inNorth America havegenerally indicated thatforest birds, especially

    forest interior species,are vulnerable to

    Interior damata

    Baudry & Forman (...) noevidenciaram umdeslocamento contnuo dasespcies herbceas, de

    interior da mata, ao longo doscorredores mas sim um



    fragmentation ofbreeding habitat(reviewed by Askin etal.,1990). (STOUFFER &BIERREGAARD,1995:2429-2445)

    deslocamento por saltos,supostamente relacionado disseminao de sementespelos vertebrados. (METZGER,1999:445-463)

    Understory Completely isolatedfragments of this sizecan support no morethan one or two pairs ofeven the commonestunderstory birds(Terborgh et al. 1990),so fairly rapid extinctionis inevitable (e.g.Diamond, 1984)(STOUFFER &BIERREGAARD,1995:2429-2445)

    Sub-bosque Dentre estas unidades, asculturas de cacau e de caf desub-bosque so as queapresentam o maior nmerode espcies de aves florestais.(METZGER,1999: 445-463)

    Landscape Every landscape may becharacterized by adegree of structuralconnectivity for a givenhabitat (Baudry &Merriam, 1988).(METZGER & DCAMPS,1997:1-12)

    Paisagem A estrutura da paisageminterfere na dinmica depopulaes , alterando osriscos de extino e aspossibilidades dedeslocamento das populaespela paisagem. (METZGER,1999:445-463)


    These relations areanalysed in this paper

    in order to evaluate thebiological function andthe importance of eachparameter of landscapestructure related tofragmentation.(METZGER, 1999:445-463)

    Estrutura dapaisagem

    A estrutura da paisageminterfere na dinmica de

    populaes , alterando osriscos de extino e aspossibilidades dedeslocamento das populaespela paisagem. (METZGER,1999:445-463)


    The application of theIsland Biogeographytheory for habitatfragmentation and the

    recent expansion oflandscape ecology haverevealed a greatnumber of relationshipsbetween landscapestructure parametersand the dinamics offragmented populationsand communities.(METZGER, 1999:445-463)

    Biogeografiade ilhas

    Numa viso simplificada,decorrente da teoria dabiogeografia de ilhas, apaisagem percebida como

    um conjunto de fragmentosde habitat dispersos numamatriz homognea e inspita(p.ex. Pickett & White, 1985;Gilpin & Hanski,1991).(METZGER, 1999:445-463)

    Territory In addition to the

    familiar social structureof pairs or family

    Territrio Segundo Rolstad (1991), esta

    rea mnima que varia emfuno da espcie



    groups defendingterritories, manyspecies participate inmultispeciesassemblages.(STOUFFER &BIERREGAARD,1995:2429-2445)

    considerada, determinadapelo tamanho do territrio deum indivduo (ou de um grupode indivduos , em funo docomportamento social daespcie) e pelo nmero deindivduos de uma populaogeneticamente vivel.(METZGER, 1999:445-463)


    Hutchinson (1958)called the resultingniche the fundamentalniche. (COLINVAUX,1993:139)


    Hutchinson (1965) tambmfez uma distino entre nichofundamental - o mximo"hipervolume abstratamentehabitado" quando a espcieno est restrita porcompetio com outras - enicho realizado - umhipervolume menor, ocupadosob restries biticas.(ODUM, 1986:255)


    This narrowed niche isthe realized niche of thepopulation.(COLINVAUX,1993:140)

    Nicho realizadoHutchinson (1965) tambmfez uma distino entre nichofundamental - o maximo"hipervolume abstratamentehabitado" quando a espcieno est restrita porcompetio com outras - enicho realizado - umhipervolume menor, ocupado

    sob restries biticas.(ODUM, 1986:255)



    The niche then becomesa "multi-dimensionalhypervolume ofresources axes" as G. E.Hutchinson (1958)described it in one ofhis seminal papers.(COLINVAUX,1993:139)



    O nicho de Hutchinson, quepode ser designadomultidimensional ou dehipervolume, pode ser medidoe manipuladomatematicamente. (ODUM,1986:255)

    Niche overlap Members of a medieval

    guild worked at thesame trade, so animalsin a ecologist's guildexploit a resourcetogether, though theydo it in a way thatminimizes nicheoverlap. (COLINVAUX,1993:157)


    de nicho

    As dimenses quantificadas

    com maior freqncia so alargura do nicho e asuperposio de nichos comvizinhos. (ODUM, 1986:254)

    Guild Members of a medievalguild worked at thesame trade, so animals

    in a ecologist 's guildexploit a resource

    Guilda Grupos de espcies, compapis e dimenses de nichoscomparveis dentro de uma

    comunidade, chamam-seguildas. (ODUM, 1986:254)



    together, though theydo it in a way thatminimizes nicheoverlap. (COLINVAUX,1993:157)

    Rain forest One of the manycontributing factors tothe high diversity ofbirds in tropical rainforest is probably thatrain forests provideopportunity forspecialist guilds notpossible in otherforests, ant-followingguilds, for instance, inwhich birds hunt insectsfleeing the match ofarmy ants, or the guildsof birds that feed onlarge succulent fruits(Terborgh, 1992).(COLINVAUX,1993:158)

    Florestatropical Vespas que parasitam umapopulao de herbvoros,insetos que se alimentam denctar, caracis que vivem naserrapilheira do solo de umafloresta e cips que trepam nacopa de uma floresta tropicalso outros exemplos deguilda. (ODUM, 1986: 256).

    Allopatric Consider twohypothetical, closelyrelated populations Aand B of similar but notidentical food habits

    that have long lived ingeographical isolationfrom each other (i.e.they are allopatric,living in othercountries).(COLINVAUX,1993:158)

    Aloptrica As espcies que ocorrem emregies geogrficas distintasou que esto separadas poruma barreira espacial soconsideradas aloptricas;

    aquelas que ocorrem namesma rea so consideradassimptricas. (ODUM,1986:305)

    Sympatric In time niche-overlapwill be reduced and thespread of resource usein sympatric

    populations will changefrom a pattern like that(a) to a pattern likethat (b). (COLINVAUX,1993:159)

    Simptrica As espcies que ocorrem emregies geogrficas distintasou que esto separadas poruma barreira espacial so

    consideradas aloptricas;aquelas que ocorrem namesma rea so consideradassimptricas. (ODUM,1986:305)


    The ecologist who firstformally suggested thismechanism called itcharacter displacement(COLINVAUX,1993:159)

    Deslocamentode caracteres

    s vezes, estas diferenas soacentuadas mais ainda pelodeslocamento de caracteres.(ODUM, 1986: 305)

    Foraging When the small

    endothermictetrapodes, which would

    Forrageamento Outra abordagem mais

    especfica envolve "anliseestratgica" grfica (Levins,



    one day give rise tomammals and birds,first arose, the numberof species possible onthe earth was multipliedby all the possibilities offoraging at night and ofthe more relentless andpersevere kinds ofhunting. (COLINVAUX,1993:105)

    1968), ilustrada pelos grficosda fig. 6-24, A e B somodelos de estratgias deforrageamento para umaespcie hipottica queenfrenta o problema dequantos entre seis itensalimentares potenciais deveutilizar;...(ODUM, 1986:227)

    Fitness That inefficiency ofsquandering energy asheat and movement canbring remarkablereturns in fitness isshown nicely by thenatural history ofhumming-birds.(COLINVAUX,1993:105)

    Fitness Se existirem semelhanas ouconvergncias extensas nasmedidas de fitness, pode-seinferir que a seleo tenhachegado a solues timas,apesar de diferenas nahistria, escala de tempo eorigem gentica das espcies.(ODUM, 1986:227)

    Endothermy Ectothermy andendothermy are twoquite differentstrategies for gainingfitness. (COLINVAUX,1993:104)

    Endotermia Aspectos da repartio deenergia em relao aos nveistrficos, ao tamanho de umorganismo e endotermia eectotermia foram analisadosno Cap. 3, Seo 4. (ODUM,1986.228)

    Ectothermy Ectothermy and

    endothermy are twoquite differentstrategies for gainingfitness. (COLINVAUX,1993:104)

    Ectotermia Aspectos da repartio de

    energia em relao aos nveistrficos, ao tamanho de umorganismo e endotermia eectotermia foram analisadosno Cap. 3, Seo 4. (ODUM,1986)

    Eurythermic In spite of thisvariation, it is possibleroughly to divideanimals into twogroups: (1) those whichare restricted to a

    narrow range oftemperature change(stenothermic animals)and (2) those whichtolerate a wide range oftemperature change(eurythermic animals).(WELCH, 1952:168)

    Euritermo H organismos capazes deviver dentro de um intervalode temperatura bastanteamplo. So os euritermos.(PEREIRA, 1980:76)

    Stenothermic In spite of thisvariation, it is possibleroughly to divideanimals into two

    groups: (1) those whichare restricted to a

    Estenotermo Por outro lado h outros bemmais exigentes, osestenotermos, para os quaisuma variao relativamente

    pequena de temperatura podesignificar a morte. (PEREIRA,



    narrow range oftemperature change(stenothermic animals)and (2) those whichtolerate a wide range oftemperature change(eurythermic animals).(WELCH, 1952:168)


    Energy cost It must meet its highenergy costs fromcontinued high energyintakes, requiring infact a diet if sugarsolution laces withamino acids and otherhigh-nutritioningredients.(COLINVAUX,1993:105)


    Aqui h uma possvel liopara os seres humanos: aespcie que constriaparelhos caros queeconomizam trabalho podereduzir os custos energticosreciclando os materiais.(ODUM, 1986:229)

    Predators But most of the warmcoasts of the earth arein reach of endothermpredators.(COLINVAUX,1993:107)

    Predador Quanto mais um predadortem de gastar energia paracapturar a presa, menor obenefcio da captura. (DAJOZ,1972: 412).

    Prey If there were an iguanastill torpid from its coldocean swim, orhurddled with its fellows

    on a cold, cloudlessnight, would be easyprey... (COLINVAUX,1993:107)

    Presa Quanto mais um predadortem de gastar energia paracapturar a presa, menor obenefcio da captura. (DAJOZ,

    1972: 412).


    A parasite chaintypically runs from asmall animal (flea) toan even smaller animal(protozoan parasite of aflea) to an even smalleranimal (bacterialdisease of the

    protozoan).(COLINVAUX, 1993:61)

    Cadeia deparasitas

    J as cadeias de parasitasconduzem a organismos detamanho menor e em maiornmero. (PEREIRA, 1980: 31)

    Host Such an analysis alsoallows comparison ofthe rates of evolution ofthe host and parasitegenomes andqualification of the levelof nucleotide divergencewhich, in this case,appear to be different inhosts and parasites.


    Hospedeiro O parasita no mata seuhospedeiro. (DAJOZ,1972:202)





    Animals of the highestlink in an predator chainare often called topcarnivores.

    (COLINVAUX, 1993:61)

    Cadeia depredadores

    No primeiro caso, cadeias quese iniciam com vegetaisverdes, podem ser aindaclassificadas como cadeias de

    predadores e cadeias deparasitas. (PEREIRA, 1980:30)

    Competition Competition in naturecan be difficult todetect, as might beanything theconsequences of whichare a generation away.(COLINVAUX,1993:140)

    Competio A competio interespecficapode ser definida como aprocura ativa por membros deduas ou mais espcies, de ummesmo recurso do meio.(DAJOZ, 1972: 191)



    Soon the naturalist

    travellers of thenineteenth century hadbuilt on this idea ofplant formscharacteristic of wholecontinental regions tomap the world intoplant "formations":tropical rain forest,deciduous forest, borealforest, tundra, and therest. (COLINVAUX,

    1993: 366)



    Durante as dcadas de 1970 e

    1980, vrios dos principaisbiomas (campo natural,floresta decdua temperada,floresta setentrional deconferas, tundra e deserto)foram submetidos a umapesquisa por equipesinterdisciplinares como parteda contribuio dos EstadosUnidos para o ProgramaBiolgico Internacional (IBP).(ODUM, 1986:349)

    Tundra Soon the naturalisttravellers of thenineteenth century hadbuilt on this idea ofplant formscharacteristic of wholecontinental regions tomap the world intoplant " formations":tropical rain forest,deciduous forest, boreal

    forest, tundra, and therest. (COLINVAUX,1993: 366)

    Tundra Durante as dcadas de 1970 e1980, vrias dos principaisbiomas (campo natural,floresta decdua temperada,floresta setentrional deconferas, tundra e deserto)foram submetidas a umapesquisa por equipesinterdisciplinares como parteda contribuio dos EstadosUnidos para o Programa

    Biolgico Internacional (IBP).(ODUM, 1986:349)

    Boreal forest Soon the naturalisttravellers of thenineteenth century hadbuilt on this idea ofplant formscharacteristic of wholecontinental regions tomap the world intoplant " formations":

    tropical rain forest,deciduous forest, boreal


    (de conferas)

    Durante as dcadas de 1970 e1980, vrios dos principaisbiomas (campo natural,floresta decdua temperada,floresta setentrional deconferas, tundra e deserto)foram submetidas a umapesquisa por equipesinterdisciplinares como parte

    da contribuio dos EstadosUnidos para o Programa



    forest, tundra, and therest. (COLINVAUX,1993: 366)

    Biolgico Internacional (IBP).(ODUM, 1986:349)


    Disturbances occurringonly within a habitat

    (i.e. a forest parasite)are favoured by valuesof p above thepercolation threshold.(METZGER & DCAMPS,1997:1-12)

    Limiar depercolao

    O limiar de percolao, pc,tem tambm importantes

    conseqncias sobre ofuncionamento da paisagem,em particular na propagaode perturbaes. (METZGER,1999:455-463)




    There is some evidencethat the differentspecies of a taxonomicgroup may each havean individual pH range.(WELCH, 1952:213).

    pH (potencialhidrogeninico


    Os lumbricides suportamvalores de pH que nodescem abaixo de 4,4.(DAJOZ, 1986:173)

    Biotic Endogenous propertiesaccruing fromfunctions: (1)Characteristic dynamicsof disturbance: a)Abiotic, e.g. fire, windstorm; b)Biotic, e.g.herbivory,pathogenicity.(SCHULTZER &MOONEY,1994:272)

    Bitico Comunidade, populao,organismo, rgo, clula egene so os termoslargamente empregados paradenominar os principais nveisbiticos, mostrados numarranjo hierrquico do maiorat o menor. (ODUM, 1952:2)

    Free carbondioxide

    This half-bound carbondioxide is not in sostable a state as thefixed carbon dioxideand may be regardedas being a sort ofintermediate betweenfree and fixed carbondioxide. (WELCH,1952:99)

    Gs carbnicoagressivo

    De um modo geral, as algas edemais vegetais sub-aquticos utlizam o gscarbnico agressivo noprocesso de fotossntese.(PEREIRA, 1980:85)


    This half-bound carbondioxide is not in sostable a state as thefixed carbon dioxideand may be regardedas being a sort ofintermediate betweenfree and fixed carbondioxide. (WELCH,1952:99)

    Gs carbnicode equilbrio

    Esse gs carbnico nocombinado chamado gscarbnico de equilbrio e proprocional quantidade debicarbonato existente emsoluo. de tal maneira que seretirarmos parte dele, partedo bicarbonato se precipitarcomo carbonato liberando oequivalente em gs carbnico.(PEREIRA, 1980:85)

    Climax Markov chains ofstochastic eventseventually settle downinto final stationarydistrubutions quitecomparable to the

    Clmax Cada etapa da sucesso chamada de srie e a etapafinal da evoluo o clmaxou srie final, quecorresponde a uma biocenoseque permanece estvel por



    relationships ot treepopulations at climax.(COLINVAUX, 1993:435)

    um perodo que englobavrias vidas humanas.(PEREIRA, 1980: 48-49))

    Principle of


    It is now known as the

    Gause Principle, or,using the language ofHardin (1960), theprinciple of competitiveexclusion, and may bestated as follows:"Stable populations oftwo or more speciescannot continuouslyoccupy the sameniche". (COLINVAUX,1993:148) Syn: GausePrinciple

    Princpio da


    Este conceito se baseia no

    Princpio de Gause ou Princpioda excluso competitiva,segundo o qual duas espciesque tenha m as mesmasexigncias no podemcoabitar, sendo uma delas, aofim de um certo tempo,eliminada. (PEREIRA,1980:33) Sin:Princpio deGause

    Canopy Canopy height averages30-35 m with ocasionalemergents up to 55 m.(STOUFFER &BIERREGAARD, 1995:2429-2445)

    Dossel As rvores geralmenteformam trs estratos: (1)rvores emergentes, muitoaltas e espalhadas, que seprojetam acima do nvel geraldo (2) estrato do dossel, queforma um tapete contnuo,sempre verde a uma altura de25-30 m , e (3) um estrato desub-bosque que se tornadenso apenas onde h

    interrupo do dossel.(ODUM, 1986: 366)

    DissolvedOxygen (DO)

    The rate at whichdissolved oxygen isused up in fresh sewageor sewage pollutedwater has been studiedextensively by Phelps,Streeter and manyothers. (CAMP,1964:243)



    Essa demanda pode sergrande bastante paraconsumir todo o OxignioDissolvido (OD) da gua, oque condiciona a morte detodos os organismos aerbiosde respirao subaqutica.(BRANCO,1971:286)

    Leaching B horizons have gained

    material from leachingand by synthesis in situ,particularly of clayminerals. (COLINVAUX,1993:527)

    Lixiviao O horizonte de superfcie, ou

    horizonte A, contm matriaorgnica empobrecida emcolides e em ferro, pois estesso carreados pela lixiviaopor gua de chuva. (DAJOZ,1972:377)

    Buffer effect If this range is large,the water is said tohave high buffer effect;if it is small, the waterhas little buffer effect.(WELCH, 1952:121)

    Efeito tampo Nessas condies, o efeitotampo do equilbriocarbonato-cido carbnicoprevine flutuaes de pH paraalm do intervalo entre 7 e 9.(PEREIRA, 1980: 86)

    Abundance Abundance and speciesrichness declined

    Abundncia A abundncia corresponde aonmero de indivduos por



    dramatically afterisolation, even thoughfragments wereseparated fromcontinuous forest byonly 70-650m.(STOUFFER &BIERREGAARD,1995:2429-2445)

    unidade de superfcie ouvolume. (DAJOZ, 1972:288)

    Overstory The observedrelationship betweenunderstory or overstorythickness and distanceto a linear edge was ingeneral agreement withthat predicted by themodel. (MALCOLM,1994:2438-2445)


    As rvores geralmenteformam trs estratos: (1)rvores emergentes, muitoaltas e espalhadas, que seprojetam acima do nvel geraldo (2) estrato do dossel, queforma um tapete contnuo,sempre verde a uma altura de25-30m, e (3) um estrato desub-bosque que se tornadenso apenas onde hinterrupo do dossel.(ODUM, 1986: 366)


    Therefore, a clearunderstanding of thesalient features ofthermal stratification isa necessity. (WELCH,1952: 49)


    H, assim, uma verdadeiraestratificao trmica da guae cada uma das referidascamadas caracterizada porfauna, flora e composioqumica tpicas. (PEREIRA,1980: 77)

    Epilimnion During the summerwhen a lake isthermally stratified andthe upper portion ofwater (epilimnion) isapproximately of thesame temperature andhence of the samedensity, a strong,steady wind of somehours durationcontinually drifts the

    water upon the exposedshore whence, barringspecial circunstances,the excess water mayreturn down the slopeof the basin to aconsiderable depth.(WELCH, 1952:40)

    Epilmnio As regies situadas acima eabaixo da termclina sochamadas respectivamenteEpilmnio e Hipolmnio.(PEREIRA, 1980:77)

    Thermocline Encountering there thecolder, denser water ofthe tehrmocline region,this down-flowing,

    returning current isdiverted in a horizontal

    Termclina Esse trecho da curva denominado Termclina ouMetalmnio ou Camada deDescontinuidade. (PEREIRA,

    1980: 77)



    direction and flow astoward the oppositeshore, maintaining alevel above thethermocline. (WELCH,1952:39)


    Ideal comparisonsbetween ecosystemsshould compare thetotal productivity, called"gross production",which is the energyrepresented by thebiomass producedtogether with theenergy that went intothe work of producingit: Energy (biomass) +Energy of respiration =Gross production(COLINVAUX,1993:498)


    Chama-se produtividade brutaa quantidade de matria vivaproduzida durante umdeterminado perodo detempo (geralmente um ano),numa determinada rea porum nvel trfico ou por umaespcie. (PEREIRA, 1980:34)


    Accordingly,comparative measuresof ecosystemproductivity refer to"net production", whichis simply the rate ofbiomass production.

    (COLINVAUX, 1993:498)


    A produtividade lqidacorresponde produtividadebruta menos a quantidade dematria viva degradada pelosprocessos respiratrios.(PEREIRA, 1980:34)


    Productivity may bequalified as primary(energy fixed by greenplants) or secondary(energy flowing into anylevel other that ofprimary green plants).(COLINVAUX, 1993: 61)


    Fala-se em produtividadeprimria quando se refere dos seres auttrofos ouprodutores e emprodutividade secundriaquando representa a dosoutros nveis trficos.(PEREIRA, 1980: 34)


    Productivity may bequalified as primary

    (energy fixed by greenplants) or secondary(energy flowing into anylevel other that ofprimary green plants).(COLINVAUX, 1993: 61)


    Fala-se em produtividadeprimria quando se refere

    dos seres auttrofos ouprodutores e emprodutividade secundriaquando representa a dosoutros nveis trficos.(PEREIRA, 1980: 34)

    Overturn During spring and falloverturns, when thewater is of uniformdensity from top tobottom, return currentsmay extend even to the

    bottom of relativelydeep inland lakes.

    Circulao Circulao total de primavera- No incio da primavera, nasregies de clima temperado,logo aps o degelo dasuperfcie dos lagos, helevao da temperatura de

    toda a massa de gua at4C; ao atingir esta



    (WELCH, 1952: 40) temperatura a ao do ventoproduz a circulao total deprimavera. (PEREIRA,1980:78)

    Succession Simpler assumptions

    than those of asimulation model letsuccession be modeledas a Markovian process.(COLINVAUX,1993:435)



    Chama-se sucesso ecolgica

    sucesso da predominnciade uma biocenose oucomunidade por outra.(PEREIRA, 1980: 48)

    Seral stages Plant associations wereof two kinds:associations that hadmore fleeting existenceas stages (seral stages)in a succession....


    Srie Cada etapa da sucesso chamada de srie e a etapafinal da evoluo o clmaxou srie final, quecorresponde a uma biocenoseque permanece estvel por

    um perodo que englobavrias vidas humanas.(PEREIRA, 1980: 48-49))


    Secondary successions,however appear to beentirely autogenic.(COLINVAUX,1993:430)


    Em um meio que j foipovoado anteriormente, doqual os seres vivos forameliminados por fenmenosdiversos (glaciaes,incndios, eroso) ainstalao de novoshabitantes comea umasucesso secundria.

    (PEREIRA, 1980: 49)Spring

    overturnBeing now of the samedensity throughout, thewhole lake, under theinfluence of springwinds, will circulate ormix from surface tobottom, producing thephenomenon known asthe spring overturn, orspring circulation.(WELCH, 1952:49) Syn:

    Spring circulation

    Circulaototal de


    Circulao total de primavera- No incio da primavera, nasregies de clima temperado,logo aps o degelo dasuperfcie dos lagos, helevao da temperatura detoda a massa de gua at 4C; ao atingir esta temperaturaa ao do vento produz acirculao total de primavera.(PEREIRA,1980: 78)


    The natural process ofthe maturing of a lakeis that ofeutrophication.(WELCH, 1952:352)

    Eutrofizao O resultado das inmerasdescargas de guacontaminada, poluda, comalta concentrao deNitrognio e Fsforo, umprocesso acelerado deeutrofizao. (TUNDISI et al.,1999:209)

    Edge effects The nature of edgeeffects in habitatfragments of differentsizes and shapes mayalso influence resource

    Efeitos deborda

    Os efeitos de borda foramparticularmente bemestudados em reas florestais.(METZGER,1999: 445-463)



    "patchiness" in thefragments, and hencethe dynamics ofpopulations.(MALCOLM, 1994:2438-2445)

    Territoriality Howard invented theconcept of territoriality,having set himself toexplain well-knownbehaviour of breedingbirds. (COLINVAUX,1993:251)

    Territorialidade A territorialidade parece sermais pronunciada nosvertebrados e em certosartrpodes que apresentamcomplicados padres decomportamento reprodutivo,envolvendo construo deninhos, oviposio e proteoda prole. (ODUM, 1986: 222)

    A horizon Soil scientists recognizethree kinds of horizons

    above the parentalmaterial: the A,B, and Chorizons. (COLINVAUX,1993:527)

    Horizonte A O horizonte superior ouhorizonte A ("camada

    superficial") composto dosrestos de plantas e animaisque esto sendo reduzidos amatria orgnica finamentedividida pelo processo dehumificao. (ODUM,1986:169)


    The subsoil underneathis the earth from whichthe soil was made andis therefore calledparent material.


    Rocha-me O horizonte inferior (horizonteC) corresponde ao incio daalterao da rocha-me quese encontra imediatamenteabaixo.(DAJOZ, 1972:377)

    B horizon B horizons have gainedmaterial from leachingand by synthesis in situ,particularly of clayminerals. (COLINVAUX,1993:527)

    Horizonte B O horizonte intermedirio(horizonte B) difere de A peloenriquecimento em colides,particularmente argila e ferro,sendo um horizonte deacumulao. (DAJOZ,1972:377)

    C horizon C horizons are parentalmaterial that has beenweathered, usuallybeing oxidized or, in dryclimate havingdeposites of evaporites.(COLINVAUX, 1993:527)

    Horizonte C O horizonte inferior (horizonteC) corresponde ao incio daalterao da rocha-me quese encontra imediatamenteabaixo.(DAJOZ, 1972:377)

    Agricultureand cattle-ranching

    In terms of area,agriculture and cattle-ranching is increasingby 3% a year. FNRCBD-Br

    Agropecuria [A] expanso da agropecuria taxa de 3% ao ano.PRNCDB-Br

    Arboreta Herbaria, zoological

    collections, arboreta,germplasm banks,

    Arboretos Tem sido importante, no

    processo de conservao dadiversidade biolgica, o papel



    botanical gardens,zoological gardens andmicro-organism cultureplay an important rolein the conservation ofbiodiversity. FNRCDB-Br

    dos herbrios e coleeszoolgicas, arboretos, bancode germoplasmas, jardinsbotnicos, jardins zoolgicos eculturas de microorganismos.PRNCDB-Br


    The Atlantic forestextending from thenorth-east to far southof Brazil has beenreduced to a mere stripof remnants. FNRCBD-Br

    Mata Atlntica A rea de Mata Atlntica, hojeuma faixa remanescentequase s ao longo da costa,estende-se do Sul aoNordeste do pas. PRNCDB-Br


    Autochthonous detritus- detritus producedlocally. (WELCH,1952:222)

    Autctone A matria orgnica importada(contribuio de rios,drenagem de solos, etc) chamada autctone.(PEREIRA,

    1980:94)Black liontamarin

    Six committees havealready beenestabilished for:(...);the black-faced liontamarin... FNRCBD-BR


    Seis comits j estofuncionando:(...); mico-leo-preto...PRNCDB-BR


    Herbaria, zoologialcollections, aboreta,germplasm banks,botanical gardens,zoological gardens andmicro-organism cultureplay na important rolein the conservation ofbiodiversity. FNRCBD-Br


    Tem sido importante, noprocesso de conservao dadiversidade biolgica, o papeldos herbrios e coleeszoolgicas, arboretos, basconsde germoplasmas, jardinsbot6anicos, jardins zoolgicose cultiras de microrganismos.PRNCDB-BR

    Burning Burning, both for themaintenance and thecreation of cattlepasture and for theplantations is acommon practice.FNRCBD-Br

    Queimada Em muitas reas, subsiste aprtica das queimadas naentressafra (para renovaode pastagens ou na aberturade lavouras e pastos).PRNCDB-BR



    Of these, 631 involved

    deforestation for cattleranching. FNRCBD-Br

    Pecuria ...dos quais 631 de abertura

    de novas reas para apecuria. PRNCDB-Br


    ...and the Cerradobiome, which hassuffered worst from theexpansion of theagriculture and cattle-ranching in recentyears, covers some 2million squarekilometers. FNRCBD-Br

    Bioma Cerrado O bioma Cerrado, que maistem sofrido os impactos doavano da fronteiraagropecuria, estende-se porcerca de 2 milhes dequilmetros quadrados.PRNCDB-Br.



    The worst hit vegetation

    types are the closet andopen ombrophilous



    Os tipos de vegetao mais

    atingidos pelo processo deconservao so a floresta



    forests and theircontact zones. FNRCBD-Br

    ombrfila densa, a florestaombrfila aberta e as zonasde contato, que ligam essesdois tipos de florestas.PRNCDB-Br

    Corridors forconservation Based on this survey,the Secretariat forStrategic Affairs - SAE -has developed a modelin which corridors fordevelopment in themost suitable areasalternate with corridorsfor conservation.FNRCBD-Br

    Corredor deconservao Diante desse diagnstico, aSAE desenvolve um modeloque pretende alternarcorredores dedesenvolvimento nas reasmais favorveis, comcorredores de conservao.PRNCDB-Br

    Depletion offorests

    With the depletion osforests in South-east

    Asia, however,international trade intropical timber will tendto intensify in Brazil.FNRCBD- Br

    Esgotamentodas florestas

    Entretanto, com osesgotamento das florestas do

    Sudoeste Asitico, aspresses do mercadointernacional de madeirastropicais tendem a seintensificar no Brasil.PRNCDB-Br

    Dune Beside MarineExtractivist Reserves,there are a number offederal protect areas(...), as well as forbeaches, dunes, coral

    reefs, marine feedinggrounds, bays,estuaries... FNRCBD-Br

    Duna Alm dessas RESEX, existemas unidades federais deconservao (...), assim comooutras que protegem praias,dunas, recifes de corais,pastos marinhos, baas,


    Ecotourism Some privateorganizations, many ofthem involved inecotourism, administerareas protectspecifically forconservatio. FNRCBD-Br


    Algumas organizaesprivadas administram reasprotegidas com a finalidade deconservao, muitas delasvinculadas ao turismoecolgico, PRNCDB-Br


    IBAMA also providesinstitutional, logisticand financial support forprojects and directaction for recovery andmanagemement ofother endangeredspecies...FNRCBD-Br


    Prev tambm apoioinstitucional, logstico efinanceiro para projetos eaes voltados para arecuperao e manejo deespciesameaadas...PRNCDB-Br

    Explotation oftimber


    One of the meansdefined by IBAMA torationalise and regulatethe explotation ostimber resources is aproject for (...)FNRCBD-Br

    Explorao derecursos


    Um dos caminhos definidospelo IBAMA para racionalizar edeisciplinar a explorao derecursos madeireiros oprojeto de (...) PRNCDB-Br





    Extensive cattle-ranching, agriculture,extractivism andsubsistence farminghave all had majorimpacts on this biome.FNRCBD-Br


    A pecuria extensiva, aagroindstria, a extrao demadeiras e a agricultura desubsistncia tm contriudopara as perdas no bioma.PRNCDB-Br

    Food Web Within a web, speciesdeletion stability mayavry considerably,depending, amongother things, on thespecies richeness of thesystem, trophic levelfrom wich the speciesare removed, and thedegree of connectanceof the speciesinteraction in a foodweb divided by thenumber of possibleinterections. (MOONEYet al., 1995:429)

    Rede alimentarAlm disso, um mesmoanimal ou vegetal podeconstituir alimento decarnvoros ou herbvorosvariados e assim, as diversascadeias alimentares seentrelaam constituindoverdadeiras redes ou teiasalimentares. (PEREIRA,1980:32)

    Forest fire Through these statesmonitoring centres,PREVFOGO will bedecentralised in themonitoring, preventionand combat of forest

    fires. FNRCBD-Br


    Com a estruturao dosCentros de MonitoramentoEstaduais, o PREVFOGO irdescentralizar suas aes demonitoramento, preveno ecombate aos incndios

    florestais. PRNCDB-BrFixed carbondioxide

    This half-bound carbondioxide is not in sostable a state as thefixed carbon dioxideand may be regardedas being a sort ofintermediate betweenfree and fixed carbondioxide. (WELCH,1952:99)

    Carbonoorgnico total

    O carbono orgnico total(COT) que uma medida dematria orgnica presente nagua, usada para avaliar ademanda bioqumica deoxignio, no substitui ostestes dessas quantidades.(ART, 1998)

    Gas emission Under the terms of the

    1992 Convetion onClimate Change, allsignatories shouldpresent reports on theirconcrete contributionsto controlling gasemission and thegreenhouse effect.FNRCBD-Br

    Emisso de


    Por fora da Conveno sobre

    Mudanas Climticas de 1992,todos os pases signatriosdevem apresentar relatriossobre suas reais contribuiesnas emisses de gases econseqente efeito estufa.PRNCDB-Br


    Herbaria, zoologicalcollections, arboreta,germplasm banks,

    botanical gardens,zoological gardens and

    Banco degermoplasma

    Tem sido importante, noprocesso de conservao dadiversidade biolgica, o papel

    dos herbrios e coleeszoolgicas, arboretos, bancos



    micro-organism cultureplay na important rolein conservation ofbiodiversity. FNRCBD-Br

    de germoplasmas, jardinsbotnicos, jardins zoolgicos eculturas de microrganismos.PRNCDB-Br

    Golden lion


    Six commitees have

    already beenestablished for: thegolden liontamarin...FNRCBD-Br



    Seis comits j esto

    funcionando: mico-leo-dourado....PRNCDB-Br

    Harvest These turtles werebeing decimate byillegal occupation oftheir nesting beaches,the killing of breedingfemales and theharvesting of theireggs. FNRCBD-Br

    Coleta (...) reverter a situao decinco espcies de tartarugasmarinhas que estavam sendodizimadas com a ocupaoirregular de praias de desova,abate de fmeas matrizes ecoleta dos ovos. PRNCDB-Br


    These turtles werebeing decimate byillegal occupation oftheir nesting beaches,the killing of breedingfemales and theharvesting of theireggs. FNRCBD-Br

    Praia dedesova

    (...) reverter a situao decinco espcies de tartarugasmarinhas que estavam sendodizimadas com a ocupaoirregular de praias de desova,abate de fmeas matrizes ecoleta dos ovos. PRNCDB-Br


    These turtles werebeing decimate byillegal occupation oftheir nesting beaches,the killing of breedingfemales and theharvesting of theireggs. FNRCBD-Br

    Fmea matriz (...) reverter a situao decinco espcies de tartarugasmarinhas que estavam sendodizimadas com a ocupaoirregular de praias de desova,abate de fmeas matrizes ecoleta dos ovos. PRNCDB-Br

    Herbaria Herbaria, zoologicalcollections, arboreta,germplasm banks,botanical gardens,zoological gardens andmicro-organism cultureplay na important rolein conservation ofbiodiversity. FNRCBD-Br

    Herbrio Tem sido importante, noprocesso de conservao dadiversidade biolgica, o papeldos herbrios e coleeszoolgicas, arboretos, bancosde germoplasmas, jardinsbotnicos, jardins zoolgicos eculturas de microrganismos.PRNCDB-Br


    (...) and that illegalcommerce in theseanimals [turtles]involves over 200,000females each year.FNRCBD-Br


    (...) e capturadas 200 milfmeas para o consumo ecomrcio clandestino.PRNCDB-Br

    In situconservation

    Even so, thisdemonstrates aconsiderable effort onbehalf of in situ

    conservation ofBrazilian biodiversity.

    Conservao insitu

    Mesmo assim, reflete umesforo considervel deconservao in situ dadiversidade biolgica

    brasileira. FNRCBD-Br




    Loss ofbiologicaldiversity

    Regional differences inincome (...) haveresulted in shifts in the(...) and the loss of

    biological diversity.FNRCBD-Br

    Perda dediversidadebiolgica

    As disparidades regionais (...)com conseqente perda dediversidade biolgica.PRNCDB-Br

    Mangrove Originally, forestcovered 7.768.440 haor 81,5% of the state,the rest beingrestinga(coastalvegetation on sand),mangroves...FNRCBD-Br

    Mangue 81,5% da rea total doestado, ou seja, 7.768.440hectares (restante divididoentre restinga, mangues ecampos). PNRCDB-Br



    The worst hit vegetationtypes are the closet and

    open ombrophilousforests and theircontact zones. FNRCBD-Br



    Os tipos de vegetao maisatingidos pelo processo de

    conservao so a florestaombrfila densa, a florestaombrfila aberta e as zonasde contato, que ligam essesdois tipos de florestas.PRNCDB-Br


    It is now known as theGause Principle, or,using the language ofHardin (1960), theprinciple of competitiveexclusion, and may bestated as follows:"Stable populations oftwo or more speciescannot continuouslyoccupy the sameniche". (COLINVAUX,1993:148) Syn:Principle of competitiveexclusion

    Princpio deGause

    Este conceito se baseia noPrincpio de Gause ou Princpioda excluso competitiva,segundo o qual duas espciesque tenha m as mesmasexigncias no podemcoabitar, sendo uma delas, aofim de um certo tempo,eliminada. (PEREIRA,1980:33) Sin: Princpio daexcluso competitiva

    Restinga Originally, forestcovered 7.768.440 haor 81,5% of the state,the rest being restinga(coastal vegetation onsand),mangroves...FNRCBD-Br

    Restinga 81,5% da rea total doestado, ou seja, 7.768.440hectares (restante divididoentre restinga, mangues ecampos). PNRCDB-Br

    Sanctuary Some non-governamentalconservationorganizations also ownand administer reservesand sactuaries.FNRCDB-Br

    Santurio Vrias Organizaes NoGovernamentais (ONGs)conseravcionistas mantmimportantes ReservasParticulares ou Santurios.PRNCDB-Br

    Sea lion (...) and aquatic Leo marinho (...) e mamferos do litoral



    mammal of thesouthern Atlantic coast,the sea lion and theSouth American furseal. FNRCBD-Br

    sul, o leo marinho e lobomarinho. PRNCDB-Br

    Fur seal (...) and aquaticmammal of thesouthern Atlantic coast,the sea lion and theSouth American furseal. FNRCBD-Br

    Lobo marinho (...) e mamferos do litoralsul, o leo marinho e lobomarinho. PRNCDB-Br


    Being now of the samedensity throughout, thewhole lake , under theinfluence of springwinds, will circulate ormix from surface to

    bottom, producing thephenomenon known asthe spring overturn, orspring circulation.(WELCH, 1952:49) Syn:Spring overturn

    Circulaototal de


    Circulao total de primavera- No incio da primavera, nasregies de climas temperados,logo aps o degelo dasuperfcie dos lagos, helevao da temperatura de

    toda a massa at 4 grauscentgrados; ao atingir estatemperatura a ao do ventoproduz a circulao total daprimavera. (PEREIRA,1980:78)

    Tripton Abioseston (Tripton) -Non-living componentsof the Seston. (WELCH,1952:222)

    Trpton Pode-se falar em biossston(constitudo de seres vivos) eabiossston ou trpton(representado pelo conjuntode partculas em suspenso ecorpos de organismos

    mortos). (PEREIRA, 1980:26)Wildlife IBAMA is directly

    responsible for anumber of projects forthe in situ conservationof Brazilian wildlife.FNRCBD-Br

    Fauna silvestre O IBAMA responsvel porvrios projetos deconservao in situ da faunasilvestre brasileira. PRNCDB-Br


    Herbaria, zoologialcollections, aboreta,germplasm banks,botanical gardens,zoological gardens andmicro-organism cultureplay na important rolein the conservation ofbiodiversity. FNRCBD-Br


    Tem sido importante, noprocesso de conservao dadiversidade biolgica, o papeldos herbrios e coleeszoolgicas, arboretos, bancosde germoplasmas, jardinsbotnicos, jardins zoolgicos eculturas de microrganismos.PRNCDB-BR


    Herbaria, zoologialcollections, aboreta,germplasm banks,botanical gardens,zoological gardens andmicro-organism cultureplay na important rolein the conservation ofbiodiversity. FNRCBD-Br


    Tem sido importante, noprocesso de conservao dadiversidade biolgica, o papeldos herbrios e coleeszoolgicas, arboretos, bancosde germoplasmas, jardinsbotnicos, jardins zoolgicos eculturas de microrganismos.PRNCDB-BR



    Ex situconservation

    While the importance ofin situ conservationcannot beoveremphasized, ex situconservation in zoos,aquaria, botanicgardens, andgermplams banks bothcomplements in situtechniques and servemany other purposes...(BOOH)

    Conservaoex situ

    Neste documento soapresentadas [ao MMA],informaes sobre aimportncia e estado da arteda conservao ex situ noBrasil, bem como as lacunas,questes, prioridades, metase estratgias necessrias parao atendimento do Artigo "9"da Conveno SobreDiversidade Biolgica...(GTT3)


    The Research centre forBird Conservation(Centro de Pesquisaspara a Conservao deAves Silvestres -CEMAVE) was set up in1977 for theconservation andmanagement of areasimportant for birds,especially migratorybirds. FNRCBD-Br


    O Centro de Pesquisas para aConservao de AvesSilvestres (CEMAVE) atuadesde 1977 com o objetivo depromover a conservao emanejo de aves silvestrescom nfase nas espciesmigratrias....PRNCDB-Br

    Black-facedlion tamarin

    Six committes havealready beenestablished for : (...),the black-faced liontamarin...FNRCBD-Br


    Seis comits j estofuncionando:(...), mico-leo-da-cara-preta....PRNCDB-Br