Expo Better never Catch! p. 3 p. 6 Seventeenvan hartseer. Van Graad 8 tot 12 het ons saam gewen en...

Semper Die amptelike kwartaalblad van die leerders van Paul Roos Gimnasium Official quarterly of the pupils of Paul Roos Gymnasium Volume 68 Mei 2017 Founded 1962 Gestig Gratis | Free Expo p. 3 Catch! p.3 Johan Schoeman 1728 - at is the exact num- ber of days the matric class of 2017 has carried the Pieke on their chests. is should not be confused with 1738, rapper Fetty Wap´s famous hookline and signature, even though, like his Remy Boyz, none could control us either. When calculated in days, five years seem like an awfully long time. Any matric would readily tell you, however, that in hind- sight his high school career was over in a flash. An extended ma- roon blur if you will. at being said, it is only through looking back that you realise what a wonderful blur it has been. It is funny what a few swel- tering days in the Japie Krige can do to a group of thirteen- year-old boys. It might not have brought about imme- diate change, but rather laid the groundwork for a process of profound unification that changed us into who we are today and would have had even Mandela green with envy. Hierdie proses van vereniging is versnel deur oomblikke van glorie, maar ook oomblikke van hartseer. Van Graad 8 tot 12 het ons saam gewen en saam verloor. Ons het saam gely onder streng onderwysers en strenger matrieks. Ons het saam die 2,4 gehardloop en die honderdme- terswemtoets afgelê (sommige met meer sukses as ander). Soos een man het ons deur eksamens gesukkel en het elkeen sy bes gegee in ´n gesonde poging om sy klasmaats ore aan te sit. Saam het ons uit volle bors gesing om ons helde op die veld, astro, tar- tan, tennisbaan en in die swem- bad te ondersteun in die goeie én in die slegte tye. Elke matriekseun het ´n paar persoonlike hoogtepunte wat vir hom betekenisvol was in sy vyf jaar by Paul Roos Gimnasium. Oomblikke soos ´n wendrie in ´n naelskraap-kragmeting op Markötter, ´n wedstryd-omker- ende vangskoot in krieket of ´n ongelooflike doel op die sok- ker- of hokkieveld. Miskien was dit ´n fantastiese toetspunt, ´n welverdiende afperiode, perfekte harmonie in die koor, cum laude by die jaarlikse kunswedstryd, skaakmat teen ´n sterk opponent of ´n kwinkslag by debat. Dalk het jy selfs onwetend iemand se lewe gered by die noodhulp. Wie sal weet. Dit is duidelik dat ons as graad verenig is nie deur ons ooreen- komste nie, maar eerder deur ons diversiteit in die verskeid- enheid geleenthede wat aan ons gebied is deur die skool. Next year we shall all be em- barking on different life journeys that might seperate us physically by distance and circumstance. We will, however, never be separated for a single moment on a spiritual level. We are Paul Roosers now and we will be Paul Roosers forever more, because we share a special something, something intangible yet un- questionably real. Dit is die gees op die pawiljoen en die gevoel wat jy kry wan- neer jy vir 'n sportspan uitdraf. Dit is die hoendervleis as ons Old Boys sing en die perfekte orangutan. Dit is PRG Liefde en 'n Jolla Bolla teen Grey. Dit was Eenduisend-Sewehon- derd-Agt-en-Twintig dae in Paul Roos Gimnasium, en niemand kan dit ooit van ons wegvat nie. Seventeen Photos: Nic de Jager Twenty-Eight Better never than late p. 6

Transcript of Expo Better never Catch! p. 3 p. 6 Seventeenvan hartseer. Van Graad 8 tot 12 het ons saam gewen en...

Page 1: Expo Better never Catch! p. 3 p. 6 Seventeenvan hartseer. Van Graad 8 tot 12 het ons saam gewen en saam verloor. Ons het saam gely onder streng onderwysers en strenger matrieks. Ons

SemperDie amptelike kwartaalblad van die leerders van Paul Roos Gimnasium

Official quarterly of the pupils of Paul Roos Gymnasium

Volume 68Mei 2017

Founded 1962 GestigGratis | Free

Expop. 3


Johan Schoeman

1728 - That is the exact num-ber of days the matric class of 2017 has carried the Pieke on their chests. This should not be confused with 1738, rapper Fetty Wap´s famous hookline and signature, even though, like his Remy Boyz, none could control us either.

When calculated in days, five years seem like an awfully long time. Any matric would readily tell you, however, that in hind-sight his high school career was over in a flash. An extended ma-roon blur if you will. That being said, it is only through looking back that you realise what a wonderful blur it has been.

It is funny what a few swel-tering days in the Japie Krige can do to a group of thirteen-year-old boys. It might not have brought about imme-diate change, but rather laid the groundwork for a process of profound unification that changed us into who we are today and would have had even Mandela green with envy.

Hierdie proses van vereniging is versnel deur oomblikke van glorie, maar ook oomblikke van hartseer. Van Graad 8 tot 12 het ons saam gewen en saam verloor. Ons het saam gely onder streng onderwysers en strenger matrieks. Ons het saam die 2,4 gehardloop en die honderdme-terswemtoets afgelê (sommige met meer sukses as ander). Soos een man het ons deur eksamens gesukkel en het elkeen sy bes gegee in ´n gesonde poging om sy klasmaats ore aan te sit. Saam het ons uit volle bors gesing om ons helde op die veld, astro, tar-tan, tennisbaan en in die swem-

bad te ondersteun in die goeie én in die slegte tye.

Elke matriekseun het ´n paar persoonlike hoogtepunte wat vir hom betekenisvol was in sy vyf jaar by Paul Roos Gimnasium. Oomblikke soos ´n wendrie in ´n naelskraap-kragmeting op Markötter, ´n wedstryd-omker-ende vangskoot in krieket of ´n ongelooflike doel op die sok-ker- of hokkieveld. Miskien was dit ´n fantastiese toetspunt, ´n welverdiende afperiode, perfekte harmonie in die koor, cum laude by die jaarlikse kunswedstryd, skaakmat teen ´n sterk opponent of ´n kwinkslag by debat. Dalk het jy selfs onwetend iemand se lewe gered by die noodhulp. Wie sal weet.

Dit is duidelik dat ons as graad verenig is nie deur ons ooreen-komste nie, maar eerder deur ons diversiteit in die verskeid-enheid geleenthede wat aan ons gebied is deur die skool.

Next year we shall all be em-barking on different life journeys that might seperate us physically by distance and circumstance. We will, however, never be separated for a single moment on a spiritual level. We are Paul Roosers now and we will be Paul Roosers forever more, because we share a special something, something intangible yet un-questionably real.

Dit is die gees op die pawiljoen en die gevoel wat jy kry wan-neer jy vir 'n sportspan uitdraf. Dit is die hoendervleis as ons Old Boys sing en die perfekte orangutan. Dit is PRG Liefde en 'n Jolla Bolla teen Grey. Dit was Eenduisend-Sewehon-derd-Agt-en-Twintig dae in Paul Roos Gimnasium, en niemand kan dit ooit van ons wegvat nie.


Photos: Nic de Jager


Better never than late

p. 6

Page 2: Expo Better never Catch! p. 3 p. 6 Seventeenvan hartseer. Van Graad 8 tot 12 het ons saam gewen en saam verloor. Ons het saam gely onder streng onderwysers en strenger matrieks. Ons

Mei 2017Semper | 2

Current Affairs | Aktueel

Biltong Shop + Coffee Roasters

Kom Kry Jou Loyalty Kaart En Verdien Cashback Op PRG Aankope

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Simon Brand

“Gupta” is an ominous name to many South Africans. In recent years the family has become synon-ymous with the odour of corruption hanging over president Jacob Zuma and his administration.

The family’s net worth is unclear, but their vast assets suggest that they are extremely wealthy. The three most prominent Guptas, the brothers Ajay, Atul and Rajesh, relo-cated to South Africa from India in 1993.

The Gupta brothers first met the current president at an event hosted by the Gupta family business, Saha-ra Computers. In the last couple of years, the public has grown suspi-cious of the cozy relationship that has formed between Zuma and the Guptas.

In 2013 a plane carrying over 200 guests attending the wedding of the Gupta brothers’ niece landed at the Waterkloof Military Base. The incident caused severe outcry from the public as well as the press, who dramatically dubbed it “Guptagate”.

Further suspicion fell on the Gup-tas in 2016, when a former ANC

Meet the GuptasA very suspicious cozy relationship

MP, Vytjie Mentor, alleged that the family offered her the position of Public Enterprise Minister in return for granting business opportunities to a company owned by the Gupta family. Then deputy Finance Min-ister Mcebisi Jonas also confirmed reports by the media that the Guptas had offered him the position of Finance Minister shortly before Zuma’s sudden removal of Nhlanhla

Nene from that very office. Former bodyguards employed by

the Guptas reported that they often saw important government officials at the family’s Saxonwold estate and that before 2015 Ajay Gupta would visit Zuma up to three times a week. Zuma has denied that these visits

ever took place. The most recent development in

the Zupta bromance is the publish-ing of a trail of leaked emails telling a chilling tale of corruption, espio-nage and state capture implicating Zuma, the presidential family, high-profile government officials and the Guptas.

If the leaked documents hold up as evidence in court, the implicated individuals could be charged with a host of crimes; including corruption and treason.

The Hawks have launched a probe into the matter of the leaked emails, but it is unclear whether the agency is investigating their contents or trying to determine how they were obtained.

Those who want to see Zuma and the Guptas fall should not count their chickens before they’ve hatched: It will be a long time before anyone is prosecuted over the leaks - if, indeed, anyone will be prosecuted at all. If the emails were obtained in an illegal manner the court may not accept them as evidence under the Protection of Information Act.

Those who want to see Zuma and the Guptas fall should not count their chickens before they’ve hatched

Suiwer Entrepreneurskap ook ’n OpsieLoop ’n risiko en kyk wat gebeur!

Besigheid is nie net vir die mense in pak-ke wat heeldag vergaderings bywoon nie.


Henco du Pisanie

Die resies het begin, die geveg is aan die gang en jou ouers skree soos maniak-toeskouers van die kanlynt af om jou in ’n loopbaan-rigting te stuur. En jy swem maar saam met die stroom van inge-nieurswese, dokters, geoktroo-ieerde rekenmeesters (CA’s) en hoop heimelik dat die onderwy-sers die eindeksamen makliker sal maak sodat jy gekeur kan word vir watter kursus jy ook al aansoek doen.

Maar wat van ietsie anders? LOR-onderwysers verduide-lik herhaaldelik: daar is meer beroepe as die bogenoemde! Maar na die Junie-vakansie en werkskadu-take sien jy weer die onvermydelike: ’n klas wat slaap omdat hulle na dieselfde aanbiedings moet luister.

Wat van iets buitengewoons, iets wat die adrenalien laat pomp omdat dit risiko’s inhou?

Die sakewêreld!Besigheid is nie net vir die

mense in pakke wat heeldag vergaderings bywoon nie. Baie mense kla dat hulle eendag vir iemand gaan moet werk of hulle kla oor die werkloosheidsyfer, maar dit is jóú keuse: wil jy deel van die statistiek wees of wil jy eerder werk skep en die steeds stygende werkloosheidsyfer ’n knou gee?

Die vraag is: hoe word mens ’n jong entrepreneur?

Navorsing sê dat ’n goeie leier en suksesvolle sakeman homself uitdaag en risiko’s loop. As jy nie in jouself glo nie, hoe moet ander mense in jou glo? Weet jy duidelik wat jy wil doen? Watter vrese het jy en hoe kan jy dit oorkom?

Navorsing oor entrepre-neurskap bewys dat jy as entre-preneur jouself moet omring met ’n goeie span mense wat as jou ondersteun. As jy mense aanstel, dan moet jy mense met integ-riteit aanstel – mense wat jy kan vertrou. Stel duidelike doelwitte vir jouself en jou span.

‘n Entrepreneur se unieke

karaktereienskappe sluit in hard-werkendheid, passie, dryfkrag en ’n ingesteldheid om nie bang te wees of om alleen te staan nie in.

Entrepreneur.com gee die volgende wenke: werk hard sodat jy ’n goeie voorbeeld vir jou werknemers is; bestuur jou energie en jou tyd só dat minder take deeglik voltooi word eerder as om méér take af te rammel. Bou aan ’n plan om jou kapitaal te kry. Die webtuiste sê ook dat jou interaksie met die kliënte baie belangrik is en dat jy na klagtes van kliënte moet luister, die kliënte vir hulle insette moet vra en ’n band met jou kliënte

moet vorm. Dit is ook belan-grik om navorsing te doen oor jou spesifieke besigheidsveld en hoe om jou kapitaal so slim as moontlik te spandeer. Die belangrikste van al die wenke is om meer te lewer as wat van jou verwag word, want dit is wat die verskil is tussen ’n besigheid met statiese groei en ’n besigheid wat floreer.

’n Entrepreneur moet versta-an dat sy eerste of tweede idee nie altyd die wenpaal gaan haal nie, maar dat hy elke keer moet opstaan en steeds risiko’s neem om eendag suksesvol te wees. ’n Entrepreneur moet sy lewens-doel voor oë hê en dit soos ’n foksterriër agter ’n jakkals aan nastreef. ’n Entrepreneur is die persoon wat nog steeds probeer, al laat sy vrou hom op die bank slaap of al het sy ouers opgegee.

As jy van hierdie eienskappe besit en jy het ’n droom om eendag vir jouself te werk en bo uit te kom, volg jou drome en wees die verskil wat die wêreld nodig het.


Page 3: Expo Better never Catch! p. 3 p. 6 Seventeenvan hartseer. Van Graad 8 tot 12 het ons saam gewen en saam verloor. Ons het saam gely onder streng onderwysers en strenger matrieks. Ons

Semper | 3Mei 2017

Breyton van der Merwe

“I just remember one time run-ning for a pass, leaping up in the air and just feeling the fris- bee making it into my hand and experienc-ing the joy of the moment … and as I landed I said to myself, ‘This is the ultimate game. This is the ultimate game.’”

These are the words of Jared Kass, one of the inventors of Ultimate Frisbee, in the summer of ’68.

Skip forward to the summer of 2017. A cou-ple of bored Paul Roosers pick up a disc and decide to revive the game. And it turns out they’re pretty good at it.

But first, what is Ultimate? It is proba-bly best described as a non-contact sport, with the aim of passing the

disc from your side of the field to a teammate in the opposition’s end zone (The size of the field is roughly the same as a rugby field, with the end zone being around 20m). The first team with 15 points wins, so the game could last anything from ten minutes to several hours.

Ultimate is a self-officiated sport, meaning there is no referee, and

players can call fouls when they deem necessary. In the spirit

of the game, players are expected to follow and en-

force rules to the best of their ability and knowl-edge, and they do.

I have never seen anyone call an unnec-essary foul.

Now back to Paul Roos. Our first team played their most re-

cent game against Hoër-skool Stellenbosch and

ended up with a convincing 15-6 victory.

In fact, we are unbeaten by all school sides against which

we played – our only loss this season was

against Maties. Next year we will be hosting trials, and

we also hope to start a junior team.

If you are interested: we practice on the Oval during breaks, and all inquiries are more than welcome.

Current Affairs | AktueelTacky Tie Tuesdays

Top Right!

The Ultimate GameThere is no such thing as a bored Paul Rooser

Christiaan Neethling and David Beyers

The 2017 PRG Hockey Golf Day fundraiser put smiles on 11-year-old faces from Ikaya Primary when they were presented with a donation of hockey gear. The money raised by means of this annual fundraiser supports small initiatives, in this case a hockey development initiative founded by PRG, Maties Hockey and Boland Schools Hockey. Each fourball sponsored a full hockey kit, in-cluding stick and playing gear, for one child.

About 32 four-balls thus present-ed 32 hockey kits to the upcoming stars. At the end of the day the players bade on various prizes at an auction, and the money raised went to improve the initiative, founded in May 2016.

Now, boys from Ikaya Primary who have never been exposed to hockey before, are enjoying weekly sessions by coaches from the three founders of the initiative.

On 23 September, the U/11 team from Ikaya played in their first hockey tournament – the Heritage Day Hockey Festival at Hartley-vale, Cape Town. After only a few practices on the astro at Coetzen-burg, they headed into the tourna-ment with energy and confidence, winning three matches, and thereby their section. “Let’s play hockey” is the motto of the ini-tiative. The founders believe that teaching these boys to play hockey could change their lives – which, indeed, seems to be happening.

Andre Liebenberg

Messrs Stephan Bezuidenhout and Cezarre Strydom find many interesting ways to make life at school just a little more excit-ing. Imagine having to listen to talentless pianists and trombone players eking out boring versions of Claude Debussy’s Claire de

Lune or Bill Withers’ Ain’t no Sunshine (when she’s gone) on a daily basis.

So apart from devising fun-filled perks like the Friday First Break series (see page 5), they have also decided to shake up the early part of the week with Tacky Tie Tuesdays – daring the male members of the Music Depart-

ment to wear the tackiest tie possible on a Tuesday. We have not yet been able to gather what exactly the point of the competi-tion is, or what the winner earns as a prize.

What we do know is that every-body in the music block cannot wait for next week Tuesday (or the week after)!

Jacques du Toit

Paul Roos Gimnasium het uitste-kend presteer by die jaarlikse Stel-lenbosch-streekkompetisie van die Eskom Expo vir Jong Wetenskap-likes. Dié kompetisie het vanjaar op 25 Augustus by Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof plaasgevind.

Agtien leerders van Paul Roos het deelgeneem. Hulle is Neil van der Westhuizen, Markus Bonsma, David Lawrence, George Fischer, Conrad Kriel, Matthew Lochner, Nicholas Rust, Herman Kotze en Stephan Bekker (groep), Leo Jay, Bernard Combrink, Tiaan de Waal, Daniël Theron, Elliot Cutler, Mi-chael Coetzee, Hans Neethling en Carel Mans.

Paul Roos het 3 goue medaljes, 8 silwer medaljes en 6 brons medaljes

verwerf. Dit was die eerste keer dat al Paul Roos se projekte medaljes gewen het.

Markus Bonsma, Neil van der Westhuizen, David Lawrence en George Fischer het toekennings gewen vir die beste projekte in hul ouderdomsgroep en katagorie.

Markus het ’n spesiale boek-prys vir die algehele beste Land-bounavorsingsprojek gewen. Neil se projek is gekies om die Stellen-bosch-streek by die Nasionale Expo te verteenwoordig. Hy was ook een van 15 kandidate wat uit die 260 projekte gekies is om aan die streek-kompetisie deel te neem.

Al die leerders wat deelgeneem het, het Paul Roos se naam hoog gehou as ware ambassadeurs van die skool.

Expo-medaljes waar jy ook al kyk!

It don’t mean a thing if you ain’t got that swing … Mr Neville Rothman takes a swing at raising funds to buy golf kits

for pupils from Ikaya Primary School. Foto: Lukas Stander

Photo: Neels Rossouw

Photo: Digital Image Warehouse

Page 4: Expo Better never Catch! p. 3 p. 6 Seventeenvan hartseer. Van Graad 8 tot 12 het ons saam gewen en saam verloor. Ons het saam gely onder streng onderwysers en strenger matrieks. Ons

Mei 2017Semper | 4

Culture | Kultuur

Andre Liebenberg

Wat gebeur as jy ’n sanggroep, ’n baskitaar, ’n stel tromme en ’n diktator-prins almal in die-selfde kamer sit? Jy kry ’n Paul Roos-toneelstuk. 

Die verhaal (gebaseer op ’n storie van Hans Christian Andersen) lui as volg:

‘n Selfvoldane prins, (gespeel deur ons eie Hardus van Staden), dink hy is beter as sy volksgenote, en sy opgeblase ego vind weerklank by sy raadgewers, wat alewig stry oor wie die belangrikste is in die oë van hul leier.

Twee vreemde modeontwerpers kom dan na die paleis en bied aan om vir die prins ’n manjifieke uitrusting te ontwerp – een met ’n interessante kinkel: enigiemand wat nie van die prins hou nie, sal nie sy uitrusting nie kan sien nie.

Met parodieë van bekende tref-fers, toneelspel wat enige Broad-way-spektakel ’n goeie skop teen die maermerrie sal gee, en ’n oulike les of twee wat uit die oorspronk-like verhaal geleer kan word, was Die Prada Prins sonder twyfel ’n aand uit werd, en ’n goeie maatstaf om die uitmuntendheid van Paul Roos se toneelspan ten toon te stel.

Die Prada Prins

August 44 A date to remember

Koor en SanggroepDaniël de Villiers

August the 4thThis is the date on which four in-

dividuals came and played together for the first time or as they like to say it “the first time all four of us were in the same room together”. A date which not only steered a group of individuals in the direction of professional music making but in the direction of making a name for themselves and to be taken seriously.

August 44 is an Alternative Blues-Rock band started by old Paul Rooser Matthew Ranger (Vocals and Rhythm Guitar) and current matric Berno van Zijl (Lead Guitar). The idea to form a band first started back in January when Berno ran into Matthew at a Bou-levard Blues gig and they decided to try forming a band together. Six months later, Matthew and Berno found themselves playing a gig at Bohemia where Santhen Rooy (Bass) heard them and asked if he could join. Finally, their first big moment came when they compet-ed in and won the Coco Oolahs monthly open mic. Their prize: a free one-day recording session at F# studio! This gave rise to the need to have a drummer and Daniel Paulse was called upon.

A month later, these four would join together for the first time to re-cord their single “Catch My Drift”.

Our school has produced many great musicians in its lifetime with the likes of Koos Kombuis and Heinz Winkler, but I don’t think any of these musicians got it right to appeal to the current as well as next decade of Paul Roosers. August 44 definitely has the potential to be able to get this right as they manage to appeal to a more modern audience while still keeping it old school. I will not be surprised if one day they stand on the international stage and show that our school is not great in only one aspect but rather great in all.

Check out their single on Sound-cloud (Catch My Drift. - CMD) or see them live in December as they tour to Coffee Bay. You shall not be disappointed.

Luke Giesler (bo) is by die Helderberg-Eisteddfod aangewys

as die beste O/17-solosanger.

Francois du Toit

Die opwindendste tyd van die koorjaar het aangebreek. In die derde kwartaal is daar gewoonlik ’n paar belangrike optredes; die matrieks vat die pad en woon die laaste koordinee van hul PRG-koor-loopbaan by.

Op 16 September het die koor en die Sanggroep aan die Hel-derberg Eisteddfod deelgeneem. Prof. Awie van Wyk (beoordelaar) het me. Mabet van Wyk (beoor-delaar), gevra het om die koor se punt hardop te lees – ’n aangename verrasing met ’n algehele Cum Laude (92%). Die PRG-Sanggroep het ’n goue toekenning by hierdie kunswedstryd verwerf.

Die koor het ook onlangs saam met agt ander kore opgetree by die e’Bosch-koorfees wat by Bloemhof gehou is.

Dit is belangrik om Paul Roo-sers se individuele prestasies in

sang by kunswedstryde uit te wys. Willem Swartz is aangewys as die beste jazz-sanger by die Stellen-bosch-kunswedstryd ontvang, sowel as die toekenning vir die beste solosang O/18 by die Hel-derberg-kunswedstryd. Luke Giesler het ook sy kant gebring en is aangewys a s die beste O/17-solosanger by die Helderberg kunswedstryd.

Die Paul Roos-sanggroep het op 13 en 14 September Fly Me to the Moon in die Drostdy-teater aange-bied. Musica Perpetua en die skool se musiekonderwysers het deel van die dertigstukorkes gevorm. Sanggroeplede het jazz-solo’s gesing en die Sanggroep het aan die begin en einde van die program opgetree. Paul Roos was bevoorreg om die optredes saam met gaskunstenaar, André Terblanche, te geniet, met Nic de Jager as seremoniemeester. Die konsert het gedien as ‘n fond-sinsameling om trompette vir die

Young Virtuosi-projek aan te koop.

Young Virtuosi Die Young Vituosi-projek behels

dat Paul Roos blaasintrumente en musieklesse skenk aan laer-skoolseuns regoor Stellenbosch. Die doel van hierdie projek is die bewusmaking van musikaliteit onder jong kinders. Dit fokus ook daarop om die verskeidenheid instrumente vir hoërskoolorkeste uit te brei.

’n Nuwe KoorbestuurderMe. Luize Kroukamp, wat vir

die afgelope sewe jaar deur bloed, sweet en trane is ter wille van die koor en sy voortbestaan, tree af as Koorbestuurder omdat sy oorn-eem as Paul Roos se Kultuurhoof. Haar toewyding aan die koor het ongelooflike waarde en sy sal altyd die ‘Koormamma’ bly. Ons verwelkom me. Wikje du Preez in me. Kroukamp se plek.

Foto: Ben Barnard

Foto: JD West

Page 5: Expo Better never Catch! p. 3 p. 6 Seventeenvan hartseer. Van Graad 8 tot 12 het ons saam gewen en saam verloor. Ons het saam gely onder streng onderwysers en strenger matrieks. Ons

Semper | 5Mei 2017

Culture | Kultuur

Paul Roos se jazz-vertoning “Fly Me to the Moon” op 16 en 17 September in die Drostdy-teater het maar net weer eens gewys hoeveel talentvolle Paul Roosers daar is. Manne wat gewoonlik op die rugbyveld of op die Oval te sien is, het – in aandpak en strikdas geklee – gehore byna letterlik aan hul voete gehad met uitvoerings van bekende en gewilde nommers soos Mack the Knife (deur Stehan Malherbe); Sway (Vernon Simons), In the Mood (Musica Perpetua); Somewhere Beyond the Sea (Francois du Toit) en Haven’t met You Yet (Tristan Fortune).

Fly Me to the Moon

Friday First Break Goosie met sy Goose

Die jaarlikse koordinee was ’n prettige sukses. Die deftige Paul Roos-manne en die beeldskone dames wat ingestem het om die aand saam met hulle te

geniet het by Markötter se Long Room byeengekom. Gasheer Ronin Nel het dié aand op ’n humoristiese wyse laat afskop, en mnr. Bezuidenhoudt het die prys ontvang vir die beste Stoel-en-Skoengooier. Die nuwe verkose koorkomi-

tee is aangekondig en die 2017-koorvideo is gespeel vir almal om te geniet. Na ’n smullekker ete en nagereg het die manne en die dames op die dansvloer

gehuppel en gespring.

Alex Aldrich

Shakespeare once said, “When words fail, music speaks.”

Through the rough school days, the words of the renowned writer encapsulate the state of mind of teachers and Paul Roos-ers alike. Whether it’s an English teacher who has to mark two hundred, and I quote from ex-perience, “asinine” essay papers, or perhaps a student struggling to understand the difference

between a chemical compound and a molecule: all of us need some time to blow off a little steam during the busy school day. That is why it is always a pleasant break activity to have beloved Baroque and Classical harmonies permeate our eager ears.

This past term saw the advent of the weekly Friday First Break Concert Series. Paul Roos is home to a plethora of fantastic musicians, and now there will be

a regular platform for them to showcase their musical prowess. This past term has seen students perform in collaboration with teachers to produce high-quality performances to the amusement – and amazement! – of staff and students alike. From Bach to Sinatra, violin Sonatas to DJ events, the Friday Concert Series provides entertainment for all. From now into perpetuity, may it continue!

Photos: Paul & Ben Barnard

Photo: Jac Conradie

Foto: Digital Image Warehouse

Page 6: Expo Better never Catch! p. 3 p. 6 Seventeenvan hartseer. Van Graad 8 tot 12 het ons saam gewen en saam verloor. Ons het saam gely onder streng onderwysers en strenger matrieks. Ons

Mei 2017Semper | 6

Commentary | Kommentaar

Editorial In Perspective


Die spotprent hierbo,verwysende na die pas afgetrede mnr. Quintus Jordaan, het twaalf jaar gelede in Semper verskyn – in September 2005, om presies te wees. Sedertdien het baie dinge verander, maar net soveel het dieselfde gebly. Drie jaar vroeër was daar ook ’n onderhoud met mnr. Jordaan, dié keer in Semper van Junie 2005. Mnr. Jordaan is bekend vir sy fyn sin vir humor en sy kwinkslae. In die onderhoud beantwoord hy die vraag “Is PRG ’n rugbyskool?” as volg: “Enigi-ets met ’n ‘te’ vooraan moet vermy word ... ek vrees die dag dat PRG as ’n ‘rugbyskool’ bestempel sal word ...”. In daardie jare was daar voor in sy klas ’n slag-spreuk: “Think – it might be a new experience.” Sommige Paul Roosers moet dít nog probeer ...

Hitchhiker’s Guide to surviving Mr JordaanTwaalf jaar gelede...

Page 7: Expo Better never Catch! p. 3 p. 6 Seventeenvan hartseer. Van Graad 8 tot 12 het ons saam gewen en saam verloor. Ons het saam gely onder streng onderwysers en strenger matrieks. Ons

Semper | 7Mei 2017

In ReviewRS PV

HooffotograafThomas Moss

TegniesHerman Bester

Rudi ThielSimon Brand

Thomas Butler


Hesti van der Mescht

Reviews | Resensies

In Perspective

Semper Splendidior

As the months tick on, the end of the road for comes closer – a sad thought that really grips you as you realise that term 3 has come to an end: your last real term of being part of Paul Roos. What has been has been.

What remains is what Paul Roos has given us: five fruitful years of lessons, memories and a togetherness that will linger on,

’n Leerder se kontroversiële opstel


Thomas Butler

AdjunkredakteurRenier Hattingh

AssistentredakteursDaniël de Villiers (Kultuur)

David Knobel (Sosiaal)Gareth Wentley (Sport)

Henco du Pisanie (Aktueel)

VerslaggewersAlano SmithAlex Aldrich

Andre HeunisAndre Liebenberg

Breyton van der MerweChristiaan NeethlingChristian HammanChristian Render

Daniel Rautenbach David Beyers

Dexter LabuschagneEttiene Britz

Francois du ToitJaco Marais

Jacques du DoitJanco Bruwer

Janré PotgieterJD West

Johan SchoemanSimon FrankenSimon Brand

Tian LouwWicus Cronje

long after we eventually leave in term 4.

This term also signalled time for change, positive change in the hands of those who lead our school. Congratulations to each Grade 11 learner who was appointed as one of the 21 men that form the new Student Council of our school.

This is a privilege and some-thing you can all be proud of.

Being a student council mem-ber at a school like Paul Roos really is something more than just walking around with stripes on your blazer. It means you have potential to influence an individual, a group and a school in areas that are key to what makes Paul Roos so incredible. Take the opportunity with open minds and with eagerness to change or influence where you can. Never doubt your ability

to make a difference, and trust your decisions.

Aan ons nuwe hoofleiers vir 2018, ek wil graag vir julle baie geluk sê met julle verkiesing as hoofseun en onderhoofseuns vir die jaar wat voorlê. George en Joshua, julle sal in julle jaar as onderhoofleiers ’n belangrike rol speel in die raad asook in die skool.

Ivann, ons nuwe hoofseun, ek het alle vertroue in jou as mens en as leier. Ek het die voorreg om jou goed te ken en ek weet jy het die regte eienskappe vir die rol. Sterkte vir die jaar wat voorlê en mag julle drie alle suk-ses saam bereik.

Aan die Leerlingraad van 2017 – dit is vir my hartseer om vir julle tot siens te sê, as ’n raad en ook as vriende. Ek is dankbaar vir elke een van julle se bydrae tot ’n suksesvolle en interessante

jaar. Ons het ons uitdagings gehad.

But we coped and handled each situation in a simple yet significant way. Thank you to Dillon and Marais for your constant presence and support throughout this busy year – it has been a privilege. Thank you, also, to Ms Stofberg and Mr Jordaan for all their effort and commitment.

To the staff: I would also like to thank each teacher for their in-put, time and effort throughout the year. Paul Roos and every-thing we take on as a school is largely because of the input of our teachers, who go to great lengths to teach us, organise and help us so that we can be better men and better Paul Roosers.

Lastly to the school – I salute you. The Maroon Machine never failed to stand up against

everything that the past year has handed us. We had difficult times, but we stuck together through it all and prevailed. It was a pleasure to be a part of the Maroon Machine and I would not change a thing. Good luck to the rest of the school for the last term, but more specifically for the time you have left. Do not wish away your days at Paul Roos, because before you know it you have to say goodbye with a tear in your eye.

This is the end of a journey well travelled. Thank you for the people, the memories and for everything that Paul Roos stands for.

André Heunis

’n Internetsoektog oor hierd-ie onderwerp sal lei tot ure se leesstof, maar die volgende drie punte maak deel uit van my argument dat die doodstraf wêreldwyd afgeskaf moet word: die morele skynheiligheid agter die doodstraf; die risiko dat onskuldige mense sterf; die koste verbonde aan die doodstraf.Wat gee die mens die reg om iemand te laat vermoor vir ‘ kriminele oortreding’? As ’n regstelsel doodmaak wat aan moord skuldig bevind is, is daardie regstelsel nie skuldig aan presies dieselfde oortreding nie? Om hierdie presiese rede is die doodstraf nie logies nie. Daar-mee saam skend die mens se mees basies mensereg: die reg op lewe. Daar staan tog in Eksodus 20:13 “Jy mag nie ’n ander mens doodmaak nie.”In die tweede plek is daar altyd die risiko dat ’n persoon on-skuldig ter dood veroordeel word. Gebaseer op ekstrapolasie kan ons aflei dat in die toekoms – soos in die verlede – mens aangekla sal word van misdade wat hulle nie gepleeg het nie. As hulle tronkstraf kry, kan die straf wel omgekeer word – want hule kan vrygelaat word as hul onskuld uiteindelik bewys word –maar wat gebeur as hulle ter dood veroordeel word? Die gevolge van die dood kan nie herstel word nie.

’n Studie van 7 500 doodstraf-sake wat in die VSA gedoen is het bevind dat meer as 4% onskuldige gevangenes die doodstraf opgelê is – en dit ver-wys dus na meer as 300 onskuld-ige sterftes.Laastens moet ons ook kyk na die koste wat die doodstraf inhou. ’n Kostestudie gedoen deur die Sacramento Bee het opgemerk dat Kalifornië by die 90 miljoen per jaar sal spaar indien die doodstraf daar afgeskaf sou word. Dié buitensp-orige uitgawe is te wyte aan die metodes wat aangewend word om die doodstraf uit te voer. Een van die metodes – die inspuit-ing – word al hoe skaarser, met ’n gevolglike styging in die prys daarvan. Die gemiddelde doodstrafsaak kos ongeveer 3 miljoen. Hierteenoor word ’n skrale 4,6 miljoen begroot vir ongeveer 1 900 hofsake wat nie moordsake behels nie.Die doodstraf is dus nie net on-menslik nnie, maar ook ondoel-treffend (daar is nog nooit bewys dat dit mense daarvan weerhou om te moor nie), maar ook skadelik vir n land se ekonomie.Lord of the Rings se outeur , JRR Tolkien, het ook hierdie gedagte nagelaat: “Baie wat leef, verdien die dood. En ’n paar wat sterf, verdien om te lewe. Kan jy dit aan hulle gee? Moet dan nie oorhaastig wees om die dood uit te deel nie ...”

Skaf die doodstraf afRolverdelingMarguerite van Eeden, Nicole Bond, Shaleen Surt-

ie-Richards, Royston Stoffels, Arno Greeff, Elzet Nel, Elani Dekker, Marise Loots, Anchen du Plessis, Daniah de Villiers

Die aanpassing van skrywer Anoeschka von Meck se bekroonde boek Vaselinetjie het hierdie jaar by Kyknet se Silwerskermfees weg-geloop met die prys vir die beste vollengtefilm.

Die film vertel die storie van Hel-ena ‘Vaselinetjie’ Bosman, ’n blanke meisie wat deur twee bruinmense (wat sy ‘Oupa’ en ‘Ouma noem) in ’n klein dorpie in die Noord-Kaap grootgemaak word.

Wanneer Maatskaplike Dienste hiervan uitvind, neem hulle haar na ’n staatskinderhuis in Johannesburg (heeltemal anders as in die boek, waar sy na ’n kinderhuis op ’n plat-telandse dorp geneem word).

Dit is hier waar Vaselinetjie agterkom dat die lewe in die stad glad nie soos haar vorige lewe op die platteland was nie. Vir die eerste keer word Vaselinetjie gekonfron-teer met die realiteite van die regte lewe.

Die film handel verder oor haar ervarings gedurende haar tyd by die weeshuis.

Regisseur Corné van Rooyen het nie daarin geslaag om Vaselinetjie se tyd in die weeeshuis oor te dra soos dit in die boek beskryf word nie. Kritiek belangrike dele van die boek word uitgelaat en die om-standighede van die weeshuis word verromantiseer.

Krediet moet wel gegee word aan die uitstekende kwaliteit van die ki-nematografie. Die klein plattelandse dorpie word pragtig vasgevang deur die gebruik van natuurlike lig asook briljante kamerawerk. Dit dui op goeie vooruitgang in die Suid-Afri-kaanse filmbedryf.

Spel is oor die algemeen goed, en Marguerite van Eeden as die ouer Vasellinetjie verdien lof vir haar spel. Ten spyte van haar jeug speel sy die rol asof sy al jare lank in die bedryf is.

Ek sou hierdie film nietemin aanbeveel, maar wees gewaarsku dat jy moontlik teleurgesteld sal wees aangesien daar groot dele van die boek uitgelos is.

Vaselinetjie (Die Fliek)

RegisseurCorné van Rooyen


Page 8: Expo Better never Catch! p. 3 p. 6 Seventeenvan hartseer. Van Graad 8 tot 12 het ons saam gewen en saam verloor. Ons het saam gely onder streng onderwysers en strenger matrieks. Ons

Mei 2017Semper | 8



Page 9: Expo Better never Catch! p. 3 p. 6 Seventeenvan hartseer. Van Graad 8 tot 12 het ons saam gewen en saam verloor. Ons het saam gely onder streng onderwysers en strenger matrieks. Ons

Semper | 9Mei 2017


Page 10: Expo Better never Catch! p. 3 p. 6 Seventeenvan hartseer. Van Graad 8 tot 12 het ons saam gewen en saam verloor. Ons het saam gely onder streng onderwysers en strenger matrieks. Ons

Mei 2017Semper | 10


1. Wet & Wild

2. Ge-zefomiseer

3. Possessed

4. As jy hoor jy voog

5. WestCoast

6. Uiteindelik stil...

7. 9 doppe (energie-drankies) later

8. Die tandemuis is op pad

9. Vrou soek ‘n Boer

Social | Sosiaal

The opinions expressed in the Semper are not necessarily the opinions of the Semper or the


Wêreldwonder 1Met hulle kort denimbroekies,

”crop tops” en Adidas-superstars, gekombineer met die neiging om elke twee sekondes ’n foto vir Snapchat of Instagram te neem, weet niemand nog hoe ons hulle verduur nie.

Hulle kla oor liefde, maar hulle het die hele eerste rugbyspan aan hulle voete ... dis maar net een van die sewe moderne wonders van die wêreld ... of dalk eerder van die lewe.

Wêreldwonder 2Verbeel jou jy sit met ’n paar

vriende en vriendinne om die braaiv-leisvuur. Die kos is klaar en jy begin vir mense opskep tot jy op die sekere gedaante afkom wat jou aankyk asof jy nou net in hulle kos gespoeg het,maar voor jou brein nog kan uitdink of jy wél dalk per ongeluk in hulle kos gespoeg het dan word jy gegooi met die bekende “I don’t eat meat!” dan begin jy wéns dat jy in hulle kos gespoeg het. Die alombek-ende vegans. Hulle is goed bekend daarvoor dat hulle jou slegsê terwyl jy stadig jou hoender-“wrap” eet, sowel as vir die algemene jeremiades en die oorweldigende tags van PETA in hulle Twitter-rekeninge.

Wêreldwonder 3Jy hoef nie te sukkel om dié tipe

uit te ken nie: as dit nie is vir hulle MacBook nie (wat soveel beter as

’n normale rekenaar is), dan kan jy uitkyk vir die bollings wolke wat hulle met hulle elektroniese siggarete blaas of net vir hulle voorkoms (wat hoofsaaklik uit ’n bril bestaan – wat hulle nie eens nodig het nie), hulle outydse kleredrag of net hulle perfek gekweekte snorre. Dit is hoe ons die Hipsters uitken.

Wêreldwonder 4Dit is die bekende arm wat om

die kop draai terwyl die ander een uitsteek agtertoe – ’n vertoning wat naasteby herinner aan ’n flamink wat ’n spastiese aanval kry. Dit word gedoen as die uitvoerder daarvan iets reggekry het. As jy nou nog nie kon raai nie – ’n mens noem dit die dab. Wat het geword van die tradisionele handeklap of enigiets anders buiten dié belaglike dronkvoëldans?

Wêreldwonder 5Jy hoor hom nog voor jy hom sien,

of somtyds net as die onderwyser met die kind raas: die irriterend-bek-ende “fidget spinner”. Niemand weet waar hierdie driepuntige kontrapsie vandaan kom nie, en ook nie hóé die gebrekkige breine wat ure lank sit en kyk hoe dit in die rondte draai, die verskoning kan gebruik dat hulle aandagafleibaar is terwyl die driepuntwaaier meer van hulle aan-dag aftrek as die verveligste onderwy-ser op aarde nie.

Die Sewe Wonders...

Ek wens ek voel weer vir die eerste keer die Paul Roos-gees;

ek sal alles gee om weer ’n keer die doop te beleef!

Soos ’n aggie wat die eerste keer weer mag opkyk

wil ek vir oulaas weer die groen gras op Markötter ruik.

Kan oom Pine nog ’n rit-tit kom gooi?

Oom Frikkie se smile was darem tog te mooi.

Ek wens ek kan nog een klas by Coena kry;

ek weet Paul Roos sal vir ewig in ons harte bly.








Wêreldwonder 6Wat is vinniger as Usain Bolt?

’n Facebook-mamma, natuurlik! Hierdie gedierte sluip heeldag rond en soek net iets wat hulle op Face-book kan post. As dit nie ’n klagte is van ’n persoon of instansie is nie, is dit valse nuus wat gedeel word soos Morgan Freeman wat dood is of eiers wat prostaatkanker gee tot foto’s van Pietie se landloopwedloop van die naweek en hoe ougat hy is om 118de plek te gehaal het.

Wêreldwonder 7En nou kom ons by die wêreld-

wonders wat hulself feministe noem. Hulle profeteer meestal onwaarsky-nlike ideologieë, al bereik hulle niks daardeur nie, en ook al mis hulle meestal die punt. Niemand stry daaroor dat mans en vroue dieselfde salaris vir dieselfde werk moet ont-vang nie, of dat vroue hul sterk punte het nie, net soos mans. Maar hierdie praatjies dat mans en vroue presies eenders is, is sommer twak.

Soos ’n groot filosoof eenmaal op-gemerk het: Vive la difference!

Die manne wat vir die volgende jaar gaan help om die legendariese Paul Roos-gees hoog te hou is Hendré Baard (Boor), Josh Calitz (Reggie Cray), Yann Du Bois (Napoleon), Kyle Rabie (Affies), Heinke Rix (Rixi), Brynard Smal (Vigs), Johnnie Solms (Sollie), De Villiers Stofberg (Stof-fies), Kobus Tubb (Tubby), JP Van den Berg (Zeus), Jan-Corrick van der Watt (Ron Cray) en Hardus van Staden (Oupoot).

Dié ondernemende manne het klaar begin vuurmaak deur vir die skool ’n nuwe liedjie te leer – As ek net meer kan droom, op die wysie van Robbie Wessels se Hayley se komeet.

As ek net meer kan droom.Van die wind in die takke van

die ou akkerboom,in StellenboschEk sal alles verruilOm weer Saterdag na die gameSaam my broers te kan juig,vir oulaas

van die Moderne WêreldFoto: Neels Rossouw

Page 11: Expo Better never Catch! p. 3 p. 6 Seventeenvan hartseer. Van Graad 8 tot 12 het ons saam gewen en saam verloor. Ons het saam gely onder streng onderwysers en strenger matrieks. Ons

Semper | 11Mei 2017

Social | Sosiaal

Tian Louw

Vir twee onderwysers wat albei véél meer vir ons geleer het as dít wat in die kurrikulum is, het die einde van hul tyd by Paul Roos aangebreek.

Die meeste Paul Roosers weet dat mnr. Henning Gericke reeds op 31 Junie weg is by die skool en dat mnr. Quintus Jordaan aan die einde van die derde kwartaal finaal tot siens gesê het, maar wat hulle planne vir die toekoms is, weet almal egter nie.

Ná vyftien jaar by Paul Roos, waar hy betrokke was by swem, water-polo, muurbal, noodhulp asook berading, voorligting en lewen-soriëntering as vak, verlaat mnr. Gericke Paul Roos om groot drome van sy eie na te streef.

Hy het onlangs ’n beradingsprak-tyk in Somerset-Wes begin en beplan om dit mettertyd te vestig as ’n bron vir traumaberading, krisisintervensie en inligting oor die onderwerpe.

’n Interessante feit oor mnr. Ger-icke is dat hy breëbors glimlag oor sy betrokkenheid by die groei van Paul Roos se waterpolo: “Ek het die voorreg gehad om te beleef hoe Paul

Roos van een van die drie swakste waterpoloskole in die provinsie tot een van die sterkste waterpolos-kole in die provinsie gegroei het. Elke oorwinning teen ’n skool wat geglo het dat PRG nooit ’n faktor in waterpolo sal wees nie, was ’n hoogtepunt!”

Mnr. Jordaan se toekomsplanne lyk ’n bietjie anders.

“Ek is afgetree. Dit is nie in my geaardheid om niks te doen nie, maar vir eers gaan ek my bes probeer om so min as moontlik te doen”.

Vandat hy op 1 Januarie 1981 (amper 27 jaar gelede) by Paul Roos begin het, was hy byna orals betrokke: sport (rugby, hokkie, atletiek en landloop, en selfs by die uitruil), voormalige koshuisvader van Prima, akademie (houtwerkon-derwyser, IGO-vakhoof en -graad-hoof) asook skakelonderwyser van die leerlingraad sedert 2005.

Albei onderwysers is gevra of daar ’n boodskap is wat hulle aan Paul Roosers wil oordra na jare se ervar-ing in die onderwys.

Mnr. Gericke: “Baie mense sal sê ek is naïef, maar ek glo onwrikbaar hierin: ‘Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accom-

Tot siens aan twee ware Paul Roosers

Paul Roos Gimnasium se geliefde me. Lize Rossouw is op 10 Augustus 2017 op 44-jarige ouderdom in Stellenbosch MediClinic oorlede na ’n lang en moeilike stryd teen kanker.

As Departementshoof van Rekeningkunde was sy een van Paul Roos se mees gerekende onderwysers – aktief betrokke by en baie lief vir Paul Roos Gimnasium.

Benewens haar man, mnr. Kerneels Rossouw, laat sy twee seuns agter: Neels in Graad 10 en Ruben (Graad 7, Laerskool Eikestad).

Me. Rossouw was bekend daarvoor dat sy bereid was om enigiemand met watter probleem

ook al te help, en met dít met ’n goeie skeut humor nog ook.

Almal wat ooit met haar gesels het, of in haar klas was, of lid was van ’n sportspan wat sy bestuur het, óf wat haar “kollega” geno-em het, weet dat sy ’n glansmens was.

By haar roudiens op 14 Augus-tus in die Moederkerk is daar gesê dat sy soos ’n sonneblom ge-leef het, omdat sy altyd die goeie in mense en in die lewe raak-gesien het, op dieselfde manier as wat ’n sonneblom na die son strewe.

Paul Roos Gimnasium is dank-baar vir haar lewe.

Sy sal in ons nagedagtenis bly voortleef.

In MemoriamLize Rossouw

22 Junie 1973-10 Augustus 2017 Mnre. Gericke en Jordaan groet vir laas

Daniël Rautenbach

The “Snoepie” has faithfully served Paul Roos for many years and has become part of our Paul Roos culture.

But as a school striving to be great all round, it is no longer acceptable that there are no healthy options available on the shelves of our beloved Snoepie.

The thoughts below are expressed after a discussion with the tannies who honour us with their presence behind the Snoepie counter on a daily basis.

Johann Bouwer, Paul Roos first XVIII flanker, shared the following on this topic: “Our diet is just as important as any other aspect of our training and we would simply love to find nutritious food at the Snoepie.”

Many Paul Roosers are interested in living a healthy lifestyle but they have no oth-er choice but to eat the food at the Snoepie to curb the hunger pangs during a busy school day. We need to do some catch up with our rival schools and cater for all.

After some research and enquiries the reality is that many Paul Roosers would prefer eating healthy nutri-

tious options to be available for them. For our school to reach new heights we not only need to invest in new rugby fields, a new gym, or even more advanced ways of giving class – we also need to invest in our eating habits.

Sugar has been proven to be the culprit when it comes to learners who are hyperactive and inevitably disturb class discipline. By drinking just one 500 ml bottle of Coke with a donut on the side you have already consumed more than double the amount of the recommended daily sugar intake.

Before taking away the stu-dent breaks – take away their sugar!

There is some good news, though.

We are very privileged to be partnered with Paul Roos Spar and they have agreed to provide healthy alternatives for those who are interested in living a healthy life. To scout the interest they will not store the nutritional food at the Snoepie but will have an order-list where you can order your choice of food the day before and you’ll find your healthy meal waiting for you at the Snoepie the very next day.

Let’s Make Paul Roos Healthy Again

Find the good news in the lastparagraph


Opposite paul Roos Gymnasuim | Valerida Center | 021-883 8919 | [email protected]

From the people who understand that GOOD FOOD makes a


Kyk ook die spotprent van meer as ’n dekade

gelede op bladsy 6.

plish for yourself – it is what you do for others’”.

Mnr. Jordaan: “Daar word vertel dat St. Franciskus van Assisi by geleentheid ’n monnik saamgenooi het om te gaan preek in die dorp. Hulle het die hele dag gestap, maar niks gepreek nie. Met die terugstap, vra die monnik waneer hulle gaan preek. Franciskus antwoord toe: ‘Ons het gepreek. Baie mense het ons optrede en gedrag fyn dopge-hou. Ons was vandag stappredikers’. My boodskap is dus: Wees altyd ’n stap-Paul Roosers’. Lead by exam-ple”.

Unieke onderwysers is onderwy-sers wat ’n mens nooit sal vergeet nie, en dit is presies wat mnr. Ger-icke en mnr. Jordaan is. Ons wens mnr. Jordaan ’n rustige en vreug-devolle aftrede toe en hoop dat mnr. Gericke se pratkyk uiters suksesvol sal wees.

Met ’n knop in die keel sê ons tot-siens en baie dankie aan twee ware Paul Roosers.

Foto: Corne Volschenk

Page 12: Expo Better never Catch! p. 3 p. 6 Seventeenvan hartseer. Van Graad 8 tot 12 het ons saam gewen en saam verloor. Ons het saam gely onder streng onderwysers en strenger matrieks. Ons

Mei 2017Semper | 12

Tian Louw

“Dié wat die verlede vergeet, word verdoem om dit in die toe-koms te herhaal.”

’n Mens móét blind wees as jy nie kan sien wat tans in die wêreld aan die gebeur is nie.

Jy kan waarskynlik Donald Trump se blindheid verskoon na sy onlangse interaksie met die sonsverduistering.

Om almal te help sien het ek egter vandag ’n teleskoop, ’n verkyker en ’n mikroskoop saamgebring.

Eerstens zoem ons met die tele-skoop terug tot by 1914 en fokus op “die oorlog om alle oorloë te beëindig”. Agtien miljoen sterf- tes, Franz Ferdinand, Oostenryk, Duitsland, die Geallieerdes, die VSA, die VSSR, Fort Douamont, verdrae, geloof en die uitbreiding van mag, gesag en invloed.

Dié sogenaamde oorlog wat alle ander oorloë sou voorkom, het ironies genoeg gelei tot ’n tweede een.

Deur die lense van die verkyker aanskou ons weer eens die grusame beeld: sestig miljoen ster-ftes, Warskou, Pole, Duitsland, die Geallieerdes, die VSA, die VSSR, Japan, kernwapens, verdrae, Adolf Hitler, geloof en die uitbreiding van mag, gesag en invloed.

Kyk laastens deur die

mikroskoop en beskou wat nie so lank gelede nie gebeur het:Operasie Desert Storm, wat in

1991 plaasgevind het, is veroor-saak deur ’n land en ’n leier se drang na mag en gesag, na grond-gebied en die reuk van olie.

Klink dit bekend? Die gebeure rondom dié oorlog plaas vandag nog druk op die verhoudings tussen groot wêreldmoond-hede. Suid-Korea en die VSA is tegnies steeds in ’n oorlog met Noord-Korea gewikkel, aangesien die Koreaanse Oorlog van 1950-1953 nooit deur ’n vredesverdrag beëindig is nie.

Ten spyte van bogenoemde feite kyk ons ook fyn na ander gebeure van vandag: Londen, Benghazi, Kandahar, Parys, Manchester, Guam, Pyongyang, ISIS, geloof, kernwapens, sanksies, Brexit, konferensies, die VSA, Rusland, Korea, Japan, Sirië, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un en ’n geveg om mag, gesag en invloed.

En die vraag ontstaan: het ons dan ’n Hubble-teleskoop nodig om die kollig te gooi op die feit dat ons eintlik alreeds ons greep op die randjie verloor het?

Semper ScribensOld boys

The opinions expressed in the Semper are not necessarily the opinions of the Semper

or the school.

Ons is op die randjie van Wêreldoorlog III

Paul Roosers skryf hul sê

Francois du Toit

Net soos Paul Roos al soveel sportsterre en staatsmanne kon oplewer, is hy ook in staat om hedendaagse Picasso’s die wêreld in te stuur.

Pierre Vermeulen is ’n uiters kreatiewe, 25-jarige oudskoli-er van Paul Roos wat in 2010 gematrikukeer het. Soos vele beroemde kunstenaars is Pierre ’n buite-die-boks-denker wat graag grense verskuif en verkies om kuns op ’n onortodokse wyse te benader.

Pierre is tans besig om met sweet, hare en bladgoudblaaie werk. Die sweet oksideer die nagemaakte goudblad as dit daarmee in aanrakingkom. Hy gebruik sy eie liggaam om afdrukke op die goue panele te maak, of hy skilder met sy eie sweet – meestal orgideë.

Pierre maak ook orgideë van hare. Hy gebruik dan hierdie orgideë óf as beeldwerke op hulle eie óf hy gebruik dit as ’n toestel om die sweet op die goue panele af te druk.

Wat hy die meeste van sy werk geniet is die feit hy nooit met sekerheid kan voorspel hoe die beeld gaan ontwikkel nie. Deur met verskillende mediums te eksperimenteer en sy denkwyse met betrekking tot hierdie me-dia voortdurend aan te pas, bly Pierre geënspireerd om te doen wat hy doen. Hy het die goue bladvelle omtrent vyf jaar gelede

Die hede is die enigste vreedsame ruimte om jouself in te vind.

ontdek en het deur eksperiment-ering en ondersoek vasgestel dat sweet as ’n medium baie goed werk.

Sy eerste solo-uitstalling het onlangs by die SMAC-galery in Woodstock plaasgevind. Twee van sy kunswerke is by die Jo-hannesburgse kunsskou uitgestal.

Sy volgende uitstalling is in November, by die Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair in Turkye.

In terme van wat die toekoms vir hom inhou is die belangrikste ding vir hom om as kunstenaar so relevant as moontlik te bly. Sy lantermynplan is om voort te

gaan met die skep van kunswerke en om aan te hou ondersoek. Hy sê dat jy die dinge wat op hierdie oomblik gebeur moet waarneem, want die beste dinge gebeur nou. Om by die verlede stil te staan sal jou depressief laat. Om te wonder oor die toekoms sal jou angstig maak. Hy sê die hede is die enigste vreedsame ruimte om jouself in te vind.

SMAC in Stellenbosch stal tans een van Pierre se groot sweet-drukpanele uit. Gaan kyk gerus.

O ja – net nog iets: Pierre is die seun van ’n baie trotse pa: ons eie mnr. JP Vermeulen.

Old Boy Update Pierre Carl Vermeulen

JD West

Vanjaar se Old Boys Touchies het op 25 Augustus op Markötter plaasgevind. Vanjaar het ses Old Boy-spanne en ses skoolspanne ingeskryf.

Old Boy Ernst Joubert, vroeër Li-ons- en Saracens-kaptein, het onder andere sy verskyning gemaak.

Die manne was geweldig kompet-erend – volgens Ernst is verloor op

Markötter nie ’n opsie nie. Hierdie jaar het die toernooi

’n borgskap van Outdoor Ware-house ontvang en pryse ter waarde van R10 000 was te wenne – die toernooi is herdoop as die Outdoor Warehouse PRG Old Boys Touch-ies Toernooi. Nadat die manne vir ’n rukkie van hul ouderdom-me vergeet het en alles gegee het om hul wedstryde te wen, het die rillerfinaal (tussen die Ayas 69 en

die skoolspan The Lions) aange-breek. Toe die eindfluitjie blaas, was die wedstryd nog onbeslis en hulle moes ekstra tyd speel om die Ayas 69 uiteindelik as wenners uit die stryd te laat tree. Die skild is deur Stormers-losskakel en oud-Paul Rooser, Damien Willemse, oorhan-dig en Ernst Joubert is as Speler van die Toernooi bekroon. ’n Heerlike spitbraai het die dag tot ’n einde gebring.

Old Boys TouchiesBenewens touchies speel het

die Old Boys hulle ook tydens die interskolenaweek teen Grey Kollege op die hokkieveld begewe en daarmee sommer vir Grey Kollege ordentlik ore aangesit. Hier is Edwin Reed in volle vaart by die Old Boys-wedstryd teen Grey, wat PRG lag-lag met vlieënde vaandels gewen het: 6-2, om presies te wees.

Old Boys HokkieFoto: Ben Barnard

Foto’s: Verskaf

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Semper | 13Mei 2017

Artificial Intelligence: Is this the End of our World?

Etienne Britz

Each historical period has con-tained inventions that altered the course of history, whether it be

the wheel, the car or the computer. The introduction of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will

most likely be the cause of a com-plete shift in how people conduct transactions and go about

transferring wealth.The purpose and concept of

cryptocurrencies remain relatively unknown to the general public.

Most people probably haven’t even heard of Bitcoin, let alone the several hundreds of other

cryptocurrencies which seem to have sprung out of nowhere when Bitcoin started gaining

economic traction. But when all is said and done, it is clear that cryp-tocurrencies, especially

ones that utilise blockchain tech-nology, will form a fundamental part of the world economy in the

coming years.For those who are not in the loop,

cryptocurrencies exist entirely on a digital, peer-to-peer basis.

That means that there is no phy- sical rendition of the currencies and the only way to exchange

cryptocurrencies between parties is by transferring them between software or hardware wallets.

Most cryptocurrencies have no central operation controlling the transactions. The currency just

moves from one wallet to the next. Bitcoin, in particular, has some transaction fees, albeit tiny

ones.Miners process bitcoin trans-

actions. In layman’s terms, miners offer their computing power to ensure that the transaction takes place. In return, they earn a certain amount of transaction fees

Cryptocurrencies – Altering the Course of HistoryLitecoin, Bitcoin or Monero?

Simon Franken

We as young individuals are more empowered to embrace our creativity than ever before. The youth of today take a massive leap in en-riching themselves far beyond thought capable by previous generations in new and interesting ways. What is the modern billionaire and where

does he make his money? The answer is not in conventional of-fice jobs, but rather in the tech

industry. The individuals who reach this sought after status of billionaire, often combine a

distinct few qualities and knowl-edge: being original, driven, creative and having a reasonable

knowledge of programming. People who embody these qualities would be the mind of Evan

Spiegel, the founder of Snapchat, Garret Camp , the founder of Uber and Mark Zuckerberg , the

founder of Facebook. The modern billionaire combines the aspects

taught by previousgenerations in entrepreneur-

ship, but manages not only to attain a larger

income but also alarg-

er market audience due

to the extensive use of the internet

and technology as a platform

which is easy to access. The idea of a self-sustaining,

low cost product production with massive

profit would seem impossible to previous generations. With the inte-gration of apps into our daily

lives and the extensive usage there-of, these apps facilitate a wide and popular usage basis.

With more and more individuals joining the surge of tech savvy indi-viduals, maybe it’s time to

trade in Accounting for CAT.

The Modern Billionaire

and newly-generated Bitcoin (de-pending on how much computing power they have contributed).

The Bitcoin blockchain refers to the public ledger where you can find all Bitcoin transactions.

When you create a Bitcoin wallet, it creates a signature, or rather a long string of numbers and

letters, that is used to sign all the Bitcoin transactions coming from that source. When the

Bitcoin transaction takes place, it will refer to the transactions listed on the blockchain to see if it

the transaction is legitimate.Bitcoin transactions are com-

pletely anonymous, and there is no connection between your wallet

address and physical address. It is worth remembering, however, that you can easily access the

details of each transaction that takes place on the Bitcoin block-chain. Fortunately, the lack of

correlation between Bitcoin

addresses and real identities still applies, so it is still near-

impossible to track someone sim-ply by looking at the transactions taking place on the

blockchain.The majority of cryptocurrencies

have monetary value, so their pur-pose is similar to that of

conventional currencies such as the dollar and the euro. What cryp-tocurrencies don’t have in

common, however, with the dollar and the euro is that they are com-pletely anonymous,

decentralised and digitalised. There are different ways of process-ing cryptocurrency

transactions, varying from one cryptocurrency to the next.

There are a variety of alternative currencies, known as altcoins, at the disposal of

cryptocurrency users. For exam-ple, the cryptocurrency Litecoin was released in 2011 and

marketed as the “silver” to Bit-coin’s “gold”. Litecoin transactions are faster than Bitcoin, and the

supply of Litecoin is much larger than Bitcoin. The drawback to the decreased transaction times

is that the Litecoin blockchain is greater than Bitcoin’s, which could sometimes result in longer

transaction times due to some transactions not being recorded in the main chain, thus not

processing. Bitcoin is considered to be a store of wealth, while inves-tors use Litecoin for day-to-day transactions.

Even though Litecoin is the most popular altcoin at the moment, there are several other altcoins

that fit various niches.Monero is primarily used due to

its privacy, as transactions are not publicly displayed on the

Monero blockchain. The main selling point of the cryptocurrency Iota is its fee-free transactions.

There is no ultimate or “killer” cryptocurrency since for each new feature that a cryptocurrency

introduces, new drawbacks arise.Some cryptocurrencies don't

have monetary value.Ethereum is a digital platform

based on blockchain technology that allows developers to deploy

their applications on its block-chain. Users of Ethereum can exe-cute smart contracts that will

trigger the exchange of goods if it meets an individual requirement. For example, the ownership

of a particular property could automatically transfer to a person at a specified date. Ethereum

also allows for the hosting of ICOs (initial coin offerings). In contrast to cryptocurrencies that

have fixed purposes, Ethereum has a vast spectrum of uses.

Even with all these altcoins, Bitcoin remains the most popular cryptocurrency and as such, is

used by large enterprises such as Microsoft and Paypal. There are thousands of businesses in

South Africa that accept Bitcoin as a payment method. Pick n Pay has decided to use Bitcoin in

some of its Cape Town branches, making it the first grocer in the world to accept Bitcoin. These

companies realise the real poten-tial of cryptocurrencies and are setting an example to other

retailers.Cryptocurrencies are bound to

become the preferred payment method of the general public and

conventional currencies like the dollar and the euro will become remnants of the past. Even if it

takes another 20 years for cryp-tocurrencies to live up to their real potential, the time will

eventually come. The clock is already ticking.

Photo: Supplied

Tegnologie | Technology

Christian Hamman

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been studied for decades but remains one of the most elusive topics in computer science, part-ly as a result of to how large and nebulous the subject is. The term artificial

intelligence was first coined by John Mc-Carthy in

1956, during

the first academic

conference on the subject. But

the quest to un-derstand whether

machines can truly think had begun long

before that. In 1936, Alan Turing wrote

a paper on the notion of machines being able to simulate human beings and the ability to do intelligent things, such as playing chess.

However, the arrival of the age of AI means far more than a good chess competition. It also means that computers

– or robots – can do mundane tasks, make faster decisions, avoid errors, take risks on behalf of humans and

so forth.

Unfor-tunately, the

fact that AI can manipu-

late its own code can also mean that it can unlearn rules, such as the relatively important “Don’t end the human race by nuking the earth”-rule. Although the chances of that

happening is almost none, it never hurts to be aware that simply forgetting to add a brack-et to a code could result in the end of the world as we know it. A more likely negative to AI is

that there would be a massive loss in jobs as most if not all can be replicated by AI, with amaz-ing results. AI can even create


Examples of AI can be

found every-where, in the corporate world,

in sciences and research,

and also in the household, with

new technologies such as “Amazon Alexa” and “TooCool TC” replacing many of the day-to-day chores. Not only are there many ex-

amples of AI readily available – there are many more to come. AI and robotics are two of the fastest-growing industries and are soon going to play a massive role in the future of this world of ours.The promise of a computer be-

ing able to solve life’s little daily intricacies is an almost unfath-omable dream that is soon to be no dream any longer.

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Mei 2017Semper | 14


Thomas Butler

Eighteen teams from fifteen dif-ferent schools from across the pro- vince recently competed in the Sea Harvest Western Cape Interschools Surfing Championship which took place at Pipe in Strand on the 10th of September in perfect weather conditions and a 2 to 3-foot surf. Paul Roos had the most entries, with three teams of five competing

on the day. The contest was run using Tag

Team Format, which basically means a team of five each get a turn to strut their stuff in the maximum of two waves per person.

Surfing started early morning in a quiet Strand. Surfers had to com-pete in a first round of 40 minutes in order to make it through to the semi-finals – which one of our teams did.

When talking to our surfers it is clear that they are very excited and positive about the possible results PRG can achieve at this event in the future.

To end of an exciting and fun-filled surfing year, the team under-took a tour to St Francis Bay and Buffels Bay during the October break.

PRG takes to the seasJanré Potgieter

Paul Roos se muurbal het die afge-lope seisoen uitstekend gevaar.

Vir die eerste keer het Paul Roos se eerste muurbalspan Grey Kollege, Bloemfontein geklop. ’n Verdere prestasie is dat meer as die helfte van Paul Roos Gimnasium se eerste span provinsiale kleure ontvang het. Hierdie jaar was daar ook aansienlike hoogtepunte in terme van die gees en ondersteun-

ing by die muurbal, veral by die interskolewedstryde.

Paul Roos se muurbalafrigter, Richard Castle, is ook die hoof- afrigter van Muurbal Suid-Afrika. Daarby is hy Maties se afrigter, en hy rig ook Rhenish en Paarl Vallei af.

Muurbal as ’n sport groei net al hoe meer in Paul Roos Gimnasium.

Die sport is ongetwyfeld hier om te bly.

Muurbal 2017

Wicus Cronjé

Water polo is definitely not a sport to be underestimated. It became one of the main sports in 2008 and started with a 1st team, an U/15 and an U/14 team and it has been developing ever since. There are currently fifteen water-polo teams at Paul Roos.

Between 13 August and 1 Sep-tember a group of South African students went to Taipei in Taiwan to compete in the World University Water Polo Championships. Some of these students were coached by Mr Vaughn Marlow, the current first team water polo coach and manager who accompanied the group.

They played against many coun-tries, including the current Olympic champions Serbia at the Taipei

University Sports Centre. Of the 20 teams that took part, South Africa finished in 13th position overall, an excellent achievement, as water polo is still an amateur sport in South Africa.

Paul Roos’s first team undertook a tour to Durban to participate in the Clifton tournament. Of the first team’s seven games they won four and lost three.

According to Mr. Marlow, there is always room for improvement. He states that they are trying to compete in as many tournaments as possible, and to win trophies as often as possible.

To end off the season, the first team went to Newlands, Cape Town to compete in the SACS tourna-ment. *At the time of writing the results of the SACS Tournament were still unknown.*

PRG Water polo: Take a deeper look

Photo: Supplied

Foto: Verskaf

Photo: Ben Barnard

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Semper | 15Mei 2017


Janco Bruwer

Paul Roos Gymnasium knows him as its diminutive number 1 high jump athlete. South Africa knows him as the number 1 U/18 high jump athlete in South Africa. And the world knows him as the best of the best. By now you will know I am obviously referring to Breyton Poole, number one U/18 high jump athlete in the world!

Breyton Poole recently partic-ipated in the IAAF U/18 World Championships in Nairobi, compet-ing against the best in the world, to be recognised as the best of the best.

Having failed at his first jump at a “low” 2.02m, he had to adapt to the pressure.

“I was messing up in the start and Bennie (his coach) told me which way to go. I felt under pressure, I put myself under pressure, but he said to enjoy the crowd. Luckily I got myself together”, says Breyton.

He calmed himself down and achieved the results to prove it.

After his first fail, he easily cleared the heights of 2.10m, 2.11m and 2.14m, all at first attempt. This led to Breyton clearing 2.16m to claim gold, but he was far from done. He cleared 2.20m, setting himself a

personal best. His next challenge was the height

of 2.22m, which he cleared easily at first attempt. As his last jump, Breyton cleared 2.24m, and thereby etching his name firmly into the record books.

Once again, Paul Roos is utterly pleased and proud at what Breyton has accomplished over the years and we are more than willing to be pleased a little bit further. The school will not be at all surprised should Breyton break the 2.45m high jump record at an Olympics in the near future.

Up, Up and Away!Penfold Pedals to a Win in Magaliesberg

Christian Render

The first team’s season could possibly be described as what could have been

rather than what was.

And this perfectly summarises the ups

and downs the entire school

Rugby: A Seasonal RoundupChristian Render

With the 15-a-side season over, Paul Roos Gymnasium showed off their amazing rugby talents at the Marius Schoeman Rugby Sevens Tournament held at Paarl Boys’ High. The tournament hosted schools such as Grey College, Her-manus and Boys’ High to name but a few.

Paul Roos played an excellent game against Parel Vallei and Albert Myburgh, setting the mood for the rest of their matches to come. Although Paul Roos showed dominance in the two games, they knew that the tougher games were still lying ahead.

PRG faced off against Boland Landbou in the semi-final, this be-ing most likely the hardest match of the tournament – but Paul Roos beat Landbou 20-14. This secured their a place in the tournament final, where they had to face Stel-lenberg. With a lot of effort and even more motivation, Paul Roos beat Stellenberg 39-7, and Tiaan Pretorius (Grade 10) was named Player of the Tournament.

And then there were only 7!

Photo: Steph Geldenhuys Photo: Supplied

Jaco Marais

Hot-off-the-press biking news is that Jamie Penfold won the U/16 section of the Spur National MTB Championships in Magaliesberg on Saturday 7 October.

As the official mountain-biking season was coming to an end with the summer heat approach-ing, the Paul Roos cyclists were pumping up their tyres, setting out their supplements and making final preparations for the Championships on the weekend of 6-8 October. Training had been intense the past few months as the riders pushed beyond their limits for the event of the year.

We can always count on the mountain-biking team to bring back the medals for the school, and Penfold has done us proud by doing just that.

Overall, it has been a very successful year for mountainbik-

ing in Paul Roos, with Paul Roos claiming gold in the Western Cape, as has so often happened in the past.

This year Paul Roos raced against Grey Bloem at the annual interschools and the Grey boys were sent home devastated after the Maroon Machine won the mountainbiking with a score of 73 – 39.

Various individual successes were also celebrated throughout the year, including the crowning of Rossouw Bekker (Grade 12) as Africa Champion in Mauri-tius (we reported on that in the previous Semper).

In September Paul Roos hosted its own invitational race at Coe-tzenburg, where some of the top cyclists in the region compet-ed. This race took place on the newly-upgraded Coetzenburg track, which is being adapted for a World Cup race in 2018.

experienced whilst accom-panying them on their journey through 2017.

The team experienced a reasonably successful season, but succumbed to five defeats at the hands of both Grey’s,

Waterkloof, Paarl Gym as well as Paarl Boys’

High.Some of the highs include beating Boland Landbou on the farm for the first time in 14 years as well as beating an underrated Affies side.The team will,

however, regret the chances it didn’t

take as three of these matches were lost by mar-

gins of two points or less.On a very positive

note, the U/16 A side had yet anoth-er excellent season

and only suffered one defeat at the hands of a very determined Grey College side, thereby managing to end the season ranked no. 2. The U/16 age group as a whole was also very successful and is most likely the strongest age group in the school by end of season. This bodes well for the future of PRG rugby.

If there had to be a reward for the most improved side, the U/15A team would definitely be a worthy recipient. It put its rather unsuccessful 2016 season behind it and managed to beat Grey College, Grey PE and Paarl Boys’ High in 2017.

Take note that this was the only A side to beat Grey College in a rugby match and it was done in a convincing fashion too.

The U/14A side had an unsuc-cessful season. It struggled to build or maintain any mo-mentum and were dealt a big lashing from Grey College. It would prob-ably like to put the 2017 season behind it and hope for an

improved campaign in 2018.It is rather difficult to deter-

mine whether Paul Roos rugby is currently in a good state or a bad one. Relative to the majority of opponents we play, we still do well and dominate opponents such as Bishops, Rondebosch and those alike.

However, the teams boast a poor set of records against stronger opponents like Grey College, Paarl Gym and Paarl Boys’ High. This is troublesome for a school that has such a strong rugby affiliation and is often dubbed as one of the top five rugby schools in SA. And when one considers that we have failed to gain that no. 1 spot on the rankings for the past 11 years, we need to realise it is an unpleasant reality rather than the fantasy of critics as well as loyal supporters.

With the preseason already in full swing, one can only hope that 2018 will be our year. It seems that 2018 should be a prosperous sea-son with two extremely powerful age groups now combining to gain that top spot.

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William Eveleigh (in Grade 12 and goalkeeper for the First XI of 2017), together with Old Boys Andrew Hobson and Ross Campbell, has been selected for the South African U/21 Hockey Squad that will be

playing in the Premier Hockey League in Johannesburg from 24 November-10 December. This is indeed a great honour for Eveleigh, who is seen here congratulating himself and his team after their 3-1 victory over Grey College, Bloemfontein.

SA colours for EveleighGareth Wentley

The 2017 Paul Roos cricket season has been one to remember for all the right reasons.

The U/17’s went on its first inter-national tour and achieved some fantastic results (amongst others winning the cherished Silk Cup at Oundle School in England, having played against the revered Eton Colleges), which forced the South African Schools’ cricketing fraterni-ty to stand up and take notice of the men from Stellenbosch.

As well as winning the U/19 Boland T20, the side produced a strong contingent of Provincial Representatives in Rudi Claas-sen, Khanya Cotani, André Janse Van Rensburg, Laurens Smit and Rayyaan Rhode, who all recently took part in a tournament, hosted by Cricket Namibia in Windhoek from 27August-2 September where the Boland side played a variety of schools and teams from the Namibia.

They started off their campaign against a Pro Ed team and claimed a convincing 110-run victory after scoring 207 in their allotted 20 overs, with Khanya Cotani and Lau-rens Smit in a 143 run partnership, the latter notching up an unbeaten 86 and Cotani 64.

Day 2, and the men in yellow and black continued their domi-nance with a resounding 7 wicket victory over a hapless Windhoek Afrikaanse Hoërskool team, after bundling them out for only 75.

Their third day in the desert saw them take on Windhoek Gymna-sium and once again the South Af-ricans flexed their muscles as they posted 165 and tore through their Namibian opposition’s batting line up, with Windhoek Gymnasium only managing 47 runs as Boland claimed a 118-run victory. Their victory against Windhoek Gymna-sium meant that they booked their place in the semifinals of the tour-nament where they would face and dispatch Welwitschia by 6 wickets after bowling them out for just 106.

Boland would thus face Wind-hoek High School in the final of the tournament and they certainly saved their best, for last. Windhoek were but spectators as the Paul Roos-studded team romped to an emphatic 10- wicket win over the Namibians, bowling them out for a mere 75.

The team returned home, trophy in hand, and just in time for their exams. The team looks set to chal-lenge for even further honours in the 2017 Coke week.

Dexter Labuschagne

The football season of 2017 can be described in one word only: “perspective”.

This season goes down in Paul Roos history as one which will de-fine football at Paul Roos for many years to come.

Playing with style under guidance of coach Edmund Pietersen, the team oozed confidence as it started off the season against Fairmont High School, whose team was swept aside by The Roos, thanks to 2 goals from captain Chris Coles. The first side next met Wynberg Boys’ High. Goals from Liam Fresen and Gareth Wentley secured the victory 2-0. Next up was a touring side from Windhoek, outclassed by its oppo-

nents: 2-0. Over the Freedom Day-Workers

Day weekend, the side took part in Wynberg Boys’ High’s Winter Sports Festival. Based on their per-formances, Gareth Wentley, Liam Farrell and shot-stopper Daniël Rautenbach were subsequently scouted by both the US Soccer Academy and Grove Soccer.

The league campaign highlight was a rampant 5-0 victory against Kylemore, with Mfundo Mashiya scoring Paul Roos’s goal of the season.

Another highlight was the June-July Durban Kloof Tourna-ment. PRG took on South Africa’s elite footballing schools and put on a show that will forever be etched in the annals of Paul Roos footballing

folklore. The men in maroon held their own against SA’s best to finish 5th out of 32 teams. Pietersen’s charges scored 11 goals, conceding only 6, and emerged victorious in 4 of their 5 games.

On the day of reckoning against Grey College, Paul Roos masses filled the stands and surrounds of PRG Park, cheering on their men with full force as Paul Roos took an early 2-0 lead. Just after half-time the sides were drawn at 2-2. The Roos, known for its never-say-die attitude, was not to be denied its destiny as 14-year-old Tristan Si-lence scored a wonder goal, putting Paul Roos in front by 3 goals to 2 for a memorable win over Grey. (Read the Year Book for the full detailed story by Gareth Wentley).

A season of perspective Defining Paul Roos Football

Paul Roos’s Operation Desert StormBoland’s PRG-contingent Thrives in the Drought

Photo: Ben Barnard

Photo: Nic de Jager

Rounding up a good season

p. 15

Meet the Maniacs

p. 10

Biking at its bestp. 15