香港中文大學逸夫書院通訊 Newsletter of Shaw...

一九九七年,書院獲李和聲校董慷慨捐款港幣一百萬 元,成立李和聲自學資源中心。該中心位於文瀾堂四樓,同 年十二月開幕。中心成立的目的為鼓勵同學使用自學材料, 自發學習。隨時代進步和學習模式改變,中心不得不轉型 以應付時代需求。 院方最近與李校董磋商,得其大力支持,再次慷慨捐 贈港幣十八萬元,把自學資源中心改建為李和聲香港歷史 資源中心(下稱中心),並邀請歷史系何佩然教授全力策劃 建置。 中心將成為一個蒐集本地歷史文獻及多元史料的基 地,亦是公眾歷史資料交換及傳遞的交匯處。除了將現存香 港歷史資料數碼化、製作相關網頁外,也定期與香港政府各 部門,如香港歷史博物館、古物及古蹟辦事處、歷史檔案 館和政府部門內部圖書館交換資料。此外,該中心預備舉 辦一系列學術研討會、展覽,與學界交流,以推廣香港歷史 研究。 中心的開幕典禮於九月十二日舉行,榮邀古物古蹟辦 事處執行秘書梁潔玲女士、書院校董會副主席李和聲先生、 書院校董會主席馬臨教授和院長程伯中教授擔任主禮嘉賓。 程教授並宣佈委任何佩然教授為中心主管,繼續領導中心的 未來發展。中心的開放時間為星期一至五,上午九時至下午 六時。 剪綵嘉賓(左起): 程伯中教授、李和聲先生、 梁潔玲女士、馬臨教授 Cutting the ribbon are �(from left)�: Prof. P.C. Ching,� Mr. Lee Woo-sing�, Ms Esa Leung and Prof. Ma Lin 重構香港集體回憶 李和聲香港歷史資源中心成立 In 1997, with the generous donation of HK$ 1 million from Mr. Lee Woo-sing, Vice-Chairman of Shaw College Board of Trustees, Lee Woo Sing Self-Learning Resource Centre was established on the fourth floor of Wen Lan Tang. With the passage of time and with the change of study mode, the Centre has to be converted for other purposes. With another generous donation of HK$180,000 from Mr. Lee and under the planning of Professor Ho Pui-yin, Associate Professor of the Department of History, the original self-learning centre was renovated and converted into Lee Woo Sing Hong Kong History Resource Centre. The main objective of setting up the Centre is to promote Hong Kong history research. The centre has an archive of resources on local history and also serves as a base for collecting related resources. These resources will be digitized and make available to the public. Exchanges of related resources with other related government units and organization of seminars and exhibitions will also be arranged. The Opening Ceremony of the Centre was held on 12 September. Professor Ho Pui-yin has been appointed as the Director of the Centre to lead its future development. Opening hours of the Centre are Monday to Friday, 9:00a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Reconstructing Hong Kong’s Collective Memory Lee Woo Sing Hong Kong History Resource Centre Opens 33 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 二零零七年十月 第三十三期 Newsletter of Shaw College October 2007 本通訊出版費用由古勝祥先生捐贈。 The publication of this newsletter is sponsored by Mr. Daniel S. C. Koo

Transcript of 香港中文大學逸夫書院通訊 Newsletter of Shaw...

Page 1: 香港中文大學逸夫書院通訊 Newsletter of Shaw …逸夫書院本年度開學禮於九月七日(星期五)在邵逸 夫堂舉行。院長程伯中教授先向同學介紹當天出席的教職


























Cutting the ribbon are �(from left)�: Prof. P.C. Ching,� Mr. Lee Woo-sing�, Ms Esa Leung and Prof. Ma Lin


I n 1997, with the generous donation of HK$ 1 million from Mr. Lee Woo-sing, Vice-Chairman of Shaw College Board of Trustees, Lee Woo Sing Self-Learning Resource Centre was established on the fourth floor of Wen Lan Tang. With the passage of time and with the change of study mode, the Centre has to be converted for other purposes.

With another generous donation of HK$180,000 from Mr. Lee and under the planning of Professor Ho Pui-yin, Associate Professor of the Department of History, the original self-learning centre was renovated and converted into Lee Woo Sing Hong Kong History Resource Centre. The main objective of setting up the Centre is to promote Hong Kong history research. The centre has an archive of resources on local history and also serves as a base for collecting related resources. These resources will be digitized and make available to the public. Exchanges of related resources with other related government units and organization of seminars and exhibitions will also be arranged.

The Opening Ceremony of the Centre was held on 12 September. Professor Ho Pui-yin has been appointed as the Director of the Centre to lead its future development. Opening hours of the Centre are Monday to Friday, 9:00a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Reconstructing Hong Kong’s Collective MemoryLee Woo Sing Hong Kong History Resource Centre Opens


The Chinese Univers i ty of Hong Kong

香 港 中 文 大 學 逸 夫 書 院 通 訊

二 零 零 七 年 十 月 第 三 十 三 期

The Chinese Univers i ty of Hong Kong

Newsletter of Shaw College

October 2007

本通訊出版費用由古勝祥先生捐贈。 The publication of this newsletter is sponsored by Mr. Daniel S. C. Koo

Page 2: 香港中文大學逸夫書院通訊 Newsletter of Shaw …逸夫書院本年度開學禮於九月七日(星期五)在邵逸 夫堂舉行。院長程伯中教授先向同學介紹當天出席的教職



























T he College Commencement Assembly was held on 7 September 2007 in Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. Professor P.C. Ching, College Head, addressed the assembly on the hot topic “genius”. Professor Ching points out that a real “genius” cannot solely count on his in-born talents. He must put in efforts, enthusiasm and perseverance towards learning. Everyone has his uniqueness and strength. Accretion of knowledge is essential for enhancing one’s ability that will allow one to advance and excel in his chosen area.

Acquisition of knowledge is not confined to what

one learns from formal education, but also non-formal

education e.g. extra-curricular activities, hostel life and

even daily life. It has been the tradition of The Chinese

University to promote all-round education through formal

and non-formal education. Shaw College provides a wide

range of programmes to help widen students’ horizons.

Professor Ching believes that “accretion of knowledge

creates genii”. When one devotes himself and tries his

best, he can accomplish his goal.

At the same occasion, Professor Gordon Cheung,

Dean of Students outlined the colourful college student

activities and whole person development programmes. He

also reported on students who won awards through their

outstanding performances in different areas. Professor

Lui Tai-lok, Dean of General Education highlighted

the characteristics of the college general education

programmes. A number of non-academic awards were

also presented at the Assembly. Participants of college

summer programmes shared their experience too.

After the Assembly, the College Head hosted a

welcome lunch at Staff Dining Room with 52 staff members


程伯中院長頒發獎學金 Presenting scholarship to a recipient by Prof. P.C. Ching

參予暑期活動的 同學分享所見所聞 Experience sharing of the college summer programme participants

程伯中院長: 知識累積 創造天才The College Head : Accretion of Knowledge Creates Genii


Page 3: 香港中文大學逸夫書院通訊 Newsletter of Shaw …逸夫書院本年度開學禮於九月七日(星期五)在邵逸 夫堂舉行。院長程伯中教授先向同學介紹當天出席的教職

P r o f e s s o r Z h a n Jing, Viv ian, assistant p r o f e s s o r o f D e p a r t m e n t o f G o v e r n m e n t a n d P u b l i c Administration, talks about her life at CU and in Hong Kong.

Professor Zhan was born and grew up in Jingzhou, Hubei, an old city made famous by the Romance of Three Kingdoms. Then she went to col lege in Beijing. The four years of study in Foreign Affairs College did not

make her a diplomat, but brewed in her the interest in political science. Thus she became a Ph.D. student in political science at UCLA. Through the years of study there, she deeply appreciated the joy and pain of academia, and decided to pursue a challenging but rewarding path in this profession.

Like many mainlanders, Vivian learned about Hong Kong and its legends through numerous Hong

Professor Chandrasekhar Madhavan Nair, who joined the University as an assistant professor in Department of Information Engineering in August, 2007 shared with us his background and how he finds life at CU.

Professor Chandrasekhar Madhavan Nair was born in Trivandrum on the southern tip of the Indian peninsula. He did majority of his schooling there at a school run by the Jesuit missionaries. He then did his bachelors in electrical engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. His undergrad years were quite enjoyable; making new friends and learning a lot of fun stuff. For his graduate school, he went to Stanford University for a M.S./PhD programme in Electrical Engineering.

Stanford was a fun place for him - as he got chance to explore both academic frontiers as well as do some fun outdoor sporting events. The math side of him that he had always cultivated on the side came to the fore during his graduate school years and his PhD thesis could as well has been for a math PhD programme. Essentially it centered around resolving a conjecture in combinatorial optimization that had been around for twenty odd years and some basic methodology behind the formulation of these conjectures were coming up as heuristics in some engineering problems - hence the interest by the engineering community.

After his PhD, Chandra spent a couple of years as a post-doctoral researcher with the Theory group of Microsoft research. He continued his research in combinatorial optimization and Information theory. It was here that he actually missed the university environment and decided to apply for academic positions. CU presented him with a reasonable teaching load, freedom to pursue his interdisciplinary research agenda, and its located closer to home. So he decided to join the Department of Information Engineering. His experience in the first month of interaction with the students, both the undergrads and grad students, has been very positive. His wife and him have thoroughly enjoyed the two months here and they certainly hope that they will continue to have a fun time in what they hope to be a very long time here.

Kong movies when she grew up. When she came here the first time, she fell in love with this city. She loved its beautiful night scenes, its small and crowded streets full of liveliness, and its wonderful blend of old and new life styles and Eastern and Western cultures. Like New York, it is a place that can accommodate people from all backgrounds, with various purposes, and to different directions.

Vivian also liked CU at the first sight. She was impressed by its beautiful campus, rich resources for research, and vast opportunities for academic exchange among scholars. Especially for scholars studying Chinese politics, it has unparalleled advantages: it is close enough to mainland to obtain first-hand, hard-to-get information, but on the other hand, it is independent enough to ensure academic freedom, which is extremely important for the study of politics.

Through limited interactions so far, Vivian notices that CU students are very lively, full of energy, and eager to try out different things, which is not different from students she encountered in top American universities. She looks forward to learning more about them, becoming friends with them, and teaching them all she know. Coming from Los Angeles, a city jammed with private cars, Vivian especially appreciates Hong Kong’s highly developed public transportation system, which allows her to save the environment by driving much less. Living on campus, she also find herself living a healthier life style, because walking and climbing have become daily exercise. She is really glad she made the choice to come to Hong Kong.

Taken with his wife by the shore of Lake Mary in Glacier National Park, Montana.

New Colleagues


Page 4: 香港中文大學逸夫書院通訊 Newsletter of Shaw …逸夫書院本年度開學禮於九月七日(星期五)在邵逸 夫堂舉行。院長程伯中教授先向同學介紹當天出席的教職

Shaw Goes Global剛過去的暑假,超過一百名逸夫同學參加書院



Cultural Programme on Xi’an and Lanzhou


走向世界During the last summer,� over 100 Shaw students participated

in college summer programmes held in different countries. These programmes broadened students’ horizons and helped them achieve global vision.

Riding camels on the desert騎駱駝橫渡沙漠

Yang Guan Museum陽關博物館

藝術館 The Fine Arts Museum

Participants with French course teacher (middle of the back row)同學和法文班老師(後排中)

Global Vision Award Programme ��(Lyon,�� France)��



Page 5: 香港中文大學逸夫書院通訊 Newsletter of Shaw …逸夫書院本年度開學禮於九月七日(星期五)在邵逸 夫堂舉行。院長程伯中教授先向同學介紹當天出席的教職

Cultural Programme on Xi’an and Lanzhou

Cultural Programme to Nanjing and Shanghai


China Internship Programme中國企業體驗計劃

Global Vision Award Programme ��(Melbourne,�� Australia)��國際視野獎勵計劃(澳洲墨爾本)

聯合交易所 Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited

與劉慧卿議員於立法局大樓With Hon. Emily Lau in the Legislative Council Building

中山陵 Dr� Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum

參觀何園 Visiting a typical Chinese garden

Immigration Museum 移民博物館

大洋路 Great Ocean Road


Page 6: 香港中文大學逸夫書院通訊 Newsletter of Shaw …逸夫書院本年度開學禮於九月七日(星期五)在邵逸 夫堂舉行。院長程伯中教授先向同學介紹當天出席的教職

P rofessor Robert J. Lefkowitz, The Shaw Laureate in Life Sciences and Medicine 2007 presented The Shaw Prize Lecture on 13 September 2007, at Shaw College Lecture Theatre. I have the honour to be invited to introduce Professor Lefkowitz.

The lecture was well received by colleagues and students from different institutions and the public. As Professor Lefkowitz pointed out during the lecture, Q & A is the most important part of any lecture as it tells you how much people know and don’t know in the subject and can initiate new direction of research. The questions raised by the audiences ranging from the most philosophical ones to the scientific details regarding the Seven Transmembrane Receptors and his research career. The lecture was very educational and it covered how basic sciences could turn into useful therapeutic agents for mankind and gave us a full knowledge of how the membrane receptors were evolved and became a niche for drug development.

The major objective of the lecture is to mark the enormous contribution of Professor Lefkowitz to his discovery of the major receptor system that mediates the responses of cells and organs to drugs and hormones. Professor Leftkowitz delivered a full overview on “Seven Transmembrane Receptors”, also known as G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR). They represent the largest, most versatile and most ubiquitous of the several families of plasma membrane receptors. They regulate virtually all known physiological processes in mammals including sensory transduction, such as vision, smell and taste. Moreover, such receptors are the commonest target of currently used therapeutic drugs, such as “beta blockers”, antihistamines, opioids, and angiotensin receptor blockers. They are important for hypertension, allergic reactions and pain.

Despite the long interest in receptors, it was not until the 1970s that the first molecular approaches to studying these critical cellular molecules were developed. Professor Lefkowitz described how his development of novel technologies for studying the receptors, purifying them, and cloning their genes, has led to an explosion of knowledge about the receptors and has greatly facilitated the development of many new drugs. Amongst the most important insights and the significant technical advances such as the development of methods for radioligand binding, solubilization and purification of the �2-adrenoceptor and other adrenoceptors homology with rhodopsin, led to the key discovery in 1986, that the �2-adrenergic receptor for adrenaline had a special structure in

The Shaw Prize Lecture in Life Sciences and Medicine 2007

Cho Chi-hin*which its polypeptide chain crossed the plasma membrane seven times. The cloning of the �2-adrenoceptor and the discovery that it and rhodopsin were the founding members of a huge receptor

gene family laid the foundation for the future work on this gene family. Indeed this breakthrough spurred research in laboratories around the world, which then led to the cloning of genes for such “superfamily”. T h e s e G P C R s a r e t h e l a r g e s t superfamily of cell-surface receptors, accounting for approximately 2% for the human genome. Furthermore ligands directed at GPCRs (either agonists or antagonists) represent the largest family of pharmacological agents, accounting for nearly 30% of current drugs available.

Professor Lefkowitz also described the mechanisms which regulate receptor function leading to their “desensitization” or diminished responsiveness when they are persistently stimulated. Indeed, he has discovered two new families of proteins that desensitize G protein-coupled receptors, a finding that has helped scientists understand how receptors become tolerant of certain drugs. The proteins include the GPCR kinases and �-arrestin proteins, which respectively phosphorylate agonist-activated GPCRs and bind phosphorylated GPCRs to physically disrupt the receptor/G protein interaction, thereby leading to desensitization of receptor-mediated G protein activation. In addition to its role in GPCR desensitization, �-arrestin binding also promotes the cytosol to cell surface translocation of components of the endocytic machinery, thereby facilitating receptor removal from the plasma membrane. Thus, �-arrestins can turn off G-protein signals. However, they can simultaneously initiate a second parallel set of signals, which include the mitogen-activated protein kinases. �-Arrestins also have nuclear functions largely concerned the pro-survival and anti-apoptotic pathways. Thus, �-arrestins are now known to mediate three transmembrane receptor properties, namely desensitization, internalization and signaling. The discoveries about these new regulatory systems have the potential to lead to an entirely new form of therapeutics for different kinds of diseases in humans.

Last but not least, I hope Professor Lefkowitz and his family have enjoyed our good traditional Chinese values mixed with the western culture in Hong Kong, a city of east and west.

*Professor Cho Chi-hin, Chairman of Department of Pharmacology, was invited to introduce Professor Robert Lefkowitz and to moderate Q & A session of the Lecture

(From Left ) Prof . Cho Chi -hin, Prof . L iu Pak-wai , Prof . Robert Lefkowitz and Prof . P.C. Ching

Seven Transmembrane Recepter


Page 7: 香港中文大學逸夫書院通訊 Newsletter of Shaw …逸夫書院本年度開學禮於九月七日(星期五)在邵逸 夫堂舉行。院長程伯中教授先向同學介紹當天出席的教職

T he College has recently invited Professor Deborah Davis as Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2007. Professor Davis is currently Professor of Sociology, Yale University and is a world renowned scholar in sociology. Professor Davis is no stranger to The Chinese University and her long association with the University began in 1967 when she joined as a lecturer. She then revisited the University as a Visiting Scholar in1998.

During Professor Davis’s stay at Shaw College from 21 to 30 September 2007, she delivered the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture on 24 September at Shaw College Lecture Theatre and a dinner lecture on 28 September at the College Staff Dining Room. For the public lecture entitled “Chinese Studies in a Digital Age”, Professor Davis tried to explain that as a pivotal actor in the international economy, China is no longer an exotic, remote location. The field of China Studies as it is termed in North America, similarly no longer occupies the same intellectual position in academia. University faculty and students therefore must not only re-examine the content of the existing China studies curriculum and pedagogy, but more fundamentally re-examine their relationships to Chinese society and intellectual life. Moreover, because China’s move to global centrality coincided with the birth of the internet, basic parameters for data collection, analysis and dissemination have shifted. Together China’s new power and the digital age challenge prevailing scholarly conventions, but also offer unparalleled opportunity for innovation and discovery.

With China’s new global engagement and the time-space compression of contemporary digital technology and markets, they have made business topics dominant and made China a “normal country” for English language

publishers outside university press. It has created a real time connections and consequences for authors and readers. It also contributed to reset research agenda of academic China Studies and diversified curriculum and pedagogy. As a result, the relationships to Chinese society and intellectual life became more immediate. Interaction has been increased and institutional intermediation reduced. The consequence has been greater.

However, there were still tensions, as pointed out by Professor Davis. Firstly, there have been over criteria of excellence between those seeking to confirm general rules of US based academic disciplines and those seeking to understand or explain China to non-Chinese. There was over evidence in the sense that it was beyond the conventional tension between text vs. non-text evidence to complications of internet overload. Also there was over causal role of the past and over audience between those outside and inside China. Having said these, she is in general optimistic towards the future as long as China has not closed down the communications.

On 28 September, Professor Davis delivered the dinner lecture entitled “Returning to Ma Liu Shui”, which was mainly attended by students. Unlike the rather academic public lecture, Professor Davis shared with the audiences photos taken 40 years ago when she came to the Chinese University and Hong Kong for the first time. Besides teaching at the University, she has had the chance to live with a local family and to work in a factory. The experience is especially unique because it was a turbulent time in Hong Kong. As Professor Davis describes, this stay has changed her life. It is after this that she determined to pursue her postgraduate studies in sociology and shaped her future career as a sociologist.

The College believes that Professor Davis’ lectures have enlightened our staff and students in one way to the other. Colleagues and students look forward to the opportunity of meeting her again.

Prof. Deborah Davis with Prof. Lui Ta-lok at the Q & A Session

Delivering her public lecture on “Chinese Studies in a Digital Age”.

Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2007Professor Deborah Davis

Chinese Studies in a Digital Age


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院校友會社區服務 ──「友」「兒」相聚:重遊中大校園(八月四日)。

The College Alumni Affairs Committee encourages alumni to keep a close linkage with their alma mater as well as current students. To promote alumni’s contribution to and to enhance relationship with the College, Shaw College Xinde Jiangxue Alumni Scholarship is thus established to reward graduates who have actively participated for considerable years in college and student activities. Donation appeal will start this year, with the first award to be given out in 2008/2009.

Activities organized by the College Alumni Association between April and August include Shawpy Hour Gathering in April �(13 April�), 3rd Shaw College Alumni Cup Soccer Match �(21 April)� and Shaw College Alumni Association Social Service – Campus Tour for the Children of St. James’ Settlement (�4 August)�.


Strengthening Ties with Alumni��Visiting CU Campus遊覽中大校園

Shaw College Alumni Cup Soccer Match校友會盃足球賽

To be held from 1 to 14 November 2007 (Monday to Friday:11:00am to 6:00pm., Saturday: 2:00 to 7:00pm. Closed on Sunday)

藝訊 Art News



星期六下午二至七時 星期日休息)


Heartstrings — Print Exhibition 2007 by Hong Kong Graphics Society

歡迎惠稿或來函。中文文章千二字為限,來函則勿超三百字。稿函請寄逸夫書院《逸林》編輯收。Contributions or suggestions are welcome. English essays should be kept at 1�000 and letters 300 words each.

Please send all correspondence to the Editor� Shaw Link� Shaw College.

《逸林》編輯委員會 主席:陳韜文教授 . 委員:陳善偉教授 馬桂鴻先生 王晉光教授 . 秘書 / 編輯:黎蕙華小姐Editorial Committee on Shaw Link Chairman� Prof. Joseph Chan . Members� Prof. Chan Sin-wai� Mr. Kingsley Ma� Prof. Wong Juen-kon . Secretary/Editor� Miss Fionna Lai