
1/22 通識計算機程式設計期末考參考解答, 6/22/2012 1. 參考下一頁的 UML 類別圖,撰寫 C#敘述達成下列要求: (假設 using System; 敘述已經包含於程式中),均不需處理例外情況 (a) 撰寫結構 Point,包含兩個公有 int 變數 xy,代表點座標(x,y)。另 寫正規建構式分別設定 xy 之值 (3%) Ans. struct Point { public int x; public int y; public Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } } (b) 撰寫類別程式 Triangle 代表三角形,其中宣告 Point 陣列變數 vertex 代表三個頂點;另有預設建構式設定三個頂點座標為(0,0), (1,0), (0,1);正規建構式輸入三個頂點座標(x 1 , y 1 )(x 2 , y 2 )(x 3 , y 3 )。同時以公 3 1 1 3 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 y x y x y x y x y x y x 撰寫成員函式 Area, 另撰寫屬 Vertex 傳回 vertex 之值。(6%) Ans. class Triangle { private Point[] vertex = new Point[3]; public Triangle() { vertex[0] = new Point(0, 0); vertex[1] = new Point(1, 0); vertex[2] = new Point(0, 1); } public Triangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3)

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    通識計算機程式設計期末考參考解答, 6/22/2012

    1. 參考下一頁的UML類別圖,撰寫C#敘述達成下列要求: (假設using System;

    敘述已經包含於程式中),均不需處理例外情況 (a) 撰寫結構 Point,包含兩個公有 int 變數 x、y,代表點座標(x,y)。另

    寫正規建構式分別設定 x、y 之值 (3%) Ans.

    struct Point { public int x; public int y; public Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; }

    } (b) 撰寫類別程式 Triangle 代表三角形,其中宣告 Point 陣列變數

    vertex 代表三個頂點;另有預設建構式設定三個頂點座標為(0,0), (1,0), (0,1);正規建構式輸入三個頂點座標(x1, y1)、(x2, y2)、(x3, y3)。同時以公

    式 31132332122121 yxyxyxyxyxyx 撰寫成員函式 Area,另撰寫屬

    性 Vertex 傳回 vertex 之值。(6%) Ans.

    class Triangle { private Point[] vertex = new Point[3]; public Triangle() { vertex[0] = new Point(0, 0); vertex[1] = new Point(1, 0); vertex[2] = new Point(0, 1); } public Triangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,

    int x3, int y3)

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    { vertex[0] = new Point(x1, y1); vertex[1] = new Point(x2, y2); vertex[2] = new Point(x3, y3); } public double Area() { return 0.5*Math.Abs( vertex[0].x*vertex[1].y -

    vertex[0].y*vertex[1].x + vertex[1].x*vertex[2].y -

    vertex[1].y*vertex[2].x + vertex[2].x*vertex[0].y -

    vertex[2].y*vertex[0].x); } public Point[] Vertex { get { return vertex; } }

    } (c) 撰寫類別 RTriangle 繼承類別 Triangle,另外具有私有成員變數 w、

    h,代表底和高。並撰寫其預設建構式,設直角頂點座標(0,0),w 和 h 為1,注意此與父類別之預設建構式之關連 (6%)

    (d) 撰寫類別 RTriangle 之正規建構式,參數為直角頂點座標(x, y)及底 w與高 h,呼叫父類別建構式,將三頂點設為(x, y)、(x+w, y)、(x, y+h) 並撰寫屬性 W 及 H,傳回成員變數 w、h (6%)

    (e) 以關鍵字 new 及公式 hw*21

    撰寫類別 RTriangle 的成員函式 Area,隱藏(hide)其父類別的同名成員函式 (3%)


    class RTriangle : Triangle { private int w; private int h; public RTriangle() : base() { w = 1; h = 1;

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    } public RTriangle(int x, int y, int w, int h) :

    base( x, y, x+w, y, x, y+h) { this.w = w; this.h = h; } public int W { get { return w; } } public int H { get { return h; } } public new double Area() { return 0.5 * w * h; }

    } (f) 寫一段測試主程式,設定 RTriangle 物件 rt 之直角頂點座標為(2, 3),

    w、h 為 4、5,再利用它與繼承來的屬性及結構之公開變數,輸出其三頂點座標與本身計算的面積值如下圖 (6%)


    RTriangle rt = new RTriangle(2, 3, 4, 5); Point[] vertex = rt.Vertex; Console.WriteLine("vertices of rt are:"); Console.WriteLine("({0}, {1})", vertex[0].x,


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    Console.WriteLine("({0}, {1})", vertex[1].x, vertex[1].y);

    Console.WriteLine("({0}, {1})", vertex[2].x, vertex[2].y);

    Console.WriteLine("Area = " + rt.Area());

    2. 找出以下程式片段之錯誤,並予更正. (a) (3%) 一個錯誤

    class Test1 { private int i; public Test1() { i = 1; } public int I { get { return i; } } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) {

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    Test1 test1 = new Test1(); Console.WriteLine(test1.i); } } Ans. i 為 Test1 類別的私有成員變數, 不可由外部程式取用. 主程式須改為 static void Main(string[] args) { Test1 test1 = new Test1(); Console.WriteLine(test1.I); }

    (b) (3%) 一個錯誤 class Test2 { private int i; public Test2() { i = 1; } public Test2(int i) { i = 3; } public int I { get { return i; } }

    } Ans. 建構式參數與成員變數同名時, 需加 this 分別 修改建構式為 public Test2(int i)


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    this.i = 3; } (c) (3%).一項錯誤

    class Test3 { private int i; public Test3() { i = 1; } public int I { get { return i; } } } class A : Test3 { private int j; public A() : base() { j = 2; } public int sum() { return i + j; }

    } Ans. 類別 A的成員函式 sum中,不可使用父類別 Test3的私有成員變數 i. 需將 i改為 protected或將 sum改為

    public int sum() { return I + j;


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    (d) (3%) 一個錯誤

    class Test4 { private int i; public Test4() { i = 1; } public virtual int Triple() { return 3 * i; } } class B : Test4 { private int j; public B() : base() { j = 2; } // 欲完成多型 public int Triple() { return 3*j; }

    } 類別 B 中之成員函式 Triple 需覆寫類別 Test4 中之同名成員函式 即

    public override int Triple() { return 3*j;

    } (e) (3%) 一個錯誤

    interface C

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    { int Func1(); void Func2(); } class Test5 : C { private int i; public Test5() { i = 1; } public int Func1() { return 2 * i; } } Ans. 實作介面時,其中的所有函式均需實作 故類別Test5應改為 class Test5 : C { private int i; public Test5() { i = 1; } public int Func1() { return 2 * i; } public void Func2() { } } 3. 試寫出下列程式的輸出 (12%) // 程式 CPFinal2012Problem3

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    using System; namespace CPFinal2012Problem3 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Item[] list = new Item[3]; list[0] = new Book("001", "哈利波特:消失的密室", "J. K. 羅琳", "皇冠", 2001); list[1] = new Video("002", "變形金剛", "麥可貝", "席亞拉伯夫", "得利影視", 2009); list[2] = new Book( "003", "墨水心", "柯奈莉亞.馮克", "大田", 2005); foreach( Item item in list) { item.Dump(); } } } abstract public class Item { protected string seqNo; protected string title; protected int year; public Item(string seqNo, string title, int year) { this.seqNo = seqNo; this.title = title; this.year = year; } abstract public void Dump(); } public class Book : Item {

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    private string majorAuthor; private string publisher; public Book(string seqNo, string title, string majorAuthor, string publisher, int year) : base(seqNo, title, year) { this.majorAuthor = majorAuthor; this.publisher = publisher; } public override void Dump() { Console.Write(seqNo + "\t"); Console.Write(title + "\t"); Console.Write(majorAuthor + "\t"); Console.Write(publisher + "\t"); Console.WriteLine(year); } } public class Video : Item { private string majorDirector; private string majorActor; private string distributor; public Video(string seqNo, string title, string majorDirector, string majorActor, string distributor, int year) : base(seqNo, title, year) { this.majorDirector = majorDirector; this.majorActor = majorActor; this.distributor = distributor; } public override void Dump() { Console.Write(seqNo + "\t"); Console.Write(title + "\t"); Console.Write(majorDirector + "\t");

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    Console.Write(majorActor + "\t"); Console.Write(distributor + "\t"); Console.WriteLine(year); } } } Ans.

    4. 試寫出以下程式在下列狀況時的輸出

    (a) (3%) 檔案 Test.dat 尚未建立 Ans.

    (b) (3%) 檔案 Test.dat 已在正確位置,且內容為

    2 B645331 90 B645332 88 Ans.

    (c) (3%) 檔案 Test.dat 已在正確位置,且內容為

    2 B645331 90 B645332 *8 Ans.

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    (d) (3%) 檔案 Test.dat 已在正確位置,且內容為 2 B645331 102 B645332 88 Ans.

    // 程式 CPFinal2012Problem4 using System; using System.IO; namespace CPFinal2012Problem4 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string fileName = "Test.dat"; int average = Test(fileName); Console.WriteLine("average = " + average); } static int Test(string fileName) { int result = 0; try

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    { StreamReader input = new

    StreamReader(fileName); Console.WriteLine("檔案開啟"); try { int nDataPerLine =

    int.Parse(input.ReadLine()); int i; string line; string[] dataString = new

    string[nDataPerLine]; string regNo; int score; int sum = 0; int nStudents = 0; while (!input.EndOfStream) { line = input.ReadLine(); dataString = line.Split(' '); regNo = dataString[0]; score = int.Parse(dataString[1]); if(score < 0 || score > 100) throw new ScoreOutOfRangeException(

    regNo, score); sum += score; nStudents++; } result = sum / nStudents; } catch (FormatException e) { Console.WriteLine("格式錯誤"); } catch(ScoreOutOfRangeException e) { Console.WriteLine(e);

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    } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine( "函式Test內層try-catch捕捉到例外"); Console.WriteLine( "函式Test內層try-catch再拋出例外"); throw e; } finally { input.Close(); Console.WriteLine("檔案關閉"); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine("檔案不存在"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine( "函式Test外層try-catch捕捉到例外"); } return result; } } class ScoreOutOfRangeException : ApplicationException { private string message; public ScoreOutOfRangeException(string regNo,

    int score : base() { message = "學生" + regNo + "之分數" + score + "不在0與100之間"; } public override string ToString()

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    { return message; } } } 5. 依據以下描述及程式框架,完成指定程式。你在答案卷只需寫下程式註解標


    程式描述: 建立如下視窗介面,按下 Draw 按鈕,即於主視窗顯示一個紅色橢圓。假設Draw 按鈕則設為 Button 物件 button1,恰包住橢圓的矩形左上角座標為(5,55), 右下角座標為(205, 105)。不需要考慮 OnPaint 的問題。

    // 檔案 MainForm.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text;

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    using System.Windows.Forms; namespace CPFinal2012Problem5 { public partial class MainForm : Form { public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); }

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    { //******************************************** 在此加入必要之程式碼 //******************************************** } } } Ans. Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();

    g.DrawArc(new Pen(Color.Red), 5, 55, 200, 50, 0, 360);

    g.Dispose(); 6. 撰寫一個 C#程式以模擬神奇寶貝(Pocket Monster)運動會中的格鬥賽。為簡化


    最後顯示先使對方體力下降到 0(含)以下的贏家即可。假設參賽的神奇寶貝有皮卡丘(Pikachiu)

    、妙蛙種子(Bulbasaur) 、傑尼龜(Squirtle) ,

    由使用者任意挑選兩隻出賽,每回合隨機決定由那一隻神奇寶貝攻擊(attack),另一隻防禦(defense)。開始時各種神奇寶貝的體力值(hp)均為 15;攻擊時,使對方

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    體力下降的數值(稱為攻擊力 attack strength)如下: 皮卡丘: rand.Next() % 16 + 1 妙蛙種子:(rand1.Next() % 10) + (rand2.Next() % 5) + 1 (需要兩個亂數產生器) 傑尼龜: (rand.Next() % 20 + 5) % 10 + 1 而防禦時,可減少對方攻擊造成之體力損失(稱為防禦力 defense strength)如下: 皮卡丘:(rand.Next() % 20 + 5) % 10 + 1 妙蛙種子:(rand1.Next() % 8) + (rand2.Next() % 3) + 1 傑尼龜:rand.Next() % 16 + 1 如果自身防禦力高於對方的攻擊力,則體力值不變。同一隻神奇寶貝攻擊和防禦

    共同使用一組亂數產生器。 其輸出可能如下圖(殘念!! 皮卡丘先盛後衰, 輸了! 好討厭的感覺呀!):

    以上述之測試場景撰寫程式,不需撰寫額外內容。不使用類別者,最高得 13分;使用類別,不使用多型者,最高得 20 分;正確使用類別及多型者,最高得 25 分。 (25%)


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    using System; namespace CPFinal2012Problem6 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { const int N_MONSTERS = 3; PocketMonster[] monsters = new

    PocketMonster[N_MONSTERS]; monsters[0] = new Pikachiu(168); monsters[1] = new Bulbasaur(777, 545); monsters[2] = new Squirtle(66); Console.WriteLine("選擇第一個選手: 1. 皮卡丘,

    2. 妙蛙種子, 3. 捷尼龜"); int i = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); PocketMonster fighter1 = monsters[i - 1]; Console.WriteLine("選擇第二個選手: 1. 皮卡丘,

    2. 妙蛙種子, 3. 捷尼龜"); i = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); PocketMonster fighter2 = monsters[i - 1]; Console.WriteLine("{0} has hp {1}", fighter1.Name,

    fighter1.HP); Console.WriteLine("{0} has hp {1}", fighter2.Name,

    fighter2.HP); Random rand = new Random(); while (fighter1.HP > 0 && fighter2.HP > 0) { if (rand.Next() % 2 == 0) { Fight(fighter1, fighter2); if (fighter2.HP

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    } else { Fight(fighter2, fighter1); if (fighter1.HP

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    get { return hp; } } abstract public int AttackStrength(); abstract public void Defend(int attackStrength); } class Pikachiu : PocketMonster { private Random rand; public Pikachiu(int seed) : base("Pikachiu") { rand = new Random(seed); } public override int AttackStrength() { return rand.Next() % 16 + 1; } public override void Defend(int attackStrength) { int defenseStrength = (rand.Next() % 20 + 5) % 10

    + 1; if (attackStrength > defenseStrength) { hp -= (attackStrength - defenseStrength); } } } class Bulbasaur : PocketMonster { private Random rand1; private Random rand2; public Bulbasaur(int seed1, int seed2) : base("Bulbasaur") { rand1 = new Random(seed1); rand2 = new Random(seed2);

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    } public override int AttackStrength() { return (rand1.Next() % 10) + (rand2.Next() % 5) +

    1; } public override void Defend(int attackStrength) { int defenseStrength = (rand1.Next() % 8) +

    (rand2.Next() % 3) + 1; if (attackStrength > defenseStrength) { hp -= (attackStrength - defenseStrength); } } } class Squirtle : PocketMonster { private Random rand; public Squirtle(int seed) : base("Squirtle") { rand = new Random(seed); } public override int AttackStrength() { return (rand.Next() % 20 + 5) % 10 + 1; } public override void Defend(int attackStrength) { int defenseStrength = rand.Next() % 16 + 1; if (attackStrength > defenseStrength) { hp -= (attackStrength - defenseStrength); } } }

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