Easter bunny-soaps

Easter Bunny Soaps Recipe makes approximately 5 large Easter Bunny soaps. Whipped Soap Base- 1 Pound VEGETABLE GLYCERIN SHEA BUTTER Melt and Pour SOAP Easter Bunny Burps Fragrance Oil FUN Soap Colorant- Black Oxide 1 oz. FUN Soap Colorant- Neon Pink 1 oz. Silicone Soap Mold- Round Cupcakes Other Ingredients Needed : Scale Microwave Safe Glass Container Bowls Spoon Spatula Hand Held Mixer Deep Mixing Bowl Wax Paper Sharp Knife Pencil Alcohol in a spray bottle Cutting Board 9 x 13 Cake Pan

Transcript of Easter bunny-soaps

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Recipe Weights-Cupcake Bases375 grams Shea Butter Melt & Pour19 grams Easter Bunny Burps Scent8 drops FUN Soap Colorant Neon Pink

Recipe Weights-Bunny Features250 grams of Shea Butter Melt & Pour Soap10 grams of Vegetable Glycerin13 grams of Easter Bunny Burps Scent10 drops FUN Soap colorant- Black Oxide3 drops FUN Soap Colorant- Neon Pink

To Make the Cupcake Bases:Step 1: In your microwave safe glass container, weigh out and melt 375 grams of Shea Butter Melt and Pour Soap. Do this in the microwave 30 seconds at a time. Stir gently between each burst. Keep melting until all soap is in a liquid state.

Step 2: Once the soap is melted, add 8 drops FUN Soap Colorant Neon Pink and 19 grams of Easter Bunny Burps scent. Stir well to incorporate.

Step 3: Lay out 5 round silicone cupcake molds. Pour the soap into each mold, filling them. Spritz with alcohol if there are any bubbles.

Step 4: Allow the soap to fully set up. When you are ready to unmold the cupcake bottoms, place them in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. This step will help the cupcake soaps to release from the mold without sacrificing the ridges of the cupcake bottoms. When finished, set aside.

To Make the Bunny Features:Step 1: Now, weigh out and melt 100 grams of Shea Butter Melt and Pour Soap. While the soap is melting, lay out your 9 x 13 cake pan and line it with a piece of wax paper.

Step 2: Once the soap is melted, add 5 grams of Easter Bunny Burps scent and 4 grams of vegetable glycerin. Stir.

Recipe Weights- Whipped Topping227 grams of Whipped Soap Base227 grams of Shea Butter Melt & Pour Soap28 grams of Vegetable Glycerin24 grams of Easter Bunny Burps Scent

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Step 3: Once incorporated, pour all of the soap onto the wax paper. Spritz with alcohol if needed. Allow the soap to set up and then carefully remove the wax paper and soap from the cake pan. Set this aside.

Step 4: Replace the wax paper in the cake pan with a new sheet. Then, once again weigh out and melt 100 grams of Shea Butter Melt and Pour soap. Once the soap is in a liquid state, add 3 drops Neon Pink Soap colorant, 4 grams of vegetable glycerin, and 5 grams Easter Bunny Burps Fragrance Oil. Stir well to incorporate. Finally, pour this soap onto the new wax paper. Spritz with alcohol if needed. Allow the soap to set up.

Step 5: Once the pink soap is fully set up, remove the wax paper and soap from the cake pan. Set this aside. For a final time, place a new sheet of wax paper in the cake pan.

Step 6: Now, weigh out and melt 50 grams of Shea Butter Melt and Pour Soap. Once the soap is in a liquid state, add 10 drops Black Oxide Soap Colorant, 2 grams of Vegetable Glycerin, and 3 grams of Easter Bunny Burps scent. Stir well to fully incorporate. Then, pour it onto the wax paper. If needed, spritz with alcohol.

Step 7: When the dark gray soap is fully set up, remove the wax paper and the soap from the cake pan. Now, remove the wax paper from all 3 soaps (the white, pink, and dark gray). Set these aside.

Step 8: Lay out your cutting board, and grab your pencil and knife. Beginning with the white soap, draw out 10 bunny ears using the pencil. This shape should look like an oblong oval. Once finished, cut out each ear individually and set aside.

Step 9: Next, get the pink soap. For this soap you will want to draw 10 smaller and thinner oblong ovals. This will be the inner ear of the bunnies. Once all of your ears have been drawn, now draw out 5 small triangles. Theses triangles will your bunny noses. Once all shaped are drawn, now cut them out. Set aside.

Step 10: Now, for the dark gray soap. In this soap, draw out 10 small rectangles (the eyes), and 30 thin lines about 2" inches long (the whiskers). Once you have these drawn, cut them out and set aside.

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To Make the Whipped Bunny Fur:Step 1: Using your scale, weigh out your Whipped Soap Base and vegetable glycerin. Place both of these items into your mixing bowl. Set aside.

Step 2: In a separate microwaveable bowl, weigh out your melt & pour soap. Once melted, pour your soap over the 2 ingredients in your mixing bowl. Begin to blend the ingredients together using a hand held mixer.

Step 3: When the mixture begins to look like whipped frosting, add 24 grams of fragrance. Then, scrap the sides of the bowl with a spatula, and start whipping it again. Stop when it looks like whipped frosting again.

Step 4: Using your spoon place a heaping scoop onto each cupcake bottom. Next, cover each white ear with some of the whipped frosting. While the frosting is still wet, place the pink soap in the center of each white ear. Now, stick 2 ears into each cupcake heap.

Step 5: Now, quickly decorate the rest of the bunny face with the eyes, noses, and whiskers. Do this by lightly sticking the soap into the whipped topping. Finally, ball up a small amount of whipped soap and place it on the back side of the cupcake bottom. This will be the bunny tail. Allow this to fully set up.

Your Easter Bunny Soaps are now ready to use! Enjoy!

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