DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · was worried about how the cat would get on...

1 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2016 Obsah testového sešitu je chráněn autorskými právy. Jakékoli jeho užití, jakož i užití jakékoli jeho části pro komerční účely či pro jejich přímou i nepřímou podporu bez předchozího explicitního písemného souhlasu CZVV bude ve smyslu obecně závazných právních norem považováno za porušení autorských práv. Maximální bodové hodnocení: 95 bodů Hranice úspěšnosti: 44 % 1 Základní informace k zadání zkoušky x Didaktický test obsahuje 64 úloh. x Časový limit pro řešení didaktického testu je uveden na záznamovém archu. x Povolené pomůcky: pouze psací potřeby. x U každé části je uvedena váha části/úlohy v bodech, např.: 10 bodů / 2 body = v celé části můžete získat nejvýše 10 bodů, za jednu správnou odpověď získáte 2 body. x U všech úloh je právě jedna odpověď správná. x Za nesprávnou nebo neuvedenou odpověď se neudělují záporné body. x Odpovědi pište do záznamového archu. x Poznámky si můžete dělat do testového sešitu, nebudou však předmětem hodnocení. x Nejednoznačný nebo nečitelný zápis odpovědi bude považován za chybné řešení. 2 Pravidla správného zápisu odpovědí x Odpovědi zaznamenávejte modře nebo černě píšící propisovací tužkou, která píše dostatečně silně a nepřerušovaně. x Hodnoceny budou pouze odpovědi uvedené v záznamovém archu. ANGLICKÝ JAZYK AJMZD16C0T04 DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ KOMPETENCE 2.1 Pokyny k uzavřeným úlohám x Odpověď, kterou považujete za správnou, zřetelně zakřížkujte v příslušném bílém poli záznamového archu, a to přesně z rohu do rohu dle obrázku. A B C D 4 x Pokud budete chtít následně zvolit jinou odpověď, zabarvěte pečlivě původně zakřížkované pole a zvolenou odpověď vyznačte křížkem do nového pole. A B C D 4 x Jakýkoli jiný způsob záznamu odpovědí a jejich oprav bude považován za nesprávnou odpověď. x Pokud zakřížkujete více než jedno pole, bude vaše odpověď považována za nesprávnou. 2.2 Pokyny k otevřeným úlohám x Odpovědi pište čitelně do vyznačených bílých polí. 16 x Povoleno je psací i tiskací písmo a číslice. x Při psaní odpovědí rozlišujte velká a malá písmena. x Pokud budete chtít následně zvolit jinou odpověď, pak původní odpověď přeškrtněte a novou odpověď zapište do stejného pole. Vaše odpověď nesmí přesáhnout hranice vyznačeného pole. TESTOVÝ SEŠIT NEOTVÍREJTE, POČKEJTE NA POKYN!

Transcript of DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · was worried about how the cat would get on...

Page 1: DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · was worried about how the cat would get on with her dog Tervel. Her Labrador was blind and partially deaf. He used to lie


© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2016

Obsah testového sešitu je chráněn autorskými právy. Jakékoli jeho užití, jakož i užití jakékoli jeho části pro komerční účely či pro jejich přímou i nepřímou podporu bez předchozího explicitního písemného souhlasu CZVV bude ve smyslu obecně závazných právních norem považováno za porušení autorských práv.

Maximální bodové hodnocení: 95 bodů

Hranice úspěšnosti: 44 %

1 Základní informace k zadání zkoušky

Didaktický test obsahuje 64 úloh.

Časový limit pro řešení didaktického testu je uveden na záznamovém archu.

Povolené pomůcky: pouze psací potřeby.

U každé části je uvedena váha části/úlohy v bodech, např.:10 bodů / 2 body = v celé části můžete získat nejvýše 10 bodů, za jednu správnou odpověď získáte 2 body.

U všech úloh je právě jedna odpověď


Za nesprávnou nebo neuvedenou odpověď se neudělují záporné body.

Odpovědi pište do záznamového archu.

Poznámky si můžete dělat do testového sešitu, nebudou však předmětem hodnocení.

Nejednoznačný nebo nečitelný zápis

odpovědi bude považován za chybné


2 Pravidla správného zápisu odpovědí

Odpovědi zaznamenávejte modře nebo

černě píšící propisovací tužkou, která píše dostatečně silně a nepřerušovaně.

Hodnoceny budou pouze odpovědi

uvedené v záznamovém archu.



2.1 Pokyny k uzavřeným úlohám

Odpověď, kterou považujete za správnou, zřetelně zakřížkujte v příslušném bílém poli záznamového archu, a to přesně z rohu do rohu dle obrázku.



Pokud budete chtít následně zvolit jinou odpověď, zabarvěte pečlivě původně zakřížkované pole a zvolenou odpověď vyznačte křížkem do nového pole.



Jakýkoli jiný způsob záznamu odpovědí a jejich oprav bude považován za nesprávnou odpověď.

Pokud zakřížkujete více než jedno pole, bude vaše odpověď považována za nesprávnou.

2.2 Pokyny k otevřeným úlohám

Odpovědi pište čitelně do vyznačených bílých polí.


Povoleno je psací i tiskací písmo a číslice.

Při psaní odpovědí rozlišujte velká a malá


Pokud budete chtít následně zvolit jinou odpověď, pak původní odpověď přeškrtněte a novou odpověď zapište do stejného pole. Vaše odpověď nesmí přesáhnout hranice vyznačeného pole.


Page 2: DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · was worried about how the cat would get on with her dog Tervel. Her Labrador was blind and partially deaf. He used to lie


© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2016

P O S L E C H1. ČÁST ÚLOHY 1–4 8 bodů / 2 body

Uslyšíte čtyři krátké nahrávky. Nejprve uslyšíte otázku a poté vyslechnete nahrávku. Na základě vyslechnutých nahrávek vyberte k úlohám 1–4 vždy jeden správný obrázek A–D.

1 What is the boy going to do to surprise his parents?

A) B)

C) D)

2 What time does the nurse want Mr. March to come tomorrow?

A) B)

C) D)

Page 3: DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · was worried about how the cat would get on with her dog Tervel. Her Labrador was blind and partially deaf. He used to lie


© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2016


3 Which handbag will Tina take to the ball?

A) B)

C) D)

4 Which thing is the most important for the man?

A) B)

C) D)

Page 4: DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · was worried about how the cat would get on with her dog Tervel. Her Labrador was blind and partially deaf. He used to lie


© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2016

P O S L E C H2. ČÁST ÚLOHY 5–12 8 bodů / 1 bod

Uslyšíte část rozhlasového pořadu o organizaci zajišťující výcvik slepeckých psů. Na základě vyslechnuté nahrávky rozhodněte, zda jsou tvrzení v úlohách 5–12 pravdivá (P), nebo nepravdivá (N).


5 Lauren and Valerie Fischer are sisters.

6 The Guide Dogs organisation has existed since 1931.

7 The Guide Dogs organisation is financed by the government.

8 Guide dog puppies are less than one year old when they start Dog Training School.

9 As a temporary guide dog puppy owner you must pay for all its food.

10 Valerie has taken care of twenty-two guide dog puppies.

11 Valerie says sending her puppies to Dog Training School makes her sad.

12 Valerie says you must be at least 16 years old to take a guide dog for a walk.

Page 5: DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · was worried about how the cat would get on with her dog Tervel. Her Labrador was blind and partially deaf. He used to lie


© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2016

P O S L E C H3. ČÁST ÚLOHY 13–20 16 bodů / 2 body

U slyšíte muže hovořit o svém podnikání. Na základě vyslechnuté nahrávky odpovězte na otázky v úlohách 13–20. V odpovědích použijte nejvýše 3 slova. Čísla můžete zapisovat číslicemi.

Lost Property Sale

13 What is the shop owner’s surname?


14 In what year was the shop called Lost Property Sale opened?

in _____________

15 What was the total number of lost items found at British railway stations last



16 How many weeks do lost and found departments keep the lost things?

_____________ weeks

17 What is the most often forgotten object at British railway stations?


18 Where do people lose the most expensive things?


19 What was the most expensive thing ever found?


20 What do people buy most often in Lost Property Sale?


Page 6: DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · was worried about how the cat would get on with her dog Tervel. Her Labrador was blind and partially deaf. He used to lie


© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2016

POSLECH4. ČÁST ÚLOHY 21–24 8 bodů / 2 body


Uslyšíte čtyři krátké nahrávky. Nejprve uslyšíte otázku a poté vyslechnete nahrávku. Na základě vyslechnutých nahrávek vyberte k úlohám 21–24 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–D.

21 Why is the man’s car at the garage now?

A) It is being washed.B) It needs winter tyres.C) It needs an oil change.D) It has engine problems.

22 What does the horoscope advise people under the Aquarius astrological sign to do this month?

A) to spend moneyB) to find a new jobC) to get to know new peopleD) to make romance a priority

23 What type of news does the man like best?

A) TV newsB) radio newsC) Internet newsD) newspaper news

24 What tea does Lucy want to have today?

A) black tea with milkB) black tea with lemonC) herbal tea with sugarD) herbal tea with honey

Page 7: DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · was worried about how the cat would get on with her dog Tervel. Her Labrador was blind and partially deaf. He used to lie


© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2016



Page 8: DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · was worried about how the cat would get on with her dog Tervel. Her Labrador was blind and partially deaf. He used to lie


© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2016

Č T E N Í A   J A Z Y KO VÁ KO M P E T E N C E5. ČÁST ÚLOHY 25–29 10 bodů / 2 body

Přečtěte si pět krátkých textů. Na základě informací v textech vyberte k úlohám 25–29 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–D.

Seagull SamA seagull named Sam made the news all over Scotland for its rather special behaviour. The bird started to regularly go into the newsagents’ in Aberdeen. It’s well known that seagulls never miss the opportunity to get food. But Sam did even more. He always waited for the moment when the shopkeeper wasn’t looking, and then walked into the store. There he took a bag of cheesy crisps and hopped away. Sam always stole crisps of the same flavour, perhaps because of their red-coloured packaging. He carried the bag outside, where he opened it and had a picnic with other seagulls. This was unusual because seagulls never share food and always fight for it. The shopkeeper hated Sam and his seagull friends as he had to pay for the crisps.

(www.snopes.com, upraveno)

25 What did seagull Sam do?

A) Sam stole cheese from the shop.B) Sam shared food with other seagulls.C) Sam made friends with the shopkeeper.D) Sam took various colours of food packaging.

The History of Roller Skating Roller skating has been a popular free time activity for a very long time. In 1863 J. L. Plimpton patented his improved roller skates, forty-four years after M. Petitbled had patented the first roller skates in France. Petitbled’s early skates were very similar to the in-line skates we use today, but you could only go in a straight line with them and braking was impossible. Plimpton found them to be dangerous. This is why he used four wheels and a rubber cushion, which allowed control of the skates and braking. They were a huge success. Soon, he opened the first indoor public roller skating rink, which still belongs to his family. Very soon after that he started selling his know-how about building such rinks throughout the US. He also wanted to build a roller skate shop in his family furniture store but his father didn’t allow him to do so.

(www.kidzworld.com, upraveno)

26 What did J. L. Plimpton do according to the article?

A) He made roller skates safer.B) He started a roller skate shop.C) He patented the first roller skates.D) He sold the first roller skating rink.

Page 9: DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · was worried about how the cat would get on with her dog Tervel. Her Labrador was blind and partially deaf. He used to lie


© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2016


Fifty Bears in One CityWhen Michael Bond bought a teddy bear as a Christmas present for his wife, the toy inspired him to write. In 10 days he created a book about a bear that got lost at Paddington Station, which was close to where the Bonds lived. Paddington Bear is now popular worldwide because of a film. And what’s more, last year, fifty Paddington Bear statues could be found across London close to the places which the bear visited in the book. The statues were auctioned on-line this spring and according to the author’s wish all the money went to kids’ charities. The statues were created by famous sculptors, so they were a good investment indeed.

(www.visitlondon.com, upraveno)

27 What is true about Michael Bond according to the text?

A) He created statues of a bear.B) He lost a bear at Paddington Station.C) He wanted to help children financially.D) He was inspired by his wife to write a book.

…Australian artist, Jodi Rose, travels around the world and records vibrations in bridges to create experimental music for her project called Singing Bridges. At first, preservationists1 were afraid she could damage historical bridges, but when they saw her using only microphones, they stopped worrying. During one of her trips, this time to France, Rose saw a 600-year-old bridge called Pont du Diable. She immediately fell in love with it and wrote about her love on her blog. People thought it was only a strange way to get money for her musical project, but this wasn’t the case. Rose took the relationship with the bridge seriously. She even wanted to make it official, so this spring, they had a wedding with wedding rings: a small gold one for the bride and a huge iron one for the bridge. Mrs. Pont du Diable can now continue her project with her ‘stone husband’.

(www.huffi ngtonpost.com, upraveno)1 preservationist: památkář

28 What would be the best title for this article?

A) Australian Artist Married a Bridge in FranceB) Australian Artist Collects Money for Her ProjectC) Australian Artist Finished an Interesting Musical ProjectD) Australian Artist Damaged a 600-Year-Old French Bridge

Big SurpriseWhen Ann Johnson opened her birthday present, she wasn’t very happy. It was a cat and she was worried about how the cat would get on with her dog Tervel. Her Labrador was blind and partially deaf. He used to lie in his basket most of the time as he couldn’t see where he was going. At first the cat didn’t like him, but after only a few weeks the cat made Tervel its best friend. However, that was not all. Ann says that the biggest shock came when the cat decided to take on the role of a guide-cat. It waves its tail slightly, making a sort of perfume path. Tervel uses his nose and follows the way. Ann hadn’t expected anything like that. It’s not surprising that she lets Tervel and the cat enjoy walks in the garden on their own.

(www.wimp.com, upraveno)

29 What was the most surprising moment for Ann Johnson?

A) When she opened her birthday present.B) When the cat started to be the dog’s guide.C) When she started walking both the dog and cat.D) When the cat immediately fell in love with the dog.

Page 10: DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · was worried about how the cat would get on with her dog Tervel. Her Labrador was blind and partially deaf. He used to lie


© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2016

Č T E N Í A   J A Z Y KO VÁ KO M P E T E N C E6. ČÁST ÚLOHY 30–39 10 bodů / 1 bod

Přečtěte si tvrzení v úlohách 30–39 a leták s informacemi o lodi Britannia. Na základě informací v textu rozhodněte, zda jsou tvrzení pravdivá (P), nebo nepravdivá (N).


30 Britannia public tours take place every two hours.

31 There is an audio guide available for both the public and the special tours on Britannia.

32 No changes have been made in The Queen’s Bedroom on Britannia so far.

33 The State Drawing Room and The Sun Lounge on Britannia were both used by the Queen’s visitors.

34 It is impossible to reserve a table in The Royal Deck Tea Room.

35 The Royal Deck Tea Room has the same opening hours as the whole Britannia.

36 A person in an electric wheelchair can visit all rooms on board Britannia.

37 With the Annual Pass you can get a discount on refreshments on Britannia.

38 One pound from every entrance ticket automatically goes to The Royal Yacht Britannia Trust charity organisation.

39 The Britannia Gift Shop can be found on board Britannia.

Page 11: DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · was worried about how the cat would get on with her dog Tervel. Her Labrador was blind and partially deaf. He used to lie


© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2016


The Royal Yacht BritanniaBritannia was home to the Royal Family for over 40 years (in service from 1954 to 1997), before it became a museum. Now Britannia is a tourist attraction in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Opening times

Britannia is open every day of the year, except Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, from 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. We suggest you allow up to 2 hours for your Britannia experience. Please note that public tours are not timed, so you can begin your tour at any time within our opening hours. For current ticket prices please see our website.

Tours• Public tours: The general public can

explore the yacht’s five decks with our self-led audio tour guide. It will provide you with a rare insight into the life of the British Royal Family. The majority of items on display are the originals, kindly on loan from the Royal Collection. The fascinating audio tour is available in 27 languages and there is a children‘s version too.

• Special tours: Special tours can be arranged on board Britannia. Both early morning tours and evening tours are available. Instead of an audio guide, a personal guide dressed in a special uniform gives guests a unique insight into the history of the Royal Yacht on these special tours. Special tours must be booked in advance. For more information or prices, contact us on +44 (0) 131 555 8800.

Tour Highlights

• The State Drawing Room: This is where Her Majesty The Queen met her special guests. The room was also used by the Royal Family for relaxing, conversation and games. The atmosphere is truly special; kings and queens, world leaders and celebrities have all dined here.

• The Queen’s Bedroom: Everything in this room is as it was in 1954 when Britannia first appeared at sea. It is the only bedroom of a living monarch which is open to the public for viewing.

• The Sun Lounge: The Queen named this as one of her favourite places on board – where she could enjoy her afternoon tea alone. It was her private room where no one else was allowed.

• The Royal Deck Tea Room: On the fifth deck you can find the Royal Deck Tea Room, where the Royal Family enjoyed receptions. You can buy tea, coffee or lunch there. Please note that we are unable to pre-book tables. So at peak times you may wait a while for a free table, but we ensure you will be seated as quickly as possible. The Royal Deck Tea Room opens at 10.00 a.m. and closes at 4.30 p.m.


There is full wheelchair access on board Britannia thanks to a lift alongside Britannia and ramps for easy access to all decks. The only exception is The Royal Deck Tea Room on the fifth deck. This room is accessible only by the original internal lift from the Royal Bedrooms. Unfortunately, this original onboard lift is not big enough for electric wheelchairs.Annual Pass

After you buy your ticket to visit Britannia, you can apply for a free Annual Pass to come back as many times as you want within the following 12 months. When you visit the ship again with the Annual Pass, you don’t have to pay for an entrance ticket and your pass also allows you to get a 15% discount in The Royal Deck Tea Room. Please ask for details about the Annual Pass when you buy your ticket.The Royal Yacht Britannia Trust

Britannia is now owned by The Royal Yacht Britannia Trust charity organisation that helps to preserve it for future generations. If you want to help, you can fill in a form before you buy your Britannia entrance ticket and hand it in at the ticket office. Only then will the Britannia Trust be able to get £1 from every ticket you buy. It costs you nothing extra, just a few answers and your signature. The Britannia Gift Shop

Finish your visit with a trip to The Britannia Gift Shop. Back on dry land, after you leave the ship, this award-winning shop in the Ocean Terminal offers exclusive gifts and popular Britannia souvenirs.

(www.royalyachtbritannia.co.uk, upraveno)

Page 12: DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · was worried about how the cat would get on with her dog Tervel. Her Labrador was blind and partially deaf. He used to lie


© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2016

Č T E N Í A   J A Z Y KO VÁ KO M P E T E N C E7. ČÁST ÚLOHY 40–44 10 bodů / 2 body

Přečtěte si článek o muži jménem Martin Fejk. Na základě informací v textu vyberte k úlohám 40–44 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–D.

An ordinary man doing something extraordinary

Martin Fejk is a Czech teacher who has run across America and Asia, cycled through Europe, and still wants to do more. Martin has already run in twenty-one marathons, six 50-km races, five 50-mile races and two 100-mile runs. In 2007, he was also a member of the relay1 team that did a non-stop run around the world, in which Martin ran a distance of three marathons along the East Coast of the United States. This summer, he would like to run solo from Prague to London. He will cover the distance of at least one marathon every day for thirty days. Not many people can run such long distances, but that’s what makes Martin so special.

People often compare Martin to the film hero Forrest Gump, who had a great passion for running. He runs every day like Forrest Gump, but unlike the film hero, Martin knows exactly why he runs. Surprisingly, Martin says that he doesn’t run because he wants other people to run with him, running is something he could easily live without. Martin runs for Green Planet, which is a charity organisation working to bring drinking water to poor people around the world. And this is the motive for Martin: he wants to raise more money for this organisation as he knows that water is necessary for everyday life. Running from Prague to London, he will stop at many places to talk to the public and explain why he is running and how they can help. They don’t have to join him in his run, they can help those in need by supporting Green Planet financially.

With about two months left to prepare, Martin runs 4–8 miles on weekday trainings and has long runs at the weekend, running 12–20 miles on both Saturday and Sunday. When asked how difficult it is to train for such a long run, he answers, “Teaching kids can be exhausting, but is running complicated? It’s just running, nothing hard. One foot in front of the other.” It may sound boring to some people, but it’s absolutely normal for someone who has run 100 miles in less than 24 hours. Martin says, “Just keep it easy. Why make simple things complicated?”

Martin is physically ready for his run, but there are still problems to solve. Currently, he is concentrating on details of the 1266km route. There are still a few things to do, even though the route itself has already been carefully planned and all financial sponsors have been found. Martin has to discuss co-operation with his main sponsor, the International Sport School; find kind people along the route who will let him stay overnight and book the ferry to cross the Channel from Calais. He doesn’t worry about anything. “From Prague, just go West,” he says with a smile.

Martin is clearly in very good shape. He is super-slim and pretty leggy as most long-distance runners are, but he doesn’t have the conduct of a typical athlete who is ambitious and goal-oriented. On the contrary, he is relaxed, calm and doesn’t show his qualities. He is simply an ordinary man doing something extraordinary.

(www.expats.cz, upraveno)1 relay: štafeta

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© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2016


40 What does the first paragraph say about Martin?

A) He ran across Europe.B) He runs long-distance races.C) He ran around the world all by himself.D) He ran one marathon every day for a month.

41 Why does Martin run?

A) He wants other people to run.B) He needs it for his everyday life.C) He wants to be like Forrest Gump.D) He wants to help do the right thing.

42 How does Martin describe his training for long runs?

A) as simpleB) as boringC) as exhaustingD) as complicated

43 What does Martin need to do now for his Prague-London run?

A) find accommodationB) look for financial sponsorsC) decide on means of transportD) plan the direction for his route

44 Which expression could best replace ‘conduct’ in the last paragraph?

A) physical fitnessB) mental fitnessC) appearanceD) behaviour

Page 14: DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · was worried about how the cat would get on with her dog Tervel. Her Labrador was blind and partially deaf. He used to lie


© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2016

Č T E N Í A   J A Z Y KO VÁ KO M P E T E N C E8. ČÁST ÚLOHY 45–49 10 bodů / 2 body

Přečtěte si informace o pěti lidech, kteří chtějí jít dnes večer na koncert, a nabídku koncertů. Na základě informací v textech přiřaďte k úlohám 45–49 vždy jednu nabídku A–G. Dvě nabídky jsou navíc a nebudou použity.

45 SARAH _____

She hates pop stars like Madonna and Beyoncé. She likes listening to classical and rock music. Tonight she wants to go out of London to an open air rock concert. She doesn’t want to pay more than fifty pounds for the ticket.

46 JEREMY _____

His dream is to see his favourite rock band Coldplay, but unfortunately they aren‘t playing in London tonight. So he wants to find a place in London where at least melodies of this band will be played. He only has twenty pounds to spend on the ticket.

47 JOSH _____

He loves big music shows and doesn’t mind paying any sum of money for a really good concert. Tonight he wants to see a famous jazz musician playing outdoors. He doesn’t want to travel out of London.

48 AMANDA _____

She’s a DJ and plays modern dance music as well as hits by Madonna, but tonight she wants to visit a small club in London and listen to calm blues rhythms. She can pay up to twenty pounds for the entrance fee.

49 JIMMY _____

He plays the guitar in a rock band, but tonight he wants to see a blues performance. He hates outdoor concerts and doesn’t want to stay in London. The price of the ticket is not important for him because a good experience is priceless.

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Concerts andlive music

in or around London tonight


The Republic of the Blues band is playing tonight in the Blues Club in Reading. Don’t miss this unique occasion and come in and listen to the best of the independent blues scene. Enjoy calm rhythms in the relaxed atmosphere of our club for the reasonable price of £15. For those travelling to Reading from London, getting back home at night is easy thanks to the Nighttrack buses. They run every hour from 11:35 p.m. for just £1.


Do you want to see one of the most infl uential jazz musicians live? You have a chance tonight! American jazz tenor saxophnonist Sonny Rollins will play his best in the wonderful atmosphere of the uniquely stylish Inferno Club in central London. Tickets are available for £100.


The London Symphony Orchestra will perform tonight in Trafalgar Square at its annual open air concert. This year, no classical music will be played. You will have a chance to listen to orchestral versions of some famous rock and blues melodies. Melodies of Coldplay played by the London Symphony Orchestra will be a big surprise. Enjoy this wonderful concert in the middle of London for free.


Don’t sweat indoors – enjoy an outdoor concert outside London. Nothing can beat the unforgettable atmosphere of our concerts. Join us tonight for an amazing concert with the rock band 5 Seconds of Summer. They are fi nishing their UK tour here in Chelmsford (only 32 miles from London) and are said to be the new Coldplay. Tickets available for £20.


Beer, food, jazz and blues, in a fi eld, in the fresh air, on a summer day and night – that’s Northill Festival. You’ll fi nd us not far from Bedford, only an hour-and-a-half’s drive from London. Tickets are priced at £17.50 per person and the band selection off ers big names like Wild Card or Cherry Lee Mewis.


The After Dark club in the heart of London shows the best from the world of jazz, funk, blues and rock. Bands like Coldplay or Moondogs started their careers here. Tonight you can relax with lazy melodies of a young start-up blues band called Blue Blues. Catch brilliant live music and come to our small but cosy club with the interior designed in the style of the 60‘s. Entry £15.


Enjoy an open air performance by jazz legend Herbie Hancock. This excellent pianist is showing up with his band in London tonight. The audience will include listeners of jazz, blues and pop music. This will be their fi rst time playing at Wembley Stadium in London, where such stars as Madonna and Coldplay have performed. Hurry up, a ticket can be yours for only £150.


Page 16: DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · was worried about how the cat would get on with her dog Tervel. Her Labrador was blind and partially deaf. He used to lie


© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2016

Č T E N Í A   J A Z Y KO VÁ KO M P E T E N C E9. ČÁST ÚLOHY 50–64 15 bodů / 1 bod

Přečtěte si článek o kuriózní cestě do Austrálie. Na základě textu vyberte k úlohám 50–64 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–C.

The man who posted himself to Australia

Maybe you know the film Wrong Side Up about a man who sent himself in a box as a surprise for his girlfriend. But have you ever heard about Australian athlete Reg Spiers who actually managed to get from England to Australia in a wooden box (50) _________ the 1960s?

Spiers went to the UK from Australia because he wanted (51) _________ for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics there. But when it became clear that he would not qualify for the Olympic Games, Spiers (52) _________ to get enough money to fly back to Australia. He therefore decided to take a job at the airport to (53) _________ the cash for the ticket.

His plans changed when he lost his wallet with all his savings. Suddenly he didn’t have (54) _________ money for a plane ticket home. He was so anxious to get back to Australia, that he decided to post himself home in a wooden box. He convinced his friend John McSorley to build a box in (55) _________ he would get home and to pay for the transport.

Spiers didn’t pack (56) _________ things in the box, just a little food, a torch and a blanket and his friend helped him to hide inside. He survived a 24-hour delay at the airport in London and even managed to get out of the box (57) _________ the plane was in the air between London and Paris.

Once the plane finally (58) _________ in Perth, Australia, the plane door opened and Spiers heard the accent of Australian baggage handlers. He knew immediately he was home. He was really excited that he had made it, (59) _________ he still needed to get out of the box and the airport without being found. Fortunately, the box (60) _________ to a storehouse1 where there was no security so he could escape easily.

But back in England, John McSorley was very worried (61) _________ his friend. He decided to find out what had happened with Spiers and informed the media. But Spiers was back with his family and simply forgot to (62) _________ McSorley that he had managed his journey safely.

More than fifty years ago, Spiers’s journey became a sensation2 (63) _________ than anything else. Especially when he said how easy it was. ‘I just got in the box and sat there. Simple as that.’

Nothing like that (64) _________ again since then. All cargo3 loaded on to planes is now screened and a hiding person would be found.

(www.bbc.com, upraveno)1 storehouse: sklad2 sensation: senzace 3 cargo: náklad

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© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2016



50 A) in B) on C) at

51 A) prepare B) preparing C) to prepare

52 A) had B) should C) must

53 A) cost B) earn C) buy

54 A) any B) some C) no

55 A) where B) what C) which

56 A) a lot B) much C) many

57 A) if B) when C) during

58 A) landed B) took off C) boarded

59 A) because B) so C) but

60 A) took B) was taken C) was taking

61 A) of B) on C) about

62 A) say B) tell C) talk

63 A) big B) bigger C) biggest

64 A) happens B) happened C) has happened