Debris Removal

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  • 8/20/2019 Debris Removal


    Active debris removal: Aspects of trajectories, communication

    and illumination during final approach

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooijn

    Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS Delft, The Netherlands

    a r t i c l e i n f o

     Article history:

    Received 18 April 2015

    Received in revised form

    1 July 2015

    Accepted 3 August 2015

    Available online 15 August 2015


    Active debris removal

    Final approach

    Passive safety

    Communication blockage



    a b s t r a c t

    The aim of this research is to investigate a debris-remediation technique where a chaser

    performs a rendezvous with the debris, establishes a rigid-link connection, and actively

    de-orbits the debris. ESA's satellite Envisat has been used as a design case. The research

    assessed passive safety aspects of the final-approach manoeuvres by analysing the

    resulting trajectories after thrust inhibit. Next, the research explored the possibility for

    continuous ground communication by considering the chain of European space tracking

    (ESTRACK) ground stations (located mainly in Europe). Furthermore, obstruction of the

    communication signal by the target was studied. Last, the research studies the illumina-

    tion conditions encountered by the chaser, where obscuration of the Sun by the target was

    taken into account. Each of these elements are studied for the final approach only. In the

    topic of passive safety, the results confirm that manoeuvres on H-bar are passively unsafe,

    and indicate this also for the fly-around manoeuvres along the natural orbital motion. It

    can be concluded from the communication analysis that the maximum duration of the

    uninterrupted window varies between 22 and 32 min, using the chain of core ESTRACK

    ground stations. However, the study on communication blockage shows that frequent

    communication gaps can occur, with the longest gaps being in the order of one minute in

    duration. In the field of illumination, it can be concluded that correct target illumination

    and sensor visibility cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, the average solar-array area

    available during final approach varies between 35% and 75%, due to both incorrect

    pointing of the solar array by the chaser and obscuration by the target.

    &   2015 IAA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Recent studies on the instability of the debris popula-

    tion in low-Earth orbit (LEO) have shown that the envir-

    onment has reached a point where collisions among

    existing debris will result in the population to increase,

    even without any new launches [1]. This scenario is called

    the Kessler syndrome. Studies show that it is required to

    remove five large objects per year from highly populated

    orbits (e.g., LEO) to stabilise the projected growth   [2,3].

    These studies assume active mitigation measures for new

    launches on top of the removal of five large objects.

    However, not all new launches comply with these end-

    of-life strategies, and because there are still break-ups

    every year the growth prediction is a dynamic feature.

    More recent studies show that at least five to ten large

    objects should be removed per year   [4,5]. Because the

    natural orbital decay of defunct objects alone will not be

    sufficient, active debris removal (ADR) has to be used.

    Such active removal can be achieved in different ways.

    One way would be to hook up to a (passive) target with a

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    Acta Astronautica

    0094-5765/& 2015 IAA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    n Corresponding author. Tel.:  +31 15 278 9115.

    E-mail addresses:  [email protected] (J.A.F. Deloo),

    [email protected] (E. Mooij).

    Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277–295[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://

  • 8/20/2019 Debris Removal


    tether by harpoon or net [6], and either passively (with an

    electrodynamic tether that induces a Lorenz force by

    interacting with the Earth's magnetic field  [7]) or actively

    (by pulling with a dedicated propulsion unit or actual

    spacecraft [8,9]) remove the target from orbit such that it

    will enter the atmosphere. Another option could be that of 

    a rendezvous of an active chaser spacecraft with the target,

    dock to it, and use the chaser's propulsion system to forcethe combination to deorbit and move towards the


    An ADR study, named e.deorbit, has been carried out at

    the European Space Agency (ESA) to investigate the

    possibility for an ADR mission using a chase and catch

    approach. The e.deorbit mission aims at removing a single,

    large, non-operational satellite from LEO and is intended

    for launch in 2021   [10]. In that research a rigid-link

    connection has been considered between the chaser and

    the target. Such a mission faces major challenges in the

    rendezvous, capture and de-orbit phase of the mission.

    The rendezvous mission is typically divided into a

    number of main phases. After launch and injection of thechaser into the orbital plane of the target, the orbit phase

    angle will be reduced to bring the chaser roughly in the

    vicinity of the target. With relative navigation, the far-

    range rendezvous guidance will transfer the chaser from

    the phasing orbit to a first aim point in close vicinity of the

    target. The close-range rendezvous consists of two sub-

    phases, notably the final approach to the capture point and

    the closing phase to acquire the final-approach line.

    Finally, the actual docking takes place by establishing a

    structural connection. The main focus of this paper will be

    on the final-approach phase up to, but not including, the

    docking to the target.

    Fehse [11] describes a number of challenges for an ADR mission, among others absolute and relative navigation

    including the required sensors during the rendezvous, as

    well as the capture process and structural connection

    between chaser and target. The main challenge comes

    from the fact that the target is uncooperative. The rendez-

    vous with uncooperative objects requires flexible guidance

    strategies to cope with variable target motions. To avoid a

    catastrophic collision between the chaser and the target,

    passive safety measures must be incorporated in the

    trajectory design. Proper communication and illumination

    conditions, or rather lack thereof, only contribute to the


    Communication conditions for a non-cooperative ren-dezvous mission in LEO are expected to be very

    demanding for orbit control. To begin with, the commu-

    nication windows in LEO are relatively short. Per ground

    station a communication window of roughly 10 min may

    be expected. The lack of communication with the chaser

    during the final approach would require high on-board

    autonomy of the chaser, which is undesired in a novel

    mission that implements many immature technologies.

    Therefore, it would be beneficial to have continuouscontact with the spacecraft during the final approach,

    such that the rendezvous can be humanly supervised. This

    can be envisaged by using a chain of ground stations. For

    rigid-link connections, the distances between the chaser

    and target will be small during the final approach to allow

    for capturing the target. As a result, the communication

    signal may be obstructed from reaching the ground


    The illumination conditions in LEO can be quite chal-

    lenging for rendezvous, not only for navigation sensors

    that require visible light, but also for power supply of the

    chaser. Due to the short orbital period (90–100 min), the

    Sun direction changes quickly in time. Also, a large part of the orbit is eclipsed (except for orbits near the dawn–dusk

    region). The navigation system must be able to cope with

    these conditions. The small distance required between the

    chaser and target during the final approach also impacts

    the energy that can be produced by the solar array,

    because it cannot be guaranteed that the solar array is

    able to receive Sunlight, as it may be obscured from the

    Sun by the target. At the same time, the power require-

    ments during the final approach may become high due to

    the use of a robotic arm, navigation sensors and artificial


    This research addresses the challenges identified above,

    which can be classed in three categories: final approach,communication and illumination. The structure of this

    paper is as follows. First, in   Section 2   the models and

    definitions adopted in the research are summarised.

    Section 3 describes the methodology of the research. The

    results of the research are presented in Sections 4, 5, and 6,

    respectively.   Section 4   deals with the final approach,

    Section 5 with communication, and Section 6 with illumi-

    nation. Finally,   Section 7   summarises the conclusions of 

    the research.

    2. Denitions and models

    The research has been performed in the framework of ESA's e.deorbit feasibility study and therefore the


    Roman Symbols

    r    Position vector (m)

    [ x, y, z ] Position vector components (m)

    t    Time (s) V    Velocity (m/s)

    ½ _ x;   _ y;  _ z    Velocity vector components (m/s)

    Greek Symbols

    α    Azimuth (rad)

    γ    Acceleration vector  ðm=s2Þ

    ½γ  x; γ  y; γ  z   Acceleration vector components   ðm=s2Þ

     Δ x   Change of quantity x (-)

    ϵ   Spacecraft elevation angle (rad)θ    Elevation (rad)

    ω   Mean motion (rad/s)

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295278

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    definitions of the research have been mainly determined

    by these study parameters. The models for the spacecraft

    have also been based on the mission covered by this study.

    The definitions and models of the research are des-

    cribed below.

     2.1. Requirements

    A number of relevant requirements related to rendez-

    vous, communication and illumination aspects are listed in

    Table 1. These requirements come from the e.deorbit

    Phase A mission requirements document (MRD)  [10].

     2.2. Relative orbital motion

    The local vertical, local horizontal (LVLH)-frame is a

    commonly used reference frame in the field of relative

    orbital motion. The origin of the LVLH-frame is generally

    the centre of mass (CoM) of the (target) spacecraft. The

    LVLH-frame is illustrated in   Fig. 1(a), where   r   and   V 

    represent the in-orbit position and velocity vector, respec-

    tively. The axes of the LVLH-frame are defined as follows:

    the   þ z -axis towards the CoM of the Earth, the   þ y-axisopposite to the direction of the orbit angular momentum

    vector, and the   þ x-axis completes right-handed coordi-

    nate system, roughly in the direction of the orbital velocity.

    The x-,  y- and  z -axes are commonly denoted by V-bar,

    H-bar and R-bar, respectively. The orientation of a vector in

    the LVLH-frame will be defined by the azimuth angle,  α ,and elevation angle,  θ . The azimuth defines the directionof the vector projected on the   XY -plane. The azimuth is

    measured from 0 to 360   1C starting from the   þ x-axis

    towards the   þ y-axis. The elevation represents the angle

    between the vector and the XY-plane. The elevation is

    measured from  90 to 90   1C and is positive towards theþ z -axis. The azimuth and elevation angles are illustrated

    in Fig. 1(b) for a vector  V .

     2.2.1. Hill' s Equations of relative motion

    The Equations of Hill, rediscovered by Clohessy and

    Wilthsire for the application to space rendezvous, are used

    to describe relative motion between the chaser and the

    target. The differential equations of Hill expressed in the

    LVLH-frame are shown in Eq. (1) [12,13]:

    € x2ω_ z  ¼ γ  x   ð1Þ

    € yþω2 y ¼ γ  y   ð2Þ

    Fig. 1.  Local vertical, local horizontal reference frame. (a) Definition of the LVLH-frame with respect to Earth. (b) Definition of azimuth (α ) and elevation (θ ).

     Table 1

    E.deorbit phase-A requirements relevant for the research  [10].

    Req. ID Statement



    The chaser shall rendezvous to a parking point at 100 m (TBC) of the target in along-track direction



    A target angular velocity of 51/s around no single fixed axis shall be considered as a worst case scenario


    The communication link shall be maintained during all safety critical mission phases without any critical functionality.  Note: no directivesteerable antenna should be used



    The TTCa subsystem, in particular the antenna coverage and accommodation, shall be able to cope with the target in near vicinity/contact



    The TTC subsystem shall interface with the ESA network of ground stations, as defined in the ESTRACK facilities manual



    The chaser spacecraft shall be able to perform relative navigation with respect to the target object during the full target orbit anytime of 

    the year (TBC).  Note: relative navigation should also be possible during eclipse



    The power subsystem shall provide sufficient power for the spacecraft systems and payload instrument during all modes and mission


    a Telemetry, tracking and command (TTC).

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295   279

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     z þ2ω_



     z ¼ γ  z    ð3ÞIn Eq. (1),  x,  y  and  z  (and the derivatives) represent thechaser's motion in the LVLH-frame.   γ    represents the

    inertial acceleration applied to the chaser in this frame,

    and ω  represents the mean motion of the target orbit. TheEquations of Hill will be used to determine the required

    thrust during the forced-motion manoeuvres (hold points,

    straight-line forced motion and forced fly-around man-

    oeuvres). Given the related states and their derivatives for

    these manoeuvres, substituting them in Eq.   (1) gives the

    required thrust acceleration. The differential equations of 

    Hill can be solved analytically by assuming constant input

    accelerations, yielding the so-called Clohessy-Wiltshire

    solution (CW-solution) [13]. This solution will be used to

    simulate the free-drift motions.

     2.3. Vehicle models

    The spacecraft considered in the rendezvous are ESA's

    Envisat and a deorbitation spacecraft. Envisat is Europe's

    largest satellite (78 tonnes) in orbit, but inactive since

    April 2012. Envisat will serve as target. The deorbitation

    spacecraft is a conceptual chaser conceived during the e.

    deorbit study, weighing about 1500 kg  [14]. In Fig. 2 both

    spacecraft are illustrated during rendezvous just before

    clamping of the chaser onto the target. The body-fixed

    reference frame of the target and the chaser are alsodepicted in these figures and are denoted by the   t -frame

    and   c -frame, respectively. The origin of these reference

    frames is in the CoM of the corresponding spacecraft.

     2.4. Envisat attitude

    To cope with the uncertainty in Envisat's future attitude

    motion three different attitude scenarios are investigated,

    in line with those studied in the context of e.deorbit. The(hypothetical) attitude scenarios are summarised in

    Table 2. Here, the target is rotating around a spin axis,

    with a (maximum) rate of 51/s (cf. req. G-MIS-085,

    Table 1), and the spin axis in its turn is precessing around

    the angular momentum vector as an additional perturba-

    tion. The spin axis coincides with the   þ z -axis of the   t -

    frame, an assumption made by the team studying the

    attitude motion of Envisat [15]. The attitude scenarios are

    illustrated in   Fig. 3. It is noted that these scenarios

    represent fictive scenarios and that these rotations do

    not necessarily correspond to resulting torque-free mo-


     2.5. Envisat orbit propagation

    Envisat's future orbit is propagated from the High-

    Precision Orbit Propagator (HPOP) in Satellite Tool Kit

    (STK). The current orbit of Envisat is estimated using the

    two-line element (TLE) of 24 July 20141:

    1 27386U 02009A 14205.17227990 .00000017 00000-0

    19997-4 0 3065

    2 27386 098.3806 269.6083 0 001267 110.6854 275.0601


    This corresponds to a semi-major axis of 7144 km andan eccentricity of 0.001 (giving a perigee and apogee

    altitude of 757 and 775 km, respectively). The orbit incli-

    nation is 98.41. This orbit is propagated with the default

    HPOP settings. A pressure coefficient of 1 and an area-to-

    mass ratio of 0.01 m2/kg have been assumed for Envisat for

    the computation of the solar-radiation pressure. For the

    computation of the drag the same area-to-mass ratio has

    been assumed, with a drag coefficient of 2.2. For 2021, it is

    found that the altitude of Envisat varies around 740 km.

     2.6. Hold points and keep-out sphere

    Irrespective of the attitude scenario, the starting point

    for the final approach is defined by requirement R-MIS-

    100 in  Table 1. This requirement defines a hold point at

    100 m on V-bar, and will be denoted by  S 1. The end of the

    rendezvous is a hold point stationary with respect to the

    clamping location at a distance of 3 m. This hold point is

    denoted by   S  f , during which the clamping mechanism

    attaches to the target. A nominal duration of 300 s is

    assumed for this phase. Note that  S  f  is, strictly speaking,

    not necessarily a hold point since, in the case of precession

    of the target spin axis, this point is moving in the LVLH-

    Fig. 2.  Spacecraft models and body-fixed reference frames of Envisat and

    e.deorbit's deorbitation spacecraft  [14].

     Table 2

    Scenarios for Envisat's motion   [15].

    Scenario Spin








    between spin

    axis and

    reference axis



    rate of spin

    axis around

    reference axis


    # 1   þ z -


    of  t -




    5.0 0   –

    # 2 5.0 45 0.15

    # 3 5.0 90 0.15


    Two-Line Element Sets Current Data, NORAD,

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295280

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    frame. Besides the hold points, a (KOS) is defined around

    the CoM of Envisat. Considering that the outermost part of 

    Envisat's solar panel extends to about 20 m from the CoM,the radius of the KOS is defined to be 50 m. Within this

    sphere only forced motion manoeuvres and hold points are

    allowed. Furthermore, a maximum closing rate of 5 cm/s is

    adopted within this sphere, which leads to a 20-min durationof this phase.

    Fig. 3.   Envisat attitude scenarios illustrated. Generated with STK  [16]. (a) Scenario 1. (b) Scenario 2. (c) Scenario 3.

    Fig. 4.   The chaser's antenna configuration. (a) Antenna 1. (b) Antenna 2.

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295   281

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     2.7. Chaser attitude

    Within the KOS the chaser is assumed to be target

    pointing, with the negative  x-axis of its body-fixed frame

    pointing towards the target. Also, the chaser is assumed to

    rotate along with the rotational motion of the target. In

    target-pointing mode this implies a rotation of 51/s around

    the   x-axis of the   c -frame. This attitude means that theclamping mechanism of the chaser points to the target,

    and that residual motion between clamping mechanism

    and the clamping point is nullified, if the chaser is aligned

    with the target spin axis.

     2.8. Chaser antenna configuration

    The placement of the antennas on the chaser is illu-

    strated in Fig. 4. Note that in this figure the antennas are

    separated by the width of the chaser. In the configuration

    that is assessed by the distance between the antennas is

    halved to be able to cope with chaser designs that are

    smaller than the current one.

     2.9. Solar-array configuration of the chaser 

    The solar-array area of the chaser is equal to 3.2 m2 [14].

    Three different solar-array configurations are assessed. The

    configurations are shown in Fig. 5. Two fixed configurations

    and a one degree-of-freedom pointing configuration are


    3. Methodology 

    As mentioned earlier, the research is divided into threetopics: rendezvous, communication and illumination. This

    section describes the methodology that is used to provide

    an answer to the related challenges.

     3.1. Final approach

    To assess possible final-approach strategies the hold-

    points and KOS defined in   Section 2.6   are adopted. The

    approach towards the target is started from hold point  S 1.

    It is assumed that from this point on the goal of the chaser

    is consecutively to: (i) align with the target spin axis on

    the KOS, (ii) point towards the target and spin up to match

    the angular motion with the target, while following thespin axis, (iii) approach the target while following the spin

    axis, and (iv) remain stationary with respect to the

    clamping point.

    This strategy allows to match the rotation the chaser

    with the rotation of Envisat, so that no residual motion

    exists between the clamping mechanisms and the clamp-

    ing location. Moreover, this strategy avoids Envisat's main

    appendage: the solar array. The passive safety of the

    resulting final approach is assessed from the free-driftmotion (using the CW-equations) by investigating the

    behaviour after thrust inhibit anywhere during the final

    approach. Furthermore, aspects of the feasibility of the

    final approach are assessed by analysing the thrust


     3.2. Communication

    To assess the communication conditions during the

    rendezvous of the chaser with Envisat, first the optimal

    communication window during the rendezvous is identi-

    fied. Next obstruction of the communication signal during

    this optimal communication window is assessed. It is

    noted that no actual antenna design is incorporated.

    Basically, everything forward of the chaser can be   “seen”,

    i.e., effectively defining a semi-beam angle of 901.

     3.2.1. Identification of the optimal communication window

    Requirement R-TTC-020 in   Table 1   states that a con-

    tinuous communication link is to be maintained during

    the mission-critical phases. Requirement R-TTC-060

    demands communication via de ESTRACK network of 

    ground stations. To comply with these requirements, the

    optimal communication window is defined as the longest-

    duration uninterrupted communication window that canbe obtained using the ESTRACK network. There is a chain

    of ESTRACK ground stations located in Europe and South

    America, which are used to determine the duration of the

    Fig. 5.   The chaser's solar-array configurations. (a) Nominal fixed configuration. (b) Alternative fixed configuration. (c) One degree-of-freedom pointingconfiguration.

     Table 3

    Considered ESTRACK ground stations.

    Core network Augmented network  

    Kiruna (Europe) Svalbard (Europe)

    Redu (Europe) Santiago (South America)

    Villafranca (Europe)

    Santa Maria (Europe)

    Maspalomas (Europe)

    Kourou (South America)

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295282

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    uninterrupted communication window. The stations that

    are considered are listed in  Table 3.

    For details on the exact locations of ground stations one

    is referred to the ESTRACK facilities manual   [17]. The

    optimal communication windows are identified for the

    ESTRACK network assuming minimum elevation angles,

    ϵmin, of 51  and 101, respectively.

    STK's Access Tool is used to determine the availablecommunication windows with the individual ground sta-

    tions in the year 2021. The data will then be post-

    processed to identify overlap between the individual

    communication windows and subsequently the longest-

    duration uninterrupted communication window. Note that

    the optimal communication windows are independent of 

    the attitude scenario of Envisat and that Envisat's orbit

    requires to be propagated to 2021.

     3.2.2. Assessment of the severity of antenna obstruction by


    The severity of the obstruction by Envisat is assessed by

    placing a nadir-pointing antenna on the chaser. This an-tenna has a (FoV) just wide enough to contain the entire

    Earth in its conical (FoV) at the considered altitude. The

    percentage of the antenna's (FoV) that is obstructed by

    Envisat is determined using STK's Obscuration Tool. This

    is done for the entire length of the uninterrupted commu-

    nication window. The severity of the communication

    blockage by Envisat depends on the attitude scenario of 

    Envisat and will therefore be individually assessed for each


     3.2.3. Assessment of gaps in the continuous communication


    The next step is to analyse whether the obstruction byEnvisat results in gaps in the continuous communication

    window. For this purpose it is assessed whether Envisat is

    obstructing the LOS from the antennas to the ground

    stations. Hereto, STK's Obscuration Tool is used. The

    attitude of the chaser is simulated using a realistic antenna

    configuration. The assumptions with respect to chaser

    attitude and antenna configuration have been presented

    in Section 2.7 and 2.8, respectively.

     3.3. Illumination

    To assess the illumination conditions during the ren-

    dezvous of the chaser with Envisat, first the expected

    illumination conditions are determined. Next, solar-panel

    obscuration by Envisat is assessed.

     3.3.1. Expected illumination conditionsUsing STK, the illumination conditions in 2021 are

    extracted for the propagated orbit of Envisat. For commu-

    nication purposes the final approach to Envisat is con-

    strained above Europe, since here the ESTRACK network is

    available. Therefore, the illumination conditions have only

    been considered for this part of the orbit. A pass over

    Europe is defined by every orbit that has a descending

    node between 0 and   601   in longitude from Greenwich.

    The portions of the orbits from the descending node to 1/4

    of an orbital period before the descending node are

    defined as passes over Europe. The ground tracks of the

    orbits that satisfy these conditions are enclosed by the

    dashed lines as shown in   Fig. 6. In this figure the blobsrepresent the range of the core ESTRACK ground stations

    (ϵmin¼101) for a spacecraft at Envisat's orbital altitude.

     3.3.2. Solar-panel obscuration

    Solar-panel obscuration is only assessed for the final

    phase of the rendezvous within the KOS, where the

    chaser's attitude is simulated. The KOS is defined in

    Section 2.6. The solar-array configurations presented in

    Section 2.9   have been assessed using STK's Solar Panel

    Tool. In the analysis, both self-obscuration as well as

    obscuration by Envisat is taken into account.

    4. Final-approach results

    In Fig. 7 the approach strategy defined in  Section 3.1 is

    illustrated for the three scenarios. The figure shows the

    final approach of the chaser with the target in the LVLH-

    frame. The approach starts from  S 1  (¼(100,0,0) m) and

    ends in S  f  (3 m relative to the clamping location). The KOS

    is represented by the dotted lines, and has a 50-m radius.

    Fig. 6.   Pass over Europe (defined by every portion of orbit enclosed by the dashed lines). Generated with STK [16].

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295   283

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    In Fig. 7(a) a complete trajectory is shown for the final-approach phase of scenario 1. The final approach starts

    with the chaser moving from V-bar to H-bar with a

    straight-line forced motion FM 1. Hereafter, the chaser

    maintains a hold point on H-bar at SK 1, where it can

    acquire the required attitude (i.e., it can point its clamping

    mechanism towards the target and rotate along with the

    target). After hold point SK 1, the chaser approaches the

    target along H-bar (i.e., along the target spin axis) with a

    straight-line forced motion FM 2. Finally, the chaser ends

    in hold point SK 2, where it has time to clamp onto the


    An example of a complete sequence of manoeuvres for

    scenario 2 is shown in  Fig. 7(b) for a fly-around directionagainst the natural orbital motion. Note that the circle on

    the KOS, drawn to aid visualisation, represents the projec-

    tion of the spin axis during a full revolution of precession.

    The scenario starts with the transfer to H-bar with the

    straight-line forced motion, FM 1. On H-bar the hold point,

    SK 1, is established. Hereafter, the chaser aligns with the

    spin axis with FM 2. Next, the spin axis is followed with

    the constant-range forced-motion fly-around, FMFA 1. This

    allows the chaser to acquire the required attitude to be

    able to proceed with the closing forced-motion fly-around,

    CFMFA 1. Finally, the clamping location is followed at a

    distance of 3 m with FMFA 2. It is noted that FMFA 2 is

    almost not visible in this figure due to the small radius of this fly-around.

    The rendezvous strategy for scenario 3 is summarisedin  Fig. 7(c). Assumptions have to be made regarding the

    catching up with the spin axis. It is assumed that the catch

    up is done with a fly-around having an angular velocity of 

    0.31/s, which is double that of the precession rate (in the

    orbital plane of the chaser). In the case shown in Fig. 7(c)

    the initial conditions are such that the fly-around lasts for

    2701. This is illustrated by FMFA 1. Hereafter, the spin axis

    is followed with FMFA 2 (0.151/s) to allow the chaser to

    acquire the desired attitude. Next, the target is approached

    while following the spin axis with CFMFA 1. The final

    manoeuvre, FMFA 3, hovers 3 m above the clamping

    location to allow for clamping.

    4.1. Passive safety

    It can be seen from Fig. 7 that the final approach con-

    sists of straight-line forced-motion manoeuvres and for-

    ced-motion fly-around manoeuvres. Two manoeuvres in

    particular have been found passively unsafe after thrust

    inhibit. These include fly-around manoeuvres along the

    natural orbital motion for some fly-around angles and

    manoeuvres along H-bar. In the case that trajectories

    contain such passively unsafe forced-motion manoeuvres,

    the usual way of risk mitigation is to improve the failure

    tolerance of the GNC-system. The characteristics of the

    passively unsafe manoeuvres that have been identified arediscussed next.

    Fig. 7.   Final approach from  S 1  (¼(100,0,0) m) to  S  f  (3 m relative to the clamping location). (a) Scenario 1. (b) Scenario 2. (c) Scenario 3.

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295284

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    4.1.1. Forced-motion fly-around along the natural orbital


    The free-drift trajectories after thrust inhibit during a

    forced-motion fly-around along the natural orbital motion

    are illustrated in   Fig. 8.   The free-drift trajectories are

    shown for a fly-around angular rate of 0.151/s, and for

    failures at fly-around angles of 0, 45, 90 and 1351, res-

    pectively. For failures at angles of 180, 225, 270 and 3151,

    the same trajectories are obtained, but mirrored around

    the x- and  z -axes.

    In Fig. 8(a), the fly-around, FMFA 1, is inhibited just after

    it has been initiated. This results in a free-drift trajectory, FD

    1, where the chaser comes back to its initial position.  Fig. 8

    (b)–(d) all show similar behaviour, but on a different scale.

    In all cases the free-drift trajectories first move away fromthe KOS, but loop back to KOS after one orbital revolution.









    V−bar (m)

       R  −   b  a  r   (  m   )


    FM 1

    SK 1

    FMFA 1

    FD 1








    V−bar (m)

       R  −   b  a  r   (  m   )


    FM 1

    SK 1

    FMFA 1

    FD 1








    V−bar (m)

       R  −   b  a  r   (  m   )


    FM 1

    SK 1

    FMFA 1

    FD 1








    V−bar (m)

       R  −   b  a  r   (  m   )


    FM 1

    SK 1

    FMFA 1

    FD 1

    Fig. 8.  Free-drift trajectories after thrust inhibit during a forced-motion fly-around along the natural orbital motion (Fly-around angular velocity ¼0.151/s).

    (a) Thrust inhibit at a fly-around angle of 01. (b) Thrust inhibit at a fly-around angle of 451. (c) Thrust inhibit at a fly-around angle of 901. (d) Thrust inhibit

    at a fly-around angle of 1351.

    Fig. 9.  Critical fail angles for a fly-around along the natural orbital motion

    (Fly-around radius¼50 m).




    V−bar (m)

       H  −   b  a  r   (  m   )


    FM 1

    SK 1

    FD 1 in KOS

    Fig. 10.  Free-drift trajectory after thrust inhibit on H-bar (hold point at

    50 m).

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295   285

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    For different angular rates of the fly-around the same type

    of trajectories is obtained. The question is whether the

    chaser enters the KOS for specific fly-around angles of 

    failure. This is shown in  Fig. 9, where the range of critical

    fly-around angles for which the free-drift trajectory enters

    the KOS is shown for different angular rates. The figure

    shows that the range of critical fly-around angles is higher

    for low-angular-velocity fly-around manoeuvres. For exam-ple, in the case of a fly-around with an angular rate of 0.15 1/s,

    critical fly-around angles are found around 40, 180, 220 and

    3501, respectively.

    4.1.2. Manoeuvres on H-bar 

    The free-drift trajectory of the chaser in the case of 

    thrust inhibit during a hold point on H-bar is illustrated in

    Fig. 10. The figure shows that the chaser drifts along H-bar

    after thrust inhibit. As a result the chaser and the target

    will collide, a lack of passive safety that is well known

    from the literature   [18]. It can be found analytically from

    the CW-solution that the chaser will cross the orbital plane

    for the first time (i.e., collide with the target) after 1/4 of an orbital period. After one orbital revolution the chaser

    will have returned to its initial position. Considering the

    geometrical extension of both vehicles, the collision is

    expected a little before 1/4 of an orbital period. Every

    subsequent crossing of the orbital plane is an integer times

    1/2 orbital period later. Similar behaviour is observed for

    any manoeuvre along H-bar. In case the chaser has an

    initial velocity towards the target at thrust inhibit, the time

    before collision is reduced.

    4.2. Thrust profiles

    Typical manoeuvres that require continuous thrusting

    are hold points, straight-line forced motions and forced

    fly-around manoeuvres. The required thrust for the man-oeuvres can be found by inserting the equations of motion

    for these manoeuvres in the Hill equations, Eq. (1)   [19].

    The continuous-thrust manoeuvres are assumed to be

    initiated and terminated by impulsive shots.  Fig. 11 sum-

    marises the results for scenario 3. Scenarios 1 and 2 are

    not presented here, but similar conclusions concerning the

    thrust profiles and resulting accelerations can be drawn.

    Fig. 11 (a) shows the magnitude of thrust acceleration

    required. The figure shows a high variation in thrust

    acceleration between the different manoeuvres. It can be

    observed that FMFA 1 requires the largest thrust accelera-

    tion. This is attributed to the higher angular velocity of this

    fly-around compared to the other fly-around manoeuvres.The required thrust acceleration during FMFA 1 is about

    2.2 103 m/s2. This is within the thrusting capabilities of 

    the 22-N attitude thrusters of the chaser.

    Fig. 11   (b) illustrates the magnitude of the impulsive

    shots required. The labels on top of the bars represent the

    manoeuvre that is initialised with the corresponding

    impulsive   ΔV. It can be observed that the highest

    0 1000 2000 3000 40000





    2.5x 10

    Time (s)

       T   h  r  u  s   t  a  c  c  e   l  e  r  a   t   i  o  n   (  m   /  s

       2   )


    FM 1

    SK 1

    FMFA 1


    FMFA 3















          ∆   V   (  m   /  s   )

    FM 1 SK 1

    FMFA 1

    FMFA 2


    0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 35000





    Time (s)

       A  z   i  m  u   t   h   (   °   )

    0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500−90





       E   l  e  v  a   t   i  o  n   (   °   )



    FM 1

    SK 1

    FMFA 1

    FMFA 2

    CFMFA 1

    FMFA 3









    V−bar (m)

       R  −   b  a  r   (  m   )


    FM 1SK 1

    FMFA 1

    FMFA 2

    CFMFA 1

    FMFA 3

    Fig. 11.  Required thrust acceleration for manoeuvres in scenario 3. (a) Magnitude of thrust acceleration. (b) Magnitude of impulsive shots. (c) Direction of thrust acceleration in the LVLH-frame (azimuth and elevation). (d) Representation of thrust acceleration and impulsive shots in the LVLH-frame.

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295286

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    impulsive  ΔV is 0.26 m/s, required to initialise FMFA 1.

    Using the relation   ΔV  ¼ γ Δt , the time to deliver thisimpulsive shot with 22-N attitude thrusters is found to

    be almost 10 s. Compared to the duration of the man-

    oeuvres, this is small and the impulsive-shot assumption is

    considered to be reasonable.

    The direction of the required thrust during the final

    approach is depicted in Fig. 11(c) and (d). In Fig. 11(d) thegrey arrows represent continuous thrust-acceleration,

    whereas the black arrows are impulsive shots. The figures

    show that the required thrust acceleration is always

    towards the target. This is a good result as it means that

    thrusters must be fired away from the target. For the

    impulsive shots this is not always the case: ΔV 2  and ΔV 6require thrusting towards the target. Since ΔV 2  is applied

    at a large distance from the target this is not expected to

    be a problem. On the other hand,  ΔV 6  applied at a closedistance and may interfere the target.

    For the phase within the KOS, the required acceleration

    components in the  c -frame have been computed, assum-

    ing a rotating and target-pointing chaser, as defined in

    Section 2.7. The result is shown in   Fig. 12. It can be

    observed that thrust-acceleration components in the   c -

    frame are highly variable, especially during CFMFA 1. The

     y- and z -components show an oscillating behaviour, with a

    period corresponding to the rotation period of the chaser.

    Such a thrusting strategy requires throttleable attitude


    5. Communication results

    5.1. Longest-duration communication windows

    The longest-duration uninterrupted communication

    windows are summarised in  Table 4   for minimum eleva-

    tion angles,   ϵmin, of 51   and 101. For the identification of these communication windows the orbit propagated until

    year 2021 has been used. It is noted that for this study it is

    assumed that continuous communication is required

    when the chaser is inside the keep-out sphere. Duration

    of this phase is 20 min (see, for instance,   Fig. 12   for

    scenario 3). The results of  Table 4 are compliant with that.

    The ground track of the longest-duration pass over thecore ESTRACK stations is shown in  Fig. 13   for   ϵmin¼101.The spacecraft moves from north to south on this ground

    track. The blobs in this figure represent the range for

    communication of the different ground stations. The

    duration of the uninterrupted communication window

    that is obtained for this pass is 1337 sð722 minÞ. Com-

    munication windows that are within 5% in duration of this

     Table 4

    Summary of optimal communication windows.

    ESTRACK network   ϵmin(deg)


    communication time



    (within 5%)

    Core 10 1337 (E2 2 min) At least daily

    Core 5 1938 (E32 min) Every 1 or 2


    CoreþAugme nted 10 1474 (E24 min) At least daily

    CoreþAugmented 5 204 4 (E34 min) Every 1 or 2


    Fig. 13.  Ground track of the longest-duration uninterrupted communication windows with the ESTRACK network (core ESTRACK network,   ϵmin¼101).Generated with STK [16].

    0 500 1000 1500−8







    6x 10

    Time after entering KOS (s)

       T   h  r

      u  s   t  a  c  c  e   l  e  r  a   t   i  o  n   (  m   /  s   2   )

    CFMFA 1

    FMFA 3

    Fig. 12.   Thrust acceleration components in the   c -frame for the phase

    within the KOS.

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295   287

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    optimal window (i.e., larger than 1270 s) can be expected

    to occur at least daily. It is noted that in this case the

    uninterrupted communication window does not include

    the Kourou ground station in South America.

    Table 4   indicates that the maximum uninterrupted

    communication window is greatly increased   ð732 minÞ

    if minimum elevation angles,  ϵmin¼51, are assumed. The

    reason for this increase is mainly due to the fact that inthis case the Kourou station can be included. In the case

    that the augmented ESTRACK stations are also considered,

    the uninterrupted communication window is increased by

    2 min due to the inclusion of the Svalbard station. The

    augmented station in Santiago cannot be included in the

    continuous communication window (even if   ϵmin¼51).There is a small gap of approximately 30 s after being

    out of range for communication with Kourou and before

    being in range for communication with Santiago. If San-

    tiago would be included though, a window of roughly

    2600 s   ð743 minÞ  would be obtained.

    Fig. 13   shows that the ground track passes close to

    zenith for most stations. Also, the ground track passesthrough multiple blobs at the same time. The result is an

    overlap of the individual communication windows as

    shown in   Fig. 14. In the considered mission, overlap

    between the individual windows is a desired quality. In

    this case, if Envisat is obstructing communication with one

    of the ground stations, the chances are higher that another

    ground station is able to maintain the continuous com-

    munication link. In the communication windows where

    Kourou is included the overlap is worse. Antenna obstruc-

    tion and the resulting communication gaps are discussed

    in the next sections.

    5.2. Obstruction of communication antennas

    In this section first the severity of antenna obstruction

    is determined and subsequently the consequence of 

    obstruction in terms of communication gaps is assessed

    for the communication window with the core ESTRACK

    network (ϵmin¼101).

    5.2.1. Severity of antenna obstruction

    The severity of antenna FoV obstruction by Envisat is

    assessed using a nadir-pointing antenna. The rendezvous

    of the chaser with Envisat is simulated such that the end of 

    the final hold point   S  f    coincides with the end of theuninterrupted communication window, i.e., the end of 

    the communication window corresponds with clamping

    of the target. Any required margin to cover uncertainties is

    taken into account in the duration of the hold point,   S  f ,

    0 500 1000 15000






    Time after first contact (s)

       D   i  s   t  a  n  c  e   t  o   t  a  r  g  e   t   (  m   )

    0 500 1000 15000






    Time after first contact (s)

       A  n   t  e  n  n  a   F   O   V  o   b  s   t  r  u  c   t   i  o  n   (   %   )

    Scenario 1

    Scenario 2

    Scenario 3

    Fig. 15.   Distance to target and FoV obstruction. (a) Distance to target during uninterrupted communication window (core ESTRACK network,  ϵmin  ¼  101).(b) Antenna FoV obstruction by Envisat for nadir-pointing antenna.

    0 500 1000 1500




    Santa Maria


    Time after first contact (s)

    Fig. 14.   Overlap of the individual windows in the uninterrupted com-

    munication window (core ESTRACK network,  ϵmin¼101).

    0 500 1000 1500




    Santa Maria


    Time after first contact (s)

    ENVISAT in LoS

    No obstruction by ENVISAT

    Fig. 16.   Gaps in the continuous communication window for scenario 1.

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295288

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    assigned to clamping onto target, which is 300 s in dura-

    tion. For the communication window with the core

    ESTRACK network (ϵmin¼101), the distance to the targetduring contact with the stations is shown in Fig. 15(a). This

    applies to all attitude scenarios of Envisat, since the

    rendezvous strategies have all been defined to move

    towards the target with a velocity of 5 cm/s within the

    KOS. The time at which the distance to target, defined tobe along the trajectory, starts to decrease corresponds with

    entering the KOS. It can be observed that the distance to

    the target stops decreasing around 1000 s after first con-

    tact. This represents the hold point   S  f   at 3 m from the

    clamping point. The FoV obstruction of the nadir-pointing

    antenna is shown in   Fig. 15(b) for the worst-case

    approaches for the three scenarios.

    A number of aspects can directly be observed from

    Fig. 15(b). For all scenarios, FoV obstruction only starts

    after about 600 s after first contact with the Kiruna ground

    station (distance to target:   725 m). The percentage of 

    obstruction then increases until about 1000 s after first

    contact, after which it stagnates. This stagnation is due tothe fact that the distance between the chaser and target is

    constant after around 1000 s (see   Fig. 15(a)). A second

    observation that is made is the oscillation in the percen-

    tage of obstruction. This is explained by the fact that

    Envisat is rotating with respect to the nadir-pointing

    sensor. Last, it is observed that scenarios 2 and 3 represent

    the critical scenarios with high FoV obstruction. For these

    scenarios, the approach to the target can be from above (as

    seen from ground). As a result much more obstruction is

    obtained, since the entire body of Envisat could be in the

    antenna FoV. On the other hand, for scenario 1, by

    definition, the chaser approaches the target from the side

    (as seen from the ground). In this case, only the outergeometrical extension of the target can obstruct the

    antenna FoV, explaining the low obstruction. The resulting

    communication gaps in the uninterrupted communication

    windows are presented next.

    5.2.2. Communication gaps for scenario 1

    In scenario 1 the chaser approaches the target from the

    side with respect to the Earth and thus obstruction of the

    communication signal is not expected to be significant.

    The trajectory in   Fig. 7(a) has been simulated and the

    resulting obstruction in this case is shown in Fig. 16.

    The number of gaps found is limited. On top of that the

    duration of all the gaps is less than 5 s. During these gaps

    communication is also established with other ground

    stations. Therefore, there is no threat of losing commu-

    nication with the chaser in the whole course of the final

    approach for this scenario.

    5.2.3. Communication gaps for scenario 2

    A worst-case approach with respect to obstruction of 

    the communication signal is obtained when the chaser is

    above the XY-plane of the LVLH-frame in the final part of 

    the approach. In this case Envisat is in between the chaser

    and the ground stations, when the distance between

    Envisat and the chaser is small. In   Fig. 17(a) such an

    approach is shown for scenario 2 and it is used to find

    results for the communication analysis. From Fig. 15 it can

    be seen that the FoV obstruction of the nadir-pointing

    antenna goes up to 40% for scenario 2. The resulting gaps

    in the uninterrupted communication window are shownin Fig. 17(b).

    It can directly be observed from   Fig. 17(b) that the

    number of gaps and the length of the gaps is greatly

    increased compared to scenario 1. The main gap occurs for

    the communication window with Santa Maria. This gap is

     just over 1 min in duration. Next to this major gap, multi-

    ple smaller gaps occur during the communication window

    with Villafranca, Santa Maria and Maspalomas. These gaps

    are all smaller than 15 s. Inspection of the results has

    shown that the two final gaps (75 s each) in the com-

    munication window with Maspalomas represent the only

    cases where no other station is available for communica-

    tion. During all other gaps there is at least one station inLoS to maintain the continuous communication link.

    However, quick alternation between stations is required

    to maintain the continuous link. In any case requirement

    R-TTC-020 is violated due to the loss of the communication

    link at the end of the window with Maspalomas.

    5.2.4. Communication gaps for scenario 3

    In scenario 3 the chaser can approach from anywhere

    in the plane of the orbit. For the same reasons as for








     V − b a r  (  m )

    H − b a r  (  m  ) 

       R  −   b  a  r   (  m   )


    FM 1

    SK 1

    FM 2

    FMFA 1

    CFMFA 1

    FMFA 2

    0 500 1000 1500




    Santa Maria


    Time after first contact (s)

    ENVISAT in LoS

    No obstruction by ENVISAT

    Fig.17.  Gaps in the continuous communication window for scenario 2. (a) Worst-case approach for scenario 2 with respect to communication. (b) Nominalscenario 2 (approach from  H-bar).

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295   289

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    scenario 2, a worst-case approach with respect to obstruc-

    tion of the communication signal is obtained when the

    chaser is above the XY-plane of the LVLH-frame in the final

    part of the approach. Such an approach is shown in  Fig. 18

    (a). It can be seen from Fig. 15(b) that the FoV obstruction

    of the nadir-pointing antenna amounts up to 40%. This

    indicates that significant gaps may occur in the continuous

    communication window. The resulting gaps are shown inFig. 18(b).

    The most striking result is the long gap that occurs

    during the communication window with Maspalomas.

    This gap is about 1 min in duration. During the gap, the

    Santa Maria and Villafranca station also have short

    obstruction periods. This makes it challenging to maintain

    the continuous communication link, as a quick alternation

    between stations is required. Furthermore, two gaps of 

    around 5 s each are found near the end of the commu-

    nication window with Maspalomas. During these gaps no

    other stations are in range, which means that the com-

    munication link will be lost.

    6. Illumination results

    The position of the Sun with respect to the target and

    chaser in 2021 has been extracted during all passes over

    Europe in 2021. The resulting azimuth and elevation of the

    Sun in the LVLH-frame are summarised in   Table 5. The

    azimuth and elevation in the LVLH-frame have been

    defined in   Fig. 1(b).   Fig. 19   illustrates the mean target-

    Sun vector in the LVLH-frame. The results indicate that the

    Sun is always more or less coming from  H-bar. Also the

    maximum elevation angle is above Earth horizon and thus

    no eclipses are to be expected.

    The expected illumination conditions in 2021 haveconsequences for the (visual) navigation sensors and the

    target illumination during the final approach. It should

    also not to be forgotten that this phase and subsequent

    capture operations need to be monitored by ground via

    cameras on the chaser. These may be subject to possible

    blinding as well and may therefore need artificial illumi-

    nation. However, at this moment nothing is known yetabout the chosen sensor configuration and monitoring

    loops by ground control. Therefore, only a global analysis

    has been done to see to what extent artificial lighting

    would be required.

    The incoming Sunlight is coming from approximately

    H-bar. Therefore, an out-of-plane approach from this

    side is preferred. In this case the Sunlight will namely be

    coming from behind the chaser. Since the visual sensors

    for relative navigation will be pointing towards the target,

    there is no risk of being blinded by the Sun. Also, the target

    face that is approached will be illuminated by the Sun and

    there is no risk of solar-array obscuration. However, the

    risk of the chaser creating a shadow on the target exists.An out-of-plane approach from   þH-bar represents the

     Table 5

    Azimuth and elevation of Sun in LVLH.

    Azimuth,  α  (deg) Elevation,  θ  (deg)

    Mean Min Max STD Mean Min Max STD

    281.03 236.22 301.93 16.42   20.96   40.58 15.72   13.29





    V−bar (m)

       R  −

       b  a  r   (  m   )


    FM 1

    SK 1

    FMFA 1

    FMFA 2

    CFMFA 1

    FMFA 3

    0 500 1000 1500




    Santa Maria


    Time after first contact (s)

    ENVISAT in LoS

    No obstruction by ENVISAT

    Fig. 18.   Gaps in the continuous communication window for scenario 3. (a) Worst-case approach for scenario 3 with respect to communication. (b) Over-

    view of gaps.







    Fig. 19.   Mean target-Sun vector and schematic for Sun elevation at sun-

    rise or sunset.

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295290

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    worst case. In this case the Sun is behind the target from

    the chaser point-of-view. This means that the visual

    sensors will have a high risk of being blinded. Moreover,

    artificial light is required as the target face that is

    approached will not be illuminated. Finally, the chaser

    solar array risks being obscured by the target.

    Since the approach strategy is variable due to the

    uncertain attitude dynamics of Envisat, favourable ligh-ting conditions cannot be guaranteed during the final

    approach. The chaser must therefore be designed to cope

    with all lighting conditions to cope with requirement R-


    6.1. Available solar-array area

    The available solar-array area is assessed at the epoch

    for which the longest-duration communication window is

    obtained with the core ESTRACK network (ϵmin¼101).Since the variation in illumination conditions in 2021 is

    limited, as shown in Table 5, this will give a fair indication

    of the solar-array obscuration that can be expected. Thevariation of the Sun vector during the epoch of the optimal

    communication window is shown in   Fig. 20(a), where   t irepresents roughly the beginning of the uninterrupted

    communication window and   t  f   roughly the end of the

    uninterrupted communication window. t 1 and t 2 represent

    two intermediate times. Note that the available solar-array

    area has been computed for the three solar-array config-

    urations presented in   Section 2.9. It is also emphasised

    that the chaser is simulated to be target pointing and

    rotating with the target, as defined in Section 2.7. A 5 cm/s

    closing rate has been adopted within the KOS for all

    scenarios. The distance to the target is then represented

    by Fig. 20(b).

    6.1.1. Envisat attitude scenario 1

    As discussed above an approach from   H-bar is pre-

    ferred over an approach from  þH-bar, when considering

    the illumination conditions. Approaching the target from

    H-bar namely results in the Sun coming from behind,

    meaning that there is no threat of solar-array obscuration

    by Envisat. Approaching from  þH-bar represents thus the

    worst case for this scenario regarding the illumination

    conditions. Such an approach is shown in  Fig. 21   and is

    considered to find the worst-case results for solar-array

    obscuration. In   Fig. 22   the available solar-array area is

    shown for the three array configurations. A number of 

    observations are discussed below.

    In Fig. 22(a) and (c) strong periodic oscillations in the

    available solar-array area are observed. These oscillationsrepresent the chaser's inability to point the array as a

    result of the forced rotation along with Envisat. The period

    of the oscillation is thus related to the rotation rate of the

    chaser. The phenomenon of poor pointing as a result of a

    forced rotation along with the target is depicted concep-

    tually in Fig. 23. The upper left figure shows the situation

    where the chaser solar array is parallel to the incoming

    rays of Sun. Even in the case that the solar array has one

    degree-of-freedom around its longitudinal axis, no Sun

    rays would hit the array. The upper right figure shows the

    situation later in time, after the target and chaser have

    rotated by about 451. It can be seen that the solar array

    then starts to receive Sunlight. However, the array is stillnot working at full capacity. The bottom figure shows the

    ideal case where the solar array is perpendicular to the

    incoming Sunlight.











    0 500 1000 15000






    Time after entering KOS (s)

       D   i  s   t  a  n  c  e   t  o   t  a  r  g  e   t   (  m   )

    Fig. 20.  Target-Sun vector and distance to target within KOS. (a) Target-Sun vector in LVLH-frame during optimal uninterrupted communication windowwith core ESTRACK network (ϵmin  ¼   101). (b) Distance to target as a function of time after entering KOS.




    V−bar (m)

       H  −

       b  a  r   (  m   )


    FM 1

    SK 1

    FM 2

    SK 2

    Fig. 21.  Worst-case approach for scenario 1 with respect to illumination.

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295   291

  • 8/20/2019 Debris Removal


    No periodic oscillations are visible in Fig. 22(b). This is dueto the fact that the rotation of the solar array is such that the

    incidence angle of the Sunlight on the solar array is not

    impacted. This phenomenon is illustrated in Fig. 24. In this

    figure the chaser is shown for various orientations during a

    full revolution. From the observer's point of view, the chaser

    solar-array area remains constant during the revolution. This

    illustrates that a rotation does not necessarily lead to a

    fluctuation in available solar-array area.

    An observation that can be made for all configurations

    is a strong decrease in the average area starting 800 s after

    entering the KOS. This is equal to a distance of 10 m from

    the target as can be seen from   Fig. 20(b). This sudden

    decrease in solar-array area is attributed to the obscurationby Envisat. This phenomenon is illustrated in  Fig. 25. This

    figure shows that as the chaser approaches the target it

    gets more obscured. In   Fig. 22(b) and (c) a number of 

    sudden pits in the real-time available area are observed

    around 500 s, leading to a small decrease in the mean

    available area. This is also attributed to obscuration by


    The overall average solar-array area available during

    the approach is summarised in  Table 6. It is observed that

    the alternative fixed configuration is competing well with

    the pointing solar-array configuration. The difference in

    available solar-array area is only about 5%. On the contrary,

    the nominal fixed configuration performs poorly and has50% less solar-array area available on average.

    6.1.2. Envisat attitude scenarios 2 and 3For scenarios 2 and 3 the same illumination phenom-

    ena are observed. The resulting average solar-array area

    available for worst-case approaches is summarised in

    Table 7.

    It is noted that, in scenarios 2 and 3, the nominal fixed

    configuration performs better than the alternative fixed

    configuration. This is a result of the fly-around approach

    required for these scenarios. However, similarly to sce-

    nario 1, it is found that the pointing solar-array configura-

    tion performs best, but the fixed solar-array configurations

    can come close in performance. It can be concluded that if 

    the orientation of the fixed array is carefully chosen, the

    performance can be close to the pointing array.

    7. Conclusions

    Due to the uncertain attitude of Envisat, three different

    rotation scenarios have been considered for Envisat. An

    approach along H-bar is required for the first scenario. This

    approach along H-bar requires continuous thrusting

    towards the target. It is well known that an approach

    along H-bar is passively unsafe: in case of thrust inhibit

    the chaser drifts along H-bar towards the target. The exact

    time until collision depends on the initial relative position

    and velocity at the moment of thrust inhibit.

    For the two other scenarios forced fly-around motionshave been investigated. Forced fly-around motions against

    0 500 1000 15000






    Time after entering KOS (s)

       A  v  a   i   l  a   b   l  e  s  o   l  a

      r  p  a  n  e   l  a  r  e  a   (   %   )

    0 500 1000 15000






    Time after entering KOS (s)

       A  v  a   i   l  a   b   l  e  s  o   l  a

      r  p  a  n  e   l  a  r  e  a   (   %   )

    0 500 1000 15000






    Time after entering KOS (s)

       A  v  a   i   l  a   b   l  e  s  o   l  a  r  p  a  n  e

       l  a  r  e  a   (   %   )

    Fig. 22.   Available chaser solar-array area for Envisat attitude scenario 1. (a) Nominal fixed array configuration. (b) Alternative fixed array configuration. (c)

    Pointing array configuration.

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295292

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    the natural orbital motion are in general passively safe,

    while those along the natural orbital motion are generallypassively unsafe. For the latter, free-drift trajectories after

    thrust inhibit either loop back to the KOS after one orbital

    period or move towards the target initially for a specific

    range of failure angles. Therefore, fly-around manoeuvres

    against the natural orbital motion are preferred.

    In terms of feasibility of the final-approach strategies, it

    was found that the attitude thrusters of 22 N each are

    sufficient to provide the required thrust in this phase.

    However, owing to the forced rotation of the chaser along

    with the rotation of Envisat, the required thrust level inthe body-fixed frame of the chaser is quickly oscillating.

    This leads to complicated thrust profiles for the individual

    attitude thrusters.

    For ground communication during the final approach a

    continuous communication window of 22 min has been

    identified, if only the core ESTRACK network is considered

    and minimum elevation angles of 101 are assumed. In the

    case that minimum elevation angles of 51 are assumed, the

    window is increased to approximately 32 min. The main

    reason for the increase is the fact that the ground station

    at Kourou can be included. If the augmented ESTRACK

    network stations are also considered, then the commu-

    nication windows are increased by 2 min due to theinclusion of the Svalbard ground station. The 22-min

    Fig. 23.   Poor chaser solar-array pointing due to attitude matching with target. (a) Solar array parallel to incoming rays of Sun. (b) Solar array at 7451 angle

    to incoming rays of Sun. (c) Solar array perpendicular to incoming rays of Sun.

    Fig. 24.   Constant solar-array area during full revolution from the obser-

    ver's point of view.

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295   293

  • 8/20/2019 Debris Removal


    communication window is sufficient for the flight in the

    keep-out sphere, currently assumed to be 20 min.

    Communication blockage by Envisat has been assessed

    for the core ESTRACK network with minimum elevation

    angles of 101. Obstruction by Envisat starts at a distance of 

    25 m from the target and becomes only significant for a

    distance of 5 m or less. As a result of this obstruction

    significant gaps occur near the end of the continuous

    communication window, if worst-case approaches that

    end the rendezvous on top of Envisat are considered.

    Maximum gaps of about 1 min have been found during

    the communication window with Santa Maria or Maspa-

    lomas. Also, multiple smaller gaps  ð710Þ of less than 15 s

    with various ground stations (mainly Villafranca, Santa

    Maria and Maspalomas) have been found. Even though the

    overlap between the individual communication windows

    is good, the number of gaps will make it challenging to

    maintain the continuous communication link, since quickswitching between stations would be required. For an

    approach purely from out of the orbital plane no signifi-

    cant gaps are present in the communication window.

    Because during the final approach with the target a

    continuous communication window is required, given this

    constraint the corresponding illumination conditions dur-

    ing this part of the orbit (epoch 2021) have been investi-

    gated. No eclipses are expected and the Sunlight will come

    from approximately the  H-bar direction on average, i.e.,

    from out of the orbital plane. Favourable illumination

    conditions are thus obtained for approaches from   H-bar. In this case there is a low risk of sensor blinding and

    Fig. 25.   Chaser solar-array obscuration by target illustrated. (a) No obscuration of solar array. (b) Partly obscured solar array. (c) Full obscuration of 

    solar array.

     Table 6Average solar-array area available during

    scenario 1.

    Configuration Available area (%)

    Nominal fixed 24.8

    Alternative fixed 69.9

    Pointing 75.2

     Table 7Average solar-array area available during

    scenarios 2 and 3.

    Configuration Available area


    Scenario 2

    Nominal fixed 45.0




    Pointing 63.7

    Scenario 3

    Nominal fixed 57.5




    Pointing 72.4

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295294

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    solar-array obscuration. However, since the chaser must be

    prepared for rendezvous from any direction due to the

    uncertain attitude of Envisat, one cannot design the re-

    ndezvous for favourable illumination conditions. Worst-

    case conditions dictate that artificial light is requi-

    red and light-independent navigation sensors must be


    To assess obscuration of the chaser solar array by thetarget, three solar-array configurations have been consid-

    ered (two fixed and a one degree-of-freedom pointing).

    From the results it can be concluded that obscuration of 

    the solar array only becomes relevant for a distance

    smaller than 10 m from the target. Before this distance,

    the available solar-array area is mainly determined by the

    ability of the chaser to point the solar array towards the

    Sun. Since the chaser is required to rotate along with the

    rotation of Envisat, pointing of the solar array is restricted

    and strong oscillations occur in the available solar-array

    area. On average the pointing solar array performs better,

    but the fixed solar-array configurations can come quite

    close. For the three rotation scenarios of Envisat theaverage area available for the pointing solar array varies

    between 64% and 75%. For the fixed arrays this varies

    between 25% and 70%. It can be concluded that if the

    orientation of the fixed array is carefully chosen, the

    performance can be close to the pointing array. The use

    of a pointing solar array during the final-approach phase is

    challenging, because the chaser rotates along with Envisat.

    As a result a quick rotation of the solar array is required to

    point correctly. It is therefore more convenient to fix the

    solar array at an efficient angle before the final approach.


    The authors would like to thank the Systems and

    Concurrent Engineering section at ESA/ESTEC for provid-

    ing resources to the research in the form of support,

    accommodation and software licences. Furthermore, the

    Guidance, Navigation and Control Section at ESA/ESTEC is

    thanked for their additional support. Last, a special thanks

    to ESA's e.deorbit team, and in particular Tiago Soares, for

    the continuous input and support during the research.


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     J.A.F. Deloo   received his BSc and MSc inAerospace Engineering with honours fromDelft University of Technology in 2012 and2015, respectively. Throughout his studies hedeveloped a strong affection for space-debrisrelated topics. During his MSc he worked asan intern at Airbus Defence and Space in LesMureaux, France (former Astrium), on devel-oping a simulator for non-cooperative ren-dezvous. For his MSc thesis he analysed

    various challenging aspects of the e.deorbitmission at ESA/ESTEC.

    E. Mooij  received his MSc and PhD in Aero-space Engineering from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, in 1991 and

    1998, respectively. From 1995 until mid2007 he was working for Dutch Space, The

    Netherlands (now Airbus Defence and SpaceNetherlands), on re-entry systems and (real-

    time) simulator development. Currently, he isan Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Aero-

    space Engineering, Delft University of Tech-nology. His research interests include re-entry systems, space-debris removal, trajec-tory optimization, guidance and control sys-

    tem design, and design methods and data-analysis techniques. He is anassociate fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astro-nautics.

     J.A.F. Deloo, E. Mooij / Acta Astronautica 117 (2015) 277 – 295   295