Debate techniques esol

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  • 8/10/2019 Debate techniques esol



    Internet related idioms Surf the net/web to s!end time loo"in# at different !a#es on the Internet$ Get %our wires &rossed when there has been a misunderstandin# between !eo!le' usuall%related to ma"in# arran#ements$ To ta"e b% storm to &a!ti(ate !eo!le)s attention* when somethin# be&omes (er% !o!ular

    Con(ersation +uestions about so&ial networ"in# ,o %ou use so&ial networ"in# sites- What are the ad(anta#es and disad(anta#es of so&ial networ"in#- ,o %ou thin" so&ial networ"in# is &han#in# the wa% !eo!le beha(e- Is it !ossible that so&ial networ"in# sites ma"e !eo!le lonelier- What "ind of information are %ou &omfortable releasin# to the !ubli&- Are so&ial networ"in# sites for !eo!le who aren)t #ood at meetin# !eo!le fa&e to fa&e- What are the best so&ial networ"in# sites-

    Should &om!anies ban their em!lo%ees from usin# so&ial networ"in# sites at wor"- What new features would %ou li"e to see on so&ial networ"in# sites- Are so&ial networ"in# sites dan#erous- Should &hildren be allowed to use so&ial networ"in# sites- .a(e %ou mana#ed to &onta&t some of %our old friends usin# so&ial networ"s- ,o %ou thin" so&ial networ"in# sites should ha(e ad(ertisin#- ,o %ou thin" relationshi!s that start online are less li"el% to su&&eed- ,oes so&ial networ"in# &han#e the wa% &om!anies a&t now that it is easier for !eo!le to !ost bad&ustomer e !erien&es on the internet- Would %ou !refer to networ" online or offline- ,o %ou feel worried about %our !ersonal information bein# used b% others- ,o %ou e(er use so&ial networ"in# to im!ro(e %our En#lish-

    0osses s!end millions of !ounds on handin# out mobile !hones' la!to!s and 0la&"0erries to ma"esure their staff are in &onstant tou&h$0ut the de(i&es su!!osed to boost !rodu&ti(it% a!!ear to be ha(in# the o!!osite effe&t$

    A sur(e% of more than 1'222 0ritish offi&e wor"ers found that man% are so addi&ted to newte&hnolo#% that the% &an)t hel! but ta"e !hone &alls' send te t messa#es and a&&ess so&ialnetwor"in# sites when in meetin#s$3or some' the lure of bein# &onstantl% in tou&h is so stron# that the% will &ontinue to ta"e &alls andlisten to messa#es e(en when told to swit&h off their !hone or !ut awa% their la!to! or i4ad b% their boss$5an% e &use their bad manners b% sa%in# the% need to be on to! of their wor"' without realisin#the &onstant distra&tions are sto!!in# them from doin# their 6ob !ro!erl%$Software firm harmon$ie +uestioned 1'172 London offi&e wor"ers about their mobile manners$It found that durin# fa&e8to8fa&e meetin#s' 71 !er &ent remain #lued to their #ad#ets' te tin#'listenin# to (oi&e messa#es and &he&"in# and sendin# emails$

    Almost one in ten !ost information on so&ial networ"in# sites su&h as 3a&eboo" in meetin#s


  • 8/10/2019 Debate techniques esol



    Media's Effect on Body Image

    The !o!ular media 9tele(ision' mo(ies' ma#a:ines' et&$; ha(e' sin&e World War II' in&reasin#l%held u! a thinner and thinner bod% ima#e as the ideal for women$

    In a sur(e% of #irls < and 12 %ears old' 72= ha(e tried to lose wei#ht' a&&ordin# to anon#oin# stud% funded b% the National .eart' Lun# and 0lood Institute$ In a stud% on fifth #raders' 12 %ear old #irls and bo%s told resear&hers the% weredissatisfied with their own bodies after wat&hin# a musi& (ideo b% 0ritne% S!ears or a &li!from the T> show ?3riends?$ A 1

  • 8/10/2019 Debate techniques esol


    The National Center for .ealth Statisti&s estimates that about

  • 8/10/2019 Debate techniques esol



    !"#DE$" B%s E!"IO$! 9,o not show to Student A;

    1; What is so&ial networ"in#-

    ; What are the !ros and &ons of so&ial networ"in#-

    B; Are so&ial networ"in# sites dan#erous-

    7; Are %ou #ood at networ"in# fa&e to fa&e-

    ; Isn)t so&ial networ"in# 6ust a fan&% name for meetin# !eo!le and "ee!in# in tou&h-

    @; Should &hildren be allowed to use so&ial networ"in# sites-

    ; Is it !ossible that so&ial networ"in# sites ma"e !eo!le lonelier-

    D; Whi&h sites of famous !eo!le would %ou li"e to 6oin-

  • 8/10/2019 Debate techniques esol


    D O$E!

    #(!( to reduce use of drones )*+th May, *-./0

    H$S$ 4resident 0ara&" Obama has outlined a new !oli&% in the &ontro(ersial use of drones to "illsus!e&ted terrorists$ ,rones are unmanned air&raft that &an be &ontrolled from the H$S$ as well as

    from bases in or near war :ones$ 0oth the H$S$ militar% and the CIA use drones in their o!erations$ Around D22 drone stri"es ha(e ta"en !la&e in Af#hanistan in the !ast two %ears$ The CIAFs use of drones is shrouded in se&re&%$ E !erts belie(e the a#en&% has &ondu&ted around B 2 dronestri"es in 4a"istan and fewer than 122 in emen and Somalia sin&e 227$ Around B'222 !eo!leha(e been "illed b% drones sin&e 227$ The New Ameri&a 3oundation estimates that rou#hl% 1!er &ent of those "illed were &i(ilians$

    4resident Obama said the H$S$ would now onl% use drone stri"es as a last resort' when there is a?&ontinuin# and imminent? threat to the Ameri&an !eo!le' and that there must be ?near &ertaint%

    that no &i(ilians will be "illed or in6ured?$ Kenneth Roth from .uman Ri#hts Wat&h said ?A mere!romise that the HS will wor" within established #uidelines that remain se&ret !ro(ides little&onfiden&e that Mit is &om!l%in# with international law$? Shah:ad A"bar' a 4a"istani law%er wor"in#for drone (i&timsF families' said ?The !roblem remains the same be&ause there is no trans!aren&%and a&&ountabilit% for the CIA be&ause it will remain inside the s%stem and not be (isible tooutsiders$?

    1$ ,RONES Students wal" around the &lass and tal" to other students about drones$ Chan#e!artners often and share %our findin#s$

    $ C.AT In !airs / #rou!s' de&ide whi&h of these to!i&s or words from the arti&le are mostinterestin# and whi&h are most borin#$

    new policy / controversial / war zones / military / secrecy / experts / CIA / civilians / last resort /imminent threat / human rights / guidelines / international law / system

    .a(e a &hat about the to!i&s %ou li"ed$ Chan#e to!i&s and !artners fre+uentl%$

    B$ HN5ANNE, / HNWO5ANNE, Com!lete this table with %our !artner9s;$ Chan#e !artners oftenand share what %ou wrote$

    1ood2 Ad3antages 4 Disad3antages



    4assen#er !lane

    O!eratin# theatre



    7$ RO0OTS Students Astron#l%belie(e all future walls will be fou#ht with robots and drones*

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    Students 0stron#l%belie(e humans will alwa%s fi#ht wars$ Chan#e !artners a#ain and tal" about%our &on(ersations$

    Ama5on(com testing drone deli3ery ser3ice )6th Decem7er, *-./0

    The online store Ama:on is testin# a new method of deli(erin# !ar&els$ It wants to start usin#drones to #et !a&"a#es to &ustomers' in 6ust B2 minutes$ The drones are small' remote8&ontrolledheli&o!ters &alled Fo&to&o!tersF$ The% loo" li"e to%s$ Ama:onFs CEO eff 0e:os tal"ed about themon the Ameri&an T> show F@2 5inutesF$ .e said ?I "now this loo"s li"e s&ien&e fi&tion$ ItFs not$? .eadded ?We &an do half8hour deli(er%$$$and we &an &arr% ob6e&ts' we thin"' u! to $B"#' whi&h&o(ers D@ !er &ent of the items that we deli(er$? .e 6o"ed that Ama:on would not be able to deli(er some thin#s$ .e said ?It wonFt wor" for e(er%thin#$ WeFre not #oin# to deli(er "a%a"s' or table sawsthis wa%$?

    The new deli(er% s%stem is #oin# to be &alled F4rime AirF$ It &ould be in o!eration before the %ear

    21D$ 5r 0e:os belie(es it will be #ood for the en(ironment$ ?ItFs (er% #reen and itFs better thandri(in# tru&"s around'? he said$ The !ro6e&t still needs the #reen li#ht from the H$S$ #o(ernment$The &om!an% is ma"in# sure the Fo&to&o!terF meets all of the &ountr%Fs fl%in# safet% standards$0e:os onl% has one &on&ern with his Fo&to&o!tersF$ .e said ?This thin# &anFt land on somebod%Fshead while the%Fre wal"in# around their nei#hborhood$? .e said Ama:on needed to "ee! findin#new wa%s to sta% ahead$ .e "nows that &om!anies &an ha(e a short life s!an and that other businesses &an o(erta"e them' es!e&iall% those usin# te&hnolo#%$

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    This lesson !lan is based on the idea that ha(in# students su!!ort o!inions that are not

    ne&essaril% their own durin# debates &an hel! im!ro(e students fluen&%$ In this manner' students

    !ra#mati&all% fo&us on &orre&t !rodu&tion s"ills in &on(ersation rather than stri(in# to ?win? thear#ument$ 3or more information on this a!!roa&h !lease see the followin# feature Tea&hin#

    Con(ersational S"ills Ti!s and Strate#ies.( Multinationals 8 Help or Hindrance2Write the name of some ma6or multinational &or!orations on the board 9i$e$ Co&a Cola' Ni"e'Nestle' et&$; As" students what their o!inions of the &or!orations are$ ,o the% hurt lo&ale&onomies- ,o the% hel! lo&al e&onomies- ,o the% brin# about homo#enisation of lo&al &ultures-,o the% hel! !romote !ea&e internationall%- Et&$ 0ased on studentsF res!onses' di(ide #rou!s u!into two #rou!s$ One #rou! ar#uin# for 5ultinationals' one #rou! a#ainst 5ultinationals $

    *( First 9orld O7ligation,is&uss the differen&es between what is &onsidered a 3irst World Countr% and a Third World&ountr%$ As" students to &onsider the followin# statement 3irst World &ountries ha(e an obli#ationto hel! Third World &ountries with funds and assistan&e in &ases of hun#er and !o(ert%$ This is truebe&ause of the 3irst WorldFs ad(anta#eous !osition attained b% its e !loitin# the resour&es of theThird World in the !ast and !resent$ 0ased on studentsF res!onses' di(ide #rou!s u! into two#rou!s$ One #rou! ar#uin# for e tensi(e 3irst World res!onsibilit%' one #rou! for limitedres!onsibilit%$ 5ore P

    /( "he $ecessity of 1rammar Lead a short dis&ussion as"in# the studentFs o!inion on what the% &onsider to be the mostim!ortant as!e&ts of learnin# En#lish well$ As" students to &onsider the followin# statement Themost im!ortant in#redient of learnin# En#lish is Grammar$ 4la%in# #ames' dis&ussin# !roblems'and ha(in# a #ood time is im!ortant$ .owe(er' if we donFt fo&us on #rammar it is all a waste oftime$ 0ased on studentsF res!onses' di(ide #rou!s u! into two #rou!s$ One #rou! ar#uin# for the!rime im!ortan&e of learnin# #rammar' one #rou! for the idea that learnin# 6ust #rammar doesnFtmean that %ou are able to use En#lish effe&ti(el%$ 5ore P


    6( Men and 9omen 8 E:ual at ;ast2Write a few ideas on the board to en&oura#e dis&ussion of the e+ualit% between men and womenthe wor"!la&e' the home' #o(ernment' et&$ As" students if the% feel that women are trul% e+ual tomen in these (arious roles and !la&es$ 0ased on studentsF res!onses' di(ide #rou!s u! into two#rou!s$ One #rou! ar#uin# that e+ualit% has been a&hie(ed for women and one that feels thatwomen ha(e not %et attained true e+ualit% to men$ 5ore P

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    There is not mu&h !oint in ha(in# brilliant ideas if we &annot !ersuade !eo!le of their (alue$

    4ersuasi(e debaters &an win ar#uments usin# the for&e of their reason and b% the s"illful

    de!lo%ment of man% hand% te&hni+ues$ .ere are some #eneral dos and don)ts to hel! %ou win

    ar#uments to#ether with some snea"% ta&ti&s to be aware of$


    1. !tay calm( E(en if %ou #et !assionate about %our !oint %ou must sta% &ool and in &ommand of

    %our emotions$ If %ou lose %our tem!er %ou lose$

    2. #se facts as e3idence for your position( 3a&ts are hard to refute so #ather some !ertinent

    data before the ar#ument starts$ Sur(e%s' statisti&s' +uotes from rele(ant !eo!le and results

    are useful ar#uments to de!lo% in su!!ort of %our &ase$

    3. As> :uestions( If %ou &an as" the ri#ht +uestions %ou &an sta% in &ontrol of the dis&ussion and

    ma"e %our o!!onent s&ramble for answers$ ou &an as" +uestions that &hallen#e his !oint'

    What e(iden&e do %ou ha(e for that &laim-) ou &an as" h%!otheti&al +uestions that

    e tra!olate a trend and #i(e %our o!!onent a diffi&ult%' What would ha!!en if e(er% nation did

    that-) Another useful t%!e of +uestion is one that &alml% !ro(o"es %our foe' What is about this

    that ma"es %ou so an#r%-)

    4. #se logic( Show how one idea follows another$ 0uild %our &ase and use lo#i& to undermine

    %our o!!onent$

    5. Appeal to higher 3alues( As well as lo#i& %ou &an use a little emotion b% a!!ealin# to worth%

    moti(es that are hard to disa#ree with' Shouldn)t we all be wor"in# to ma"e the world better

    and safer for our &hildren-)

    6. ;isten carefully( 5an% !eo!le are so fo&used on what the% are #oin# to sa% that the% i#nore

    their o!!onent and assume his ar#uments$ It is better to listen &arefull%$ ou will obser(e

    wea"nesses and flaws in his !osition and sometimes %ou will hear somethin# new and

  • 8/10/2019 Debate techniques esol



    7. Be prepared to concede a good point( ,on)t ar#ue e(er% !oint for the sa"e of it$ If %our

    ad(ersar% ma"es a (alid !oint then a#ree but outwei#h it with a different ar#ument$ This ma"es

    %ou loo"ed reasonable$ I a#ree with %ou that !rison does not reform !risoners$ That is

    #enerall% true but !rison still a&ts effe&ti(el% as a deterrent and a !unishment$)

    8. !tudy your opponent( Know their stren#ths' wea"nesses' beliefs and (alues$ ou &an a!!eal

    to their hi#her (alues$ ou &an e !loit their wea"nesses b% turnin# their ar#uments ba&" on


    9. ;oo> for a win8win( 0e o!en8minded to a &om!romise !osition that a&&ommodates %our main

    !oints and some of %our o!!onent)s$ ou &annot both win in a bo in# mat&h but %ou &an both

    win in a ne#otiation$


    1. 1et personal( ,ire&t atta&"s on %our o!!onent)s lifest%le' inte#rit% or honest% should be

    a(oided$ Atta&" the issue not the !erson$ If the other !art% atta&"s %ou then %ou &an ta"e the

    hi#h #round e$#$) I am sur!rised at %ou ma"in# !ersonal atta&"s li"e that$ I thin" it would be

    better if we stu&" to the main issue here rather than mali#nin# !eo!le$)

    2. 1et distracted( our o!!onent ma% tr% to throw %ou off the s&ent b% introdu&in# new and

    e traneous themes$ ou must be firm$ That is an entirel% different issue whi&h I am ha!!% to

    dis&uss later$ 3or the moment let)s deal with the ma6or issue at hand$)

    3. 9ater down your strong arguments with wea> ones( If %ou ha(e three stron# !oints and

    two wea"er ones then it is !robabl% best to 6ust fo&us on the stron#$ 5a"e %our !oints

    &on(in&in#l% and as" for a#reement$ If %ou &arr% on and use the wea"er ar#uments then %our

    o!!onent &an rebut them and ma"e %our o(erall &ase loo" wea"er$

  • 8/10/2019 Debate techniques esol


    ;ow, snea>y ways that some people use to win arguments=

    1. #se punchy one8liners( ou &an sometimes throw %our o!!onent out of his stride b%

    inter6e&tin# a &onfident' &on&ise &li&h $ .ere are some #ood ones

    That be#s the +uestion$

    That is beside the !oint$

    ou)re bein# defensi(e$

    ,on)t &om!are a!!les and oran#es$

    What are %our !arameters-

    2. idicule and humiliate your opponent( This &an be (er% effe&ti(e in front of an audien&e but

    will ne(er win o(er the o!!onent himself$

    3. Deli7erately pro3o>e your ad3ersary( 3ind somethin# that ma"es them an#r% and "ee!

    wheedlin# awa% on this !oint until the% lose their tem!er and so the ar#ument$

    4. Distract( Throw in di(ersions whi&h defle&t the other !erson from their main !oint$

    5. E?aggerate your opponent%s position( Ta"e it wa% be%ond its intended le(el and then show

    how ridi&ulous and unreasonable the e a##erated !osition is$

    6. Contradict confidently( >i#orousl% denoun&e ea&h of %our o!!onent)s ar#uments as

    falla&ious but 6ust sele&t one or two that %ou &an defeat to !ro(e the !oint$ Then assume that

    %ou ha(e won$

    Remember that an ar#ument between two !eo!le is (er% different from a debate in front of an

    audien&e$ In the first %ou are tr%in# to win o(er the other !erson so loo" for wa%s of buildin#

    &onsensus and do not be belli#erent in ma"in# %our !oints$ In front of an audien&e %ou &an use all

    sorts of theatri&al and rhetori&al de(i&es to bolster %our &ase and belittle %our ad(ersar%$ In these

    &ir&umstan&es humour is a hi#hl% effe&ti(e tool so !re!are some &le(er lines in ad(an&e$


  • 8/10/2019 Debate techniques esol


    ThereFs no debate about itQ ,ebates are a #reat tool for en#a#in# students and li(enin# u! &lassroom &urri&ulum$ Hsin# debates in

    the &lassroom &an hel! students #ras! essential &riti&al thin"in# and !resentation s"ills$ Amon# the s"ills &lassroom debates &an

    foster are abstra&t thin"in#' &iti:enshi! and eti+uette' &larit%' or#ani:ation' !ersuasion' !ubli& s!ea"in#' resear&h' and teamwor" and

    &oo!eration$ And thatFs 6ust the be#innin#Q

    ;earn More A7out #sing De7ates in the ClassroomThe followin# Edu&ation World arti&les and lessons !ro(ide a #reat startin# !oint for usin# debates in the &lassroom

    ItFs H! for ,ebate,ebates are a sta!le of middle and hi#h s&hool so&ial studies &lasses$ 0ut ha(e %ou e(er thou#ht about usin# debates at the lower#rades 88 or in math &lass- Edu&ation World offers fi(e debate strate#ies and e tra lessons for students of all a#es$ The followin#fi(e lessons &an be found in this arti&le

    Sta#e a ,ebate A 4rimer for Tea&hers 9Lin&oln8,ou#las ,ebate 3ormat; Ada!t the standard debate format* !lus ten strate#ies for en#a#in# students in debate$ 9Grades B81 ;

    Role 4la% ,ebateStudents assume the roles of (arious sta"eholders in debates on issues of hi#h interest$ 9Grades B81 ; Hsin# 3air% Tales to ,ebate Ethi&sThree fair% tales &hallen#e students to thin" about honest%' ri#ht and wron#' and other +uestions of ethi&s$ 9Grades K8D; 3our Corners ,ebate

    A debate strate#% #ets "ids thin"in# and mo(in#$ ,ebate to!i&s in&luded for all #rades$ 9Grades K81 ; Inner Cir&le' Outer Cir&le ,ebate Strate#%The inner/outer &ir&le debate strate#% em!hasi:es listenin# to othersF (iews and writin# an o!inion essa%$ 9Grades B81 ;

    Classroom ,ebate Resour&e 4a#eThis s!e&ial Edu&ation World resour&es hi#hli#hts the best resour&es for debate rules* debate rubri&s for student assessment*debate to!i&s for &lassroom use* more debate lesson !lans* and fun debate strate#ies$

    More De7ate ;essons

    FThe% ust Come and GoF 88 A ,ebate About the White .ouseStudents sele&t a !resident' read about his life and a&&om!lishments as a leader' and then desi#n a monument in his honor$ The%

    learn about life in the White .ouse and debate one of fi(e issues related to the !residen&%$ 9Grades B81 ; .uman Nature Good or E(il-Sta#e a debate or write an essa% in res!onse to the +uestion Is human nature inherentl% #ood or inherentl% e(il- 9Grades @81 ; ItFs H! for ,ebate WWII IssuesStudents wor" in teams to e !lore a (ariet% of issues related to World War II' re(iew the de&isions that were made at the time' anddebate the &orre&tness of those de&isions$ 9Grades @81 ; Could Tedd% Roose(elt S!ell-Students sta#e debates about En#lish s!ellin# (s$ sim!lified s!ellin#$ 9Grades @8D; In our O!inion Are Athletes .eroes-Students !arti&i!ate in a &lassroom debate about athletes as heroes$ 9Grades @81 ;



    ,ebate &an be used in an% &lassroom$ It &an be as detailed and formal as the Lin&oln8,ou#lass
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    stru&ture used b% debate teams' or as sim!le and informal as !airin# students to resear&h and

    dis&uss the !ros and &ons of an issue$ As students identif%' resear&h' and ar#ue about &om!le

    ideas' the% hone their s"ills in &riti&al thin"in#' or#ani:ation' !ersuasion' !ubli& s!ea"in#' resear&h'

    and teamwor"$ If the issue the% debate is somethin# that is im!ortant to their families' their

    &ommunities' or themsel(es 88 as it is in Laura Al(are:Fs &lassroom 88 debate &an also be a

    !owerful wa% for students to effe&t &han#e$

    De7ate in ;aura Al3are5's Classroom

    In Laura Al(are:Fs &lass' debates' li"e !ersuasi(e letters' hel! the students to a&ademi&all% en#a#e

    the so&ial issues that affe&t their li(es$ The oral debates hel! students (erbali:e and flesh out their

    thou#hts$ Al(are: s&affolds student debates on issues with #reat &are* at ea&h ste!' she e !lains'

    models' !ro(ides #ra!hi& or#ani:ers' and su!!orts small #rou!s$ She be#ins b% ha(in# the

    students identif% &ommon issues in their boo"s and in their inter(iews$ The students loo" at the

    e !e&tations immi#rants ha(e about the Hnited States and the realities the% find$ Al(are: !ro(ides

    them with a #ra!hi& or#ani:er that hel!s them &lassif% the !roblems the% see under se(eral lar#e

    headin#s safet%' edu&ation' wor"' health' ri#hts' lan#ua#e' !ollution' and other$ This hel!s the

    students &raft !roblem statements 88 a ste! man% find diffi&ult$

    As the students resear&h' Al(are: hel!s them inter!ret what the% find in boo"s and on the Web$

    She reads aloud to the small #rou!s' as"in# them to sto! her when the% hear somethin# rele(ant

    to their !roblem statement$ She shows them how to ta"e notes on these sour&es$ She reminds her

    students re#ularl% that there will be a real audien&e for this wor" after the students &ondu&t their

    oral debates' the% will write letters to their intended audien&e$

    After the students ha(e resear&hed their issue' Al(are: #uides them to detail (arious ar#uments

    about it b% handin# out a list of and demonstratin# the followin# ste!s

    1$Identif% the !roblem$

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    $Identif% someone who &ould address this !roblem$

    B$Write a thesis statement that states %our o!inion about the !roblem and its solution$

    7$0rainstorm ar#uments to su!!ort %our o!inion$

    $0rainstorm &ounterar#uments$

    The &lass first wor"s to#ether as a #rou!' fo&used on one issue$ Al(are: shows the students how to &om!ile notes b% brainstormin#and re(iewin# their resear&h$ In small #rou!s' the students follow

    Al(are:Fs ste!s$ Then the% !ra&ti&e debatin# in !airs$ 3inall%' Al(are:in(ites !airs of students to the front of the &lass to debate$

    "ips and ariations for De7ate

    Laura Al(are: uses a st%le of debate that suits her students as transitional8bilin#ual fourth8 andfifth8#raders from immi#rant families' the% ha(e a stron# sta"e in the issues but need su!!ort inreadin#' writin#' s!ea"in#' and listenin# in En#lish$ Other st%les ma% a!!l% to other students$

    The students &an identif% debate to!i&s themsel(es' or the tea&her &an list ideas for them$

    .owe(er the to!i&s are &hosen' the% should be !hrased as +uestions 9e$#$' ?Should En#lishbe the onl% lan#ua#e of instru&tion in our s&hools-?;$ Remind the students that the test of a#ood to!i& is that ar#uments &an be made on both sides of the issue$ The tea&her &an hel! the students identif% resour&es' in&ludin# fi&tion and nonfi&tion !rintresour&es' inter(iews' sur(e%s' Web sites' statisti&s' et&$ The% &an as&ertain the sour&esFreliabilit% b% as"in# Is the sour&e an authorit%- Is the sour&e u! to date- ,oes the sour&eha(e a ?hidden a#enda? or bias- ,oes the sour&e offer lo#i&al e(iden&e for its information- The students &an list !ros and &ons with a sim!le T &hart' wor"in# indi(iduall%' in !airs' insmall #rou!s' or as a &lass$ The tea&her mi#ht hal(e the &lass and assi#n ea&h side a !osition' or allow the students to

    &hoose$ If the% wor" in teams' the% mi#ht ele&t a ?&a!tain? who will fa&ilitate and dele#ateres!onsibilities$ The tea&hers mi#ht also assi#n s!e&ifi& roles or subto!i&s$ The students &an or#ani:e their resear&h into ma6or and minor ar#uments$ At the sametime' the% should &onsider how to rebut &ounterar#uments$ The students should rehearse the debate$ ,e!endin# on the debateFs format' the tea&herma% im!ose time limits$ The students &an !arti&i!ate as indi(iduals or in teams$ If the%debate in teams' members should de&ide who !resents the ar#ument and&ounterar#ument$ The students ma% sta#e debates for the &lass' lar#er s&hool audien&es' and/or &ommunit%members$

    The most &ommon formal debate stru&ture is the Lin&oln8,ou#lass st%le$ The followin# (ariationsare !arti&ularl% a!!ro!riate for middle s&hool$

    "hin>8pair8share de7ate strategy= Ea&h student resear&hes a &ommon to!i& and s!ends12 minutes ma"in# notes on !ossible ar#uments$ Ne t' the students form !airs in whi&hthe% share ideas' &om!are notes' and further their thin"in# for another 12 minutes$ Ea&h!air then 6oins another !air to share ideas and &om!are notes for another 12 minutes$ Ifthere is time' two #rou!s of four &an 6oin for another 12 minutes of sharin#$ E(entuall% thewhole &lass re#rou!s to share as the tea&her fa&ilitates and ta"es notes$ "ag8team de7ate strategy= A team of fi(e members re!resents ea&h side of a debatable+uestion$ Ea&h team has three to si minutes ea&h s!ea"er from the team &an s!ea" for

    one minute' then ta# another team member to &ontinue$ 9An% team member &an (olunteerto #o$; No member of the team &an be ta##ed twi&e until all the members ha(e been ta##edon&e$

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    @articipation countdown strategy= This strate#% ensures that no student dominates adis&ussion$ When the students are !resentin#' as" that e(er% time audien&e members raisetheir hands to !ose &ounterar#uments' the% indi&ate how often the% ha(e !arti&i!ated$ Thestudents should raise their hands the first time with one fin#er !ointin# u!' the se&ond timewith two fin#ers' et&$ After three times' the% are no lon#er allowed to !arti&i!ate$ This hel!sindi(iduals ration their in(ol(ement$

    "eacher, @eer, and !elf8Assessment of the De7ate

    5an% tea&hers use rubri&s that the students ha(e hel!ed &reate$ In addition' tea&hers should as"the students to write or dis&uss debatin#$ Sam!le +uestions in&lude

    Ob6e&ti(e +uestions about the debates .ow lo#i&al were the ar#uments- .ow !ersuasi(e- What e am!les' fa&ts' or othere(iden&e were es!e&iall% !ersuasi(e- .ow stron# were the &ounterar#uments- .ow well was the debate !resented- ,id the student9s; s!ea" &learl% and for&efull% with#ood e%e &onta&t- Was the st%le !ersuasi(e-

    To self8assess the debate strate#% as a whole .ow did %our resear&h !ro&ess and debate hel! %ou better understand the literature andthe so&ial issue- What as!e&ts of the debate did %ou do es!e&iall% well- Wh%- What as!e&ts of the debate mi#ht %ou do differentl% ne t time- Wh%- .ow- What ha(e %ou learned about !ubli& s!ea"in#- .ow did %our own ideas and (iews de(elo! throu#h this !ro&ess- What did %ou learn about the ?other side?-

    What do %ou ho!e will ha!!en as a result of this debate- What are %our ne t ste!s on thisissue-

    Benefits of De7ate 0% !osin# debatable +uestions' tea&hers hel! students thin"&riti&all% about im!ortant so&ial issues$ 0% hel!in# students resear&h their ar#uments' tea&hersen#a#e them as &riti&al readers$ With #uidan&e' the studentslearn to e(aluate sour&es' ta"e notes' determine the relati(eim!ortan&e of ar#uments' and (alue &ounterar#uments$ 0% ha(in# a real !ur!ose and audien&e' the students ha(emore ownershi! of and !ride in their ar#uments$ The students see that their (iews and (oi&es ma"e a differen&e$ The students learn to s!ea" !ersuasi(el% and to listen res!e&tfull%$ The students &onne&t lan#ua#e arts with their worlds$ ,ebates &hallen#e the students to understand multi!le !oints of (iew$ The% must be ableto su!!ort their own o!inions and othersF$ Tea&hers &an use the ri#or and formalit% of adebate to ma"e sure e(er% (oi&e is heard and res!e&ted$ As tea&her edu&ator Sonia Nietonotes ?When %ou !ut Mreal !roblems and issues in the &urri&ulum' instead of slidin# themunder the ru#' %ouFre better able to deal with them and ma"e them trans!arent$ This is

    reall% what edu&ation should be about to loo" at thin#s &riti&all%' to tea&h "ids to en#a#ewith the sub6e&t matter$ And the sub6e&t matter in this !arti&ular &ase ha!!ens to be theirli(es$?

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    Constru&tin# a s!ee&h

    Contents M.ide

    1$ Introdu&tion $ The 3irst Im!ression $1$ Conte tualisation

    $ $ O(er(iew $B$ 4rominent E am!le $7$ 4ersonal Ane&dote $ $ uotations $@$ .umour B$ 3inishin# Stron# B$1$ 3ollowin# the Theme B$ $ uotations B$B$ Summation 7$ Ease of tra&"in#

    7$1$ Si#n!ostin# 7$ $ Transition 5ar"ers $ Word Choi&e $1$ Ne&essit% $ $ Sim!li&it% $B$ A&&ura&% $7$ So!histi&ation

    .( Introduction

    There is more to a debate s!ee&h than the mere deli(er% of ar#uments and rebuttals$ No doubtthese two elements form the ba&"bone of a debate s!ee&h$ .owe(er' the followin# elements are
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    &ru&ial in ma"in# a s!ee&h interestin#' memorable and eas% to follow for the 6ud#es$ When the 6ud#es ha(e an eas% time followin# a ,ebater)s s!ee&h' the% will alwa%s be more in&lined to #i(emore !oints in return$

    *( "he First Impression

    It is &ritial that ,ebaters ma"e a #ood first im!ression on the 6ud#es within a debate$ 5a"in# a#ood im!ression strai#ht awa% leads the 6ud#es to belie(e that the debater is &a!able of ma"in# a#ood s!ee&h to follow and indu&es them to #i(e hi#her s&ores if the debater is able to fulfill this

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    !otential$ 5an% debaters' howe(er' will merel% laun&h into the s!ee&hes) &ontents' whi&h ma"esthe remar"s a!!ear more utilitarian$ A #ood introdu&tion is thus essential in raisin# the e !e&tationsof the 6ud#es$

    A #ood introdu&tion also ser(es to differentiate the s!ea"er from the other debaters in the round

    and #et more attention from the 6ud#es$ ,ebaters &an &onsider usin# the followin# elements to&reate effe&ti(e introdu&tions to their s!ee&hes$ ,ebaters should allo&ated about 287 se&onds for the introdu&tions but this will de!end on the time a(ailable for the s!ee&h and the amount of substanti(e matter whi&h needs to be &o(ered$

    *(.( Conte?tualisation

    This te&hni+ue is &ommonl% used b% the 3irst s!ea"ers of bothteams$ The s!ea"ers o!en their s!ee&hes b% &onte tuali:in# themotion in real world e(ents$ This shows the 6ud#es that thes!ea"ers understand the rele(an&e of the motion and wh% themotion is bein# debated$ The &onte tualisation also !ro(ides thes!ea"ers with an o!!ortunit% to ma"e their stan&e as s%m!atheti&as !ossible$

    In a debate about the use of nu&lear te&hnolo#%' the 3irst 4ro!osition S!ea"er &an o!en b% &itin#the de!letion of natural resour&es as well as the need to find sustainable and &hea! ener#%sour&es in the de(elo!in# world$ The s!ea"er ma% also hi#hli#ht the in&reasin# &on&erns o(er &arbon emissions and #lobal warmin#' fa&tors whi&h will su!!ort 4ro!osition)s ar#uments in fa(our of nu&lear te&hnolo#%$ The 3irst O!!osition S!ea"er' in &ontrast' will &onte tuali:e the debate b%referrin# to nu&lear a&&idents' su&h as those in a!an' as well as the threat of nu&lear wea!on!ro#rammes in North Korea and Iran$

    *(*( O3er3iew

    The o(er(iew is a te&hni+ue more &ommonl% used from theSe&ond S!ea"er onwards' althou#h the 3irst O!!osition S!ea"er ma% also use it$ .ere' the ,ebater ma"es a &riti+ue of thea!!roa&h bein# ta"en b% the o!!osin# team$ This is an atta&" onthe o!!osin# team whi&h #oes be%ond a mere rebuttal of a !oint$.ere' the debater ma"es the assessment of how the debate is!ro&eedin# and wh% the o!!onent)s #eneral a!!roa&h is flawed$

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    This assessment will also ser(e as a !re8&ursor to the e(aluati(e &om!onent of the Summar%S!ee&hes and si#nals to the 6ud#es that the ,ebater has the abilit% to loo" at the debate &riti&all%$

    3or instan&e' in a ,ebate about #lobalisation' the Se&ond 4ro!osition S!ea"er &an note that theO!!osition has fo&used mainl% on so&ial and !oliti&al issues and &riti&ise this a!!roa&h durin# the

    o(er(iew as #lobalisation is !rimaril% an e&onomi& !henomenon$ The Se&ond O!!osition S!ea"er'in res!onse' &an note durin# the o(er(iew that the 4ro!osition had !rimaril% used e am!les fromde(elo!ed &ountries and has i#nored the im!a&t on least de(elo!in# &ountries in order to !ut#lobalisation in a #ood li#ht$

    *(/( @rominent E?ample

    Another interestin# wa% to o!en the s!ee&h is to use a !oi#nante am!le in su!!ort of the team)s stan&e$ This has the effe&t of +ui&"l% #roundin# the debate in realit% and !uttin# a &lear metalima#e of the debate in the minds of the 6ud#es$ This te&hni+uediffers from &onte tuali:ation as the ,ebater is onl% usin# a sin#lee am!le for its im!a&t rather than the e !lanation of the broad&ir&umstan&e$ Thus' #oin# ba&" to the motion on nu&lear te&hnolo#%' the s!ea"er &an o!en with a detailed e am!le on therea&tor meltdown at Chernob%l and the resultant radioa&ti(efallout o(er Euro!e$ While all the s!ea"ers on the floor ha(e theo!tion of o!enin# the s!ee&h with an e am!le' the% will ha(e tobe aware that this will ne&essaril% ta"e awa% an e am!le whi&h&ould ha(e been used for an ar#ument or rebuttal$

    *(6( @ersonal Anecdote

    This te&hni+ue is es!e&iall% useful in establishin# a ra!!ort withthe 6ud#es and the audien&e$ This allows the debater to &reatesome differentiation from the rest of the s!ea"ers while ma"in#the to!i& a little more interestin#$ Ideall%' the ane&dote should berelated to the motion$

    On some o&&asions' ,ebaters &an #et an additional benefit from this te&hni+ue b% be&omin#

    authorit% fi#ures$ 3or instan&e' on a motion about the Hnited Nations' a ,ebater who has wor"edor interned at the HN will be able to s!ea" with more authorit%$ Thus' the ,ebater &an ma"ereferen&e to an in&ident or e!isode durin# the stint at the HN$ Sin&e it will be &lums% and !ossibl%

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    &ounter!rodu&ti(e to sa% I ha(e wor"ed at the HN so I "now more about this than an%one here'J a#ood wa% to &laim authorit% will be subtl% wor"in# in the ,ebaterFs HN ba&"#round into anane&dote or stor%$


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    /( Finishing !trong

    The &on&lusion to a s!ee&h is 6ust as im!ortant as the introdu&tion$ The 6ud#es will be &lose toma"in# u! their minds on the s&ore to be #i(en to the s!ea"ers and a stron# finish &ould assist in!ushin# the s&ore a little hi#her$ Thus' s!ea"ers should #et rid of bad habits su&h as !ani&"ed andrushed endin#s or in&om!lete &on&lusions trailin# off as the% return to their seats$ Instead' the%should allo&ate some time at the end of their s!ee&hes for a stron# and effe&ti(e &on&lusion$

    /(.( Following the "heme

    One te&hni+ue to wra! u! the s!ee&h to refer ba&" to the introdu&tion and finish on the sametheme$ Thus' if an ane&dote was used' the &on&lusion &ould refer to the same stor% for a fittin#&on&lusion$ The s!ea"er with the HN e !erien&e &an sum u! the s!ee&h b% referrin# to thelessons learnt at the end of the tenure$

    /(*( &uotations

    uotations wor" e(en better at the end of s!ee&hes as the% are short and &an be deli(ered with aflourish* useful when there will be little time left for the s!ea"er$

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    /(/( !ummation

    S!ea"ers who !ro(ide a summation of the "e% &om!onents of the s!ee&h 6ust deli(ered will beable to remind the 6ud#es of all the !oints &o(ered$ This will ensure that the 6ud#es did not miss asin#le !oint$ This also lets the 6ud#es "now that the s!ea"er had &om!lete &ontrol o(er and

    awareness of the s!ee&h$

    The summation &an also be e !anded to &o(er the "e% !oints alread% deli(ered b% the !re&edin#s!ea"ers$ This ensures that these "e% &om!onents will remain fresh in the minds of the 6ud#es$Third S!ea"ers in !arti&ular' should summarise the substanti(e ar#uments raised b% their teammates at the end of their s!ee&hes$

    6( Ease of trac>ing

    6(.( !ignposting

    Si#n!ostin# refers to the ,ebater si#nalin# to the 6ud#es on whatthe (arious &om!onents of the s!ee&h are$ S!e&ifi&all%' this refersto the ,ebater de&larin# what &om!onent is about to be deli(eredbefore the deli(er% itself$

    3or instan&e' instead of laun&hin# dire&tl% into a rebuttal' thedebater should si#n!ost b% sa%in# 3or m% first rebuttal' let)saddress the o!!osition)s first !oint on the e&onomi& im!a&t$J Thisallows the 6ud#es to "now e a&tl% what is ha!!enin# within as!ee&h$ In &ontrast' a s!ee&h without #ood si#n!ostin# oftenlea(es 6ud#es &onfused as to whi&h rebuttal was bein# dire&ted at

    !arti&ular ar#uments and ma"es it hard for them to award hi#her s&ores$

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    6(*( "ransition Mar>ers

    Transition mar"ers inform the 6ud#es that one !arti&ular ar#ument or rebuttal has been &on&ludedand that the s!ea"er has mo(ed on to another &om!onent$ This sim!le ste! alerts the 6ud#es thata new ar#ument or rebuttal is about to be deli(ered and allows them to !re!are a&&ordin#l%$ 3or

    instan&e' the s!ea"er ma% sim!l% sa%' The o!!osition)s first ar#ument has fallen$ Let)s see wh%their se&ond ar#ument is flawedJ to indi&ate that a new rebuttal is bein# brou#ht in$

    Without !ro!er transition mar"ers' ,ebaters run the ris" of ha(in# their ar#uments mer#e with ea&hother' lea(in# the 6ud#es more &onfused$ 3or instan&e' some ,ebaters merel% use furthermoreJ asa transition ma"er to mo(e from one rebuttal to the ne t$ .owe(er' be&ause it is an indistin&tmar"er' the 6ud#es are un&ertain if the s!ea"er was !ro(idin# multi!le rebuttals to one ar#ument or had different res!onses to multi!le ar#uments$

    Ti! One eas% wa% to ma"e it easier for the 6ud#es to tra&" the ar#uments is to list the items to bedeli(ered at the be#innin# of the s!ee&h$ 3or instan&e' a ,ebater &an de&lare that the s!ee&h willres!ond to B of the O!!osition)s ar#uments to be followed b% substanti(e ar#uments' it ma"es iteasier for the 6ud#es to tra&" the s!ee&h$ In &ontrast' if a ,ebater does not number the ar#uments'

    6ud#es ma% sometimes ha(e diffi&ult% de&idin# how man% rebuttals there a&tuall% were and howman% ar#uments were a&tuall% raised$

    9Note One issue with this method is that ,ebaters ma% run out of time and fail to deli(er the!romised number of ar#uments$ .owe(er' the !ro!er solution is to mana#e the time allo&ation!ro!erl%' rather than to ma"e it easier to dro! !oints throu#h the la&" of numberin#$J;

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    s&ien&e and te&hnolo#% motions' it will not be !ossible for debaters to a(oid usin# s&ientifi& terms'whi&h tend to be &om!le at times$ .owe(er' the% should ta"e &are to e !lain these terms whenne&essar% to ensure that e(er%one in the debate &an follow$;