Cupid and Psyche

Cupid and Psyche 黃黃黃 黃黃黃黃 黃黃黃黃 黃黃黃 ,,,


Cupid and Psyche. 黃巧惠,陳燕雪,蘇儀婕,余德嫻. First Paragraph words and phrases. Rumor( 謠言 )-an unofficial, interesting story or piece of news that might be true or invented, and that is communicated quickly from person to person Mortal( 致死的 ) - a person who dies mort: 死亡; al: 形容詞字尾 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Cupid and Psyche

Page 1: Cupid and Psyche

Cupid and Psyche黃巧惠,陳燕雪,蘇儀婕,余德嫻

Page 2: Cupid and Psyche

First Paragraph words and phrases

Rumor( 謠言 )-an unofficial, interesting story or piece of news that might be true or invented, and that is communicated quickly from person to person  

Mortal( 致死的 )-a person who dies  mort: 死亡; al: 形容詞字尾 Claimed( 宣稱 )-to state that something is true or is a fact

Hideous( 醜陋的 )-offensive, extremely ugly, or shocking  hid: 躲藏; eous: 有…特質

Page 3: Cupid and Psyche

Main ideas of the first paragraph

1. Venus was jealous that Psyche more beautiful than her so she commanded Cupid to make her fall in love with the most hideous monster on earth.

Page 4: Cupid and Psyche

Descend( 下來 ) – decline, fall, drop,lunge    de: 下降 ; scend: 攀爬

Aim( 目標 ) – to point or direct a weapon or other object toward someone or something

Second Paragraph words and phrases

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Main ideas of the second paragraph

2. Cupid descended to Earth, and he fell in love with Psyche.

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Third Paragraph words and phrases

Matrimony – the state of being married matri: 母親; mony: 狀態 , 特質 

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Main ideas of the third paragraph

3. Psyche climbed to a mountaintop and was united in matrimony with Cupid.

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Magnificent( 華麗的 ) – causing admiration esp. because of an unusual quality such as great size or beauty  Magni: 大的; fic: 做、做成; ent: 形容詞字尾

Palace( 宮殿 ) – › a large, highly decorated house, esp. one that is the official home of a king or queen

Sumptuous( 豐盛 ) – rich ; delicious  sumpt: 拿取; uous: 特質、傾向 Accompanied( 伴隨 ) – to go with someone or to be provided

or exist at the same time as something Ac: 向 , 增加 company: 陪伴

Fourth Paragraph words and phrases

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Main ideas of the fourth paragraph

4. Psyche felt a warm wind blowing to her and she was suddenly transported to a magnificent palace on the top of mountain.

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depart – to go away[(+from/for)] 離開 to diverge or deviate [+from] 違背 He is unwilling to depart from regulr practice.

to pass away 去逝 deprefix -opposite remove reduce

pirtir - to go away

before – at an earlier time / in front of 在…之前fore 前頭 / 船頭 / 早先的beprefix - by

provided – [conj] on condition that 以 ... 為條件 / if 假如provide → proprefix + videre 作準備 , 預防 / 提供 (forward) (to see)

Fifth Paragraph words and phrases

Page 11: Cupid and Psyche

unnecessary – not necessary or essential 不需要的unprefix - not necessity [n] 需要 / 必要性


a person connected with or engaged in / a thing relating to

return – to go or come back to give back to the owner to make a reply or retort

turn - change the position

reprefix - again

affection – influence 影響 / emotions 感情affect -to act on

-ionsuffix (-ation / -cion / -ion / -sion / -xion)

indicating an action, process, or state

Fifth Paragraph words and phrases

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Main ideas of the fifth paragraph

5. Cupid visited Psyche every night to sleep with her, but demanded that she never lighted any lamps since he didn’t want her to see his face.

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pique – to arouse anger 激怒 / to excite 激起 curiosity – desire to know 好奇心

-itysuffixadded to adjectives to form nouns to express state or condition

curios [adj]

illuminate – light up 照亮illumine [v] -atesuffix

forming adjectives : having the appearance or characteristics of forming verbs from nouns and adjectives

demeanor – behavior 舉止 / facial appearance 面貌demean - to conduct or behave / to cause someone to become less respected

-orsuffixa person or thing that does what is expressed by the verb

Sixth Paragraph-words and phrases

Page 14: Cupid and Psyche

tremble – to shake quickly [+with] 發抖 / 震顫They trembled with cold.

to experience fear or anxiety [+at/for][+tov] 焦慮 / 擔憂She trembled for her daughter's safety.

greet – to meet with expressions of welcome 迎接 , 招呼 to react to in a specified manner 對 ... 作出反應

a burst of 一陣…burst [n][+of] 爆發 / 突發clutch – to seize with , grasp or hold 抓住 ; 攫取

a burst of applause 一陣掌聲 a burst of laughter 一陣大笑

Sixth Paragraph-words and phrases

Page 15: Cupid and Psyche

deceive – to trick / to cheat 欺騙imprison – to confine in or as if in a prison 監禁

im- / il- / in- / ir-prefix (1) Into / towards / within / on (2) not

prison 監獄

Sixth Paragraph words and phrases

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Main ideas of the sixth paragraph

6. Psyche lit a lamp to illuminate Cupid’s face when he was asleep but waked him, so he left her and went to his mother’s palace.

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Seventh Paragraph words and phrases

• Vanish- 消失 (vi.),van: 空 ; 缺 ,ish- 形容詞副詞字尾• Frigid- 寒冷的 (a.)• Peak- 山峰 (n.)• Desperation- 絕望 (n.)• Condescended- 屈尊 (vi.),con: 完全 ,descend: 屈尊• Trembling- 發抖的 (a.),tremble: 發抖 (n.)• Maiden- 少女 (n.),maid: 未婚的 ,en: 小的• Realm- 領域 ; 王國 (n.)• Persephone- 冥王之后 (n.)

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Main ideas of the seventh paragraph

7. In order to search for a lost love, Psyche went to Venus for help. Venus asked Psyche to finish a difficult task and she promised to help.

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Eighth Paragraph words and phrases

Trepidation- 驚恐 (n.)Ferryman- 渡船人 (n.),ferry: 渡船Styx- 冥河 (n.)Cerberus- 地獄犬 (n.)Guard- 守護 ; 守衛 (n.)

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Main ideas of the eighth paragraph

8. Psyche began her adventure.

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Ninth Paragraph words and phrases command : to direct with specific authority or prerogative ; order

slumber : sleep -er : a termination of nouns denoting action or process meanwhile : during the interval while : at the same time escape : to slip or get away Vulgar Latin → excappāre ex- : out of cappa : mantle embrace : to take or clasp in the arms ; hug em- : within ; in (variant of en-) brace : to make tight

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Main ideas of the ninth paragraph

9. Psyche was so curious that she lifted the lid of the box and got into deeply sleep without delay.

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Tenth Paragraph words and phrases

meanwhile : during the interval while : at the same time escape : to slip or get away Vulgar Latin → excappāre ex- : out of cappa : mantle embrace : to take or clasp in the arms ; hug em- : within ; in (variant of en-) brace : to make tight

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Main ideas of the tenth paragraph

10. Cupid escaped from the palace of Venus and darted to Psyche to embrace her lifting the heavy slumber from her body and asked her to return shortly

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Eleventh Paragraph words and phrases

fulfill : carry out ; bring to realization grant : to agree or accede to immortality : immortal condition or quality im- : not mortal : subject to death -ity : suffix forming nouns from adjectives

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Main ideas of the eleventh paragraph

11. Finally, Psyche fulfilled her task, and then Cupid begged Jupiter to bless his marriage to Psyche. Jupiter not only agreed but allowed Psyche immortality to match her husband, Cupid.