Credai clean city movement a credai kochi initiative

CLEAN CITY MOVEMENT - A CREDAI Kochi Initiative A Non-Governmental Organization Reg. No. E/886/10

Transcript of Credai clean city movement a credai kochi initiative

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- A CREDAI Kochi Initiative

A Non-Governmental Organization

Reg. No. E/886/10

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* Clean City Movement – an initiative of CREDAI Kochi.

* Commenced in 2007. Outlay Rs.200 lakhs.

* Special committee formed for implementation.

* Decided on bio-composting with low capex and maintenance cost.

* Processing at source. Hence, no transportation.

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* Creating awareness – biggest challenge.

* Pilot project in our own sites.

* Found successful and replicated to other projects.

* Perfect monitoring.

* Regular audit and prompt corrective measures.

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* Resistance evaporated.

* Acceptance among public.

* Media support.

* Police back up. Vehicles with banner showing `CCCM in association with City Police’ were plying in the city.

* Recognition by Corporation, State/Central Govts.

* Awards & Accolades.

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Status of CCCM in Kerala2450 education and awareness

programs conducted for

SWM at source.

90% of Building complexes in Kochi are self reliant in solid

waste management.

Non-bio-degradable waste being

collected and sent to

recycling units.

Savings of 3.6 lakhs per day (Rs.13 cr. per year) to Local

Self Governments.

Employs 690 people incl. 650 women below

poverty line. Total salary – 6.25 cr.

per year

Processes 80 tons of waste

per day (29200 MT p.a.) from

65000 apartments

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An Insight into SWM

Categories of waste/rejections* Biodegradable items like food, vegetables, garden rejects.

* Non-biodegradable items like plastic, thermocole, leather, glass, e-waste etc.

* Hazardous waste like syringes, paints, chemicals, tube lights, sanitary napkins, etc.

Our focus would be on biodegradable waste management.

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Guidelines for eco-friendly handling of rejections

Process daily at source

Remove weekly and recycle

Handover to licensed agencies for eco friendly


Green bucket Blue bucket Red bucket

Bio degradable(Items generated from nature

which may decay or decompose)Non Biodegradable Hazardous waste

Food waste,


Soiled news papers,

Garden rejects

Books, News Papers,

Plastic Materials,

Thermocole, Rexin,

Leather Glass, Bulbs,

Metal, Coconut shell,

Footwear, E-waste

Used Syringes, Chemicals, Paints,

Tube lights, CFL lamps, Used Cells

Medically used rejections Used pillows, beds, Mats,

Sanitary napkins, pads and bio medical waste

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Bio-degradable Waste Management – options available* Aerobic microbial composting

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Bio-degradable Waste Management – options available …… contd

* Bio methanization – anaerobic composting

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Systems for individual households

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Trash Guard

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Ecomans Composting Machine - Foodie

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Ecomans Composting Machine - Foodie

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Mobile Organic Recycler

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Bio-degradable Waste Management – options available …… contd


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Non-biodegradable rejections

* Non-biodegradable rejections ~ Plastic/thermocole - Recycling - Shred and use for road tarring - Convert to fuel – feasibility to be checked ~ Packing material/paper – Recycling

~ Glass – Recycling ~ E-waste - Recycling

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Non-biodegradable rejections …… contd

* Hazardous

~ Bio-medical waste – incinerate ~ Sanitary napkins – incinerate

~ CFL/Tube light – scientific secured land fill

~ Used cells – scientific secured land fill

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Decentralization….. Benefits

* Centralized system – basically dumping grounds.* Transporting is expensive and results in carbon emission, more traffic, foul smell etc.* CCCM advocates processing at source itself.* Low capex and maintenance cost.* No high technology. No break-down.* Simple and easy to operate.* Operated and maintained by CREDAI team.* Highly successful and proven model.

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What Next …. ?

•CCCM is in full alignment with “Swach Bharat Abhiyan” launched by Prime Minister.

* An opportunity to be a part of a national movement.

* To play a leadership role by rolling out solid waste management throughout the country.

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CCCM has been included in the MSWM Manual 2014 by Urban Development Ministry as the best replicable project running in the country.

Being a green initiative, helps getting green certification.Zero taxation for solid waste management equipments in Kerala.

Eligible activity as per CSR rules.

Enhanced image and goodwill among politicians, bureaucrats and local community.

Real estate developers become leaders of social and cultural change .

Advantage CREDAI

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Responsibility of individuals/community

Do not mix rejections.

Convert biodegradable rejections at source to value added products like manure or bio-gas.Realise rejections are raw materials. Store and hand over non-biodegradable rejections to recyclers.

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Recommended Action Plan

At least 6 State Chapters to come forward to partner in this movement with CCCM in the first phase (up to Dec 2015) - strategically NCR should be one of them as visibility is more .Appoint one Project Manager in consultation with CCCM. Appointment to be on rolls of CCCM chapter of the state concerned.

Project Manager to visit CCCM, Cochin, for a 3 day training program (the developers of concerned state/ city chapter also to join in for the first day).

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Financial commitment – State Chapter

State Chapter to organize/sponsor visit of CCCM team to the pilot project area for study and suggest best WM solution with cost estimates.

Cost of the awareness /technical visits /training to be borne by the State/City Chapter.

Rough cost for capital investment will be Rs.2000/= per household for Bio Bins exclusive of the covered space of apprx. 150 sft. for 2 bins. The recurring cost would be about Rs. 100/- pm per household to cover men and material cost including supervision cost.

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Financial Commitment - Developer/RWA/FM

Recurring cost to be borne by RWA/Facility Management Company or Builder, as the case may be.

Capital cost of project to be borne by the developer concerned.

Project Manager, staff and supervisor will be part of the CCCM chapter and payment should be made by state chapter.

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Roll Out StrategyEquipment order/supply by RWA/FM/projects and readiness of site– 2 months.

Awareness training for RWA/FM by State/City Chapter.

Recruitment of PM/support staff by State/City Chapter.

The appointment of workers has to be done by RWA/FM and will have to be trained by CCCM State chapter by accepting service charges for training and supervision

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Roll out Strategy …… contdPlastic shredder & common sorting shed for non-biodegradable rejections to be arranged by the

chapter.Selection of vendor to collect recyclables to be done by the chapter.

Rag pickers (he/she) be a worker/vendor, as per the decision of RWA/ FM/ Builder.

Site specific SOP to be prepared by CCCM.

5% of project cost as service charges to CCCM.

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Pilot project implementation – Phase Pilot project implementation – Phase Pilot project implementation – Phase 1

Around 15th August at NCR. May be one more chapter during that week.

Rest to be covered by 2nd October in a grand function announcing start of CCCM pilot projects across 6 states.

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Pilot project implementation - Phase 2

State Chapters who are partners in Phase 1 to spread the program in other cities.

Rest of the State Chapters to take up the project. They should give their willingness by next EC/GC or by Sept. 1st so that pilot project can be rolled out by Dec. 2015.

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* Each City Chapter to sponsor and install at least a few public Solid Waste Management system in colonies where waste management by local authorities is not existent or ineffective.

* Investments - Phase 1 & 2 by the Builder Phase 3 – By tapping the CSR funds.

Pilot project implementation – Phase 3

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Way forward ……..

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SWM - Short Term Goals

* 1 million residential units in 3 years across the country – 1000 units a day.

* 1000 MT biodegradable rejections per day or 365,000 MT p.a.

* Will generate 54750 MT organic manure p.a.

* Save Rs.146 cr. public money p.a.

* Create employment for 25000 women from economically challenged sections.

* Disburse Rs. 225 cr. towards salary.

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SWM - Long Term Goals

* 1 crore residential units in 7 years across the country – 6000 units a day.

* 10000 MT biodegradable rejections per day or 36,50,000MT p.a.

* Will generate 5,47,500 MT organic manure p.a.

* Save Rs.1460 cr. public money p.a.

* Create employment for 250,000 women from economically challenged sections.

* Disburse Rs.2250 cr. towards salary.

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Expanding the Horizon

Reaching out to the Public/Individual Homes

* CREDAI projects viz-a-viz total no. of homes is too small.

* Unless we reach out to the public residences SWM will not be a success.

* Creating awareness and convincing – not too easy for CREDAI.

* To tie up with leading print and visual media – both national and local.

* Create a legal frame work for mandatory implementation.

* Partner with social/voluntary organizations to spread the message.

* Educate and empower school/college students

* Incentivize SWM implementation in individual homes.

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Reaching out - Individual Homes


* Explore the following possibilities: - All waste management equipment to be VAT/CST free.

- Exempt SWM services from Service Tax

- Exempt Income Tax from the income generated from SWM.

- Subsidy by Central/State/Local Body.

- Tie up with large corporate to channelize their CSR funds through CREDAI for solid waste management. Joint branding.

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New Horizons - Comfort Stations

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New Horizons - Comfort Stations …… contd

* Strategic areas in each city and along busy highways at 50-100 km. interval.

* Minimum 3 star class construction and maintenance.

* Operations and maintenance to be given to professional agencies.

* Capex from CSR funds. Large no. of companies are willing.

* Maintenance – partially from user fee and balance from advt. revenues.

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2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

CREDAI House-holds

50000 300000 1000000 2000000 3500000 6000000 10000000

Public House-holds

0 0 100000 300000 700000 1500000 3000000


50000 300000 1100000 2300000 4200000 7500000 13000000








Suggested Milestones

CREDAI Households Public Households CombinedYear




s –





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Far Reaching Social Impact

* Awareness against food wastage.

* Emotional bonding between the HAVES & HAVE-NOTS.

* Financial independence of women leads to better living standards.

* Better knit social fabric resulting in harmonious living.

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In a nutshell …..

By 2021 CREDAI will achieve …….

* 1,00,00,000 CREDAI homes and 30,00,000 public households self reliance in Solid Waste Management * A capital investment of Rs.7500-9000 crores at today's prices.

* Create employment for 3,25,000.

* Disburse salary of Rs.3000 crores p.a.

* Savings of Rs.2000 crores for Local Bodies.

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Even a thousand mile journey starts with a single step.

CREDAI Kochi has put its right foot forward .......


A MOUNTAIN made into a MOLE HILL !!!!

Let us leave our foot prints …….

In the sands of time ………..

To preserve pristine environment ……..

CARES ...........