Class : 碩研機械一甲 Name : 張詔銘 Student ID : M9910103 Date : 2011.05.29

Use of micro ultrasonic vibration lapping to enhance the precision of micro holes drilled by micro electro-discharge machining Class 碩碩碩碩 Name 碩碩碩 Student ID M9910103 Date 2011.05.29 碩碩碩碩碩碩碩 碩碩碩碩碩 「」 碩碩碩碩碩碩碩碩碩碩碩碩碩碩碩碩碩碩碩碩碩碩碩


微細放電加工學 「期末報告」. 結合微細放電與超音波振動研磨提高鑽微小孔之精度. Use of micro ultrasonic vibration lapping to enhance the precision of micro holes drilled by micro electro-discharge machining. Class : 碩研機械一甲 Name : 張詔銘 Student ID : M9910103 Date : 2011.05.29. Outline. 現有技術 前言及研究目的 研究方法 實驗 結果 探討 結論 參考文獻. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Class : 碩研機械一甲 Name : 張詔銘 Student ID : M9910103 Date : 2011.05.29


Use of micro ultrasonic vibration lapping to enhance the precision of micro holes drilled by micro electro-discharge machiningClassName Student ID M9910103Date2011.05.29 Outline 1. +USM 2. +ECDM 3. + LIGA 4. +chemical etching 5. ++ 6. BBM

Micro-EDM100 m()


Micro-EDM (XY Z C)Micro-EDM()(titanium plate)(micro-hole)500 m5 mMicro tools 0.3 mm

1007.50.5 mm copper plates10100.5 mm titanium plates

Titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V)



30 kHz


5%, 10%, 20% and 30%



Only Micro-EDM

Only Micro-EDM (Conclusion)MEDMMUVL5.4mA. C. Wang, B. H. Yan, X. T. Lee, F. Y. Huang, Use of micro ultrasonic vibration lapping to enhance the precision of micro holes drilled by micro electro-discharge machining, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 42(8) (2002) 915-923., A study of analysis and improvement on strength of micro shaft manufactured by micro-EDM,., ,.Thanks for you attention!!