CityU academic transcript 2015

ACADEMIC TRANsCRIPT Date of =ssue :∷ 22∷ Jun 2015 studeno Name ; LEE winq Ts?n student Number: 53035308 Level : Ba0h∷ eloris pegree Degree: Bache△ or of science H° n° urs〉 Major; Applied Physios Course Code Course Tit△ e ^● |de"it:0gⅡ I利 0n|ahd ReⅡ rdo o钎 iFe 弘掊黼诵弼 I∶ :℃ Mary ROsρ 90u∷ Dire0tor,Acad0汛 i。 Reoula0on。 n- Pa00: 1 R0cords0仟iCe Credits Grade Remarks INSTITUTI0N CREDIT semester A 2012/13 Ma,or: App1ied Physi¢ s E△ ectrェ o王 ty and Magnetism Measurement and Instrumentation Introduot⊥ on to Computer programm△ ng Eng△ ish or Academic Purposes Calcu1us and Bas△ o L± near A△ gebra II Earned Hours: 12.00 GPA Hours: 12.00 Points: 39 00 AP2191 AP2212 CS1302 EL0200 VL、 1201 BBΒ IA GPA: 3 25 semester B 2012/13 MaDor: Applied Physics AP3202 AP3204 CHIN1001 ELO200 1`2158 Earned Hours; Modern Physics WaVes and opt± cs UniVersity Chinese I English for Academ△ c Purposes Linear Algebra and Calculus 9.00 GPA Hours; 9.00 3 3 3 6 3 points: 25,80 C+ B+ B* D* B GPA: 2 86 Sunu⒒ er 2013 Major: Appl⊥ ed Physios GE1202 Managing Earned Hours: 3.00 Your Personal Finance GPA Hours: 3,00 Points: 6,00 GPA: 2,00 Se】 nester A 2013/14 Ma彐 or: App1ied physios AP3251 AP3253 AP3290 AP4283 GE1501 GE2珞 01 Earned Hours: Quantum phys△ cs Energy` Technology and EnVironment Thermodynamics Medic)al PhVsics I chinρ se Civ11isat1on - History and Philo$ophy English for sc△ enCe 18.00 GPA Hours: 18 00 Points: 38 0 BCCC AP3205 AP32钅 4 AP3272 Ap姓 255 GE1‘ 01 GE2122 Semester B 2013/1呜 Ma彐 0r; Applied Phys⊥ cs E△ ectromagnetism Design Laboratory Introduot± on to So11d State Phys△ os optoelect~ˉon△ c DeV△ ces and systems University Engl⊥ sh The Cantonese Language n Use: Language` Grarrmar and Culture Earned Hours: 18.00 GPA Hours: 18,00 points: 0,20 GPA: 2.23 **************************************** C° ntinued on page 2 **************************************** Disdosure of∷ informau° n contained in∷ the lranβ cⅡ pt may not be∷ mad∷ e to anotheF paⅡ y w"hρutthe p"or Cρ nseⅡ of∷ the∷ stuoρ nt ∷∷ see oVO"eaffor expl。 natlo冖 s TheW0rd C。 PY appρ ars in th0transc"∷pt∷ whep ph°toc0plρ d ∷∷ BBcBDC

Transcript of CityU academic transcript 2015

Page 1: CityU academic transcript 2015


Date of =ssue :∷ 22∷ Jun 2015

studeno Name ; LEE winq Ts?nstudent Number: 53035308Level : Ba0h∷ eloris pegree

Degree: Bache△ or of science 〈H° n° urs〉

Major; Applied Physios

Course Code Course Tit△ e


|de"it:0gⅡ I利0n|ahd ReⅡ rdo o钎 iFe


Mary ROsρ 90u∷Dire0tor,Acad0汛 i。 Reoula0on。 。n-

Pa00: 1


Credits Grade Remarks


semester A 2012/13Ma,or: App1ied Physi¢ s

E△ ectrェ o王 ty and MagnetismMeasurement and InstrumentationIntroduot⊥ on to Computer programm△ ngEng△ ish £or Academic PurposesCalcu1us and Bas△ o L± near A△ gebra II

Earned Hours: 12.00 GPA Hours: 12.00 Points: 39 00

AP2191AP2212CS1302EL0200VL、 1201



GPA: 3 25

semester B 2012/13MaDor: Applied PhysicsAP3202AP3204CHIN1001ELO200Ⅳ1`2158Earned Hours;

Modern PhysicsWaVes and opt± csUniVersity Chinese IEnglish for Academ△ c PurposesLinear Algebra and Calculus

9.00 GPA Hours; 9.00





3points: 25,80


GPA: 2 86

Sunu⒒er 2013Major: Appl⊥ ed PhysiosGE1202 ManagingEarned Hours: 3.00

Your Personal FinanceGPA Hours: 3,00 Points: 6,00 GPA: 2,00

Se】nester A 2013/14Ma彐 or: App1ied physiosAP3251AP3253AP3290AP4283GE1501GE2珞 01Earned Hours:

Quantum phys△ csEnergy` Technology and EnVironmentThermodynamicsMedic)al PhVsics Ichinρ se Civ11isat1on - History and Philo$ophyEnglish for sc△ enCe18.00 GPA Hours: 18 00 Points: 38 刍0


AP3205AP32钅 4

AP3272Ap姓 255GE1‘ 01GE2122

Semester B 2013/1呜Ma彐 0r; Applied Phys⊥ cs

E△ ectromagnetismDesign LaboratoryIntroduot±on to So11d State Phys△ osoptoelect~ˉ on△ c DeV△ ces and systemsUniversity Engl⊥ shThe Cantonese Language △n Use: Language` Grarrmar andCulture

Earned Hours: 18.00 GPA Hours: 18,00 points: 珞0,20 GPA: 2.23**************************************** C° ntinued on page 2 ****************************************

Disdosure of∷ informau° n contained in∷ the lranβ cⅡ pt may not be∷ mad∷e to anotheF paⅡ y w"hρutthe p"or Cρ nseⅡ of∷ the∷ stuoρ nt

∷ ∷ ∷∷ see oVO"eaffor expl。 natlo冖s TheW0rd C。 PY appρ ars in th0transc"∷ pt∷ whep ph° toc0plρ d ∷∷ ∷ ∷∷


Page 2: CityU academic transcript 2015

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Course Code Course Title Credits G‘ ade Remarks

Summer 2014Maj or; Applied PhysicsGE1342 L文 ght: £rom D0uble R。 inb° ws t° optica1 F⊥ bers 3GE2223 Interpersonal s夂 i1△ p and Pρ s亠 tiYe∷卩

?Ⅰ F?net∷ ?o¥晷:E呈 ::∷l:查 0Ⅰ ij:Ea=ned Ho· J苫 s: 6ˇ Q0 - GPA Hours: 6氵 0Q

A-B∶ ∶GpA三 3 3s

semester A 2014/15M0jor; Applie¢ PhysicsAP4127AP4217

Smart Sensors:Dissertation

Fr。m 日ngin0ering t° App1icOtiρ ns 卧XA卜


AP4254 Fundamenta1s °£ Loser 0pt=qsAP4265 semiC0nductor Physics a^o Deˇ icesBCH2005A Pr△ n0△ples ρf EnV】 ronmental Che叩 △stryCLA2401 Frenoh 1Earned Hours: 15.00 GPA Hours: 15,00 Poi^t$: 50.70 GPΛ : 3.38

Earned Hours: 9.00

semester B 2014/15Major: Applied Poy早 i° s

Fs400召 overβ eas Rescarch InternshipGPA Hours:


TransGr⊥ pt T° ta△

GPA Hrs90.00

∷ 0.0090.00

End 。f Tr合nsc=i0t

Points: 27.00 GpA: 3∶ 00

Tota△ InstitutionTota△ Transferovera1△

Earnod Hrs90.000,00


Po⊥ nts2钅 7,20



黯嘿∷罚甘骼 扌嬲昌;窨:∶耀器麝嚣;Fl∷Ⅰ氵∵°早∷:∶::∶I:吁叩ξI:F∶ 11扌 {∶∶:::F蛰;拉