编者的话 - For You Information电邮 Email : [email protected], [email protected] 出版社...

4 序目 6 要闻综述 10-11 奉献爱心 温暖人间 - 新加坡佛教施诊所 12 建立悲智双运的社会 - 圆点心宁中心 13 禅话故事 - 宛尔不同 14-15 人物专访 - 殊胜的布施传喜法师访谈 16-17 人物专访 - 不为自己求安乐 但愿众生得离苦 南卓堪布访谈 18 慈善的不是钱是心 18 梵音清韵 - 莲花20 布施的心 圣凯法师 21 见行堂语系列漫画 22-23 废墟中的法幢 索达吉堪布追忆法王对世界的恩情 24-25 阿毗达摩讲要- 玛欣德尊者 26 百喻经27 如来足迹 缅甸从尘世到佛国 27 读书推荐 - 我的家在土登寺28 珍馐素食 37 广告活动精选 作为一份不附属任何团体的佛教刊物,《佛友靠的 也是各方的支援以应付所需的开销因此期待大 家的支持协助佛友继续出版和服务有缘人创办人广超法师 封面题字:邱少华博士 本刊所刊载之文章纯属作者与受访者之个人意见,不代表本刊立场。 The views and opinons expressed or implied in For You Information are strictly those of the writers’ and interviewees’ and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher’s. 真正的行善 有多少人认真想过怎样才算是真正的行善 是施舍些钱 给乞丐 是捐钱给受灾的地区 是在巴士地铁上给老人 让座位 即便如此我们也不见得能做得好当看到乞丐 用得来的钱去吃吃喝喝我们会不会勃然大怒并决定从 此不再布施 当看到天灾人祸我们会不会怨天尤人或胡 乱指责 即使什么忙也帮不上 当接受座位的老人没有表 示感谢我们会不会皱起眉头心生抱怨 行善是否可以有前提有条件 动机是行善的决定性因素 如果行善的结果是事与愿违是顾此失彼是好心办 坏事那到底是善是恶 究竟做什么怎么做才是真正的 行善呢……这些问题思考下来原本自诩善良的我们许对行善这个概念并不那么清楚那么确定那么坚定曾在偶然间看到过一位法师的开示他说佛法中把对自 他现在和未来都产生好的果报的行为称作善得到的果 报是善是恶还是杂染由造业时的事意乐加行究竟 四要素综合决定凡夫造作的往往是杂染的业纯恶或纯 善的业都比较少例如有人做善事是为了得到好名声从世间法来看很难说到底是善还是恶但通过业果法则 就能知道这是一种杂染的善因为他的意乐 动机是不 清净的而究竟 结果对别人产生了一定的利益所以将 来得到的果报也是杂染的再从果报的究竟程度来看佛法把善分为有漏无漏”。 我们平时行善是有漏的善业无论自他所得的利益都是比 较少比较短暂比较局部的从究竟上看不是趋向于解 脱的有漏之善也是恶要想得到决定胜就要去除无明在智慧和对真相的认识上去做事情这样才能把自他从长 远无明中解救出来佛做的就是这件事而我们学佛就是 要学怎样给自他最大的利益佛法以三士道来引导我们想要帮助别人首先从共下士道 开始 如捐赠衣物等), 这是前方便目的在于结善缘佛也 是生生世世给众生布施衣服饮食卧具乃至头目脑髓最终目标是给人最究竟的利益只待因缘具足看取莲花净 应知不染心 周敦颐曾在《爱莲说》中写 道:“予独爱莲之出淤泥而不 染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直, 不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭净 植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。” 这世上有种善,也如莲花般纯净 高洁,不始于血缘、不缘于情义、不基于利益,是无伪 的,是无私的......倘若我们每个人都愿超越世俗,付出 这无价的善,那么世界将会是一片无诤的人间净土。 封面摄影:陈杰麟(2014拍摄于新加坡) 封面故事 编者的话 25Lorong 22GeylangSingapore 398682 Fax : 6742 0862 http://www.foryou.sg 办公时间 Office Hours : 星期二至星期六 Tue-Sat 8.30am-5.00pm 主编 Chief Editor : 赖云强 (Lye Wan Keong) /英文编辑 CH/EN Editor : 禾乐Pema Rinchen 设计 Graphic Design : K Ho Tel: 6742 6721 广告业务 Marketing : Tel: 6742 6728 [email protected] 行政 Administration : Lynn Huang Tel: 6742 6728 电邮 Email : [email protected], editor@foryou.sg 出版社 Publisher : For You Information Ltd 印刷公司 Printed by : Seng Printing & Company

Transcript of 编者的话 - For You Information电邮 Email : [email protected], [email protected] 出版社...

Page 1: 编者的话 - For You Information电邮 Email : info@foryou.sg, editor@foryou.sg 出版社 Publisher : For You Information Ltd 印刷公司 Printed by : Seng Printing & Company p04-编者的话-序目.indd



6 要闻综述10-11 奉献爱心 温暖人间 - 新加坡佛教施诊所12 建立悲智双运的社会 - 圆点心宁中心13 禅话故事 - 宛尔不同14-15 人物专访 - 殊胜的布施̶̶传喜法师访谈16-17 人物专访 - 不为自己求安乐 但愿众生得离苦̶̶ 南卓堪布访谈18 慈善的不是钱,是心!18 梵音清韵 - 《莲花》20 布施的心 – 圣凯法师21 “见行堂语”系列漫画22-23 废墟中的法幢̶̶ 索达吉堪布追忆法王对世界的恩情24-25 《阿毗达摩讲要》 - 玛欣德尊者26 《百喻经》27 如来足迹 – 缅甸̶̶从尘世到佛国27 读书推荐 - 《我的家在土登寺》28 珍馐素食37 广告活动精选



本刊所刊载之文章纯属作者与受访者之个人意见,不代表本刊立场。The views and opinons expressed or implied in For You Information are strictly those of the

writers’ and interviewees’ and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher’s.







看取莲花净 应知不染心







25, Lorong 22, Geylang,Singapore 398682Fax : 6742 0862 http://www.foryou.sg

办公时间 Office Hours : 星期二至星期六 Tue-Sat 8.30am-5.00pm

主编 Chief Editor : 赖云强 (Lye Wan Keong)

中/英文编辑 CH/EN Editor : 禾乐; Pema Rinchen

设计 Graphic Design : K Ho Tel: 6742 6721

广告业务 Marketing : Tel: 6742 6728 [email protected]

行政 Administration : Lynn Huang Tel: 6742 6728

电邮 Email : [email protected], [email protected]

出版社 Publisher : For You Information Ltd印刷公司 Printed by : Seng Printing & Company

p04-编者的话-序目.indd 4 21/2/2017 1:06:01 PM

Page 2: 编者的话 - For You Information电邮 Email : info@foryou.sg, editor@foryou.sg 出版社 Publisher : For You Information Ltd 印刷公司 Printed by : Seng Printing & Company p04-编者的话-序目.indd


Slowly but surely, the lotus blooms, opening each beautiful petal to the sun to bask in the worldly beauty surrounding it.

Like the lotus, we should all be inspired to tackle obstacles in our way – to be ready to take on challenges in our worldly existence, to rise above all the different conditions and ad-versities and to bloom in full glory. As ironic as the lotus’ life journey, it is the same dirty water it is soaked in that cleanses as it surfaces, one’s life can be made more beautiful and meaningful each time we rise out of adversity to become better people.

The Lunar New Year was indeed a time of auspicious wel-coming of many beginnings. With all the festivities abuzz, excitement is nevertheless part of the joyous celebrations. So, as we draw towards the end of the first quarter of 2017, we also look at what truly makes us happy.

In this March issue, we look at the meaninful annivesary cele-brations of various Buddhist organisations such as Pu Ti Bud-dhist Temple and Singapore Buddhist Free Clinic, both with a long history of helping many people to live better, healthier and happier using various methods, be it physically, emotion-ally or spiritually. Also, we explore deeper into how one can practise compassion with “The Giving Heart of Compassion” and “True Giving from the Heart”, a sharing by Master Sheng Kai. And we also learn more about responsible Abhaya Dana from Ven. Dr. Omaple Sobthita Thera on ethical life libera-tion practices.

In addition, we have included an exclusive interview feature with Venerable Fazhao on the role of the Buddha Dharma in guiding marriages, “Buddhist Wedding - The Most Sin-cere Love”. In this issue, we have also embarked on includ-ing more Buddhist-related travel and pilgrimage destinations, this will be extended to future issues of incorporating more Buddhist art, history, music, films, books and other Buddhist-related information and news.

Lastly, may the light and wisdom of the Buddha continue to shine and be a brilliant lamp upon us on our journey of learn-ing the Buddha Dharma!

CONTENTS41 2017 Shan You Lunar New Year Celebration42-52 Buddhist Activities53 Dhammapada54 Buddhist News and Eventss 55 Pu Ti Buddist Temple – 80th Anniversary Celebration56-57 Singapore Buddhist Free Clinic – 47th Anniversary and Dover Branch Opening58-59 The Giving Heart of Compassion – Interview with Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche60 True Giving from the Heart – Sharing by Master Sheng Kai61 Buddhist Wedding – The Most Sincere Love Interview with Venerable Fazhao62-63 Buddhist Travel and Pilgrimage64-65 Abhaya Dana – A Great Practice In Giving Teaching by Ven. Dr. Omaple Sobthita Thera67 Metta Welfare Association

Founded in 1989 by Venerable Guang Chao and Mr Su-datta Eng, For You Information continues to promote Buddhism, related teachings and educational philoso-phy. Being a non-profit publication, we like to thank and appeal to all readers, contributors and benefactors for the continued support in the propagating the Dharma

Cover Photography: Lotus Bud in Pond, Courtesy of Chan Wai Man

On the cover is the beautiful pic-ture of a lotus bud. A silk flower, the lotus is also known for its unique resilience to be able to survive in mud and still bloom clean and untainted. Thus, it is no surprise that is closely as-sociated with potential, purity, awakened heart and strength.

The lotus’ life is immensely metaphorical and its budding phase is far from tranquil and beautiful – unlike many oth-er flowers, the lotus first sprouts in typically muddy water conditions with little light. Also, this is coupled by the sur-rounding still water, home to any insects and fishes. The great Chinese Philosopher Confucius once said, “I have a love for the lotus, while growing in mud, it still remains unstained.”

Despite these dirty and seemingly unfavourable conditions, the lotus is resilient and arises out of the muck and makes its way out of the muddy and dirty obstacles to the surface. With a stem with just a few leaves, it continues to grow; guid-ing the pod to slowly rise above the water surface and finally freeing itself from the harsh life conditions below.


Editor’s Note

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