Buzztimes October 2012

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse fermentum pretium risus, vitae molestie dolor sollicitudin vel. Vestibulum risus sapien, scelerisque vel aliquam sed, euismod in velit. Aliquam pretium pretium risus, in bibendum mi convallis nec. Aliquam tempor, nisl quis pretium cursus, augue felis gravida quam, eget hendrerit mauris ante ut ligula. Integer sed nisl in mauris congue porta id eu lectus. Aenean purus nisi, iaculis eget fermentum in, facilisis congue augue. Maecenas eleifend viverra velit, id vulputate ligula sagittis nec. Aenean et tristique est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam blandit ante vitae nibh mattis non adipiscing erat egestas. Etiam volutpat rhoncus interdum. Aenean orci felis, vestibulum et cursus feugiat, commodo quis quam. Donec posuere iaculis quam ac viverra. Maecenas et ante venenatis nibh fringilla feugiat. Nullam tortor dui, lobortis vel consectetur ac, porta eget nibh. Donec tincidunt venenatis metus sit amet rutrum. In at tellus enim, ut placerat purus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean mattis congue neque quis varius. Donec varius elementum turpis, sit amet lobortis diam luctus elementum.neque quis varius. Donec varius elementum turpis, sit amet lobortis diam luctus elementu Donec lectus nisl, accumsan at vehicula a, viverra id eros. Nam at felis at diam adipiscing ultrices ac ac ligula. Donec at luctus nisi. Fusce nec ipsum in ligula commodo semper a non purus. Aenean condimentum ullamcorper dictum. Sed at lacus eget ante egestas vehicula. Curabitur hendrerit sollicitudin elit, in tempus tortor faucibus non. Vivamus id turpis auctor tellus adipiscing semper. Vivamus imperdiet metus a purus interdum hendrerit. Etiam nec leo vitae orci tempor hendrerit. Nunc sit amet arcu non odio porttitor convallis. Donec sem est, aliquet sed euismod sit amet, dapibus non risus. Morbi ut justo ligula. Integer in dui eros, in pellentesque augue. Suspendisse vitae malesuada augue. In a ligula diam, non semper libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam felis urna, volutpat vel consectetur ut, porttitor et lorem. Quisque mattis eleifend erat, vitae dictum tellus varius ut. Mauris laoreet blandit nisi nec mollis. Mauris interdum metus ut nisi rhoncus quis lacinia dolor interdum. Integer adipiscing est id lacus porttitor pretium. Vivamus tincidunt purus id enim accumsan facilisis at eget orci. In feugiat, turpis quis sagittis posuere, nunc orci eleifend felis, et vulputate sem nibh ac augue. Integer a nisi ac ipsum bibendum tincidunt vel at arcu. In iaculis orci id risus luctus pellentesque a sed metus. Proin sit amet quam massa. Proin velit leo, luctus id rutrum eget, pulvinar quis lectus. Etiam vitae volutpat lorem. Sed tempor pretium tristique. Curabitur elementum purus vel felis consectetur vel elementum mauris pulvinar. Nam faucibus massa ut augue rutrum a lacinia metus vulputate. Nullam eu ipsum orci, sit amet egestas nisl. Aliquam et accumsan dui. Fusce mollis volutpat neque, vel hendrerit enim laoreet iaculis. Phasellus pellentesque feugiat orci, eu bibendum tortor pulvinar et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus velit elit, porta a congue a, aliquet quis odio. Donec vel ante mi, ut posuere eros. Vivamus facilisis enim vitae lorem molestie blandit. Sed suscipit hendrerit erat ac dapibus. Aliquam dapibus gravida metus, a posuere risus gravida ut. Praesent non tortor sapien, quis scelesque diam. Proin ligula risus, ferentum in accumsan non, aliquet vitae erat. Vestibulum interdum mattis lectus, nec hendrerit arcu viverra non. Ut fringilla felis vel ligula egestas euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse fermentum pretium risus, vitae molestie dolor sollicitudin vel. Vestibulum risus sapien, scelerisque vel aliquam sed, euismod in velit. Aliquam pretium pretium risus, in Connecting all kids who inspire, imagine and inquire! Issue 3 - October 2012


Stones2Milestones launched BuzzTimes in August '12 with the aim to connect all kids who inspire, imagine and inquire! The singular purpose of the BuzzTimes is to feature the best in English language creative writing from children aged 6 to 16 from around the world. Fun, instructive and designed to build any child's confidence, BuzzTimes is a forum for young people's writing fiction and non-fiction, prose and poetry.

Transcript of Buzztimes October 2012

Page 1: Buzztimes October 2012

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse fermentum pretium risus, vitae molestie dolor sollicitudin vel. Vestibulum risus sapien, scelerisque vel aliquam sed, euismod in velit. Aliquam pretium pretium risus, in bibendum mi convallis nec. Aliquam tempor, nisl quis pretium cursus, augue felis gravida quam, eget hendrerit mauris ante ut ligula. Integer sed nisl in mauris congue porta id eu lectus. Aenean purus nisi, iaculis eget fermentum in, facilisis congue augue. Maecenas eleifend viverra velit, id vulputate ligula sagittis nec. Aenean et tristique est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Etiam blandit ante vitae nibh mattis non adipiscing erat egestas. Etiam volutpat rhoncus interdum. Aenean orci felis, vestibulum et cursus feugiat, commodo quis quam. Donec posuere iaculis quam ac viverra. Maecenas et ante venenatis nibh fringilla feugiat. Nullam tortor dui, lobortis vel consectetur ac, porta eget nibh. Donec tincidunt venenatis metus sit amet rutrum. In at tellus enim, ut placerat purus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean mattis congue neque quis varius. Donec varius elementum turpis, sit amet lobortis diam luctus elementum.neque quis varius. Donec varius elementum turpis, sit amet lobortis diam luctus elementu Donec lectus nisl, accumsan at vehicula a,

viverra id eros. Nam at felis at diam adipiscing ultrices ac ac ligula. Donec at luctus nisi. Fusce nec ipsum in ligula commodo semper a non purus. Aenean condimentum ullamcorper dictum. Sed at lacus eget ante egestas vehicula. Curabitur hendrerit sollicitudin elit, in tempus tortor faucibus non. Vivamus id turpis auctor tellus adipiscing semper. Vivamus imperdiet metus a purus interdum hendrerit. Etiam nec leo vitae orci tempor hendrerit. Nunc sit amet arcu non odio porttitor convallis. Donec sem est, aliquet sed euismod sit amet, dapibus non risus. Morbi ut justo ligula. Integer in dui eros, in pellentesque augue.

Suspendisse vitae malesuada augue. In a ligula diam, non semper libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam felis urna, volutpat vel consectetur ut, porttitor et lorem. Quisque mattis eleifend erat, vitae dictum tellus varius ut. Mauris laoreet blandit nisi nec mollis. Mauris interdum metus ut nisi rhoncus quis lacinia dolor interdum. Integer adipiscing est id lacus porttitor pretium. Vivamus tincidunt purus id enim accumsan facilisis at eget orci. In feugiat, turpis quis sagittis posuere, nunc orci eleifend felis, et vulputate sem nibh ac augue. Integer a nisi ac ipsum bibendum tincidunt vel at arcu. In iaculis

orci id risus luctus pellentesque a sed metus. Proin sit amet quam massa. Proin velit leo, luctus id rutrum eget, pulvinar quis lectus. Etiam vitae volutpat lorem. Sed tempor pretium tristique.

Curabitur elementum purus vel felis consectetur vel elementum mauris pulvinar. Nam faucibus massa ut augue rutrum a lacinia metus vulputate. Nullam eu ipsum orci, sit amet egestas nisl. Aliquam et accumsan dui. Fusce mollis volutpat neque, vel hendrerit enim laoreet iaculis. Phasellus pellentesque feugiat orci, eu bibendum tortor pulvinar et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus velit elit, porta a congue a, aliquet quis odio. Donec vel ante mi, ut posuere eros. Vivamus facilisis enim vitae lorem molestie blandit. Sed suscipit hendrerit erat ac dapibus. Aliquam dapibus gravida metus, a posuere risus gravida ut. Praesent non tortor sapien, quis scelesque diam. Proin ligula risus, ferentum in accumsan non, aliquet vitae erat. Vestibulum interdum mattis lectus, nec hendrerit arcu viverra non. Ut fringilla felis vel ligula egestas euismod.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse fermentum pretium risus, vitae molestie dolor sollicitudin vel. Vestibulum risus sapien, scelerisque vel aliquam sed, euismod in velit. Aliquam pretium pretium risus, in

Connecting all kids who inspire, imagine and inquire!

Buzztimes is the sole initiative of Stones2milestones

Stones2milestones offers research based programs for children to identify and nurture their inherent potential. We constantly encourage children to question things they read, see and hear and give them opportunities to speak out without being judged and let their feelings and opinions be heard. Our organisation is the brainchild of the alumni from IIM & Harvard. We currently have centres in Gurgaon, Bengaluru and Vadodara

For sending articles, poems, stories or any queriesContact us at [email protected]

Or call us at 9810221518 or

Issue 3 - October 2012

Page 2: Buzztimes October 2012


Are you aware of how powerful your thoughts are? Whatever you think about the most, you become! You must take control of your thoughts and improve them gradually so that every area of your life begins to mirror back the positive energy you are putting out. Wouldn’t you like to improve the quality of your life? Have more energy and feel better? Feel happy and inspired?

Our theme this month is Inspiration. But from where does inspiration come? From God, loved ones, nature? But whatever or whoever the source of our inspirations they are there to help relight that fire in your soul, to help you reclaim the life you were meant to live. Just keep yourself inspired!

Our theme for the next issue is ME. Just think: Who are you? What is your role and contribution to your world? You may be son, a daughter, a grandchild, a sister, a friend, a member of the football team or a dance group. Sit back and reflect: Am I a friendly person? Am I a positive person who looks forward to each day? What am I good at? Do I like myself?

Go exploring your identity in terms of family and community. Increase your awareness of the world around you and write to us with wonder, curiosity, and generosity of spirit, what is your place in this world!

Also share with us your problems and challenges and we would offer solutions in our Buzz Advice column, to the best of our ability. Also send reviews of any fascinating book you’ve read lately, any exciting place you have visited or any motivating quote you have come across! We are introducing two new sections - Do You Know and Buzzing Crossword.

Send us interesting facts which are not so known.

Also add your photos and tell your friends.

Go get inspired and you can be whatever you want to be!


Anita Jaswal

PS: A Word For You

Dear Ma’am.Very Good Concept! Congrats for Inaugural First Issue of BuzzTimes.Wish you a Great SuccessWith regards,M.Ravi Kumar, Bangalore

Hi, I just happened to come across your Inaugu-ral Issue - BUZZ TIMES- and surely was a wonderful read! The poems, stories and articles written by children represented not only their creative ability but also that there was indeed now a platform for them to highlight it! The issue is simple yet powerful, it has a magic that weaves around the child's psychol-ogy. Truly can feel the thought gone around and behind the Journal!Gunjan Babbar, Devinder Vihar, Sector 56, Gurgaon

Hi, Though we are in San Jose, Ca but still quite clued into Gurgaon. Awesome piece of news! This will do a world of good to kids... congratulations on this wonderful initia-tive. Nandita Bhattacharjee, San Jose, California, USA

Hi,Simply a wonderful space for children...Magazines in schools are restricted to their own children and not all kids get a chance. Only one query: why isn’t it in colour?Diya SuriKendriya Vihar, Sector 56, Gurgaon

-Thanks for your query. But we have deliberately kept it simple to sensitize kids about the cost. More the colour and glamour, more the cost! But will definitely keep in mind your suggestion. Editor

Editor Writes...

(20) (1)

Letters To The Editor



Page 3: Buzztimes October 2012

Hi friends, In this issue I want to introduce a ten year old girl named Anandi Ray who studies in The Lotus Valley International School. She has a unique and inimitable passion for dancing. She focuses more on the classical dance form Kathak and is extremely good at it; she also

focuses on Western and can do fusion of both the dance forms. She has quite a lot of knowledge on all dance forms of Kathak, but focuses on the Lucknow and Rajasthani. Her journey of dance started when she was four years old. She used to see her mother perform different dances and dreamt of dancing herself. Since then her dancing started and has improved over the years

She has been learning Kathak from her mother. In fact she has performed at Epicentre, Gurgaon, and in Delhi and she has also performed at “Art in Action” situated at London. She has won a few trophies and some medals. Her most recent was at the Sri Sri Durga Pooja Samiti at the Railway Powergrid Sec-47. She also won a trophy at London for being the youngest participant.

“Dancing gives me purpose, passion, identity and a confidence. I feel happy and fulfilled. I live and breathe it and I dedicate all my achievements to my biggest inspiration- my mother.” Says Anandi happily!

Other than dancing she also has an avid interest in literature, art and badminton. But whatever she becomes she will always represent her country India and will help people in need.

Ansh Singhal10 years




Page 4: Buzztimes October 2012

My Inspiration Keeps Me Going! Hello friends, today I am going to tell you from where I get inspired and the person, I admire and who keeps me going. I get inspiration from the one and only SAINA NEHWAL. She is very talented, simple and down to earth person. These are the qualities that set her apart from other celebrities. She recently won bronze for India in London Olympics. My father also used to play Badminton in his college

days and as I am growing, I also have got drawn to this game.I also want to become a badminton player like her, and I want to bring India on top in badminton and be as good as her. Badminton really means a lot to me. I practise a lot and work hard. Whenever I play a game and it’s not coming my way, I always think of her. And I’m filled with so much energy and inspiration that the game just walks my way. It feels really magical! She inspires me in not just my game but also in making me good person and in my sportsmanship qualities. For all sport lovers, Saina Nehwal is a perfect role model and an inspiration to several youngstersNow, you know who my idol is. Share with me who or what inspires you!

Seeing a bird flying high fills me with joy and freedom

The Free bird In the deep forest

At the time of rest,In the moonlit night The light was bright

I heard a bird in a cage Full of rage.

Looking very sadHer mood was bad

Eyes full of tearsSong full of fears

As I opened the lockShe flew and sat on a rockHer voice got melodiousHer swings got joyousShe flew away happily

Into the clouds, free of misery!

what inspires me !


Harshda Ghai10 years

Raushni Plaha9 years

Page 5: Buzztimes October 2012


A Star Shining Bright I want to share an experience of a bird named Pippo. One day when I was playing in the park with my friends, I saw this baby sparrow hiding in a pot, scared because his mother had died. We decided to bring Pippo home. We made a cosy bed for our little guest. We fed our Pippo with biscuit and water. He relished the meal a lot. Pippo became friendly with us and we all used to play with him. After some days, he became ill and died. Some of us believed he went back to his mother in the sky and today shines like a star.

Pippo will always remain in our sweet memories. And all my life I will remember that we can give happiness and joy in the short time we share with others.

Inspiration To Be Good It is not what we eat,But what we digest makes us strong!It is not what we earn,But what we save, that makes us rich!It is not what we read,But what we remember that makes us learned!It is not what we teach,It is what we practice that makes us great!These words inspire me …To grow, to be, to remain a good human being!

Vrinda Sharma8 years

Veer Walia8 years

Page 6: Buzztimes October 2012

Green Earth This young poet is inspired by the Greenery around him!

Green and Blue

Is still on due

So stop cutting trees,

Throw away the axes,

Plant more trees,

Grow a rainforest.

Grow Truffula* trees

The Lorax* and his friends might come back.

Living with plants

They are so nice to be with.

Treat them like

Your friend or brother.

Make green places

Make the whole world green.


Harieshwar.R.Vetri 10 years

**The Lorax,is the protagonist in a book by the same name.

He is the caretaker of the Truffula Trees Forest.

Illustrated byHarieshwar

Page 7: Buzztimes October 2012


A Brainy InspirationWhen you think about a person telling you what inspiration is…you think that it’s going to be a long lecture, don’t you? Well I am going to talk about inspiration in a much fun and easier way. So, you can swipe off the image of me giving a lecture here. First I am going to talk about what is inspiration to me.

The dictionary meaning of inspiration means stimulation. I derive stimulus from people around me. My family, my friends, my teachers, coaches. They all motivate me to keep improving, keep doing better. They also give me a protected environment. When I feel secured, I do well. As I know if I fail, I will not be criticized but only get motivated and inspired.

I am also inspired by my favourite swimmer Michael Phelps and my favourite athlete Usain Bolt. They are both very good sportspersons and also good natured. Similarly when we show our dedication to something and get devoted in things we are interested in we form an idol in our minds like who we want to become. These idols are the people who inspire us. If you think in other fields than sports like business we think of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and others.

But truly speaking, I am most inspired by my grand mom. Even at the age of 75, she is active and hardworking. She tells me to keep focused on my target. She tells me that I will achieve if I stay focused and I keep working towards it.

HOW MY BRAIN WORKS: People who are like me think that they are inspired by their brain. I think so because my brain works in such an unusual way that it is quite strange. My brain works better at night than day. For example, in the afternoon I could not solve a math problem but then when I was going to sleep at night I remembered that the answer to that could have been this and it turns out that I was right. Isn’t it quite strange? But let me tell you one thing: I am a normal teenager who is fascinated by the fact that inspiration is the thing that keeps my brain ticking and my brain is ticking because of my inspiration! My brain, my chaotic brain inspires me to keep going!

Radhika Gupta13 years

Page 8: Buzztimes October 2012

Dance and Me When I joined the Bharatnatyam class 2 years ago, I wasn’t sure of the depth of the dance. When I saw my dance teacher dancing on stage, I realised the beauty of the art. That’s when I felt inspired to dance and dance well. And soon I was promoted to the senior group.

But six months back I was hospitalised for a serious illness. When I started therapy, I could not stand. My legs had become so weak. The mere thought of performing on stage made me strong again.

After two months of treatment when I went back to the class, my teacher continued to inspire me to dance. She and my family motivated me not to stop because of anything. Today I am one of the good students in my class and want to reach the level where I can be on stage like my teacher.

India Inspires Me! Though I’ve been here in Saudi Arabia since I was born, I love India. I don't need any reason to say why India inspires me.

Its home! It’s like being in a big family. India is Rich in its Cultural and Spiritual Heritage and the Truly Admirable Spirit of its People.

I come to India twice a year and the minute we land I feel wonderful and happy! Let me tell you people abroad love India and respect our country.

It’s truly, Saare Jahaan Se Achcha!


Arunima Jain11 years

Shruti Sondhi9 years

Saare jahan se achcha

Page 9: Buzztimes October 2012


My Mom Is The Best My inspiration is my mother. Like her there is no another!She inspires me to draw, paint and sketch, And now for my age I try to be the best.

An artist like her I’ll become I say aloud, And also a Fashion Designer to make my mother proud!

Grandma And MeMy inspiration is my Grandmother: my Dadi. Her kind and helpful nature inspires me a lot. I am thankful to God for giving me such a nice grandmother. I got this best grandmother on 13.01.2002.

I think my grandmother is just like Mother Nature because, when I was reading a book on nature, it was written, that we call nature, Mother Nature because, it does not ask anything in return. She looks after our health, studies, food and security and teaches us about nature – grow plants and trees, waste less, respect all living beings and live clean and green to get

fresh air. She looks after me, without asking anything in return. I must use this phrase for my grandmother that SHE IS THE BACKBONE OF OUR FAMILY.

That means without her our family is nothing. The importance of my grandmother and the meaning of this phrase I fully understood when she fell sick and was hospitalised. We were not able to live our daily life normally. It was as if we had no oxygen in our lives. A big Thank you to my grandmother for being there for me! To each and every Grandmother!

Tanisha Singh8 years

Manika Mathur10 years

Page 10: Buzztimes October 2012


Who Is This Man?He has a heart of gold, a deep love for his wife that most women can only dream of. He has love for his child that is beyond imagination.Who is this man? He is my Dad-My Inspiration

He has strong hands, black eyes, and smiles when he sees you. He calls me Jaanu when we talk on the phone, and always gives me encouragement when he knows I'm down.Who is this man? He is my Dad-My Inspiration

The love of God that his mother taught him. The strength in his arms that his father showed him. I would always like to be the way he is - humble, calm and composed in challenging situations, never to lose control of self and an avid listener.Who is this man? He is my Dad-My Inspiration

He sits on his front deck and thinks of the past. Telling me stories of his childhood, how his parents struggled to bring up all their kids, walking miles to school, attain happiness with small gifts and always remain satisfied.Who is this man? He is my Dad-My Inspiration

He is strong, yet sensitive. His family means the world to him, and he means the world to me. I will always remain so Thankful to God for giving me such a caring and wonderful Dad.Who is this man? He is my Dad-My Inspiration.

My Inspiration - ReadingR- Really enjoyableE- Enter a new worldA- Always inspiringD- Discover everythingI- IlluminatingN- Nothing is betterG- Gain a lot

Malishka Kulchandra8 years

Nainika Gupta9 years

Page 11: Buzztimes October 2012


Everyone around us has their own talents which inspire us.

I think Inspiration means when we want to do the same thing we see some person doing.

They create a desire in me to be able to do things like them. Like my mother inspires me to draw using brilliant colours and imagination. And I inspire to be creative like her.

My Papa sings very well, I get inspired to sing like him. My friend is good at sports like running, throwing and this inspires me to be a sports person.

We all have some special thing in us. I am a good dancer; my step co-ordination inspires my friends to dance like me.

We all should keep on working hard on our talents and keep on nurturing them, making a mark in life. So that others also get inspired from us and they improve on themselves.

There are a lot of activities that I enjoy and the people and things around me inspire me.

Adhiraj, my little brother inspires me to play sports.

The colours around me inspire me to paint. All the shapes and designs around me inspire me to create things out of clay.

The different dance steps inspire me to learn new kinds of dance. The fun of playing many roles inspires me to act in Drama class.

I have lots of inspiration around me!

Meher Sandhu7 years

Buzzing Inspiration

at seven!

Sanjoni Jain7 years

Page 12: Buzztimes October 2012

I am totally crazy about Football. This is perhaps the most popular game in the world. Almost all the progressive countries are fond of playing football. The games make the players healthy and disciplined and develop in their mind a team spirit and sense of tolerance. Football game is played for ninety minutes with a break of five minutes in the middle of the game.

Football is an international game. World Cup tournament of football is played every four years in different countries of the world by turn. Pele of Brazil and Diego Maradona of Argentina are world famous footballers. And I’m truly inspired by them and I believe in this quote by Joe Paterno, the famous football coach: You've got to believe deep in yourself that you’re destined to do great things.

As you must have already guessed I’m wholly and solely inspired by football, and though it is very hard to decide my favourite football player as there are many great players such as Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and Wayne Rooney, my favourite player is a new addition to my favourite club Manchester United Robin Van Persie who is from Netherlands.

Just 29 years old, he completed a £24 million, signing on a four-year contract on 17th August from Arsenal. He is the heart and soul of Arsenal; he was the best player in the Barclay Premier league at least 4 times, with total appearances of 356 games and 156 goals which is a very big achievement. Arsene Wenger the manager of his old team Arsenal quoted that “Robin is a player of a lifetime”. His brilliance is an inspiration and solution to the competitive game. He is more than just a football player. Superlatives have been exhausted to describe him.

One day I hope to become like him a set piece specialist and also a direct free kick taker scoring regularly for my country.


Inspiring Football

Shaurya Walia8years

Abhishek Sriram12 years

Page 13: Buzztimes October 2012

Clackety-ClackIt was a dark and stormy night, with the wind howling and the sky starless and the moon hidden within the darkness. Lightning flashed against the sky. But that did not disturb old lady Josephine. She lived with her only child Jennifer. Jennifer was only 28 years old then, and tried to make her mother happy. But nothing would make old lady Josephine happy. Not since her husband died in a car accident a few years back. Josephine simply lost the will to live. She ate, knit, and slept every day.

One day, Jennifer went out with some friends for a late night movie. “I hope you don’t mind mom, about the movie, will you be all right on your own?” Jennifer said. “Oh I will be all right on my own dear. Go along.” replied Josephine. “Oh thanks mom!” said Jennifer happily. She walked out of the door. Josephine sighed and started knitting. For a few minutes she heard the peaceful ‘Clackety-Clack’ of the knitting needles and her old rickety rocking chair.

It was interrupted by a loud moan. Josephine didn’t look up from her knitting. ‘Must be my own imagination’ she thought. She went back to her knitting. Then she heard another loud groan, except this time louder. ‘Might be some old beggar on the street.’ thought Josephine.

Then, she heard a shrill scream. It was so scary that Josephine leaped out of her skin. Afterwards she became curious. ‘Who groaned? Who screamed?’ she thought. She went to the front door and opened it, and looked around. Suddenly from the darkness emerged a figure which leaped to her feet, put his dirty hands around her ankles and moaned – “Join me in heaven my dear!”

Old lady Josephine turned a shade of pale white, all the blood was drained out of her face. She slumped against the old rickety rocking chair which made the same ‘Clackety-Clack’ sound. “G…….G……..George!” she stammered, clutching her heart. Old lady Josephine drew her last breath and died that very night. Doctors say of shock! But poor Jennifer doesn’t know why.


spooky buzz

Purva Bhattacharjee 12 years

Page 14: Buzztimes October 2012


buzzing Crossword

Page 15: Buzztimes October 2012


We all know that Fingerprints are used for confirming identities and most importantly, as links and matches between a suspect and a crime.

• A print from a barefoot can reveal your identify nearly as well as a fingerprint.

Foot-pressure patterns may soon be used as another way to identify individuals.

• The discovery means that one day retinal scans and voice recognition also may be joined by foot-pressure patterns and finger prints as a means of confirming ID

• There is an inheritable quality to fingerprints. Pattern types are often genetically inherited, but the individual details that make a fingerprint unique are not.

• Primates such as chimpanzees and apes have fingerprints.

• A lesser-known fact is that the koala of Australia has unique and distinct fingerprints as well, and these fingerprints are considered very similar to those of a human.

• Elvis Presley said Values* are like fingerprints. Nobody's are the same, but you leave them all over everything you do!

*Values are our ethics, morals and guidelines in life.

A Brainy Inspiration

?WhoAm I

Page 16: Buzztimes October 2012

A Working MotherI am a working mother and I continue to work because I have a career I have spent years developing.

I feel working mothers tend to have more independent children. You are providing an excellent role model for your children. Every day, your children get to see you take care of them and the house as well as darting off to work and having your own career. You are providing them with a good work ethic and showing them that you can have the best of both worlds.

Some working mothers feel guilty about leaving their family to go to work. I feelthere is no need to feel guilt about it as you must be comfortable with whatever decision you make. You need to do what is right for yourself and your family. A working mother is always supposed to balance between her home and work life. She can neither be liberal towards her duties to her child nor towards her work. Both of them demands the same dedication and strength

It is unfair for people to think that working moms prioritize their careers over their families, or worse, that they do not care what becomes of their children while they are working their socks off in the office.

On the contrary, most of these hardworking women hurt inside whenever they are not in PTA meetings or are not there when their little angels come home from school. It's just that they are made of tougher substance, with stronger determination and clearer vision for them and their families. At the end of the day, these women who have the strength to set aside their own feelings for the sake of the whole family, are heroes in their own right!


Smita Sondhi

Smita has been working in the corporate world for over 14 years in the field of Operations & Customer Services. She is a mother of a 6 years old super active daughter who expects her attention & involvement in


Buzzing Moms :

A Full time Job

Page 17: Buzztimes October 2012

Buzz from Stones2milestones


The Road Less Travelled I always felt inspired by Robert Frost as a poet. There is certain depth in his poetry which makes you introspect yourself and helps you to evolve as a person with much more sensibility. The Road Not Taken one of my favourite poems quite relates with the choices which I have made in my life. I strongly believe that our purpose in life is beyond survival, we are here to make our mark in this world by making it a better place to live for the generations to come. In the end how we do that will make all the difference. Going down the road less travelled, one should be able to say in one’s old age that yes, I chose the correct road, and that it has changed my life for the better.

My association with S2M is a testimony of this choice. When I first heard about it, I wasn't aware about the vision or purpose of this educational organisation. I presumed it to be another after school program for kids. It's with time that I realised that Stones2milestones is more of a thought than an organisation. And this stands true in its deepest aspect. Here the purpose is to make a difference in the life of our children.

This belief gets further strengthened when I see the happy faces of the children evolving as much more aware and responsible individuals. Their love, the spark in their eyes when they see you & the parents’ acknowledgment of your efforts are the best reward one can wish for. This is the faith which keeps me going and tells me that,”I might have taken the road less travelled, but I believe that will make all the difference!"

Abha Bhasin

Lead, Stones2Milestones, South India

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Who Inspires You ?

My children inspire me. When I have had a dark day, a smile or a hug from them is enough to make the sunshine through the clouds. They are so innocent and sweet. They love me unconditionally no matter what and I love having them in my life. I couldn’t ask for better kids!!


Mom you are my inspiration! You face each day with such grace, patience, sweetness, and goodness.

Day after day you fill our home with such love and kindness; no one would ever know that you are in fact fighting cancer. Through your goodness and grace I see a strong, heroic beautiful woman. I will always cherish your words, "to be the best version of yourself and to love fully.


Dad you are one of my biggest heroes, and I hope to be like you when I grow up. Thank you for raising me the way you did, not only are you my philosopher and guide, but also my best friend. I love you!


Animals are wonderful and inspirational souls. My pet dog Jojo is my constant companion, and at times, the most important person in my life. He is a family member, friend, helper and defender. His warm heartbeat at my feet is the best stress buster I can think of!


You give me the strength I need to get through. You are an amazing role model, athlete, cousin, and friend. I can't imagine life without you. You make me laugh so hard I am filled with joy every time I see you, which is something no one can do but you. I know we will be close for the rest of our lives and I cannot wait to grow old together; laughing, crying, sharing and loving.


Just a bit of Inspiration can go a long way. We all need inspiration in our lives to keep us on track. Look around and you will get inspired! Find the time to be inspired!

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Two Buzzing books

Froggy Fable by John Lechner

This book is a modern-day fable that challenges readers to see their own world in a new way. An unexpected adventure changes a frog for the better — whether he likes it or not!It starts with a complacent note:Once there was a frog who lived under a rock by himself. Every day he did the same thing.

Swimming to the pond to get breakfast, jumping onto a log to enjoy the sun, heading back to crawl under his rock again — this is one frog who likes to keep to his routine. First, tiny changes happen to his home: otters and blue jays intrude. The frog grumbles. But there's nothing he can do. Then, one day, he is an unwitting adventurer as he is frognapped and then lost. By the time the tale is finished, the frog has learned he has the ability to weather just about anything that can happen to him.A wise tale about accepting changes in life. Kids and adults both will enjoy this tale of challenge and wisdom, illustrated simply yet effectively by the author.You will love the simplistic illustration! A must read. Pick it up at your library.

The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks It all starts with a birthday present Omri doesn't even want -- a small plastic Indian of no use to him at all. But when an old wooden cupboard and a special key bring the unusual toy to life, Omri's Indian becomes his most important secret: precious, dangerous, wonderful, and above all, magical This book was followed by four sequels. All the stories are pieced together well and all the series have a connection. Once you've read the first book, you have to read the second, and the third, and then wonder why there are only 5 series!. I would recommend both these books as a must read for peeps of all reading levels


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Hi friends, In this issue I want to introduce a ten year old girl named Anandi Ray who studies in The Lotus Valley International School. She has a unique and inimitable passion for dancing. She focuses more on the classical dance form Kathak and is extremely good at it; she also

focuses on Western and can do fusion of both the dance forms. She has quite a lot of knowledge on all dance forms of Kathak, but focuses on the Lucknow and Rajasthani. Her journey of dance started when she was four years old. She used to see her mother perform different dances and dreamt of dancing herself. Since then her dancing started and has improved over the years

She has been learning Kathak from her mother. In fact she has performed at Epicentre, Gurgaon, and in Delhi and she has also performed at “Art in Action” situated at London. She has won a few trophies and some medals. Her most recent was at the Sri Sri Durga Pooja Samiti at the Railway Powergrid Sec-47. She also won a trophy at London for being the youngest participant.

“Dancing gives me purpose, passion, identity and a confidence. I feel happy and fulfilled. I live and breathe it and I dedicate all my achievements to my biggest inspiration- my mother.” Says Anandi happily!

Other than dancing she also has an avid interest in literature, art and badminton. But whatever she becomes she will always represent her country India and will help people in need.

Ansh Singhal10 years




buzz Advice column

Dear Buzz,I am 10 years old in grade 5. I dread going to school as I’m bullied by these 2 boys who are in grade 7. They get onto the school bus from my stop, but the minute the bus turns the corner they start troubling me.They will push, call me names, threaten me if I say I will complain, and have even taken my treasured WWF cards. I told my teacher but she said I should be strong and face them. Its normal teasing and I should be brave, not a sissy! I hate mornings, I hate everything. Please tell me what to do? Abhi

Dear Abhi, First of all you are not a sissy. You are very brave to come out with your problem. Getting teased is okay as long as it is in a harmless fun way. But when teasing becomes hurtful, unkind, and constant and crosses the line into bullying, it needs to stop. It's normal to be frightened or angry when other children bully you, but you can begin discouraging attacks by showing confidence and not showing you are scared.You should never fight with a bullying child or make verbal or written insults. This could lead to more aggression and possibly serious injury. Talk to the bullying child if it feels safe. Look him or her in the eye and say strongly but calmly, "Leave me alone" or "You don't scare me."You may worry about making them angry by telling on them. But exposing the abuse is the only way to stop the problem. You can ask to remain anonymous when reporting an incident. And if it still does not work, I feel you need to talk to your parents

Parent’s Role Although there is no easy or foolproof solution, please never overlook this problem. Trying to ignore it won't make it go awayLet your child know you are always there for him or her. It's also important to respond in a positive and accepting manner. Let your child know it's not his fault, and that he did the right thing by telling you. Ask your child what he thinks should be done. What's already been tried? What worked and what didn't? Help your child practice being assertive but not aggressive.Encourage your child to be with friends when travelling back and forth from school, during shopping trips, or on other outings. Bullies are less likely to pick on a child in a group. If the problem persists, seeking school authorities’ and professional assistance to address the problem, becomes necessary.Children who are bullied experience real suffering that can interfere with their social and emotional development. It's important to take bullying seriously and not just brush it off as something that kids have to bear. The effects can be serious and affect kids' sense of self-worth and future relationships and leave scars for life.



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Dear Ma’am.Very Good Concept! Congrats for Inaugural First Issue of BuzzTimes.Wish you a Great SuccessWith regards,M.Ravi Kumar, Bangalore

Hi, I just happened to come across your Inaugu-ral Issue - BUZZ TIMES- and surely was a wonderful read! The poems, stories and articles written by children represented not only their creative ability but also that there was indeed now a platform for them to highlight it! The issue is simple yet powerful, it has a magic that weaves around the child's psychol-ogy. Truly can feel the thought gone around and behind the Journal!Gunjan Babbar, Devinder Vihar, Sector 56, Gurgaon

Hi, Though we are in San Jose, Ca but still quite clued into Gurgaon. Awesome piece of news! This will do a world of good to kids... congratulations on this wonderful initia-tive. Nandita Bhattacharjee, San Jose, California, USA

Hi,Simply a wonderful space for children...Magazines in schools are restricted to their own children and not all kids get a chance. Only one query: why isn’t it in colour?Diya SuriKendriya Vihar, Sector 56, Gurgaon

-Thanks for your query. But we have deliberately kept it simple to sensitize kids about the cost. More the colour and glamour, more the cost! But will definitely keep in mind your suggestion. Editor


Letters To The Editor


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buzzing Contributors

Harshda Ghai is a Grade 5 student of the Sun City World School. She is a charming, self-possessed child who loves sports. She is also keen on reading and music.

Raushni Plaha studies in Grade 4 at the Scottish High International School. She is an extremely affectionate, confident girl who loves to write in her free time. She also likes to go shopping with her mother.

Manika Mathur is in Grade 5 in the Amity International School, Mayur Vihar, Delhi. Her hobbies are Creative writing, Oration, Dancing & Craft (out of waste).

Harieshwar.R.Vetri studies in the Gear Innovative International School, Bangalore, in Grade 5. He loves to read books and makes stories while playing with his Lego toys. He occasionally writes them down as well. Science is his favourite subject and he loves to collect facts.

Arunima Jain is a Grade 6 student of Bloom Public School, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. She loves dramatics, dance and art & craft. She loves to make friends, but her best friend is her sister.

Purva Bhattacharjee, USA, based, is a tween (12 years old), who loves to read and write fiction stories. She’s interested in absurdity and things that feel true but not violence or terror but plain scary stories. Her hobbies include- singing, dancing, playing piano, badminton, softball and ping pong.

Meher Sandhu is a gentle and caring young girl, who loves to paint and enjoys all kinds of Art and Craft activities. She is a student of Grade 2, The Shri Ram School, Gurgaon

Sanjoni Jain is in Grade 3 in the Indus World School. She loves to draw, sing, and dance. Veer Walia is a bright, active child. He is very creative and has a knack for aesthetics. He is studying

with Suncity World School in Grade 3. Shaurya Walia is a carefree child, loves to live in his dream world. He has a keen interest for Sports

and Reading. He is very tech-savvy and focussed.He is studying with Suncity World School in Grade 3. Malishka Kulchandra is in Grade 4 in the Suncity School. A highly intelligent and sensitive child, she

loves drawing, reading books, art & craft and collecting tags and leaves. Shruti Sondhi studies in Grade 3, at the International Indian School, Aljubail in Saudi Arabia. She is a

smart, articulate girl, who loves painting, dancing and singing. Vrinda Sharma is in the Grade 3, DPS Sushant Lok. She likes reading and is very fascinated by science

pertaining to space and the solar system. She also enjoys playing the Casio and being with her friends. Radhika Gupta is a student of The Heritage School studying in Grade 8. She loves to read and is a

die-hard sportsperson. Besides taking part in adventure activities and competitive swimming, Radhika aspires to pursue a career in Bio-chemistry and medicine.

Tanisha Singh is in Grade V in Scottish High International School. She is a sweet and helpful child. She loves to create new things and read whenever she gets time.

Abhishek Sriram is studying in Grade 8 at DPS Sector 45. An affectionate and loving boy his hobbies include sketching, cycling, football, cooking and reading his favourite book The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.

Nainika Gupta studies in Class:IV in the Lotus Valley International School, Gurgaon. Reading inspires her to write. She has written a few poems & stories which have been published in the school magazine.

Special Correspondent Ansh Singhal is a Grade 5 student of The Heritage School. He loves reading and is the author of a book at such a young age. He hopes to encourage other children to enjoy reading and writing about what's on their mind.

Editor : Anita Jaswal Sub Editor : Nisha Ghai Lead Creative Design : Ami Gandhi



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Buzztimes is the sole initiative of Stones2milestones

Stones2milestones offers research based programs for children to identify and nurture their inherent potential. We constantly encourage children to question things they read, see and hear and give them opportunities to speak out without being judged and let their feelings and opinions be heard. Our organisation is the brainchild of the alumni from IIM & Harvard. We currently have centres in Gurgaon, Bengaluru and Vadodara

For sending articles, poems, stories or any queriesContact us at [email protected]

Or call us at 9810221518 or