Behemoth, Leviathan and the Fiery Arrows of the Lord from ... · by Debo Daniel 3...

先知性/巨獸系列1 擊退水靈 教戰指南-作者: Jennifer LeClaire /TOD 出版 2 The Water Spirit Kingdom by Debo Daniel 3 如何抵擋利維坦的詭計 4 Jennifer LeClaire 給臺灣的話語#推翻巨獸 (貝西蒙斯) 5 從「利維坦的靈」得到釋放—章啟明 Behemoth, Leviathan and the Fiery Arrows of the Lord from Habbakkuk 3 作者: Jeff Byerly /2020 年 6 月 3 日 中譯: 地極禱告站 [*]本站譯注 在過去約三周的時間裡,聖靈一直向我啟示哈巴谷書第三章,祂使我反複閱讀幾個不同版本。 聖靈要我使用 1851 年 Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton 爵士翻譯的七十士譯本*[希臘文]與大家分享1 哈巴谷先知的禱告,調用流離歌。 2 雅威啊,我已聽見祢的言語,甚是害怕,我思想祢的 作為,甚覺奇妙:從兩個活物 (貝西蒙斯和利維坦: 以斯拉記卷二 6:47-52*[如附註]和下面其它經文)人要認識祢的名,當年日靠近,人要承認祢的名,當 那時候來到,祢要被彰顯出來;我的魂甚是憂愁,在 發怒的時候,祢仍以憐憫為念。 3 神由提幔而來,聖者從幽暗遮蔽的巴蘭山而來。 4 祂的榮光彌漫穹蒼,讚美祂的聲音響徹大地。祂的 輝煌如光;祂手持諸般號角,以發出祂大能大力的愛。 5 在祂面前有言語發出,且要向前進入諸平原, 6 全地在祂腳下顫抖:他觀看,列國熔化,群山崩裂, 永久的山嶺都在祂永恆的行進中銷化了。 7 我觀看衣索匹亞的帳棚遭難,米甸地上的帳幕驚惶。 8 因祢已跨上馬,祢的戰車乃是拯救。雅威啊,祢豈會 惱怒江河,向江河發怒,向海洋洩憤嗎? 9 祢定向權貴拉開弓,主說。 (細拉)江河之地被撕碎。 10 列國看見祢,就甚哀痛,祢分開翻騰的眾水:深淵 出聲,被祢舉起到高處。 11 日頭高懸,月亮停在本宮,祢的矛射出如光,祢的膀 臂發出閃耀。 12 祢以威嚇使地土降卑,祢用烈怒擊打列國。 13 祢奮勇向前拯救祢的百姓,拯救祢所膏抹的:死亡 卻臨到惡人頭上;繩索纏繞他們的頸項。(細拉) 14 祢將王子的頭砍碎,他們全都發抖;他們扯斷韁繩, 如同困苦人在隱密處狼吞虎嚥。 15 祢策馬入海,攪動眾水。 16 我觀看祢的作為,一聽到我嘴唇禱告的聲音我的肚 皮震顫,我的骨頭發顫,我裏面甚是戰兢;我上到棲 身之處的百姓當中,好在遭難的日子得安息。 17 無花果樹不結果,葡萄樹不結葡萄;橄欖樹也不效力, 田地也不出產糧食;草地上絕了羊,牛棚裡也沒有牛。 18 然而我要因我的主歡喜,因我的救主而喜樂。 19 主雅威是我的力量,祂使我的雙腳全然加力,祂將 我安置在高處,使我高唱祂的凱歌。 *[和合本] 哈巴谷書第三章 哈巴谷的祈禱 1 先知哈巴谷的禱告,調用流離歌。 2 雅威啊,我聽見祢的名聲(-或譯:言語)就懼怕。雅威啊, 求祢在這些年間復興祢的作為,在這些年間顯明出 來;在發怒的時候以憐憫為念。 3 上帝從提幔而來;聖者從巴蘭山臨到。他的榮光遮 蔽諸天;頌讚充滿大地。 4 他的輝煌如同日光;從他手裏射出光線,在其中藏 著他的能力。 5 在他前面有瘟疫流行;在他腳下有熱症發出。 6 他站立,量了大地(-或譯: 使地震動),觀看,趕散萬民。 永久的山崩裂;長存的嶺塌陷;他的作為與古時一樣。 7 我見古珊的帳棚遭難,米甸的幔子戰兢。 8 雅威啊,祢乘在馬上,坐在得勝的車上,豈是不喜悅 江河、向江河發怒氣、向洋海發憤恨嗎? 9 祢的弓全然顯露,向眾支派所起的誓都是可信的。 祢以江河分開大地。 10 山嶺見祢,無不戰懼;大水氾濫過去,深淵發聲, 洶湧翻騰(- 原文是向上舉手) 11 因祢的箭射出發光,祢的槍閃出光耀,日月都在本 宮停住。(祢急速的箭一閃,閃亮的矛一晃,太陽和 月亮都要停住。-現代中譯本) 12 祢發忿恨通行大地,發怒氣責打列國,如同打糧。 13 祢出來要拯救祢的百姓,拯救祢的受膏者,打破惡 人家長的頭,露出他的腳(-原文是根基) ,直到頸項。 14 祢用著敵人的戈矛刺透他戰士的頭;他們來如旋 風,要將我們分散。他們所喜愛的是暗中吞吃貧民。 15 祢乘馬踐踏紅海,就是踐踏洶湧的大水。 16 我聽見 雅威的聲音,身體戰兢,嘴唇發顫,骨中 朽爛;我在所立之處戰兢。我只可安靜等候災難之 日臨到,犯境之民上來。 17 雖然無花果樹不發旺,葡萄樹不結果,橄欖樹也不 效力,田地不出糧食,圈中絕了羊,棚內也沒有牛; 18 然而,我要因雅威歡欣,因救我的上帝喜樂。 19 主雅威是我的力量;他使我的腳快如母鹿的蹄,又 使我穩行在高處。

Transcript of Behemoth, Leviathan and the Fiery Arrows of the Lord from ... · by Debo Daniel 3...

Page 1: Behemoth, Leviathan and the Fiery Arrows of the Lord from ... · by Debo Daniel 3 如何抵擋利維坦的詭計 4 Jennifer LeClaire 給臺灣的話語 #推翻巨獸 (貝西蒙斯)


1 『擊退水靈 教戰指南』」-作者: Jennifer LeClaire /TOD 出版 2 The Water Spirit Kingdom by Debo Daniel 3 如何抵擋利維坦的詭計 4 Jennifer LeClaire 給臺灣的話語#推翻巨獸

(貝西蒙斯) 5 從「利維坦的靈」得到釋放—章啟明

Behemoth, Leviathan and the Fiery Arrows of the Lord from Habbakkuk 3

作者: Jeff Byerly /2020 年 6 月 3 日 中譯: 地極禱告站 [*]本站譯注


聖靈要我使用 1851 年 Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton 爵士翻譯的七十士譯本*[希臘文]與大家分享。 1哈巴谷先知的禱告,調用流離歌。 2雅威啊,我已聽見祢的言語,甚是害怕,我思想祢的

作為,甚覺奇妙:從兩個活物 (貝西蒙斯和利維坦: 見

以斯拉記卷二 6:47-52*[如附註]和下面其它經文),人要認識祢的名,當年日靠近,人要承認祢的名,當

那時候來到,祢要被彰顯出來;我的魂甚是憂愁,在發怒的時候,祢仍以憐憫為念。 3神由提幔而來,聖者從幽暗遮蔽的巴蘭山而來。 4 祂的榮光彌漫穹蒼,讚美祂的聲音響徹大地。祂的輝煌如光;祂手持諸般號角,以發出祂大能大力的愛。 5在祂面前有言語發出,且要向前進入諸平原, 6全地在祂腳下顫抖:他觀看,列國熔化,群山崩裂,永久的山嶺都在祂永恆的行進中銷化了。 7我觀看衣索匹亞的帳棚遭難,米甸地上的帳幕驚惶。 8因祢已跨上馬,祢的戰車乃是拯救。雅威啊,祢豈會

惱怒江河,向江河發怒,向海洋洩憤嗎? 9祢定向權貴拉開弓,主說。(細拉)江河之地被撕碎。 10列國看見祢,就甚哀痛,祢分開翻騰的眾水:深淵出聲,被祢舉起到高處。 11日頭高懸,月亮停在本宮,祢的矛射出如光,祢的膀臂發出閃耀。 12祢以威嚇使地土降卑,祢用烈怒擊打列國。 13祢奮勇向前拯救祢的百姓,拯救祢所膏抹的:死亡卻臨到惡人頭上;繩索纏繞他們的頸項。(細拉) 14祢將王子的頭砍碎,他們全都發抖;他們扯斷韁繩,如同困苦人在隱密處狼吞虎嚥。 15祢策馬入海,攪動眾水。 16我觀看祢的作為,一聽到我嘴唇禱告的聲音我的肚皮震顫,我的骨頭發顫,我裏面甚是戰兢;我上到棲身之處的百姓當中,好在遭難的日子得安息。 17無花果樹不結果,葡萄樹不結葡萄;橄欖樹也不效力,田地也不出產糧食;草地上絕了羊,牛棚裡也沒有牛。 18然而我要因我的主歡喜,因我的救主而喜樂。 19 主雅威是我的力量,祂使我的雙腳全然加力,祂將我安置在高處,使我高唱祂的凱歌。

*[和合本] 哈巴谷書第三章 哈巴谷的祈禱

1先知哈巴谷的禱告,調用流離歌。 2雅威啊,我聽見祢的名聲(-或譯:言語)就懼怕。雅威啊,


來;在發怒的時候以憐憫為念。 3上帝從提幔而來;聖者從巴蘭山臨到。他的榮光遮

蔽諸天;頌讚充滿大地。 4他的輝煌如同日光;從他手裏射出光線,在其中藏

著他的能力。 5在他前面有瘟疫流行;在他腳下有熱症發出。 6他站立,量了大地(-或譯:使地震動),觀看,趕散萬民。

永久的山崩裂;長存的嶺塌陷;他的作為與古時一樣。 7我見古珊的帳棚遭難,米甸的幔子戰兢。 8雅威啊,祢乘在馬上,坐在得勝的車上,豈是不喜悅

江河、向江河發怒氣、向洋海發憤恨嗎? 9 祢的弓全然顯露,向眾支派所起的誓都是可信的。

祢以江河分開大地。 10山嶺見祢,無不戰懼;大水氾濫過去,深淵發聲,

洶湧翻騰(-原文是向上舉手)。 11因祢的箭射出發光,祢的槍閃出光耀,日月都在本


月亮都要停住。-現代中譯本) 12祢發忿恨通行大地,發怒氣責打列國,如同打糧。 13 祢出來要拯救祢的百姓,拯救祢的受膏者,打破惡

人家長的頭,露出他的腳(-原文是根基),直到頸項。 14 祢用著敵人的戈矛刺透他戰士的頭;他們來如旋

風,要將我們分散。他們所喜愛的是暗中吞吃貧民。 15祢乘馬踐踏紅海,就是踐踏洶湧的大水。 16我聽見 雅威的聲音,身體戰兢,嘴唇發顫,骨中


日臨到,犯境之民上來。 17雖然無花果樹不發旺,葡萄樹不結果,橄欖樹也不

效力,田地不出糧食,圈中絕了羊,棚內也沒有牛; 18然而,我要因雅威歡欣,因救我的上帝喜樂。 19主雅威是我的力量;他使我的腳快如母鹿的蹄,又


Page 2: Behemoth, Leviathan and the Fiery Arrows of the Lord from ... · by Debo Daniel 3 如何抵擋利維坦的詭計 4 Jennifer LeClaire 給臺灣的話語 #推翻巨獸 (貝西蒙斯)





















之地撕成碎片(注意:世界上前三個擁有600 英里以上河流最多的國家是:1.俄羅斯 2.美國。




給我。我為所定的日子在我的箭袋中隱藏了 144,000 人,他們是我的餘民—新婦。他們被磨練成





參閱:「十架烈焰 橫掃列國」異象(如右圖)~

通報(四輔)150727.1 澳紐#7 十架烈焰 横掃列國--對澳紐屬











Page 3: Behemoth, Leviathan and the Fiery Arrows of the Lord from ... · by Debo Daniel 3 如何抵擋利維坦的詭計 4 Jennifer LeClaire 給臺灣的話語 #推翻巨獸 (貝西蒙斯)







*[右圖:巨獸與海魔《約伯記》插圖,William Blake 威廉·布萊克 1825 作]

2 Esdras 6:47-52 (NRSV) 以斯拉記卷二第 6 章 47 至 52 節* 47 在第五日,祢對第七部份有水聚集(水域)的部分說,應有動物、飛

禽和魚類:事就這樣成了。48 是故無聲無息無生命的水域能生出活

物,因此萬民都要讚頌祢的奇妙作為。49 然後祢造出兩隻活物(*獸),

其中一隻祢給牠取名為貝西摩斯,另一隻叫做利維坦。50 並且祢將



牠,叫牠就住在那裡,那是有上千座山頭的地方。52 至於利維坦,


[註] *NRSV 版本:可瀏覽 *《以斯拉記˙次經》此卷書在【斯拉夫聖經】中被列在以斯拉記的範圍,但在希臘文中卻找不到。

它以四分卷的形式包含在拉丁文 Vulgate 聖經的附錄中。照《次經》記載,貝西摩斯(Behemoth)與

利維坦(Leviathan)都在創世第五天誕生。關於 Behemoth(貝西摩斯)及 Leviathan(利維坦)兩獸可對

照《以諾一書》60:6-10,24-25 記載如下

1Enoch(以諾一書) 60:6-10,24-25 6 “And when the day, and the power, and the punishment, and the judgement come, which the Lord of

Spirits hath prepared for those who worship not the righteous law, and for those who deny the

righteous judgement, and for those who take His name in vain-that day is prepared, for the elect a

covenant, but for sinners an inquisition. 7And on that day two monsters(兩隻怪獸) will be separated

from one another, a female monster whose name is Leviathan(雌性怪獸的名字是利維坦), to dwell in

the depths of the sea, above the springs of the waters. 8And the name of the male is Behemoth(雄性的

名字叫貝西蒙斯) who occupies with his breast an immense desert named Dendayn on the east of the

Garden where the chosen and the righteous dwell. Where my great-grandfather was received, who was

seventh from Adam, the first man whom the Lord of Spirits made. 9

And I asked that other Angel to

show me the power of those monsters, how they were separated on one day, and thrown, one into the

depths of the sea and the other on to the dry ground of the desert. 10

And he said to me: “Son of man,

you here wish to know what is secret.” 24

And the Angel of Peace who was with me, said to me: “These two monsters, prepared in accordance

with the greatness of the Lord, will feed them that Punishment of the Lord. And children will be killed

with their mothers and sons with their fathers. 25

When the punishment of the Lord of Spirits rests

upon them it will remain resting so that the punishment of the Lord of Spirits may not come in vain

upon these. Afterwards, the judgment will be according to His mercy and His patience.”

約伯記 Job 40:15-24 (NRSV)

[和合本] 40:15你且觀看河馬*[原文: Behemoth(貝西摩斯)];我造你也造牠。牠吃草與牛一樣;16牠的


Page 4: Behemoth, Leviathan and the Fiery Arrows of the Lord from ... · by Debo Daniel 3 如何抵擋利維坦的詭計 4 Jennifer LeClaire 給臺灣的話語 #推翻巨獸 (貝西蒙斯)





約伯記 Job 3:8(NRSV)

[和合本] 3: 8 願那咒詛日子且能惹動鱷魚*[原文: Leviathan(利維坦)]的咒詛那夜。

約伯記 Job 41 (NRSV)

[和合本] 41: 1你能用魚鉤釣上鱷魚*[原文: Leviathan(利維坦),以下皆同] 嗎?能用繩子壓下牠的舌頭



的 漁夫豈可拿牠當貨物嗎?能把牠分給商人嗎?7 你能用倒鉤槍扎滿牠的皮,能用魚叉叉滿牠的頭




衣?誰能進牠上下牙骨之間呢?14 誰能開牠的腮頰?牠牙齒四圍是可畏的。15 牠以堅固的鱗甲為可


分離。18 牠打噴嚏就發出光來;牠眼睛好像早晨的光線(-原文是眼皮)。19從牠口中發出燒著的火把,








詩篇 Psalm 74:12-14 (NRSV)

[和合本] 74: 12上帝自古以來為我的王,在地上施行拯救。13你曾用能力將海分開,將水中大魚*[原

文: dragons(群龍)]的頭打破。14你曾砸碎鱷魚*[原文: Leviathan(利維坦)]頭,把牠給曠野的禽獸(原文:


詩篇 Psalm 104:24-26 (NRSV)

[和合本] 104: 24雅威啊,你所造的何其多!都是你用智慧造成的;遍地滿了你的豐富。25那裏有海,

又大又廣;其中有無數的動物,大小活物都有。26那裏有船行走,有你所造的鱷魚*[原文: Leviathan(利


以賽亞書 Isaiah 26:19-27:1 (NRSV)

[和合本] 26: 19死人(-原文是你的死人)要復活,屍首( - 原文是我的屍首)要興起。睡在塵埃的啊,

要醒起歌唱!因你的甘露 好像菜蔬上的甘露,地也要交出死人來。20審判和復興我的百姓啊,你們





以賽亞書 Isaiah 51:9 (ICB)

[直譯] 51:9 大能大力的主啊,興起!興起!像古時的年日一樣興起。又像上古的世代興起一樣。以


Page 5: Behemoth, Leviathan and the Fiery Arrows of the Lord from ... · by Debo Daniel 3 如何抵擋利維坦的詭計 4 Jennifer LeClaire 給臺灣的話語 #推翻巨獸 (貝西蒙斯)


Behemoth, Leviathan and the Fiery Arrows of the Lord from Habbakkuk 3 By Jeff Byerly June 3, 2020

The Holy Spirit has been speaking revelations to me about Habakkuk 3 for about 3 weeks now and has had me read it over and over in a few different versions. The version that He wants me to share with you is the Septuagint translated by Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton from 1851. 1 A PRAYER OF THE PROPHET AMBACUM(HABAKUK), WITH A SONG. 2 O Lord, I have heard thy report, and was afraid: I considered thy works, and was amazed: thou shalt be known between the two living creatures (Behemoth and Leviathan: see 2 Esdras 6:47-52 and many other verses below), thou shalt be acknowledged when the years draw nigh; thou shalt be manifested when the time is come; when my soul is troubled, thou wilt in wrath remember mercy. 3 God shall come from Thaeman, and the Holy One from the dark shady mount Pharan. Pause. 4 His excellence covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise. And his brightness shall be as light; horns in his hands, and he caused a mighty love of his strength. 5 Before his face shall go a report, and it shall go forth into the plains, 6 the earth stood at his feet and trembled: he beheld, and the nations melted away: the mountains were violently burst through, the everlasting hills melted at his everlasting going forth. 7 Because of troubles I looked upon the tents of the Ethiopians: the tabernacles also of the land of Madiam shall be dismayed. 8 Wast thou angry, O Lord, with the rivers? or thy wrath against the rivers, or thine anger against the sea? for thou wilt mount on thine horses, and thy chariots are salvation. 9 Surely thou didst bend thy bow at scepters, saith the Lord. Pause. The land of rivers shall be torn asunder. 10 The nations shall see thee and be in pain, divide the moving waters: the deep uttered her voice, and raised her form on high. 11 The sun was exalted, and the moon stood still in her course: thy darts shall go forth at the light, at the brightness of the gleaming of thine arms. 12 Thou wilt bring low the land with threatening, and in wrath thou wilt break down the nations. 13 Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, to save thine anointed: thou shalt bring death on the heads of transgressors; thou has brought bands upon neck. Pause. 14 Thou didst cut asunder the heads of princes with amazement, they shall tremble in it; they shall burst their bridles, as a poor man devouring in secret. 15 And thou dost cause thine horses to enter the sea, disturbing much water. 16 I watched, and my belly trembled at the sound of the prayer of my lips, and trembling entered into my bones, and my frame was troubled within me; I will rest in the day of affliction, from going up to the people of my sojourning. 17 For the fig-tree shall bear no fruit, and there shall be no produce on the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall produce no food: the sheep have failed from the pasture, and there are no oxen at the cribs; 18 yet I will exult in the Lord, I will joy in God my Saviour. 19 The Lord God is my strength, and he will perfectly strengthen my feet; he mounts me upon high places, that I may conquer by his song. This is the message given by the Holy Spirit for all to read about Habakkuk 3 and the revelations that I have been given to share.

Page 6: Behemoth, Leviathan and the Fiery Arrows of the Lord from ... · by Debo Daniel 3 如何抵擋利維坦的詭計 4 Jennifer LeClaire 給臺灣的話語 #推翻巨獸 (貝西蒙斯)

“The judgments that I have warned you about are now upon the nations. With each wave they will

grow stronger as in travail of birth. My wrath has not yet come and I will remember mercy upon those

who fear Me, even on those who are amazed at what I AM doing in your midst. I have warned of this

time you are in from the beginning. Many years have gone by and I have warned over and over again

but now trouble will overtake all the lands who have had peace but most significantly America. I have

kept myself hidden in the darkness because of My mercy but now My glory shall be manifested

because the time has come.

Leviathan is rising from the sea with 7 heads and one head shall receive a death-blow but come back to

life to imitate My death and resurrection. This head is the first beast, the anti-Christ that speaks many

blasphemies from its mouth. The whore of Babylon rides the beast but even though she has been given

great power I will conquer her. Behemoth is rising in the earth, he the second beast, he is the false

prophet. He dwelled in the land east of Eden with the righteous. He looks like a sheep but he speaks

like a serpent. He lies and deceives for the first beast and his words come from the dragon. The

dragon gives them power and authority for a short time to test all of the sons and daughters of men. I

shall bring My terror to the earth and sea and even these mighty ones shall fear Me. They shall be

humbled before Me for have created them both and I shall have them do as I will. They that

overcome and do My will shall slay these beasts and all who come against Me and My kingdom.

I shall come to southern Jordan and to Mount Paran in the Sinai region. (Pause and think about this)

The brightness of My glory shall be seen in the heavens and the earth will be full of My praise when

they see the power and strength of My great deeds and My love. Before Me goes out a fearsome

pestilence like has never been seen before and after Me goes the destruction of fire that melts the

nations, even the mountains shall explode and melt. All the earth shall be in great fear, for the day of

the LORD is soon come and none shall stand against Me.

Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Ethiopia shall tremble in fear at what they shall see. My wrath does not come

to punish the rivers, lakes or seas but I use these to punish the inhabitants of the evil nations. Their

great sin is laid bare before Me. I shall tear asunder the land of many rivers. (Note: the top 3 countries

with the most rivers over 600 miles long are 1. Russia 2. USA 3. China) What was once considered a

blessing will become a curse because you have forsaken Me. All the nations of the earth shall writhe in

pain because of the waters. The depths shall speak as tsunamis rise up and overwhelm the lands.

(Pause and think about this)

But I shall ride My horses and with My chariots of salvation to save My own. I have made My bow

ready and commanded My arrows to be brought to Me. These have been hidden in My quiver for this

specific day, these are My 144000, My remnant-bride. They are sharpened and perfectly balanced and

they shall hit their target with great precision and accuracy. Even the sun and the moon shall all stand

still in awe as they see the brightness of My arrows flying like lightning and the radiance of My

gleaming spear. The sun shall be darkened and the moon shall be blood, gross darkness shall be upon

the earth when I call for these to Arise and Shine. My fiery arrows shall set the earth aflame with My

glory! (Pause and think about this)

I will humble the prideful land, I will crush it under My feet, in My wrath I will punish all the

transgressors and the house of the wicked shall be brought to death. I will cut off the heads of the

princes even though my enemy shall come at Me like a whirlwind. Even though the horsemen will go

forth to trample the sea and stir it up, My people look on in astonishment as I go forth to save My

anointed ones. Those who have made the Most High their dwelling place and refuge will only look

with their eyes and see the recompense of the wicked. Though it will upset your stomach and make

your bones shake and your lips quiver as you pray to Me, wait for the deliverance of your God for I

have the victory. The enemy is defeated!

Page 7: Behemoth, Leviathan and the Fiery Arrows of the Lord from ... · by Debo Daniel 3 如何抵擋利維坦的詭計 4 Jennifer LeClaire 給臺灣的話語 #推翻巨獸 (貝西蒙斯)

Even though there shall be a great famine, the fig tree will not blossom, the grapes will not grow on the

vine, olives will fail, no vegetables will be harvested from the fields, the sheep pen is empty and the

stalls have no cattle; yet My sons and daughters will rejoice in their Lord, and take joy in the God of

their salvation, Yeshua. I will provide for My own who have faith in Me and do My will. Truly My eye

is on those who fear Me, on those who hope in My steadfast love, to deliver their soul from death, and

to keep them alive in famine.

I am your strength, I will make you to run like a deer upon the high places and on the mountain tops by

My Spirit while singing My song of victory.

This earth is not your home, I have made a place for you in My Father’s house!

===================================================== Verses about Behemoth and Leviathan 2 Esdras 6:47-52 (NRSV) 47

On the fifth day you commanded the seventh part, where the water had been gathered together, to

bring forth living creatures, birds, and fishes; and so it was done. 48

The dumb and lifeless water

produced living creatures, as it was commanded, so that therefore the nations might declare your

wondrous works. 49

Then you kept in existence two living creatures;[a] the one you called Behemoth[b]

and the name of the other Leviathan. 50

And you separated one from the other, for the seventh part

where the water had been gathered together could not hold them both. 51

And you gave Behemoth[c]

one of the parts that had been dried up on the third day, to live in it, where there are a thousand

mountains; 52

but to Leviathan you gave the seventh part, the watery part; and you have kept them to be

eaten by whom you wish, and when you wish.

1Enoch 60:6-10,24-25 6 “And when the day, and the power, and the punishment, and the judgement come, which the Lord of

Spirits hath prepared for those who worship not the righteous law, and for those who deny the

righteous judgement, and for those who take His name in vain-that day is prepared, for the elect a

covenant, but for sinners an inquisition. 7And on that day two monsters will be separated from one

another, a female monster whose name is Leviathan, to dwell in the depths of the sea, above the

springs of the waters. 8And the name of the male is Behemoth who occupies with his breast an

immense desert named Dendayn on the east of the Garden where the chosen and the righteous dwell.

Where my great-grandfather was received, who was seventh from Adam, the first man whom the Lord

of Spirits made. 9

And I asked that other Angel to show me the power of those monsters, how they were

separated on one day, and thrown, one into the depths of the sea and the other on to the dry ground of

the desert. 10

And he said to me: “Son of man, you here wish to know what is secret.”

24And the Angel of Peace who was with me, said to me: “These two monsters, prepared in accordance

with the greatness of the Lord, will feed them that Punishment of the Lord. And children will be killed

with their mothers and sons with their fathers. 25

When the punishment of the Lord of Spirits rests

upon them it will remain resting so that the punishment of the Lord of Spirits may not come in vain

upon these. Afterwards, the judgment will be according to His mercy and His patience.”

Job 40:15-24 (NRSV) 15 “Look at Behemoth, which I made just as I made you; it eats grass like an ox.

16 Its strength is in its loins, and its power in the muscles of its belly.

17 It makes its tail stiff like a cedar; the sinews of its thighs are knit together.

18 Its bones are tubes of bronze, its limbs like bars of iron.

19 “It is the first of the great acts of God— only its Maker can approach it with the sword.

20 For the mountains yield food for it where all the wild animals play.

21 Under the lotus plants it lies, in the covert of the reeds and in the marsh.

Page 8: Behemoth, Leviathan and the Fiery Arrows of the Lord from ... · by Debo Daniel 3 如何抵擋利維坦的詭計 4 Jennifer LeClaire 給臺灣的話語 #推翻巨獸 (貝西蒙斯)

22 The lotus trees cover it for shade; the willows of the wadi surround it.

23 Even if the river is turbulent, it is not frightened; it is confident though Jordan rushes against its


24 Can one take it with hooks or pierce its nose with a snare?

Job 3:8(NRSV) Let those curse it who curse the Sea, those who are skilled to rouse up Leviathan.

Job 41 (NRSV) 1 [a] “Can you draw out Leviathan[b] with a fishhook, or press down its tongue with a cord? 2 Can you put a rope in its nose, or pierce its jaw with a hook? 3 Will it make many supplications to you? Will it speak soft words to you? 4 Will it make a covenant with you to be taken as your servant forever? 5 Will you play with it as with a bird, or will you put it on leash for your girls? 6 Will traders bargain over it? Will they divide it up among the merchants? 7 Can you fill its skin with harpoons, or its head with fishing spears? 8 Lay hands on it; think of the battle; you will not do it again! 9 [c] Any hope of capturing it[d] will be disappointed; were not even the gods[e] overwhelmed at the sight of it? 10 No one is so fierce as to dare to stir it up. Who can stand before it?[f] 11 Who can confront it[g] and be safe?[h] —under the whole heaven, who?[i] 12 “I will not keep silence concerning its limbs, or its mighty strength, or its splendid frame. 13 Who can strip off its outer garment? Who can penetrate its double coat of mail?[j] 14 Who can open the doors of its face? There is terror all around its teeth. 15 Its back[k] is made of shields in rows, shut up closely as with a seal. 16 One is so near to another that no air can come between them. 17 They are joined one to another; they clasp each other and cannot be separated. 18 Its sneezes flash forth light, and its eyes are like the eyelids of the dawn. 19 From its mouth go flaming torches; sparks of fire leap out. 20 Out of its nostrils comes smoke, as from a boiling pot and burning rushes. 21 Its breath kindles coals, and a flame comes out of its mouth. 22 In its neck abides strength, and terror dances before it. 23 The folds of its flesh cling together; it is firmly cast and immovable. 24 Its heart is as hard as stone, as hard as the lower millstone. 25 When it raises itself up the gods are afraid; at the crashing they are beside themselves. 26 Though the sword reaches it, it does not avail, nor does the spear, the dart, or the javelin.

Page 9: Behemoth, Leviathan and the Fiery Arrows of the Lord from ... · by Debo Daniel 3 如何抵擋利維坦的詭計 4 Jennifer LeClaire 給臺灣的話語 #推翻巨獸 (貝西蒙斯)

27 It counts iron as straw, and bronze as rotten wood. 28 The arrow cannot make it flee; slingstones, for it, are turned to chaff. 29 Clubs are counted as chaff; it laughs at the rattle of javelins. 30 Its underparts are like sharp potsherds; it spreads itself like a threshing sledge on the mire. 31 It makes the deep boil like a pot; it makes the sea like a pot of ointment. 32 It leaves a shining wake behind it; one would think the deep to be white-haired. 33 On earth it has no equal, a creature without fear. 34 It surveys everything that is lofty; it is king over all that are proud.”

Psalm 74:12-14 (NRSV) 12 Yet God my King is from of old, working salvation in the earth. 13 You divided the sea by your might; you broke the heads of the dragons in the waters. 14 You crushed the heads of Leviathan; you gave him as food[a] for the creatures of the wilderness.

Psalm 104:24-26 (NRSV) 24 O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. 25 Yonder is the sea, great and wide, creeping things innumerable are there, living things both small and great. 26 There go the ships, and Leviathan that you formed to sport in it.

Isaiah 26:19-27:1 (NRSV) 19 Your dead shall live, their corpses[a] shall rise. O dwellers in the dust, awake and sing for joy! For your dew is a radiant dew, and the earth will give birth to those long dead.[b] 20 Come, my people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until the wrath is past. 21 For the Lord comes out from his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; the earth will disclose the blood shed on it, and will no longer cover its slain. 27:1 On that day the Lord with his cruel and great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan the twisting serpent, and he will kill the dragon that is in the sea. Isaiah 51:9 (ICB) Wake up, wake up, and use your strength, powerful Lord.

Wake up as you did in the old times.

Wake up as you did a long time ago.

With your own power, you cut Rahab into pieces.

You killed that sea monster (dragon).