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  • 8/3/2019 Arama Motoru Optimizasyon Baslangic Rehberi 2 (2)


    Engineering Materials and Processes

  • 8/3/2019 Arama Motoru Optimizasyon Baslangic Rehberi 2 (2)


    Series Editor

    Professor Brian Derby, Professor of Materials Science

    Manchester Materials Science Centre, Grosvenor Street, Manchester, M1 7HS, UK

    Other titles published in this series

    Fusion Bonding of Polymer Composites

    C. Ageorges and L. Ye

    Composite Materials

    D.D.L. Chung

    TitaniumG. Ltjering and J.C. Williams

    Corrosion of Metals

    H. Kaesche

    Corrosion and Protection

    E. Bardal

    Intelligent Macromolecules for Smart Devices

    L. Dai

    Microstructure of Steels and Cast Irons

    M. Durand-Charre

    Phase Diagrams and Heterogeneous Equilibria

    B. Predel, M. Hoch and M. Pool

    Computational Mechanics of CompositeMaterials

    M. Kamiski

    Gallium Nitride Processing for Electronics,

    Sensors and Spintronics

    S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy and F. Ren

    Materials for Information Technology

    E. Zschech, C. Whelan and T. Mikolajick

    Fuel Cell Technology

    N. Sammes

    Casting: An Analytical Approach

    A. Reikher and M.R. Barkhudarov

    Computational Quantum Mechanics forMaterials Engineers

    L. Vitos

    Modelling of Powder Die CompactionP.R. Brewin, O. Coube, P. Doremusand J.H. Tweed

    Silver Metallization

    D. Adams, T.L. Alford and J.W. Mayer

    Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion

    R. Javaherdashti

    Modeling of Metal Forming and Machining


    P.M. Dixit and U.S. Dixit

    Modelling Stochastic Fibrous Materials

    with Mathematica

    W.W. Sampson

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    Vitaly Yu. Topolov Christopher R. Bowen

    Electromechanical Properties

    in Composites Based

    on Ferroelectrics


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    Professor Vitaly Yu. TopolovDepartment of PhysicsSouthern Federal University5 Zorge street

    344090 Rostov-on-DonRussia

    Dr Christopher R. BowenDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringFaculty of Engineering and DesignUniversity of Bath

    Bath BA2 7AYUnited Kingdom

    ISBN 978-1-84800-999-8 e-ISBN 978-1-84882-000-5

    DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-000-5

    Engineering Materials and Processes ISSN 1619-0181

    A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2008934905

    2009 Springer-Verlag London Limited

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    To our relatives, teachers and pupils

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    Composite material, also calledComposite, a solid material that

    results when two or more different substances, each with its owncharacteristics, are combined to create a new substance whose properties are superior to those of the original components in aspecific application.

    Encyclopdia Britannica 2006 Ultimate Reference Suite

    ... functional composites make use of a number of underlyingideas including connectivity patterns leading to field and force

    concentration; the use of periodicity and scale in resonant structures;the symmetry of composite structures and its influence on physicalproperties; polychromatic percolation and coupled conduction paths;varistor action and other interfacial effects; sum, combination, and

    product properties; coupled phase transformation phenomena; andthe important role that porosity and inner composites play in

    composite materials. These ideas provide a basic understanding offunctional composites and have been discussed previously.

    R.E. Newnham

    After the discoveries of piezoelectricity (1880) and ferroelectricity (1921), many

    attempts have been made to obtain new high-effective materials with predictable

    physical properties and to develop available technologies. Engineered composites

    based on ferroelectrics (i.e., composites with ferro-, piezo- and pyroelectric

    properties) have been manufactured and studied since the late 1970s. The 1980sand 1990s have been concerned with an active development of a previously

    untapped piezo-composite landscape in order to study interconnections between

    microstructure, composition and properties in novel piezo-active materials,especially those based on ferroelectrics that belong to so-called smart materials.

    The modern piezo-composite landscape is a specific area of research andinnovations, and research developments in this area depend on multi-disciplinary

    efforts of scientists and engineers, such as solid state physics, physics of

    ferroelectrics, solid-state chemistry, materials science, mechanics of heterogeneousmedia, mechanics of electro-elastic media, mechanical engineering, etc. On

    studying the area of piezo-composites, it becomes obvious that knowledge of these

    materials and prediction of their properties cannot be attained without the good

    physico-mathematical basis and understanding of principles of modern materials

    science and mechanical engineering.

    To the best of our knowledge, there are few books concerned with the piezo-

    composites and their effective properties, and these problems were mainly

    considered in separate chapters or sections only. Earlier, two books devoted to

    methods for prediction of the effective electromechanical properties for some

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    viii Preface

    connectivity patterns of the two-component piezo-composites were written in

    Russian and published in the USSR (Khoroshun LP, Maslov BP, Leshchenko PV,

    (1989) Prediction of Effective Properties of Piezo-active Composite Materials.

    Naukova Dumka, Kiev) and Russia (Sokolkin YuV, Pankov AA, (2003)

    Electroelasticity of Piezo-composites with Irregular Structures. Fizmatlit,

    Moscow). In such a situation the present book aims to fill a gap in piezoelectric

    materials science and be an international edition devoted to different groups ofpiezo-composites and their effective properties.

    Our book is intended to discuss recent original theoretical and experimental

    results on effective electromechanical (piezoelectric, dielectric and elastic)

    properties in the piezo-composites based on ferroelectrics. For the last decades,

    single-crystal, bulk ceramic and thin-film ferroelectrics have found a number of

    applications as a result of their remarkable piezoelectric properties. Piezoelectricity

    as a physical phenomenon is concerned with an electromechanical interaction inacentric single crystals including ferroelectrics. Recent work performed in the

    rapidly growing field of smart materials demonstrates that both ferroelectricity and

    piezoelectricity represent an important link between solid-state science and


    The effective electromechanical properties associated with a complicateddistribution of both the electric and elastic fields in piezo-composite samples

    depend on a number of factors, such as microstructure, connectivity, chemicalcomposition and volume fraction of components, poling conditions for ferroelectric

    components, etc. Of particular interest are the non-monotonic dependences of theeffective electromechanical properties and related parameters on a series of factors,

    such as the shape, spatial distribution and volume fraction of inclusions, porosity of

    a matrix, and poling degree of ferroelectric components. Knowledge of the extreme

    points of the effective parameters is important for manufacturing the high-

    performance piezo-composites for their particular piezotechnical applications. The

    characterisation and evaluation of smart materials in general requires a solid basis

    for the description of interconnections in the well-known dependency triangle of

    composition structure properties. For the piezo-composites based on

    ferroelectrics, this triangle becomes intricate as a result of electromechanical

    coupling, complex interrelations between the internal mechanical (tensor) andelectric (vector) fields and a dependence of the properties in ferroelectric

    components on domain structure, microstructure, heterophase states, and external

    fields. Moreover, even in ferroelectric single crystals pertaining to one structural

    type, the piezoelectric and dielectric properties measured in weak electric fields

    vary significantly.The present book summarises and generalises a series of the authors works on

    the problem of prediction and non-monotonicity of the effective electromechanical

    properties in different two- and three-component composites based on the

    traditional ferroelectric ceramics and the newly available relaxor-ferroelectric

    single crystals. Therein we pay due attention to the analysis of interrelations

    between electromechanical constants of the components and to the description ofdifferent analytical schemes of averaging the properties of these materials having

    different connectivity and microgeometrical characteristics. Undoubtedly, this

    book is concerned with the important topic related to smart materials and

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    Preface ix

    optimisation of their effective properties. The main aim of the book is to show not

    only the advantages of different methods for predicting the electromechanical

    properties and choosing the optimum components, but to demonstrate the non-

    trivial behaviour of specific composite architectures and their parameters that are

    valuable for transducer, sensor, actuator, hydroacoustic, and other applications.

    This book has been written on the basis of the authors research results obtained

    at the Rostov State University (Russia, until December 2006), Southern Federal

    University (Russia, since December 2006), University of Bath (UK), and Karlsruhe

    Research Centre (Germany). The academic style of presentation of the results and

    the discussion about these results indicate that the book would be useful toengineers, postgraduate students, researchers, and lecturers working in the field of

    ferro-, piezoelectric and related materials, dealing with methods of mechanics of

    heterogeneous materials and with their different applications. This book will be of

    benefit to all specialists looking to understand the modelling and detailedbehaviour of the electromechanical response of the piezo-composites and related

    smart materials. Some chapters and sections of the book could serve as a basis for a

    university course devoted to piezo-active materials and their properties. In this

    connection one can mention the well-known sentence Knowledge itself is power

    (F. Bacon). Based on our knowledge and experience, we hope that the 21st

    century, being called The Century of New Materials and Technologies, will favourthe further fruitful development of the piezo-composite landscape and newscientific directions therein and in adjacent areas.

    Rostov-on-Don, Russia Prof. Dr. Vitaly Yu. TopolovBath, United Kingdom Dr. Christopher R. BowenJuly 2008

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    The authors are grateful to Prof. Dr. A. V. Turik, Prof. Dr. A. E. Panich, Prof. Dr.

    V. G. Gavrilyachenko, Prof. Dr. A. A. Grekov, Dr. V. V. Eremkin, and Dr. V. G.

    Smotrakov (Southern Federal University, Russia), Prof. Dr. R. Stevens and Prof.

    Dr. A. Mileham (University of Bath, UK), Dr. S. A. Wilson (Cranfield University,

    UK), Prof. Dr. O. Kraft and Dr. M. Kamlah (Karlsruhe Research Centre,

    Germany), Dr. W. S. Kreher (Technical University of Dresden, Germany), Dr. H.

    Berger (University of Magdeburg, Germany), Prof. Dr. M. Lethiecq and Dr. F.

    Levassort (University of Tours, France), Prof. Dr. P. Bisegna (University of Rome

    Tor Vergata, Italy), Prof. Dr. H. L. W. Chan (The Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity, P.R. China), Prof. Dr. J. H. Huang (Feng Chia University, Taiwan,

    Republic of China), Prof. Dr. W. Cao (The Pennsylvania State University, USA),

    Prof. Dr. N. Kikuchi (The University of Michigan, USA), Prof. Dr. A. Safari andDr. E. K. Akdogan (Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, USA), Prof. Dr.

    E. C. N. Silva (University of So Paulo, Brazil), and Prof. Dr. J. S. Ono Fonseca

    (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) for their interest in the research

    problems and for their interesting papers that have been cited in the book.

    Furthermore, the authors emphasise the vast geographic area wherein the piezo-

    composites are studied or manufactured for various applications. Dr. C. R. Bowenwould also like to thank past supervisors including Prof. Dr. B. Derby (University

    of Manchester, UK), Prof. Dr. N. Claussen (Technical University of Hamburg-

    Harburg, Germany) and Prof. Dr. R. Stevens (University of Bath, UK).Special thanks are extended to Prof. Dr. R. E. Newnham and his co-workers

    (The Pennsylvania State University, USA) for the pioneering work that stimulatedresearch activity in the field of piezo-composites and other smart materials in the

    last decades. The authors express much thanks to Dr. A. Doyle and Mr. S. Rees

    (Springer London Ltd, UK) for their effective and timely co-operation in the field

    of editing and producing this book. The authors sincerely thank Mrs. P. Carruthers

    and Mr. D. Barker (University of Bath, UK) for the technical help and Mrs. D.

    Stern (Karlsruhe Research Centre, Germany) for the bibliographic help. Copyright

    permissions obtained from Prof. Dr. P. Bisegna (University of Rome Tor

    Vergata, Italy), Springer (, Elsevier (, IOP

    Publishing (, AIP (, Taylor & Francis

  • 8/3/2019 Arama Motoru Optimizasyon Baslangic Rehberi 2 (2)


    xii Acknowledgements

    (, and Maney Publishing ( are

    acknowledged with due attention and gratitude.

    Finally, financial support that promoted the fruitful research collaboration and

    writing this book is acknowledged with many thanks. Hereupon gratefully and

    proudly the authors mention the timely and effective support from the Royal

    Society (London, UK), Karlsruhe Research Centre and Helmholtz Society

    (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany), EPSRC (Swindon, UK), National Physical

    Laboratory, QinetiQ (UK), Great Western Research (GWR, UK), University of

    Rome Tor Vergata (Rome, Italy), Rostov State University, and Southern Federal

    University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia).

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    1 From Smart Materials to Piezo-composites.................................................... 1

    1.1 Piezo-composites as an Important Group of Smart Materials....................1

    1.1.1 Smart Materials .............................................................................. 1

    1.1.2 Composites ..................................................................................... 1

    1.1.3 Piezo-active Composites ................................................................2

    1.2 Classification of Composite Materials.......................................................4

    1.2.1 Connectivity ................................................................................... 4

    1.2.2 Sizes and Shape ..............................................................................4

    1.2.3 Arrangement................................................................................... 4

    1.2.4 Classification, Connectivity Patterns and Specific Examples ........5

    References........................................................................................................... 9

    2 Effective Electromechanical Properties in Piezo-composites......................112.1 Piezoelectric Medium and Its Properties .................................................11

    2.2 Sum, Combination and Product Properties .............................................. 22

    2.2.1 Sum Properties..............................................................................222.2.2 Combination Properties ................................................................22

    2.2.3 Product Properties ........................................................................ 242.3 Methods for Evaluation of Effective Parameters .....................................25

    2.4 Evolution ofConnectivity Patterns ..................................................302.5 Modelling of Effective Properties in Piezo-composites

    with Planar Interfaces ............................................................................. 32

    2.6 Connectivity Links Properties............................................................35References......................................................................................................... 35

    3 Non-monotonic Volume-fraction Dependences of Effective Properties in

    Ceramic / Polymer Piezo-composites..................................................... 433.1 Composites with 22 Connectivity, Manufacturing and Applications.... 433.1.1 Effective Electromechanical Constants of 22 Composites......... 46

    3.1.2 Examples of Volume-fraction Dependences Predicted

    for 22 Composites....................................................................... 483.2 Composites with 13 Connectivity, Manufacturing and Applications .... 52

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    xiv Contents

    3.2.1 Examples of Volume-fraction Dependences Predicted

    for 13 Composites........................................................................ 54

    3.2.2 Diagrams of Changes in Piezoelectric Properties Predicted

    for 13 Composites........................................................................ 57

    3.2.3 Maxima of Squared Figures of Merit of 13 Composites............. 61

    3.3 Composites with 03 Connectivity, Manufacturing and Applications.... 62

    3.3.1 Modelling of the Effective Properties in 03 Composites

    with Spheroidal Inclusions............................................................ 63

    3.3.2 Piezoelectric Properties in 03 Composites

    Based on PbTiO3-type Ceramics................................................... 65

    3.3.3 03 Composites with a Hierarchy of Inclusions........................... 75

    3.3.4 03 Composites with Planar Microgeometry................................82

    3.4 Composites with 33 Connectivity, Increasing the Piezoelectric

    Sensitivity and Applications.................................................................... 853.5 Connectivity Non-monotonic Behaviour Manufacturing...................92

    References......................................................................................................... 93

    4 Piezoelectric Response of Porous Ceramic and Composite Materials

    Based on (Pb, Zr)TiO3 ..................................................................................101

    4.1 Porous Materials, General Characteristic and Manufacturing ...............101

    4.2 Volume-fraction Dependences of Parameters of Porous

    Piezo-active Materials ...........................................................................103

    4.3 Model of the Modified Layered Composite:

    Application to Porous Materials ............................................................110

    4.4 Comparison of Calculated and Experimental Results............................ 111

    4.5 From 33 Connectivity to Porous Materials.......................................... 116

    References .......................................................................................................118

    5 Effective Properties in Novel Piezo-composites Based on

    Relaxor-ferroelectric Single Crystals .......................................................... 123

    5.1 Relaxor-ferroelectric Solid Solutions and Engineering .........................123

    5.2 03 Single Crystal / Ceramic Composites.............................................. 125

    5.3 013 Single Crystal / Ceramic / Polymer Composites..........................1325.4 13 Single Crystal / Ceramic Composites..............................................142

    5.5 103 Single Crystal / Polymer Composites ..........................................1505.6 High Performance in Wide Ranges........................................................154

    References .......................................................................................................155

    6 Comparison of Results on Two-component Piezo-composites .................. 159

    6.1 The Pros and Cons of Different Methods .............................................. 159

    6.2 03 Versus 22 or 13............................................................................160

    6.3 Data on 13 Composites.........................................................................165

    6.3.1 Composites with Cylindrical Ceramic Rods................................ 165

    6.3.2 Composites with Parallelepiped-shaped Ceramic Rods...............168

    6.3.3 Variational Bounds for Effective Properties

    in 13 Composites with Cylindrical Ceramic Rods.................... 171

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    Contents xv

    6.3.4 Variational Bounds for Effective Properties

    in 13 Composites with Parallelepiped-shaped

    Ceramic Rods................................................................................173

    6.4 Data on 03 Composites .........................................................................175

    References ....................................................................................................... 182

    7 Conclusions.................................................................................................... 185

    7.1 From Components to Effective Electromechanical Properties ..............185References ....................................................................................................... 186

    Appendix Formulae for Effective Electromechanical Constants

    of 22 and 13 Piezo-composites .......................................................................187References .............................................................................................................189

    List of Abbreviations.......................................................................................... 191

    About the Authors .............................................................................................. 193


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    From Smart Materials to Piezo-composites

    1.1 Piezo-composites as an Important Group of Smart Materials

    1.1.1 Smart Materials

    In recent decades the structure and properties of smart materials (or intelligent

    functional materials) has represented a thriving research topic for academia and

    industry. This topic is transdisciplinary and attracts the attention of researchers in

    the fields of materials science, solid-state physics, mechanics, chemistry,crystallography, and mechanical engineering. Smart materials are able to adjust

    their behaviour to changes in external parameters and show clear analogies to a

    variety of biological systems [1, 2]. They can adapt functionality in an intelligent

    fashion and find applications as diverse as aeronautics to consumer products [2].

    The main directions for the exploitation of smart materials are related to their

    performance for transducer, sensor or actuator applications. Advances in materials

    science and technology of the 21st century are inconceivable without smartmaterials and include ferroelectric, piezoelectric and pyroelectric ceramics and

    composites, electrostrictive and magnetostrictive materials, shape memory alloys,

    and relaxor-ferroelectrics [1, 2]. The physical properties of smart materials can betailored [1, 3, 4] by understanding the composition structure properties

    relationships of the materials (Figure 1.1) that ultimately enable the optimisation of

    properties for specific applications.

    1.1.2 Composites

    The majority of smart materials are solid-state heterogeneous or micro-

    inhomogeneous materials and include ceramics, polycrystalline films and

    composites. Composites can be defined as heterogeneous systems that consist oftwo or more components that differ in chemical composition and properties and are

    separated by distinct interfaces. Each composite material is characterised by the

    two following features [5, 6]. Firstly, the typical size of the separate structural

    elements are small in comparison with the whole composite sample (i.e., there is anelement of micro-inhomogeneity). Secondly, the typical sizes of the structural

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    2 Electromechanical Properties in Composites Based on Ferroelectrics


    Structure Composition

    Figure 1.1. Composition structure properties triangle

    elements are greater than the size of their individual atoms or molecules so that

    each component is regarded as a continuous medium. As a result, to describe thecomposite properties it is possible to consider the physical laws and equations

    suitable for continuous media.

    Each component of the composite represents a set of the structural elementswith equal physical constants. These elements can be distributed regularly

    (uniformly) or irregularly and can have a specific, random or variable shape. The

    composite as a whole can be described using a set of microstructural

    characteristics, for example, connectivity, volume fractions of the components,

    spatial distribution of the components, and other parameters [69].

    1.1.3 Piezo-active Composites

    The piezo-active composites (hereafter referred to as piezo-composites) are animportant group of smart materials. The piezo-composite group is vast due to the

    large number of components that may be involved in the design of the composites.

    Among these components, ferroelectrics play a leading role [1, 3, 4] and modern processing technologies enable the synthesis of a variety of ferroelectric single

    crystals, ferroelectric ceramics (or polycrystalline materials), ferroelectric films,

    and nano-sized ferroelectrics. Ferroelectric properties are generally related to

    altering the spontaneous polarisation vector using an external electric field (domainswitching) and such a process takes place in acentric (non-centrosymmetric) crystal

    structures. These crystal structures can be divided by symmetry criteria into 21

    point groups [3, 4] and piezoelectric properties due to the appearance of positive

    and negative charges on the surfaces of a mechanically stressed sample are

    particular to the acentric single crystals belonging to the following 20 point groups

    [4, 10]: 1 (triclinic system), 2 and m (monoclinic system), 222 and mm2(orthorhombic system), 3, 32 and 3m (trigonal or rhombohedral system), 4, 422,

    4mm, 4 , and 4 2m (tetragonal system), 6, 622, 6 , and 6 m2 (hexagonal system),

    and 23 and 4 3m (cubic system). The piezoelectric effect can also take place in

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    From Smart Materials to Piezo-composites 3

    acentric anisotropic media, so-calledpiezoelectric textures, belonging to one of the

    following Curie groups [11]: , mm or /2. Ferroelectric ceramics exhibit

    piezoelectricity in the poled state and are piezoelectric textures with mm

    symmetry.Among the ferroelectric ceramics, the perovskite-type compositions are of

    practical interest due to their excellent piezoelectric and dielectric properties, high

    electromechanical coupling and large piezoelectric anisotropy [3, 4, 6, 1113]. Alarge number of ferroelectric ceramic compositions have been studied over the past

    60 years, including BaTiO3, Pb(Zr1xTix)O3 and (1 x)Pb(A1/3Nb2/3)O3 xPbTiO3,

    where A = Mg or Zn. The latter solid solutions exhibit relaxor-ferroelectricproperties and various heterophase states near the morphotropic phase boundary

    (MPB) and exhibit very high piezoelectric activity in the single-crystal form with

    engineered domain structures [14, 15]. The piezoelectric properties of the

    perovskite-type and other ferroelectric ceramics are highly dependent onmanufacturing and poling methods, temperature history, mechanical stress history,

    and microstructure [3, 4, 13]. In the perovskite-type ceramics the piezoelectric

    charge coefficient (that characterises a charge per unit force) d33 102 pC / N [3, 4,

    12, 13] and is two orders of magnitude higher than the piezoelectric coefficients dij of quartz (d11 = 2.25 pC / N and d14 = 0.853 pC / N [11]), which is an example ofa classic non-ferroelectric piezoelectric single crystal. In single crystals of (1

    x)Pb(A1/3Nb2/3)O3 xPbTiO3 with compositions chosen near the MPB, typical

    experimental values are even higher with d33 103 pC / N [14, 15].

    Piezo-composites based on ferroelectrics are the important group of smartmaterials due to the ability to vary the microgeometry, effective physical properties

    and their anisotropy across a wide range. These significant variations appear upon

    combining different components, for example, (i) ceramic and polymer, (ii) single

    crystal and ceramic or (iii) single crystal and polymer. The presence of one or morepiezoelectric components enables a set of parameters or properties to be attained

    that are not particular to the separate components, and this synergy is important for

    many practical transducer applications [1, 4].

    Piezoelectricity is an interaction between elastic variables (mechanical stress kl

    and mechanical strain qr) and electric variables (electric field E and electric

    displacement D) [10, 11] and the interaction can be weak or strong inhomogeneous piezoelectric materials, including single-domain ferroelectric single

    crystals. The same interaction becomes even more complicated in the piezo-

    composites where an electromechanical interaction between the components and aredistribution of internal electric and mechanical fields strongly depend on

    microgeometry and boundary conditions. In general, the piezo-composites based

    on ferroelectrics form the final link in hierarchy-of-properties chains of single-domain single crystal polydomain single crystal ceramic composite and

    single-domain single crystal polydomain single crystal heterophase single

    crystal composite. As a consequence, the study of piezo-composites and theireffective properties are important in connection with the structureproperties and

    compositionproperties sides of the fundamental triangle shown in Figure 1.1.

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    4 Electromechanical Properties in Composites Based on Ferroelectrics

    1.2 Classification of Composite Materials

    In order to consider the mechanics and physics of micro-inhomogeneous media it

    is first necessary to define the structure of the materials being analysed. In the caseof composites (including piezo-composites), the structure criteria play an important

    role and the materials must be classified according to the concepts [69]:

    (i) connectivity of the structural elements,

    (ii) typical relative sizes and shape of structural elements and

    (iii) features of the arrangement of structural elements.

    These three concepts will now be described.

    1.2.1 Connectivity

    Based on knowledge of the connectivity of the structural elements it is possible to

    divide the composites into three large groups. The first group are the matrix

    composites in which the structural elements of the first component present amonolithic system (the matrix) and the structural elements of the remaining

    components are isolated and do not contact each other at small volume fractions.

    These remaining components form a system of isolated inclusions. The second

    group comprises composites in which each component presents a monolithic and

    interconnected framework. The corresponding composite structures are often

    called interpenetrated. In the composites of the third group, the structural elementsof each component are not interpenetrated or isolated. In addition, it is possible to

    obtain some structures with the structural elements related to the three different


    1.2.2 Sizes and Shape

    With regard to the sizes and shape of the structural elements it is necessary to

    consider granular, fibrous and laminated composites. The granular composites

    consist of the structural elements having linear dimensions li of one order-of-

    magnitude in three co-ordinate directions (i = 1, 2 or 3). Ifl1 l2 > l3 holds for one or more components. If the latterrelation is not true for all the components, such a composite can be regarded as a

    matrix composite reinforced by plate-like inclusions of one or more components.

    Complicated structures that are combinations of granular, fibrous and laminated

    structures can also be attained in some composite systems. Typical examples of

    such materials are composites reinforced by grains and fibres, porous laminated

    and fibrous composites and laminated composites with layers reinforced by fibres.

    1.2.3 Arrangement

    Taking into consideration the arrangement of the structural elements it is possible

    to have many variants of a layout of each component. In this difficult situation,

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    From Smart Materials to Piezo-composites 5

    some degree of regularity of the composite structure becomes a pertinent criterion

    for subsequent classification. According to this criterion, composites can be

    regarded as materials with a regular (determined) or irregular (stochastic) structure.

    The structural elements in the composites with a regular structure are characterised

    by a relevant geometric shape (e.g., rectangular parallelepiped or ellipsoid) and aregular (equidistant and uniform) arrangement in the sample. In the case of the

    irregular structure, the arrangement of the structural elements is random, and their

    shape can be either appointed or arbitrary. The random character of this

    arrangement can change and influence connectivity of the structural elements in

    the sample. An additional factor that characterises the arrangement of the

    structural elements is related to their spatial orientation. This factor is also to be

    taken into account when analysing both microgeometry and connectivity of the

    composites, in particular fibrous or laminated composites.

    1.2.4 Classification, Connectivity Patterns and Specific Examples

    A widespread classification of the two-component (or diphasic1) composites with

    planar interfaces was first put forward by Newnham et al. [7]. This classificationis based on the concept of connectivity of each component. Connectivity is

    regarded as one of the main characteristics of the microstructure and expressed by

    the numbers of dimensions (or co-ordinate axes) in which each component is

    continuously distributed between limiting surfaces of the composite. The

    distribution of a self-connected state of a component can take place along zero,

    one, two, or three co-ordinate axes, i.e., connectivity = 0, 1, 2, or 3 for the

    component 1 and connectivity = 0, 1, 2, or 3 for the component 2. The

    connectivity of a two-component composite is written in a general form [1, 7, 9] of

    where the connectivity of the piezoelectric or most piezo-active component

    takes the first position (). In the case of , the n-component composites aredescribed by (n + 3)! / (3! n!) connectivities [7, 9], for n = 2 the number of

    connectivities is 10. It is also possible to introduce 10 connectivities at ,

    and a scheme of corresponding connectivity patterns is shown in Figure 1.2. Since

    and can independently vary from 0 to 3, the two-component composite isdescribed in terms of 42 = 16 connectivities as follows: 00, 01, 02, 03, , 3

    2, or 33. The scheme shown in Figure 1.2 is also useful for the analysis of

    connectivities and microstructural features in the presence of non-planar interfaces.For example, a composite consisting of a bulk continuous matrix with small

    isolated inclusions embedded in the matrix would be described by 30 or 03

    connectivity. The term 30 connectivity would be used to describe ferroelectric

    ceramics with closed air pores or isolated piezo-passive inclusions, whereas 03

    connectivity would be used to describe a ferroelectric ceramic/continuous polymer


    1 Ferroelectric materials (single crystals and ceramics) can be heterophase, for example,close to the MPB [3, 1315] in a wide temperature range and the term diphasic would besubstituted by two-component. In this case it is possible to consider a two-componentcomposite, each component of which could be heterophase, as in the single crystal / ceramic

    composite with compositions chosen near the MPB.

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    6 Electromechanical Properties in Composites Based on Ferroelectrics

    Figure 1.2. Scheme of connectivity patterns for the two-component composites with

    . (XYZ) is the rectangular co-ordinate system, the shaded component is characterised

    by connectivity. Arrows at faces of cubes are used to indicate the connected directions

    parallel to the co-ordinate axes (reprinted from Newnham et al. [7], with permission fromElsevier)

    matrix composite with isolated inclusions. If the composite contains three

    components, then its connectivity is denoted as with , , = 0, 1, 2, or 3.Some examples of the three-component composites based on ferroelectric ceramics

    are provided in ref. [1].

    The concept of connectivity is fundamental in developing an understanding of

    the electromechanical interaction between components within piezo-composites, in

    the study of the distribution of internal electric and mechanical fields and in the

    interpretation of experimental or calculated data related to composites with specific

    connectivity. The connectivity of the piezo-composites is crucial in influencing the

    piezoelectric response and electromechanical coupling of these materials.

    Moreover, after publishing the pioneering paper [7], connectivities , ,etc., or related connectivity patterns are almost always mentioned when the

    research is devoted to the composites based on ferroelectrics or related materials.Particular examples include piezo-composites with connectivities 03, 13, 22, 2

    3, 31, 32, and 33 that have been experimentally studied (see, e.g., refs. [7, 16

    21]). Examples of the composites based on ferroelectric ceramics are shownin Figures 1.31.6.

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    From Smart Materials to Piezo-composites 7

    Figure 1.3. Micrograph of the 13 ferroelectric ceramic / polymer composite. eramic

    fibres are embedded in epoxy, diameter of each fibre is 8104 m

    Figure 1.4. Micrograph of the 03 PbTiO3 ceramic / epoxy composite with so-calledpearlchains (reprinted from Wilson et al. [18], with permission from IOP Publishing)

    The concept of connectivity and the related classification scheme link the

    microstructures and effective properties in the piezo-composites and, therefore,

    enable us to understand the underlying science of the complex electromechanicalinteractions between components connected in various ways. A number of

    examples of the effective electromechanical properties of piezo-composites and

    their features will be analysed and described in subsequent chapters of this book.

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    8 Electromechanical Properties in Composites Based on Ferroelectrics

    Figure 1.5. Micrograph of the 22 volume-fraction gradient composite that comprises PZTceramic and Spurr epoxy layers (reprinted from Safari and Akdogan [20], with permissionfrom Taylor & Francis Group)

    Figure 1.6. Micrographs of the 33 porous ferroelectric ceramics (specific case ofcomposites). In figure (b) two ceramic layers (each 4 mm thick) are the main elements of the




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    From Smart Materials to Piezo-composites 9


    [1] Newnham RE, (1997) Molecular mechanisms in smart materials. Materials Research

    Society Bulletin 22(5):2034[2] Tani J, Takagi J, Qiu J, (1998) Intelligent materials systems: Application of functionalmaterials. Applied Mechanics Review 51:505521

    [3] Xu Y, (1991) Ferroelectric Materials and their Applications. North-Holland,Amsterdam London New York Toronto

    [4] Uchino K, (1997) Piezoelectric Actuators and Ultrasonic Motors. Kluwer, BostonDordrecht London

    [5] Chistensen RM, (1979) Mechanics of Composite Materials. Wiley, New York[6] Khoroshun LP, Maslov BP, Leshchenko PV, (1989) Prediction of Effective Properties

    of Piezo-active Composite Materials. Naukova Dumka, Kiev (in Russian)[7] Newnham RE, Skinner DP, Cross LE, (1978) Connectivity and piezoelectric-

    pyroelectric composites. Materials Research Bulletin 13:525536[8] Sokolkin YuV, Pankov AA, (2003) Electroelasticity of Piezo-composites with

    Irregular Structures. Fizmatlit, Moscow (in Russian)[9] Newnham RE, (1994) Nonmechanical properties of composites. In: Kelly A, Cahn

    RW, Bever MB (eds.) Concise Encyclopedia of Composite Materials. Elsevier,Oxford, pp 214220

    [10] Ikeda T, (1990) Fundamentals of Piezoelectricity. Oxford University Press, OxfordNew York Toronto

    [11] Zheludev IS, (1971) Physics of Crystalline Dielectrics. Vol. 2: Electrical Properties.Plenum, New York

    [12] Dantsiger AYa, Razumovskaya ON, Reznitchenko LA, Grineva LD, Devlikanova

    RU, Dudkina SI, Gavrilyatchenko SV, Dergunova NV, Klevtsov AN, (1994) HighlyEffective Piezoceramic Materials (Handbook). Kniga, Rostov-on-Don (in Russian)

    [13] Gorish AV, Dudkevich VP, Kupriyanov MF, Panich AE, Turik AV, (1999)Piezoelectric Device-Making. Vol. 1: Physics of Ferroelectric Ceramics.

    Radiotekhnika, Moscow (in Russian)[14] Zhang R, Jiang B, Cao W, (2001) Elastic, piezoelectric, and dielectric properties of

    multidomain 0.67Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 0.33PbTiO3 single crystals. Journal of AppliedPhysics 90:34713475

    [15] Yin J, Cao W, (2002) Effective macroscopic symmetries and materials properties ofmultidomain 0.955Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 0.045PbTiO3 single crystals. Journal of Applied

    Physics 92:444448[16] Ritter T, Geng X, Shung KK, Lopath PD, Park S-E, Shrout TR, (2000) Single crystal

    PZN/PT polymer composites for ultrasound transducer applications. IEEETransactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 47:792800

    [17] Smay JE, Cesarano III J, Tuttle BA, Lewis JA, (2003) Piezoelectric properties of 3Xperiodic Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 polymer composites. Journal of Applied Physics 92:6119

    6127[18] Wilson SA, Maistros GM, Whatmore RW, (2005) Structure modification of 03

    piezoelectric ceramic / polymer composites through dielectrophoresis. Journal ofPhysics D: Applied Physics 38:175182

    [19] Akdogan EK, Allahverdi M, Safari A, (2005) Piezoelectric composites for sensor and

    actuator applications. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, andFrequency Control 52:746775

    [20] Safari A, Akdogan EK, (2006) Rapid prototyping of novel piezoelectric composites.

    Ferroelectrics 331:153179

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    10 Electromechanical Properties in Composites Based on Ferroelectrics

    [21] Wang F, He C, Tang Y, Zhao X, Luo H, (2007) Single-crystal 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O30.3PbTiO3 / epoxy 13 piezoelectric composites prepared by the lamination technique.Materials Chemistry and Physics 105:273277

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    Effective Electromechanical Properties in


    2.1 Piezoelectric Medium and Its Properties

    The appearance of an electric polarisation in quartz single crystals that were

    subjected to a mechanical load was first reported by brothers P. Curie and J. Curie

    in experimental work in 1880 [1]. The effect that links a mechanical action (stress

    or strain) with an electric response (electric field, displacement or polarisation) is

    called the piezoelectric effector, more exactly, the direct piezoelectric effect. At alater date, it was experimentally established that the converse piezoelectric effectisalso observed in acentric single crystals in that an external electric field generates a

    mechanical response, i.e., a stress or strain of the sample [2, 3], similar to theelectrostriction of dielectrics [3, 4].

    It is generally realised that the piezoelectric effect reflects a linear relationship

    between electric and mechanical variables and originates from the displacement of

    ions of an acentric single crystal under an applied electrical field [14]. This

    relationship enables a change in the sign of the effect by switching the external

    electric field, unlike electrostriction that always exhibits a quadratic effect [3, 4]and does not undergo switching. Despite the linear character, the piezoelectric

    response of a single crystal is often intricate owing to various interconnectionsbetween the piezoelectric and other properties such as the elastic, dielectric and

    thermal properties [3].A general consideration of the piezoelectric effect in single crystals is

    undertaken using thermodynamic functions, such as Helmholtz free energy, Gibbs

    free energy, elastic Gibbs energy, and electric Gibbs energy [24]. Each of thesefunctions has at least three arguments that characterise the mechanical, electric and

    thermal states of the single crystal. The first argument can be either mechanical

    stress kl or mechanical strain jr, the second argument can be electric field E orelectric displacement (electric flux density) D, and the third argument can be

    temperature T or entropy S. In addition, it is possible to develop additionalarguments in terms of magnetic field H or magnetic induction B [5]. Based on

    knowledge of the thermodynamic functions and relations between the arguments of

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    12 Electromechanical Properties in Composites Based on Ferroelectrics

    the mechanical, electric and thermal states, it is possible to describe the linked

    response actions in terms ofjr,Ei and Tas follows:

    kl= E

    kljrc jreiklEi + klT (2.1)

    Di = eiklkl+ Eif f +piT (2.2)

    S= jrjr+piEi + (/ T0) c T (2.3)

    In Equations 2.12.3 the constants written in the tensor form are elastic moduli at

    constant electric field ( ), piezoelectric coefficients (eE

    kljrc ikl), coefficients of thermal

    stress (kl), dielectric permittivities at constant mechanical strain ( ), pyroelectric

    coefficients (p


    i), density (), and specific heat (c). The increments T and Sdenote differences T T0 and S S0, respectively, where T0 is the initialtemperature and S0 is the initial entropy of the single crystal. It is assumed that thelinear relations in Equations 2.1 2.3 hold in the case of relatively weak external

    fields. For example, the dependence kl(jr) from Equation 2.1 obeys Hookes law

    in an anisotropic medium at small strains jr. The dependence Di(Ef ) fromEquation 2.2 is linear at relatively low levels of the electric field Ef applied to the

    single crystal. With regard to ferroelectric single crystals, similar requirementsconcerning the linear dependences kl(jr) andDi(Ef) are possible, but theEf rangebecomes narrower than that in acentric linear dielectric single crystals. It is well

    known that in the presence of a low electric field, the polarisation of ferroelectric

    single crystals linearly depends on field [3, 4] so that domain-wall displacements

    are reversible and no nuclei of reoriented domains will form. In this connection

    the electric field Ef is usually regarded to be a few times lower than the coercivefieldEc which is determined from a ferroelectric hysteresis loop [3, 4, 6].

    Equations 2.1 2.3 enable the determination of a set of isothermal constants for

    a single crystal. An analogous set of adiabatic constants can also be derived using

    the thermodynamic functions and a combination of three arguments including S(for example, jr, Ei and S). According to experimental data, the difference

    between the related isothermic and adiabatic constants of the piezoelectric single

    crystals is approximately 1% or less [3, 5].

    The effect of thermal fields on the elastic and electric responses of

    piezoelectrics is often neglected, and the description of the piezoelectric effect is

    carried out on the basis of Equations 2.1 and 2.2 at T = 0. These equationswritten in the matrix form then reduce to [2, 3]

    p = Epqc qefpEf (2.4)

    Dk= ekll+ Ekr r (2.5)

    and represents the first pair of piezoelectric equations linking the variables of strain

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    Effective Electromechanical Properties in Piezo-composites 13

    and field (,E). The first term in the right part of Equation 2.5,Pk= ekll, describesthe piezoelectric polarisation produced by an external strain as a result of the direct

    piezoelectric effect. In addition, the converse piezoelectric effect is described by

    the efp Ef term in Equation 2.4. From the thermodynamic treatment of theinterrelations between the electric and elastic fields [2, 3], the converse and direct piezoelectric effects can also be described by the three following pairs of


    p = E

    pqs q+ dfpEf (2.6)

    Dk= dkll+ Ekr r (2.7)

    in variables (,E),

    p = D

    pqs q+ gfpDf (2.8)

    Ek= gkll+ Dkr r (2.9)

    in variables (,D) and

    p = D

    pqc qhfpDf (2.10)

    Ek= hkll+ Dkr r (2.11)

    in variables (, D). Superscripts and D denote measurement conditions at =

    const and D = const, respectively, constants and are determined using

    equalities =


    krrv kv and =

    krrv kv, and elastic moduli or and elastic

    compliances or are related by conditions =








    qrs pr and = D


    qrs pr,

    where kv is the Kronecker symbol. It should be noted that Equations 2.42.11

    contain four types of piezoelectric coefficients, namely ekl, dkl,gkl, and hkl.The piezoelectric coefficient ekl (stress coefficient) relates the electric field to

    the mechanical stress (Equation 2.4) and the mechanical strain to the electricdisplacement (Equation 2.5). The piezoelectric coefficient dkl (charge coefficient)

    characterises the relation between the electric field and the mechanical strain

    (Equation 2.6) and the relation between the mechanical stress and the electric

    displacement (Equation 2.7). The piezoelectric coefficientgkl (voltage coefficient)

    is introduced to relate the electric displacement to the mechanical strain (Equation

    2.8) and the mechanical stress to the electric field (Equation 2.9). Finally, the

    piezoelectric coefficient hkl (strain coefficient) relates the electric displacement tothe mechanical stress (Equation 2.10) and the mechanical strain to the electric field

    (Equation 2.11). In general, each piezoelectric coefficient characterises the

    relationship between components of two fields that are described by first- and

    second-rank tensors, and all the piezoelectric coefficients introduced in Equations

    2.42.11 are defined to be components of the third-rank tensors, but written in the

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    14 Electromechanical Properties in Composites Based on Ferroelectrics

    matrix form (with two subscripts) [26] only. These individual piezoelectric

    coefficients can be used to aid in the selection of piezoelectric materials for

    specific applications. For example, for an actuator application [4] it may be

    necessary to select materials with a high strain per unit applied electric field (i.e., ahigh dkl). For a pressure sensor, the electric field generated per unit mechanicalstress is likely to be important (i.e., a highgkl).

    The interrelationships of the piezoelectric coefficients follow from the

    thermodynamic description [2, 3] and are expressed by a set of equalities

    dfp = gfk kp = efq


    qps (2.12)

    efp = hfk kp = dfq


    qpc (2.13)

    gfp = d

    fk kp = hfqD

    qps (2.14)hfp = e

    fk kp =gfqD

    qpc (2.15)

    All four types of piezoelectric coefficients from Equations 2.122.15 are also

    involved in relations [2] between dielectric or elastic constants measured on

    different conditions:

    = dkr

    kr kferf (2.16)

    =gkr kr kferf (2.17)

    = eD


    pqc fp hfq (2.18)

    = dD


    pqs fpgfq (2.19)

    The close connections between the elastic, piezoelectric and dielectric constants of

    a single crystal (see Equations 2.122.19) or a piezoelectric medium enable them

    to be collectively described as electromechanical constants. These constants

    characterise electromechanical properties in a variety of piezo-active materials,

    such as piezoelectric or ferroelectric single crystals, poled ferroelectric ceramics,thin ferroelectric films, piezo-composites, etc.

    It follows from Equations 2.1, 2.2 and 2.42.11 that the piezoelectric propertiesare described by third-rank tensors and are represented in the matrix form. Tables

    of matrices of the piezoelectric coefficients of the different symmetry classes have

    been collected in a series of monographs [25]. It should be noted that the matricesof the piezoelectric coefficients || d || and || g || differ from the matrices of the

    piezoelectric coefficients || e || and || h || for 3, 32, 3m, 6 , and 6 m2 classes [2, 3].

    The conditions for measuring the piezoelectric coefficients are concerned with the

    electric and mechanical variables that are fixed for the direct or conversepiezoelectric effect. For example, if the direct piezoelectric effect is considered,

    then the corresponding piezoelectric coefficients are measured under the following

    conditions [3]: = 0 andE= 0 (fordkl), = 0 andD = 0 (forgkl), = 0 andD = 0

    (forhkl), and = 0 and E= 0 (forekl). In the case of the converse piezoelectric

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    Effective Electromechanical Properties in Piezo-composites 15

    effect, the following conditions should be used: = 0 andE= const (fordkl), = 0

    andD = const (forgkl), = 0 andD = const (forhkl), and = 0 andE= const (forekl). The above-given conditions are determined on the basis of Equations 2.42.11

    for the four types of piezoelectric coefficients.It has been shown that there are close connections between the variety of

    electromechanical constants, and two groups of these constants (i.e., piezoelectric /dielectric and elastic / piezoelectric) are described by Equations 2.122.19. Theelastic, piezoelectric and dielectric constants are factors that ultimately measure the

    effectiveness of the conversion of electric energy into mechanical energy and vice

    versa. From the analysis of energy conversion [6], the effectiveness strongly

    depends on differences between dielectric permittivities from Equation 2.16 or

    differences between elastic compliances from Equation 2.19, and these differences

    stem from the piezoelectric properties in the medium. In a general form, the

    effectiveness of the energy conversion is described by an electromechanicalcoupling factor [3, 5, 6]

    k= wpiezo / mechelww (2.20)

    and is expressed in terms of volume densities of piezoelectric (or mutual) energy

    wpiezo = i dmiEm / 2, electric energy wel =EkkrEr/ 2, and mechanical energy wmech

    = pE

    pqs q / 2. The k2 value determined using Equation 2.20 characterises [26] a

    ratio of stored mechanical energy to electric energy input or a ratio of storedelectric energy to mechanical energy input. The absolute value of the

    electromechanical coupling factor depends [2, 4, 6] on the vibration mode,

    measurement methodology, sample shape, and the electromechanical constants of

    the piezoelectric material.

    To date, we have considered the constitutive equations and the

    electromechanical properties in linear piezo-active media. Equations 2.42.11 are

    often used to describe the linear behaviour of ferroelectric single crystals (single-

    domain, polydomain or unipolar) [3, 4] poled ferroelectric ceramics (piezo-

    ceramics) [6, 7] and piezo-active composites [5] under weak electric andmechanical fields. As discussed by Hall [7], the linear description provides a

    reasonable approximation of the functional characteristics of piezo-ceramics at low

    levels of the applied electric field and stress, but becomes increasingly inaccurate

    as these levels increase. Non-linear behaviour of the electromechanical properties

    in various perovskite-type ferroelectric ceramics is observed above the threshold

    values [7] of the electric field Ethr and mechanical stress thr. According to data

    [7], the typical values equal Ethr 10 kV / m for soft PZT ceramics (i.e., Pb(Zr,

    Ti)O3-type ceramics with low coercive field Ec) and Ethr 300 kV / m for well-

    aged hard PZT ceramics (i.e., having highEc values). Similarly, non-linearity ofmechanical properties in both the soft and hard PZT ceramics becomes evident

    as mechanical stress exceeds thr 20 MPa [7].

    The hysteresis and non-linear behaviour of electromechanical properties in

    ferroelectric single crystals and ceramics are associated with the reorientation of

    the spontaneous polarisation vectors Ps of domains under the external electric field

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    16 Electromechanical Properties in Composites Based on Ferroelectrics

    [3, 4, 6, 7]. The domain structure of ferroelectrics is of interest due to the

    significant influence of both the domain arrangement and reorientations on the

    electromechanical properties in these materials. Ferroelectric single crystals with

    the perovskite-type structure represent the vast group of multiaxial ferroelectrics

    and have various 180 and non-180 domain structures in ferroelectric phases [3,

    4]. Many examples of complicated domain structures have also been studied [4] in

    related perovskite-type ferroelectric ceramics. An effect of the domain structure on

    the electromechanical properties in the well-known perovskite-type single crystals

    has been studied for cases of the 180 (BaTiO3 [8]) and 90 (BaTiO3 [9], PbTiO3

    [10]) domains in the ferroelectric 4mm phase. The domain structures arecharacterised [810] as regular laminar structures (Figure 2.1) with planar domain

    walls that are motionless under weak external fields.

    An orientation contribution caused by the elastic (or reversible) 90 domain-

    wall displacements under applied electric fields has been determined [11] forBaTiO3 single crystals separated into 90 domains. The contribution of domain

    orientation to the electromechanical constants of a single crystal strongly depends

    on the mobility of the 90 domain walls within the material. The important role of

    the 60, 90 and 120 domain-wall displacements on the piezoelectric coefficient

    d33 of the polydomain KNbO3 single crystal (mm2 phase) has been analysed in ref.[12]. The contributions of domain-wall displacements to the d33 under an electric

    field correlate with some crystallographic characteristics of the non-180 domain


    Full sets of the electromechanical constants of polydomain single crystals areused to study the relationships between electromechanical properties in a single

    grain and a poled ceramic [10, 1315] consisting of a large number of grains with

    different orientations of main crystallographic axes. This study is based on solving

    a problem [13, 14] of the electromechanical interaction between a spherical piezo-

    active grain and a piezo-ceramic medium surrounding this grain. Such an

    interaction is considered within the framework of the effective medium method

    [13, 14] that takes into account not only the piezoelectric effect but also the

    anisotropy of the piezoelectric properties in the grain and the ceramic medium.

    This anisotropy can be considerable, particularly in the presence of non-180

    domain reorientations in the grains [16]. Modelling of the 180 and 90

    reorientations under an electric field results in the full set of the electromechanical

    constants, calculated for the BaTiO3 ceramic [16] at various values ofPr /Ps, wherePr is the remanent polarisation of the ceramic andPs is the spontaneous polarisation

    of the separate domain. In addition, the effect of the 90 domain-walldisplacements within the grains on the electromechanical properties in poled

    BaTiO3 ceramic was studied in [11, 17, 18] where contributions from thesedomain-wall displacements to a variety of constants for the ceramic were

    evaluated. Of particular interest is the significant contribution of domain-wall

    displacements (3772%) to the piezoelectric coefficients d3j [17, 18]. Theanalogous contribution to the elastic compliances is evaluated to be in a range

    from 11 to 43 % [18]. Differences between the experimental [6] and averaged [13]

    constants of the BaTiO



    3 ceramic were accounted for by the evaluated contributions

    [11, 17, 18] from the 90 domain-wall displacements.

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    Effective Electromechanical Properties in Piezo-composites 17

    a b

    Figure 2.1. Schematic representation of the polydomain single crystal with the 180 (a) or90 (b) domain structure. Spontaneous polarisation vectors of the domains are shown by


    In contrast to BaTiO3 ceramics, the electromechanical properties in the PbTiO3ceramic are determined [10, 15] in the absence of 90 domain-wall displacements

    within the grains. According to results [15, 19], the 90 domain structure of thegrains has a strong influence on the piezoelectric coefficients dfp and their

    anisotropy d33 / d31 in the PbTiO3-type ceramics. In particular, it is possible toattain large piezoelectric anisotropy (i.e., d33 / | d31| >> 1) by doping the ceramic

    [20], varying temperature [15] and by changing the volume fractions of the 90

    domains [15] within the ceramic grains.A comparative analysis of the linear and non-linear effective properties in

    BaTiO3 ceramics was carried out within the framework of the model of apolydomain grain in an effective medium [21, 22]. Results on the modelling of the

    piezoelectric behaviour of the ceramic and on the electromechanical properties

    determined using the effective medium method demonstrates that the non-linear

    behaviour is a result of 90 domain-wall displacements in the grains. These

    displacements in the presence of an externally applied field become an important

    extrinsic factor that influences the piezoelectric coefficients dfp of the ceramic atdifferent poling states. For the fully poled BaTiO3 ceramic, the aforementioned

    contributions from the 90 domain-wall displacements to dfp attain 68 % and 64 %[22] forfp = 31 and 33, respectively.

    Therefore, subsequent averaging procedures facilitate the consideration of the

    hierarchy-of-properties chain of single-domain single crystal polydomain single

    crystal ceramic in the presence of the 90 domain-wall displacements (BaTiO3)

    or on condition of the motionless 90 domain walls (PbTiO3) [10, 13, 15, 19, 20].

    The main aims are to analyse factors that influence the piezoelectric properties in

    the related ferroelectric materials and to study the correlation between the

    microstructure, domain-wall displacements and electromechanical properties in the

    ferroelectric ceramic. Knowledge of the full sets of the electromechanical constants

    of ferroelectric ceramics enables appropriate material selection for various

    piezotechnical applications and offers a route to using the ceramics as piezo-active

    components for composite materials.

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    18 Electromechanical Properties in Composites Based on Ferroelectrics

    At present, there is a limited number of full sets of electromechanical constants

    available in the literature for poled ferroelectric ceramics, primarily due to the

    effort involved in manufacturing and poling a variety of test samples.

    Electromechanical constants are often measured using standard methods [23, 24] at

    room temperature and with weak electric fields. The majority of the ferroelectric

    ceramics are manufactured as perovskite-type solid solutions [35, 2527] with

    compositions varied and tailored to improve specific properties. Attempts toclassify the ferroelectric ceramics have been made in different papers [2527].

    From the classification scheme [25] and by considering the conventional

    perovskite-type ceramics based on Pb(Zr1xTix)O3, it is possible to identify

    materials that are stable with regard to electric and mechanical actions, materials

    with high dielectric permittivity , materials having high sensitivity with respect

    to mechanical stress fields (high piezoelectric coefficients g


    fp), materials with thelarge piezoelectric anisotropy d33 / d31, materials with high stability to the

    resonance frequency, materials with low dielectric permittivity , and high-

    temperature materials (high Curie temperature T


    C). From the classification method

    proposed in monograph [26], the Pb(Zr1xTix)O3-based ceramics are divided intofour groups with specific performances. These groups are related to molar

    concentrations of Ti from ranges 0 x 0.1, 0.1 x 0.4, 0.4 x 0.6, and 0.6

    x 1, and some advantages of each group are mentioned [26] in connection with avariety of piezotechnical applications.

    Examples of the ferroelectric ceramics and full sets of their room-temperatureelectromechanical constants used in Equations 2.4 and 2.5 are listed in Table 2.1.

    Analogous sets related to the advanced relaxor-ferroelectric single crystals with

    engineered domain structures are also shown in Table 2.2 for comparison.

    Differences between the individual constants of the materials with the same

    composition (e.g., BaTiO3 and (Pb0.9625La0.025)(Ti0.99Mn0.01)O3 ceramics from Table2.1 or the 0.70Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 0.30PbTiO3 single crystals from Table 2.2) are

    the result of technological, microstructural and poling factors, the selection of a

    composition in the proximity of the MPB, fluctuations of the composition over

    samples and a variable mobility of the domain walls. These factors can influence

    the domain structures [44], heterophase states [45, 46] and electromechanicalproperties [47]. For example, changes in volume fractions of the 90 domains or in

    the mobility of the 90 domain walls in the grains of the PbTiO3-type ceramics

    affect their piezoelectric and other properties [15, 19, 26, 47]. Furthermore, in the

    presence of an external electric field E, displacements of interfaces separating

    morphotropic phases in the 0.92Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 0.08PbTiO3 single crystal

    promote an appreciable contribution to the piezoelectric coefficient d33 [46]. Thiscontribution can exceed 50 % in a wide E range. The full sets of experimentalelectromechanical constants from Tables 2.1 and 2.2 have been used in our study

    on the piezo-composites, and we will analyse and discuss the results in Chapters36.

    In the next section we consider some of the physical factors that influence the

    effective properties of two-component composites based on ferroelectrics.

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    Effective Electromechanical Properties in Piezo-composites 19

    Table 2.1. Experimental room-temperature values of elastic moduli (in 10Epqc

    10 Pa),a

    piezoelectric coefficients efp (in C / m2) and dielectric permittivities of ferroelectric



    BaTiO3[28] b

    BaTiO3[6] b


    .TiO3 [6, 29]


    .(Ti0.99Mn0.01)O3(I) [30]




    .In0.04)O3 [31]

    Ec11 16.6 15.0 15.8 14.33 17.3

    Ec12 7.66 6.6 6.91 3.220 5.31

    Ec13 7.75 6.6 6.75 2.413 5.68

    Ec33 16.2 14.6 15.0 13.16 16.6

    Ec44 4.29 4.4 4.51 5.587 6.09

    e31 4.34 4.35 3.14 0.4584 2.00

    e33 18.6 17.5 13.5 6.499 8.81

    e15 11.6 11.4 10.9 5.923 4.8411 /0

    1270 1115 1000 210 270

    33 /0

    1420 1260 910 140 198


    .(Ti0.99Mn0.01)O3(II) [31]




    (Pb, Ca)TiO3[32]


    [5] cTBKS

    [5] d

    Ec11 15.8 17.5 15.05 15.7 14.6

    Ec12 4.20 5.49 3.68 6.3 5.18

    Ec13 4.55 5.65 3.09 6.2 5.06

    Ec33 15.2 16.5 12.78 15.3 14.2

    Ec44 6.32 6.26 1.20 4.4 4.9

    e31 1.32 1.80 1.71 3.2 0.68

    e33 6.80 8.83 8.8 12.5 7.71

    e15 3.35 5.41 0.33 9.1 4.5611 /0

    203 265 170 950 410

    33 /0 133 193 140 950 336













    11.0 15.1 10.9 13.9 12.1 12.04

    Ec12 4.22 7.9 6.1 7.78 7.54 7.52

    Ec13 4.12 8.0 5.4 7.43 7.52 7.51

    Ec33 10.0 13.6 9.3 11.5 11.1 11.09

    Ec44 3.45 2.9 2.4 2.56 2.11 2.3

    e31 3.3 7.9 4.9 5.2 5.4 5.4

    e33 14.8 17.7 14.9 15.1 15.8 15.8

    e15 7.7 15.4 10.6 12.7 12.3 12.311 /0

    900 1610 820 730 916 540

    33 /0

    890 1280 840 635 830 830

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    20 Electromechanical Properties in Composites Based on Ferroelectrics

    Table 2.1 (continued)

    PZ 27


    PZ 34










    c11 14.28 18.84 16.0 12.5 13.3 14.4Ec12

    9.98 8.02 10.1 8.4 9.2 8.5

    Ec13 9.22 8.23 9.6 8.1 9.1 7.7

    Ec33 11.45 12.72 13.3 12.1 12.5 11.6

    Ec44 2.28 5.89 2.58 2.36 2.28 2.83

    e31 3.71 3.81 3.7 9.0 9.5 7.5

    e33 15.77 6.87 11.1 28.3 31.1 13.6

    e15 11.74 2.31 10.8 17.9 20.0 11.6

    11 /0 1121 181 570 1430 1980 830

    33 /0878 154 300 1350 1810 740











    11.9 13.4 12.7 14.1 17.3

    Ec12 4.8 7.3 4.5 6.6 13.3

    Ec13 3.1 6.2 0.8 5.6 12.5

    Ec33 10.0 11.8 11.3 11.2 14.4


    c44 3.50 2.45 4.70 4.15 2.29e31 6.0 7.3 6.6 4.6 9.1

    e33 10.4 16.2 8.9 11.8 29.2

    e15 7.1 12.0 6.0 6.9 22.411 /0

    710 890 560 830 2220

    33 /0

    710 890 590 1000 2380

    Notes to Table 2.1

    a. Ferroelectric ceramics poled along the OX3 axis are characterised [26] by mm

    symmetry and a relation c66

    = ( ) / 2E


    c12b. Different processing conditions lead to different sets of the electromechanical constants asshown for the BaTiO3 and (Pb0.9625La0.025)(Ti0.99Mn0.01)O3 ceramicsc. Based on (BaxCa1x)TiO3

    d. Based on (BaxCa1xyPby)TiO3e. Based on (Ba1xPbx)Nb2O6f. Based on (Ba1xPbx)(Zr1yTiy)O3g. Based on Pb(Zr1xTix)O3h. PCR is the abbreviation for the group piezoelectric ceramics from Rostov-on-Don.

    These materials based mainly on Pb(Zr1xTix)O3 are manufactured [25] by the conventionalmethod (PRC-13 and PCR-62) or by means of hot pressing (PCR-1, PCR-7, PCR-7M, PCR-

    8, PCR-21, PCR-63, and PCR-73)

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    Effective Electromechanical Properties in Piezo-composites 21

    Table 2.2. Experimental room-temperature values of elastic moduliE

    pqc (in 1010 Pa),

    piezoelectric coefficients e (in C / mfp2) and dielectric permittivities

    ff of (1

    x)Pb(A1/3Nb2/3)O3 xPbTiO3 single crystals (4mm symmetry)

    A= Mg,

    x= 0.30


    A= Mg,

    x= 0.30


    A= Mg,

    x= 0.33


    A= Mg,

    x= 0.38


    A= Mg,

    x= 0.42


    A= Zn,

    x= 0.045


    A= Zn,

    x= 0.07

    [40]Ec11 11.7 16.04 11.5 21.25 17.51 11.1 11.3

    Ec12 10.3 14.96 10.3 14.33 8.51 10.2 10.3

    Ec13 10.1 7.51 10.2 13.51 8.3 10.1 10.5

    Ec33 10.8 12.0 10.3 9.92 a 10.5 10.5 10.91

    Ec44 7.1 5.38 6.9 5.56 2.85 6.4 6.30


    c66 6.6 2.87 6.6 6.95 8.0 6.3 7.10e31 2.4 5.22 3.9 3.26 2.1 3.7 2.3

    e33 27.1 30.4 20.3 11.46 12.2 15.0 15.1

    e15 13.6 31.84 10.1 21.12 37.50c 8.9 11.1

    11 /03307 4963 1434 2171 b 3054 3000 2779

    33/0 1242 1386 680 255 259 1000 823

    A = Zn,

    x= 0.08 [41]

    A = Zn,

    x= 0.08 [42]

    A = Zn,

    x= 0.08 [43]Ec11 11.5 11.1 11.47


    c12 10.5 10.2 10.30Ec13

    10.9 9.97 10.37

    Ec33 11.51 10.2 10.71

    Ec44 6.34 6.1 6.70

    Ec66 6.50 6.56 3.05

    e31 5.1 9.15 5.83

    e33 15.4 12.2 12.60

    e15 10.1 9.39 6.2211 /0

    2720 2848 1415

    33/0 984 620 560

    Notes to Table 2.2

    a. According to our calculations based on formula [2] = E


    qrs pr and values = 11.73,

    = 2.71, = 8.17, and = 21.53 (in 10


    Es13Es33 12 Pa1) [37], it would be = 14.8910

    Ec33 10 Pa

    instead of 9.921010 Pa

    b. According to our calculations based on formula [2] = (1 kkr

    kr 152) and experimental

    values / 11 0 = 4301 and k15 = 0.459 [37], it would be /

    11 0 = 3395 instead of 2171. The

    value /

    11 0 = 3395 would also be attained using Equation 2.16, /

    11 0 = 4301, d15 = 380

    pC / N, and e = 21.12 C / m2 from ref. [37]15c.According to our calculations based on Equation 2.13 and experimental values d15 = 131

    pC / N andEc44 = 2.8510

    10 Pa [38], it would be e15 = 3.73 C / m2 instead of 37.50 C / m2

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    22 Electromechanical Properties in Composites Based on Ferroelectrics

    2.2 Sum, Combination and Product Properties

    Ferroelectrics and related piezo-active materials are characterised by the full sets of

    electromechanical constants that are listed in Tables 2.1 and 2.2. Ferroelectricceramics and single crystals are used as components of piezo-composites and

    actively influence the effective properties of the composites. Each physical

    property of a piezo-composite is analytically determined using specific formulae or

    procedures of averaging (see, e.g., [5, 32, 33]). The physical property can also bestudied by experimental methods and characterisation. In the case of piezo-

    composites, results on averaging depend on the volume fractions of components

    and their properties, microstructure and connectivity [5, 33, 48, 49]. Numerous

    theoretical and experimental results point out that there are three main effects [48,49] related to forming the effective properties in the piezo-composites, namely

    (i) the effect of the addition of the properties (forming thesum properties),(ii) the effect of the combination of the properties (forming the combination

    properties) and

    (iii) the effect of the generation of the properties (forming the product


    2.2.1 Sum Properties

    For example, the effective property Y* of a two-component piezo-composite1

    obeys a condition Y(1)

    < Y*< Y(2)

    , where Y(n)

    is the analogous property of the nthcomponent, n = 1 and 2. Y* belongs to the sum properties when it is characterised

    by a monotonic dependence (Figure 2.2a) on the volume fraction m of one of thecomponents. It is the simplest example of the volume-fraction dependence of the

    effective property, that is determined by a general formula Y*(m) = Y(1) m + Y(2) (1

    m) + Y, where Ydepends on Y(n) and m and characterises deviations ofY*(m)from the linear dependence (compare solid and dotted lines in Figure 2.2a). Such

    behaviour is typical of elastic moduli , piezoelectric coefficients and

    dielectric permittivities of 03 or 13 composites [5, 5054] comprising a

    PZT-type ceramic and a piezo-passive polymer.


    abc* *



    2.2.2 Combination Properties

    In this case, the properties Y(n) andZ(n) of the components (n = 1 and 2) form the

    effective properties Y*(m) and Z*(m) that are monotonic dependences (Figures

    2.2a and b). It is assumed that (n) is expressed in terms of Y(n) and Z(n) and also



    Hereafter, we denote all of the effective constants and parameters of composites by anasterisk. Following Equations 2.6 and 2.7, the full set of effective constants is written as ,

    and . The similar set of the constants , and is derived from Equations 2.8

    and 2.9. Finally, the full set of the effective constants , and can be determined

    using Equations 2.10 and 2.11.






    pqs* *



    pqc* *


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    Effective Electromechanical Properties in Piezo-composites 23

    Figure 2.2. Sum properties Y*(m) andZ*(m) (a and b) and combinations properties *(m)

    (ce) in two-component composites. m is the volume fraction of the first component. Ingraphs a and b, possible versions of the volume-fraction dependence are shown with dottedlines

    characterises some property of the nth component. The monotonic character of

    Y*(m) and Z*(m) does not imply a monotonic volume-fraction behaviour of the

    effective property *. In this case a non-monotonic *(m) dependence (oftenwith values |*(m) | > | (n) |, Figures 2.2c and d) is concerned with the effect ofcombination of the properties. This effect is important, for example, when

    considering the piezoelectric coefficients = / and = / (j = 1

    and 3) of various piezo-composites [50, 52, 54] (see also Sections 3.13.3 and 5.4).


    3 jg*

    3 jd*33


    3 jh*

    3 je33

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    24 Electromechanical Properties in Composites Based on Ferroelectrics

    Furthermore, the combination property *(m) can be described by a monotonic

    volume-fraction dependence (Figure 2.2e), but a configuration of the *(m) curvediffers from both the Y*(m) andZ*(m) curves. The effect of combination of three

    properties (i.e., elastic, piezoelectric and dielectric properties) is concerned withthe volume-fraction dependence of electromechanical coupling factors of the 13

    ceramic / polymer composites [32, 51].

    2.2.3 Product Properties

    The effect of generation of properties in a two-component composite is described

    as follows. It is assumed that a response V1 of the first component is the result of anexternal actionX. Simultaneously, the second component does not show a responseon the action X, but generates only a response V2 in response to V1. This implies

    that the internal action V1 from the first component due to the external action Xisthe reason for the new response V2. As a result, the formation of product propertiesis associated with two different responses, V1 and V2. Such an effect takes place, forexample, in composites [55, 56] comprising one magnetostrictive (CoFe2O4 or

    other ferrites) and one piezoelectric (BaTiO3, PbTiO3 or PZT-type) ceramics. In

    the presence of an external magnetic field, a mechanical strain is generated in the

    magnetostrictive ceramic. This strain is transferred into the piezoelectric

    component of the composite that generates an electric field in the piezoelectricceramic. Thus, the magnetic field applied to the composite sample generates an

    electric field due to the combination of the magnetostrictive (but piezo-passive)and piezo-active (but showing no magnetostriction) components. In this composite

    the role of both the electromechanical and electromagnetic interactions between the

    components is obviously of importance.In general, the product property appears due to the interaction of two

    components that have different properties being mutually complementary. O ther

    examples of the product properties [49] in the composites based on ferroelectricsare concerned with pyroelectricity (taking into account piezoelectricity of the first

    component and thermal expansion of the second component) and photostriction

    (taking into account the photovoltaic effect in the first component and

    electrostriction in the second component).Recent work [5759] has been devoted to the study of more complicated effects

    in the piezo-composites and disordered piezo-active heterogeneous materials.

    Taking into account electric conductivities of the components, it is possible to

    achieve giant dielectric permittivity [57], giant piezoelectric and dielectric

    enhancement [58].

    Our further consideration of the effective electromechanical properties is

    closely connected with examples of non-monotonic dependences of these

    properties that are often caused by the effect of the combination of properties. A

    transition to an analysis of the properties would be impossible without acharacterisation of methods for determination of the effective properties in the

    piezo-composites with different connectivity patterns and components. These willnow be described.

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    Effective Electromechanical Properties in Piezo-composites 25

    2.3 Methods for Evaluation of Effective Parameters

    It is well known [26, 26, 29] that Equations 2.42.19 are valid not only for

    piezoelectric single crystals, but also for poled ferroelectric polydomain singlecrystals, ferroelectric ceramics and composites containing at least one piezo-active

    component. The applicability of Equations 2.42.19 to describe the

    electromechanical properties of piezo-composites is reasonable in cases when these

    properties can be regarded as effective (or overall), i.e., characterising the responseof the composite sample as a whole. The effective electromechanical properties

    and related parameters enable us to move away from the properties of the

    individual components, the specifics of microgeometry and other features of

    heterogeneous materials and to estimate the potential advantages and applicationsof these materials.

    The problem of prediction of the effective physical properties in advancedcomposites is of interest to many specialists undertaking theoretical and

    experimental studies of these heterogeneous materials. A formulation of the related

    problem on the effective electromechanical properties in the piezo-composite is

    given in ref. [5]. Equations 2.4 and 2.5 are examples of constitutive equations thatdescribe the behaviour of the piezo-active material under electric and mechanical

    fields. If averaged components of the electric field and the mechanical strain

    in a macroscopic region of the piezo-composite are independent of co-ordinatesxj (j = 1, 2 and 3), then Equations 2.4 and 2.5 can be rewritten as follows:

    = (2.21)

    = + (2.22)

    In Equations 2.21 and 2.22 elastic moduli , piezoelectric coefficients and

    dielectric permittivities


    pqc* *


    *kr constitute the full set of effective electromechanical

    constants of the piezo-composite. These constants are determined [5] taking into

    account equations of electric and mechanical equilibrium and boundary conditions

    at the surface of the macroscopic region in the heterogeneous medium.Calculations of the effective electromechanical constants of the piezo-composite

    are closely connected with averaging a series of vector and tensor components of

    the electric and mechanical fields, for example, q, Ef , p, and Dk (see Equations2.42.11). This averaging is performed on volume fractions of the composite

    components2 (n = 1, 2, ) for which the full sets of electromechanical constants,

    such as , and or other constants involved in Equations 2.62.11, are

    known. The formulation of the problem allows the development of a variety of

    methodologies for the determination of the full sets of electromechanical constants

    and various methods of numerical realisation for specific connectivity patterns andarrangement, etc. [5, 32, 33, 5154, 6063].


    pqc),( )(n

    fpe ),(nkr


    2 In order to avoid confusion owing to vector (tensor) components and composite