Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry

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Transcript of Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


    Eric Niederhoffer, Ph.D.


    Biochemical basis of acidosis and alkalosis:

    evaluating acid base disorders

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry



    • Approachhistory

    physical examination


    clinical and laboratory studies


    • Respiratoryacidosis



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    • History - subjective information concerning events,

    environment, trauma, medications, poisons, toxins

    • Physical examination - objective information

    assessing organ system status and function• Differentials - potential reasons for presentation

    • linical and laboratory studies - degree of changes

    from normal

    • ompensation - assessment of response to initial


  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


    1elta ratio

    Delta ratio Assessment

    0%!$ Hyperchloraemic normal anion gap acidosis

    %!$ 2 %!*'ombined high A3 and normal A3 acidosis4ote that the ratio is often 0) in acidosis associated5ith renal failure

    ) - (

    6ncomplicated high-A3 acidosis

    .actic acidosis7 average value )!/

    18A more likely to have a ratio closer to ) due to urine

    ketone loss 9if patient not dehydrated:


    &re-existing increased

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


    'ompensationPrimaryDisturbance pH H!



    P!$ ompensation

    Respiratory acidosis 0!"# 'ompensatoryincrease


     Acute7 )-( m+. increase inH'O"

    - for every )% mm Hg increase

    in &'O('hronic7 "-$ m+. increase inH'O"

    - for every )% mm Hg increase

    in &'O(

    Respiratory alkalosis ;!$# 'ompensatorydecrease


     Acute7 )-( m+. decrease inH'O"

    - for every )% mm Hg

    decrease in &'O('hronic7 $-# m+. decrease inH'O"

    - for every )% mm Hg

    decrease in &'O(

    ?etabolic acidosis 0!"# &rimarydecrease


    )!( mm Hg decrease in &'O( for

    every ) m+. decrease in H'O"-

    ?etabolic alkalosis ;!$# &rimaryincrease


    %!/-%!# mm Hg increase in &'O( 

    for every ) m+. increase in H'O"-

    , &'O( should not rise above ## mm

    Hg in compensation

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


    Respiratory acidosis

    &'O( greater than expected

     Acute or chronic


    excess 'O( in inspired air 

    9rebreathing of 'O(-containing expired air, addition of'O( to inspired air, insufflation of 'O( into body

    cavity: decreased alveolar ventilation

    9central respiratory depression @ other '4

    problems, nerve or muscle disorders, lung or chest5all defects, air5ay disorders, external factors:

    increased production of 'O(9hypercatabolic disorders:

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


    Racid acute

     A /#-year-old man 5ith a history of emphysema comes to

    the physician 5ith a "-hour history of shortness of breath!

    pH !)*

    &O( /) mm Hg

    &'O( #* mm Hg

    H'O"- (/ m+.

    History suggests hypoventilation, supported by increased&'O( and lo5er than anticipated &O(!

    Respiratory acidosis 9acute: due to no renal compensation!

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry



    pH !)*

    &O( /) mm Hg

    &'O( #* mm Hg

    H'O"- $% m+.

    )-( m+. increase in H'O"- for every )% mm Hg increase

    in &'O(!

    &'O( increase > #*-$% > )* mm Hg!

    H'O"- increase predicted > 9)-(: x 9)*)%: > (-$ m+.

    add to ($ m+. 9reference point: > $%#$& m+.

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


    Racid chronic

     A #/-year-old 5oman 5ith 'O&1 is brought to the physician

    5ith a "-hour history of severe epigastric pain!

    pH !"B

    &O( /( mm Hg

    &'O( #( mm Hg

    H'O"- (B m+.

    History suggests hypoventilation, supported by increased&'O(!

    Respiratory acidosis 9chronic: 5ith renal compensation!

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry



    pH !"B

    &O( /( mm Hg

    &'O( #( mm Hg

    H'O"- $' m+.

    "-$ m+. increase in H'O"- for every )% mm Hg increase

    in &'O(!

    &'O( increase > #(-$% > )( mm Hg!

    H'O"- increase predicted > 9"-$: x 9)()%: > $-# m+.

    add to ($ m+. 9reference point: > $$' m+.

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


    Respiratory alkalosis

    &'O( less than expected

     Acute or chronic


    increased alveolar ventilation9central causes, direct action via respiratory centerC

    hypoxaemia, act via peripheral chemoreceptorsC

    pulmonary causes, act via intrapulmonary receptorsC

    iatrogenic, act directly on ventilation:

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


    Ralk acute

     A )-year-old 5oman is brought to the physician 5ith a "-hour history of epigastric pain and nausea! he admitstaking a large dose of aspirin! Her respirations are full andrapid!

    pH !#&O( )%$ mm Hg

    &'O( (# mm Hg

    H'O"- (" m+.

    History suggests hyperventilation, supported by decreased&'O(!

    Respiratory alkalosis 9acute: due to no renal compensation!

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry



    pH !#

    &O( )%$ mm Hg

    &'O( (# mm Hg


    $" m+.)-( m+. decrease in H'O"

    - for every )% mm Hg decrease

    in &'O(!


     decrease > $%-(# > )# mm Hg!

    H'O"- decrease predicted > 9)-(: x 9)#)%: > (-" m+.

    subtract from ($ m+. 9reference point: > $(#$$ m+.

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


    Ralk chronic

     A *)-year-old 5oman 5ith a history of anxiety is brought tothe physician 5ith a (-hour history of shortness of breath!he has been living at B,%%% ft elevation for the past )month! Her respirations are full at (%min!

    pH !$$&O( /B mm Hg

    &'O( ($ mm Hg

    H'O"- )/ m+.

    History suggests hyperventilation, supported by decreased&'O(!

    Respiratory alkalosis 9chronic: 5ith renal compensation!

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry



    pH !$$

    &O( /B mm Hg

    &'O( ($ mm Hg


    (% m+.$-# m+. decrease in H'O"

    - for every )% mm Hg decrease

    in &'O(!


     decrease > $%-($ > )/ mm Hg!

    H'O"- decrease predicted > 9$-#: x 9)/)%: > /-* m+.

    subtract from ($ m+. 9reference point: > (%#(& m+.

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


    ?etabolic acidosis

    &lasma H'O"- less than expected

    3ain of strong acid or loss of base

     Alternatively, high anion gap or normal anion gap metabolic acidosis

    'auses high anion-gap acidosis 9normochloremic:

    9ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis, renal failure, toxins: normal anion-gap acidosis 9hyperchloremic:

    9renal, gastrointestinal tract, other:

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


    ?acid high A3

     A #-year-old man 5ith severe congestive heart failure isbrought to the emergency department! He is on nomedication! His respirations are ($min and blood pressureis *%#% mm Hg! He has decreased urine outputC hisbaseline creatinine concentration has been )!/ mgd.!

    pH !)B 4aD

    )"# m+.&O( *% mm Hg 8

    D $!% m+.

    &'O( (% mm Hg 'l- B m+.

    H'O"- * m+. 'O(, total * m+.

    .actate (% m+. 6rea #$mgd.'reatinine (!# mgd.

    History suggests congestive heart failure 9poor perfusion:!

    ?etabolic acidosis 5ith appropriate respiratory


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    pH !)B 4aD )"# m+.&O( *% mm Hg 8

    D $!% m+.

    &'O( $) mm Hg 'l- B m+.

    H'O"- * m+. 'O(, total * m+.

    .actate (% m+. 6rea #$ mgd. A3 > )"#-B-*>"% m+. 'reatinine (!# mgd.

    1R > 9"%-)(:9($-*: > )!)

    )!( mm Hg decrease in &'O( for every ) m+. decrease in



    - decrease > ($-* > )/ m+.

    &'O( decrease predicted > )!( x )/ > )B mm Hg!

    subtract from $% mm Hg 9reference point: > $( mm Hg

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


    ?acid normal A3

     A (-year-old girl is brought to the physician because of poorgro5th! he is at the "rd centile for height and 5eight!&hysical examination sho5s no other abnormalities!.aboratory studies sho5 a fractional excretion of H'O"

    - of(!#E!

    pH !"$ 4aD )"B m+.&O( B/ mm Hg 8

    D $!" m+.

    &'O( (* mm Hg 'l- ))( m+.

    H'O"- )# m+. 6rine pH #!%

    History is non-contributory!

    ?etabolic acidosis 5ith respiratory compensation!

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry



    pH !"$ 4aD )"B m+.&O( B/ mm Hg 8

    D $!" m+.

    &'O( $& mm Hg 'l- ))( m+.

    H'O"- )# m+. 6rine pH #!%

     A3 > )"B-))(-)#>)( m+. F+H'O"- (!#E

    )!( mm Hg decrease in &'O( for every ) m+. decrease inH'O"


    H'O"- decrease > ($-)# > B m+.

    &'O( decrease predicted > )!( x B > )) mm Hg!

    subtract from $% mm Hg 9reference point: > $' mm Hg

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


    ?etabolic alkalosis

    &lasma H'O"- greater than expected

    .oss of strong acid or gain of base

    'auses 9( 5ays to organiGe:

    loss of HD from +'F via kidneys 9diuretics: or gut 9vomiting: gain of alkali in +'F from exogenous source 9I 4aH'O" 

    infusion: or endogenous source 9metabolism of ketoanions:

    or  addition of base to +'F 9milk-alkali syndrome:

    'l- depletion 9loss of acid gastric juice: 8D depletion 9primarysecondary hyperaldosteronism: Other disorders 9laxative abuse, severe hypoalbuminaemia:

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


    6rinary 'hloride

    pot urine 'l- less than )% m+. often associated 5ith volume depletion respond to saline infusion common causes - previous thiaGide diuretic therapy,

    vomiting 9B%E of cases:

    pot urine 'l- greater than (% m+. often associated 5ith volume expansion and hypokalemia resistant to therapy 5ith saline infusion causes7 excess aldosterone, severe 8D deficiency, current

    diuretic therapy, Jartter syndrome

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


    ?alk lo5 6rine 'l-

     An ($-year-old 5oman is brought to the physician 5ith a "-month history of 5eakness and fatigue! Jlood pressure isB%/% mm Hg!

    pH !#( 4aD )" m+.&O

    (* mm Hg 8D (!/ m+.

    &'O( $B mm Hg 'l- B% m+.

    H'O"- "B m+. 6rine 'l- # m+.

    History and physical examination suggests bulimia!

    ?etabolic alkalosis 5ith respiratory compensation!Khe cause is most likely bulimia!

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    pH !#( 4aD )" m+.&O( * mm Hg 8

    D (!/ m+.

    &'O( *' mm Hg 'l- B% m+.

    H'O"- "B m+. 6rine 'l- # m+.

    %!/-%!# mm Hg increase in &'O( for every ) m+.increase in H'O"


    H'O"- increase > "B-($ > )# m+.

    &'O( increase predicted > %!/-%!# x )# > B-)( mm Hg!

    add to $% mm Hg 9reference point: > *'#+$ mm Hg

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


    ?alk high 6rine 'l-

     An *"-year-old 5oman is brought to the physician 5ith a )-5eek history of 5eakness and poor appetite!

    pH !#* 4aD )$# m+.&O( /% mm Hg 8

    D )!B m+.

    &'O( #/ mm Hg 'l-

    */ m+.H'O"

    - #( m+. 6rine 'l- $ m+.

    History is limited!

    ?etabolic alkalosis 5ith respiratory compensation!

    Khe cause is unkno5n, most likely excess adrenocorticalactivity, current diuretic therapy, or idiopathic!

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    pH !#* 4aD )$# m+.&O( /% mm Hg 8

    D )!B m+.

    &'O( +% mm Hg 'l- */ m+.

    H'O"- #( m+. 6rine 'l- $ m+.

    %!/-%!# mm Hg increase in &'O( for every ) m+.increase in H'O"


    H'O"- increase > #(-($ > (* m+.

    &'O( increase predicted > %!/-%!# x (* > )-() mm Hg!

    add to $% mm Hg 9reference point: > +,#%( mm Hg

  • 8/9/2019 Acidosis Alkalosis Biochemistry


    Revie5 Luestions

    • What is an effective approach to acid base problems?• What are the normal ranges and reference points?

    • What are the anion and osmolar gap?

    • What is compensation?

    • What are the characteristics of respiratory acidosis and


    • What are the characteristics of metabolic acidosis and


    • What is the utility of spot urine Cl-?