2019 buyKOREA 상품등록 매뉴얼 v2

영문 상품 소개 작성법 가이드 Ver 1

Transcript of 2019 buyKOREA 상품등록 매뉴얼 v2

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Ver 1

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1. 개요

2. 내 상품 적절한 Category 찾기

3. 상품등록 (영문) 작성 주요 정보

4. 상품등록(영문) 작성 Tip

5. 내 회사 소개

6. 올바른 영어 표현 선택

7. 올바른 영어 표현 선택 (카테고리 별)

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1. 개요

• What is buyKOREA?

For Seller / 셀러사이트 For buyer / 바이어사이트

buyKOREA는 “B2B” 수출플랫폼입니다.






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2. 내 상품 적절한 category 찾기


1차카테고리설정 (대분류)

Beauty & Personal Care


2차카테고리설정 (중분류)

Bath & Body

3차카테고리설정 (소분류)

Body wash


등록할상품이 Body Wash 일경우

*HS CODE 는어떻게입력하나요?? : 1.카테고리설정시, HS CODE 자동기입. 2. HS CODE 검색을클릭후직접입력가능

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3. 상품등록(영문)작성 주요 정보


• 상품명

• 검색키워드

• 상품상세설명


• 제조국가

• 생산Capacity

• 상품개요


• 최소거래수량

• 선적예정지역 ~ 운송조건중




• 기타이미지

( 이미지에글이있을경우 )기본정보

• 카탈로그

• 매뉴얼

• 이상품을판매중인 다른



• 구간별단가가격/결제/배송


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4. 상품등록 (영문) 작성 Tip (1)

• 상품명: 1.짧고굵은제품명작성필요2.첫글자는대문자작성예시) 1. KF94 Mask

2. Korean Rice Cake3. Blue T Shirts


• 검색키워드:1.내상품을표현할수있는키워드영문입력-> 해외바이어검색결과에반영되는항목

• 상품상세정보:1.영문으로 5줄이상분량으로상세하게작성(오른쪽상품상세설명예시참조)


1. Main Feature 을통해상품의핵심형태를설명2. Main Feature 아래에글머리기호를사용하여상품의효과, 스펙등설명3. 상세설명에이미지추가첨부4. 전반적으로깔끔한형태

상품의매력도UP 해당기업의전문성UP


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4. 상품등록 (영문) 작성 Tip (2)

• 제조국가:

1.상품이제조되는국가영문기입예) South Korea

• 생산 Capacity:

1.본상품의생산량기입 – 일, 월, 년단위예시) 10 Pieces/Month

• 상품개요:

1.내상품소개글한문장영문으로작성예시) The best vitamin C supplement for boosting your immune system.

• 최소거래수량:

1. 한거래당최소거래수량기입예) 5 Pieces(pcs)

• 배송정보:

1. 선적예정지역 ~ 운송조건중 2개이상필수2. 선적예정지역기입할경우예) South Korea – Incheon

South Korea – Busan*선적예정지역은상품의출발지

추가정보탭 가격/결제/배송정보탭

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5. 내 회사 소개

• 회사소개를통해 회사의신뢰성, 기술력, 전문성



• 좋은회사소개서는기업의비전을제시할수

있고, 회사이미지를향상시키며, 더많은고객을





전문성신뢰성 회사소개예문

We are _____, a company established in (2007) that

specializes in manufacturing/producing/crafting ____

products. We value innovation & trustworthiness above all

else, and seek to continually grow & dynamically challenge

new markets in the field of ____. We are currently expanding

our export efforts globally. We actively seek out opportunities

to mutually grow business models together, and welcome

collaborations. Feel free to contact us – we eagerly wait your


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6. 올바른 영어 표현 선택 (1)

구분 잘못된예시 (X) 올바른예시 (O) 설명


1. rice (X)2. high technology (X) 3. keeps the skin (X)4. animal companion (X)5. a work (X)6. self-assembly (X)7. fish thorns (X)

1. food (O)2. advanced technology (O)3. protects the skin (O)4. pet (O)5. a project (O)6. DIY (O)7. fish bones (O)

• 번역기를사용하고추후수동검수안할경우의오류:

“고급기술”은 “high technology”로자주번역되는데적절한영어표현은 “advanced technology”



1. Aid in recovery 2. our products is3. other company’s

product4. Centella extracts, which

acts to…

1. Aids in recovery 2. our products are3. other company’s

products4. Centella extracts, which

act to…

• Is/are 에해당되는단수복수형영문법체크

• Be 동사 Do 동사형태체크• 명사가한건이상인지체크


실제 buyKOREA 에서자주나타나는문법및영어표현오류


translate.google.com (우수번역기)

grammarly.com/grammar-check (문법체크)

auric.co.kr/User/Dict/DictMain.aspx (소재/부품/장비분야용어사전)

cosmeticsinfo.org/glossary (화장품용어사전)

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구분 잘못된예시 (X) 올바른예시 (O) 설명

측정통계표시 1. 70 degrees (X)2. 50t (X)

1. 70 degrees Celsius (O) 2. 50 M/T, 50MT(O)

• 국가별도량형기준이다를수있으니, 상세히작성필요

정부기관명표시 1. Ministry of GovernmentAdministration and HomeAffairs(MOGAHA)

2. Multifunctional Administrative City Construction Agency(MACCA)


1. Ministry of the Interior(MOI)

2. National Agency for Administrative City Construction(NAACC)

3. Ministry of Food and DrugSafety (MFDA)

• 영문으로어색한행정기관명체크하기

• 행정기관명보기쉽게작성필요

어법오류 1. refreshing and refreshing (X)

2. you can eat deliciously (X)3. It can be possible (X)

1. highly refreshing (O)2. you can enjoy the great

taste (O)3. It is possible (O)

• 한국어적인표현과영어적인표현다른점주의

대문자 1. Our product is made with High-Grade Materials (X)


1. Our product is manufactured with high-grade materials (O)

2. The best product on the market! (O)

• 전문성차원에서대문자적당한사용추천

• 강조를하고싶을경우,느낌표로대체

6. 올바른 영어 표현 선택 (2)

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구분 잘못된예시 (X) 올바른예시 (O) 설명


1. It is a moisturizing serum. (X)

2. It is our iconic gel moisturizer.(X)

1. This product is a moisturizing serum. (O)

2. Our iconic gel moisturizer, now in an even more potent and clean formula.(O)

• 자연스러운글구성을위해 it/this보다해당명사사용우대

1인칭회사소개 1. It is a company that specializes (X)

2. which it develops with its in-house R&D team (X)

1. We are a company that specializes (O)

2. which we develop with our in-house R&D team (O)

• 회사소개할때, 1인칭으로작성하기

- 자연스러움- 영어표현- Ex) We are

지역표시 1. High-quality Jeon-la kimchi (X)

2. South Ocean, a clean area (X)

3. Made by/from Korea (X)

1. High-quality kimchi from the Jeon-la region (O)

2. The clean seas of Korea’s southern coast (O)

3. Made in Korea, Imported from (O)

• 지역이름기재시 : Region / Area 로같이작성 :

1. 사람명 or 기업명구분가능2. 지역을의미하는것을알수


• 해당지역에대한추가설명기입 : 지리적특성을잘모르는경우를대비(ex: High-quality kimchi grown in the X region, which is known for its tasty kimchi)

6. 올바른 영어 표현 선택 (3)

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구분 잘못된예시 (X) 올바른예시 (O) 설명

과한 “Of” 사용 1. The benefits of the extract of tea tree oil (X)

2. The motion of the rotary fan of the internal mechanism (X)

3. Using the best technology of Korea (X)

1. The benefits of tea tree oil extract (O)

2. The motion of the internal mechanism’s rotary fan (O)

3. Using the best Korean technology (O)

• Of를적절하게사용: 짧은문장에 of가많을경우문장이어색해짐

전치사사용 1. Grown in Jeju Island (X)2. Manufactured at the

Jeolla region (X)3. Spray to the face (X)4. For above 10 years (X)

1. Grown on Jeju Island (O)2. Manufactured in the

Jeolla region (O)3. Spray on the face (O)4. For over 10 years (O)

• 자주쓰이는전치사옳은표현:1. 섬 = on2. X지역/국가 = in3. 공장에서 = in/at/from4. 실내/야외 =


6. 올바른 영어 표현 선택 (4)

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구분 잘못된예시 (X) 올바른예시 (O) 설명

의학/과학표현 1. Cures cancer (X)2. Blocks cancer (X)3. Cures broken joints (X)

1. Helps treat cancer (O)2. Helps prevent cancer (O)3. Helps treat joint injuries


• 의학및과학에서쓰는표현유의 :

1. Cure 보다는 Treat의동사가자연스러움

2. “암을막다” 는한국어적인표현

– “암을예방하다” 영어적표현Block 보다 Prevent 표현이적절

기타 “Broken English” 표현

1. For people who receive a lot of stress (X)

2. Price: nego (X)3. We offer various other

menus (X)4. Pact (X)5. Corona19 (X)

1. For people who are under a lot of stress (O)

2. Price: negotiable (O)3. We offer various other

menu items (O)4. Compact (O)5. Coronavirus/Covid-19 (O)

• 한국에서만존재하는영어표현사용주의 :

언어의유래가같더라도, 해외에서전혀다른의미로사용된다는점인지후작성

6. 올바른 영어 표현 선택 (5)

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구분 잘못된예시 (X) 올바른예시 (O) 설명

타당한상품명 1. Korea Mask Korea FDA Fine Dust Yellow Dust Blocking Virus Particle Mask (X)

2. Refreshing Anti-Wrinkle Skin Ampoule Propolis Skin Ampoule Acne Prevention (X)

1. Made in Korea Certified KF94 Mask (O)

2. Acne & Wrinkle Treatment Propolis Ampoule (O)

• 짧고뚜렷한상품명사용


1. Made by all-natural ginseng (X)

2. Absorbed to the dermis layers (X)

3. By its surfactant action (X)4. We are currently

exporting to overseas (X)

1. Made from all-natural ginseng (O)

2. Absorbed into the dermis layers (O)

3. Due to its surfactant action (O)

4. We are currently exporting overseas (O)

• 한국어 “으로” 는영어에서쓰일시 상황에따라다양한문법으로번역될수있으니주의해서입력

6. 올바른 영어 표현 선택 (6)

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구분 잘못된예시 (X) 올바른예시 (O) 설명

월/년/시간표시 1. Expiry Date: 6 month after date of manufacture (X)

2. Battery life: 7hour per charge (X)

1. Expiry Date: 6 months from date of manufacture (O)

2. Battery life: 7 hours per charge / 7-hour battery life (O)

• 날짜 , 시간등표시할때붙여쓰지않음

• 복수, 단수에러주의• 영어적시간개념주의

6. 올바른 영어 표현 선택 (7)

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Category 잘못된예시 (X) 올바른예시 (O) 설명

Apparel & Textiles 1. ~ has a cool feeling 1. ~ keeps you cool

Baby & Toddler 1. Made of healthy materials to keep your baby safe

1. Made of materials safe from hazardous substances to keep your baby safe

Beauty & Personal Care 1. ~ cures all troubled skin 1. ~ supplies nutrition and helps the skin to recover

Business Services 1. There’s no need for the inconvenience, like meeting face-to-face

1. No need for the inconvenience of face-to-face meetings ~

Chemicals & Rubber, Plastics

1. Due to the natural water pressure rise due to the fine water spraying plate

1. Since the fine water spraying plate help to the natural water pressure rise,

7. 올바른 영어 표현 선택 (카테고리 별 1)

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Category 잘못된예시 (X) 올바른예시 (O) 설명

Computer Hardware & Software

1. The entrepreneurs which try to apply AI techniques to their own business, ~ are the usual customers

1. The entrepreneurs who try to apply AI techniques ~ become our potential customers

Construction & Equipment

1. By using it, you can exercise and hang out outdoors with no struggles when breathing

1. It allows you to exercise & exert yourself outdoors without struggling for breath

Consumer Electronics 1. ~ designed to be easy for anyone to combine and detach

1. ~ designed to be easily used, assembled, & disassembled by anyone

Electrical Equipment & Components

1. You can use it as it is in a paper box

1. You can use it as a paper box

Energy & Environment 1. Our technological leadership in the market is proved

1. Out technological leadership in the market has been proven

7. 올바른 영어 표현 선택 (카테고리 별 2)

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Category 잘못된예시 (X) 올바른예시 (O) 설명

Fashion & Accessories 1. ~ looks so soft and comfortable

1. ~ made from a soft ~ ensuring a comfortable fit for everyone

Food & Beverage 1. ~ can be enjoyed comfortably from children to adults because it is packaged in small packages

1. Enjoyable anywhere & anytime since they’re packed in small bags

Furniture & Home Decor

1. ~ would be a good choice to light up your home

1. ~ natural-based with no such artificial ingredients added, it makes a great choice for your eco-friendly home

Hardware 1. Can fit any types of camera lens

1. ~ that allows it to cover any size and type of camera lens

Health & Medical devices

1. ~ our feet should be healthy and walking around well is our happiness

1. We strive for happiness of our customers to walk around with feet in goodand healthy condition ~

7. 올바른 영어 표현 선택 (카테고리 별 3)

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Category 잘못된예시 (X) 올바른예시 (O) 설명

Luggage & Bags 1. If the object is heavy due to the attachment of the handle and shoulder strap, it can be used as a market basket using the handle

1. If the object is too heavy for a handle bag, you can transform the bag into a shopping basket by unfolding it

Machinery & Heavy equipment

1. ~ has a built-in safety function, so it is not necessary to have a separate safety device ~

1. No need for a separate safety device as it has a built-in safety function

Manufacturing & Processing Machine

1. Zipper and handle hole or other options can be added as per the customer’s request Specification of machine

1. Zipper , handle , and other options can be customized.

Measurement & Analysis Instruments

1. Unlike the other scale type body composition analyzers or the gigantic ones ~

2. By using an IoT Vibration detection sensor, Precisely detect the vibration of the concrete structure ~

1. Unlike the other scale types of body composition analyzers or the gigantic ones ~

2. By using an IoT Vibration detection sensor, detect the vibration of the concrete structure more precisely.

Minerals & Metallurgy 1. Our unique technology allow us to manufacture highly dispersive and ~

1. With our unique technology, we manufacture ~

7. 올바른 영어 표현 선택 (카테고리 별 4)

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Category 잘못된예시 (X) 올바른예시 (O) 설명

Network & Mobile electronics

1. ~ communicates with smartphones via USB

1. ~ compatible with smartphones’ USB ports

Others 1. ~ a good design that is solid and long-lasting

1. ~ a good design made of a solid and a long-lasting materials

Plant, Power & equipment

1. And it is a product that can use small spaces more efficiently

1. You can maximize space efficiency with this product.

Printing & Packaging 1. ~ and gorgeous to use thick paper and processed paper with white pearl

1. ~ as the bag is made of thick, processed paper decorated with white pearls

Security Products 1. ~ save human lives remarkably

1. ~ helps to save human lives

7. 올바른 영어 표현 선택 (카테고리 별 5)

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Category 잘못된예시 (X) 올바른예시 (O) 설명

Sporting Goods 1. Men’s Running Shoes 1. Men’s Daily Running Shoes Size 10

Stationery 1. ~ but it’s thin, so it’s weak to sharp and pointed object

1. ~ as the film is quite thin, be careful when using on a sharp and pointed object

Tools 1. You don’t need to buy it separately because 7 sheaths are provided ~

1. It comes with 7 sheaths ~

Toys & Gifts 1. The material of toy parts is elastomer and it is having harmless material with body flexibility

2. ~ develops the brain of kids

1. Toys are made of elastomer which is harmless and has good flexibility for kids to play with

2. ~ helps to improve kids’ brain development

Vehicles & Parts 1. ~ improves the effectiveness

2. Economically with highly concentrated products

1. ~ lengthens the life of the ceramic coating

2. Effective when used on highly concentrated products

7. 올바른 영어 표현 선택 (카테고리 별 6)

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End of Document