2015年6月四级第一套kaochong.cdn.bcebos.com/web/material/6/kc_6_1492056897070.pdf ·...

20156月四级第一套 7. C) Mineral water is good for health. B) His water is quite extraordinary. 【重点词讲解】 mineral extraordinary mine /maɪn/ miner mineral mining mineralized undermine mine /maɪn/ n.矿藏,矿山;地雷 miner n.矿工 mineral /'mɪnərəl/ n.矿物, 无机物 adj.矿物的, 矿质的 mining 矿业;采矿

Transcript of 2015年6月四级第一套kaochong.cdn.bcebos.com/web/material/6/kc_6_1492056897070.pdf ·...



C) Mineral water is good for health.

B) His water is quite extraordinary.




mine /maɪn/






mine /maɪn/ n.矿藏,矿山;地雷

miner n.矿工

mineral /'mɪnərəl/ n.矿物, 无机物 adj.矿物的, 矿质的

mining 矿业;采矿

mineralized 矿藏丰富的

undermine vt. 破坏,渐渐破坏;挖掘地基


C) Submit an important documentation.

B) Raise some environmental issues.

D) Revise an environmental report.



miss,mit= send,cast,表示“送,放出”

mission n.派遣;使命(miss+ion,送出→派遣)"

commission n.委员会;委任(com共同+miss+ion )

dismiss v.解散;罢免(dis分开+miss→分开送)

emit v.发光;发出(味等)(e出+mit )

emission n.排放,放射(e+miss+ion)

miss,mit= send,cast,表示“送,放出”

commit v.委托;委任(com共同+mit )

premise n.前提(pre预先+mise→预先送出)

submit v.使屈服;提出(sub下面+mit )

transmit v.寄送;传达(trans横+mit→横送过去 )

Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you

have just heard.


C) The rubbish in them takes long to dissolve.

D) The gas they emit is extremely poisonous.


dissolve /dɪ‘zɒlv/ v.分解;使融化;使溶解

poisonous /'pɔɪznəs/ adj. 有毒的;有害的

poison vi. 放毒,下毒 n. 毒药,毒物


A) Growing populations.

B) Packaging materials.



A) Growing populations.

B) Packaging materials.


packaging materials

package n. 包裹 vt. 打包;将…包装

packaging 包装;包装

pack n. 包装;一群;背包 vt. 包装;压紧;捆扎


D) All of us can actually benefit from recycling.



vt. 回收利用




可再循环材料; 可再生材料



D) All of us can actually benefit from recycling.


recycle vt. 回收利用

recyclable adj.可回收利用的;可再循环的

non-recyclable adj. 不可回收的;不可再循环的

recyclable product: 可循环产品

recyclable material: 可再循环材料; 可再生材料

recyclable bags: 环保袋

Nowadays, writers have copyrights to protect their work.



Nowadays, writers have copyrights to protect their work.


copyright /ˈkɑ:piraɪ / n.版权;著作权 v.为取得版权


Nowadays, writers have copyrights to protect their



copyright /ˈkɑ:piraɪt/n.版权;著作权 v.为取得版权

知识产权 intellectual property

Passage Two

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have

just heard.


A) Reduce our workload.

B) Control our temper.

C) Use painkillers for relief.


workload n. (某一人或组织)工作量 ,工作负担

relief /ri’li:f/ n. 减轻;救济;援救

relieve /rɪ'lɪːv/v. 减轻 ,解除 ,救济


in a bad temper 脾气坏,心情不好

in a good temper 脾气好;心情好

in a temper 生气,闹情绪

keep (control, hold) one‘s temper 忍住气,不使脾气

lose one‘s temper 生气,发脾气

out of temper (对某人)生气,(对某人)发脾气

show temper 发脾气,使性子,动怒

Passage Three


B) Having no budget plans at all.



Passage Three


B) Having no budget plans at all.


budget /'bʌdʒɪt/ n. 预算 v. 编入预算 ,安排


A) Financial issues plaguing a family.

D) New ways to boost family income.




A) Financial issues plaguing a family.

D) New ways to boost family income.


plague /pleɪg/ n.瘟疫 ,灾祸 v.折磨 ,使苦恼

plaguesome adj. 讨厌的 ,麻烦的 ,瘟疫的

Section C

Then there is the belief that a college degree will (27) ensure

a good job and high pay.



ensure/ ɪn'ʃʊə/v.确定 ,担保 ,保证


ensure sb against/from danger保护某人免受危险

ensure success/safety/supplies保证成功 /安全 /供应

Some students (28) through four years, attending courses, or

skipping(逃课) them as the case may be, reading only what

can’t be avoided, looking for less (29) demanding courses

and never being touched or changed in any important way.

For few of these people, college provides no (30) , yet

because of parental or peer pressure, they cannot voluntarily

leave. They stop trying in the hope that their teachers will

make the decision for them by (31) them.


parental /pə‘rentl/ adj.父母亲的;亲代的;亲本的

parenting n. 养育; 抚养; ]e教养

voluntarily adv. 志愿地;自发地;自动地

voluntary /‘vɔləntəri/ adj.自愿的,志愿的

volunteer /‚vɑlən’tɪr/ n. 志愿者 adj. 志愿的 v. 自愿

volunteer to do sth 自愿做` .,

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Section A

Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.

Americans view five hours of TV each day, and while we

know that spending so much time sitting 36 can lead to

obesity(肥胖症) and other diseases, researchers have now

quantified just how 37 being a couch potato can be.



quantify /'kwɑntɪfaɪ/ v.定量 ,称量 ,表示份量

quantity n. 数量;总量

a large quantity of 大量的


quality n. 质量,品质;特性

qualify v. (使)具有资格 , (使)合格

qualified adj. 有资格的

In an analysis of data from eight large 38 published studies,

a Harvard-led group reported in the Journal of the American

Medical Association that for every two hours per day spent

channel 39 , the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes(糖尿病)

rose 20% over 8.5 years, the risk of heart disease increased

15% over a 40 , and the odds of dying prematurely 41 13%

during a seven-year follow-up.


premature adj. 过早的 , 提前的

prematurely adv. 过早地;贸然地

mature adj.成熟的 v.使成熟

For one, the sheer number of hours we pass watching TV

dwarfs the time we spend on anything else.


For one, the sheer number of hours we pass watching TV

dwarfs the time we spend on anything else.


sheer adj. 完全的; 十足的; 陡峭的


A) climbed I) previously

J) resume M) term N)


G) outcomes O) twisting H)


climb /klaɪm/ v. 爬 , 攀登; 上升 , 增长 n. 攀登

term /tɜrm/ n.学期 ,期间; 术语

terminal /'tɜrmɪnl/ n.末端;终点 adj.末端的; 终点的

outcome n. 结果;成果

twist /twɪst/ n. 扭;缠 v. 扭转;旋转

Section B

Essay-Granding Software Officers Professors a Break

[A] Imagine taking a college exam, and instead of handing in

a blue book and getting a grade from a professor a few

weeks later, clicking the “send” button when you are done

and receiving a grade back instantly, your essay scored by a

software program.



[B] EdX, the nonprofit enterprise founded by Harvard and the

Massachusetts Institute of Theology(MIT) to offer courses on

the Internet ,has just introduced such a system and will make

its automated(自动的)software available free on the Web to

any institutions that wants to use it. The software uses

artificial intelligence to grade student essays and short written

answers, freeing professors for other tasks.


enterprise n.企业

enterprising adj. 有事业心的 ,有胆量的

automate vt. 使自动化,使自动操作

automation n. 自动化(技术), 自动操作

artificial adj. 人造的 ,虚伪的

intelligence n.智力;情报

[C] The new service will bring the educational consortium (联

盟) into a growing conflict over the role of the automation

education. Although automated grading systems for

multiple-choice and true-false tests are now widespread, the

use of artificial intelligence technology to grade essay

answers has not yet provided widespread acceptance by

educations and has many critics.

[D] Anant Agarwal, an electrical engineer who is president of

EdX, predicted that the instant grading software would be a

useful teaching tool, enabling students to take tests and write

essays over and over and improve the quality of their

answers. He said the technology would offer distinct

advantages over the traditional classroom system, where

students often wait days or weeks for grades. “There is a

huge value in learning with instant feedback,” Dr. Agarwal

said, “Students are telling us they learn much better with

instant feedback.”


feedback /'fiːdbæk/ n. 反馈


distinct adj.清晰的 , 明白的 , 明显的

distinctive /di’stiŋktiv/ adj. 有特色的,出众的


distinct意思是“分明的”、 “清楚的” 。distinct还可用以表



[E] But skeptics (怀疑者) say the automated system is no

matter for live teachers. One longtime critic, Les Perelman,

has drawn national attention several times for putting

together nonsense essays that have fooled software grading

programs into giving high marks. He has also been highly

critical of studies claiming that the software compares well to

human grades.




/'nɑnsens/'nɒ/ n. 无意义的事,荒唐,荒谬的言行


They are tolerant of political and religious nonsense.




/'nɑnsens/'nɒ/ n. 无意义的事,荒唐,荒谬的言行


They are tolerant of political and religious nonsense.


[F] He is among a group of educators who last month began

circulating a petition(呼吁) opposing automated assessment






[G] “Let’s face the realities of automatic essay scoring,” the

group’s statement reads in part. “Computers cannot ‘read’.

They cannot measure the essentials of effective written

communication: accuracy, reasoning, adequacy of evidence,

good sense, ethical (伦理) position, convincing argument,

meaningful organization, and clarity, among others.”


convince vt. 使确信,使信服;说服

clarity n. 清楚,明晰;透明

[J] A fifth, Indiana, has experimented with it. In some cases

the software is used as a “second reader”, to check the

reliability of the human graders.



[L] Two start-ups, Coursera and Udacity, recently founded by

Stanford faculty members to create “massive open online

courses,” or MOOCs, are also committed to automated

assessment systems because of the value of instant



[L] Two start-ups, Coursera and Udacity, recently founded by

Stanford faculty members to create “massive open online

courses,” or MOOCs, are also committed to automated

assessment systems because of the value of instant



massive adj. 大块的; 巨大的; 大量的

mass n. 大量,众多;群众

[M] Last year the Hewlett Foundation, a grant-making

organization set up by one of the Hewlett-Packard founders

and his wife, sponsored two $100,000 Prizes aimed at

improving software that grades essay and short answers.

More than 150 teams entered each category.


category /'kætigəri/ n. 种类;范畴;别

[O] Mark D. Shermis, a professor at the University of Akron in

Ohio, supervised the Hewlett Foundation’s contest on

automated essay scoring and wrote a paper about the




Section C

Passage One

Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.

Even that percentage is likely inflated by men thrust into their

caretaker role by a downsizing. This is simply not a large

enough cohort to reduce the social stigma(污名) and force

other adjustments necessary to supporting men in this

decision, even if only for a relatively short time.


Even that percentage is likely inflated by men thrust into their

caretaker role by a downsizing. This is simply not a large

enough cohort to reduce the social stigma(污名) and force

other adjustments necessary to supporting men in this

decision, even if only for a relatively short time.


inflate vt. 使充气;使通货膨胀

inflation n.膨胀;通货膨胀

downsize v.缩小尺寸;裁减人数

adjustment n. 调整 , 调节

Women, of course, face the same issues of returning after a

prolonged absence. But with many more women than men

choosing to leave the workforce entirely to raise families,

returning from an extended parental leave doesn’t raise as

many eyebrows as it does for men.


entirely adv.

Women, of course, face the same issues of returning after a

prolonged absence. But with many more women than men

choosing to leave the workforce entirely to raise families,

returning from an extended parental leave doesn’t raise as

many eyebrows as it does for men.


entirely adv. 完全地

completely adv. 彻底地,完全地

totally adv. 完全地

thoroughly adv. 彻底地; 完全地

fully adv. 完全地;充分地;彻底地

In the foreseeable future, stay-at-home fathers may make all

the difference for individual families, but their presence won’t

make a dent in the numbers of high-potential women who are

forced to choose between family and career.




/fɔ:'si:/ v.预见,预知,看穿


/fɔr'siːəbl/adj. 可预见到的

59. What is the most likely reaction to men returning from an

extended parental leave?

A. Jealousy.

C. Admiration.

D. Sympathy.

jealous /‘dʒeləs/ adj. 嫉妒的,羡慕的

jealousy n. 妒忌; 妒羡

envy n./ v. 羡慕;嫉妒

Better be envied than pitied.

jealous /‘dʒeləs/ adj. 嫉妒的,羡慕的

jealousy n. 妒忌; 妒羡

envy n./ v. 羡慕;嫉妒

Better be envied than pitied.


Passage Two

Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.

Some of the world’s most significant problems never hit

headlines.One example comes from agriculture. Food riots

and hunger make news. But the trend lying behind these

matters is rarely talked about. This is the decline in the

growth in yields of some of the world’s major crops.A new

study by the University of Minnesota and McGill University in

Montreal looks at where, and how far, this decline is



occur v. 发生,发现

occurrence n. 发生 , 出现

occurrent adj. 正在发生的 ,偶然发生的

They find that on between 24% and 39% of all harvested

areas, the improvement in yields that tood place before the

1980s slowed down in the 1990s and 2000s.


harvest n. 收获;产量 vt. 收割;得到

crop , harvest, yield





There are two worrying features of the slowdown. One is that

it has been particularly sharp in the world’s most populous(人

口多的 ) countries, India and China. Their ability to feed

themselves has been an important source of relative stability

both within the countries and on world food markets. That

self-sufficiency cannot be taken for granted if yields continue

to slow down or reverse.






Second, yield growth has been lower in wheat and rice than

in corn and soyabeans. This is problematic because wheat

and rice are more important as foods, accounting for around

half of all calories consumed. Corn and soyabeans are more

important as feed grains. The authors note that “we have

preferentially focused our crop improvement efforts on

feeding animals and cars rather than on crops that feed

people and are the basis of food security in much of the



yield /jɪːld/ n.产量 v.投降,屈服,生产

problematic adj. 成问题的;有疑问的

preferential adj.优先的;特惠的;

preferentially adv.优先地;优惠地

preference n.偏爱,倾向;优先权

61. What does the author try to draw attention to?

A) Food riots and hunger in the world.

B) News headlines in the leading media.

C) The decline of the grain yield growth.

D) The food supply in populous countries.




61. What does the author try to draw attention to?

A) Food riots and hunger in the world.

B) News headlines in the leading media.

C) The decline of the grain yield growth.

D) The food supply in populous countries.


riot /‘raɪət/ n. 暴动,喧闹

populous /‘pɑpjələs/ adj.人口众多的,人口稠密的

Part IV Translation (30 minutes)


Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

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