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    C 19

    *Corresponding Author: Alessandra BertoliDipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche,University of Pisa, via Bonanno, 33, Pisa, Italy. Email: [email protected]

    Bio-Farms or Nutraceuticals: Functional Food and Saety Control by Biosensorsedited by Maria eresa Giardi, Giuseppina Rea and Bruno Berra.2010 Landes Bioscience and Springer Science+Business Media.

    Analytical Methods for the Extractionand Identification of SecondaryMetabolite Production in In Vitro

    Plant Cell CulturesAlessandra Bertoli,* Barbara Ruffoni, Laura Pistelli and Luisa PistelliAbstract

    he production o plant secondary metabolites by in vitro culture is one o the most challengingand thrilling field o recent scientific researches. In the ew last years, pharmaceutical and oodindustry demand in phytochemicals has increased steadily. Tereore, the establishment o invitro plant protocols has to be monitored by phytochemical investigation o their selected extracts inorder to supply standardized raw material. In this chapter, the advantages and disadvantages o some

    modern techniques have been described or the sampling, extraction and analysis o the in vitro plantsand derivatives. Depending on the volatile or nonvolatile substances produced by in vitro plant rawmaterial, different kinds o laboratory acilities are needed or the extraction and quali-quantitativeanalysis. Recent extraction technology such as Accelerated Solvent Extraction or Microwave AssistedExtraction in combination with hyphenated techniques such as Gas Chromathography-MassSpectrometry (GC-MS) and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) represent amodern approach to perorm ast and reproducible analytical methods or the quality control osecondary metabolite production in in vitro plant material.

    IntroductionAlthough the production o many secondary metabolites by plant tissue cultures has not been

    easible, uture developments may hold promise both or polar and apolar plant constituents.1,2Tecurrent inability to understand the chemical complexity o all plant metabolites and the limitationso most instrumental techniques represent the major difficulty in plant metabolomic approaches.Selective extraction methods combined with hyphenated technologies such as LC-MS and GC-MShave been introduced recently to obtain the most exhaustive visualization o the plant metabolome.3,4Many responses, due to environmental and seasonal stimuli, involving altered plant gene expressions,result in large variations in the plant metabolite pool. At the same time, these different responses mayresult only in temporal or spatial metabolite variations. In addition, it is important to point out thatthe presence o some excessive plant metabolites can cause significant chemical intererences in themethod perormance. For example, high levels o primary metabolites such as sugars ofen interer

    with the ability to profile flavonoids in plant extracts. In vitro protocols are currently available to

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    obtain high regeneration o many plant species and specific important secondary metabolites. 5,6Tese natural compounds have sometimes such a structural complexity that chemical synthesis is toodifficult or not currently possible. Nowadays, ood, cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies dependlargely upon raw materials derived rom naturally occurring supplies, which are risking to be severelydepleted. Tereore, plant cell, shoot and root cultures or transgenic roots may be a promising raw

    plant material alternative to wild or cultivated species.6-8

    Plant cells are biosynthetically totipotent, which means that each cell in culture retains completegenetic inormation and hence is able to produce the range o chemicals ound generally in the

    parent plant. Furthermore, some Plant Cell and issue Cultures (PCC) sometimes produce higheramounts o specific secondary metabolites in comparison with the cultivated or wild plants.9,10In thiscontext, phytochemical investigations have to be perormed to guarantee the standardization o thefinal PCC products. Tis is extremely important especially when enriched in vitro raw plant materialis requested or industrial uses.11-12Recent developments in the analytical technologies provide moreinormation in obtaining the phytochemical profiles o plant extracts. Very ast and high-resolution

    separation systems have been carried out by ultra-perormance liquid chromatography (UPLC) intandem with high-accuracy mass instruments or the on-line identification o analytes. Furthermore,experimental spectrometry and spectroscopy based on specific databases o plant constituents nar-row the gap between the detected signals and the metabolite identification. Although many modernanalytical techniques, are available, the comprehensive quali-quantitative analysis o all metabolitesin a plant tissue is a very ambitious goal and is still ar off.1314As the standardization o the raw

    plant material is generally a critical step, the PCCs could allow to control better the variations inthe secondary metabolite yields. o achieve this task, it is extremely important to select the PCCs

    protocols by monitoring biomass and metabolite production simultaneously.Te term metabolomics, originated rom metabolite profiling, reers generally to quali-quan-

    titative analyses o complex mixtures with a physiological origin.13,14

    Regarding the relationshipbetween the in vitro plant material and its parent plant, it is well known that the PCC processingtechnologies may cause different secondary metabolite profiles and yields. In addition, it is quitedifficult to guarantee PCCs with the same large variety o phytochemicals, which generally existsin the correspondent mother plants. Due to the very limited understanding o plant secondarymetabolites, it is currently not possible to predict how a product profile will be modified by PCC

    process nor can we control these metabolomic modifications completely. Furthermore, the modernanalytical techniques play a crucial role in defining not only a sae phytochemical composition,but also contamination traces o additives, generally added during the PCC establishment.15Many countries have developed policies and guidelines to regulate ood ingredients produced by

    PCCs and they request more and more ast and reproducible analytical control.


    It is generallyagreed that the saety o ood products derived rom new technologies should not depend on theprocess system. Tereore, it is important to develop ast, reproducible and sensitive analyticalmethods in order to control not only the production o the desidered bioactive compounds butalso the traces o toxic metabolites or additives in the PCC extracts.

    Sampling and StorageUnlike the production o cultivated plants is seasonally limited, cell cultures provide a system

    that can be used year-round and that is independent o the seasons, geographic location and politicalsituations. Plant cells can be induced to produce metabolites o interest and these can be located inthe nutrient medium or in cells.17In plants, the large diversity in secondary metabolites, generallygreatly exceeds the variety o primary metabolites. Te biosynthesis o secondary metabolites canoccur in all tissues and cells. However, it seems to be rule that biosynthesis is restricted to specialtissues or even special cells and it is correlated with differentiation and development.18,19Even atintracellular level, the differences are evident: some products are ormed in the cytosol, others inorganelles, such as mitochondria, chloroplasts, vesicles, or in membrane systems.20,21Te accumula-tion occurs in many or even all plant organs and the intercellular transport (via phloem or xylem)must be taken into account or plants.20Te secondary metabolites need to be stored in plants at

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    appropriate (usually high) concentrations and in the correct cellular or intracellular sites in orderto be effective as deence molecules. In the case o PCCs, which are characterized by rapid celldivision, greatly reduced cell-cell interaction, as well as a lack o tissue-specific morphological andcytological differentiation, other regulatory actors have to be considered or understanding thesecondary product metabolism. Furthermore, the nutrients or phytohormones added to the growthmedium influence greatly the cell metabolism. Te metabolic compartment such as chloroplastsand the storage sites (vacuoles, cell wall and growth medium) are the main compartment involvedin secondary metabolism o plant cells.21Furthermore, the turnover o a secondary metabolite

    may occur by several kinds o alternative reactions depending on the availability o the necessaryenzymes in the cultured cells and the cell culture growth phase.22

    Te quali-quantitative analysis o secondary metabolites can be carried out on these mainclasses o PCC products: a. Raw materials. Te PCC technologies supply generally three main categories o raw plant matrices

    or the extraction and analysis o secondary metabolites. Tey have different eatures inphysiological structures and in the secondary metabolite production (able 1).

    It is important to point out that the chemical composition o cultured plants is greatly influ-enced by the medium components. Synthetic plant hormones such as IBA, NAA and 2,4-D,2-isopentenyladenine are generally used in the PCC establishment and normally are not oundin the natural raw plants.23,24Suitable analytical methods have to be perormed to determinetheir residue levels even i their working concentrations are generally at a level o several parts

    per million or lower. Hairy root (HR) is a particular kind o raw in vitro plant material inducedbyAgrobacteriumspecies, which are common in agricultural field too. It is well known that thegene o the bacteria is present in the plant cell and several amino acids, which are not typicalo humans are produced byAgrobacteriumtransormed HR. More studies are necessary toestablish whether there are any toxic substances o concern romAgrobacteriumspp. as well asit is important to define the phytochemical composition o their extracts.10,25,26

    Table 1. The main types of plant matrices from in vitro cultures

    Type Description Profile Features in SMP Parent Plant

    Callus or cell -Rapid growth , AP -Useful for large

    suspension -Similarity to microbial cultures scale-productioncultures -Lack of differentiation and -Lack consistency in cell

    growth organization and secondary metabolite production

    Organized tissue -Differentiation and organization /+, SMP -Consistent SMP in shoots,cultures -Shoots, root, other organ cultures roots, similar, higher or -Stable growth different than in intact plant

    Transformed -Infection of wounded plants /+, SMP Many concerns about safetytissue cultures -Agrobacterium rhizogenes issues of final products

    HR disease -Integration of T-DNA of

    Ri-plasmid into the plant genome -Stability at genetic and

    biochemical levels-Rapidly growing and highly

    branched roots -Adventitious shoots

    (): differ from that of parent plant; (+): similar to parent plant, AP: accumulation of precursors (disruptregular metabolic pathways), SMP: secondary metabolites production.

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    b. Extracts or purified factions. uali-quantitative analysis is necessary to define the phytochemical composition in order

    to guarantee the quality control o extracts or their purified ractions. It is assumed thatthe main constituents o the PCC extracts are not so different rom the mother plants,as the production o secondary metabolites is dependent upon the plant genes. However,some types o phytochemicals are not produced by undifferentiated cell cultures and thebioactive constituents yields depend on the medium components and cell line selection.In addition, any contamination derived rom the culture medium additives, must bedetermined as they are generally considered toxic.

    c. Phytochemicals. Afer purification steps by preparative chromatographic methods, NMR and mass spec-

    trometry experiments are generally use to define the chemical structure o the isolatedphytochemicals. Te physi-chemical equality between the phytochemical derived rommother plants and that produced by PCCs is required. Fast and reproducible analytical

    methods by LC-MS and GC-MS are useul to guarantee the purity grade o a specificsecondary metabolite produced rom PCC.

    In conclusion, sampling o the in vitro plant material is a crucial pre-analytical step ineach o these cases. Furthermore, the conditions o the biological material should be ashomogeneous as possible in order to have reproducible results. Afer sampling, the in vitro

    plant material have to be properly transported to the laboratory and stocked as rozen orreezing-dried. Otherwise, the analytical results can be invalidated since chemical reactions,microbial decomposition, photochemical reactions can modiy the sample compositiongreatly. In particular, the sampling o in vitro plant cultures producing flavouring andragrances represents a undamental step in the analysis o their aromatic constituents.

    Adequate storage temperatures as well as proper materials or the containers should betaken in account in order to preserve sample integrity and to avoid any contamination.

    Sample Preparation and ExtractionAfer sampling step, sub-samples ideally representative o the whole sampled raw material will

    be collected or the qualitative and quantitative analysis o its secondary metabolites. However,several other chemical compounds existing in the matrix as well as contaminants may interer withthe determination o these secondary metabolites.

    o overcome these problems, a proper sample preparation and extraction steps are included inthe development o a quali-quantitative analytical method.

    Sample preparation is perhaps the most underestimated part o plant metabolomic analyses.In any biological system, metabolites o a wide chemical diversity are present in a dynamic rangeo concentrations. Te different classes o secondary metabolites in PCCs matrix (able 2)greatly influenced the choice o sample preparation procedures, chromatographic and detectionmethods. According to Krishnan,27a typical cell may contain 5000 metabolites which are expectedto be different in concentrations and chemical properties in the plant material. Te challenge isto perorm a sample preparation method to capture the most plant constituents. More steps areincluded in sample preparation to select a particular class o compounds in the desidered extract.In this context, an important role is played by novel sample preparation techniques which haveshown significant advantages over conventional methods, such as a reduction in organic solventconsumption as well as in sample degradation, multiple clean-up and concentration steps beorechromatographic analysis. For metabolomics applications, a ast, reproducible, unselective extrac-tion method is preerred to detect the wide range o metabolites that occur in a plant, avoidingunoreseen chemical modifications.28Perorming appropriate parameters o the extraction maymean to simpliy or avoid altogether to clean up the analytical sample. Te nature o plant mate-rial and its bioactive components should be considered simultaneously in order to achieve goodextraction efficiency, reproducibility and specificity. Te clean-up step, the removal o chlorophyllor inert substances present in the raw plant material is an important contribution to optimize the

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    ratio signal-to-noise in the chromatographic profile.28Semi-polar compounds (e.g., phenolic acids,flavonoids, alkaloids and glycosylated sterols) are successully extracted by methanol/water solu-tions, while the apolar carotenoids or aromatic constituents are better extracted in chloroorm orn-hexane. Te choice o solvent extraction has to be also compatible with chromatographic step.

    In act, or reversed phases in LC-MS analyses, solvents such as ethyl acetate or chloroorm arenot advisable, as these do not dissolve in the mobile phase nor do they produce an efficient sprayionization. In the case o GC-MS analysis o essential oils, they are generally diluted in an apolarsolvent such as n-hexane suitable or the chromatographic separations based on a gas flow.

    Most o the common solid-liquid extraction techniques or plants such as maceration, reflux,Soxhlet extraction and sonication are taken into consideration also or the extraction o in PCCs.However, these extraction methods use large volumes o solvent and show long extraction time, lowselectivity, low extraction yields and scarce reproducibility. Moreover, the large amounts o toxic sol-

    vents arise lot problems in the respect environmental regulamentation and operators saety. Tere areseveral new modern techniques such as accelerated solvent extraction, supercritical fluid extraction,

    microwave assisted extraction, solid-phase extraction and solid-phase microextraction, which can beautomated to monitor the secondary metabolite production in PCC batches in a short time.

    Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE)Tis technique is one o the most promising pressure liquid chromatography automated extraction

    process, successully employed or various pollutants, pharmaceuticals and lipids (Fig. 1).29-31ASE isan innovative sample preparation technique that combines elevated temperature and pressures onliquid solvents to achieve a aster and more efficient removal o analytes rom various matrices.In the ASE system, the extraction process is carried out at temperatures exceeding the boiling

    point o a solvent. Te extraction o analytes rom plant material is based on the analyte solubil-ity, mass transer effects and disruption o surace equilibria by using temperature and pressure

    simultaneously. In particular, pressure acilitates extractions rom plant material in which theanalytes have been trapped in matrix pores or in water-sealed pores or in air-bubble-sealed pores.ASE equipment represents a good solution in savings in time, solvents and laboratory costs.Te ASE automated system may be suitable or the monitoring secondary metabolite produc-tion during the in vitro establishment because o the reduced solvent consumption (rom fiveto two) and a good reproducibility (probably due to the minimal handly o sample). However,there are not many data available on the solubility o natural compounds in the solvents at the

    Table 2. The main classes of secondary metabolites detected in tissue and suspensioncultures of higher plants

    Phenylpropanoids Alkaloids Terpenoids Quinones Steroids

    Anthocyanins Acridines Carotenes Anthroquinones Cardiac


    Proanthocyanidins Indoles Triterpenes Benzoquinones Pregnenolone


    Coumarins Betalaines Monoterpenes Naphthoquinones

    Flavonoids Quinolizidines Sesquiterpenes

    Hydroxycinnamoyl Furnoquinones Diterpenes


    Isoflavonoids IsoquinolinesLignans Purines

    Phenolenones Pyridines

    Stilbenes Tropane alkaloids


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    pressures and temperatures employed in pressure liquid chromatography. Previous studies onthis technology evaluated a range o chemical structures (curcuminoids, saponins, flavonoids,

    polyphenols, terpenes) present in different vegetal matrixes such as roots, leaves, ruits, herbsand rhizomes.31-34PCCs provide an alternative production o ood flavors and ragrance in-gredients. Te essential oils can be extracted by official procedures using Clevenger apparatus(Pharmacopoeia), but ASE extractor using n-hexane or dichloromethane in turn is suitable toobtain the same characteristic constituents o aromatic mother plant.31,32Tis technology has

    only recently been used also or the extraction o plant constituents such as antioxidants.33Athigher temperatures, although most phenolic antioxidants are stable, catechin and epicatechinare degradated. In extracting polyphenols such as catechin and epicatechin rom tea and grapeseed, it was ound that among water, methanol, ethanol and ethyl acetate, the solvent methanolhad the highest yield.35ASE was also used or the extraction o saponins, phloroglucinols and

    procyanidins.31,36Bertoli et al37investigated the accelerated solvent extraction o chlorogenicacid, flavonoids, hypericin and hyperorin rom different rigenarated lines o Hypericum per-

    oratumhairy roots.

    Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE)

    Tis technique uses the properties o gases above their critical points to extract selective solublecomponents rom a plant material. Carbon dioxide is an ideal solvent or the extraction o natu-ral products because it is nontoxic, nonexplosive, readily available and easy to remove rom theextracted products (Fig. 2). Recently there has been an increasing interest in the SFE with carbondioxide as solvent or the extraction o antioxidants rom cultivated and in vitro plants.38-41

    SFE has the ability to use low temperatures leading to less deterioration o the thermallylabile components in the extract.42,43Te main disadvantage o SFE is that it is ofen difficultto extract poly-oxigenated aglycons and their glycosides rom plant matrices . o enhance the

    Figure 1. Operating mode by accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) technique.

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    recovery o these metabolites, it is important to find a proper organic cosolvent called modi-fier such as methanol to add in suitable and small amounts to the plant material beore theextraction. However, the recovery o the most polar analytes has not always satisfied. In thecase o SFE extracts o Rosmarinus officinalis, the most active antioxidant constituents are

    phenolic diterpenes such as carnosic acid, carnosol, rosmanol, epi- and iso-rosmanol togetherwith rosmarinic acid. On the other hand, rosmanol and epi-, iso-rosmanol are considered minor

    constituents resulting rom the degradation o carnosic acid.44,45

    Tere is a considerable interestin replacing the traditional methods with SFE technology, but the high costs o this equipmentand the difficulties in the extraction o the more polar plant constituents have made it to be noso widespread yet. Nowadays, SFE technique is used especially to improve the quality o essentialoils avoiding any thermal stress to the terpenes component.46,47

    Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE)Te use o MAE results in a significant reduction in the extraction time and solvent consump-

    tion in contrast to conventional liquid-solid extraction methods such as Soxhlet or Clevengerapparatus o different chemical classes o secondary metabolites.48-50MAE was used also orthe automatized extraction o important polar plant constituents such as isoflavones rom soy

    or taxanes rom axus.51-52A ast, sensitive and selective procedure employing a combinationo microwave-assisted extraction and solid phase extraction was applied also to phenolic com-

    pounds in plant materials.53However, MAE is expecially used or the laboratory scale extractiono essential oils and the microwave distillation is an alternative technique, which combines themicrowave heating and the dry distillation at atmospheric pressure.54

    Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME)Te aroma o in vitro plant material can be studied by sampling directly the static or dynamic

    headspace by SPME technique (Fig. 3). Apolar and polar fibers, inserted in a special holder, are putin contact with the headspace developed over the PCC sample to adsorb the volatile compounds

    emitted spontaneously.55-57

    As many stress actors influenced the volatile organic compoundsemissions o plants in their habitat, producing plants under in vitro conditions offers importantadvantages in this respect as it implies exclusion o external contamination.58A reproduciblein vitro growth involves control o important external actors such as temperature, light char-acteristic and relative humidity. Sudden changes in headspace composition can be explainedand repeated sufficiently or statistical treatment under in vitro conditions.59Although in vitro

    plants can grow successully when the culture container is properly sealed to avoid any externalcontamination, or the headspace analysis the conditions required are even more stringent in

    Figure 2. Scheme of supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) technique.

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    order to equilibrate the HS over plant sample beore its adsorbtion. Furthermore, studies onthe adsorptive characteristics o the culture medium, septa and/or the glassware were carried

    out in order to define potential intererences in the extraction yields.60

    I the stabilizing timebetween fiber and headspace is too short, sensitivity is restricted; on the other hand, when itis increased too much, the total analysis time becomes excessively long. For practical reasons,a sampling time o 30 min was generally used as a compromise with respect to the equilibra-tion requirements. Regarding the recovery o in vitro aroma by SPME, apolar monoterpenestogether with some sesquiterpenes were studied. Te headspace profile o in vitro plant mate-rial is sometimes really different rom that obtained rom the mother plant. Differences (up to40%) in absolute amounts o each volatile component in in vitro plant samples can be causedby differences in the sample amounts and differences in the growth capacity. Te dissimilarityin emission o mono- and sesquiterpenes between parent and in vitro plants suggests a different

    compartmentalization in the synthesis o monoterpenes (molecular ormula: C10H16) comparedwith sesquiterpenes (molecular ormula: C15H24). In addition, the SPME-GC-MS profiles oPCC, generally showed compounds containing 6 carbon atoms which are originated romthe degradation o the cell wall atty acids.60

    Chromatographic Separation and Detection of PhytochemicalsTe wide chemical variety o plant constituents requires suitable quali-quantitative methods

    to evaluate one or more marker compounds afer the extraction step (Fig. 4). It is generallyaccepted that a single analytical technique will not provide sufficient detection o the plantmetabolomic profile which is generally a compromise between speed, selectivity and sensitivityo the analytical method.61

    Tin Layer Chromatography (LC) and High Performance-Tin LayerChromatography (HP-LC)

    LC is the oldest and widespread analytical chromatographic technique or the screeningo plant extracts. Te separation process involves a suitable adsorbent (stationary phase) and asolvent or solvent mixture (mobile phase). 62By LC methods, a broad range o substances dis-solved in all solvents even aggressive reagents can be tested. However, the separation efficiency

    Figure 3. SPME-GC-MS analysis scheme for fresh plant material.

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    o HPLC and capillary GC are considerably higher than LC. On the other hand, analyticalLC techniques require a very simple and low cost-equipment as well as reduced amounts osamples. Te UV detection and densitometry also allow quantitative determination.62RecentlyHP-LC technique, allows aster and authomatic development.63,64A preliminary phytochemi-cal screening o PCCs by thin layer chromatography is generally considered useul to perormquali-quantitative HPLC methods. A general inspection o the methanolic extracts obtainedrom cell suspension cultures, calli, regenerated shoots and roots oHypericum peroratumwas

    perormed by analytical LC.65Te ginsenoside content in different sources (field-grown roots,in vitro cultures, calluses, liquid cultures) o some ginseng species (Panax ginseng, P. quinque-

    olium and P. vietnamensis) were evaluated by HP-LC technique combining an automaticLC sampler and a scanner. In this study, HP-LC was aster and simpler than HPLC.66Testeviol-glycosides production in intact plants o Stevia rebaudianawas compared with differenttypes o PCCs by HP-LC. For quantitative analysis, densitometric quantification o fiveglycosides (stevioside, rebaudiosides A, B and C and steviolbioside) was perormed.67

    Over Pressured Layer Chromatography (OPLC)It is a relatively recent equipment, not yet generalized although it gives efficient separations in

    the analysis o essential oils and plant extracts.63,68

    Te OPLC technique is a unique liquid chro-matography technology which made some authors even talk about flat columns. In act, OPLCsystem uses a programmable pump to deliver the mobile phase to the flat column and the resultingorced flow leads to a aster separation and improved efficiency than capillary flow in the LCsystem.69OPLC is a planar chromatographic method which uses a pressured chamber where the

    vapor phase above the sorbent is practically eliminated. Te eluent is pushed through the sorbentlayer and a pump can perorm the continuous development. OPLC technique like LC can beused with various stationary phases. OPLC system which is described as a bridge between thinlayer chromatography and high perormace liquid chromatography, is more rapid and reliable thanLC procedures or the analysis o a large number o complex plant extracts.69

    wo modes o detection are commonly used with OPLC: a) on-line mode, where the sepa-rated compounds are detected simultaneously as in HPLC and the complete range o HPLCdetectors can be connected (e.g., UV, fluorometer); b) off-line mode, where the developed

    plate is removed rom the purification unit and views the progress o the analyte separation byspray reagents or a densitometer. OPLC is a very flexible technique since the flat column canbe reconditioned or urther elutions and two-dimensional chromatographic separations canbe perormed with off-line mode detection. Bioautography is a particular on-planar columndetection method that can be used in combination with OPLC to screen bioactive or toxic

    Figure 4. Flow-chart of analytical steps in the phytochemical investigation.

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    constituents in plant extracts. In this case, the OPLC column serves a double purpose: as theseparation medium and mechanical support or a specific cell culture. In act, the biologicalactivity o plant extract constituents is directly tested on specific ungi or bacteria sprayed onthe chromatographic plate. Te evaluation o interaction zones on the adsorbent bed betweenthe specific spot o a plant constituent and a particular microorganism can greatly help withthe ast identification o potential plant active principles.70,71

    High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)It is a proven technique that has been used in laboratories worldwide over the past 30-plus

    years.28,72Chromatograms o plant extracts are used as fingerprints and compared with standardcompounds in order to identiy the plant material and its constituents. HPLC is thus one o thebest suited technique or an efficient separation o the crude plant extracts, as shown by Sakakibara(2003) who claim to have ound a method capable o quantiying every polyphenol in vegetables,ruits and teas.73Te reversed-phase columns may be considered the most popular columns used

    in the analytical separation o plant secondary metabolites, even i new stationary phases havebeen exploited.74-75Te versatility o HPLC system was showed in the analysis o rosmarinic acidproduced in hairy roots.75An in vitro propagation protocol was developed to obtain shoot androot cultures rom Sanicula graveolens(Apiaceae). Teir content o chlorogenic acid and quer-cetin 3-O-glucoside was assessed by HPLC-diode array detector (HPLC-DAD).77Te researcho plant material with phytoestrogenic activity was carried out also in PCCs: the isoflavoneaccumulation in vitro cultures o Genista tinctoriaandPueraria lobatawas used to investigate byHPLC-DAD.78,79In vitro cultures o St. Johns wort were ound to contain hyperorin and threerelated polyprenylated acylphloroglucinol derivatives. Te accumulation o these compounds aferdifferent stimulation was detected by HPLC-DAD system.80Changes in phenolic metabolism afer

    elicitation withColletotrichum gloeosporioides

    were monitored by HPLC-DAD in cell suspensioncultures oHypericum peroratumL.81

    Photodiode array detector is generally coupled with HPLC system as it allows to collectspectra in the established wavelength range and to define the spectral homogeneity (purity) othe analytes. Tis system is one o the most versatile tool in the screening o metabolic profiles o

    plant extracts. In addition, the analytical high perormance liquid chromatography piloted thepreparative isolation o camptothecin and triterpenoids rom in vitro cultures by the optimizationo the experimental separations and checking the different ractions.82,83However, the baselineseparation using HPLC normally requires complex solvent gradient programs and long analysistimes. In addition, unequivocal identification o flavonoids, one o the largest and widespread

    plant secondary metabolite classes, which have similar UV spectra and elution times, cannot beguaranteed. Furthermore, UV detection is unable to ulfill the phytochemical task, since lots o

    plant constituents have not chromophoric groups.

    Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS)It combines the high separation power o high-perormance liquid chromatography with the

    structural inormation o mass spectrometry. Te sensitivity and specificity o LC-MS methodsare drastically improved relatively to the traditional UV detection and allows the use o very astchromatographic separations with high peak purity value.4,84-86A key development o this tech-nique is the interace Electron Spray Ionization that transers analyte molecules rom solution tothe gas phase, suitable or mass analysis. Te mass detection o a molecule is conditioned by the

    capacity o the analyte to ionize while being part o a complex mixture. Apart rom the chemicalproperties o the molecule itsel, eluent flow, composition o sample matrix as well as ionizationsource, influence ionization greatly. Te use o ionization enhancers, sample clean-up methods anddifferent ionization sources are some o the possibilities that can improve ionization o analytes inthe positive or negative modes.87LC-MS mostly uses as sof-ionization sources the atmospheric

    pressure ionization, with the electrospray ionization or atmospheric pressure chemical ioniza-tion. Te perormance o each sof-ionization mass spectrometer can be described by means oseveral intrinsic parameters: mass resolving power (or resolution), mass accuracy, linear dynamic

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    the elective technique to study the aroma produced by in vitro PCCs which is generally due tomany volatile compounds like in the mother plants.100,101One o the most commercialized aromasis strawberry, where 143 different constituents were identified and even the slightest change inthe composition o these compounds can cause significant flavor modification.102Changes in thecomposition o the volatile constituents may also be used as indicators o oxidation, enzymaticchanges and microbial ermentation o the analysed in vitro plant material. Te analysis o volatilebiotransormation products in plant cell cultures has been widely reported.102,103Micro-propagated

    plant material can produce the same characteristic volatile constituents o the parent plants bothin their resh aroma than in their essential oil. On the other hand, different levels o aromaticconstituents and complete absence o the typical volatiles derived rom the counterpart adult

    plants have been reported or in vitro cultures.55,104

    A study onPeganum harmalashowed that loss terpenes by evaporation severely limited theability o cultures to accumulate these volatile components. However, the incorporation o con-trolled release polymers like substrate storage produced a dramatic increase in volatile constituents,

    particularly o geraniol and linalool.106

    Direct Infusion (DI)Te direct inusion using electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (DI-ESI-MS), that is to

    say MS detection without prior chromatographic separation o the extract, is able to produce richinormation on mass spectra o plant constituents.107

    For a preliminary qualitative screening, it is possible to inject directly into the mass spectrom-eter the unpurified plant extracts without the conventional chromatographic separation by liquidchromathography column. In act, the molecular ions in a complex sample may be sufficientlydistinguished by their m/z values by ESI-MS direct inusion. Mass spectra are generally acquired

    in scan mode detection and ESI-MS conditions were optimized using the available standards orthe different class o plant metabolites. However, it is important to point out that direct inusiontechnique has limited utility or the quantitative analysis o plant metabolites due to undesirableeffects o ion suppression.108

    Direct inusion by ESI-MS has ound recent application or the rapid characterization o vin-cristine and vinblastine in Catharanthus roseusas well as or the secondary metabolites in microbialextracts.109-110Te same technology was used to identiy chemical differences that occurred in theexpression o secondary metabolites by 44 actinomycetes cultivated under six different ermenta-tion conditions.111

    Te reproducibility o ESI-MS experiments is generally guaranteed by the combinaton withchemometrics analysis (Cluster analysis, Principal Component Analysis). ESI-MS is consideredcompetitive in terms o speed with other detection methods, especially in conjunction with MS/MS analysis, but appropriate caution is recommended as it must be considered a potential valuablecompromise between speed and inormation.112

    Te described approach is specific, sensitive, rapid and does not require prepurification steps.It provides the fingerprint o plant extracts, since it permits to detect simultaneously differentconstituents and it may be suggested or the discrimination o productive batches o in vitro

    plant material.

    ConclusionNowadays, the homogenous tissues o PCCs represent a valuable alternative to wild or cul-

    tivated plants as the growth stages, environmental conditions and sampling should be less criticalor the standardization o their metabolomic profile. However, this act shows obviously somerestrictions as many o the highly expressed metabolites are ofen unique and can provide exclusivebases or the differentiation o cell states, organs, tissues, varieties and organisms. Due to the verylimited understanding o plant secondary metabolism, it is currently not possible to predict howPCC processes will modiy the final metabolomic profile nor can we control any modification.Most PCC systems are clearly not able to produce exactly the same phytochemical profile o their

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    parent plant. Tereore, any phytochemical variations have to be characterized in order to producestandardized raw PCC plant material as ingredients o ood, cosmetics or phytomedicines. Inaddition, the establishment and propagation o plant cell cultures require chemicals which areusually not a part o the human diet and which will have to be removed during the final extract.Te levels o natural or synthetic dangerous constituents in PCC products have to be assurelower than toxic concentration.

    Te extraction and identification o selected analytes by the classical analytical methods is gener-ally a time and solventconsuming process which not guarantees reproducible results. Tereore,modern extraction techniques such as ASE, MAE combined with chromatographic systems(OPLC, HPLC-DAD, GC-MS, LC-MS) or direct inusion (DI-ESI-MS) allow to develop rapidand effective analytical methods in order to define the quality and saety o PCC products.

    AcknowledgementTis work was supported by the NURA-SNACKS project unded within the EU Framework

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