150215 chi love is (part 2) by joseph gan


Transcript of 150215 chi love is (part 2) by joseph gan

文化上 Culturally – 回顾 recap

• 爱是感觉 Love is feeling• 情绪,兴奋,” Cloud 9” ,恋爱, 等等…

Emotion, high, cloud 9, in love …etc.

• 爱是性 Love is sex• 亚洲新闻台 - “ 媒体调查显示泰国的青少

年认为情人节是完美失去贞洁的节日” Channel News Asia - “Media surveys have shown teenagers in Thailand pick Valentine's Day as the perfect day to lose their virginity”

文化上 Culturally – 回顾 recap

文化上 Culturally – 回顾 recap

• 爱是性 Love is sex• 柬埔寨情人的节调查引起了对强暴和性暴

力的关注。调查显示 47.4% 在金边的年轻男人会想要在情人节当天强迫他们的伴侣与他们发生关系。 ( the guardian ) Cambodian Valentine's survey raises concerns over rape and sexual violence - “Survey finds 47.4% of young men in capital Phnom Penh willing to force their partner into having sex this Valentine's Day (the guardian)”

• 爱是自我满足 Love is self-gratification • 自我中心。只要让我感觉美好的。

Self-centered. Whatever that makes me feel good.

文化上 Culturally – 回顾 recap

以弗所书 5 因此,你们既然是蒙爱的儿女,就应当效法 神。 2 要凭着爱心行事,好象基督爱我们, 为我们舍己,当作馨香的供品和祭物献给神。

Ephesians 5: 1-5Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for

us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

以弗所书 5 因此,你们既然是蒙爱的儿女,就应当效法 神。 2 要凭着爱心行事,好象基督爱我们, 为我们舍己,当作馨香的供品和祭物献给神。

Ephesians 5: 1-5Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for

us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

爱长什么样子?爱的方式是什么? How does love looks like? What is the way of love?


1888 年。 A Catholic woman and her

protestant husband laid to rest in Holland, 1888.

“I have to be strong for my siblings. I am their mother and father. My stomach hurts often for the pain they feel. I just do my best to

create a world in this one room where they can play and feel happy.” —Abdi, age 17

“ 我必须为我的兄弟姐妹而坚强。我是他们的父母亲。我的胃会因着他们所受的伤痛而不舒服。我尽我的全力在这一间房间里创造一个他们可以玩乐和快乐的世界。”

Kamara 每天用 12 小时来照顾濒临绝种的黑犀牛Kamara spend 12 hours a day caring for the almost extinction

black rhinos


A husband who captured the wife journey with cancer

in pictures

中校 RobertL. Stirm 在越南战争期间被俘后与家人团聚Lt. Colonel Robert L. Stirm is reunited with his family after being

taken prisoner during the Vietnam war.

Religa 医生在 23小时的心脏移植手术后监视他的病人的生命情况。他的助手在角落睡觉。

Dr. Religa monitors his patient's vitals after a 23

hour long heart transplant surgery. His assistant is sleeping in

the corner.

Clara Gantt 在经过 60 年后与她丈夫的尸体团圆。Joseph Grantt 警长在朝鲜战争中失踪。

Clara Gantt is reunited with her husband's body after more than 60 years. Sergeant Joseph Grantt went missing during the Korean war.

中国地震的救援队发现了最不可思议的爱的表达 -一位妈妈保护着她的孩子

China earthquake rescue workers found the most incredible expression of love - a mum protecting her child.

• 文化的大熔炉,商业的中心,价值,等… Melting pot of culture, commercial center, values …etc.

哥林多城市和教会 City of Corinth & church

• 文化的大熔炉,商业的中心,价值,等… Melting pot of culture, commercial center, values …etc.

• 在外 Externally

• 以商业贸易而闻名 Popular for its commercial trades

• 因拜偶像和不道德行为闻名 Popular for its idolatry and immoral activities

哥林多城市和教会 City of Corinth & church

• 在内 Internally • 分歧,不团结 Division, disunity • 不道德 Immorality • 滥用恩赐 Abuse of gifts • 自我中心 Self-centeredness

• 骄傲,等… Pride ….etc.

哥林多城市和教会 City of Corinth & church

总结: 爱是那不见了的部分。Conclusion: LOVE was the missing ingredient


爱是什么 , 爱不是什么 What LOVE is; What LOVE is NOT

哥林多前书 13, 4 爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈。爱是不嫉妒,不自夸,不张狂; 5 不作失礼的事,不求自己的益处,不轻易动怒,不计较人的过犯; 6 不喜欢不义, 只喜欢真理。 7 爱是凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐。 8 爱是永存不息的。1 Corinthians 13: 4-8, Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

8 项 不是爱的 8 things What love IS NOT 1.嫉妒 / 妒嫉 Envy / jealous

爱是什么 , 爱不是什么 What LOVE is; What LOVE is NOT

8 项 不是爱的 8 things What love IS NOT 1.嫉妒 / 妒嫉 Envy / jealous

2.炫耀自己 / 自夸 Parading itself / boastful

爱是什么 , 爱不是什么 What LOVE is; What LOVE is NOT

8 项 不是爱的 8 things What love IS NOT 1.嫉妒 / 妒嫉 Envy / jealous

2.炫耀自己 / 自夸 Parading itself / boastful 3.张狂 / 自傲 Puffed up / proud

爱是什么 , 爱不是什么 What LOVE is; What LOVE is NOT

8 项 不是爱的 8 things What love IS NOT 1.嫉妒 / 妒嫉 Envy / jealous

2.炫耀自己 / 自夸 Parading itself / boastful 3.张狂 / 自傲 Puffed up / proud

4.举止粗鲁 / 不尊重别人 Behaving rudely / dishonor others

爱是什么 , 爱不是什么 What LOVE is; What LOVE is NOT

8 项 不是爱的 8 things What love IS NOT 1.嫉妒 / 妒嫉 Envy / jealous

2.炫耀自己 / 自夸 Parading itself / boastful 3.张狂 / 自傲 Puffed up / proud

4.举止粗鲁 / 不尊重别人 Behaving rudely / dishonor others

5.只求自己的益处 Seeking its own

爱是什么 , 爱不是什么 What LOVE is; What LOVE is NOT

8 项 不是爱的 8 things What love IS NOT 1.嫉妒 / 妒嫉 Envy / jealous

2.炫耀自己 / 自夸 Parading itself / boastful 3.张狂 / 自傲 Puffed up / proud

4.举止粗鲁 / 不尊重别人 Behaving rudely / dishonor others

5.只求自己的益处 Seeking its own 6.招惹 / 容易发怒 Provoking / easily angered

爱是什么 , 爱不是什么 What LOVE is; What LOVE is NOT

8 项 不是爱的 8 things What love IS NOT 1.嫉妒 / 妒嫉 Envy / jealous

2.炫耀自己 / 自夸 Parading itself / boastful 3.张狂 / 自傲 Puffed up / proud

4.举止粗鲁 / 不尊重别人 Behaving rudely / dishonor others

5.只求自己的益处 Seeking its own 6.招惹 / 容易发怒 Provoking / easily angered

7.邪恶思想 / 不计较人的过犯 Thinking of evil / keeps no record of wrong

爱是什么 , 爱不是什么 What LOVE is; What LOVE is NOT

8 项 不是爱的 8 things What love IS NOT •嫉妒 / 妒嫉 Envy / jealous

•炫耀自己 / 自夸 Parading itself / boastful •张狂 / 自傲 Puffed up / proud

•举止粗鲁 / 不尊重别人 Behaving rudely / dishonor others

•只求自己的益处 Seeking its own •招惹 / 容易发怒 Provoking / easily angered

•邪恶思想 / 不计较人的过犯 Thinking of evil / keeps no record of wrong

•喜欢罪恶 / 喜欢不义 Rejoicing in sin / delight in evil

爱是什么 , 爱不是什么 What LOVE is; What LOVE is NOT

约翰一书 4, 7 亲爱的,我们应当彼此相爱,因为爱是从 神那里来的。凡是爱人的,都是从神生的,并且认识神。 8 不爱人的,就不认识神,因为 神就是爱。 9

神差遣他的独生子到世上来,要使我们借着他而活;神的爱就在我们中间显明了。 10 不是我们爱 神,而是神爱我们,差遣他的儿子为我们的罪作了赎罪祭,这就是爱了。 1 John 4: 7-10, Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

爱是什么 , 爱不是什么 What LOVE is; What LOVE is NOT

诗篇 36 : 7 神啊!你的慈爱多么宝贵;世人都投靠在你的翅膀荫下。。

Psalm 36:7O Lord, how precious is your love. My God, the children of the earth find refuge in the shelter of your wings.

爱是什么 , 爱不是什么 What LOVE is; What LOVE is NOT

诗篇 40 : 11 愿你的慈爱和诚实常常保护我。

Psalm 40:11Your merciful love and your truth will always guard me.

爱是什么 , 爱不是什么 What LOVE is; What LOVE is NOT

诗篇 13:5至于我,我倚靠你的慈爱,我的心必因你的救恩欢呼。

Psalm 13:5But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.

爱是什么 , 爱不是什么 What LOVE is; What LOVE is NOT

诗篇 18:18-19但耶和华是我的支持。他又领我出去,到那宽阔之地;他搭救我,因为他喜悦我。

Psalm 18:18-19The Lord came to my support. He set me free in the open, and rescued me, because He loves me.

爱是什么 , 爱不是什么 What LOVE is; What LOVE is NOT

诗篇 63:3因你的慈爱比生命更好,我的嘴唇要颂赞你。

Psalm 63:3Because your love is better than life,my lips will glorify you.

爱是什么 , 爱不是什么 What LOVE is; What LOVE is NOT

罗马书 8: 35 , 37-39 谁能使我们与基督的爱隔绝呢?是患难吗?是困苦吗?是迫害吗?是饥饿吗?是赤身露体吗?是危险吗?是刀剑吗?…但靠着爱我们的那一位,我们在这一切事上就得胜有余了。 因为我深信:无论是死、是生,是天使、是掌权的,是现在的事,是将来的事,是有能力的, 是高天的、是深渊的,或是任何别的被造之物,都不能叫我们与神的爱隔绝,这爱是在我们的主耶稣基督里的。Romans 8:35, 37-39, Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?.... No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else is all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

爱是什么 , 爱不是什么 What LOVE is; What LOVE is NOT