147129067 Erwin Tschirner Angol Szokincs a Leggyakoribb Szavak Tematikus Gyűjtemenye OCR by Oofalu

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Transcript of 147129067 Erwin Tschirner Angol Szokincs a Leggyakoribb Szavak Tematikus Gyűjtemenye OCR by Oofalu

  • lex:tra

    Erwin Tschirner

    A leggyakoribb szavak tematikus gyjtemnye

    Q M A X I M fornelsenA1-B2


  • lex:tra

    Angol szkincsA leggyakoribb szavak tematikus gyjtemnye

    Erwin Tschirner

    Q U M A X IM r ornelsen

  • Lextra: Angol szkincsA leggyakoribb szavak tematikus gyjtemnye

    Szerz: Erwin Tschirner Magyar tdolgozs: Bza Judit

    Lektorok: Oliver Busch, Elizabeth Hine s Pappn Trk Edit

    Szerkeszt: Nemcsk Adrienn Kiadi kd: MX-308 Tmeg: 405 gTerjedelem: 240 oldal (21,45 v)

    Kiadja: Maxim Knyvkiad Kft., 6726 Szeged, Frj u. 92/BTel.: (62) 548-444, Fax: (62) 548-443E-mail: [email protected] kiad: Pusks NorbertMszaki szerkeszt: Sikls Rbert, Szuperk AttilaKszlt a Generl Nyomda Kft.-ben, felels vezet: Hunya gnes

    Minden jog fenntartva, belertve a sokszorostst, a m bvtett, illetve rvidtett vltozata kiadsnak jogt is. A kiad rsbeli engedlye nlkl sem a teljes m, sem annak rszei semmilyen formban nem sokszorosthatk.

    ISBN 978-963-261-116-7

    Copyright Cornelsen Publishing House, Berlin Copyright Maxim Kiad, Szeged

  • 3Elsz

    A Lextra alap- s kiegszt szkincset tartalmaz tematikus gyjtemnye a legjabb felmrsek alapjn azt a lexiklis minimumot tartalmazza, amely az eredmnyes produktv s receptv kommunikcihoz szksges.

    Angol nyelvbl kt olyan rgebbi korpusz ltezik, amelynek alapjn az eddigi gyakorisgi szjegyzkeket ksztettk: a Brown-korpusz (Francis and Kucera) az amerikai angol nyelv s a Lancaster- Oslo/Bergen-korpusz a brit angol nyelv rszre (Hofland and johanson, 1982). Mindkt korpusz egymilli szt tartalmaz s kizrlag 1961-ben megjelent szvegeken alapul.

    A Lextra az els olyan szkincsgyjtemny, amely a 2001-ben megjelent Leech, Rayson s Wilson gyakorisgi jegyzkre pl, amelynek alapja ismtelten a brit nemzeti korpusz, amely 1984 s 1994 kztti szbeli s rsbeli szvegekbl mert. Ez a korpusz 100 milli szt tartalmaz, s lnyegesen aktulisabb, mint a kt korbbi. Ezzel ez az angol tematikus szkincsgyjtemny megbzhatbb s aktulisabb minden ms piacon lv alap- s kiegszt szkincset tartalmaz gyjtemnynl.

    A nyelvtanulk szmra ez az sszefggs hrom krds miatt fontos:

    1. Mirt fontos tnyez az idegen nyelv tanulsban a sz elfordulsi gyakorisga?

    2. Mi az alapja a Leech s munkatrsai ltal 2001-ben sszelltott gyakorisgi szjegyzknek, amely e knyv alap- s kiegszt szkincst kpezi?

    3. Hogyan hasznljuk ezt a tematikus szkincsgyjtemnyt?

    sA sz elfordulsi gyakorisga mint a tu nyelvtanuls fontos tnyezje

    A korbbi olvassi mdszertan feltevseivel szemben a felmrsek azt mutatjk, hogy a szveg 9597%-t meg kell rtennk ahhoz, hogy magt a szveget is megrtsk. 2000 szbl ll szkinccsel tlagosan kb. 90%-os megrtst rhe- tnk el a mindennapi beszdben, valamint az egyszerbb irodalmi szvegek esetben. 4000 szbl ll szkinccsel a szveg kb. 95%-t rthetjk meg.

    A sz ismerete sokkal tbb, mint pusztn a sz jelentse. Tudnunk kell, hogy milyen szvegkor- nyezetben hasznlhatjuk a szt, milyen nyelvtani vltozsok lehetsgesek, s azok mit jelentenek.Ezt a tudst mindenekeltt a nyelvvel s az anyanyelvi beszlk kztt szerzett szemlyes nyelvi tapasztalatokon keresztl, azaz olvasssal, anyanyelvi szvegek hallgatsval, szbeli s rsbeli kommunikcival szerezhetjk meg.

    Az nll kommunikcihoz kb. 2000 szt kell ismernnk. Ennyi sz elegend ahhoz, hogy megrtsk a mindennapi letben elfordul szvegeket, tudjunk zkkenmentesen trsalogni htkznapi helyzetekben. Az angol nyelv magas szint hasznlathoz viszont mintegy 4000 szra van szksgnk. Ha ennyi szt tudunk, megrtjk a tudomnyos-szakmai, illetve szpirodalmi szvegeket is.

    Alapfelttel azonban, hogy az alap- s kiegszt szkincset tartalmaz gyjtemny valban a leggyakrabban hasznlt 4000 szt tartalmazza.Ha ezen szavak mintegy 40%-a hinyzik, akkor a nyeresg csak 2400 sz, s ez nem elegend ahhoz, hogy szkincsnket olvasssal vagy ms

  • kommunikcis tapasztalattal nllan bvt- hessk.

    Tapasztalati alapok

    Ez a tematikus szkincsgyjtemny a Leech s munkatrsai ltal 2001-ben sszelltott British National Corpus (BNC) gyakorisgi szjegyzke alapjn kszlt. A BNC 100 milli szbl ll, s nagyrszt 1984 s 1994 kztt publiklt szvegeken alapul. A clkitzs a Nagy-Britanniban beszlt s rott angol nyelv reprezentatv korpusznak elksztse volt. A korpusz 10%-a szbeli, 90%-a rsbeli szvegeket vesz alapul. Az rott korpusz szk 60%-a knyvekbl, 30%-a jsgokbl s folyiratokbl ered. A szvegeket a tudomnyos s szrakozat terletekr'l gyjtttk ssze. A szbeli korpusz egyik rsze klnbz szocilis rtegek, korcsoportok, nemek s vallsok angol anyanyelvi kztti beszlgetsekbl szrmazik, a msik rsze a nevels s tudomny, gazdasg, politika, valamint a szabadid tmakrnek tudomnyos eladsaibl, vitibl mert.

    Leech s munkatrsai elektronikusan tovbb dolgoztak a korpuszon, s tbbek kztt a 10 000 leggyakoribb sz s szalak jegyzkt lltottk ssze. Ahhoz, hogy az alapszavak jegyzkt megkapjuk, a Leech-fle gyakorisgi jegyzken tovbb kellett dolgozni. Trltek minden ragozott alakot, tovbb trltk mg a neveket, szmokat, betket, szimblumokat, rvidtseket, indulat- s szitokszavakat is. Az eltr rsmd - pldul brit s amerikai - szvltozatokat ugyanahhoz a szhoz tartoznak vettk, akrcsak a sznt s nemzetisgeket jell mellkneveket s fneveket.

    A Leech-fle gyakorisgi jegyzk egyetlen problmja, hogy csak az egyes szavakat adja meg, az igbl s elljrszbl ll vonzatos

    igket (phrasal verbs) mint pldul get up, carry on s take over, viszont nem. Emiatt a tematikus alap- s kiegszt szkincshez mg hozzadtk az Oxford 3000-jegyzkt. Ez a jegyzk szintn a BNC-re nylik vissza, de magban foglalja a phrasal verb-eket is, s tartalmaz egy olyan szjegyzket, amely ugyan nem tartozik az angol nyelv leggyakoribb 3000 szavhoz, de tbb mint 70 nyelv- s nevelstudomnyi szakember szakmai kutatcsoportja az angolt mint idegen nyelvet tanulk szmra nagyon fontosnak tart. Ide tartoznak pldul a fontosabb testrszek, az utazskor hasznlt szkincs s olyan szavak, amelyekkel ms szavak magyarzhatak meg.

    Az angol nyelv leggyakoribb 4000 lexmjt sz- szehasonltottk az Oxford 3000-jegyzkkel. Ez utbbiban 5000 olyan szt talltak, amelyek a 4000 szt tartalmaz listban nem voltak jelen, s ezekkel kiegsztettk ezt a szkincsgyjtemnyt. Ezeket a szavakat 3000 sorszmmal jelltk meg.

    Nmely szt kt kln osztlyba is besoroltak, mindenekeltt a tbbjelents szavakat, ameny- nyiben mindkt jelentst gyakran hasznljk.

    A kategrikon bell elszr az alap-, majd a kiegszt szkincs szavait soroltuk fel. A szjegy- zk magval a szval kezddik, majd feltntettk a fonetikus trst, s vgl megadtuk a sz gyakorisgt alap-, illetve kiegszt szkincsen bell. Ezutn kvetkezik a magyar jelents. Csak a tmhoz tartoz jelentst adtuk meg. Vgl egy pldamondatot olvashatunk, amely a sznak a tmhoz tartoz jelentst mutatja be.

    Az els oszlopban a sz mgtt egy szm tallhat, mely a 4000 szbl ll jegyzkben elfoglalt helyt jelli. Pldul a 334 azt jelenti, hogy a sz az angol nyelv leggyakrabban hasznlt szavai kzl a 334-edik.

  • 5A fordtsok a leggyakoribb - elssorban - tematikus jelentst adjk meg.

    A pldamondatok clja a sz legjellemzbb szvegkrnyezetben val megjelentse s megje- gyezhetv ttele.


    tfog ismerettel rendelkeznk nyelvnk szavairl. Tudjuk, hogyan ejtjk ki ket, hogyan rjuk, mit jelentenek, hogyan hasznljuk ket mondatokban, milyen egyb szavakkal s milyen szvegtpusokban s szvegkrnyezetben jelennek meg legtbbszr. Ezt a tudst egymsra plen - az egyik jellemzt a msik utn - sajttjuk el, amikor ezekkel a szavakkal kommunikatv sszefggsekben tallkozunk. Ahhoz, hogy egy szt megjegyezznk, egy meghatrozott idszakon bell tlagosan 16 alkalommal kell tallkoznunk vele.

    Ha a szt megtanultuk s begyakoroltuk, jelentsen kevesebb ilyen tpus tallkozsra van szksg s jelentsen n az eslye annak, hogy az adott sznak ms jelentseit is megtanuljuk. A szavakat hallott szveg rtse, beszd, olvass s rs formjban is gyakorolni kell. Egy nyomtatott sztr elssorban azt a clt szolglja, hogy a sz jelentst, valamint rott alakjt is elsajttsuk.

    Elszr az alapszkincset tanulja meg vagy ismtelje, s csak azutn trjen t a kiegszt szkincsre! A kvetkez mdszert javasoljuk: Figyelmesen olvassa el az alapszkincs szanyagt, ejtse ki a szt s annak klnbz alakjait, valamint a hozz tartoz mondatot, s prblja meg azt megrteni! Takarja le a magyar jelentst s a pldamondatot, s prbljon meg emlkezni a sz magyar jelentsre! Jellje meg azokat a szavakat, amelyek nehzsget okoztak,

    s rja le azokat a pldamondatokkal egytt a sztrfzetbe!

    Ezt a mdszert alkalmazza minden fejezetben, s rendszeresen ismtelje azokat a szavakat, amelyeket a sztrfzetbe lejegyzett! Ezzel a mdszerrel naponta lehetsg szerint 4 fejezetet dolgozzon fel, amelynek idtartama legalbb 15 perc legyen, de ne tartson tovbb 30 percnl. Jobb naponta gyakorolni, mint csak egy vagy kt alkalommal hetente, akr tbb rn keresztl. Ha gyorsan kell elsajttania a szavakat, termszetesen tanulhat naponta akr egy-kt rt is.

    Tovbbi segtsget jelent az is, ha a tanuls mellett lehetsge nylik egyszerbb szvegek olvassra, ahol tallkozhat ezekkel a szavakkal. Addig, amgazalapszkinccsel foglalkozik, tancsos egyszerbb, knnyedebb szvegeket olvasni, olyanokat, amelyek a 2000 szt tartalmazzk. Amikor mr a kiegszt szkincset tanulja, olyan szvegeket olvasson, amelyek mr ezeket a szavakat is tartalmazzk! A specilisan erre a clra fejlesztett olvasmnyok mellett olvashat egyszerbb regnyeket vagy ms olvasmnyokat, mindenekeltt gyermek- s ifjsgi irodalmat, valamint szrakoztat irodalmat. Az azonban fontos, hogy a szveg szavainak 95%-t megrtse. Ha ktsoronknt tbb, mint egy szt nem rt meg, akkor az a szveg tl nehz s egy nehzsgi fokkal knnyebb szveget kell vlasztania.

    A knyv ltrejttben tbben is segtsgnkre voltak, s mjnkjukrt ksznett szeretnnk mondani. Mindenekeltt Yvonne Kretzschmar- nak, aki a projektet a kezdetektl fogva koordinlta s ksrte, valamit Nadine Randallnek s Caroline Foxnak, akika szavakat kategrikba soroltk s sok pldamondatot rtak.

    Ksznetnket szeretnnk kifejezni Helga Holt- kampnak s Gunther Weimannak, a Cornelsen



  • Els


    kiad munkatrsainak, akik szrnyaik al vettk e munkt, s a kiad mindazon munkatrsainak, akik hozzjrultak ahhoz, hogy ez a szp knyv kiadhat legyen.

    Kln ksznet illeti Udo Diekmannt, akinek az adatbankja nagyban megknnytette munknkat, s aki minden problmnk megoldsban segtsgnkre volt.

    Sok rmet kvnok a tanulsban, s remlem, hogy ez a tematikus szkincsgyjtemny segt cljai elrsben.

    Erwin Tschirner

    Felhasznlt irodalom

    Hofland, K. and Johansson, S. (1982): Word frequencies in British and American English.

    Bergen: The Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities.

    Kucera, H. and Francis W. N. (1967): Computational analysis of present-day American English.

    Providence, Rl: Brown University Press.Leech, Geofrey, Rayson, Paul, and Wilson Andrew (2001): Word Frequencies in Written and Spoken English: Based on the British National Cor

    pus. London: Longman.Nation, P. (2001): Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Fontos tudnivalk

    A rendhagy fneveknl megadtuk a tbbes szmot (pi. mouse, mice).A rendhagy fokozs mellkneveknl a fokozott alakokat is megadtuk (pl. good, better, best).A rendhagy igknl megadtuk a msodik s harmadik alakot (pl. to take, took, taken).

  • 8^ TartalomjegyzkN>-oe4) 1. Szemlyi adatok,>2 szemlyes informcik.................. 10H 1.01. Szemlyi adatok............................. 10rei- 1.02. llampolgrsg s

    nemzetisg................................... 111.03. Csald............................................ 121.04. Klsmegjelens........................... 141.05. Jellem s temperamentum........... 151.06. Valls, hit, erklcs......................... 18

    2. Lakkrnyezet.............................. 222.01. Hz, plet..................................... 222.02. Helyisgek s berendezsk..........242.03. Hztarts....................................... 26

    3. Krnyezet...................................... 293.01. Vros, vidk, orszg....................... 293.02. Tj, ghajlat, idjrs................... 313.03. Nvnyek s llatok....................... 34

    4. Utazs s kzlekeds..................... 374.01. tlers s tbaigazts................. 374.02. Jrmvek....................................... 394.03. Kzlekeds.....................................41

    5. Ellts.......................................... 445.01. Vsrls, elads, birtokls..............445.02. rak s pnzforgalom................... 465.03. zleti let.......................................485.04. Ruhzat s kiegsztk................. 51

    6. Test s egszsg.............................. 546.01. Test.................................................. 546.02. Egszsg s betegsg...................... 566.03. Orvostudomny s

    egszsggyi ellts......................... 596.04. lelmiszerek ................................... 616.05. tkezs s italfogyaszts................ 63

    7. szlels s mozgs.......................... 657.01. Fizikai tevkenysgek.................... 657.02. szlels............................................. 677.03. Mozgs............................................. 707.04. rzelm ek......................................... 737.05. rtelem s gondolkods.................. 757.06. Szksgletek s kvnsgok............ 79

    8. A munka vilga ................................. 828.01. Foglalkozsok................................... 828.02. Szakmai feladatok

    s tevkenysgek............................. 858.03. Munkahely s munkafelttelek---888.04. Verseny............................................. 918.05. Tudomny...................................... 948.06. Oktats .......................................... 98

    9. A nyelv.............................................. 1029.01. Nyelvtanuls s a

    nyelvekrl lta lban.................... 1029.02. Prbeszd .................................... 1039.03. Beszdaktusok ............................... 1069.04. Vlemny kifejezse..................... 109

  • 10. Szabadid s szrakozs............ 11310.01. Mvszet s kultra................... 11310.02. Olvasmnyok s sajt................. 11510.03. Sport.......................................... 11910.04. Szabadid, rdekldsi kr,

    hobbi ...................................... 121

    11. Szemlyes kapcsolatok.............. 12411.01. Szemlyes viszonyulsok........... 12411.02. Szerelem s vls....................... 12711.03. Trsadalmi le t......................... 129

    12. Politika..................................... 13312.01. Aktulis esemnyek................... 13312.02. llamberendezkeds

    s belpolitika............................. 13412.03. Klpolitika................................. 13712.04. Hbor s bke......................... 139

    13. Trsulsok................................. 14313.01. Gazdasg................................... 14313.02. Jo g ............................................ 14613.03. Kz-s szocilis szolgltatsok .. 14813.04. Trsulsok................................. 15113.05. Telekommunikci s technika.. 15413.06. Rendrsg s bnzs............... 15713.07. Veszly s biztonsg................... 159

    14. ltalnos fogalmak.................... 16214.01. Trbeli elhelyezkeds................. 16214.02. Sznek s formk....................... 16414.03. Hasonlsgok s klnbsgek... 166

    14.04. Gyakorisg s sorrend............... 16914.05. Pozitvumok................................ 17214.06. Negatvumok.............................. 17414.07. Fontossgi sorrend...................... 17714.08. Tulajdonsgok........................... 17914.09. Rend s m d .............................. 182

    15. Az id ........................................... 18615.01. Az idrl ltalban..................... 18615.02. Idbeoszts................................ 18815.03. Mlt s je le n .............................. 190

    16. Mennyisg................................. 19216.01. Sok s kevs............................... 19216.02. Mrtk........................................ 19416.03. Mennyisgi egysgek................. 19516.04. Mennyisgekrl ltalban......... 197

    17. Szvegkohzis eszkzk............ 20017.01. Nvmsok, nvelk................... 20017.02. Idkifejezs eszkzei................. 20217.03. Trbeli elhelyezkeds

    s helyvltoztats....................... 20317.04. Egyb gyakori elljrk s

    ktszk ..................................... 204

    18. Az 50 leggyakoribb ige/segdige . 20818.01. Ig k ........................................... 20818.02. Segdigk................................... 209

    19. Szjegyzk.................................... 211

  • . Sz


    yi a


    k, s



    s in




    1. Szemlyi adatok, szemlyes informcik

    1.01. Szemlyi adatok Alapszkincs

    absence ['bssnsj 1715 tvolit, hinyzsadult ['dAltJ 1371 felnttage [eid3] 403 korborn [bo:nj 1334 szletettboy [boi] 511 fifemale ['fumed] 1702 nnem, nigentleman ['dsentlman]. r(iember), frfi

    gentlemen 1583

    girl [g3:l] 400 lnyto identify [ai'dentifaij 853 azonost; felismerindividual [,individ3U3lJ egyn; szemlyi

    837 sg

    kid [kid] 1703 gyereklady f'leidi] 875 hlgy, asszony, nmale [m eil] 1253 hmnem; frfi,


    man [mn], men 95 frfi; embername[neim] 300 nv

    person ['p3:sn] 346 szemly; embersex [seks] 1241 nem

    sir [s3:] 595 r, uramstatus ['steitss] 1280 helyzet, sttusz

    title ['taitl] 965 trsadalmi cmwoman ['wuman], women n, asszony


    youth [ju:0] 1659 ifjkor; fiatalsg

    A new teacher was appointed during his absence. Children may come with an adult.The age of the girl is unknown.He was born in Germany.The boys restroom is opposite the girls.The female babies receive pink blankets.The gentleman took off his coat and handed it to the lady.My youngest child is a girl.The girl identified the coat as hers.A good teacher treats students as individuals.

    Kids enjoy visiting the zoo.The lady at the bank said hello to the girl.There are more male students than female ones in the class.Man is the opposite of woman.Do you have the same name as one of your parents?Only one person at a time may enter the room. You can now find out the sex of your baby before it is born.Its polite to call strangers Sir or Madam.Her status in society changed after she had written a book.He uses the title Sir before his name.The old man married a young woman.

    He learned wisdom in his youth so he could make better decisions as an adult.

    1.01. Szemlyi adatok Kiegszt szkincsabsent [ bsant] 4007

    birthday ['b3 :0dei] 2601 chap [tj p ] 3598 deaf [d e fj 3006

    hinyz, tvol



    fick, pasas


    Two pupils were absent yesterday.

    My birthday is on the 22nd of June. John is a very friendly chap.If you cannot hear, you are deaf.

  • 11

    duke [dju:k] 2568 herceg A duke is a man of very high rank, just below that of king or queen.

    earl [3:1] 3226 grf An earl is a man of high social rank who rules territory for the king.

    ethnic [eBnik] 3319 nemzetisgi, np The cultural festival celebrated a variety of ethnic origins.

    fellow ['felau] 3077 fick, alak That fellow is a great football player.female ['fi:meil] 2305 nnem; n Most of the cooks are females in this hotel.gender ['d3enda] 3632 nem, nem Do you know what gender the baby is?guy [gai] 2527 alak, pasas That guy is friends with my brother.identification azonosts, Can I see some identification, please?

    [ai.dentifi'keijn] 3335 szemlyazonostokirat

    identity [ai'dentati] 2203 identits, nazo During his teenage years, he questioned hisnossg identity.

    infant ['infant] 3086 kisgyermek,csecsem

    This product is not suitable for infants.

    junior ['d3u:nia] 2962 fiatal, fiatalabb, kezd, junior

    The firm is takirg on a new junior employee.

    lad [ld] 2577 fi, fiatalember A group of lads were playing football on the street.

    male [meil] 2205 frfi According to the survey, males earn more than females.

    self [self], selves 2448 nmaga, az nje I think a job gives a person a sense of self.senior ['siinia] 1342 idsebb, feljebb Only senior pupils are permitted to go out at

    val, vgzs lunchtime.

    signature ['signatfa] 4448 alrs Everyone has a jnique signature.surname ['s3:neim] 4330 vezetknv Smith is a very common surname.teenager ['ti:neid3a] 3978 tizenves, Talking to teencgers can be very difficult

    tindzser sometimes.

    youngster ['jAijsta] 3379 gyerkc, kamasz His youngster is going to the local primary school.

    1.02. llampolgrsg s nemzetisg AlapszkincsAmerican [a'merikan] 580 amerikai

    British ['britij] 271 English [igglij] 462 European [juara'pan]

    566foreign f'foran] 691


    He has only lived in the US for five years, but his American accent is very strong.I find British humour very funny.English humour can be very dry.European food varies greatly.

    klfldi, idegen She enjoys learning foreign languages.

    . Sz


    yi a


    k, s



    s in




  • . Sz


    yi a


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    s in




    French [frentf] 662 francia I really like French fashion.German ['d33:m3n] 820 nmet German classical composers are famous

    throughout the world.Irish ['airij] 1735 r The Irish language is different from English.Japanese [,d3asp3'ni:z] japn We ate sushi in a Japanese restaurant.

    1958Russian ['rAjnJ 1938 orosz Russian films are often sad comedies.Scottish ['skotxj] 1139 skt English people sometimes have difficulties in

    understanding Scottish accents.Soviet ['sauvist] 1034 szovjet I lived in :he Soviet zone of Berlin as a kid.

    1.02. llampolgrsg s nemzetisg Kiegszt' szkincsAfrican ['sfrikan] 2223 afrikai I have never been to the African continent.Arab ['aersbj 3386 arab Tea is often served with Arab food.Asian ['eijnj 3723 zsiai The Asian continent is the largest in the world.Australian [o'streilian] ausztrl Australian beaches are popular holiday places.

    3209Chinese [tfai'niiz] 2342 knai Many people find it hard to learn Chinese.Dutch [dAtJJ 3316 holland Dutch cheese has a good reputation.Greek [gri:k] 2888 grg Moussaka is a Greek dish.Indian ['indianj 2433 indiai There are a lot of Indian restaurants in London.Italian fi'taeljan] 2357 olasz Italian wines have a very good reputation.native ['neitiv] 3250 szl-, anya-, He returned to live in his native country.Roman ['raumsn] 2213 rmai The Roman Empire grew quickly.Spanish ['spienij'] 2648 spanyol Madrid is the Spanish capital.Welsh [welj] 2502 walesi, velszi Welsh cities sometimes have very complicated


    1.03. Csald Alapszkincsto adopt [a'doptj 1283 rkbe fogad,

    adoptlBoth children are adopted.

    baby [beibi] 981 (kis)baba Johns new baby is just eight weeks old.birth [bar] 1719 szlets David was present at the birth of all his children.brother ['brAQs] 927 fivr Do you have any brothers or sisters?child [tjaild], children 119 gyermek Both of her children are now living abroad.dad [deed] 1441 apa, apu, papa I call my father Dad.daughter ['doita] 982 lnya (vkinek) My daughter is now living in Germany.family ['faemali] 219 csald A new family has moved into the neighbourhood.father ['fcucte] 404 apa He is the father of two young children.

  • 13

    generation [,d3ena'reijn] nemzedk The younger gereration have travelled abroad1487 more than their parents.

    grandfather ['granfaiQa] nagyapa My grandfather is almost 90 years old.4171

    grandmother nagymama The children often see their grandmother.['graenmAfla] 4172

    husband f'hAzband] 929 frj Susans husband is an engineer.mother ['mA8a] 343 anya My mother has just turned 50 years old.mum [num] 1238 anya, anyu, mama Mum is the oldest in her family.parent ['pearant] 551 szl I met Pauls parents for the first time last week.sister ['sista] 1171 lnytestvr Natalie is Janes elder sister.son [sAn] 669 fia (vkinek) I have two sons and one daughter.wife [waif], wives 589 felesg My wife is a teacher.

    1.03. Csald Kiegszt szkincsaunt [a:nt] 2658 nagynni I have an aunt in America.childhood f'tjaildhud] 2873 gyermekkor I had a very happy childhood.ro conceive[kan'si:v] 3875 megfogan The baby was conceived when they were on

    holiday.cousin ['kAzn] 3139 unokatestvr My oldest cousin is 30 years old.daddy ['ddi] 3402 apa, apu, papa Daddy is another word for father, used by

    children.divorce [di'vors] 3887 elvls, vls My brother is gening a divorce from his wife.grandchild ['graentfaild], unoka My youngest grandchild is coming to visit soon.

    grandchildren 4169granddaughter lnyunoka Her granddaughter has just finished school.

    ['grndoita] 4170

    grandparent nagyszl Grandparents are important members of most['grnpearantj 4173 families.

    grandson ['grnsAnJ 4174 fiunoka Our grandson is about to start university.heritage ['heritid3] 363 rksg Customs are verv important to our cultural

    heritage.to inherit [in'herit] 3913 rkl Anna has inherited her mothers blue eyes.mummy f'mAmiJ 3092 anya, anyu Susan calls her mother Mummy.nephew ['nevju:] 4258 unokacs Two of my nephews live in Australia.niece |ni:s] 4259 unokahg Im looking forward to seeing my new niece on

    Sunday.pregnancy ['pregnansi] terhessg My sister gave up drinking and smoking during

    3946 her pregnancy.pregnant ['pregnant] 3448 terhes My sister gave up smoking when she became


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    ka related [ri'leitid ] 677 rokon, rokonsgban lv

    Susan and I are related through marriage.

    relation [ri'le ijn ] 808 rokon(sg);kapcsolat

    My relations are coming to visit on Saturday.

    relative ['relativ] 2540 rokon Almost all of janes relatives came to her birthday party.

    twin [tw in] 3042 iker-, ikertestvr John and Marie are twins.uncle ['Agkl] 2457 nagybcsi Uncle John is my favourite uncle.wedding ['wediq] 2551 eskv The wedding will be on a Saturday.WidoW f'widau] 3708 zvegy She has been a widow for five years now.

    1.04. Klsmegjelens Alapszkincsto appear [a'pia] 323 tnik, lszik He appears to be very nice.appearance [a'piarans] kls, megjelens Appearance is very important in this job.


    to attract [a'trakt] 1617 vonz I am not physically attracted to him.attractive [a'traektiv] 1916 vonz I find him very attractive.beautiful ['bju:tifl] 1284 gynyr My boyfriend has given me a beautiful diamond

    necklace.bright [brait] 1664 vilgos, csillog His eyes are bright blue.fat [fset] 2955 kvr She is on a diet because she thinks she is too fat.fair [fea] 724 vilgos, szke She has very fair hair and blue eyes.firm [f3 :m ] 1406 kemny, szilrd The seat was too firm for me.huge [hju;d3]i376 hatalmas She looked at me with her huge green eyes.image [ im id3] 1024 kp The image in the mirror is reversed.little fl it l], smaller, kicsi When my son was little, he broke his leg.

    smallest 274mark [ma:k] 1672 folt, jel She was born with a small mark on her head.nice [nais] 850 szp, kellemes,

    kedves, csinos

    That boy has a nice smile.

    old [auld] 135 ids, reg My grandfather is very old.pretty [ priti] 2841 csinos, szp All the girls in the Smith family are very pretty.short [fait] 447 alacsony, rvid He is shorter than the other players in his team.small [smo:l] 182 kicsi The girl is quite small for her age.style [stail] 899 stlus, divat She wears clothes that are now in style.tall [toil] 1910 magas In general, men are taller than women.thin [Gin] 1832 vkony, sovny Have you noticed how thin her arms are?tiny f'taini] 1833 kicsi, pici Babies have tiny fingers.ugly [V g li] 4364 csnya That hat is really ugly.young (jAij] 253 fiatal Her mother was very young when she had her

    first child.

  • 15

    1.04. Klsmegjelens Kiegszt szkincs

    attraction [a'traekfn] 3207 vonzer, vonzalom

    He felt an instant attraction towards her.

    beauty [ b ju it i] 2188 szpsg Her beauty is striking.blond [btond] 4054 szke Most of my relatives have blond hair.to curl [k 3:l] 4080 gndrdik,


    I wish my hair didnt curl so much.

    curly ['k3:li] 4081 gndr Ive always wanted curly hair.elegant ['eligant] 3891 elegns Her choice of clothing is very elegant.to frown [fraun] 3774 rosszall kpet I knew my father was annoyed because he

    vg, szemldkt frowned at me.sszehzza

    make-up [ 'm e ik A p ] 4241 smink My wife doesnt wear much make-up.naked ['neikid] 3663 meztelen They ran into the sea half naked.neat [ni:t] 3929 csinos, polt,


    A neat appearance is very important.

    p la in [p le in ] 2901 egyszer, jellegtelen, nem szp

    As a child, she was quite plain.

    powder ['pauda] 4297 pder I need to buy more face powder.

    1.05. Jellem s temperamentum Alapszkincsability [a'bilati] 1059 kpessg,

    tehetsgHis academic ability is rather impressive.

    able [eibl] 329 kpes (vmire) I am afraid that I am not able to help you with this problem.

    attitude [aetitju:d] 1035 hozzlls,belltottsg

    A positive attitude in a test is important.

    behaviour [bi'heivja] 888 magatarts,viselkeds

    Such behaviour is simply not acceptable!

    capable [keipabl] 2000 j kpessg, hozzrt

    You are a very capable worker.

    character ['kaerakta] 909 jellem Being shy is very out of character for him.clever ['kleva] 3131 okos, gyes She is a clever student who always does her

    homework.confidence [konfidans]


    magabiztossg Luke lacks confidence when he speaks.

    famous ['feimas] 1604 hres One of the most famous sights in London is Buckingham Palace.

    funny ['fAni] 2080 vicces, mulatsgos The show was very funny.

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    popular ['pDpjsla] 1055 npszer Anita was very popular in school.shy [Jai] 4446 flnk, szgyenls I used to be quite shy when I was younger.sk ill [skil] 908 gyessg, kszsg His football skills are great.unable [An'eibl] 1636 kptelen She was in such shock she was unable to speak

    for five minutes.W ill fw il] 1692 akarater If you have enough will, you will succeed!

    1.05. Jellem s temperamentum Kiegszt szkincs

    bad-tempered rosszkedv He is very bad-tempered in the mornings.[.basd'tempsd] 4048

    to behave [bi'heiv] 2599 viselkedik If he does not behave better, he will be sent to his room.

    brave [breiv] 3868 btor He was a very brave soldier.calm [ka:m] 4014 nyugodt She was a very calm baby.capability i.keipa'bitati] kpessg Both teams have the capability to win today.


    careless [ kealss] 4060 gondatlan,figyelmetlen

    My son is never careless with his possessions.

    cheerful [ tjia fl] 4027 vidm, lnk Shes not normally so cheerful.conduct ['kDndAkt] 2875 magatarts, A code of conduct regulates the way our staff

    viselkeds behave.confident ['konfidant] magabiztos He appears to be very confident, but he is really

    2710 very shy.courage ['kArid3] 3746 btorsg When suffering from cancer, it takes a lot of

    courage to stay positive.crazy [ kreizi] 3881 rlt, bolond My mother is driving me crazy!curious ['kjuorias] 3401 kvncsi, furcsa I am very curious to know how long they have

    been together.to dare fdea] 3308 mer, merszel I didnt dare to jump off the tree.determination elhatrozs, I finished it through sheer determination.

    [di,t3:mL,neiJ'n] 2878 eltkltsgdiscretion [di'skrejn] 3757 diszkrci, I will not tell anybody - you can rely on my

    tapintatossg discretion.dishonest [dis'onist] 4103 becstelen I dont like people who are dishonest.enthusiasm lelkeseds You can see the enthusiasm in her eyes when she

    [in'Gjuizicezam] 2825 speaks about the project.enthusiastic lelkes The class are very enthusiastic about their science

    [m,0ju:zi'estik] 4124 project.fame [feim ] 4132 hrnv Fame was never important to him, though he did

    enjoy it.

  • 17

    generous ['c^ensres] 3327 nagylelk, bkez My grandmother is always very generous to me on my birthday.

    gentle ['c^endl 2886 finom, kedves Chris has a very gentle manner.gently fd3entli] 2352 finoman, gyeng

    denThe mother gently placed the baby in the bed.

    habit ['hiebit] 2395 szoks She has a very bad habit of biting her nails.hero ['hiarau], heroes


    hs Hamlet is the hero in one of Shakespeares plays.

    honest [onist] 2831 szinte To be very honest, I am not interested in politics.humorous ['hjuimaras]

    4193humoros I like reading humorous stories.

    humour [hjuims] 3333 humor She has no sense of humour!impatient [im'peijnt]

    4198trelmetlen There is no need to be so impatient.

    nability [.ina'bilati] 4200 tehetetlensg, kpessg hinya

    Their inability to get on is causing problems.

    Jndness j'kaindnss] 4220 kedvessg,jindulat

    I value kindness above everything else.

    lucky riAki] 2275 szerencss I am usually qu te lucky in competitions.mad [masd] 2729 rlt, dhs Dont get mad - it was an accident.modest [YnDdist] 3348 szerny Nicole is very modest about her results.oatient ['peijnt] 4278 trelmes Thank you for being so patient with me.personality f,p3:s3'nsbti] szemlyisg In my opinion, personality is much more

    2488 important than looks.pride [praid] 3027 bszkesg I felt a great serse of pride as my brother

    accepted his award.proud [praud] 2739 bszke I am very proud of the good work my father did

    for the community.reliable [n'laiabl] 3451 megbzhat He is not reliable because he is rarely on time.reluctant [n'UktantJ 3679 vonakod,

    kelletlenIm very reluctant to leave my job.

    reputation [.repju'teijn]2406

    hrnv That newspaper has a bad reputation.

    rude [ru:d] 4424 goromba,tapintatlan

    When you complain, there is no need to be rude.

    sensitive ['sensativ] 2547 rzkeny, knyes; He is sensitive to what other people say aboutfogkony him.

    sincere [sin'sia] 1449 szinte Do you think his apology was sincere?Skilful [skllfl] 4452 gyes, gyakorlott She is a skilful driver.skilled [skild] 3964 kpzett, szakis

    merettel rendelkez

    The business requires highly skilled employees.

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    sophisticated kifinomult, fejlett It is a very sophisticated machine, but easy to[sa'fistikeitid] 3190 use.

    strict [strikt] 2221 szigor I do not like that teacher because she is so strict.suspicious [sa'spijas] 4331 gyans, gyanakv Her husband is getting suspicious.sympathetic megrt, egytt You could be more sympathetic about the

    [.simps'SetikJ 4338 rz problem.talent ['taelantj 2859 tehetsg I am a man of many talents.unfriendly [An'frendli] bartsgtalan Our new neighbours are very unfriendly.

    4373unwilling [au'wiIii]] 4376 vonakod, nem He is unwilling to take the risk.

    hajlandwillingness ['wilnjnas] hajlandsg, My childrens willingness to help was sweet.

    4391 szolglatkszsgwise [waiz] 3282 blcs, okos That was a very wise decision.

    1.06. Valls, hit, erklcs Alapszkincsbelief [b i'li:f] 1422 hitto believe [b i'li:v] 279 hiszChristian [ kristjan] 1331 keresztny

    Christmas ['krismas] 1266 karcsony

    church [tj3:tf] 433 templom; egyhz

    duty [ dju:ti] 953 ktelessgto exist [ig 'zist] 993 ltezik, vanexistence [ig'zistans] 1581 ltezsexisting [ig 'zistii]] 1179 ltez, fennll,

    m eglev

    faith [fe i0 ] 1869 hit, bizalomfreedom ['friidam] 1624 szabadsg

    god [god] 2011 isten

    good [gudj 3153 j, erklcss, becsletes

    hell [hel] 1872 pokol

    help [helpj 1023 segtsg

    Jesus ['d3i:z3S] 1852 Jzus

    She has a strong belief in God.I do not believe it!A Christian organisation raised money for the poor.He looks forward to spending time with his family at Christmas.There is a meeting held in the church every Saturday and Sunday.It is our duty to protect our children.My dad says ghosts do not exist.Many people question the existence of God.Any existing problems will be solved.

    The family is of the Christian faith.Everyone should be allowed the freedom of choice and speech.I pray to God every night and ask him to protect my family.My grandfather has always tried to lead a good life.Working with her the last couple of weeks has been hell.I do not know what I would have done without your help.Jesus is believed to be the son of God.

  • 19

    m oral ['mnral] 1931 erklcsi It is your moral obligation to give the police that information.

    religion [ri'lid33n] 1963 valls His religion has only one god.religious [ri'lid33s] 1590 vallsos I am not very religious, but my parents attend

    church every Sunday.responsib le [ri'sponsabl] megbzhat She is very responsible for a girl her age.


    shall [Ja l] 526 fog tenni vmit And you shall know the truth and truth shall(rgies) make you free. John:32

    spirit ['spirit] 1321 szellem, llek The owners claimed that there was an evil spirit in the house.

    true [tru:] 508 h He remained true to the values of his religion.truth [tru:9] 1293 igazsg There is some truth in what he says.

    1.06. Valls, hit, erklcs Kiegszt szkincsabbey ['asbi] 3588 aptsg An abbey is a place where the faithful live and

    work.being ['bi:iq] 2107 lt, ltezs; lny The Bible says that Adam and Eve were the first

    human beings on Earth.bible ['baibl] 3486 Biblia, biblia This handbook is a real bible for beginners in

    computer programming.

    bishop ['bijap] 2338 pspk The bishop helped the sick children.to bury ['beri] 2763 eltemet Her great-aunt died on Friday and was buried on

    Sunday.cathedral [k3'0i:drel] 3000 szkesegyhz,

    katedrlisThe cathedral is the largest church in the area.

    Catholic ['kaeBalik] 2707 katolikus Catholic families celebrate Christmas every year.chapel [tjiepl] 3299 kpolna The university has its own chapel.charity ['tjaereti] 2144 jtkonysg,


    Any profit made will be given to charity.

    Christ [kraist] 2071 Krisztus Christ is said to be the son of God.Christianity [.kristi'aenati] keresztnysg Christianity had a difficult beginning.


    commitment elktelezettsg His commitment to his family is touching.[ka'mitmant] 1497

    devil ['devl] 3607 rdg, stn The Bible teaches about hell and the devil.to devote [di'vaut] 3506 szentel, ldoz She decided to devote her life to God.Easter ['i:sts] 3890 hsvt Many people eat chocolate eggs at Easter.fate [feit] 3321 sors Fate is something that is beyond human control.

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    fault [fo:lt] 2232 hiba

    ghost [gaust] 3633 szellem, ksrtet

    have to ['haev ta] 4183 kellheaven ['hevn] 2782 mennyorszgholy ['haulij 2830 szent, szentelthonour ['Dna] 2528 becsletimmoral [I'mnral] 4197 erklcstelenJew [d3u:] 3427 zsid

    Jewish ['d3u:ij] 3428 zsidLord [lo:d] 3652 az r, Uramloyalty [ loialti] 3654 hsg, lojalitsmaker ['meika] 3249 teremtmass [m ss] 2029 mise

    myth [mi0] 3546 mtosz, monda

    obligation [pbli'geijn] ktelezettsg,2317 ktelessg

    parish ['paeriJJ 2126 plbnia, egyhz- kzsg

    Pope [paopj 3670 ppato pray [prei] 3177 imdkozik

    prayer [prea] 2798 ima, imdsg

    to predict [pri'dikt] 2444 megjsol,m egjvendl

    priest [pri:st] 2691 pap, lelksz

    sin [sin] 3832 bnsoul [saul] 2452 llek

    spell [spel] 3967 varzslatspiritual ['spiritjual] 3366 szellemi, lelki;


    temple ['tempi] 3572 templom

    It is your own fault you have been punished - you should do what I tell you to do!It is said that a ghost walks around the school at night.You have to be good if you want to go to heaven. Heaven is said to be a place of perfect happiness. The priest held out the holy water.Defending his country was a matter of honour. Stealing is immoral.Ron is not a practicing Jew although his family is Jewish.He has a Jewish background.Lord, hear our prayer.Loyalty to his religious faith is important to him.I believe in God, maker of heaven and earth. Mass is held in the church at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. daily.Greek myth explains the origin of the world through the deeds of gods and heroes.They are under no obligation to pay you as you never signed a contract.Every year, there is a festival organised in my local parish.The Pope is the head of the Catholic Church.She prayed for the happiness of her family and friends.I said a prayer, asking God to help me through my tests.The end of the world has been predicted many times.The priest holds a service every morning in the church.The man went to church to learn about sin.After being sick for a long time, his soul is now at peace.The local people blamed their bad luck on spells. He went to church because he wanted to feel spiritual.Beijing has many beautifully restored temples.

  • 21

    universal [ju:m'v3:slj3116

    virtue [v3 :tju :] 3117

    wonder fwAnda] 3283 worship [waijip] 4395









    Love is a universal feeling.

    A person who has virtue is somebody that has good moral qualities.There are seven Wonders of the World.A church is a place of worship.











  • 2 Lakkrnyezet

    2.01. Hz, plet Alapszkincs

    address O'dres] 1694 cm What is your new address?block [btok] 1779 hztmb, Everyone had to leave the office block because of

    plettmb the fire.to build [bild], built, pt, ltest They are planning to build a bigger house next

    built 464 year.building ['b ildiq] 468 plet The building is very run down and badly needs to

    be restored.castle ['ka:sl] 1898 vr, kastly The king and queen lived in a big castle.construction pts, ptkezs The university is under construction and due to

    [ksn'strAkJn] 1576 be finished by 2010.domestic [ds'mestik] 1517 hzi, hztartsi Susan usually carried out her domestic duties,

    such as shopping and cleaning in the morning.estate [i'steit] 1442 birtok; laktelep The large country estate used to belong to their

    family for decades.facility [fa'silati] 1135 felszerels,



    There are cooking facilities in most apartments.

    flat [flt] 1582 laks I recently moved out of my parents home and into my own flat.

    garden f'gaidn] 785 kert The garden was full of beautiful flowers and plants.gate [geit] 1846 kapu, bejrat There are two security cameras at the front gate

    of the building.home [haum] 244 otthon, hz, laks Thank you for welcoming me into your home.house [haus] 156 hz Alan and Ann are building a new house in the

    country.kitchen ['k itfin ] 1252 konyha Rita was preparing the dinner in the kitchen

    while Nick was entertaining the guests.to let [let], let, let 358 kiad I am letting my house to three students for the

    summer.station [ steijn] 834 lloms The train left the station on time.step [step] 819 lpcsfok Mind the step!

    2.01. Hz, plet Kiegszt szkincs

    to accommodate elszllsol, Foreign students will be accommodated in[a'komadeit] 3476 elhelyez student rooms.

    accommodation szlls Accommodation in the city centre is quite[akDms'deifn] 2186 expensive.

  • 23

    apartment [a'pcutmant] laks; lakosztly I am looking to buy a bigger apartment because,3721 as of January, I will be working at home. N

  • neighbourhood krnyk, szom['neibahud] 4257 szdsg

    palace ['plas] 2090 palota

    pole [paul] 3099 pzna, kar

    rent [rent] 2541 lakbr

    residence ['rezidans] 3821 lakhely, tartzkodsi hely

    resident ['rezidant] 2211 (helybeli) lakos, lak

    residential [.rezi'denfl]2908


    roof [ru:f] 2056 tet

    swimming pool ['swimiij szmedence,pu:l] 4335 uszoda

    tenant [ tenant] 2179 lakterrace ['teras] 3276 hzsor

    tip [tip] 2809 szemtlerakhely

    tower ['taua] 2288 torony

    villa [V ila ] 3584 villa

    There are lots of cafs and bars in the neighbourhood.At the palace, the king and queen sat down to eat dinner.There is a 10-foot high electricity pole in our garden.The rent is more expensive in bigger houses than in smaller houses.He took up permanent residence in the United States.The local residents complained about the noise from the school.Emily and Bob live in a residential area where mostly families or elderly couples live.The hole in the roof caused terrible problems when it rained.Our neighbours have a lovely swimming pool in their garden.I am looking for tenants for my new house.The houses on the terrace were all two-storey houses.They took the broken washing machine to the tip.The bells in the church tower rang in the afternoon.Davids parents have a large villa in France.

    2.02. Helyisgek s berendezsk AlapszkincsTheir house is huge; they have four bathrooms.bathroom ['ba:0ru:m]


    bed [bed] 626 gy

    bedroom ['bedru:m] 1697 hlszoba

    cabinet ['keebinat] 1515 fikos szekrny, vegszekrny

    chair [tjea] 1146 szkdesk [desk] 2005 rasztaldoor [do:] 335 ajtentry ['entri] 1519 bejrat, eltr

    I heard someone at the door while I was still in bed.The bedroom was painted a bright yellow to match the bed.We keep all of our medicine in the bathroom cabinet.He sat on the chair next to me.He sat at his desk to work on his computer. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.You can eave your umbrella at the entry.

  • 25

    floor [fb:] 896 padl, emelet Most of the floors in the house were made of wood.

    hall [ho:l] 904 elcsarnok, hall, elszoba

    He stood in the hall and waited for Andy.

    key [ki:] 1490 kulcs Ray seemed to have lost his keys.room [ru:m] 267 szoba, helyisg The room was decorated with many paintings.seat [si:tj '033 szk, ls, lhely He sat on the floor as there were no seats left in

    the lecture hall.

    sheet [Ji:t] 1592 leped Our new sheets are made of the finest cotton.table f'teibl] 461 asztal The table came with four matching chairs.toilet [tOllst] 3698 illemhely, mosd,

    WCThe toilet is upstairs, the first door on your left.

    all [wo:l] 644 fal The walls were quite bare, so they bought three new pictures to hang up.

    indow ['windsu] 572 ablak She looked through the window, but there was nobody home.

    3rd [ja:d] 1530 udvar, kert The cats walked freely around the yard.

    2.02. Helyisgek s berendezsk Kiegszt szkincs:3 th [ba:0] 2659 frdkd, frd

    :ell [bel] 2943 cseng:2 rpet [ 'k a ip it j 2602 sznyeg: oset ['k lD z it] 4068 beptett szekrnytooker ['k u k a ] 4071 tzhely:.pboard ['kA bad ] 3748 szekrny

    : _rtain ['k3 :tn ] 2608 fggny

    decorate ['d ek s re itj dszt; fest,-37 taptz

    trcoration [ .d e k a 're ijn ] dekorci, dsz;dszts, fests

    : rw ay [ d o :w e i] 3758 bejrat

    : -3wer [d ro :] 4108 fik :ge [ f r id j] 4146 htszekrny. -niture [ 'f3 :n it j9 ] 2573 btor, berendezs

    * eating ['hiitiq] 3636 fts

    I ran the water into the bath, and just as I got in, the telephone rang.The bell rang as soon as I had started to cook. The red wine fell onto the new carpet.You can hang your clothes in the closet.Turn the cooker off when you are finished.He placed the pasta, rice and other carbohydrates in the cupboard.The curtains were too thin and did not keep out the light.The children love decorating the tree at Christmas.They sell beautiful table decorations.

    He stood in the doorway until I invited him to come in.Which drawer do you keep the napkins in?Is there any more milk in the fridge?The furniture in the apartment was quite old, so they decided to replace some of it.It was a little cold, so I turned on the heating.

    . La




  • Lak




    to house [haoz] 2014 befogad, szllstad

    interior [in'tiaria] 3425 bels, bels rsz,bels-,

    lift [lift] 2963 lift

    lock [b k l 3247 zr

    mirror ['m ire] 2236 tkr

    oven ['AvnJ 4273 strefrigerator htszekrny

    [ri'frid33reit3] 4413

    shelf [Jelf], shelves 3107 polc

    shower ['JauaJ 3831 zuhany, zuhanyz

    stairs [steaz] 2372 lpcs

    stove [stauvj 4323 klyha, tzhely

    Switch [sw itj] 3571 kapcsol

    upstairs [.Ap'stesz] 3197 fenn, az emeleten;fel, az emeletre

    The apartment was designed to house two adults and one child.The outside of the house was old but the interior was quite modern.I usually :ake the lift as I am too lazy to take the stairs.Although I had a lock on the door, he was still able to get in.It is said that if you break a mirror, you will have bad luck for seven years.The oven needs to be cleaned.We bought a new refrigerator in the sales.

    The shelves were bare; it was time to go shopping.Is Jill still in the shower?She walked down the stairs and into the living room.My parents still have an old-fashioned stove in their kitchen.The light switch was childproof.Upstairs, there was one bathroom and two bedrooms.

    2.03. Hztarts Alapszkincsboard [bo:d] 688 deszkabox [boksj 990 doboz, lda

    clock fklDk] 2664 ra

    cover ['kAva] 1809 fedl, bort, fed, takar

    tO fix [flksj 1347 megjavt, rendbe hoz

    household ['haushauldj1790


    object ['Dbd3iktJ 1151 trgy

    lamp [lsempj 3431 lmpapackage ['paekid3j 1478 csomagStuff [stAJ 1526 cucc

    The chopping board is kept in the kitchen.The family packed all their possessions into cardboard boxes.Neil looked at the clock and realised he was going to be late for the meeting.The book had a hardback cover.

    The lock on the door needed to be fixed.

    In the Smith household, everyone helps clean up after dinner.She enjoyed collecting unusual objects, such as rare stones and old coins.The lamp was on for two hours.The package has been delivered today.Can I leave my stuff at your house overnight?

  • 27

    tape [teip] 1710 szalag, ragaszt-szalag

    2.03. Hztarts Kiegszt szkincsto absorb [ab'soib] 2992 felszv, magba szvbaggage ['baegid3] 4049 poggysz, csomag

    to be rid of [bi 'rid av] megszabadul3030 vmitl/vkitl

    bin [bin] 4032 szemetes; tart, trol

    blade [bleid] 3994 penge:o brush [brAj] 3489 tisztt, (le)sprbubble [ bAbl] 4057 buborkcloth [kb0 ] 3395 rongycontainer [kan'teina] 4006 trol, tart

    directory [da'rektsri] 3756 telefonknyv,cmjegyzk

    dust [dASt] 3073 porenvelope [ envalaup] 3762 bortk~an [fen ] 2041 ventiltor; legyez

    faucet [ fo:sit] 4135 csapgarbage [ga:bid3] 4150 szemtvnot [nm] 1221 csom

    :d [lid ] 4227 fedsack [psek] 2736 csomag

    pan [paen] 4274 serpeny, lbasnhoto ['faotau] 3554 fnykp

    tO polish ['pDllfl 4294 fnyest, csiszolpot [pDt] 2904 fazk, edny;

    bgre, kanna

    -ope [rsup] 3454 ktl

    to rub [rAb] 3362 drzsl, trlnjbbish ['rAbiJ"] 3363 hulladk, szemt

    I used tape to s:ick the two pieces of paper together.

    Plants absorb water through their roots.We have a baggage storeroom, if you would like in to leave your bag.Linda was glad 1o be rid of the children for a couple of hours.The bins need to be emptied.

    Be careful - this blade is very sharp!She brushed off the dust from the furniture.My son loves blowing bubbles in the bath.He took a damp cloth and cleaned the table.Youll find an empty container for your lunch in the cupboard.He eventually found the doctors number in the telephone directory.The furniture was covered in dust.The postman put the envelope into the letterbox.The fan in the kitchen makes a lot of noise at night.The faucet drips at night.Could you take out the garbage?There is a knot in the chain of my favourite necklace.Have you seen the lid for the jam?Amrit could not find her pack of cigarettes anywhere.I hate washing pans after dinner.My mother keeps all the photos of us as babies in an album.The table has been polished to a beautiful sheen.Kate cut the vegetables and put them into the pot of water.The sailor tied the boat to the side of the pier with a rope and came ashore.She rubbed the window dry with a cloth.Mum asked me to take out the rubbish.

  • . La





    sack [saek] -1428 zsk Father Christmas is said to carry a sack of presents.

    scissors ['sizaz] 4435 oll I seem to have lost my blue-handled scissors.screw [skru:] 4437 csavar It comes with eight screws for putting it together.soap fssup] 4303 szappan My husband gave me some lovely soaps for my

    birthday.spray Lspreij 4313 spray Bathroom cleaner often comes in a spray.strip [strip] 3273 csk We took home a strip of wallpaper to see if it

    matched the carpet.

    suitcase ['su:tkeis] 4328 brnd Your suitcase must not weigh more than 20 kilos.to sweep [swi:p], swept, spr He took the broom and swept up the broken

    Swept 2805 glass.thread [0red] 1349 crna, fonl You have a piece of thread hanging from your


    to throw sth away [,0rau a'wei], threw, thrown4250

    kidob My grandfather never threw anything away.

    tidy ['taidi] 4352 rendszeret My sister is much tidier than me.tin [tin] 3113 konzerv, All that was left on the shelf were two tins of

    konzervdoboz beans and a tin of fish.

    tissue ['ti/u:] 2925 papr zsebkend He handed her a tissue and tried to cheer her up.towel f'taual] 4360 trlkz Is it possib e to hire towels at the swimming

    pool?tray [trei] 3983 tlca She came to the table with a tray of drinks.untidy [An'taidi] 4353 rendetlen Our boss doesnt like our desks to be untidy.to wash [woj] 2027 mos, megmos,

    kimosDont forget to wash your hands before eating.

    to wipe [warp] 3281 letrl I wiped the table and counter with a damp cloth.wire ['waia] 2933 kbel, vezetk, drt The wire stretched between the living room and

    the kitcher.to wrap [raep] 3284 becsomagol Sarah wrapped the Christmas presents in red and

    gold paper.

  • 3* Krnyezet

    3.01. Vros, vidk, orszg Alapszkincs

    Africa ['aefrika] 1382 Afrika

    America [s'meriks] 1084 Amerika

    Australia [o'streilia] 1980 Ausztrliaborder f'bDida] 1917 hatrbridge [brid3] 1575 hdBritain ['britn] 405 Nagy-Britanniacapital ['kaepitl] 821 fvrosCity ['Slti] 366 vroscountry ['kAntri] 189 orszg; vidkcounty ['kaunti] 879 megyedistrict ['distrikt] 1192 krzet, kerlet

    England ['njglandJ 458 AngliaEurope ['juarepj 622 Eurpa

    France [frains] 928 FranciaorszgGermany L'd33im3ni] 1047 NmetorszgIreland ['aialand] 1159 rorszg

    island ['aibnd] 1093 sziget

    Italy ['itali] 1957 Olaszorszg

    Japan [d33'pn] 1605 Japnland [tend] 525 orszg; vidk

    park [pa:k] 962 parkregion |'ri:d33n] 804 vidk, rgi,


    regional ['ri:d33nl] 1391 regionlis, krzeti

    Scotland f'skotlond] 868 Skciatown [taun] 485 vrosUK f ju: 'kei] 640 Egyeslt Kirlysg

    USA [jui es 'ei] 1942 USA

    Africa is the second largest continent in the world after Asia.The United States of America consists of fifty states.Australia is the worlds smallest continent.France shares a oorder with Germany.They built a new bridge to cross the river.Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales. The capital of France is Paris.London is a very big city.He lives in a very big house in the country.A county used to be under the rule of a count.A district of a country usually has its own local government.England is a part of the United Kingdom.Europe is one of the seven continents of the earth.Paris is the capital city of France.The capital city of Germany is Berlin.The island of Ireland is divided into two parts, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.An island is a piece of land completely surrounded by water.Italy borders France, Slovenia, Austria, and Switzerland.Japan consists of many islands.The government wants to introduce the new law throughout the land.The kids enjoy playing football in the park.A region can be a collection of smaller units of land, or one part of a larger area.There can be strong regional differences within a country.Scotland is the northern third of Great Britain.The house was just five minutes outside of town. The term UK refers to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.USA stands for the United States of America.

  • village ['vilid3] 835 falu

    Wales [weilz] 1202 Wales

    A village is a community which is smaller than a town or city.Wales is in the western part of Britain.

    3.01. Vros, vidk, orszg Kiegszt szkincsabroad [a'bro:d] 2376 klfldn, James travels abroad regularly.


    Asia ['eija] 2812 zsia

    avenue f'vsnju:] 3725 sugrt, fasor

    borough ['bAraJ 3212 vlasztkerlet,kerlet

    California [.kla'foinia] Kalifornia3391

    Canada ['knadaj 2871 Kanada

    China ['tjainaj 2108 Knacontinent ['kontinantj fldrsz, konti

    3742 nensEgypt ['i:d3iptj 3408 Egyiptomglobal L'gtaublJ 2526 globlis, vilg-India ['indis] 2086 India

    Iran [i'rain] 3646 IrnIraq [i'ra:k] 2724 Irak

    Israel [izreil] 2725 IzraelKorea [ka'ria] 3789 Korea

    local f'bukl] 3020 helyioverseas [.auva'siiz] 3096 a tengerentlon, a


    Pakistan [,pki'sta:nj Pakisztn3936

    Poland ['paubnd] 3556 Lengyelorszgprovince ['provinsj 2692 tartomny

    Russia ['rAja] 2247 OroszorszgSpain [spein] 2177 Spanyolorszg

    Asia conta ns more than 60 per cent of the worlds population.The avenue was lined with brightly painted houses.They lived in a quiet borough in the north of the city.California is a state in the USA that has many tourists.Canada has two official languages, English and French.Beijing is the capital of China.Europe is one of the seven continents of the world.Egypt is a country in North Africa.There are many signs of global climate change. Hindi and English are the official languages of India.The capital city of Iran is Tehran.Iraq has the second highest oil reserve in the world, after Saudi Arabia.Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.Korea is currently divided into two countries, North Korea and South Korea.Her sons attend the local primary school.More and more people travel overseas to find work.Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan.

    Poland entered the European Union in 2004.The Province of Northern Ireland is the only province under British rule today.Russia is the largest country in the world.Spain shares borders with Portugal, France, Andorra, Gibraltar and Morocco.

  • 31

    territory ['teratri] 218O terlet, krzet The country was split into three territories.Vietnam [,vi:et'nm] 3991 Vietnam Vietnam is said to have a population of more

    than 84 million.

    3.02. Tj, ghajlat, idjrs Alapszkincsair[ea] 583 leveg I needed to get some fresh air, so I went outside.atmosphere [aetmasfia] lgkr Air pollution changes the characteristics of the

    1998 earths atmosphere.bank [baeqk] 452 folypart, tpart,

    rokpart; tlts

    We walked for rriles across the sand banks.

    channel ['tjaenl] 1778 csatorna The English Channel separates Great Britain from the North of France.

    cloud [klaud] 2469 felh The sky was blue and there was not a cloud in sight.

    earth [3:0] 1148 a Fld, fld More than 70 per cent of the earths surface is covered by water.

    environment krnyezet Use your bags more than once to help protect the[in'vaironmsnt] 783 environment.

    environmental krnyezet-, The government decided to take action against[in.vairon'mentl] 1316 knyezeti pollution and environmental damage.

    field [fi:ld] 549 mez, szntfld The cows were grazing in the field.forest [ forist] 1236 erd There are wild animals to be found in the forest.ground [graund] 504 fld, talaj The ground was very hard after the winter.hill [h ll] 1270 hegy The children took turns rolling down the hill.hole [haul] 1474 lyuk, gdr The holes in the park were caused by animals.ice [ais] 2311 jg It became much colder, turning water to ice.lake [leik ] 1959 t A lake is smaller than an ocean.mountain ['mauntan] 1541 hegy Mount Everest is the worlds highest mountain.natural ['nastfral] 606 termszetes,


    Coal is a natural resource.

    pool [pud] 1826 tavacska, t Walking in the forest, we found a small pool full of crabs.

    rain [rein] 1633 es They went out in the rain and got wet.river ['riva] 995 foly The River Nile is the longest river in the world

    and about 6670 km in length.rock [rok] 1198 szikla, kzet, k Stones and rocks usually differ in size.sea [si:] 818 tenger Ships travel on the sea.sky [skai] 1830 g, gbolt The sky was blue with white clouds.snow [snau] 2802 h The children could not go to school until the

    snow was cleared.

    . K



  • Krn



    star [sta:] 1121 csillag They were lying on their backs and looking up at the stars.

    stone [staun] 1011 k The man threw a large stone through the window.

    sun [sAn] 986 nap The sun is the earths primary source of energy.temperature ['tempratja] hmrsklet Temperature is normally measured in degrees.


    urban ['3:ban] 1890 vrosi An urban area describes that of a city or town.valley [vaeli] 1943 vlgy Wales is famous for its various valleys and hills.water [waits] 262 vz Water is essential to human life.wave [weiv] 1747 hullm The boat moved along on the waves of the sea.weather ['we5a] 1773 idjrs While we were on holiday in Spain, the weather

    was very warm.

    wind [wind] 1311 szl Strong winds have blown down some trees.world [w3:ld] 155 vilg There are seven continents in the world.

    3.02. Tj, ghajlat, idjrs Kiegszt szkincsbay [bei] 2464 bl We saw the bright lights of the next town across

    the bay.

    beach [bi:tf] 2033 part We had lunch at the beach so we could play in the ocean.

    canal [ka'neel] 3055 csatorna He sat on a bench by the canal, watching the water flow by.

    C liff [kllf] 3600 szikla, szirt, Jennys mother warned her to be careful near thekszikla edge of the cliffs.

    climate ['klaimat] 2765 klma, ghajlat I could not live in Egypt - the climate is too hot.coast [kaust] 2003 part We flew to Ireland and travelled along the west

    coast by car.conservation megrzs Wildlife conservation is an important

    [.kDnsa'veiJn] 3138 environmental task.

    countryside [kAntrisaid] vidk I have always wanted to build a large house in2385 the countryside.

    desert [dezat] 3504 sivatag A desert is an area which receives very little water.

    fa rm in g ['faimiq] 3414 gazdlkods,mezgazdasg

    Farming is an important economical factor.

    flood [flAd] 4140 rvz Floods are predicted for the south of England.forecast ['fo:ka:st] 4144 elrejelzs It is going to rain tomorrow, according to the

    forecast.to freeze [fri:z], froze, fagy The ground freezes when the weather becomes

    frozen 3629 very cold in winter.

  • 33

    geography [d3i'Dgrefi] fldrajz-1152

    horizon [ha'raizn] 3906 horizont

    island [ ailand] 4210 sziget

    isle [a il] 3426 sziget

    landscape ['kendskeip] tj2398

    marine Ima'riin] 3656 tenger-, tengeri

    moon [mu:n] 2787 holdmud [niAd] 3661 sr

    ocean [ aujn] 3171 cen

    oxygen ['oksicfesn] 3805 oxignpit Lpit] 3023 gdr, akna

    planet ['p tem t] 3259 bolygpole [paul] 3119 sark(pont)

    pollution [po'luijn] 2279 szennyezs,szennyezds

    pond [pDnd] 3447 t, tavacskaresource [ri'sois] 891 kszlet, erforrsrural ['roaral] 1650 vidkisand [saend] 2645 homok

    shadow ['Jsedau] 2174 rnyk

    to shine [Jain], shone, ragyog, fnylikshone 3460

    shore [Jo:] 3686 (tenger)part,tpart

    S lo p e [slsup] 3271 emelked, lejt

    soil [soil] 2059 talaj, fldstorm [sto:m] 3034 vihar

    stream [striim] 2649 patak, folyam

    I studied Geography at school.

    We were sitting and watching the sun go down below the horizon.Malta is an island in the Mediterranean, which used to be a British colony.The Isle of Man is an island off the coast of England.Scotland is characterised by its beautiful landscape.Marine biology researches animals and plants in the ocean.There is a full moon tonight.After playing football in the rain, the children were covered in mud.I want to discover what is at the bottom of the ocean.Oxygen is a gas which is vital for human life.The coal mine needs to open a new pit.Venus and Mars are planets.The North Pole is the most northerly point on earth.Air pollution has risen due to the large amount of cars on the roads.Susan has a lovely fish pond in her back garden. Coal and oil are natural resources.Rural areas are far away from large cities.Walking across the beach, I could feel the sand between my toes.The sun shone through the trees, casting shadows onto the grass.The sun is shining in the wide blue sky.

    We walked along the shore and the water covered our feet.The road was on a steep slope, which caused cars to go faster.The soil was very wet after so much rain.People had to stay at home because the storm was so bad.At the end of the garden, there is a small stream.

    . K



  • . K




    tide [taid] 3468 raply (aply/dagly)

    tropical ['tropikl] 3984 trpusiuniverse ['ju:mv3:s] 3043 vilgegyetem,

    univerzum po

    Water reaches its highest level when the tide is high.A lot of different fruits grow in tropical areas. The universe refers to everything that exists, including the stars and planets.

    3.03. Nvnyek s llatok Alapszkincsanimal ['aem m l] 725 llat

    apple [ aepl] 2555 almabear [bea] 3864 medvebird [b3:d] 1190 madr

    branch [braintj-] 1305 gcat [kaet] 1838 macskachicken ['tjikin] 3130 tyk, csirke

    cow [kau] 3069 tehndog [dog] 915 kutyaduck [ d A k ] 3759 kacsa

    egg [eg] 1669 tojs

    fish [ f lf l 1062 hal

    flower ['flaua] 1410 virg

    fruit [fruit] 1956 gymlcs

    to grow [grau], grew, nvekszik, terem;

    grown 586 termeszt

    growing [grauiq] 1731 nvekv

    growth [grauG] 863 nvekeds,fejlds

    horse [hois] 905 lhuman ['hjuiman] 615 emberileaf [liif], leaves i960 levl

    lion ['laian] 3539 oroszln

    Many people do not like to think about hunting animals.She picked the apple off the tree and ate it.There are not many bears here anymore.Birds fly south in autumn because of cold weather and a shortage of food.Tree branches are often bare in autumn.The cat caught all the mice on the farm.People often wonder what came first - the chicken or the egg.The cow v/as white with black patches.The dog chased the cat around the garden.We were watching the ducks swim around in the pond.Every morning, the farmer collected eggs from the hen house.He put food in the water for the fish every morning.Paula received cards, chocolates and flowers for her birthday.To stay healthy, you should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.Plants need water, light and air to grow.

    Children in our school learn how to treat growing plants.Water is necessary to a plants growth.

    A horses height is measured in hands.The human body consists mainly of water.Many trees lose their leaves in winter and start to grow them again in spring.A lion is a large wild cat that can run very fast.

  • 35

    mouse [maos], mice 2966 egr We could not tell if it was a rat or a mouse living in our garage.

    nature ['neitja] 620 termszet She has always wanted to live in the countryside, surrounded by nature.

    plant [plaint] 778 nvny I bought Susie a plant with pink flowers for her birthday.

    rabbit [raebit] 3183 nyl Her child has a pet rabbit named Fluffy.species ['spiijKz], species faj There are many species of cat.


    tree [tri:] 766 fa The children climbed the trees in the garden.vegetable ['ved3tabl] 2989 zldsg Potatoes and green beans are vegetables.wild [waild] i860 vad A wild dog was killing the sheep.wing [wig] 1914 szrny The birds wing was injured and it could not fly.wood [wud] 1573 erd; fa(anyag) Yesterday, I took a long walk in the woods with

    my dogs.

    3.03. Nvnyek s llatok Kiegszt szkincsbeak [bi:k] 4052 csr Eagles have very sharp beaks for killing prey.bean [bi:n] 3863 bab Beans are a good source of protein.breed [brird] 3727 fajta, tenyszet What breed is your dog? He is a Labrador.breeding ['briidiq] 3728 tenyszts He knows about horses because his dad has a

    breeding company.

    bUSh [buj] 3996 bokor We have a very large bush at the bottom of our garden.

    cattle ['kaetl] 3057 (szarvas)marha The cattle got into the neighbours farm.core [ko:] 2516 csutka He finished eating and threw the apple core into

    the bin.

    cotton ['kDtn] 3305 gyapot, pamut The T-shirt was made of pure cotton.creature ['kriitja] 2386 (l)lny, teremt

    mnyThe small creature hid under the rock.

    cricket ['krikit] 2654 tcsk It was dark and the only thing to be heard was the crickets.

    crop [krop] 2771 terms Because of the heavy rain, the crops are not turning out well this year.

    eagle ['i:gl] 3889 sas Eagles are large birds that build their nests in high trees.

    feather ['feSa] 4136 toll Feathers are very good for keeping birds warm and dry.

    fur [f3l] 4148 bunda, prm Rabbit fur is incredibly soft to the touch.grain [grern] 3328 (gabonajszem The grains of rice fell onto the floor.grass [gra:s] 2152 f The cows eat grass.

    L .




  • horn [ha:n] 4192 szarv, agancshuman ['hjuiman] 2679 ember, emberi


    insect ['insekt] 3534 rovarnest [nest] 3930 fszeknut [n,\t] 4263 dioak [auk] 3803 tlgyorganic [oi'gaenik] 3552 organikus, b io

    palm [pa:m] 3807 plma

    pet [pet] 3809 kedvenc, hzillatpig [p ig ] 3174 malac, diszn

    to plant [plaint] 3024 ltet, vet

    potato [pa'teitau], burgonyapotatoes 3176

    rat [raet] 3263 patkny

    root [ruit] 2172 gykr

    rose [rauz] 2325 rzsaseal [siil] 4438 fka

    seed [siid] 2742 (vet)m ag

    sheep [Ji:p], sheep 2851 birka, juhshell [Jel] 2852 hj; kagyl

    snake [sneik] 4302 kgyspider ['spaida] 4310 pkstick [stik] 3111 gally, vessz, bottail [teil] 2748 faroktimber ['timbal 3112 fa, szlfa

    wildlife ['waild laif] 3709 vadvilg

    wooden ['wudn] 2596 fa-, fbl kszlt

    Deer are animals that have horns.According to some scientists, this disease can be fatal in humans.I hate it when insects fly around my head.Birds build nests to hold their eggs.Lots of n jts are very healthy to eat.We planted oak trees along all the streets.She tries to eat organic foods because they do not contain chemicals.The sea was blue and the palm trees were shaking gently in the wind.I have always wanted to have a pet rat.The large pig was lying there all day, covered in mud.The children planted some flower seeds in the garden.Potatoes grow in the ground.

    Rats are small animals that are said to carry disease.The roots of the large oak tree were beginning to break through the concrete.The rose is the flower of love.Seals are mammals that live by the sea and eat fish.I planted some flower seeds in a pot and hoped that they would grow.The sheep stayed in the field with the cows.You shojld take the shell off before you eat the peanuts.Some srakes are poisonous.Spiders arent insects but arachnids.They used sticks of wood for the fire.The dog wagged its tail with excitement.He needed some timber and bricks to build a house.There is a lot of wildlife in the local park, such as birds ard ducks.The wooden door was very heavy.

  • 37

    4 Utazs s kzlekeds

    4.01. tlers s tbaigazts Alapszkincs

    about [a'baut] 207 krlbell,megkzeltleg

    along [s 'Idij] 1495 (vgig vmi) mentn

    to arrive [a'raiv] 798 megrkezik,megjn

    away [a'wei] 263 tvol(ra), messzire

    close [klaos] 565 kzeldirect [da'rektj 582 egyenes, kzvet


    direction [da'rekfn] 1032 irnydistance ['distans] 1427 tvolsgdown [daun] 105 le, lefel; vgig

    to drive [draivj, drove, driven 715

    vezet, hajt

    east [i:stj 890 keleteastern ['i:stan] 1726 keleti

    everywhere ['evriweaj mindenhol,2716 mindenhov

    far [fa:] 158 messze, tvol, messzi, tvoli

    forward ['fo:wad] 832 elre, tovbb

    further ['f3:Sa] 784 tvolabb, mesz- szebb, azon tl

    here [his] 124 itt

    in [in] 163 -bn, -ben

    left [left] 1170 bal, balra

    map [maep] 1821 trkp

    near [ma] 702 kzelnorth [no:0] 681 szak

    The hotel is about five minutes away from the town centre.They were walking along the street, listening to the music and taking in the sights.The guests arrived at their hotel late in the evening.The beach was just ten minutes away from the hotel.John and Robin lived quite close to one another. I would like to ta

  • Utaz


    s k



    northern ['no:8an] 1588 szakiout [aut] 65 ki, kifel, kinn

    over ['auva] 160 t, keresztl, tl

    post [paust] 1019 oszlop

    to return [ri't3:n] 479 visszatr, visszajn, viszamegy

    right [rait] 122 jobb, jobbrasign [sain] 1058 je lzs je lz tb la

    somewhere ['sAinwea]1506

    valahol, valahov

    south [sau0] 674 dl

    southern [ sASan] 1858 dli

    speed [spi:d] 1394 sebessg

    straight [streit] 1232 egyenesen

    there [Sea] 112 ott, odathrough [0ru;] 1173 keresztl, t

    turn [t3:n] 1294 kanyar, kanyarods

    u p [ A p ] 54 fel, felfel, fennway [wei] 89 t, irny, md

    west [west] 900 nyugatwestern ['westan] 1132 nyugati

    where [wea] 140 hol, hov

    Lille is a city in northern France.After the fire alarm sounded, everybody had to get out of the building as quickly as possible.Excuse me, is Hotel Hilton near here? - No, the hotel is over on the other side of the city.The drunk driver drove straight into a metal post on the path.He eventually returned home at midnight.

    Turn right at the next street.According to the sign, the nearest town is 20 miles away.Somewhere in the distance, they heard a bird singing.The south of Spain has a very hot climate, it is often over 40 degrees in summer.There is a different accent in the southern part of the country.We were travelling at a speed of 65 miles per hour.Walk straight along this street and then go left at the next traffic lights.Brian needed to be there at two oclock.On Sunday, we walked through the old part of the city.Nate did not see the sign which said there was a sharp turn ahead.He looked up at the plane in the sky.There are two ways of getting there but this way is shorter.In the west of the city, there are no trains.The western side of the city was more expensive to live in.Do you know where the restaurant is?

    4.01. tlers s tbaigazts Kiegszt szkincs

    access ['aekses] 1114 megkzelthet- Access to the centre was extremely difficultsg, (vhov because of the bad traffic,vezet) t

    across [a'kros] 2552 a tloldalon, t, keresztl

    Across the street, there is an ice cream shop.

  • anywhere ['eniwea] 2293 sehol, sehov, brhol, brhov,

    valahol, valahov

    backwards ['baskwadz] visszafel),3861 htra(fel)

    closer ['klausa] 3062 kzelebb

    distant [ distant] 2879 tvoli, messzi

    horizontal [.hDri'zontl] vzszintes4191

    indicator [ indikeita] 3644 irnyjelz, index

    indirect [,mdo'rekt] 4201 nem egyenes, nem kzvetlen,


    left [left] 2630 bal, balra, bal


    nearby [.nia'bai] 3446 a kzelben, kzel

    nowhere ['nauwea] 3252 sehol, sehova

    over there [,auva 'Sea] ott, oda3934

    sideways ['saidweiz] 4447 oldalra, oldalt, oldalrl

    track [traek] 1418 svny, fldt

    underneath [,Anda'ni:0] alatt, al4368

    upside down [.Apsaid fejjel lefel,'daun] 4377 fordtva

    upwards [ Apwadz] 4378 felfel

    vertical ['v3:tikl] 3990 fggleges

    wherever [wear'eva] 3377 brhov, brhol, akrhov, akrhol

    I cannot see you anywhere!

    I took a step backwards to allow the old couple to pass.As we were driving, the lights of the city came closer and closer.Walking through the fields, he heard the distant sound of music.A horizontal line lies at 90 degrees to a vertical line.The driver ahead turned off to the left, but forgot to turn on his indicator.We arrived late because we took an indirect route.

    On your left, you can see one of the old gates into the city.We stopped at a restaurant nearby for something to eat.There was nowhere on this earth she preferred more than home.Look at the really big dog over there!

    We had to move sideways so that we could get past on the narrow path.The house is at the very end of a dirt track.I thought I had lost my gloves, but they were just underneath my coat.No wonder we are lost - the map is upside down!

    If you look upwards, you will see planes flying overhead.A 90-degree angle occurs at the point at which a horizontal and a vertical line meet.We can go wherever you want; anywhere is fine with me.

    4.02. Jrmvek Alapszkincsaircraft ['eakraift], replgp Machines that fly in the air are types of aircraft,

    aircraft 1662

  • Utaz


    s k




    boat [baut] 1440 csnak, haj The weather was good, so we decided to row a boat on the river.

    bus [bAS] 1534 busz The journey took four hours by bus, but just two hours by train.

    car [ka:] 272 aut Josh parked his car in front of the university gates.

    d rive r ['draivaj 1363 sofr The bus driver was talking to the tourists as he was driving.

    eng ine ['end3 in] 15 18 motor A car engine can either be in the front or rear of the car, but it is usually in the front.

    ra ilw a y ['reilwei] 1228 vast Michaels favourite activity was building model railways.

    Ship [Jipl 1505 haj The passengers boarded the ship an hour before it was due to leave the harbour.

    tra in [trein] 1324 vonat They travelled by train to Poland as it was much cheaper than flying.

    tran sp o rt ['trnspo:t] 1344 kzlekeds;szllts

    The government is encouraging people to use public transport as it causes less pollution.

    ve h ic le [ 'v i ia k l] 1465 jrm Cars are the only vehicles allowed on this road.

    4.02. Jrmvek Kiegszt szkincs

    bike [baikj 3295 bicikli She has bought a second-hand bike from her brother-in-law.

    carriage ['kerid3j 3213 vagon, kocsi They went into the next carriage on the train as it was a ncn-smoking carriage.

    carrier ['kaeria] 3732 fuvaroz, szllt, anyahaj

    A carrier sank in the Atlantic Ocean on Monday.

    coach [kautj] 2505 tvolsgi busz A coach is another word for a tourist bus.crew [kru:J 2346 legnysg,

    szemlyzetFortunately, none of the passengers and the crew were seriously injured in the accident.

    fleet [fli:t] 3520 flotta The soldiers heard that a fleet of warships was headed straight for the bay.

    fuel ['fju:al] 2079 zemanyag,ftanyag

    Examples of natural fuel are wood, coal, and oil.

    gear [gia] 3526 sebessg(fokozat) I find changing gears difficult.jet [d3et] 3921 sugrhajts,

    (repl)gpThey flew from Berlin to New York in a jet.

    lorry ['tori] 3653 teheraut Her father was a lorry driver, who delivered oil to homes all over the country.

  • 41

    motor ['mauta] 2049 hajtm, motor, aut

    motorcycle ['maotasaikl] motorkerkpr4252

    passenger ['paesind3a] utas2166

    plane [plein] 2170 replgp

    to sail [seil] 3031 siklik, megy (haj), vitorlzik,


    to steer [stiaj 4318 kormnyoztaxi [ taeksi] 3466 taxitraveller ['travala] 3195 utaz

    truck [trAk] 3843 kamion, teheraut

    tyre ['taia] 4356 autgumi,kerkprgumi

    to unload [.An'laud] 4230 kipakol, kirakodikvan [vaen] 3198 furgonvessel [ vesl] 2929 haj

    wheel [w i:l] 2333 kerk

    4.03. Kzlekeds Alapszkincsto cross [k ro s ] 1499 tk e l , t m e g y

    drive [d ra iv ] 1866 a u t z s , k o c s ik z s

    flight [f la it ] 1623 ( r e p l j j a r a t , r e p l s

    journey [ 'd 3 3 :n i] 1820 u t a z s , t

    passage ['p aesid3j 1932 f o ly o s ; t j r

    path [pa:0] 1414 sv n y , g y a lo g t

    road [ra u d ] 316 t

    They had to pull the boats motor out of the water as it was having trouble.My mum will not let me buy a motorcycle.

    The last two passengers boarded the plane.

    The plane was delayed by six hours due to the bad weather.The ship was sailing to India.

    Modern cars are easier to steer than old ones. They took a taxi because it was too far to walk. The traveller was very tired from the long journey.The truck driver had already been driving for six hours and decided to stop for a break.You should always carry a spare tyre with you.

    Can you help me to unload the shopping?The delivery van brought the food to our house. If an oil vessel was to sink at sea, it would have bad environmental effects.He went to a special shop to get a new wheel after the accident.

    They waited for the green light and then crossed the street.On Sundays, they usually go for a drive.

    The flight was cancelled due to bad weather.

    John was listenirg to music to help pass the time during the long journey.The secret passage behind the book case leads to a hidden room.We followed the path up to the front door of the house.It was a Friday evening and that meant there would be a lot of traffic on the roads.



    s k



  • route [ru:t] 1392 tvonal

    to Stop [stDp] 398 megll

    street [strut] 422 utca

    ticket ['tikit] 2062 jegy

    tourftua] 1570 krsta, tra,kirnduls,


    traffic ['traefik] 1572 forgalom

    to travel ['traevl] 1282 utazik

    4.03. Kzlekeds Kiegszt szkincsairline ['ealain] 3590 lgitrsasg

    airport ['eapo:t] 2657 repltrarrival [a'raivl] 2420 rkezs

    barrier ['baeris] 2761 korlt, soromp,vmsoromp

    to block [bbk ] 2999 eltorlaszol, elzr,gtol

    charter ['tfcuta] 3129 klnjratcrash [k ra j] 3306 tkzs, baleset,

    gp lezuhansa

    customs ['kAStamz] 4082 vm

    departure [di'paitja] 300i) induls, induljrat

    dock [dDk] 3612 kikt, dokk,ml

    to flash [flie f] 4138 felvillant, villogtat

    to get off [.get 'of], got, leszllgot 4160

    to get on [,get 'Dn], got, felszllgot 4159

    She asked a man about the quickest route to the station.He stopped at the traffic lights and waited for them tc change to green.The streets were lined with people after the match.The corductor asked the passengers to show their tickets.After dropping their bags at the hotel, they did a walking tour of the city.

    There was a festival going on in the town and the traffic was very heavy.After she finishes university, she wants to travel abroad for a year.

    The airline decided to serve meals only during evening flights.Please, be at the airport two hours before flying. He was picked up immediately upon his arrival at the airport.The passengers needed to show their tickets before they could pass through the barrier.Two large security guards were blocking further entrance into the concert hall.They paid more to book a charter flight to Spain. A major crash between a car and a truck occurred at six o'clock this evening.You have to declare goods when you go through customs.There are several daily departures from Dublin to London.The passengers waited on the dock before boarding the ship.He flashed his lights to let the other driver pull out.I am looking forward to getting off this ship and standing on firm land.Be careful of the step when you get on the bus.

  • harbour ['ha:ba] 3635 kikt

    highway ['haiwei] 4186 autplya, auttjunction ['d3Aijkfn] 3246 keresztezds

    to land [laend] 2436 fldet r, landol, partot r, kikt

    landing ['lasndu]] 3648 leszlls, landols, partraszlls

    lane [lein] 1903 keskeny t, tjr, kz

    luggage ['lAgid3] 4237 csomag, poggyszmobile ['maubail] 4250 mobilis, m ozg


    to park [pa:k] 3808 parkol

    passport [ 'p a isp o it] 4277 tlevlpavement ['peivmant]



    platform ['p lastfoim ] 2639 peron

    port [po:t] 2319 kikt

    rail [re il] 2129 sn

    ride [raid] 3683 kocsikzs; t, menet

    signal ['signal] 2131 jelzs, jel

    travel ['traevl] 2374 utazs

    tunnel ['tAnl] 2926 alagt

    There were many small fishing harbours along the coast.Driving on the highway can be scary.You should always slow down when you are approaching a junction.As the plane landed, people gathered their bags.

    The pilot was forced to make an emergency landing due to lack of fuel.The lane leading to the farm was rough and narrow.The left-luggage lockers are over there.My grandparents are not very mobile; they very rarely visit us.Every day, she parked the car in front of her office block.Dont forget the passports!Pavements are for people who are walking, not for cars.She arrived at the station to see her family waiting for her on the platform.When I was young, I would sit and watch the ships coming into the port.The train came off the rails, but luckily, nobody was badly injured.Martin took us for a ride in his new car.

    The policeman raised his hand, giving the drivers a signal to stop.Air travel to overseas destinations has increased considerably.It was very dark in the tunnel.

  • 5. Ellts

    5.01. Vsrls, elads, birtokls Alapszkincs

    to buy [bai], bought, megveszbought 387

    consumer [kan'sjuima] fogyaszt1557

    due [dju:] 1429 esedkesexpenditure kiads

    [ik'spenditfa] 1785

    her [h3:] 44 az (nnem) vmije

    his [h iz] 26 az (hmnem) vmije

    its [its] 61 az (semleges nem) vmije

    loan [bun] 1606 klcsn

    my [mai] 64 az n vm imto obtain [ab'tein] 897 szerez, elr, kap

    our['aua] 98 a m i vmink

    to own [aun] 1608 birtokol, a tulajdonban van

    owner ['auna] 1289 tulajdonosto pay [pei], paid, paid 252 fizetpayment [ pennant] 1129 (k i)fizets

    personal ['p3:sanl] 540 szemlyes, sajt

    private [ praivat] 649 magn-, privt

    property ['propati] 666 tulajdon, vagyon, ingatlan

    sale Tseil] 579 vsr, kirusts

    to sell [sel], sold, sold 513 elad, rul

    shopping ['jDpiq] 2913 bevsrls

    He wanted to buy the suit but knew he couldnt afford it.The market managers considered new ways to help consumers.The payment was due a week ago.The new government budget meant that they were cutting expenditure and raising taxes.Look at her silver necklace. Isnt it beautiful?

    Have you seen his new car?

    The dog ouried its bone in the back garden.

    Carl took out a loan from the bank to buy his new car.I asked him over to my house for coffee.The workers continued their struggle to obtain better salaries.We spend most of our time on holiday at the beach.The couple paid off their mortgage and now officially own their house.The owner insured the building against fire.I paid for the shopping with my credit card.The company issued a letter requesting payment for the goods.All of his personal belongings have been stolen from his car.The private office was meant only for the manager.You are not allowed on this property.

    Usually, the winter sales take place after Christmas.She decided to sell her old car and buy a new one.Nuria usually did her shopping early in the morning.

  • to spend [spend], spent, (el)klt Adrian gave up smoking because he wanted tospent 475 spend his money on other things, such as clothes.

    their [Sea] 38 az vmijk Their house is the largest house in theneighbourhood.

    whose [hu:z] 558 aki(k)nek a 1 talked to the man whose dog had run away.your [jo:] 69 a te vmid, a ti Im afraid your bicycle has been stolen.


    5.01. Vsrls, elads, birtokls Kiegszt szkincs

    to acquire [a'kwaia] 1533 megszerez The gallery has acquired some valuable paintings.

    acquisition [.aekwi'zijn] megszerzs, The acquisition of assets is important for the2655 beszerzs, vtel success of a company.

    to advertise ['asdvataiz] reklmoz, hirdet, We should advertise if we want people to apply3997 hirdetst tesz


    for the job.

    advertisement [ad'v3: reklm, hirdets Recently, more and more famous people havetismant] 3385 started appearing in advertisements.

    advertising ['asdvataizii]] reklmozs, The soft drink company spent huge amounts of2291 hirdets money on advertising to raise sales.

    bargain ['ba:gin] 4024 alkalmi vtel Do you like my new jumper? It was a bargain.to borrow ['bnrau] 2762 klcsnz, I needed a diet onary for my test, so I borrowed

    klcsnkr one from my friend.

    buyer [ baia] 2191 vev, vsrl The buyer of the car did not realise it had a broken door.

    to consume [kan'sju:m] fogyaszt Experts are worried that children do not consume3741 enough fruit and vegetables.

    consumption fogyaszts The consumption of alcohol at that age is n