10 .19th-CIndustrialism(2):JohnRuskin's강 The...

영국문화론 [ ] -1- 10 . 19th-C Industrialism(2): John Ruskin's The Stones of Venice 담당교수 김문수 : 세부목차 해설 1. Industrialism 의 개요 1) Industrial Revolution 의 영향 2) Industrialism 2. John Ruskin & The Stones of Venice 해설 의 생애와 저술 1) John Ruskin 2) The Stones of Venice 해설 3. The Stones of Venice 강의 ("The Nature of Gothic") 1) Section A 2) Section B 3) Section C 4) Section D

Transcript of 10 .19th-CIndustrialism(2):JohnRuskin's강 The...

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강10 . 19th-C Industrialism(2): John Ruskin's The

Stones of Venice

담당교수 김문수:◈


해설1. Industrialism

의 개요1) Industrial Revolution

의 영향2) Industrialism

2. John Ruskin & The Stones of Venice 해설

의 생애와 저술1) John Ruskin

2) The Stones of Venice 해설

3. The Stones of Venice 강의("The Nature of Gothic")

1) Section A

2) Section B

3) Section C

4) Section D

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학습에 앞서


제 강에서는 빅토리아 시대의 가장 큰 특성이자 문제점인 산업주의 에10 (Industrialism)

대해서 연구한다 세기 후반에 시작된 영국의 산업혁명은 빅토리아 시대 중기에 이. 18

르면 절정에 달하게 된다 이것은 영국을 세계의 경제 중심지로 만들고 중산층의 증대.

라는 긍정적인 영향을 주는 반면 노동자 계층의 고통을 가속화 시키는 측면이 있었다, .

이러한 문제점에 대해 많은 사상가들이 견해를 피력했는데 여기서는 의Ruskin The

Stones of Venice를 통해 이 문제를 점검해 보기로 한다.


1 영국의 산업혁명의 과정을 파악한다.

2 산업화에 대한 여러 사상가들의 관점을 점검한다.

3 의 사상적 특성을 파악한다John Ruskin .

4 The Stones of Venice의 역사적 가치를 파악한다.


용어 해설

Industrialism산업혁명의 결과로 공업중심의 사회가 된 현상을 말하며 경제적, ,

사회적 측면에서 긍정적 요소와 부정적 요소가 있다.

1st Industrial


세기 후반에서 세기 중반까지 이어졌으며 직물 증기력 철18 19 , , ,

광 등 기술 제조업 분야의 혁신이 주를 이룬다· .

2nd Industrial


세기 중반 이후 증기선 기차와 같은 교통수단의 획기적 발전과19 ,

전기 통신의 발달이 낳은 경제적 사회적 변화를 말한다, , .

Child Labor산업화시대의 경쟁체제하에서 제조업의 인건비를 낮추기 위해 어

린 아이들을 노동현장에 혹사시킨 것을 말한다.

Division of Labor와 같은 자본주의 경제학자가 긍정적으로 평가한 가Adam Smith

치지만 은 이것이 노동자의 정신을 압살한다고 보았다, Ruskin .

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해설1. Industrialism

의 개요1. Industrial Revolution


The Industrial Revolution was a period in the late 18th and early 19th centuries

when major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transportation had a

profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions in Britain. The changes

subsequently spread throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world. The

onset of the Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point in human society;

almost every aspect of daily life was eventually influenced in some way. (Wikipedia,

"Industrial Revolution")


세기 후반 세기 초반18 ~19ⓐ

년대 년대: 1780 ~1840

년 년: 1760 ~1830

차 산업혁명 직물 증기기관 철광1 (1780-1850): , ,ⓑ

차 산업혁명 년 이후 증기선 기차 전기 통신2 (1850 ): , , ,


농업혁명 잉여노동인구의 제조업 유입- :

해외식민지 확대 무역과 자본의 확충- :

세기 과학혁명 발명기술의 독점권 부여- 17 :

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의 초상화<James Watt(1736-1819) >

<Watt steam engine>

4) Timeline

(1769: James Watt's steam engine)

(1811-15: Luddite movement)

1830: Liverpool and Manchester Railway

1833: Slavery abolished; Factory Act

1834: new Poor Law

1836: People's Charters

1836-48: Chartist Movement

1842: Chartist Riots

1844: Friedrich Engels, The Condition of the Working Class in England

1846: Corn Laws repealed

1848: The Communist Manifesto

cf. The Industrial Revolution: A Timeline


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사회적 영향5)

In terms of social structure, the Industrial Revolution witnessed the triumph of a

middle class of industrialists and businessmen over a landed class of nobility and

gentry. Ordinary working people found increased opportunities for employment in the

new mills and factories, but these were often under strict working conditions with long

hours of labour dominated by a pace set by machines. However, harsh working

conditions were prevalent long before the Industrial Revolution took place.

Pre-industrial society was very static and often cruel child labour, dirty living—

conditions and long working hours were just as prevalent before the Industrial

Revolution. (Wikipedia, "Industrial Revolution")

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의 영향2. Industrialism

산업화의 첨예한 양면성1)

From this foul drain, the greatest stream of human industry flows out to fertilize

the whole world. From this filthy sewer pure gold flows. Here humanity attains its

most complete development and its most brutish, here civilization works its miracles

프랑스 정치사and civilized man is turned almost into a savage. (Alexis de Tocqueville[

상가 의 년 견문기] 1835 Manchester ; Voyages en Angleterre et en Irlande, 1835; Norton

Anthology, p.1556)

산업화 찬미론2) (Norton Anthology, p.980)

- England became the world's workshop.

- London became the worlds' banker.

- Hymn to Progress by Thomas Babington Macaulay

cf. Macaulay's essay in Norton Anthology, p.1557.

정치가 역사가 의 초상<Macaulay(1800-59, , ) >

산업화의 부정적인 면3)


19th century Britain saw a huge population increase accompanied by rapid

urbanization stimulated by the industrial revolution. The large numbers of skilled and

unskilled people looking for work kept wages down to barely subsistence level.

Available housing was scarce and expensive, resulting in overcrowding. (Wikipedia,

"Victorian era")

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<Glasgow slum in 1871>

Harsh Laborⓑ

Because of the big competition on market were factory owners forced to

modernize their factories all the time and keep the low price of their products if they

wanted to stay in business. Low salaries of factory workers enabled the factory

owners part of necessary capital for constant investments. Later had a big impact on

amount of salary of factory workers and their harsh living conditions. Extremely low

salary also forced the workers wife and soon even his children to find a job to



비숙련 남성 노동자 일 시간- : 1 16~18

여성 노동자 남성 임금의- : 50%

아동 노동자 성인 남성 임금의- : 25%

cf. Ten Hour Act (Factories Act 1847)

Child laborⓒ

In 1833 and 1844, the first general laws against child labour, the Factory Acts,

were passed in England: Children younger than nine were not allowed to work,

children were not permitted to work at night, and the work day of youth under the

age of 18 was limited to twelve hours. (Wkipedia, "Industrial Revolution")

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<A young "drawer" pulling a coal tub along a mine gallery>

작가들의 산업화 반대론4)

The terrible living and working conditions of industrial laborers led a number of

writers to see the Industrial Revolution as an appalling retrogression. Thomas Carlyle

and John Ruskin both lamented the changed conditions of labor, the loss of

craftsmanship and individual creativity, and the disappearance of what Karl Marx

called the 'feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations' between employer and employee that

they believed had existed in earlier economies. They criticized industrial manufacture

not only for the misery of the conditions it created but also for its regimentation of

minds and hearts as well as bodies and resources. In works such as Past and

Present (1843) and Unto This Last (1860), Carlyle and Ruskin advocated a nostalgic

and conservative ideal, in which employers and workers returned to a medieval

relationship to craft and to authority and responsibility. (Norton Anthology,

"Industrialism: Progress or Decline?" p.1556)

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2. John Ruskin & The Stones of Venice 해설

의 생애와 저술1. John Ruskin

의 초상화<John Ruskin >

생애1) (1819-1900)

청소년기에 아버지와 유럽여행 자연 건축 예술품 감상하며 심미안 키움- , ,→

예술비평가로 활동 시작 후일에 사회비평가로 영역 넓힘- →

스스로는 파 보수주의자로 자처했지만 급진주의자로 취급됨- Tory

후일 에 영향- William Morris, Bernard Shaw, D.H. Lawrence

영국 창건자들에게도 영향- Labor Party

개인적인 삶은 불행 만년에는 정신 질환- ;

저술 활동의 주요 단계2) 3

권 이상의 다양한 주제의 저술 집필cf. 250

미술 분야ⓐ

- Modern Painters 전 권( 5 , 1843-60)

의 자연적 화풍 옹호: J.M.W. Turner

의 문제에 관심 상상력의 중요성 강조: truth in art ;

- For Ruskin, art should communicate truth above all things. However, he believed

this was not revealed by mere display of skill, but the expression of the artist's whole

moral outlook. (Wikipedia, "John Ruskin")

건축 분야 년대(1850 )ⓑ

- The Seven Lamps of Architecture(1849)

- The Stones of Venice(1851-53)

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건축물의 미적 요소와 시대적 성격 도덕 의 관련성- ( )

건축물 극찬 세기에 대유행 낳음: Gothic --19

경제 분야 년 이후(1860 )ⓒ

- Unto This Last(1862)

자유방임경제에 대한 신랄한 비난 국가개입 요구- ;

- Whereas Carlyle emphasized the need for strong leadership, Ruskin emphasized

what later evolved into the concept of "social economy"--networks of charitable,

co-operative and other non-governmental organizations. (Wikipedia, "John Ruskin")

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2. The Stones of Venice 해설

<The Stones of Venice 제 권의 표지2 >


권으로 구성- 3

: The Foundations(1851), The Sea-Stories(1853), The Fall(1853)

공화국 세기 후반 의 발전과 몰락을 함께 담음- Venice (7 ~1797)

발전 종교성이 바탕: -

후일의 몰락 교만 불신앙이 이유: - ,

- In the three volumes of The Stones of Venice, John Ruskin traces the

development, apex, and decline of three architectural expressions, Byzantine, Gothic,

and Renaissance, and relates their growth and deterioration to the rise and fall of the

Venetian state. He shows that the virtue and piety that marked Venice at her most

flourishing found expression in Gothic architecture and that as this faith declined, her

corruption was expressed in Renaissance architecture. (Masterplots, "The Stones of


제 권 장2) "The Nature of Gothic"( 2 6 )

자신이 이 책의 중심 부분으로 간주- Ruskin

고딕 건축의 요소- 6

: Savageness, Changefulness, Naturalism, Grotesqueness, Rigidity, Redundance

과거 고딕 건축 노동자의 개인적 자유와 창의성 찬미-

산업주의 시대에는 노동자의 자유 부재 올바른 건축 부재- →

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고딕 건축 극찬의 이유3)

He praised the Gothic style for what he saw as its reverence for nature and

natural forms; the free, unfettered expression of artisans constructing and decorating

buildings; and for the organic relationship he posited between worker and guild, worker

and community, worker and natural environment, and between worker and God.

(Wikipedia, "John Ruskin")

4) Ducal Palace

최고의 고딕 건축물로 찬양됨- Venice

의 전경<Ducal Palace(Palazzo Ducale di Venezia) >

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3. The Stones of Venice ("The Nature of Gothic")


*Text: Project Gutenberg (Selections from the Works of John Ruskin, ed. by

Chaucey B. Tinker, 1908)


에서 부분을 발췌해서 읽음*Book 2, Chapter 6("The Nature of Gothic") 4 .

1. Section A

은 건축물에 대해 그것이 만들어진 시대의 도덕적 성격을 결부시킨다 여기서는*Ruskin .

고딕 건축의 특성을 가지의 성격으로 정리하는데 그 중에서 첫 번째 를6 , savageness

다룬 부분을 읽어본다 개의 중에서 만 음성으로 강의한다. 3 subsection (A-1) .


I believe, then, that the characteristic or moral elements of Gothic are the

following, placed in the order of their importance:

1. Savageness. 2. Changefulness.1) 3. Naturalism.

4. Grotesqueness. 5. Rigidity. 6. Redundance.2)

These characters are here expressed as belonging to the building; as belonging to the

builder, they would be expressed thus: 1. Savageness, or Rudeness. 2. Love of—

Change. 3. Love of Nature. 4. Disturbed Imagination. 5. Obstinacy. 6. Generosity.

And I repeat, that the withdrawal of any one, or any two, will not at once destroy the

Gothic character of a building, but the removal of a majority of them will. I shall

proceed to examine them in their order.


부정적인 의미가 아니라 의 뜻으로 쓰였음(1) Changefulness: love of change, variety .

이 글의 후반부에(2) Redundance: the uncalculating bestowal of the wealth of its

로 설명되어 있다labour .


건축물에 도덕적 성격을 부여(1)

고딕 건축의 가지 성격(2) 6

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1. SAVAGENESS. I am not sure when the word "Gothic" was first generically

applied to the architecture of the North;1) but I presume that, whatever the date of its

original usage, it was intended to imply reproach, and express the barbaric character

of the nations among whom that architecture arose. It never implied that they were

literally of Gothic lineage, far less that their architecture had been originally invented

by the Goths2) themselves; but it did imply that they and their buildings together

exhibited a degree of sternness and rudeness, which, in contradistinction to the

character of Southern and Eastern nations, appeared like a perpetual reflection of the

contrast between the Goth and the Roman in their first encounter. And when that

fallen Roman, in the utmost impotence of his luxury, and insolence of his guilt,

became the model for the imitation of civilized Europe, at the close of the so-called

Dark Ages,3) the word Gothic became a term of unmitigated contempt, not unmixed

with aversion.


세기에서 세기까지 지속된 고딕 양식은(1) when the word "Gothic" ... the North: 12 16

유럽 북쪽 지역에서 시작되었으며 이라는 용어는 야만스러운 촌스러운이라, Gothic ‘ , ’

는 나쁜 의미를 지니고 있었기에 훗날 르네상스기에 이 건축양식을 비난하면서 붙여

진 것이다.

북부 게르만족의 일족으로 세기에 로마를 침공함(2) Goths: 3-5 .

소위 암흑시대 중세 가 끝날 때 즉 르(3) at the close of the so-called Dark Ages: ( ) . ,

네상스의 시작 시점을 말함.


라는 용어의 유래(1) Gothic architecture


From that contempt, by the exertion of the antiquaries and architects of this

century, Gothic architecture has been sufficiently vindicated;1) and perhaps some

among us, in our admiration of the magnificent science of its structure, and

sacredness of its expression, might desire that the term of ancient reproach should be

withdrawn, and some other, of more apparent honourableness, adopted in its place.

There is no chance, as there is no need, of such a substitution. As far as the epithet

was used scornfully, it was used falsely; but there is no reproach in the word, rightly

understood; on the contrary, there is a profound truth, which the instinct of mankind

almost unconsciously recognizes. It is true, greatly and deeply true, that the

architecture of the North is rude and wild; but it is not true, that, for this reason, we

are to condemn it, or despise. Far otherwise: I believe it is in ⓐthis very character

that it deserves our profoundest reverence.


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문두의 와 연결되어 이러한(1) has been sufficiently vindicated: From that contempt ‘

경멸로부터 충분히 옹호 해방 되었다의 뜻( ) ’ .


(1) praise of 'rudeness' in Gothic architecture

:the liberty of the builder and workmen


밑줄 친 가 지칭하는 바를 밝히시오1. .ⓐ

2. Section B

고딕 건축이 지닌 즉 자유로움을 찬미하는 과정에서 현재의 기계적인* savageness, ‘ ’ ,

분업노동의 문제점을 적나라하게 지적하고 있다 고전적인 자본주의 경제학에서 경제발.

전의 원동력으로 강조한 분업문제에 대한 예리한 반격이다 만 음성으로 강의한. (B-1)



We have much studied and much perfected, of late, the great civilized invention of

the division of labour;1) only we give it a false name. It is not, truly speaking; the

labour that is divided; but the men: Divided into mere segments of men broken into— —

small fragments and crumbs of life; so that all the little piece of intelligence that is

left in a man is not enough to make a pin, or a nail,2) but exhausts itself in making

the point of a pin or the head of a nail. Now it is a good and desirable thing, truly,

to make many pins in a day; but if we could only see with what crystal sand their

points were polished, sand of human soul, much to be magnified before it can be—

discerned for what it is, we should think there might be some loss in it also.—


분업이라는 위대한 문명적(1) the great civilized invention of the division of labour:

창안물 반어적인 표현이다. .

가(2) make a pin, or a nail: Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations 에서 분업의(1776)

이점을 강조하면서 핀 만들기를 예로 들었다 그러나 는 분업이. Smith mental

을 낳는다는 점을 비판하기도 하였다고 한다mutilation .


(1) division of labour division of men→

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And the great cry that rises from all our manufacturing cities,1) louder than their

furnace blast, is all in very deed for this, that we manufacture everything there—

except men; we blanch cotton, and strengthen steel, and refine sugar, and shape

pottery; but to brighten, to strengthen, to refine, or to form a single living spirit,2)

never enters into our estimate of advantages. And ⓐall the evil to which that cry is

urging our myriads can be met only in one way: not by teaching nor preaching, for to

teach them is but to show them their misery, and to preach to them, if we do

nothing more than preach, is to mock at it. It can be met only by a right

understanding, on the part of all classes, of what kinds of labour are good for men,

raising them, and making them happy; by a determined sacrifice of such

convenience, or beauty, or cheapness as is to be got only by the degradation of the

workman; and by equally determined demand for the products and results of healthy

and ennobling labour.


와 같은 노동자 운동에 대한 언급임(1) the great cry ... cities: Chartist Movement .

물건의 제조만이 아니라 인간성의 도야도 필요함을 말(2) but to brighten ... spirit: ‘ ’

함 여기 쓰인 동사들은 앞의 과 짝을 이룸. blanch, strengthen, refine, shape .


가 목표이자 해결책(1) healthy and ennobling labour


밑줄 친 에서 말하는 해결책은 무엇인가1. ?ⓐ

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3. Section C

은 산업화시대 노동의 문제점을 구체적으로 지적하고 있다 특히 이 시대의 산*Ruskin . ,

업주의가 요구하는 기계적 정확성은 개개인의 창안성이 완전히 무시된 행위로 비난되고

있다 개의 중에서 만 음성으로 강의한다. 5 subsection (C-1) .


And how, it will be asked, are these products to be recognized, and this demand

to be regulated? Easily: by the observance of three broad and simple rules:

1. Never encourage the manufacture of any article not absolutely necessary, in the

production of which Invention has no share.

2. Never demand an exact finish for its own sake, but only for1) some practical or

noble end.

3. Never encourage imitation or copying of any kind, except for the sake of

preserving record of great works.

The second of these principles is the only one which directly rises out of the

consideration of our immediate subject;2) but I shall briefly explain the meaning

and extent of the first also, reserving the enforcement of the third for another



단지 을 위해서가 아니라면(1) but only for: except only for( ~ ).

고딕 건축의 즉 가 중요한 이유(2) our immediate subject: savageness( , imperfection)

의 설명.


(1) praise of 'invention' as against 'exact finish' or 'imitation'


1. Never encourage the manufacture of anything not necessary, in the production

of which invention has no share.

For instance. Glass beads are utterly unnecessary, and there is no design or

thought employed in their manufacture. They are formed by first drawing out the glass

into rods; these rods are chopped up into fragments of the size of beads by the

human hand, and the fragments are then rounded in the furnace. The men who chop

up the rods sit at their work all day, their hands vibrating with a perpetual and

exquisitely timed palsy,1) and the beads dropping beneath their vibration like hail.

Neither they, nor the men who draw out the rods or fuse the fragments, have the

smallest occasion for the use of any single human faculty; and every young lady,

therefore, who buys glass beads is engaged in the slave-trade,2) and in a much more

cruel one than that which we have so long been endeavouring to put down.3)

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But glass cups and vessels may become the subjects of exquisite invention; and if

in buying these we pay for the invention, that is to say for the beautiful form, or

colour, or engraving, and not for mere finish of execution, we are doing good to



그들의 손은 끊임없는 정확한 박자의 수전증으로 떨리면서(1) their hands ... palsy: ,

노동자들을 노예처럼 만들고 있으니 사실상 노예매(2) is engaged in the slave-trade: ‘

매에 종사하는 셈이 된다’ .

영국은 년 이후 노예제도를 금지시키고 있다(3) that which ... put down: 1833 .


(1) glass beads vs. glass vessels

기계적 노동 창의적 노동: vs.


So, again, the cutting of precious stones, in all ordinary cases, requires little

exertion of any mental faculty; some tact and judgment in avoiding flaws, and so on,

but nothing to bring out the whole mind. Every person who wears cut jewels merely

for the sake of their value is, therefore, a slave-driver.1)

But the working of the goldsmith, and the various designing of grouped jewellery

and enamel-work, may become the subject of the most noble human intelligence.

Therefore, money spent in the purchase of well-designed plate, of precious engraved

vases, cameos,2) or enamels, does good to humanity; and, in work of this kind,

jewels may be employed to heighten its splendour; and their cutting is then a price

paid for the attainment of a noble end, and thus perfectly allowable.


노예 감시인 노동자를 노예처럼 만드는 행위라는 의미임(1) a slave-driver: . .

돋을새김을 한 보석(2) cameos: .


보석 가공 금은 세공(1) vs.  

기계적 노동 창의적 노동: vs.


I shall perhaps press this law farther elsewhere, but our immediate concern is

chiefly with the second, namely, never to demand an exact finish, when it does not

lead to a noble end. For observe,1) I have only dwelt upon the rudeness of Gothic, or

any other kind of imperfectness, as admirable, where it was impossible to get design

or thought without it.2) If you are to have the thought of3) a rough and untaught man,

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you must have it in a rough and untaught way; but from an educated man, who can

without effort express his thoughts in an educated way, take the graceful expression,

and be thankful. Only get the thought, and do not silence the peasant because he

cannot speak good grammar, or until you have taught him his grammar. Grammar

and refinement are good things, both, only be sure of the better thing first.


왜냐면 다음을 주목하시오의 의미(1) For observe: ‘ ’ .

은 를 받음(2) without it: it the rudeness, imperfectness .

의 구상 창안 을 끌어내다(3) have the thought of: ~ ( ) .


(1) Only get 'the thought' from a worker.

세련된 표현이 아니라 창안 자체가 중요함:


And thus in art, delicate finish is desirable from the greatest masters, and is

always given by them. In some places Michael Angelo, Leonardo, Phidias, Perugino,

Turner,1) all finished with the most exquisite care; and the finish they give always

leads to the fuller accomplishment of their noble purpose. But lower men than these

cannot finish, for it requires consummate knowledge to finish consummately, and then

we must take their thoughts as they are able to give them. So the rule is simple:

Always look for invention first, and after that, for such execution as will help the

invention, and as the inventor is capable of without painful effort, and no more.

Above all, demand no refinement of execution where there is no thought, for that is

slaves' work, unredeemed. Rather choose ( ) work than smooth work, so only that

the practical purpose be answered, and never imagine there is reason to be proud of

anything that may be accomplished by patience and sand-paper.


각각 르네상스기 이탈리아의 화가(1) Leonardo, Phidias, Perugino, Turner: (Leonardo

고대 그리스의 조각가 르네상스기 이탈리아의 화가 영da Vinci), , (Pietro Perugino),

국 낭만주의 화가(J.M.W. Turner).


(1) Always look for 'invention' first.

은 부차적 가치: execution


전체 문맥을 고려하여 괄호를 채운다면1. ?

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4. Section D

산업주의하의 기계적 노동과 고딕 건축의 창의적 노동을 대비하며 구체적으로 영국 노* ,

동자의 유리세공과 베니스 노동자의 유리세공을 비교한다 후자에 나타난 창안성과 자.

유의 가치를 강조한다 두 개의 모두 자습하기 바란다. subsection .


I shall only give one example, which however will show the reader what I mean,

from the manufacture already alluded to, that of glass. Our modern glass is

exquisitely clear in its substance, true in its form, accurate in its cutting. We are

proud of this. We ought to be ashamed of it. The old Venice glass was muddy,

inaccurate in all its forms, and clumsily cut, if at all.1) And the old Venetian was justly

proud of it. For there is this difference between the English and Venetian workman,

that the former thinks only of accurately matching his patterns, and getting his curves

perfectly true and his edges perfectly sharp, and becomes a mere machine for

rounding curves and sharpening edges; while the old Venetian cared not a whit

whether his edges were sharp or not, but he invented a new design for every glass

that he made, and never moulded a handle or a lip2) without a new fancy in it.


기껏해야 볼품없이 가공된(1) clumsily cut, if at all: .

유리 그릇의 손잡이나 주둥이(2) a handle or a lip: ( ) .


영국 노동자(1) : becomes a machine

베니스 노동자(2) : invented a new design


And therefore, though some Venetian glass is ugly and clumsy enough when made

by clumsy and uninventive workmen, other Venetian glass is so lovely in its forms that

no price is too great for it; and we never see the same form in it twice. Now you

cannot have the finish and the varied form too.1) If the workman is thinking about his

edges, he cannot be thinking of his design; if of his design, he cannot think of his

edges. Choose whether you will pay for the lovely form or the perfect finish, and

choose at the same moment whether you will ⓐmake the worker a man or a



정확한 마무리와 다양한 형태를 동시에 가질 수 없다(1) you cannot ... too: ( ) .

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(1) the lovely form or the perfect finish

: 'invention' first, 'execution' second


밑줄 친 의 과 이 이 문맥에서 지칭하는 바는1. a man a grindstone ?ⓐ

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다음의 과제들에 대해 각각 행 이내에서 간략히 답안을 작성하여 게시하시오 분량을* 10 . (

초과하거나 별도 파일로 첨부하는 것을 피해주기 바람, .)

이 강의에서 다루어진1. The Stones of Venice 의 내용을 요약하("The Nature of Gothic")

고 간략히 논평 하시오(comment) .

작품 더 보기 에 나오는 자료 등을 참고하여 영국 산업혁명 산업주의 의 특성을 간단히2. < > ( )


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1. Text

- Project Gutenberg


- Internet Archive


2. Criticism and Background

- The Victorian Web

(Victorian Technology)


(Victorian Social History)


(John Ruskin: An Overview)


- Wikipedia

(Industrial Revolution)


(Victorian era)


(John Ruskin)


- Norton Anthology ("the Victorian Age", "John Ruskin")