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Study Guide and Assessment Planner Semester 2 2017 Year/Course: Year 12 Unit Name: T – English - Perspectives 1.0 A – Essential English – Local and Global 1.0 Teachers: Ms Ward, Mr McKevett, Mrs Mahar, Ms Coll, Mr Rowland Table of Contents: Specific Unit Goals for T students: 2 Specific Unit Goals for A students: 2 Texts: 2 Assessment outline T and A 2 Assessment Criteria 4 Moderation: To ensure consistency, assessment items are moderated. Moderation in English follows this process: 4 Oral presentations: 4 English Department Drafting Policy. 4 Assessment Schedule and Tasks 6 Rubrics 10 Conditions of Assessment: 12 Appendix A 12 Appendix B 13 Appendix C 14 Appendix D 16 Appendix E 17 Appendix F 19 Specific Unit Goals for T students: By the end of this unit, students: understand how content, structure, voice and perspective in texts shape responses and interpretations examine different interpretations of texts and how these resonate with, or challenge, their own responses create cohesive oral, written and multimodal texts in a range of forms, mediums and styles. Specific Unit Goals for A students: By the end of this unit, students:

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Study Guide and Assessment Planner Semester 2 2017Year/Course:                Year 12      Unit Name:                T – English - Perspectives 1.0                        A – Essential English – Local and Global 1.0Teachers:                 Ms Ward, Mr McKevett, Mrs Mahar, Ms Coll, Mr RowlandTable of Contents:  Specific Unit Goals for T students:        2Specific Unit Goals for A students:        2Texts:        2Assessment outline T and A        2Assessment Criteria        4Moderation: To ensure consistency, assessment items are moderated. Moderation in English follows this process:        4Oral presentations:        4English Department Drafting Policy.        4Assessment Schedule and Tasks        6Rubrics        10Conditions of Assessment:        12

Appendix A        12Appendix B        13Appendix C        14Appendix D        16Appendix E        17Appendix F        19

Specific Unit Goals for T students:

By the end of this unit, students:

understand how content, structure, voice and perspective in texts shape responses and interpretations examine different interpretations of texts and how these resonate with, or challenge, their own

responses create cohesive oral, written and multimodal texts in a range of forms, mediums and styles.

Specific Unit Goals for A students:

By the end of this unit, students:

understand ways in which language is used to influence and engage different audiences create oral, written and multimodal texts that communicate ideas and perspectives on issues and

events for a variety of purposes.


Resources for discussion / reading will be uploaded on to teacher’s individual webpages: Mrs Mahar -   Ms Ward’s class’s resources – Additional resources at Mr McKevett - google classroom siteMs Coll’s class - to be advisedMr Rowland’s class - to be advised

A range of documentary film which may include:BullyKangaroos: Faces in the mob.McDonalds gets grilled.Life in a day. Genocide.9/11 plus a selection of documentary film excerpts to be confirmedFeature articles from a range of sources.

Assessment outline T and A

Week Content Assessment Weighting1-14 Ongoing participation in class discussion board

Note: Discussion questions will be posted on Monday morning Weeks 1,3,5,7,9,11.

Each discussion board will be closed before the next question is able to be accessed. It will be able to be viewed for reference but not added to after it has closed.Discussion boards will be closed on Friday 3pm Weeks 2,4,6,8,10,12,14.Participation in the discussion is required to be an ongoing activity. This includes responding to discussion to date and posing further questions.


1 Introduction to documentary 2 Documentary 3 Documentary + Feature Writing4 Documentary + Feature Writing5 Documentary + Feature Writing Creative proposal – Thursday / 

Friday Week 55%

(Creating)6 Documentary + Feature Writing7 Documentary + Feature Writing Creative Task – 1st lesson of 

week 725%

(CreatingNB Total 

Creating 30%)8 Documentary + Feature Writing9 Documentary + Feature Writing10 Year 12 Retreats11 Oral presentations Oral presentations begin 2nd lesson

Week 1130%

(Investigating)12 Oral presentations13 Feature articles – compare and

contrast14 Revision15 Examinations End of semester examinations 20%

(Responding)(NB Total 

Responding 40%)

16 Examinations cont

Assessment Criteria 

The following assessment criteria are a focus for assessment and reporting in all courses based on the English Course Framework.  Criteria are the essential qualities which teachers look for in student work. Over a unit, these criteria must be used by teachers to assess students’ performance, however not all of them need to be used on each task.  Assessment criteria are to be used holistically on a given task and in determining the unit grade.Students will be assessed on the degree to which they demonstrate:

an ability to respond critically to texts and logically justify viewpoint an ability to evaluate and synthesise material to make meaning imagination and originality competent and effective use of language for a range of purposes and audiences control of appropriate medium.

Moderation: To ensure consistency, assessment items are moderated. Moderation in English follows this process:

Class teacher marks all papers A sample (between 25 % and 100% of the class depending on the task and/or unit) is marked

by another senior teacher within the department.

Oral presentations:

Special Conditions: On the first day of presentations, all students are to supply their class teacher with the 100 words speaking notes for the speech. These notes will be held by the teacher and returned to the student on the day of their speech. Failure to hand in notes will result in the application of penalties as per late submission of assignments. In addition, failure to present on the due date without due reason (eg. medical certificate) will also incur late submission (or additional late submission) penalties.

English Department Drafting Policy.

Purpose of drafting:The purpose of submitting a draft to your English classroom teacher is twofold:

1. to ensure that you are addressing the requirements of the assessment task question, and2. to receive suggestions as to how to improve your task response.

It should be noted that the purpose of drafting is not to edit your work or to give you an indication of any grade the work may achieve.Submission of Draft Procedure:One draft will be looked at by your classroom teacher and not by any other members of the English Department. Your draft should consist of either:

1. your essay plan, or2. an introduction plus dot point summary of your body paragraphs.

The English Department will not accept completed work as drafts.Your draft needs to be submitted to your English classroom teacher for comment 5 or more days before the due date of the assessment task.What you can expect for feedback:Your teacher will return your draft to you within 2 school days of receiving the draft.He/she will make either written or spoken comment on:

1. whether your task response addresses the task question2. a maximum of 3 areas in your response that need to be developed.

Your teacher may also offer general verbal comment on the technical aspect of your writing eg. paragraph or sentence structure, language, spelling or punctuation.Your role in the drafting process:The suggestions made to you by your classroom teacher are for your consideration and are not mandatory for inclusion. Submission of a draft for comment does not guarantee an improved mark.It is recommended that students closely edit their own work before submission of assignments. Peer reading of written assessment and performance before peers for oral assessment are effective means of acquiring additional comment on how to improve.Editing by reading work aloud will often highlight poor sentence structure, incorrect or omitted words and incorrect punctuation.NB: These drafting procedures will apply to all prepared assessment tasks in Years 11 & 12 Tertiary English, excepting Writers’ Workshop, and 11 & 12 Accredited English (unless negotiated with classroom teacher).

Assessment Schedule and Tasks

All students complete the core unit assessment tasks – Assessment Task 1 – the discussion board and Assessment Task 2 – the creative proposal.

Assessment Task 1 – core unit – 20%(Responding)

Ongoing contribution to discussion board.Each fortnight a new discussion question will be posted on the Documentary Journalism page on your

teacher’s website for your class:Mrs Mahar -

Ms Ward’s class – Mr McKevett, Mr Rowland, Ms Coll - as advised in class

You are required to respond in an educated and academic manner to the initial posting and to the discussion of your peers. A minimum of 6 discussion posts is required (Tertiary approx. 750 words).

(Accredited approx. 500 words)First discussion post – 2 marks – this post should introduce yourself and give your initial ideas about which strand you might follow in the course and why.Further discussion questions - each worth 3 marks.TOTAL = 20 marksYour responses should be well-written, carefully considered and at least 100 words per post. You should not only respond to the discussion question but to other posts as well. Participating in each post will be worth 3 marks. To earn 3 marks you will need to do 3 things:

Respond to a previous poster

Respond to the discussion question Add some new, insightful discussion to the discussion board demonstrating evidence of

further reading and research.

Discussion board questions will be open for approximately 2 weeks only. You will be advised for each question what date and time the discussion board will close. If you have not posted by the close-off time, you will not achieve any marks for that discussion question

Assessment –Journalism Strand Assessment – Documentary Strand

Assessment Task 2 – core unit – 5%(Creating)

To be presented in class Thursday / Friday Week 5

(see Appendix A for conditions)Oral – 3 minutesPresent a proposal for your feature article in 3 minutes.In that 3 minutes we need to have a clear understanding of what you propose to write about, your influences, your focus and your procedure (ie format – how you will write about it).This task is worth 5%.Your peers will be asked to make suggestions via a student feedback form.

Assessment Task 2 – core unit – 5%(Creating)

To be presented in class Thursday / Friday Week 5(see Appendix D for conditions)

Oral – 3 minutesPresent a proposal for your Australian Story in 3 minutes.In that 3 minutes we need to have a clear understanding of what you propose to write about, your influences, your focus and your procedure (ie format – how you will present it).This task is worth 5%.Your peers will be asked to make suggestions via a student feedback form.

Assessment Task 3 – Creative Task 25%(Creating)

First lesson Week 7(See Appendix B for conditions)

TASK:Note: You are not required to submit a rationale for this task.Your task is to identify and explore a key local, state or national social issue which is important to you. (This should be a topic that has an Australian focus, not an international focus).Suggestions:

Housing affordabilityRape cultureSchooliesEmergency accommodationSchool fundingDrug or alcohol issuesGamblingGender

Part 1: Prepare a portfolio of readings, articles, film or audio links related to this issue. You should have a minimum of 12 articles Tertiary or 7 articles Accredited. Your articles and readings etc should be suitable for an educated audience.For each article you are to provide a brief annotation – topic and why it is useful to your

Assessment Task 3 – Creative Task 25%(Creating)

First lesson Week 7(See Appendix E for conditions)

TASK:Note: You are not required to submit a rationale for this task.Refer to your oral presentation task.Your creative task is designed to help you complete your oral presentation to a high standard.Part 1: Compile a portfolio of annotated resources that you will use for your oral presentation. This should include photos, documents, interview transcripts, narrative structure, props, locations etc that you intend to use in your documentary.Part 2: Storyboard your documentary. You could do this using an online program such as or handwrite/draw your storyboard.Length – 800 words approx.

argument (50 words approx. for each resource).Part 2: Write a feature article which explores this issue in depth. Length: Tertiary 1500 words,

Accredited 600 words

Alternatively, you may choose to write two shorter articles which look at different sides of the argument.Part 3: Your portfolio and articles should be presented in a digital format. Using a web based programme such as Weebly (or another similar program where you are able to hyperlink your articles and writing), you are to present your readings and your articles in an online format. Your assignment will be submitted by providing a web link to your teacher.Assessment Task 4 – Oral Presentation 30%

(Investigating)Due 2nd lesson Week 11

(See Appendix C for conditions)(Please use the 1st lesson of Week 11 to check that your audio visual works on the school 

system)TASK:In 2008, the Labor government held the 2020 Summit, to highlight current issues and discuss ideas for the future. The current government has decided to again hold a Summit of Ideas.Your work on the significant social issue from Task 2 + 3 has come to the attention of the organizing committee of the 2017 2020 Summit of Ideas. You have been asked to make a presentation on the issue, in particular, offering solutions as to how to manage this issue.12-15 minute presentation Tertiary 8 minute presentation AccreditedYou will be required to present your speech live with visual support. You will also be required to submit your 100 words of speaking notes on the first day of presentations.Your speech needs to be impassioned, well researched but focused on solutions rather than recounting the problem. You should be speaking from knowledge and research.

Assessment Task 4 – Oral Presentation 30%(Investigating)

Due 2nd lesson Week 11(See Appendix F for conditions)

(Please use the 1st lesson of Week 11 to check that your audio visual works on the school system)

TASK:As part of this unit, we will be watching a variety of documentaries, including episodes of Australian Story. Your task is to make a short documentary presentation on your own Australian Story. You will need to identify something that has made you who you are today and explore this in a short film of approximately 12-15 minutes Tertiary and 8 minutes Accredited. For example, you might be an only child or one of 10 children – how has this helped make you who you are today? You might have travelled extensively overseas – how has this impacted upon who you are? How has attending a Marist school helped you become who you are today?This film does not necessarily need to be a continuous movie. You could make it as a series of short films (30-45seconds), still images, audio interviews that are combined in either a linear or non-linear form. For example, a linear film could utilize a programme like google slides or or even PowerPoint. Prezi is not a suitable program to use. Your production is to be submitted on the first day of presentations.

 Assessment Task 5 – Examination  Assessment Task 5 – Examination (Responding)




Conditions of Assessment:

These conditions of assessment need to be read in conjunction with the respective tasks.

Appendix A

Year 12 English – Semester 2 2017Unit 4 – Perspectives 1.0Creative Response - mini oral presentation - 5%(Creating)Task Number 2

 English Teacher:                   JUW, SAM, GMC, KCO, SRODate Due:                                 Week 5 – Thursday 17th / Friday 18th August          Date Issued:                            Week 1Word limit:                               3 minutesWeighting:                        5%Marks:                                       out of 100Criteria:                                     As per attached rubricConditions:                             This is a task which should be prepared at home. Notes permitted.  A Statement of Originality (BSSS Plagiarism Declaration) must be attached to your submissionFor further reference to the Marist College Canberra and BSSS policies on plagiarism please see

Late submission:                  Extensions must be applied for before the due date through the Studies Office.For all students it is an expectation that assignment and other assessment tasks must be submitted (even if late) in order to fulfill course requirements. For late work the following policy will apply: ·         1. Except in exceptional circumstances, students must apply for an extension in advance, providing due cause and adequate documentary evidence for late submission. ·         2.a) Calculation of a notional zero in T units is based on items submitted on time or with an approved extension ( ie a genuine score). ·         2.b) A late penalty will apply unless an extension is granted. The penalty for late submission is 5% (of possible mark) per calendar day late (including weekends and public holidays) until the notional zero, calculated in a), is reached. If an item is more than 7 days late, it receives the notional zero. Submission of work on a weekend or public holiday is not acceptable. ·         3. The Principal has the right to exercise discretion in the application of the late penalty in special circumstances with satisfactory documentation. ·         4. It may not be possible to grade or score work submitted after marked work in a unit has been returned to other students. Students should note that failure of computer/printer equipment is not considered due cause for late submission of work without penalty.Internal Moderation:             To ensure consistency, assessment items are moderated. Moderation in English follows this process:

·         Class teacher marks all papers·         A sample (between 25 % and 100% of the class depending on the task

and/or unit) is marked by another senior teacher within the department.

·         If further advice on papers is required, these should be referred to either the HoD or the Assistant HoD, as applicable.


 Appendix B

Year 12 English – Semester 2 2017Unit 4 – Perspectives 1.0Creative Response - 25%(Creating)Task Number 3English Teacher:                   JUW, SAM, GMC, KCO, SRODate Due:                                 Week 7 – 1st lesson in Week 7 - Monday 28 August        Date Issued:                            Week 1Word limit:                               Feature Article - 1500 wordsStoryboard - 800 words Weighting:                               25% (TOTAL CREATING - mini oral presentation 5% + this task 25%)Marks:                                       out of 100Criteria:                                     As per attached rubricConditions:                             This is a take home task. A Statement of Originality (BSSS Plagiarism Declaration) must be attached to your submissionFor further reference to the Marist College Canberra and BSSS policies on plagiarism please see

Late submission:                  Extensions must be applied for before the due date through the Studies Office.For all students it is an expectation that assignment and other assessment tasks must be submitted (even if late) in order to fulfill course requirements. For late work the following policy will apply: ·         1. Except in exceptional circumstances, students must apply for an extension in advance, providing due cause and adequate documentary evidence for late submission. ·         2.a) Calculation of a notional zero in T units is based on items submitted on time or with an approved extension ( ie a genuine score). ·         2.b) A late penalty will apply unless an extension is granted. The penalty for late submission is 5% (of possible mark) per calendar day late (including weekends and public holidays) until the notional zero, calculated in a), is reached. If an item is more than 7 days late, it receives the notional zero. Submission of work on a weekend or public holiday is not acceptable. ·         3. The Principal has the right to exercise discretion in the application of the late penalty in special circumstances with satisfactory documentation. ·         4. It may not be possible to grade or score work submitted after marked work in a unit has been returned to other students. Students should note that failure of computer/printer equipment is not considered due cause for late submission of work without penalty.Internal Moderation:             To ensure consistency, assessment items are moderated. Moderation in English follows this process:

·         Class teacher marks all papers·         A sample (between 25 % and 100% of the class depending on the task

and/or unit) is marked by another senior teacher within the department.

·         If further advice on papers is required, these should be referred to either the HoD or the Assistant HoD, as applicable.


Appendix C

Year 12 English – Semester 2 2017Unit 4 – Perspectives 1.0Oral Presentation(Investigating)Task Number 4

 English Teacher:                   JUW, GMC, SAM, SRO, KCODate Due:                                 Week 11 - Tuesday 10 October Date Issued:                            Week 1Word limit:                               12 - 15 minutesWeighting:                               30%Marks:                                       out of 100Criteria:                                     As per attached rubricConditions:                             This is a spoken task.1.           On the due date of presentations (Tuesday 10 October), all students are to supply their class teacher with the 100 words speaking notes for the speech. These notes will be held by the teacher and returned to the student on the day of their speech. Failure to hand in notes will result in the application of penalties as per late submission of assignments. In addition, failure to present on the due date without due reason (eg. medical certificate) will also incur late submission (or additional late submission) penalties.

Australian Stories are to be submitted via USB or shared drive on the due date of presentations (Tuesday 10 October)

2.           Slide show presentations are to be shared with your teacher via Google slides prior to your presentation.               3.           As this is a task prepared at home, you must submit a Declaration of Originality (BSSS Plagiarism Declaration). For further reference to the Marist College Canberra and BSSS policies please see

 Late submission:                  If students are absent on the first day of oral presentations or on the day they are due to present they must apply for an extension through the Studies Office, providing documentation as detailed below. For all students it is an expectation that assignment and other assessment tasks must be submitted (even if late) in order to fulfill course requirements. For late work the following policy will apply: ·         1. Except in exceptional circumstances, students must apply for an extension in advance, providing due cause and adequate documentary evidence for late submission. ·         2.a) Calculation of a notional zero in T units is based on items submitted on time or with an approved extension ( ie a genuine score).

·         2.b) A late penalty will apply unless an extension is granted. The penalty for late submission is 5% (of possible mark) per calendar day late (including weekends and public holidays) until the notional zero, calculated in a), is reached. If an item is more than 7 days late, it receives the notional zero. Submission of work on a weekend or public holiday is not acceptable. ·         3. The Principal has the right to exercise discretion in the application of the late penalty in special circumstances with satisfactory documentation. ·         4. It may not be possible to grade or score work submitted after marked work in a unit has been returned to other students. Students should note that failure of computer/printer equipment is not considered due cause for late submission of work without penalty. Internal Moderation:             To ensure consistency, assessment items are moderated. Documentaries and recorded speeches will be group moderated across the 5 Documentary classes 

Appendix D

Year 12 Essential English – Semester 2 2017Unit 4 – Local and Global 1.0Creative Response - mini oral presentation - 5%(Creating)Task Number 2

 English Teacher:                   JUW, SAM, GMC, KCO, SRODate Due:                                 Week 5 – Thursday 17th / Friday 18th August          Date Issued:                            Week 1Word limit:                               3 minutesWeighting:                        5%Marks:                                       out of 100Criteria:                                     As per attached rubricConditions:                             This is a task which should be prepared at home. Notes permitted.  A Statement of Originality (BSSS Plagiarism Declaration) must be attached to your submissionFor further reference to the Marist College Canberra and BSSS policies on plagiarism please see

Late submission:                  Extensions must be applied for before the due date through the Studies Office.For all students it is an expectation that assignment and other assessment tasks must be submitted (even if late) in order to fulfill course requirements. For late work the following policy will apply: ·         1. Except in exceptional circumstances, students must apply for an extension in advance, providing due cause and adequate documentary evidence for late submission. ·         2.a) Calculation of a notional zero in T units is based on items submitted on time or with an approved extension ( ie a genuine score). ·         2.b) A late penalty will apply unless an extension is granted. The penalty for late submission is 5% (of possible mark) per calendar day late (including weekends and public holidays) until the notional zero, calculated in a), is reached. If an item is more than 7 days late, it receives the notional zero. Submission of work on a weekend or public holiday is not acceptable.

·         3. The Principal has the right to exercise discretion in the application of the late penalty in special circumstances with satisfactory documentation. ·         4. It may not be possible to grade or score work submitted after marked work in a unit has been returned to other students. Students should note that failure of computer/printer equipment is not considered due cause for late submission of work without penalty.Internal Moderation:             To ensure consistency, assessment items are moderated. Moderation in English follows this process:

·         Class teacher marks all papers·         A sample (between 25 % and 100% of the class depending on the task

and/or unit) is marked by another senior teacher within the department.·         If further advice on papers is required, these should be referred to either the

HoD or the Assistant HoD, as applicable.

Appendix E

Year 12 Essential English – Semester 2 2017Unit 4 – Local and Global 1.0Creative Response - 25%(Creating)Task Number 3English Teacher:                   JUW, SAM, GMC, KCO, SRODate Due:                                 Week 7 – 1st lesson in Week 7 - Monday 28 August        Date Issued:                            Week 1Word limit:                               Feature Article - 600 wordsStoryboard - 800 words Weighting:                               25% (TOTAL CREATING - mini oral presentation 5% + this task 25%)Marks:                                       out of 100Criteria:                                     As per attached rubricConditions:                             This is a take home task. A Statement of Originality (BSSS Plagiarism Declaration) must be attached to your submissionFor further reference to the Marist College Canberra and BSSS policies on plagiarism please see submission:                  Extensions must be applied for before the due date through the Studies Office.For all students it is an expectation that assignment and other assessment tasks must be submitted (even if late) in order to fulfill course requirements. For late work the following policy will apply: ·         1. Except in exceptional circumstances, students must apply for an extension in advance, providing due cause and adequate documentary evidence for late submission. ·         2.a) Calculation of a notional zero in T units is based on items submitted on time or with an approved extension ( ie a genuine score). ·         2.b) A late penalty will apply unless an extension is granted. The penalty for late submission is 5% (of possible mark) per calendar day late (including weekends and public holidays) until the notional zero, calculated in a), is reached. If an item is more than 7 days late, it receives the notional zero. Submission of work on a weekend or public holiday is not acceptable.

·         3. The Principal has the right to exercise discretion in the application of the late penalty in special circumstances with satisfactory documentation. ·         4. It may not be possible to grade or score work submitted after marked work in a unit has been returned to other students. Students should note that failure of computer/printer equipment is not considered due cause for late submission of work without penalty.Internal Moderation:             To ensure consistency, assessment items are moderated. Moderation in English follows this process:

·         Class teacher marks all papers·         A sample (between 25 % and 100% of the class depending on the task

and/or unit) is marked by another senior teacher within the department.·         If further advice on papers is required, these should be referred to either the

HoD or the Assistant HoD, as applicable.


Appendix F

Year 12 Essential English – Semester 2 2017Unit 4 – Local and Global 1.0Oral Presentation(Investigating)Task Number 4

 English Teacher:                   JUW, GMC, SAM, SRO, KCODate Due:                                 Week 11 - Tuesday 10 October Date Issued:                            Week 1Word limit:                               8 minutesWeighting:                               30%Marks:                                       out of 100Criteria:                                     As per attached rubricConditions:                             This is a spoken task.1.           On the due date of presentations (Tuesday 10 October), all students are to supply their class teacher with the 100 words speaking notes for the speech. These notes will be held by the teacher and returned to the student on the day of their speech. Failure to hand in notes will result in the application of penalties as per late submission of assignments. In addition, failure to present on the due date without due reason (eg. medical certificate) will also incur late submission (or additional late submission) penalties.

Australian Stories are to be submitted via USB or shared drive on the due date of presentations (Tuesday 10 October)

2.           Slide show presentations are to be shared with your teacher via Google slides prior to your presentation.               3.           As this is a task prepared at home, you must submit a Declaration of Originality (BSSS Plagiarism Declaration). For further reference to the Marist College Canberra and BSSS policies please see


Late submission:                  If students are absent on the first day of oral presentations or on the day they are due to present they must apply for an extension through the Studies Office, providing documentation as detailed below. For all students it is an expectation that assignment and other assessment tasks must be submitted (even if late) in order to fulfill course requirements. For late work the following policy will apply: ·         1. Except in exceptional circumstances, students must apply for an extension in advance, providing due cause and adequate documentary evidence for late submission. ·         2.a) Calculation of a notional zero in T units is based on items submitted on time or with an approved extension ( ie a genuine score). ·         2.b) A late penalty will apply unless an extension is granted. The penalty for late submission is 5% (of possible mark) per calendar day late (including weekends and public holidays) until the notional zero, calculated in a), is reached. If an item is more than 7 days late, it receives the notional zero. Submission of work on a weekend or public holiday is not acceptable. ·         3. The Principal has the right to exercise discretion in the application of the late penalty in special circumstances with satisfactory documentation. ·         4. It may not be possible to grade or score work submitted after marked work in a unit has been returned to other students. Students should note that failure of computer/printer equipment is not considered due cause for late submission of work without penalty. Internal Moderation:             To ensure consistency, assessment items are moderated. Documentaries and recorded speeches will be group moderated across the 5 Documentary classes