Системное тестирование приложений на Ruby on Rails с...

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Ruby on Rails Rspec Capybara

, kiev.rb, 7 2011


@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me

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Acceptance-?@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me

Acceptance- ?

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@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me

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@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me

... Javascript... POST-... ... ... Javascript... HTML@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me

ptance- ?

. , ... . , ...@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me

Selenium (http://seleniumhq.org) Cucumber (http://cukes.info)! Rspec+Capybara NEW

http://github.com/rspec/rspec-core http://github.com/jnicklas/capybara

@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me

Rspec+Capybara ... ...Selenium-?

Rails (, Javascript)

@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me

Rspec+Capybara ... ...Cucumber-?

Rspec , DRY

@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me

Rspec Capybara Steak ( Capybara edge) rack_test / Selenium Webdriver Mongrel Rcov Spork@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me


@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me

feature Favorite ads do let(:user) { Factory(:user) } before do; @ad = Factory(:ad); end #... scenario "Preserving favorites across sessions" do add_ad_to_favorites(@ad) login(user) reset_session visit favorites_page we.should_not see @ad.title login(user) visit favorites_page we.should see @ad.title end end @leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me

visit '/some/page' click_link 'some link' fill_in 'some_field', :with => 'value' page.should have_content('foo')

@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me

def login(user) visit login_page fill_in 'user_session[login]', :with => user.email fill_in 'user_session[password]', :with => 'password' click_button 'Login' end def add_ad_to_favorites(ad) visit ad_page(ad) click_link 'Add to favorites' end


@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me


module UrlHelper def home_page '/' end def ad_page(ad) /ads/#{ad.slug} end end

@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me


root_path Rcov 100% Rcov

@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me




@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me


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@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me


? N*100$ . .

@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me


[email protected] @leonid_shevtsov

@leonid_shevtsov | http://leonid.shevtsov.me