海洋學導論 Course Overview 陳宏遠 海洋生物研究所 A2028/5105/[email protected].

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Transcript of 海洋學導論 Course Overview 陳宏遠 海洋生物研究所 A2028/5105/[email protected].

Page 1: 海洋學導論 Course Overview 陳宏遠 海洋生物研究所 A2028/5105/hychen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw.

海洋學導論 Course Overview


A2028/5105/[email protected]

Page 2: 海洋學導論 Course Overview 陳宏遠 海洋生物研究所 A2028/5105/hychen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw.

Introductory Oceanography

• Physical Oceanography• Chemical Oceanography• Biological Oceanography• Marine Geology

Page 3: 海洋學導論 Course Overview 陳宏遠 海洋生物研究所 A2028/5105/hychen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw.


• Oceanography: the scientific study of the ocean

• 100 yr old

• To predict weather & climate; to protect fisheries & other resources; to avoid disasters

Page 4: 海洋學導論 Course Overview 陳宏遠 海洋生物研究所 A2028/5105/hychen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw.

Origins of Oceanography• Seafaring; Seafarer• Chinese Ocean Exploration

– To demonstrate power & wealth– The largest ocean expedition– Made no last contribution to our

knowledge of the ocean– Because little new information was


Page 5: 海洋學導論 Course Overview 陳宏遠 海洋生物研究所 A2028/5105/hychen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw.

Origins of Oceanography

• Columbus

• 19th century: deep ocean is stagnant; no oxygen; no life (azoic)

• HMS Challenger: 1872-76; Challenger Expedition Commission; 50 Vol.>> marks the beginnings as a science

Page 6: 海洋學導論 Course Overview 陳宏遠 海洋生物研究所 A2028/5105/hychen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw.

Oceanography in Taiwan

• Unesco 1970 Kuroshio Current Expedition

• Taida established Institute of Oceanography

• R/V 九連• 1985 & after R/V Ocean Researcher I

• Kuroshio Edge Exchange Processes, KEEP

• R/V Ocean Researcher II, III


Page 7: 海洋學導論 Course Overview 陳宏遠 海洋生物研究所 A2028/5105/hychen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw.

The Law of the Sea

• 1974 UNCLOS• 1982 adopted; in effect 1994• Extend ocean margins to 12 nautical

miles (22 km)• Exclusive Economic Zone EEZ to 200

nautical miles: regulate fisheries & resources

• 1/3 of the ocean in EZZ

Page 8: 海洋學導論 Course Overview 陳宏遠 海洋生物研究所 A2028/5105/hychen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw.

Important Journals:

• Science ; Nature

• Limnology and Oceanography

• Paleoceanography

• Journal Geophysical Research

• Deep-Sea research

• Marine Chemistry

• Marine Geology

Page 9: 海洋學導論 Course Overview 陳宏遠 海洋生物研究所 A2028/5105/hychen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw.

Important Journals:

• Fisheries Oceanography

• Marine Ecology Progress Series

• Terrestrial, Atmospheric, and Oceanic Sciences

Page 10: 海洋學導論 Course Overview 陳宏遠 海洋生物研究所 A2028/5105/hychen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw.

Recent interests

• Discovery of hydrothermal vent

• The link between global warming & ocean: the Carbon story

• Microbial loop

• Industrialized mariculture: Peter Drucker

Page 11: 海洋學導論 Course Overview 陳宏遠 海洋生物研究所 A2028/5105/hychen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw.

The Carbon Story

• Global warming: carbon dioxide

• Ocean: an ideal carbon sink

• Some oceans are iron limiting: Southern Ocean

• Hypothesis: Fertilization with Fe increases carbon sink

Page 12: 海洋學導論 Course Overview 陳宏遠 海洋生物研究所 A2028/5105/hychen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw.

fertilizing the oceans with iron

Page 13: 海洋學導論 Course Overview 陳宏遠 海洋生物研究所 A2028/5105/hychen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw.

Sea change: a satellite image of a 200-km algal bloom (orange) caused by iron fertilization

Page 14: 海洋學導論 Course Overview 陳宏遠 海洋生物研究所 A2028/5105/hychen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw.

Southern Ocean Iron Fertilization Experiment (SOFeX)• Iron sulfate Solution on the sea surface

• 200 km phytoplankton bloom

• Carbon can be transported below 100 metres by iron fertilization

• Fe : C = 1 : 1000

• Lab experiment predicted 1 : 100,000