Презентация к уроку английского языка 3-4 классы

Hello pupils!

Transcript of Презентация к уроку английского языка 3-4 классы


Hello pupils!

Who is the best?

One, two, three, four, five,Five fish like to drive.One fish told me,Lets play in the sea!

Mother, father,Sister, brother.One, two, three, four,We are the family of four!

Polly has two puppies,Peter has one,Pam has a parrotAnd I have none.

Put the correct verb. There a kitchen in the house. There pens on the table. There flowers on the wall. There a book in the bag. There four chairs in the living room. There a hall in the flat.is areareare isis

When do you do it?

wake upwash your face

When do you do it?

do homeworkgo home


When do you do it?

learn Englishgo to bed

FoodThere are many eggs in the fridge What can you Say about the season? Say the uncountable nouns

Complete the sentences. There is a in the living room. There are ..s in the living room.

Complete the sentences. There is no in the bedroom. There are no .s in the bedroom.

Ask the questions. Is there a in the room? - Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. Are there s in the room? - Yes, there are. / No, there arent.

We have breakfast in the We go to bed in the We watch TV in the We wash our hands and face in theWe cook pancakes in the We fix our car in the

Good bye!