Why Fallow

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Why Fallow

This is what university sometimes feels like…

We’ve got smart people here who get their K I C K out of somewhere else than lectures.

Turns out that some universities have already started figuring this out…

Why should they have all the fun?

Why should they have all the fun?

That’s why we are developing the Fallow concept

Problem is that everyone isn’t playing with everyone..

Problem is that everyone isn’t playing with everyone..

but what if they were…?

but what if they were…?

Why would you want to be active in Fallow: Want to have fun? Want to meet new like-minded people? Want to put theory into action? Want to add new skills to your toolbox? Want to do your own thing? Maybe want to start your own company?

It’s important to know how to quickly develop and test hypothesis about your idea.

One of the big pieces in building a startup is about

getting the team part right.

This is what we aim to help you with.

We’re not an incubator, accelerator, instructor, investor or anything like that.

We view ourselves as more of a FAC I L I TATO R .

We facilitate random collisions of unusual suspects and offer them support.

Fallow will be launched in early spring 2014 at the University of Tampere campus.