Warming up & Reading Unit 1 Living well. How many different types of disabilities do you know?

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Transcript of Warming up & Reading Unit 1 Living well. How many different types of disabilities do you know?

Warming up & Reading

Unit 1 Living well

Unit 1 Living well

How many different types of

disabilities do you know?

blind lame

deaf-mute paralytic

disabled people



disabled people


Can you name some great

disabled people? And what

have they tried to do to

overcome these difficulties?

Steven Hawking


肌萎缩性侧索硬化症 amyotrophic

Speech impaired, can only move one of his fingersphysicist / mathematician, research into the beginning of space, matter and time. (Black holes theory)


Beethoven (1770-1827)


Helen Keller


United Kingdom

blind, deaf and dumb

learn to read Braille ( 盲文 ), to speak and write. Finished the studies in Radcliff College. educator and writer “Three days To See.”

Zhang Haidi: paralytic, in a

wheelchair writer, translator

Sanglan ( 桑兰 ) China.a famous gymnast ( 体操运动员 ). She hurt herself

seriously in a competition

and can’t stand. She helped

to bid 2008 Olympic

Games and helped

organize the Paralympics

( 残疾人运动会 ).

The “Family Village” is a _______.

To give ordinary young people with a disability a chance to share their stories with others.


The purpose of the website :


Let’s read Marty’s Story which is

from the family village website.

Then do the following exercises.

Try to understand the text.1. What is the main idea of Martin’s story?A.His disease is a mystery to doctors.B.The disabled should live a full life instead of giving

up the hope.C.People around should not make fun of the disabled

ones.D.Doctors should work hard to treat the unknown

diseases.2. When was Martin a patient of the unknown

disease?A. Not until he was ten.B. Shortly after he was born.C. When he was in high school.D. After he invented the football computer game.



3. Martin’s life was easier at high school because __________. A. he got better with the help of the doctors B. he found more things enjoyable in life C. some students just ignored them D. he invented a computer program to help him4. What does Martin often do in his life now? A. He sits around feeling sorry for himself. B. He works in the computer industry. C. He makes up the lessons he has missed. D. He keeps a pet and works hard to live a normal life.5. What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. The disabled have to work to support themselves as people don’t like to take care of them. B. Healthy kids should have a chance to feel what disability is. C. Healthy people should give money to the disabled to make them happy. D. With determination and encouragement, the disabled can live a rich life.




How his disability developed.Para. 1

Para. 2

Match the main idea of each paragraph.P3

Marty met a lot of difficulties at


Para. 3

Para. 4

Para. 5

An introduction to Marty and his

muscle disease.

How his life has become easier.

The benefits from his disease.


__ ______ _______

makes him very weak.

______ and can’t ___ or _____ stairs as quickly as other people.

A muscle diseasedisease

Clumsy runclimb

motto live one day __ _ ____.

What does “live one day at a time” mean?Live a rich and full life every day.


at a time

Why did the doctors cut out a piece of muscle from Marty’s leg?A. Because they could cure the disease by

cutting it out.B. Because they wanted to use it as a specimen( 标本 ).C. Because they would transplant( 移植 ) the new muscle.D. Because they wanted to find out the cause

of the disease.


What are the Marty’s ambition, achievement and hobby?

1) Marty’s ambition _________________________________________________________________

2) Marty’s achievement __________________________________ __________________________________3) Marty’s hobby __________________________________

work for a film that develops computer software when he grows up.

invented a computer football game and a big company has decided to buy it.

movies, football matches; look after pets.


Marty’s advice :

1. Don’t feel sorry for them.

2. Don’t make fun of them.

3. Don’t ignore them.

4. Accept them for who they are.

5. Encourage them to live as

rich and full a life as you do.


We can see that

Marty is a/an ____ person.

optimistic, brave, positive, active,

independent, strong-minded…

Find out which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following.1. We can also say that few people are the same as me.__________________________________________2. At times, my studies were affected because my illness prevented me from going to school._______________________________________________________________________________

In other words, there are not many people like me

Sometimes,too, I was too weak to go to school so my education suffered

Try to understand the difficult sentences.• 1. Unfortunately, the doctors don’t know how to make me

better, but I’m very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability.

• 翻译:_______________________________________________________________________

• 本句是一个 _______ 句,副词 unfortunately 相当于从句____________________ 。

• 2. I think I had at least a billion tests, including one in which they cut out a piece of muscle from my leg and looked at it under a microscope.

• 翻译:__________________________________________________________________________

• 本句是一个 _______ 句, including one… 是__________ 作 ________ ,修饰 ______________ 。在该分词短语中 in which they cut out… 是 _______ 从句,修饰 ______ 。




It`s unfortunate that


现在分词短语a billion tests

定语 one

3. So sometimes some children in my primary school would laugh, when I got out of breath after running a short way or had to stop and rest halfway up the stairs.翻译,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————本句是一个 _______ 句, when 引导 ______________ 。句中would 表示 _______________ 。4. I am happy to have found many things I can do, like writing and computer programming.翻译:_________________________________________________本句是一个 _______ 句, I can do 是 _______ 从句,修饰____________ 。 like writing and computer programming 是介词短语作 ________ ,修饰 __________ 。.


复合 时间状语从句过去习惯性的动作

很高兴我能做很多事情,比如写作和电脑编程复合 定语


定语 Manmany things

• 5. I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself.

• 翻译:______________________________________

• with no time to sit around 是 with 复合结构作____________ ,修饰前面的句子。 feeling sorry for myself 是 ___________ 作 _________ ,修饰sit around 。短语 sit around 意思是____________

• Step5.Homework: Retell the text


伴随状语现在分词短语 伴随状语


根据课文内容用合适的单词填空。  Marty Fielding suffered from

muscle ______ when he was 10,

which sometimes made him ______

and drop things or bump into




The doctors don’t know exactly what

is wrong with him, so they don’t

know ___ to make him better. But he

has to learn to _____ to his disability.

When some people cannot accept him

for who he is, he doesn’t get _______ .

He just ______ them.





All __all, he has a good life. His

________is to work in the computer

________when he grows up. He has a

very happy life and doesn’t have

time to sit around ______ sorry for

himself. He is ______to have found

many things he can do really well.  






In many ways his disability has

made him grow stronger and more

___________. He has had to work

hard to live a _______ life, but it has

been _____ it. From him, we can learn

more: Just having a________ doesn’t

mean your life is not ________.


normal worth



So don’t feel sorry for the _______

or make ___ of them and don’t

ignore them either. Just accept

them for who they are, and give

them ______________to live as rich

and full a life __ you do.  as




Do you think disabled people can live

a happy life as normal people now?


For: Disabled people can live a happy life as normal people now.

Against: Disabled people may not live a happy life as normal people now.

A free debate


Retell Marty’s story according to

the mini bio.

Surf the internet to learn more

about the life of disabled people.

Thank you for listening!