Turkey Ppt

Post on 14-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Turkey Ppt

터키 & 한국

6.25 전쟁

1999 터키 지진


터키 어디예요 ?


터키11 시간


Capital city(수도 ) is Ankara (NOT ISTANBUL!!! ^^…)

The history of Turks cover a time frame of more than 4000 years.Turks first lived in Central Asia around 2000 BC. Later, some of them left Central Asia and spread around, establishing many states and empires within a vast area of Asia and Europe; including:

The Great Hun Empire

Gokturk Empire

Uygur Empire Great Seljuk Empire

Ottoman Empire


Turks came from Central Asia


•TURKMENISTAN ( 투르크메니스탄 )

•AZARBAIJAN ( 아제르바이잔 )

•KAZAKHSTAN ( 카자흐스탄 )

•UZBEKISTAN ( 우즈베키스탄 )

•KYRGYZSTAN ( 키르키즈스탄 )

•TAJIKISTAN ( 타지키스탄 )


NATIONAL FLAG - 국기According to one legend a reflection of the moon occulting a star, appearing in pools of blood after the battle of Kossovo in 1448, led to the adoption of the Turkish flag by Sultan Murad II.

터키의 인구 ~ 70.000.000=


EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM - 교육제도• Primary Education:

• Eight years (6-14 age-group) Compulsory for all male and

female citizens• Secondary Education:

• Three years (general and vocational-technical high schools)

• Primary and secondary education is free of charge in public schools.




ISTANBUL - 이스탄불• Largest city of Turkey

• 13.000.000 people

• the only city located between Europe and Asia

• Established in 659 B.C. during Roman Empire

• Since 330 AD Byzantine Capital, since 1453 Osmanturk Capital

• The largest church in the Christian world for a thousand years

• The mosaics covering the walls are among the most impoertant works of art that have survived to this day of the Byzantine era

AYASOPHIA - 아야소피아• 이곳이 동로마제국의 수도

콘스탄티노플로 호칭되고 있을 때에 그리스도교의 대성당으로 지어졌고 ,

터키 지배 때에는 이슬람의 모스크가 되었고 , 현재는 박물관으로

쓰인다 .

• Also known as the Blue Mosque because of its magnificent interior paneling of more than 20,000 blue and white İznik tiles

• The most famous monument in both Turkish and Islamic worlds.

• Built in the classic Turkish architectural style between 1609-1616 by the architect Mehmet

• Not only a mosque, there are also fountains, health clinic and kitchen for poor, Turkish bath, shops and stores

BLUE MOSQUE (Sultan Ahmet)

• Served as the administrative center of the Ottoman Empire for nearly 400 years between the 15th and 19th centuries

• The total area of the Palace is twice the area of Vatican and half of Monaco in size

• Some of the exhibitions are:– the imperial collections of

crystal, silver and Chinese porcelain; and imperial handmade costumes

– the famous jewels of the treasury; the richest collection of clocks in the world

– the sacred relics of Islam including the swords of Muhammad, his bow and his mantle


• Istanbul has always been a commercial city

• Has 4000 shops

• One of the most fascinating markets

• Truly a small city in itself.



Cappadocia - 카파도키아 • Three million years ago,

violent eruptions of the nearby volcanoes covered the surrounding plateau with a deep layer of solidified mud, ash and lava. One of the most fascinating maskets

• Wind and rain have eroded soft volcanic rock forming hundreds of strangely shaped pillars, cones and fairy chimneys, creating a vast outdoor museum of stone sculptures.

Cappadocia - 카파도키아 • Three million years ago,

violent eruptions of the nearby volcanoes covered the surrounding plateau with a deep layer of solidified mud, ash and lava. One of the most fascinating maskets

• Wind and rain have eroded soft volcanic rock forming hundreds of strangely shaped pillars, cones and fairy chimneys, creating a vast outdoor museum of stone sculptures.

Cappadocia - 카파도키아 실크로드의 중간거점으로

동서문명의 융합을 도모했던 대상들의 교역로로 크게

융성했으며 , 초기 그리스도교 형성시에도 중요한 역할을

했는데 , 로마시대 이래 탄압을 피하여 그리스도 교인들이

이곳에 몰려와 살았기 때문이다 . 이곳에는 아직도 수천 개의

기암에 굴을 뚫어 만든 카파도키아동굴수도원이 남아

있다 . 약 3 백만년 전 화산폭발과 대규모

지진활동으로 잿빛 응회암이 뒤덮고 있으며 , 그 후 오랜

풍화작용을 거쳐 특이한 암석군을 이루어 많은 관광객이

찾는다 .



PAMUKKALE The area is one of the leading hot

springs(35 degree C) in Turkey.

As the spring water flowed down the mountainside, coated the slopes in a smooth layer of white calcareous rock.

Pamukkale means “Cotton Castle” in English

Several Roman emperors came to bathe in these thermal pools.

PAMUKKALE- 파묵칼레파묵칼레는 터키어로는 ' 목화 성 ' 이라는

뜻이다 . 수천년 동안 지하에서 흘러 나온 뜨거운 온천수가 산의 경사면을

따라 내려가면서 지표면에 수많은 물웅덩이와 종유석 , 석회동굴 등을

만들었다 . 물에 포함되어 있는 미네랄 성분이 지표면을 부드러운 백색 석회질로 덮어 버려 아름다운

지형을 만들어 냈다 . 이러한 아름다운 경관 때문에 고대에는 성스러운 지역으로 여겨졌으며 ,

로마시대에는 온천으로 유명했다 . 최근에는 무분별한 개발과 상업화로

물이 거의 메말라 있다 . 현재는 이곳을 보호하기 위한 노력의

일환으로 맨발로만 입장이 가능하다 . 파묵칼레의 석회붕은

세계문화유산으로 지정되었다 .

Interesting Facts 고대세계의 7 대 불가사의로서 아르테미스 신전과 Ma

usoleum at Halicarnassus 2 가지가 터키에 있다 .

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus-Bodrum

The first coins were minted at Sardis – the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Lydia in Western Anatolia at the end of 7th century BC.

Lydia is the first known civilization in the world to use money as a means of exchange.

Interesting Facts

Interesting Facts St. Nicholas (Santa Claus) was born in Patara and serv

ed as Bishop of Myra (Demre) on Turkey’s Mediterranean cost.

유명한 크리스마스의 아버지가 ( 산타 할아버지 ) 된 성 니콜라스는 터키 지중해연안의 Demre에서 태어났다 .

The village is home to the famous church of St. Nicholas, which houses a sarcophagus believed to be the original tomb of St. Nicholas.

Interesting Facts• The seven churches of Asia Minor

mentioned in the book of revelation, the last book of bible, are all located in Anatolia:– Ephesus– Smyrna– Pergamum– Thyateria– Sardis– Philadelphia– Laodicea

아시아의 7 교회는 아나톨리아에 위치한다 .

Interesting Facts

• This holy site – a modest stone house where the Virgin Mary lived her last days – is in the Bülbül Mountain above Ephesus.

• It is believed that St. John brought Mary to this site after Christ’s Crucifixion; she lived and died here at the age of 101.

The House of The Virgin Mary

Vatican declared The House of The Virgin Mary a holy site in 1967.

성녀 마리아의 마지막 집은 Selcuk 에 있다 .

Interesting Facts

The followers of Jesus were first called Christians at Antioch.

The Church of St. Peter is designated as a place of pilgrimage and also recognized as the World’s First Cathedral by the Papacy in 1963.

Antakya (Antioch), once called the “Queen of The East” and known as the third largest city of the Roman Empire, now houses the world’s second largest mosaic museum.

Antakya (Antioch)

해마다 터키에서 나오는 고고학 출토품들의 숫자는 적어도 150 개가 넘는다 .

가장 오래된 인간의 주거지는 터키에 있는 Catalhoyuk 이다 . (BC 7500 년경 )

아브라함은 터키의 남동쪽에 있는 Sanliurfa 에서 태어났다 .

호메르는 터키의 서쪽 해안에 있는 이즈미르에서 태어났으며 , 그의 일리아드 서사시에서 트로이를 묘사하였다 .


감사합니다에르한 아타이atay12@daum.net

