Turbo-charge your sourcing efforts and attract passive candidates [Webcast]

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Turbo-charge your sourcing efforts and attract passive candidates [Webcast]

Turbo-charge your sourcing efforts and attract

passive candidates

@hireonlinkedin #hiretowin

Rise above the noise How you can gain access to your ideal target audience

Theresa Gschwandtner Media Account Manager

Staffing North America

© 2015 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Recipe to successful hiring on LinkedIn

Understand your target audience

Create valuable content that resonates with this audience

Reach your audience at the right time

Double the success of your sourcing efforts

5,000 Marketing Messages seen by

consumers per day through all mediums

Overwhelming choice

57% of the decision to ‘buy’ is now made before any commercial

contact with your business

Rise above the noise

To be considered you need to rise

above the noise

I will help you get there on LinkedIn

One Aspirational Mindset

400+ Million Minds on LinkedIn

Spend Time

Personal Networks

Info on friends

Info on personal interests

Entertainment updates

Invest Time

Professional Networks

Career info

Updates from corporations

Current affairs

Professionals on LinkedIn engage

with content 7x more than with jobs

How do you engage someone who is high in demand?

Let’s address a common challenge

Attracting in-demand Software


Google currently employs 30k+ Engineers world wide

We cannot all be Google

Give potential candidates a reason to engage with your company

outside of the recruiting process

The key to success: Add Value

Adding Value

Be specific about your target audience

Software Engineers

Software Engineers in Tech

Senior Software Engineers in Tech

Senior Software Engineers in the New York Area

This is Alice Greene, She is a Senior Software

Engineer in Tech from New York


1 Whitepaper

3 blog posts/ long form posts

10 status updates

Put yourself in Alice's shoes. You speak to

people like Alice every day to help them get a

job - what do most candidates need help with?

25 tweets/ snippets

Reuse & repurpose your own content


Determine topics that will intrigue Alice

Content Generation

Peers 1MM+ posts/wk in Groups

130k/wk Member Posts

Thought Leaders 500+ Influencers

News 2MM+ Publishers

LinkedIn Pulse

Brands 7MM+ Company Pages

Company Updates

18MM+ Slideshares


Education 270k+ Lynda classes

Leverage the content on LinkedIn


Use testimonials, candidate success stories, recruiter


80% of global CEOs engage socially


Lead from the top


Leverage your employees to write content

How to make your content more engaging


Tailor your content


Provide valuable, useful insight


Ask questions


Be visual


Make it simple for Alice to reach you

Reach the right audience at the right time

Use Sponsored Updates to have a guaranteed spot on Alice’s LinkedIn page

Content only matters if the right people see it

Reach your audience at all times through all channels

How does Alice engaging with your

content affect you?


Members who are more engaged with your content, are

usually 2x more likely to respond to an inMail/Job posting

Next steps to recruiting the audience you care about


Things you can do today

1. Identify and get specific about your target audience

2. Provide them with content they care about & reel them in by

Tailoring content

Being insightful

Asking questions

Being visual

Being accessible

3. Do what you do best = recruit!


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