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Transcript of TIÊU CHUẨN MỚI THÁNG 12/2017 -...

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 1/50





NAM ................................................................................................................................. 3

Công nghệ thực phẩm (Sản phẩm dinh dưỡng công thức) ....................................... 3

Kỹ thuật điện ............................................................................................................ 3

Công nghệ thông tin ................................................................................................. 3

Gốm sứ ..................................................................................................................... 3

Vật liệu xây dựng..................................................................................................... 4

Đóng tàu và kết cấu tàu thủy ................................................................................... 5

Viễn thông ............................................................................................................... 5

Quân sự .................................................................................................................... 6

Công nghệ dệt may .................................................................................................. 6

Ecgônômi (Công thái học) ....................................................................................... 6

Quản lý môi trường .................................................................................................. 6

Phương tiện đo - Quy trình kiểm định .................................................................... 7

TIÊU CHUẨN NƯỚC NGOÀI .................................................................................... 8

Vi sinh vật thực phẩm, nước .................................................................................... 8

Phương pháp thử và phân tích đối với thực phẩm; Ngũ cốc .................................... 8

Sữa và các sản phẩm sữa .......................................................................................... 8

Đường. Sản phẩm đường ......................................................................................... 8

Nhà máy và thiết bị trong công nghiệp thực phẩm ................................................... 9

Nông nghiệp (Máy móc, dụng cụ và thiết bị nông nghiệp; Phân bón) ..................... 9

Phân bón .................................................................................................................. 9

Thức ăn gia súc ........................................................................................................ 9

Công nghệ hóa chất .................................................................................................. 9

Dầu mỏ và các công nghệ liên quan ....................................................................... 10

Công nghệ nano ..................................................................................................... 11

Cao su và Chất dẻo ................................................................................................ 11

Phụ tùng đường ống và đường ống (Ống nhựa; Ống bằng gang thép; Quy định

chung; Mặt bích, mối ghép; Vòi hút)……………………………………………..11

Hệ thống và kết cấu chất lỏng (Ống dẫn và khớp nối; Van) .................................. 13

Hệ thống và kết cấu chất lỏng (Thiết bị chứa chất lỏng; Hệ thống truyền dẫn chất

lỏng; Công nghệ chân không)…………………………………………………….13

Năng lượng và truyền nhiệt (Năng lượng hạt nhân; Tuabin khí; Tuabin gió) ........ 14

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 2/50

Khai thác mỏ và khoáng sản (Khoáng sản kim loại và phi kim loại) ..................... 15

Phương tiên giao thông đường bộ - Vận tải ........................................................... 16

Đường sắt ............................................................................................................... 16

Đóng tàu và Kết cấu tàu thủy ................................................................................. 17

Kỹ thuật máy bay và tàu vũ trụ .............................................................................. 17

Chế tạo (Hệ thống tự động hóa công nghiệp) ........................................................ 20

Chế tạo (Hàn đồng và hàn thiếc) ............................................................................ 20

Chế tạo (Dụng cụ cầm tay) .................................................................................... 21

Chế tạo (Xử lý bề mặt) ........................................................................................... 21

Hệ thống và kết cấu cơ khí (Ổ đỡ; Chi tiết lắp xiết; Bánh răng) ............................ 24

Thiết bị xếp dỡ vật liệu(Xe tải công nghiệp; Máy làm đất; Phụ kiện băng tải; Cần

trục) ........................................................................................................................ 24

Luyện kim (Luyện kim bột, kim loại màu) ............................................................ 24

Luyện kim (Kim loại đen; Sản phẩm sắt và thép) .................................................. 25

Luyện kim (Thử nghiệm kim loại) ......................................................................... 25

Điện tử ................................................................................................................... 26

Kỹ thuật điện .......................................................................................................... 26

Thiết bị điện gia dụng............................................................................................. 27

Thiết bị Quang học ................................................................................................. 28

Công nghệ thông tin và ứng dụng .......................................................................... 28

Viễn thông. Kỹ thuật âm thanh và hình ảnh ........................................................... 34

Vật liệu xây dựng và Xây dựng nhà ....................................................................... 35

Xây dựng nhà (Âm học trong xây dựng) ............................................................... 36

Xây dựng dân dụng ( Kỹ thuật làm đường; Hệ thống nước cống bên ngoài) ......... 37

Công nghệ chế biến gỗ ........................................................................................... 37

Sơn và chất màu (Sơn và vecni; Thành phần sơn) ................................................. 37

Công nghệ da ......................................................................................................... 38

Công nghệ dệt may ................................................................................................ 38

May mặc................................................................................................................. 39

Thủy tinh và gốm (Gốm cao cấp- Thủy tinh – Vật liệu chịu lửa) ......................... 39

Công nghệ chăm sóc sức khỏe (Thiết bị y tế) ........................................................ 40

Công nghệ chăm sóc sức khỏe (Thiết bị nha khoa)................................................ 41

Công nghệ chăm sóc sức khỏe (Tiệt khuẩn và khử trùng; Y học thí nghiệm) ........ 41

Thiết bị gia dụng – Giải trí ..................................................................................... 42

An toàn (Phòng cháy; Phòng nổ; Thiết bị bảo vệ) ................................................. 44

Ecgônômi (Công thái học) ..................................................................................... 44

Môi trường (Ô nhiễm, kiểm soát ô nhiễm và bảo tồn) .......................................... 44

Môi trường (Chất lượng không khí; Phát thải của phương tiện giao thông do vận

chuyển) .................................................................................................................. 45

Môi trường (Chất thải) ........................................................................................... 45

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 3/50

Môi trường (Chất lượng đất) .................................................................................. 46

Môi trường (Chất lượng nước) ............................................................................... 46

Đo lường và phép đo (Phép đo bức xạ, đại lượng điện và từ) ................................ 47

Đo lường và phép đo (Đo khối lượng, thể tích, tỷ trọng, độ nhớt; Đo lưu lượng

chất ......................................................................................................................... 47

Thử nghiệm (Thử nghiệm điện và điện từ; Thử nghiệm không phá hủy) .............. 48

Thử nghiệm (Thử nghiệm môi trường) .................................................................. 48

Dịch vụ. Tổ chức, quản lý và chất lượng công ty................................................... 48

Bao gói và phân phối hàng hóa (Phụ kiện và vật liệu bao gói) .............................. 49

Khoa học thông tin ................................................................................................. 49

Lĩnh vực khác (Dụng cụ vẽ) .................................................................................. 49

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4


Công nghệ thực phẩm (Sản phẩm dinh dưỡng công thức) Trở về đầu trang

1 QCVN 11-1:2012/BYT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia đối với sản phẩm dinh

dưỡng công thức cho trẻ đến 12 tháng tuổi


2 QCVN 11-2:2012/BYT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia đối với sản phẩm dinh

dưỡng công thức với mục đích y tế đắc biệt cho trẻ

đến 12 tháng tuổi


3 QCVN 11-3:2012/BYT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia đối với sản phẩm dinh

dưỡng công thức với mục đích ăn bổ sung cho trẻ từ

6 đến 36 tháng tuổi


Kỹ thuật điện Trở về đầu trang

4 TCVN 8782:2017 Thay

thế:TCVN 8782:2011

Bóng đèn LED có balát lắp liền dùng cho chiếu

sáng thông dụng làm việc ở điện áp lớn hơn 50 V.

Quy định về an toàn


5 TCVN 11846:2017 Bóng đèn LED hai đầu đuợc thiết kế để thay thế

bóng đèn huỳnh quang ống thẳng. Quy định về an



6 TCVN 11858:2017 Máy lọc không khí. Yêu cầu về tính năng và

phương pháp thử


Công nghệ thông tin Trở về đầu trang

7 TCVN 11847:2017 Máy tính để bàn và máy tính xách tay. Đo điện

năng tiêu thụ


8 TCVN 11848:2017 Máy tính xách tay. Hiệu suất năng lượng 11

Gốm sứ Trở về đầu trang

9 TCVN 6415-1:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-1:2005

Gạch gốm ốp, lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 1: Lấy

mẫu và nghiệm thu sản phẩm


Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 4/50

10 TCVN 6415-2:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-2:2005

Gạch gốm ốp, lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 2: Xác

định kích thước và chất lượng bề mặt


11 TCVN 6415-3:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-3:2005

Gạch gốm ốp, lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 3: Xác

định độ hút nước, độ xốp biểu kiến, khối lượng

riêng tương đối và khối lượng thể tích


12 TCVN 6415-4:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-4:2005

Gạch gốm ốp lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 4: Xác

định độ bền uốn và lực uốn gãy


13 TCVN 6415-5:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-5:2005

Gạch gốm ốp lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 5: Xác

định độ bền va đập bằng cách đo hệ số phản hồi


14 TCVN 6415-6:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-6:2005

Gạch gốm ốp, lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 6: Xác

định độ bền mài mòn sâu đối với gạch không phủ



15 TCVN 6415-7:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-7:2005

Gạch gốm ốp, lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 7: Xác

định độ bền mài mòn bề mặt đối với gạch phủ men


16 TCVN 6415-8:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-8:2005

Gạch gốm ốp, lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 8: Xác

định hệ số giãn nở


17 TCVN 6415-9:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-9:2005

Gạch gốm ốp, lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 9: Xác

định hệ độ bền sốc nhiệt


18 TCVN 6415-10:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-10:2005

Gạch gốm ốp, lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 10: Xác

định hệ số giãn nở ẩm


19 TCVN 6415-11:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-11:2005

Gạch gốm ốp, lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 11: Xác

định độ bền rạn men đối với gạch men


20 TCVN 6415-12:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-12:2005

Gạch gốm ốp, lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 12: Xác

định độ bền băng giá


21 TCVN 6415-13:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-13:2005

Gạch gốm ốp, lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 13: Xác

định độ bền hoá học


22 TCVN 6415-14:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-14:2005

Gạch gốm ốp, lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 14: Xác

định độ bền chống bám bẩn


23 TCVN 6415-15:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-15:2005

Gạch gốm ốp, lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 15: Xác

định độ thôi chì và cadimi của gạch phủ men


24 TCVN 6415-16:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-16:2005

Gạch gốm ốp, lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 16: Xác

định sự khác biệt nhỏ về màu


25 TCVN 6415-17:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-17:2005

Gạch gốm ốp, lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 17: Xác

định hệ số ma sát


26 TCVN 6415-18:2016 Thay

thế:TCVN 6415-18:2005

Gạch gốm ốp, lát. Phương pháp thử. Phần 18: Xác

định độ cứng bề mặt theo thang mohs


Vật liệu xây dựng Trở về đầu trang

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 5/50

27 TCVN 11808:2017 Nhựa đường. Xác định các đặc tính lưu biến bằng

lưu biến kế cắt động


28 TCVN 11833:2017 Thạch cao phospho dùng để sản xuất xi măng 26

29 TCVN 11893:2017 Vật liệu bentonite. Phương pháp thử 19

Đóng tàu và kết cấu tàu thủy Trở về đầu trang

30 QCVN 03:2009/BGTVT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về giám sát kỹ thuật

và đóng tàu biển cỡ nhỏ


31 QCVN 03:2016/BGTVT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về kiểm tra và đóng

tàu biển cỡ nhỏ


32 QCVN 21:2015/BGTVT

Thay thế: QCVN


Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật Quốc gia về quy phạm phân

cấp và đóng tàu biển vỏ thép


33 QCVN 23:2016/BGTVT Quy chuẩn Quốc gia về thiết bị nâng trên tàu biển 67

34 QCVN 26:2016/BGTVT

Thay thế:QCVN


Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về các hệ thống ngăn

ngừa ô nhiễm biển của tàu


35 QCVN 42:2015/BGTVT

Thay thế:QCVN


Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về trang bị an toàn tàu



36 QCVN 54:2015/BGTVT

Thay thế:QCVN


Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về phân cấp và đóng

tàu thủy cao tốc


37 QCVN 57:2015/BGTVT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về phân cấp và đóng

sản nâng tàu


38 QCVN 64:2015/BGTVT

Thay thế:QCVN


Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về kiểm tra sản phẩm

công nghiệp dùng cho tàu biển


39 QCVN 65:2015/BGTVT

Thay thế:QCVN


Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về đánh giá năng lực

cơ sở chế tạo và cung cấp dịch vụ tàu biển


40 QCVN 81:2014/BGTVT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về phân cấp và đóng

du thuyền


41 QCVN 92:2015/BGTVT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về kiểm tra và đóng

tàu biển vỏ gỗ


42 QCVN 94:2016/BGTVT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về báo động và chỉ

báo trên tàu biển


43 Sửa đổi 1 :2016 QCVN


Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật Quốc gia về quy phạm phân

cấp và đóng tàu biển vỏ thép


Viễn thông Trở về đầu trang

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 6/50

44 QCVN 110:2017/BTTTT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về thiết bị trạm gốc

thông tin di động E-UTRA- phần truy cập vô tuyến


45 QCVN 111:2017/BTTTT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về thiết bị trạm lập

thông tin di động E-UTRA FDD phần truy cập nhập

vô tuyến


46 QCVN 113:2017/BTTTT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về tương thích điện từ

đối với thiết bị DECT


47 QCVN 114:2017/BTTTT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về tương thích điện từ

đối với thiết bị truyền dẫn vô tuyến cố định và thiết

bị phụ trợ


48 QCVN 115:2017/BTTTT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về mức âm lượng và

mứac đỉnh thực cực đại của tín hiệu âm thanh trong

các chương trình truyền hình


49 QCVN 116:2017/BTTTT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về thiết bị trạm mặt

đất di động hoạt động trong băng tần Ku


Quân sự Trở về đầu trang

50 QCVN 03:2017/BQP Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về hủy đốt đạn súng,

ngòi đạn và hóa cụ


Công nghệ dệt may Trở về đầu trang

51 QCVN 01:2017/BCT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về mức hạn hàm

lượng formaidehyt và các amin thơm chuyển hóa từ

thuốc nhuộm azo trong sản phẩm dệt may


Ecgônômi (Công thái học) Trở về đầu trang

52 TCVN 7318-1:2013 Thay

thế:TCVN 7213-1:2002

Ecgônômi. Yêu cầu ecgônômi đối với công việc

văn phòng có sử dụng thiết bị hiển thị đầu cuối

(VDT). Phần 1: Giới thiệu chung


53 TCVN 7318-2:2013 Ecgônômi. Yêu cầu ecgônômi đối với công việc

văn phòng có sử dụng thiết bị hiển thị đầu cuối

(VDT). Phần 2: Hướng dẫn các yêu cầu nhiệm vụ


54 TCVN 7318-4:2013 Thay

thế:TCVN 7318-4:2003

Ecgônômi. Yêu cầu ecgônômi đối với công việc

văn phòng có sử dụng thiết bị hiển thị đầu cuối

(VDT). Phần 4: Yêu cầu về bàn phím


55 TCVN 7318-5:2013 Ecgônômi. Yêu cầu ecgônômi đối với công việc

văn phòng có sử dụng thiết bị hiển thị đầu cuối

(VDT). Phần 5: Yêu cầu về bố trí vị trí và tư thế

làm việc


56 TCVN 7318-6:2013 Ecgônômi. Yêu cầu ecgônômi đối với công việc

văn phòng có sử dụng thiết bị hiển thị đầu cuối

(VDT). Phần 6: Hướng dẫn về môi truờnglàm việc


Quản lý môi trường Trở về đầu trang

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 7/50

57 QCVN 64:2017/BTNMT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về mã luật khí tượng

trên cao và ra đa thời tiết


Phương tiện đo - Quy trình kiểm định Trở về đầu trang

58 ĐLVN 05:2017 Thay

thế:ĐLVN 05:2011

Xi téc ô tô. Quy trình kiểm định 21

59 ĐLVN 157 : 2017 Phương tiện đo kiểm tra tốc độ phương tiện giao

thông. Quy trình kiểm định


60 ĐLVN 158:2017 Thay thế:

ĐLVN 158:2005

Nhiệt kế thủy tinh. Rượu có cơ cấu cực tiểu. Quy

trình kiểm định


61 ĐLVN 159:2017 Thay thế:

ĐLVN 159:2005

Nhiệt kế thủy tinh. Thủy ngân có cơ cấu cực đại.

Quy trình kiểm định


62 ĐLVN 17:2017 Thay thế:

ĐLVN 17:2009

Đồng hồ đo nước. Quy trình kiểm định 20

63 ĐLVN 20:2017 Thay thế:

ĐLVN 20:2009

Nhiệt kế thủy tinh. Chất lỏng. Quy trình kiểm định 14

64 ĐLVN 21:2017 Thay thế:

ĐLVN 21:1998

Nhiệt kế y học thủy tinh. Thủy ngân có cơ cấu cực

đại. Quy trình kiểm định


65 ĐLVN 220:2017 Thay

thế:ĐLVN 220:2010

Phương tiện đo để kiểm tra tốc độ phương tiện giao

thông. Quy trình thử nghiệm


66 ĐLVN 23:2017 Thay thế:

ĐLVN 23:1998

Nhiệt kế y học điện tử tiếp xúc có cơ cấu cực đại.

Quy trình kiểm định


67 ĐLVN 26:2017 Thay thế:

ĐLVN 26 : 2012

Cân kiểm tra tải trọng xe cơ giới xách tay. Quy

trình kiểm định


68 ĐLVN 31:2017 Thay thế:

ĐLVN 31:2001

Phương tiện đo pH. Quy trình kiểm định 8

69 ĐLVN 331:2017 Máy thở dùng trong y tế. Quy trình kiểm định 16

70 ĐLVN 332:2017 Máy theo dõi bệnh nhân. Quy trình kiểm định 17

71 ĐLVN 43:2017 Thay thế:

ĐLVN 43:2009

Phương tiện đo điện tim. Quy trình kiểm định 28

72 ĐLVN 44:2017 Thay thế:

ĐLVN 44:2009

Phương tiện đo điện não. Quy trình kiểm định 27

73 ĐLVN 70:2017 Thay thế:

ĐLVN 70:2001

Tỷ trọng kế. Quy trình kiểm định 13

74 ĐLVN 80:2017 Thay thế:

ĐLVN 80:2002

Phương tiện đo tổng chất rắn hòa tan trong nước.

Quy trình kiểm định


75 ĐLVN 90:2017 Thay thế:

ĐLVN 90:2001

Phương tịên đo hàm lượng bụi tổng trong không

khí. Quy trình kiểm định


76 ĐLVN 96:2017 Thay thế:

ĐLVN 96:2002

Đồng hồ đo nước. Quy trình thử nghiệm 46

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 8/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4


Vi sinh vật thực phẩm, nước Trở về đầu trang

77 17/30342994 DC BS ISO 17410. Microbiology of the food chain.

Horizontal method for the enumeration of

psychrotrophic microorganisms


78 DIN 10164-1 Microbiological examination of meat and meat

products - Determination of Enterobacteriaceae -

Part 1: Spatula method (reference method)


79 DIN 10164-2 Microbiological examination of meat and meat

products - Determination of Enterobacteriaceae -

Part 2: Drop plating method


80 ISO 11133 FDAM 1 Microbiology of food, animal feed and water -

Preparation, production, storage and performance

testing of culture media; Amendment 1


Phương pháp thử và phân tích đối với thực phẩm; Ngũ cốc Trở về đầu trang

81 DIN EN 17203 Foodstuffs - Determination of citrinin in food by

liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry

(LC-MS/MS); German and English version prEN



82 ISO 11746 AMD 1 Rice - Determination of biometric characteristics of

kernels; Amendment 1


Sữa và các sản phẩm sữa Trở về đầu trang

83 17/30366628 DC BS ISO 21422. Milk, milk products, infant formula

and adult nutritionals. Determination of chloride.

Potentiometric titration method


84 17/30366631 DC BS ISO 15151. Milk, milk products, infant formula

and adult nutritionals. Determination of minerals

and trace elements. Inductively coupled plasma

atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) method


85 17/30366634 DC BS ISO 21424. Milk, milk products, infant formula

and adult nutritionals. Determination of minerals

and trace elements. Inductively coupled plasma

mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) method


86 DIN 10486 Milk and milk products - Determination of lactose

content of lactose-reduced milk and milk products

in the presence of glucose - Enzymatic method


Đường. Sản phẩm đường Trở về đầu trang

87 DIN 10750-1 Analysis of honey - Determination of diastase

activity - Part 1: Schade method


88 DIN 10751-3 Analysis of honey - Determination of content of 12

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 9/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

hydroxymethylfurfural - Part 3: High performance

liquid chromatographic method

89 DIN 10752-1 Analysis of honey - Determination of water content

- Part 1: Analogue refractometric method


Nhà máy và thiết bị trong công nghiệp thực phẩm Trở về đầu trang

90 DIN 10507 Food hygiene - Production and dispense of cream

with cream whipping machines - Hygiene

requirements, testing


91 DIN 6650-10 Dispense systems for draught beverages - Part 10:

Qualitative requirements for dispense of beer


Nông nghiệp (Máy móc, dụng cụ và thiết bị nông nghiệp) Trở về đầu trang

92 17/30323593 DC BS ISO 20112-1. Tractors and machinery for

agriculture and forestry. Camera interface between

tractor and implement. Part 1. Analogue camera



Nông nghiệp (Phân bón) Trở về đầu trang

93 17/30333965 DC BS ISO 20977. Liming materials. Determination of

size distribution by dry and wet sieving


Thức ăn gia súc Trở về đầu trang

94 DIN EN 17194 Animal feeding stuffs - Methods of sampling and

analysis - Determination of Deoxynivalenol,

Aflatoxin B1, Fumonisin B1&B2, T-2 & HT-2

toxins, Zearalenone and Ochratoxin A in feed

materials and compound feed by LC-MS/MS;

German and English version prEN 17194:2017


Công nghệ hóa chất Trở về đầu trang

95 DIN 28125-1 Round hinged closures - Part 1: Nominal diameter

DN 150 to DN 800


96 DIN EN 14175-3 Fume cupboards - Part 3: Type test methods;

German and English version prEN 14175-3:2017


97 DIN EN 16956 Cosmetics - Analytical methods - HPLC/UV

method for the identification and assay of

hydroquinone, ethers of hydroquinone and

corticosteroids in skin whitening cosmetic products;

German version EN 16956:2017


98 JIS K 4822:2017/AMD1 Reagents for stability tests of explosives

(Amendment 1)


99 KS E 3012 Method for determination of combined water in iron



100 KS E 3014 Methods for determination of sulfur in iron ores 19

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 10/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

101 KS E 3044 Methods for determination of bismuth in iron ores 12

102 KS E 3046 Methods for determination of phosphorus in

manganese ores


103 KS E 3062 Methods for determination of antimony in ores 45

104 KS E 3070 Methods for determination of bismuth in ores 24

105 KS E 3074 Method for determination of silicon dioxide in

chrome ores


106 KS E 3075 Method for X-ray fluorescence spectrometric

analysis of limestone and dolomite


107 KS E 3076 Methods for X-ray fluorescence spectrometric

analysis of silica stone and silica sand


108 KS E 3088 Titanium ores-Methods for determination of iron 19

109 KS E 3089 Methods for determination of silicon dioxide in

titanium ores


110 KS E 3090 Methods for determination of vanadium in titanium



Dầu mỏ và các công nghệ liên quan Trở về đầu trang

111 17/30313373 DC BS ISO 21809-11. Petroleum and natural gas

industries. External coatings for buried or

submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation

systems. Part 11. Coating repairs on rehabilitation


112 17/30340314 DC BS EN ISO 3405. Petroleum and related products

from natural or synthetic sources. Determination of

distillation characteristics at atmospheric pressure


113 17/30365049 DC BS EN 17181. Lubricants. Determination of aerobic

biological degradation of fully formulated

lubricants in an aqueous solution. Test method

based on CO2-production


114 17/30366325 DC BS EN ISO 3104. Petroleum products. Transparent

and opaque liquids. Determination of kinematic

viscosity and calculation of dynamic viscosity


115 BS ISO 20729:2017 Natural gas. Determination of sulfur compounds.

Determination of total sulfur content by ultraviolet

fluorescence method


116 DIN EN 13303 Bitumen and bituminous binders - Determination of

the loss in mass after heating of industrial bitumen;

German version EN 13303:2017


117 JIS K 2228:2017

Replaces:JIS K 2228:2009

Rubber lubricant of non-petroleum base for motor

vehicle brake systems


Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 11/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

118 JIS K 2233:2017

Replaces:JIS K 2233:2006

Non-petroleum base motor vehicle brake fluids 58

Công nghệ nano Trở về đầu trang

119 PD ISO/TR 19057:2017 Nanotechnologies. Use and application of acellular

in vitro tests and methodologies to assess

nanomaterial biodurability


Cao su và Chất dẻo Trở về đầu trang

120 ASTM G137-97(2017)

Replaces: ASTM G137-


Standard Test Method for Ranking Resistance of

Plastic Materials to Sliding Wear Using a Block-

On-Ring Configuration


121 ASTM G176-03(2017)

Replaces: ASTM G176-


Standard Test Method for Ranking Resistance of

Plastics to Sliding Wear Using Block-on-Ring Wear

Test#x2014;Cumulative Wear Method


122 BS ISO 7743:2017 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic. Determination

of compression stress-strain properties


123 DIN 53474 Testing of plastics, rubber and elastomers -

Determination of the chlorine content (Wickbold-



124 DIN EN 513 Plastics - Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) based profiles

- Determination of the resistance to artificial

weathering; German and English version prEN



125 JIS A 9511:2017

Replaces:JIS A 9511:2009

Preformed cellular plastics thermal insulation



126 JIS K 6251:2017

Replaces:JIS K 6251:2010

Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastics.

Determination of tensile stress-strain properties


127 KS M 3862 Polyethylene foam for thermal insulation 11

Phụ tùng đường ống và đường ống (Ống nhựa; Ống bằng gang thép; Quy định chung;

Mặt bích, mối ghép; Vòi hút) Trở về đầu trang

128 17/30362692 DC BS EN 598. Coated and lined ductile iron pipes,

fittings and their joints for sewerage and drainage

applications. Products characteristics and test and

assessment methods


129 17/30363921 DC BS EN 17176-2. Plastics piping systems for water

supply and for buried and above ground drainage,

sewerage and irrigation under pressure. Oriented

unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-O). Part 2.



130 17/30363924 DC BS EN 17176-1. Plastics piping systems for water

supply and for buried and above ground drainage,


Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 12/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

sewerage and irrigation under pressure. Oriented

unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-O). Part 1.


131 17/30363927 DC BS EN 17176-3. Plastic piping systems for water

supply and for buried and above ground drainage,

sewerage and irrigation under pressure. Oriented

unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-O). Part 3.



132 17/30363930 DC BS EN 17176-5. Plastic piping systems for water

supply and for buried and above ground drainage,

sewerage and irrigation under pressure. Oriented

unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-O). Part 5.

Fitness for purpose of the system


133 17/30364341 DC BS EN 1519-1. Plastics piping systems for soil and

waste discharge (low and high temperature) within

the building structure. Polyethylene (PE). Part 1.

Requirements for pipes, fittings and the system


134 BS ISO 10639:2017 Plastics piping systems for pressure and non-

pressure water supply. Glass-reinforced

thermosetting plastics (GRP) systems based on

unsaturated polyester (UP) resin


135 DIN 4815-6 Rubber and plastics hoses for liquefied petroleum

gas - Part 6: Double-walled hose assemblies for

connection to anti-leakage devices in line with DIN



136 DIN 86037-1 Loose flanges and welding necks for pipes of

copper-nickel-alloys - Part 1: Assembly


137 DIN 86037-2 Loose flanges and welding necks for pipes of

copper-nickel-alloys - Part 2: Welding necks


138 DIN 86037-3 Loose flanges and welding necks for pipes of

copper-nickel-alloys - Part 3: Loose flanges


139 DIN EN 13480-1 Metallic industrial piping - Part 1: General; German

version EN 13480-1:2017


140 DIN EN 13480-1/A1 Metallic industrial piping - Part 1: General; German

and English version EN 13480-1:2017/prA1:2017


141 DIN EN 13480-2 Metallic industrial piping - Part 2: Materials;

German version EN 13480-2:2017


142 DIN EN 13480-3 Metallic industrial piping - Part 3: Design and

calculation; German version EN 13480-3:2017


143 DIN EN 13480-4 Metallic industrial piping - Part 4: Fabrication and 51

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 13/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

installation; German version EN 13480-4:2017

144 DIN EN 13480-5 Metallic industrial piping - Part 5: Inspection and

testing; German version EN 13480-5:2017


145 DIN EN 13480-6 Metallic industrial piping - Part 6: Additional

requirements for buried piping; German version EN



146 DIN EN 13480-8 Metallic industrial piping - Part 8: Additional

requirements for aluminium and aluminium alloy

piping; German version EN 13480-8:2017


147 ISO/FDIS 11296-4 Plastics piping systems for renovation of

underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage

networks - Part 4: Lining with cured-in-place pipes


148 ISO/FDIS 11297-4 Plastics piping systems for renovation of

underground drainage and sewerage networks under

pressure - Part 4: Lining with cured-in-place pipes


149 JIS G 3446:2017 Stainless steel tubes for machine and structural



150 JIS G 3454:2017

Replaces:JIS G 3454:2012

Carbon steel pipes for pressure service 18

Hệ thống và kết cấu chất lỏng (Ống dẫn và khớp nối; Van) Trở về đầu trang

151 17/30364363 DC BS EN 14071 AMD1. LPG equipment and

accessories. Pressure relief valves for LPG pressure

vessels. Ancillary equipment


152 BS ISO 5782-1:2017 Pneumatic fluid power. Compressed air filters.

Main characteristics to be included in supplier's

literature and product-marking requirements


153 DIN 4811 Pressure regulators for LPG and safety devices -



154 ISO/TS 11686 Connectors for fluid power and general use -

Assembly instructions for connectors with

adjustable stud ends and O-ring sealing


Hệ thống và kết cấu chất lỏng (Thiết bị chứa chất lỏng; Hệ thống truyền dẫn chất lỏng;

Công nghệ chân không Trở về đầu trang

155 17/30331894 DC BS ISO 21360-4. Vacuum technology. Standard

methods for measuring vacuum-pump performance.

Part 4. Turbomolecular vacuum pumps


156 17/30349154 DC BS ISO 20146. Vacuum technology. Vacuum

gauges. Specifications, calibration and

measurement uncertainties for capacitance

diaphragm gauge


Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 14/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

157 17/30362702 DC BS EN 1440 AMD1. LPG equipment and

accessories. Transportable refillable traditional

welded and brazed steel Liquefied Petroleum Gas

(LPG) cylinders. Periodic inspection


158 DIN EN 13445-1 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 1: General; German

version EN 13445-1:2014


159 DIN EN 13445-2 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 2: Materials;

German version EN 13445-2:2014


160 DIN EN 13445-3 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 3: Design; German

version EN 13445-3:2014, only on CD-ROM


161 DIN EN 13445-3/A8 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 3: Design; German

and English version EN 13445-3:2014/prA8:2017


162 DIN EN 13445-4 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 4: Fabrication;

German version EN 13445-4:2014


163 DIN EN 13445-5 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 5: Inspection and

testing; German version EN 13445-5:2014


164 DIN EN 13445-6 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 6: Requirements for

the design and fabrication of pressure vessels and

pressure parts constructed from spheroidal graphite

cast iron; German version EN 13445-6:2014


165 DIN EN 13445-8 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 8: Additional

requirements for pressure vessels of aluminium and

aluminium alloys; German version EN 13445-



166 DIN EN 14015 Specification for the design and manufacture of site

built, vertical, cylindrical, flat-bottomed, above

ground, welded, steel tanks for the storage of

liquids at ambient temperature and above; German

and English version prEN 14015:2017


167 ISO 18237 Hydraulic fluid power - Method for evaluating

water separation performance of dehydrators


168 ISO/DIS 16964 Gas cylinders - Flexible hoses assemblies -

Specification and testing


Năng lượng và truyền nhiệt (Năng lượng hạt nhân; Tuabin khí; Tuabin gió)

Trở về đầu trang

169 17/30331603 DC BS ISO 9161. Uranium dioxide powder.

Determination of apparent density and tap density


170 17/30347657 DC BS ISO 18256-1. Nuclear fuel technology.

Dissolution of plutonium dioxide-containing


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TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

materials. Part 1. Dissolution of plutonium dioxide


171 17/30347660 DC BS ISO 18256-2. Nuclear fuel technology.

Dissolution of plutonium dioxide-containing

materials. Part 2. Dissolution of MOX pellets and



172 17/30357475 DC BS IEC/IEEE 63113. Nuclear facilities.

Instrumentation important to safety. Spent fuel pool



173 BS ISO 18888:2017 Gas turbine combined cycle power plants. Thermal

performance tests


174 DIN 18088-1 Structures for wind turbines and platforms - Part 1:

Basic principles and actions


175 DIN 18088-2 Structures for wind turbines and platforms - Part 2:

Concrete structures


176 DIN 18088-3 Structures for wind turbines and platforms - Part 3:

Steel structures


177 DIN 18088-4 Structures for wind turbines and platforms - Part 4:

Soil and foundation elements


178 DIN 18088-5 Structures for wind turbines and platforms - Part 5:

Joints between steel structures and concrete



179 PD CLC/TS 61400-26-


Wind turbines. Time-based availability for wind

turbine generating systems


Khai thác mỏ và khoáng sản (Khoáng sản kim loại và phi kim loại ) Trở về đầu trang

180 17/30364325 DC BS EN 1009-4. Machines for mechanical

processing of minerals and similar solid materials.

Safety. Part 4. Specific requirements for screening



181 17/30364328 DC BS EN 1009-5. Machines for mechanical

processing of minerals and similar solid materials.

Safety. Part 5. Specific requirements for cleaning,

recycling, sorting and mud treatment machinery


182 17/30364332 DC BS EN 1009-2. Machines for mechanical

processing of minerals and similar solid materials.

Safety. Part 2. Specific requirements for feeding

machinery and continuous handling equipment


183 17/30364335 DC BS EN 1009-3. Machines for mechanical

processing of minerals and similar solid materials.

Safety. Part 3. Specific requirements for crushing


Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 16/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

and milling machinery

184 17/30364338 DC BS EN 1009-1. Machines for mechanical

processing of minerals and similar solid materials.

Safety. Part 1. Common requirements for partly

completed machinery and processing plants


185 ASTM E1070-17a Replaces:

ASTM E1070-11

Standard Test Method for Determination of

Phosphorus in Iron Ores by Phospho-Molybdenum-

Blue Spectrophotometry


186 ASTM E815-17b Replaces:

ASTM E815-17

Standard Test Method for Determination of

Calcium Fluoride in Fluorspar by EDTA

Complexometric Titrimetry


187 BS ISO 19434:2017 Mining. Classification of mine accidents 34

188 DIN EN 14157 Natural stone test methods - Determination of the

abrasion resistance; German version EN



Phương tiên giao thông đường bộ - Vận tải Trở về đầu trang

189 17/30346258 DC BS ISO 8820-6. Road vehicles. Fuse-links. Part 6.

Single-bolt fuse-links


190 17/30366307 DC BS ISO 6742-2 AMD1. Cycles. Lighting and retro-

reflective devices. Part 2. Retro-reflective devices


191 DIN EN 15194 Cycles - Electrically power assisted cycles - EPAC

Bicycles; German version EN 15194:2017


192 ISO/DIS 17840-2 Road vehicles - Information for first and second

responders - Part 2: Rescue sheet for buses, coaches

and heavy commercial vehicles


193 ISO/DIS 17840-3 Road vehicles - Information for first and second

responders - Part 3: Emergency response guide



194 ISO/TS 17536-2 Road vehicles - Aerosol separator performance test

for internal combustion engines - Part 2: Laboratory

test method


195 JIS D 9111:2016

Replaces:JIS D 9111:2010

Cycles -- Classification and essential characteristics 36

196 KS R 4100 Electric mopeds and Motorcycles ? Methods

measuring the performance of regenerative braking



Đường sắt Trở về đầu trang

197 17/30354169 DC BS EN 14067-4 AMD1. Railway applications. 8

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 17/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

Aerodynamics. Part 4. Requirements and test

procedures for aerodynamics on open track

198 BS EN 15273-


Railway applications. Gauges. General. Common

rules for infrastructure and rolling stock


199 DIN 27201-6 State of railway vehicles - Basic principles and

production technology - Part 6: Welding


200 DIN EN 12082 Railway applications - Axleboxes - Performance

testing; German version EN 12082:2017


201 DIN EN 14033-4 Railway applications - Track - Railbound

construction and maintenance machines - Part 4:

Technical requirements for running, travelling and

working on urban rail; German and English version

prEN 14033-4:2017


202 DIN EN 16186-2 Railway applications - Driver's cab - Part 2:

Integration of displays, controls and indicators;

German version EN 16186-2:2017, with CD-ROM


203 DIN EN 16922 Railway applications - Ground based services -

Vehicle waste water discharge equipment; German

version EN 16922:2017


Đóng tàu và Kết cấu tàu thủy Trở về đầu trang

204 BS ISO 21070:2017 Ships and marine technology. Marine environment

protection. Management and handling of shipboard



205 DIN 83329 Ships and marine technology - Polypropylene fibre

ropes made of yarns produced on bast fibre

spinning systems


206 DIN EN 28846/A100 Small craft - Electrical devices - Protection against

ignition of surrounding flammable gases (ISO

8846:1990); German version EN ISO 8846:2017;

Amendment A100


207 DIN EN 28848/A100 Small craft - Remote steering systems (ISO

8848:1990); German version EN ISO 8848:2017;

Amendment A100


208 DIN EN 29775/A100 Small craft - Remote steering systems for single

outboard motors of 15 kW to 40 kW power (ISO

9775:1990); German version EN ISO 9775:2017;

Amendment A100


Kỹ thuật máy bay và tàu vũ trụ Trở về đầu trang

209 17/30355218 DC BS ISO 16091. Space systems. Integrated logistic



Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 18/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

210 17/30369678 DC BS EN 7010. Aerospace series. User guide for

creation and designation of bolts


211 BS EN 2037:2017 Aerospace series. Hexagonal steel bars drawn.

Dimensions. Tolerances h 11 and h 12


212 BS EN 2850:2017 Aerospace series. Carbon fibre thermosetting resin -

Unidirectional laminates. Compression test parallel

to fibre direction


213 BS EN 3094:2017 Aerospace series. Sealants. Test method.

determination of the application time


214 BS EN 4652-421:2017 Aerospace series. Connectors, coaxial, radio

frequency. Type 4, C interface. Crimp assembly

version. Right angle plug. Product standard


215 BS ISO 18322:2017 Space systems. General management requirements

for space test centres


216 DIN 65046-6 Aerospace series - Methods of test for surface

protective coatings; Paints and varnishes - Part 6:

Chemical and electroplated coatings


217 DIN EN 16603-70-41 Space engineering - Telemetry and telecommand

packet utilization; English version EN 16603-70-

41:2017, only on CD-ROM


218 DIN EN 2279 Aerospace series - Steel FE-PM37 - 900 MPa <=

Rm <= 1100 MPa - Forgings - De <= 150 mm;

German and English version FprEN 2279:2017


219 DIN EN 2280 Aerospace series - Steel FE-PM37 - 900 MPa <=

Rm <= 1100 MPa - Sheet - a <= 6 mm; German and

English version FprEN 2280:2017


220 DIN EN 2287 Aerospace series - Bush, plain, in corrosion

resisting steel with self-lubricating liner -

Dimensions and loads; German and English version

EN 2287:2017


221 DIN EN 2591-100 Aerospace series - Elements of electrical and optical

connection - Test methods - Part 100: General;

German and English version FprEN 2591-100:2017


222 DIN EN 3264 Aerospace series - Pipe coupling 8°30' in titanium

alloy - Thrust wire nuts; German and English

version FprEN 3264:2017


223 DIN EN 3646-003 Aerospace series - Connectors, electrical, circular,

bayonet coupling, operating temperature 175 °C or

200 °C continuous - Part 003: Receptacle, square

flange mounting - Product standard; German and


Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 19/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

English version FprEN 3646-003:2017

224 DIN EN 3719 Aerospace series - Aluminium or aluminium alloy

conductors for electrical cables - Product standard;

German and English version FprEN 3719:2017


225 DIN EN 3820 Aerospace series - Metric bolts, normal hexagon

head, coarse tolerance normal shank, short thread,

in titanium alloy, anodized, MoS2 lubricated -

Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient

temperature)/315 °C; German and English version

EN 3820:2017


226 DIN EN 4008-004 Aerospace series - Elements of electrical and optical

connection - Crimping tools and associated

accessories - Part 004: Die for crimping tool

M22520/5-01 - Product standard; German and

English version EN 4008-004:2017


227 DIN EN 4165-022 Aerospace series - Connectors, electrical,

rectangular, modular - Operating temperature 175

°C continuous - Part 022: Insertion/extraction tool

for removal of modules - Product standard; German

and English version FprEN 4165-022:2017


228 DIN EN 4604-010 Aerospace series - Cable, electrical, for signal

transmission - Part 010: Cable, coaxial, light

weight, 50 Ohms, 200 °C, type KX (light WD) -

Product standard; German and English version

FprEN 4604-010:2017


229 DIN EN 4702-02 Aerospace series - Quick release fastening systems

for non-structural and lining applications - Part 02:

Spring clamp stud combination; German and

English version EN 4702-02:2017


230 DIN EN 4702-03 Aerospace series - Quick release fastening systems

for non-structural and lining applications - Part 03:

Stud - quick-release and locking; German and

English version EN 4702-03:2017


231 DIN EN 4702-04 Aerospace series - Quick release fastening systems

for non-structural and lining applications - Part 04:

Spring clamp; German and English version EN



232 DIN EN 4702-05 Aerospace series - Quick release fastening systems

for non-structural and lining applications - Part 05:

Retaining washer; German and English version EN



Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 20/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

233 DIN EN 4838-005 Aerospace series - Arc fault circuit breakers, single-

pole, temperature compensated, rated current 3 A to

25 A - 115 V a.c. 400 Hz Constant Frequency - Part

005: With polarized signal contact - Product

standard; German and English version FprEN 4838-



234 DIN EN 9117 Aerospace series - Delegated Product Release

Verification; German and English version EN



235 DIN EN 9300-005 Aerospace series - LOTAR - LOng Term Archiving

and Retrieval of digital technical product

documentation such as 3D, CAD and PDM data -

Part 005: Authentication and Verification; German

and English version EN 9300-005:2017


236 DIN EN 9300-007 Aerospace series - LOTAR -LOng Term Archiving

and Retrieval of digital technical product

documentation such as 3D, CAD and PDM data -

Part 007: Terms and References; German and

English version EN 9300-007:2017


237 ISO 18322 Space systems - General management requirements

for space test centres


Chế tạo (Hệ thống tự động hóa công nghiệp) Trở về đầu trang

238 BS ISO 15746-2:2017 Automation systems and integration. Integration of

advanced process control and optimization

capabilities for manufacturing systems. Activity

models and information exchange


Chế tạo (Hàn đồng và hàn thiếc) Trở về đầu trang

239 BS EN ISO 22829:2017 Resistance welding equipment. Transformers.

Integrated transformer-rectifier units for welding

guns operating at 1 000 Hz


240 DIN EN 14728 Imperfections in thermoplastic welds -

Classification; German and English version prEN



241 ISO 17640 Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic testing

- Techniques, testing levels, and assessment


242 ISO/FDIS 11666 Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic testing

- Acceptance levels


243 JIS Z 3119:2017

Replaces:JIS Z 3119:2006

Methods of measurement for ferrite content in

austenitic and austenitic - ferritic stainless steel

deposited metals


Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 21/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

244 JIS Z 3128:2017

Replaces:JIS Z 3128:1996

Sampling method of impact test specimen from

welded joint


245 JIS Z 3129:2017

Replaces:JIS Z 3129:2005

Preparation of test specimens taken from butt

welded test pieces for one-run and two-run

technique in steel


246 JIS Z 3140:2017

Replaces:JIS Z 3140:1989

Method of inspection and acceptance levels for

resistance spot welds


247 JIS Z 3282:2017

Replaces:JIS Z 3282:2006

Soft solders. Chemical compositions and forms 17

248 JIS Z 3283:2017

Replaces:JIS Z 3283:2006

Resin flux cored solders 12

249 JIS Z 3316:2017

Replaces:JIS Z 3316:2011

Solid wires and rods for TIG welding of mild steel,

high strength steel and low temperature service steel


250 JIS Z 3334:2017

Replaces:JIS Z 3334:2011

Rods, solid wires and strip electrodes for welding of

nickel and nickel-alloy


251 JIS Z 3910:2017

Replaces:JIS Z 3910:2008

Methods for chemical analysis of solder 38

Chế tạo (Dụng cụ cầm tay) Trở về đầu trang

252 17/30354011 DC BS EN 63103. Apparatus for lighting purposes.

Non-active mode power measurement


253 IEC 62841-3-14*CEI


Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,

transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery

- Safety - Part 3-14: Particular requirements for

transportable drain cleaners


254 IEC 62841-4-1*CEI 62841-


Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,

transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery

- Safety - Part 4-1: Particular requirements for chain



Chế tạo (Xử lý bề mặt) Trở về đầu trang

255 17/30347966 DC BS EN ISO 2085. Anodizing of aluminium and its

alloys. Check for continuity of thin anodic

oxidation coatings. Copper sulfate test


256 17/30347969 DC BS EN ISO 2376. Anodizing of aluminium and its

alloys. Determination of electric breakdown



257 17/30347972 DC BS EN ISO 3211. Anodizing of aluminium and its

alloys. Assessment of resistance of anodic oxidation

coatings to cracking by deformation


Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 22/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

258 17/30347975 DC BS EN ISO 6581. Anodizing of aluminium and its

alloys. Determination of the comparative fastness to

ultraviolet light and heat of coloured anodic

oxidation coatings


259 17/30347978 DC BS EN ISO 8993. Anodizing of aluminium and its

alloys. Rating system for the evaluation of pitting

corrosion. Chart method


260 ASTM D4370-01(2017)

Replaces: ASTM D4370-


Standard Test Methods for Acid and Base

Milliequivalent Content of Electrocoat Bath


261 BS EN ISO 9717:2017 Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Phosphate

conversion coating of metals


262 ISO/DIS 11124-1 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Specifications for

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 1: General

introduction and classification


263 ISO/DIS 11124-2 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Specifications for

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 2: Chilled-

iron grit


264 ISO/DIS 11124-3 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Specifications for

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 3: High-

carbon cast-steel shot and grit


265 ISO/DIS 11124-4 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Specifications for

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 4: Low-

carbon cast-steel shot


266 ISO/DIS 11125-1 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Test methods for

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 1: Sampling


267 ISO/DIS 11125-2 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Test methods for

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 2:

Determination of particle size distribution


268 ISO/DIS 11125-3 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Test methods for

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 3:

Determination of hardness


269 ISO/DIS 11125-4 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Test methods for


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TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 4:

Determination of apparent density

270 ISO/DIS 11125-5 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Test methods for

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 5:

Determination of percentage defective particles and

of microstructure


271 ISO/DIS 11125-6 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Test methods for

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 6:

Determination of foreign matter


272 ISO/DIS 11125-7 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Test methods for

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 7:

Determination of moisture


273 ISO/DIS 11126-1 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Specifications for non-

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 1: General

introduction and classification


274 ISO/DIS 11126-3 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Specifications for non-

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 3: Copper

refinery slag


275 ISO/DIS 11126-4 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Specifications for non-

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 4: Coal

furnace slag


276 ISO/DIS 11126-5 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Specifications for non-

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 5: Nickel

refinery slag


277 ISO/DIS 11126-6 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Specifications for non-

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 6: Iron

furnace slag


278 ISO/DIS 11126-7 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Specifications for non-

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 7: Fused

aluminium oxide


279 ISO/DIS 11126-8 Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Specifications for non-

metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 8: Olivine


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TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

Hệ thống và kết cấu cơ khí (Ổ đỡ; Chi tiết lắp xiết; Bánh răng) Trở về đầu trang

280 BS ISO 6526:2017 Plain bearings. Pressed bimetallic half thrust

washers. Features and tolerances


281 DIN 3016-1 Fastening clamps - Part 1: With tongue 22

282 ISO/TS 6336-20 Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical

gears - Part 20: Calculation of scuffing load

capacity (also applicable to bevel and hypoid gears)

- Flash temperature method


Thiết bị xếp dỡ vật liệu(Xe tải công nghiệp; Máy làm đất; Phụ kiện băng tải; Cần trục)

Trở về đầu trang

283 17/30338554 DC BS EN 1175. Safety of industrial trucks.

Electrical/electronic requirements


284 17/30342997 DC BS ISO 20474-15. Earth-moving machinery.

Safety. Part 15. Requirements for compact tool



285 17/30364318 DC BS EN 16307-3. Industrial trucks. Safety

requirements and verification. Part 3.

Supplementary requirements for trucks with

elevating operator position and trucks specifically

designed to travel with elevated loads (additional

requirements to EN 16307-1)


286 17/30364322 DC BS EN 16307-2. Industrial trucks. Safety

requirements and verification. Part 2.

Supplementary requirements for self-propelled

variable-reach trucks


287 BS ISO 433:2017 Conveyor belts. Marking 12

288 DIN EN 13001-3-5/A1 Cranes - General design - Part 3-5: Limit states and

proof of competence of forged hooks; German and

English version EN 13001-3-5:2016/prA1:2017


Luyện kim (Luyện kim bột, kim loại màu) Trở về đầu trang

289 ASTM G188-05(2017)

Replaces: ASTM G188-


Standard Specification for Leak Detector Solutions

Intended for Use on Brasses and Other Copper



290 DIN EN 485-2/A1 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Sheet, strip and

plate - Part 2: Mechanical properties; German and

English version EN 485-2:2016/prA1:2017


291 JIS G 1323-1:2017

Replaces:JIS G 1323:1989

Method for chemical analysis of chromium metal --

Part 1: Determination of carbon content


292 JIS G 1323-3:2017 Method for chemical analysis of chromium metal -- 7

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 25/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

Replaces:JIS G 1323:1989 Part 3: Determination of phosphorus content

293 JIS G 1323-7:2017

Replaces:JIS G 1323:1989

Method for chemical analysis of chromium metal --

Part 7: Determination of various elements -- ICP

atomic emission spectrometric method


294 JIS H 1322:2017 Magnesium and magnesium alloys -- Method for

spark discharge atomic emission spectrometric



Luyện kim (Kim loại đen; Sản phẩm sắt và thép) Trở về đầu trang

295 ASTM A1105-17 Standard Specification for Corrugated Steel

Manhole Assemblies


296 BS ISO 3108:2017 Steel wire ropes. Test method. Determination of

measured breaking force


297 DIN EN 10225-4 Weldable structural steels for fixed offshore

structures - Technical delivery conditions - Part 4:

Cold formed welded hollow sections; German and

English version prEN 10225-4:2017


298 DIN EN 14195/A1 Metal framing components for gypsum board

systems - Definitions, requirements and test

methods; German and English version EN



299 JIS G 1258-8:2017 Iron and steel-ICP atomic emission spectrometric

method --- Part 8: Determination of tungsten

content -- Decompostion with phosphoric ang

sulffuric acids


300 JIS G 3350:2017

Replaces:JIS G 3350:2009

Light gauge steel sections for general structure 23

Luyện kim (Thử nghiệm kim loại) Trở về đầu trang

301 ASTM A833-17 Replaces:

ASTM A833-08a

Standard Test Method for Indentation Hardness of

Metallic Materials by Comparison Hardness Testers


302 ASTM E581-17a Replaces:

ASTM E581-10

Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of

Manganese-Copper Alloys


303 JIS B 7724:2017

Replaces:JIS B 7724:1999

Brinell hardness test -- Verification and calibration

of testing machines


304 JIS B 7726:2017

Replaces:JIS B 7726:2010

Rockwell hardness test -- Verification and

calibration of testing machines and indenters


305 JIS B 7730:2017

Replaces:JIS B 7730:2010

Rockwell hardness test -- Calibration of reference



306 JIS B 7736:2017

Replaces:JIS B 7736:1999

Brinell hardness test -- Calibration of reference



Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 26/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

Điện tử Trở về đầu trang

307 IEC 62629-13-1*CEI


3D display devices - Part 13-1: Visual inspection

methods for stereoscopic displays using glasses -

Ghost image


308 IEC/TR 63133*CEI/TR


Semiconductor devices - Scan based ageing level

estimation for semiconductor devices


309 KS C IEC TS 60110-2 Power capacitors for induction heating installations

- Part 2: Ageing test, destruction test and

requirements for disconnecting internal fuses


Kỹ thuật điện Trở về đầu trang

310 17/30347395 DC BS EN 60034-2-3. Rotating electrical machines.

Part 2-3. Specific test methods for determining

losses and efficiency of converter-fed AC motor


311 17/30352657 DC BS IEC 60034-34. Rotating electrical machines.

Part 34. AC adjustable speed rolling mill motors


312 17/30358139 DC BS EN 63118. Secondary cells and batteries

containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes.

Performance of Secondary lithium batteries for use

in road vehicles not for the propulsion


313 BS EN 60034-18-42:2017 Rotating electrical machines. Partial discharge

resistant electrical insulation systems (Type II) used

in rotating electrical machines fed from voltage

converters - Qualification tests


314 BS EN 60400:2017 Lampholders for tubular fluorescent lamps and



315 BS EN 60404-8-6:2017 Magnetic materials. Specifications for individual

materials. Soft magnetic metallic materials


316 BS EN 61951-1:2017 Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or

other non-acid electrolytes. Secondary sealed cells

and batteries for portable applications. Nickel-



317 DIN 89280-1 Glands for electrical cables and wires - Part 1:



318 DIN 89280-2 Glands for electrical cables and wires - Part 2:

Component parts


319 EN ISO/IEC 80079-20-2/AC Explosive atmospheres - Part 20-2: Material

characteristics - Combustible dusts test methods -

Technical Corrigendum 1 (ISO/IEC 80079-20-

2:2016/Cor 1:2017)


320 IEC 60730-2-13*CEI Automatic electrical controls - Part 2-13: Particular 20

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TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

60730-2-13 requirements for humidity sensing controls

321 IEC 60755*CEI 60755 General safety requirements for residual current

operated protective devices


322 IEC 61347-2-7 AMD 1*CEI

61347-2-7 AMD 1

Lamp controlgear - Part 2-7: Particular

requirements for battery supplied electronic

controlgear for emergency lighting (self-contained);

Amendment 1


323 IEC 61347-2-7 Edition

3.1*CEI 61347-2-7 Edition


Lamp controlgear - Part 2-7: Particular

requirements for battery supplied electronic

controlgear for emergency lighting (self-contained)


324 IEC 62271-110*CEI 62271-


High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 110:

Inductive load switching


325 IEC 62554 AMD 1*CEI

62554 AMD 1

Sample preparation for measurement of mercury

level in fluorescent lamps; Amendment 1


326 IEC 62554 Edition 1.1*CEI

62554 Edition 1.1

Sample preparation for measurement of mercury

level in fluorescent lamps


327 IEC 62677-1*CEI 62677-1 Heat shrinkable low and medium voltage moulded

shapes - Part 1: General requirements


328 IEC 62677-2*CEI 62677-2 Heat shrinkable low and medium voltage moulded

shapes - Part 2: Methods of test


329 IEC 62838 Corrigendum

1*CEI 62838 Corrigendum 1

LEDsi lamps for general lighting services with

supply voltages not exceeding 50 V a.c. r.m.s. or

120 V ripple free d.c. - Safety specifications;

Corrigendum 1


330 IEC/TR 61547-1*CEI/TR


Equipment for general lighting purposes - EMC

immunity requirements- Part 1: An objective light

flickermeter and voltage fluctuation immunity test



331 IEC/TS 60479-2*CEI/TS


Effects of current on human beings and livestock -

Part 2: Special aspects


332 PD IEC/PAS 63095-1:2017 The Qi wireless power transfer system power class

0 specification. Interface Definitions


Thiết bị điện gia dụng Trở về đầu trang

333 IEC/TS 62950*CEI/TS


Household and similar electrical appliances -

Specifying smart capabilities, of appliances and

devices - General aspects


334 IEC 60335-2-43*CEI


Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety

- Part 2-43: Particular requirements for clothes

dryers and towel rails

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TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

335 IEC 60335-2-81 AMD

1*CEI 60335-2-81 AMD 1

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety

- Part 2-81: Particular requirements for foot

warmers and heating mats; Amendment 1


336 IEC 60335-2-82*CEI


Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety

- Part 2-82: Particular requirements for amusement

machines and personal service machines


337 IEC 60335-2-95 AMD

2*CEI 60335-2-95 AMD 2

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety

- Part 2-95: Particular requirements for drives for

vertically moving garage doors for residential use;

Amendment 2


338 IEC 60335-2-12 AMD

2*CEI 60335-2-12 AMD 2

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety

- Part 2-12: Particular requirements for warming

plates and similar appliances; Amendment 2


339 IEC 60335-2-81 Edition

3.1*CEI 60335-2-81 Edition


Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety

- Part 2-81: Particular requirements for foot

warmers and heating mats


340 IEC 60335-2-95 Edition

3.2*CEI 60335-2-95 Edition


Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety

- Part 2-95: Particular requirements for drives for

vertically moving garage doors for residential use


341 IEC 60335-2-12 Edition

5.2*CEI 60335-2-12 Edition


Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety

- Part 2-12: Particular requirements for warming

plates and similar appliances


Thiết bị Quang học Trở về đầu trang

342 17/30333665 DC BS ISO 9211-8. Optics and photonics. Optical

coatings. Part 8. Coatings used for laser optics


Công nghệ thông tin và ứng dụng Trở về đầu trang

343 17/30338469 DC BS ISO/IEC 20027. Information technology. Best

practices for slap ten print fingerprint capture


344 17/30340293 DC BS ISO/IEC 23005-3. Information technology.

Media context and control. Part 3. Sensory

information. Part 3: Sensory information


345 17/30346460 DC BS ISO/IEC 23008-9. Information technology.

High efficiency coding and media delivery in

heterogeneous environments. Part 9. 3D Audio

conformance testing


346 17/30346469 DC BS ISO/IEC 23003-4 AMD3. Information

technology. MPEG audio technologies. Part 4.

Dynamic Range Control


347 17/30347952 DC BS ISO/IEC 29138-1. Information technology. User

interface accessibility. Part 1. User accessibility


Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 29/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4


348 17/30351036 DC BS ISO/IEC 26553. Information technology.

Software and systems engineering. Tools and

methods for product line realization


349 17/30351039 DC BS ISO/IEC 26556. Information technology.

Software and systems engineering. Tools and

methods for product line organizational



350 17/30351404 DC BS ISO/IEC 26554. Information technology.

Software and systems engineering. Tools and

methods for product line testing


351 17/30357626 DC BS ISO/IEC 23001-11 AMD3. Information

technology. MPEG systems technologies. Part 11.

Energy-efficient media consumption (green



352 17/30357635 DC BS ISO/IEC 23001-13. Information technology.

MPEG systems technologies. Part 13. Media



353 17/30359748 DC BS ISO/IEC 23005-4. Information technology.

Media context and control. Part 4. Virtual world

object characteristics


354 17/30359751 DC BS ISO/IEC 23005-2. Information technology.

Media context and control. Part 2. Control



355 17/30361104 DC BS ISO/IEC 23009-4. Information technology.

Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH).

Part 4. Segment encryption and authentication


356 17/30366292 DC BS ISO/IEC 21000-8 AMD4. Information

technology. Multimedia framework (MPEG 21).

Part 8. Reference software


357 17/30366594 DC BS ISO/IEC 13251. Information technology.

Collection of graphical symbols for office



358 BS ISO/IEC 27050-3:2017 Information technology. Security techniques.

Electronic discovery. Code of practice for electronic



359 BS ISO/IEC 30140-2:2017 Information technology. Underwater acoustic

sensor network (UWASN). Reference architecture


360 ISO 11615 Health informatics - Identification of medicinal

products - Data elements and structures for the


Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 30/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

unique identification and exchange of regulated

medicinal product information

361 ISO 11616 Health informatics - Identification of medicinal

products - Data elements and structures for unique

identification and exchange of regulated

pharmaceutical product information


362 ISO 25110 Electronic fee collection - Interface definition for

on-board account using integrated circuit card



363 ISO/IEC 14492 DAM 4 Information technology - Lossy/lossless coding of

bi-level images; Amendment 4


364 ISO/IEC 18047-6 Information technology - Radio frequency

identification device conformance test methods -

Part 6: Test methods for air interface

communications at 860 MHz to 960 MHz


365 ISO/IEC 18477-4 Information technology - Scalable compression and

coding of continuous-tone still images - Part 4:

Conformance testing


366 ISO/IEC 19592-2 Information technology - Security techniques -

Secret sharing - Part 2: Fundamental mechanisms


367 ISO/IEC 19987 Information technology - EPC Information Services

(EPCIS) Standard


368 ISO/IEC 19988 Information technology - Core Business Vocabulary



369 ISO/IEC 20382-1 Information technology - User interfaces - Face-to-

face speech translation - Part 1: User interface


370 ISO/IEC 20382-2 Information technology - User interface - Face-to-

face speech translation - Part 2: System architecture

and functional components


371 ISO/IEC 21000-8 DAM 4 Information technology - Multimedia framework

(MPEG-21) - Part 8: Reference software -

Amendment 4: Media value chain ontology

extensions on time-segments and multi-track audio


372 ISO/IEC 23001-11 DAM 3 Information technology - MPEG systems

technologies - Part 11: Energy-efficient media

consumption (green metadata); Amendment 3


373 ISO/IEC 23001-11 FDAM 2 Information technology - MPEG systems

technologies - Part 11: Energy-efficient media

consumption (green metadata) - Amendment 2:

Conformance and reference software


Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 31/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

374 ISO/IEC 23003-4 AMD 2 Information technology - MPEG audio technologies

- Part 4: Dynamic Range Control - Amendment 2:

Reference software


375 ISO/IEC 23003-4 DAM 3 Information technology - MPEG audio technologies

- Part 4: Dynamic Range Control - Amendment 3:



376 ISO/IEC 23009-2 Information technology - Dynamic adaptive

streaming over HTTP (DASH) - Part 2:

Conformance and reference software


377 ISO/IEC 27007 Information technology - Security techniques -

Guidelines for information security management

systems auditing


378 ISO/IEC 27034-5 Information technology - Security techniques -

Application security - Part 5: Protocols and

application security controls data structure


379 ISO/IEC 30134-4 Information technology - Data centres - Key

performance indicators - Part 4: IT Equipment

Energy Efficiency for servers (ITEEsv)


380 ISO/IEC 30134-5 Information technology - Data centres - Key

performance indicators - Part 5: IT Equipment

Utilization for servers (ITEUsv)


381 ISO/IEC 40180 Information technology - Quality for learning,

education and training - Fundamentals and

reference framework


382 ISO/IEC 7816-4 DAM 1 Identification cards - Integrated circuit cards - Part

4: Organization, security and commands for

interchange - Amendment 1: Record handling


383 ISO/IEC 7816-4 DAM 2 Identification cards - Integrated circuit cards - Part

4: Organization, security and commands for

interchange - Amendment 2: Waiting time



384 ISO/IEC DIS 15963-1 Information technology - Radio frequency

identification for item management - Unique

identification for RF tags - Part 1: Unique

identification for RF tags numbering systems


385 ISO/IEC DIS 18328-4 Identification cards - ICC-managed devices - Part 4:

Test methods for logical characteristics


386 ISO/IEC DIS 20027 Information technology - Best practices for slap ten

print fingerprint capture


387 ISO/IEC DIS 23001-13 Information technology - MPEG systems 74

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TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

technologies - Part 13: Media orchestration

388 ISO/IEC DIS 23005-2 Information technology - Media context and control

- Part 2: Control information


389 ISO/IEC DIS 23005-3 Information technology - Media context and control

- Part 3: Sensory information


390 ISO/IEC DIS 23005-4 Information technology - Media context and control

- Part 4: Virtual world object characteristics


391 ISO/IEC DIS 23005-5 Information technology - Media context and control

- Part 5: Data formats for interaction devices


392 ISO/IEC DIS 23005-6 Information technology - Media context and control

- Part 6: Common types and tools


393 ISO/IEC DIS 23008-9 Information technology - High efficiency coding

and media delivery in heterogeneous environments

- Part 9: 3D Audio conformance testing


394 ISO/IEC DIS 26553 Information technology - Software and systems

engineering - Tools and methods for product line



395 ISO/IEC DIS 26554 Information technology - Software and systems

engineering - Tools and methods for product line



396 ISO/IEC DIS 26556 Information technology - Software and systems

engineering - Tools and methods for product line

organizational management


397 ISO/IEC DIS 29167-21 Information technology - Automatic identification

and data capture techniques - Part 21: Crypto suite

SIMON security services for air interface



398 ISO/IEC DIS 29167-22 Information technology - Automatic identification

and data capture techniques - Part 22: Crypto suite

SPECK security services for air interface



399 ISO/IEC DIS 9798-3 Information technology - Security techniques -

Entity authentication - Part 3: Mechanisms using

digital signature techniques


400 ISO/IEC FDIS 13818-1 Information technology - Generic coding of moving

pictures and associated audio information - Part 1:



401 ISO/IEC FDIS 15938-14 Information technology - Multimedia content

description interface - Part 14: Reference software,

conformance and usage guidelines for compact


Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 33/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

descriptors for visual search

402 ISO/IEC FDIS 19286 Identification cards - Integrated circuit cards -

Privacy-enhancing protocols and services


403 ISO/IEC FDIS 23000-16 Information technology - Multimedia application

format (MPEG-A) - Part 16: Publish/Subscribe

Application Format


404 ISO/IEC FDIS 23000-19 Information technology - Multimedia application

format (MPEG-A) - Part 19: Common media

application format (CMAF) for segmented media


405 ISO/IEC TR 15446 Information technology - Security techniques -

Guidance for the production of protection profiles

and security targets


406 ISO/IEC TR 22560 Information technology - Sensor networks -

Guidelines for design in the aeronautics industry:

Active Air-flow Control


407 ISO/IEC TR 23002-6 Information technology - MPEG video technologies

- Part 6: Tools for reconfigurable media coding



408 ISO/IEC TR 29170-1 Information technology - Advanced image coding

and evaluation - Part 1: Guidelines for image

coding system evaluation


409 ISO/IEC TS 19249 Information technology - Security techniques -

Catalogue of architectural and design principles for

secure products, systems and applications


410 ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-22


Information technology - Telecommunications and

information exchange between systems - Local and

metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements

- Part 22: Cognitive Wireless RAN Medium Access

Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)

specifications: Policies and procedures for operation

in the TV Band - Amendment 1: Management and

control plane interfaces and procedures and

enhancement to the management information base



411 ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-A


Information technology - Telecommunications and

information exchange between systems - Local and

metropolitan area networks - Overview and

Architecture - Amendment 1: Allocation of

Uniform Resource Name (URN) values in IEEE

802® standards


412 ISO/IEC/IEEE FDIS 8802- Information technology - Telecommunications and 50

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 34/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

1AC information exchange between systems - Local and

metropolitan area networks - Part 1AC: Media

access control (MAC) service definition



Information technology - Telecommunications and

information exchange between systems - Local and

metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements

- Part 21: Media independent services framework




Information technology - Telecommunications and

information exchange between systems - Local and

metropolitan area networks - Part 21-1: Media

independent services


415 PD CEN/TR 16931-6:2017 Electronic invoicing. Result of the test of EN

16931-1 with respect to its practical application for

an end user


416 PD CEN/TS 16931-3-2:2017 Electronic invoicing. Syntax binding for ISO/IEC

19845 (UBL 2.1) invoice and credit note


417 PD CEN/TS 16931-3-4:2017 Electronic invoicing. Syntax binding for



Viễn thông. Kỹ thuật âm thanh và hình ảnh Trở về đầu trang

418 BS EN 62056-7-3:2017 Electricity metering data exchange. The

DLMS/COSEM suite. Wired and wireless M-Bus

communication profiles for local and

neighbourhood networks


419 DIN EN 16931-1 Electronic invoicing - Part 1: Semantic data model

of the core elements of an electronic invoice;

German version EN 16931-1:2017


420 IEC 60793-1-47*CEI


Optical fibres - Part 1-47: Measurement methods

and test procedures - Macrobending loss


421 IEC 60794-1-22*CEI


Optical fibre cables - Part 1-22: Generic

specification - Basic optical cable test procedures -

Environmental test methods


422 IEC 61097-3*CEI 61097-3 Global maritime distress and safety system

(GMDSS) - Part 3: Digital selective calling (DSC)

equipment - Operational and performance

requirements, methods of testing and required

testing results


423 IEC/IEEE 62704-

1*CEI/IEEE 62704-1

Determining the peak spatial-average specific

absorption rate (SAR) in the human body from

wireless communications devices, 30 MHz to 6

GHz - Part 1: General requirements for using the

finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method for


Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 35/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

SAR calculations

424 IEC/IEEE 62704-

3*CEI/IEEE 62704-3

Determining the peak spatial-average specific

absorption rate (SAR) in the human body from

wireless communications devices, 30 MHz to 6

GHz - Part 3: Specific requirements for using the

finite difference time domain (FDTD) method for

SAR calculations of mobile phones


425 IEC/TR 61850-90-

10*CEI/TR 61850-90-10

Communication networks and systems for power

utility automation - Part 90-10: Models for



Vật liệu xây dựng và Xây dựng nhà Trở về đầu trang

426 17/30354435 DC BS 8415. Monuments within burial grounds and

memorial sites. Specification


427 17/30363984 DC BS EN 16140. Natural stone test methods.

Determination of sensitivity to changes in

appearance produced by thermal cycles


428 17/30364303 DC BS EN 16758 AMD1. Curtain walling.

Determination of the strength of sheared

connections. Test method and requirements


429 DIN EN 1527 Building hardware - Hardware for sliding doors and

folding doors - Requirements and test methods;

German and English version prEN 1527:2017


430 DIN EN 16475-3/A1 Chimneys - Accessories - Part 3: Draught

regulators, standstill opening devices and combined

secondary air devices - Requirements and test

methods; German and English version EN 16475-


431 JIS A 4009:2017 Components of air duct 46

432 PD CEN/TR 17113:2017 Construction products. Assessment of release of

dangerous substances. Radiation from construction

products. Dose assessment of emitted gamma



433 DIN EN 13639 Determination of total organic carbon in limestone;

German version EN 13639:2017


434 DIN EN 15232-1 Energy Performance of Buildings - Part 1: Impact

of Building Automation, Controls and Building

Management - Modules M10-4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10;

German version EN 15232-1:2017


435 DIN EN 14695 Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Reinforced

bitumen sheets for waterproofing of concrete bridge

decks and other trafficked areas of concrete -


Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 36/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

Definitions and characteristics; German and English

version prEN 14695:2017

436 DIN EN 17190 Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Solar

Reflectance Index; German and English version

prEN 17190:2017


437 DIN EN 12405-1 Gas meters - Conversion devices - Part 1: Volume

conversion; German and English version prEN



438 IEC 60335-2-103 AMD

1*CEI 60335-2-103 AMD 1

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety

- Part 2-103: Particular requirements for drives for

gates, doors and windows; Amendment 1


439 DIN EN 12604 Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates -

Mechanical aspects - Requirements and test

methods; German version EN 12604:2017


440 JIS A 1146:2017 Method of test for alkali-silica reactivity of

aggregates by motar-bar method


441 DIN EN 772-22 Methods of test for masonry units - Part 22:

Determination of freeze/thaw resistance of clay

masonry units; German and English version prEN



442 DIN 43863-8 Smart Meter Gateway - Class definition for TR

03109 according to COSEM, with CD-ROM


443 DIN EN 13495 Thermal insulation products for building

applications - Determination of the pull-off

resistance of external thermal insulation composite

systems (ETICS)(foam block test); German and

English version prEN 13495:2017


444 DIN EN 1504-10 Products and systems for the protection and repair

of concrete structures - Definitions, requirements,

quality control and evaluation of conformity - Part

10: Site application of products and systems and

quality control of the works; German version EN



445 IEC 60335-2-103 Edition

3.1*CEI 60335-2-103

Edition 3.1

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety

- Part 2-103: Particular requirements for drives for

gates, doors and windows


446 ASTM E2128-17 Replaces:

ASTM E2128-12

Standard Guide for Evaluating Water Leakage of

Building Walls


Xây dựng nhà (Âm học trong xây dựng) Trở về đầu trang

447 ISO/DIS 11654 Acoustics - Sound absorbers - Rating of sound

absorption coefficients


Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 37/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

Xây dựng dân dụng ( Kỹ thuật làm đường; Hệ thống nước cống bên ngoài)

Trở về đầu trang

448 17/30363981 DC BS EN 12697-2 AMD1. Bituminous mixtures. Test

methods. Part 2. Determination of particle size



449 ASTM A1107/A1107M-17 Standard Specification for Resilient Connectors

Between Reinforced Concrete Manhole Structures

and Corrugated Steel Drainage Pipes


450 ASTM D713-12(2017)

Replaces: ASTM D713-


Standard Practice for Conducting Road Service

Tests on Fluid Traffic Marking Materials


451 DIN EN 12697-2/A1 Bituminous mixtures - Test methods - Part 2:

Determination of particle size distribution; German

and English version EN 12697-2:2015/prA1:2017


452 DIN EN 12697-31 Bituminous mixtures - Test methods - Part 31:

Specimen preparation by gyratory compactor;

German and English version prEN 12697-31:2017


453 DIN EN 12697-32 Bituminous mixtures - Test methods - Part 32:

Laboratory compaction of bituminous mixtures by

vibratory compactor; German and English version

prEN 12697-32:2017


454 DIN EN 12767 Passive safety of support structures for road

equipment - Requirements and test methods;

German and English version prEN 12767:2017


455 DIN EN 16933-2 Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Design

- Part 2: Hydraulic design; German version EN



Công nghệ chế biến gỗ Trở về đầu trang

456 DIN EN 13227 Wood flooring - Solid lamparquet products;

German version EN 13227:2017


457 DIN EN 13489 Wood-flooring and parquet - Multi-layer parquet

elements; German version EN 13489:2017


Sơn và chất màu (Sơn và vecni; Thành phần sơn) Trở về đầu trang

458 17/30364312 DC BS EN 927-10. Paints and varnishes. Coating

materials and coating systems for exterior wood.

Part 10. Resistance to blocking of paints and

varnishes on wood


459 ASTM D3274 -09(2017)

Replaces: ASTM D3274-


Standard Test Method for Evaluating Degree of

Surface Disfigurement of Paint Films by Fungal or

Algal Growth, or Soil and Dirt Accumulation


Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 38/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

460 ASTM D3723-05(2017)

Replaces: ASTM D3723-


Standard Test Method for Pigment Content of

Water-Emulsion Paints by Low-Temperature



461 ASTM D4138-07a(2017)

Replaces: ASTM D4138-07a

Standard Practices for Measurement of Dry Film

Thickness of Protective Coating Systems by

Destructive, Cross-Sectioning Means


462 ASTM D4610-98(2017)

Replaces: ASTM D4610-


Standard Guide for Determining the Presence of

and Removing Microbial (Fungal or Algal) Growth

on Paint and Related Coatings


463 ASTM D714-02(2017)

Replaces: ASTM D714-02e1

Standard Test Method for Evaluating Degree of

Blistering of Paints


464 DIN 55912-2 Pigments - Titanium dioxide pigments - Part 2:

Analytical methods


465 JIS K 5601-4-1:2012

Replaces:JIS K 5601-4-


Testing methods for paint components - Part 4:

Analysis for components emitted from film -

Section 1: Determination of Formaldehyde emission


Công nghệ da Trở về đầu trang

466 17/30360626 DC BS EN ISO 17226-1. Leather. Chemical

determination of formaldehyde content. Part 1.

Method using high performance liquid



467 17/30360629 DC BS EN ISO 17226-2. Leather. Chemical

determination of formaldehyde content. Part 2.

Method using colorimetric analysis


468 ISO/FDIS 17551 Leather - Pickled sheep pelts - Guidelines for

grading on the basis of defect and size


Công nghệ dệt may Trở về đầu trang

469 17/30333776 DC BS ISO 20615. Fibre ropes. Electrostatic surface

potential measuring method


470 17/30334458 DC BS ISO 20920. Textiles. Man-made fibres.

Determination of dye-uptake of cationic dyeable

modified polyester fibres


471 DIN 53894-2 Testing of textiles - Determination of dimensional

change of textile fabrics - Part 2: Steaming on

ironing machines


472 DIN 54015 Testing of colour fastness of textiles -

Determination of colour fastness of dyeings and

prints to washing in presence of peroxide


473 DIN 54016 Testing of colour fastness of textiles - 7

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 39/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

Determination of colour fastness of dyeings and

prints to washing in presence of hypochlorite

474 DIN 60009 Geosynthetics - Determination and testing of the

interaction coefficient to the soil using pullout test


475 KS K 0010 Glossary of terms used in spinning machinery 23

476 KS K 0013 Glossary of terms used in spinning 12

477 KS K 0014 Nomenclature of knitting machine 11

May mặc Trở về đầu trang

478 DIN EN 13402-3 Size designation of clothes - Part 3: Size labelling

based on body measurements and intervals; German

version EN 13402-3:2017


Thủy tinh và gốm (Gốm cao cấp- Thủy tinh – Vật liệu chịu lửa) Trở về đầu trang

479 17/30301540 DC BS ISO 19629. Fine Ceramics (advanced ceramics,

advanced technical ceramics). Thermophysical

properties of ceramic composites. Determination of

unidimensional thermal diffusivity by flash method


480 17/30336176 DC BS ISO 21066. Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics,

advanced technical ceramics). Qualitative and

semiquantitative assessment of the photocatalytic

activities of surfaces by the reduction of resazurin

in a deposited ink film


481 17/30365055 DC BS EN 12150-2. Glass in building. Thermally

toughened soda lime silicate safety glass. Part 2.

Product standard


482 17/30365059 DC BS EN 14449. Glass in building. Laminated glass

and laminated safety glass. Product standard


483 17/30365062 DC BS EN 14179-2. Glass in building. Heat soaked

thermally toughened soda lime silicate safety glass.

Part 2. Product standard


484 ASTM C16-03(2012)e2

Replaces: ASTM C16-


Standard Test Method for Load Testing Refractory

Shapes at High Temperatures


485 ASTM C1720 -17 Replaces:

ASTM C1720-11

Standard Test Method for Determining Liquidus

Temperature of Waste Glasses and Simulated

Waste Glasses


486 BS ISO 18543:2017 Glass in building. Electrochromic glazings.

Accelerated ageing test and requirements


487 DIN 54387-4 Testing of ceramic raw and basic materials -

Chemical analysis of boron carbide, boron nitride,


Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 40/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

metal borides and elemental boron - Part 4:

Determination of metallic main components and

trace impurities

488 DIN EN 12150-2 Glass in building - Thermally toughened soda lime

silicate safety glass - Part 2: Product standard;

German and English version prEN 12150-2:2017


489 DIN EN 14179-2 Glass in building - Heat soaked thermally

toughened soda lime silicate safety glass - Part 2:

Product standard; German and English version

prEN 14179-2:2017


490 DIN EN 14449 Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated

safety glass - Product standard; German and English

version prEN 14449:2017


491 DIN EN 16612 Glass in building - Determination of the lateral load

resistance of glass panes by calculation; German

and English version prEN 16612:2017


492 ISO 26602 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced

technical ceramics) - Silicon nitride materials for

rolling bearing balls and rollers


493 JIS R 3223:2017 Tempered Fire Resistance Glass 15

Công nghệ chăm sóc sức khỏe (Thiết bị y tế) Trở về đầu trang

494 17/30350521 DC BS EN ISO 7886-4. Sterile hypodermic syringes for

single use. Part 4. Syringes with re-use prevention



495 BS ISO 7176-2:2017 Wheelchairs. Determination of dynamic stability of

electrically powered wheelchairs


496 DIN EN 81-40 Safety rules for the construction and installation of

lifts - Special lifts for the transport of persons and

goods - Part 40: Stairlifts and inclined lifting

platforms intended for persons with impaired

mobility; German and English version prEN 81-



497 IEC/DIS 80601-2-77 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-77: Particular

requirements for the basic safety and essential

performance of medical robots for surgery


498 IEC/DIS 80601-2-78 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-78: Particular

requirements for the basic safety and essential

performance of medical robots for rehabilitation,

compensation or alleviation of disease, injury or



Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 41/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

499 ISO/FDIS 11195 Gas mixers for medical use - Stand-alone gas



500 ISO/FDIS 11249 Copper-bearing intrauterine contraceptive devices -

Guidance on the design, execution, analysis and

interpretation of clinical studies


501 KS C IEC 60601-2-47 Medical electrical equipment-Part 2-

47:Particular requirements for the safety,

including essential performance, of ambulatory

electrocardiographic systems


502 KS C IEC 60601-2-6 Medical electrical epuipment-Part 2:Particular

requirements for the safety of microwave therapy



503 KS C IEC 61223-3-2 Evaluation and routine testing in medical imaging

departments-Part 3-2:Acceptance tests-

Imaging performance of mammographic X-ray



504 KS P 1907-1 Determination method of drug adsorption in

infusion tube ─ Part1: Nitroglycerin, Cyclosporin

A, Tacrolimus


505 KS P 1927 Herbal decoction apparatus 12

506 KS P 1928 Korean Medicine ─ General requirements of

moxibustion devices


Công nghệ chăm sóc sức khỏe (Thiết bị nha khoa) Trở về đầu trang

507 KS P ISO 13116 Dentistry ─ Test Method for Determining Radio-

Opacity of Materials


508 KS P ISO 14457 Dentistry ─ Handpieces and motors 26

509 KS P ISO 16443 Dentistry ─ Vocabulary for dental implants systems

and related procedure


510 KS P ISO 16635-2 Dentistry ─ Dental rubber dam instruments ─ Part

2: Clamp forceps


511 KS P ISO 16954 Dentistry ─ Test methods for dental unit waterline

biofilm treatment


512 KS P ISO 17304 Dentistry ─ Polymerization shrinkage: Method for

determination of polymerization shrinkage of

polymer-based restorative materials


513 KS P ISO 17730 Dentistry ─ Fluoride varnishes 10

514 KS P ISO 9173-3 Dentistry ─ Extraction forceps - Part 3: Design 12

Công nghệ chăm sóc sức khỏe (Tiệt khuẩn và khử trùng; Y học thí nghiệm)

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 42/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

Trở về đầu trang

515 DIN EN 17180 Sterilizers for medical purposes - Low temperature

vaporized hydrogen peroxide sterilizers -

Requirements and testing; German and English

version prEN 17180:2017


516 ISO 17664 Processing of health care products - Information to

be provided by the medical device manufacturer for

the processing of medical devices


Thiết bị gia dụng – Giải trí Trở về đầu trang

517 17/30363953 DC BS EN 416. Gas-fired overhead radiant tube heaters

and radiant tube heater systems for non-domestic

use. Safety and energy efficiency


518 DIN EN 17072 Child care articles - Bath tubs, stands and non-

standalone bathing aids - Safety requirements and

test methods; German and English version prEN



519 DIN EN 1130 Children's Furniture - Cribs and cradles - Safety

requirements and test methods; German and English

version prEN 1130:2017


520 DIN EN 17191 Children's Furniture - Seating for children - Safety

requirements and test methods; German and English

version prEN 17191:2017


521 DIN EN 16282-1 Equipment for commercial kitchens - Components

for ventilation in commercial kitchens - Part 1:

General requirements including calculation method;

German version EN 16282-1:2017


522 DIN EN 16282-5 Equipment for commercial kitchens - Components

for ventilation in commercial kitchens - Part 5: Air

duct; Design and dimensioning; German version

EN 16282-5:2017


523 DIN EN 16282-7 Equipment for commercial kitchens - Components

for ventilation in commercial kitchens - Part 7:

Installation and use of fixed fire suppression

systems; German version EN 16282-7:2017


524 DIN EN 16282-8 Equipment for commercial kitchens - Components

for ventilation in commercial kitchens - Part 8:

Installations for treatment of aerosol; Requirements

and testing; German version EN 16282-8:2017


525 DIN EN 17175 Gas-fired overhead radiant strip heaters and multi-

burner continuous radiant tube heater systems for

non-domestic use - Safety and energy efficiency;


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TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

German and English version prEN 17175:2017

526 DIN EN 416 Gas-fired overhead radiant tube heaters and radiant

tube heater systems for non-domestic use - Safety

and energy efficiency; German and English version

prEN 416:2017


527 DIN EN 13329 Laminate floor coverings - Elements with a surface

layer based on aminoplastic thermosetting resins -

Specifications, requirements and test methods;

German version EN 13329:2016+A1:2017


528 DIN EN 16121 Non-domestic storage furniture - Requirements for

safety, strength, durability and stability; German

version EN 16121:2013+A1:2017


529 DIN EN 13845 Resilient floor coverings - Polyvinyl chloride floor

coverings with particle based enhanced slip

resistance - Specification; German version EN



530 17/30363915 DC BS EN 131-6. Ladders. Part 6. Telescopic ladders 23

531 IEC 60335-2-52 AMD

2*CEI 60335-2-52 AMD 2

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety

- Part 2-52: Particular requirements for oral hygiene

appliances; Amendment 2


532 DIN EN 131-4 Ladders - Part 4: Single or multiple hinge-joint

ladders; German and English version prEN 131-



533 DIN EN 1176-1 Playground equipment and surfacing - Part 1:

General safety requirements and test methods;

German version EN 1176-1:2017


534 DIN EN 1176-2 Playground equipment and surfacing - Part 2:

Additional specific safety requirements and test

methods for swings; German version EN 1176-



535 BS EN 1176-3:2017 Playground equipment and surfacing. Additional

specific safety requirements and test methods for



536 DIN EN 1176-3 Playground equipment and surfacing - Part 3:

Additional specific safety requirements and test

methods for slides; German version EN 1176-



537 BS EN 1176-4:2017 Playground equipment and surfacing. Additional

specific safety requirements and test methods for



538 DIN EN 1176-4 Playground equipment and surfacing - Part 4: 18

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 44/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

Additional specific safety requirements and test

methods for cableways; German version EN 1176-


539 DIN EN 1176-6 Playground equipment and surfacing - Part 6:

Additional specific safety requirements and test

methods for rocking equipment; German version

EN 1176-6:2017


540 DIN EN 71-7 Safety of toys - Part 7: Finger paints - Requirements

and test methods; German version EN 71-



541 IEC 60335-2-52 Edition

3.2*CEI 60335-2-52 Edition


Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety

- Part 2-52: Particular requirements for oral hygiene



An toàn (Phòng cháy; Phòng nổ; Thiết bị bảo vệ) Trở về đầu trang

542 17/30366740 DC BS EN ISO 374-1 AMD1. Protective gloves against

dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms. Part 1.

Terminology and performance requirements for

chemical risks


543 DIN 4102-17 Fire behaviour of building materials and building

components - Part 17: Melting point of mineral

wool insulating materials - Terms and definitions,

requirements and test


544 DIN EN 1047-2 Secure storage units - Classification and methods of

test for resistance to fire - Part 2: Data rooms and

data container; German and English version prEN



545 DIN EN 1127-1 Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and

protection - Part 1: Basic concepts and

methodology; German and English version prEN



546 DIN EN 16755 Durability of reaction to fire performance - Classes

of fire-retardant treated wood products in interior

and exterior end use applications; German version

EN 16755:2017


547 ISO/FDIS 11613 Protective clothing for firefighter's who are engaged

in support activities associated with structural fire

fighting - Laboratory test methods and performance


Ecgônômi (Công thái học) Trở về đầu trang

548 BS EN ISO 9241-125:2017 Ergonomics of human-system interaction. Guidance

on visual presentation of information


Môi trường (Ô nhiễm, kiểm soát ô nhiễm và bảo tồn) Trở về đầu trang

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 45/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

549 ISO/DIS 27916 Carbon dioxide capture, transportation and

geological storage - Carbon dioxide storage using

enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR)


550 ISO 27914 Carbon dioxide capture, transportation and

geological storage - Geological storage


Môi trường (Chất lượng không khí; Phát thải của phương tiện giao thông do vận

chuyển) Trở về đầu trang

551 DIN EN 1459-7 Rough-terrain trucks - Safety requirements and

verification - Part 7: Test method and determination

of noise emission; German and English version

prEN 1459-7:2017


552 DIN EN 17199-1 Workplace exposure - Measurement of dustiness of

bulk materials that contain or release nano-objects

or submicrometer particles - Part 1: Requirements

and choice of test methods; German and English

version prEN 17199-1:2018


553 DIN EN 17199-2 Workplace exposure - Measurement of dustiness of

bulk materials that contain or release nano-objects

or submicrometer particles - Part 2: Rotating drum

method; German and English version prEN 17199-



554 DIN EN 17199-3 Workplace exposure - Measurement of dustiness of

bulk materials that contain or release nano-objects

or submicrometer particles - Part 3: Continuous

drop method; German and English version prEN



555 DIN EN 17199-4 Workplace exposure - Measurement of dustiness of

bulk materials that contain or release nano-objects

or submicrometer particles - Part 4: Small rotating

drum method; German and English version prEN



556 DIN EN 17199-5 Workplace exposure - Measurement of dustiness of

bulk materials that contain or release nano-objects

or submicrometer particles - Part 5: Vortex shaker

method; German and English version prEN 17199-



557 ISO/TS 11665-13 Measurement of radioactivity in the environment -

Air: radon 222 - Part 13: Determination of the

diffusion coefficient in waterproof materials:

membrane two-side activity concentration test



Môi trường (Chất thải) Trở về đầu trang

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 46/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

558 ASTM D5975-17 Replaces:

ASTM D5975-96(2004)

Standard Test Method for Determining the Stability

of Compost by Measuring Oxygen Consumption


559 DIN EN 14702-3 Characterization and management of sludge -

Determination of settling properties - Part 3:

Determination of zone settling velocity (ZSV);

German and English version prEN 14702-3:2017


560 DIN EN 17183 Evaluation of sludge density; German and English

version prEN 17183:2017


Môi trường (Chất lượng đất) Trở về đầu trang

561 17/30362321 DC BS EN ISO 23161. Soil quality. Determination of

selected organotin compounds. Gas-

chromatographic method


562 17/30363999 DC BS EN 16190. Soil, treated biowaste and sludge.

Determination of dioxins and furans and dioxin-like

polychlorinated biphenyls by gas chromatography

with high resolution mass selective detection (HR



563 17/30364002 DC BS EN 16167. Soil, treated biowaste and sludge.

Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)

by gas chromatography with mass selective

detection (GC-MS) and gas chromatography with

electron-capture detection (GC-ECD)


564 17/30364005 DC BS EN 16181. Soil, treated biowaste and sludge.

Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

(PAH) by gas chromatography (GC) and high

performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)


565 DIN 4220 Pedologic site assessment - Designation,

classification and deduction of soil parameters

(normative and nominal scaling)


566 ISO/FDIS 17892-8 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Laboratory

testing of soil - Part 8: Unconsolidated undrained

triaxial test


Môi trường (Chất lượng nước) Trở về đầu trang

567 17/30321739 DC BS ISO 20468-1. Guidelines for performance

evaluation of treatment technologies for water reuse

systems. Part 1. General


568 17/30321742 DC BS ISO 20469. Guidelines for water quality grade

classification for water reuse


569 DIN 38414-15 German standard methods for the examination of

water, waste water and sludge - Sludge and


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TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

sediments (group S) - Part 15: Determination of the

specific residual beta activity aRβin sludge,

sediment and suspended matter (S 15)

570 DIN 38414-18 German standard methods for the examination of

water, waste water and sludge - Sludge and

sediments (group S) - Part 18: Determination of

adsorbed organically bound halogens (AOX) (S 18)


571 DIN 38414-22 German standard methods for the examination of

water, waste water and sludge - Sludge and

sediments (group S) - Part 22: Determination of dry

residue by freezing and preparation of the freeze

dried mass of sludge (S 22)


572 DIN EN 17211 Water quality - Guidance on mapping of seagrasses

and macroalgae in the eulittoral zone; German and

English version prEN 17211:2017


Đo lường và phép đo (Phép đo bức xạ, đại lượng điện và từ) Trở về đầu trang

573 17/30347905 DC BS ISO 11929-1. Determination of the

characteristic limits (decision threshold, detection

limit and limits of the coverage interval) for

measurements of ionizing radiation. Fundamentals

and application. Part 1. Elementary applications


574 17/30347908 DC BS ISO 11929-2. Determination of the

characteristic limits (decision threshold, detection

limit and limits of the coverage interval) for

measurements of ionizing radiation. Part 2.

Advanced applications


575 17/30347911 DC BS ISO 11929-3. Determination of the

characteristic limits (decision threshold, detection

limit and limits of the coverage interval) for

measurements of ionizing radiation. Fundamentals

and application. Part 3. Applications to unfolding



576 BS EN 50401:2017 Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of

base station equipment with radiofrequency

electromagnetic field exposure limits (110 MHz -

100 GHz), when put into service


577 BS EN 62056-7-3:2017 Electricity metering data exchange. The

DLMS/COSEM suite. Wired and wireless M-Bus

communication profiles for local and

neighbourhood networks


Đo lường và phép đo (Đo khối lượng, thể tích, tỷ trọng, độ nhớt; Đo lưu lượng chất lỏng)

Trở về đầu trang

Dịch vụ Cung cấp Thông tin Trọn gói Tháng 12/2017 48/50

TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

578 ASTM D1545 -13(2017)

Replaces: ASTM D1545-


Standard Test Method for Viscosity of Transparent

Liquids by Bubble Time Method


579 BS ISO 9123:2017 Hydrometry. Stage-fall-discharge relationships 38

Thử nghiệm (Thử nghiệm điện và điện từ; Thử nghiệm không phá hủy)

Trở về đầu trang

580 17/30347740 DC BS EN 63075. Superconducting AC power cables

and their accessories for rated voltages from 6 kV to

500 kV. Test methods and requirements


581 ISO/TS 16829 Non-destructive testing - Automated ultrasonic

testing - Selection and application of systems


582 JIS Z 2320-1:2017

Replaces:JIS Z 2320-1:2007

Non-destructive testing -- Magnetic particle testing

-- Part 1: General principles


583 JIS Z 2320-2:2017

Replaces:JIS Z 2320-2:2007

Non-destructive testing -- Magnetic particle testing

-- Part 2: Detection media


584 JIS Z 2320-3:2017

Replaces:JIS Z 2321:1993

Non-destructive testing -- Magnetic particle testing

-- Part 3: Equipment


Thử nghiệm (Thử nghiệm môi trường) Trở về đầu trang

585 KS C IEC 60721-3-7 Classification of environmental conditions-Part 3 :

Classification of groups of environmental

parameters and their severities. Section 7 : Portable

and non-stationary use


Dịch vụ. Tổ chức, quản lý và chất lượng công ty Trở về đầu trang

586 BS ISO 20410:2017 Tourism and related services. Bareboat charter.

Minimum service and equipment requirements


587 BS ISO 28590:2017*BS


Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes.

Introduction to the ISO 2859 series of standards for

sampling for inspection by attributes


588 BS ISO 28593:2017 Acceptance sampling procedures by attributes.

Accept-zero sampling system based on credit

principle for controlling outgoing quality


589 BS ISO 28594:2017 Combined accept-zero sampling systems and

process control procedures for product acceptance


590 BS ISO 28597:2017 Acceptance sampling procedures by attributes.

Specified quality levels in nonconforming items per



591 DIN EN 17007 Maintenance process and associated indicators;

German version EN 17007:2017


592 IEC/DIS 31010 Risk management - Risk assessment techniques 100

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TT Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn Tên tiêu chuẩn A4

593 ISO 28590 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes -

Introduction to the ISO 2859 series of standards for

sampling for inspection by attributes


594 ISO 28591 Sequential sampling plans for inspection by



595 ISO 28592 Double sampling plans by attributes with minimal

sample sizes, indexed by producer's risk quality

(PRQ) and consumer's risk quality (CRQ)


596 ISO 28593 Acceptance sampling procedures by attributes -

Accept-zero sampling system based on credit

principle for controlling outgoing quality


597 ISO 28594 Combined accept-zero sampling systems and

process control procedures for product acceptance


598 ISO 28597 Acceptance sampling procedures by attributes -

Specified quality levels in nonconforming items per



599 ISO 28598-1 Acceptance sampling procedures based on the

allocation of priorities principle (APP) - Part 1:

Guidelines for the APP approach


600 ISO 28598-2 Acceptance sampling procedures based on the

allocation of priorities principle (APP) - Part 2:

Coordinated single sampling plans for acceptance

sampling by attributes


601 KS S 2001 Educational travel services 25

Bao gói và phân phối hàng hóa (Phụ kiện và vật liệu bao gói) Trở về đầu trang

602 DIN 55545-1 Packagings - Packagings with insulating properties

- Part 1: Determination of thermal performance


Khoa học thông tin Trở về đầu trang

603 BS ISO 3297:2017 Information and documentation. International

standard serial number (ISSN)


604 BS ISO 23081-1:2017 Information and documentation. Records

management processes. Metadata for records.



605 BS ISO 17068:2017 Information and documentation. Trusted third party

repository for digital records


Lĩnh vực khác (Dụng cụ vẽ) Trở về đầu trang

606 KS G ISO 9177-3 Mechanical pencils ? Part 3: Black leads ? Bending

strengths of HB leads


607 KS G ISO 9177-1 Mechanical pencils-Part 1:Classification, 10

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dimensions, performance requirements and testing

608 KS G ISO 9177-2 Mechanical pencils-Part 2:Black

leads-Classification and dimensions


Để có toàn văn các tiêu chuẩn trên hoặc các tiêu chuẩn khác, vui lòng liên hệ:

Quầy dịch vụ tham khảo – Thư viện Trường ĐH Công nghiệp TP. HCM

12 Nguyễn Văn Bảo, Phường 4, Quận Gò Vấp, TP. HCM

Email: thuvien@iuh.edu.vn

Điện thoại: 083.8940 390 – 131.