The strength

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of The strength

the strength


mbok wati, pemulung

Berqurban dengan dua ekor kambing

Hasil tabungan selama 3 tahun

Berbagi tawa, tambah bahagia

Berbagi harta, tambah kaya

Berbagi ilmu, tambah pandai

Love, care, n share

ora et labora

nothing can bring you peace, but yourself

There's a heroIf you look inside your heartYou don't have to be afraid

Of what you are

There's an answerIf you reach into your soul

And the sorrow that you knowWill melt away

And then a hero comes alongWith the strength to carry onAnd you cast your fears aside

And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is goneLook inside you and be strongAnd you'll finally see the truth

That a hero lies in you

a man who can do what can’t be doneis a man who can see what can’t be


a vision

Kajur KS :

hiduplah dengan visihiduplah untuk memperjuangkan visi

makaanda menemukan kekuatan

ifYou want to find strengths,

you have to assume they are there and then you have to look for them

Beisser, flying without wings, 1990


sesungguhnya kekuatan sejati hanya bisa dimiliki


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