BLUEJAY STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING 2016 SUMMER SCHEDULE A physical must be on file, taken after May 1 st of 2016, to be able to participate in athletics during the 2016- 2017 school year. Schedule and complete a physical on or as soon after May 1 st as you can. Wednesday June 8 th Strength and Conditioning begins Sessions each M - W F 6:30 8:00 am Advanced So Sr athletes (Fr athletes as OK’d per Coach) 9:00 10:30 am Beginning Fr Sr athletes ***athletes are allowed to attend either session to accommodate summer conflicts Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning June 9 th El-MS Strength and Conditioning 8:00 9:00 am 6 8 MS athletes 9:00 10:00 am K 5 Elementary students Monday July 4 th Weight Room Closed Wednesday August 3rd and Friday August 5 th Conditioning Test 6:30 am Wed, Thursday, & Friday August 10 th 11 th and 12 th Strength and Conditioning 4:00pm 5:30 pm TBA Fall Athlete and Parent Orientation Meeting This is a mandatory meeting for all fall sport parents and athletes. Contact Mr. Westerhaus at 717-4226 if you are unable to attend the meeting. Monday August 15 th Fall Sport Practices Begin All athletes must have a physical completed and turned into the athletic office prior to the start of practice. You may take your physical anytime after May 1 st 2015. A complete practice schedule will be available through each sports head coach. Summer Strength and Conditioning Expectations Consistency Consistency Consistency - Consistency Be a great Teammate! Be on time for the session you are attending. Extra work will be assigned to tardies during the summer conditioning program. Complete each workout, in full, as assigned by JCHS Strength staff. No individual workouts will be allowed except when extra time is allowed and available. Individual workouts may be completed through a membership at a local gym. Absolutely no horseplay will be allowed No food or drink will be allowed in the weight room Shirts, shoes, sweats or shorts must be worn at all times. Jeans or Jean Shorts will not be allowed. Be sure your clothing has no exposed buttons or zippers. Respect the facility and all equipment. Return all equipment to its proper location upon completion of use. Spot and have a spotter present for all lifts as assigned and instructed. Competition is individual unless designed into the workout. Never negatively interfere with another participant. Positively encourage each participant to reach their full potential and to get the maximum out of each session. “SING YOUR SONG AND ASSIST OTHERS IN SINGING THEIRS”!!!! Leave no music inside of you!




A physical must be on file, taken after May 1st of 2016, to be able to participate in athletics during the 2016-

2017 school year. Schedule and complete a physical on or as soon after May 1st as you can.

Wednesday June 8th Strength and Conditioning begins

Sessions each M - W – F

6:30 – 8:00 am Advanced So – Sr athletes (Fr athletes as OK’d per Coach)

9:00 – 10:30 am Beginning Fr – Sr athletes

***athletes are allowed to attend either session to accommodate summer conflicts

Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning June 9th El-MS Strength and Conditioning

8:00 – 9:00 am 6 – 8 MS athletes

9:00 – 10:00 am K – 5 Elementary students

Monday July 4th Weight Room Closed

Wednesday August 3rd and Friday August 5th Conditioning Test 6:30 am

Wed, Thursday, & Friday August 10th 11th and 12th Strength and Conditioning 4:00pm – 5:30 pm

TBA Fall Athlete and Parent Orientation Meeting

This is a mandatory meeting for all fall sport parents and athletes.

Contact Mr. Westerhaus at 717-4226 if you are unable to attend the


Monday August 15th Fall Sport Practices Begin

All athletes must have a physical completed and turned into the athletic office prior to the

start of practice. You may take your physical anytime after May 1st 2015.

A complete practice schedule will be available through each sports head coach.

Summer Strength and Conditioning Expectations Consistency – Consistency – Consistency - Consistency

Be a great Teammate!

Be on time for the session you are attending. Extra work will be assigned to tardies during the summer

conditioning program.

Complete each workout, in full, as assigned by JCHS Strength staff. No individual workouts will be allowed

except when extra time is allowed and available. Individual workouts may be completed through a membership

at a local gym.

Absolutely no horseplay will be allowed

No food or drink will be allowed in the weight room

Shirts, shoes, sweats or shorts must be worn at all times. Jeans or Jean Shorts will not be allowed. Be sure

your clothing has no exposed buttons or zippers.

Respect the facility and all equipment. Return all equipment to its proper location upon completion of use.

Spot and have a spotter present for all lifts as assigned and instructed.

Competition is individual unless designed into the workout.

Never negatively interfere with another participant.

Positively encourage each participant to reach their full potential and to get the maximum out of each session.

“SING YOUR SONG AND ASSIST OTHERS IN SINGING THEIRS”!!!! Leave no music inside of you!

SUMMER 2016 Clinics

Tennis courts located at Junction City High School behind west side of school

Coach: Matt Micheel

Certified USPTA Elite Professional

Former Mens/Womens Head College Tennis Coach

Junction City HS Head Boys/Girls Tennis Coach


4th/5th Grade 8:00-9:00am $50 2nd/3rd Grade 8:00-8:45am $40 Orange Ball Used Red Ball Used

6th/7th Grade 9:00-10:00am $50 1st Grade 8:45-9:15am $30

Green Ball Used Red Ball Used


8-10th Grade 10:35-11:55am $70

Grade level is based on 2016-2017 school year. Alternate participant placement available pending instructor approval. Participants will need their own racquet and athletic shoes. Elementary clinics will use the new USTA 10 & under Quickstart format. In case of inclement weather, makeup sessions will be held on Fridays. One makeup day is already built into the schedule. Private and Group Lessons are also available for all ages.


Contact Matt Micheel

PHONE: (941)685-7695 OR EMAIL: [email protected]

Successfully Making Athletes Superior Hitters


Pre-Participación Físico EvaluaciónKansas State High School Activities Association • 601 SW Commerce Place • PO Box 495 • Topeka, KS 66601 • 785-273-5329

Formulario de Historia (debe ser llenado por el estudiante y el padre / tutor antes del examen físico)


Nombre Género Edad CumpleañosGrado Escuela Deporte(s)Dirección de Casa Teléfono -Médico Correo Electrónico de Padre Preguntas Generales Si No

Preguntas generales Si No

1. As tenido alguna condición médica o lastimadura desde tu ultimo revisión física?

2. Te ha negado o puesto en actividad restrictiva algún doctor en tus actividades deportivas?

3. Tienes alguna condición médica continua? Si la respuesta es sí por favor identifica la condición abajo: Asma Anemia Diabetes Infecciones Otra: __________________________________

4. As pasado la noche en el hospital?

5. As tenido cirugía alguna vez?

Preguntas de Salud del Corazón Sobre Ti Si No

6. Te as desmayado o casi desmayado alguna vez antes o durante ejercicio?

7. As tenido molestia, dolor, tensión, o presión en tu pecho durante ejercicio?

8. Tu corazón alguna vez late rápido o se brinca latidos (latidos irregulares) durante el ejercicio?

9. Te ha dicho algún doctor que tú tienes algún problema del corazón? Si la respuesta es sí marca el que aplica: Alta Presión Soplo en el Corazón Alto Colesterol Infección en el corazón Enfermedad Kawasaki Otro: _________

10. Te a ordenado algún doctor que te hagas un examen del corazón? (Por ejemplo ECG/EKG, echo cardiograma)

11. Te has mareado o sentido sin aliento más de lo común cuando haces ejercicio?

12. Alguna vez te ha dado una convulsión inexplicada?

13. Rápidamente te sientes más cansado o sin aire que tus amigos cuando hacen ejercicio?

Preguntas de Salud del Corazon Sobre Tu Familia Si No

14. Algún miembro familiar o pariente a muerte de problemas al corazón o a muerto repentina y/o inexplicablemente antes de sus 50 años (incluyendo ahogado, accidente automovilístico inexplicado, o muerte repentina de síndrome infantil de cuna)?

15. Alguien en tu familia tiene miocardiopatia hipertrófica, síndrome de Marfan, aritmético cardiomiopatía ventricular derecha, síndrome largo QT, síndrome cortó QT, síndrome Brugada, catecolaminergico polimórfico taquicardia ventricular?

16. Alguien en tu familia tiene problemas del corazón, un marcapasos, implante de desfibrilador?

17. Alguien en tu familia se ah desmayado sin explicación, convulsiones sin explicación, o casi ahogado?

Preguntas de Huesos y Coyunturas Si No

18. As tenido alguna lastimadura a un hueso, musculo, ligamento, o tendón que te haya ocasionado que perdieras alguna practica o juego?

19. Has tenido alguna quebradura de hueso, fractura, o alguna dislocación de coyuntura?

20. Alguna vez has tenido una lastimadura que hayas necesitado rayos-x, MRI, CT Scan, inyecciones, terapia, muletas, yeso, aparato ortopédico?

21. Alguna vez has tenido una fractura por tensión?

22. Te has hecho un o te han dicho que te hagas rayos-x por inestabilidad de cuello o por inestabilidad de atlantaoxial? (Síndrome de Down o enanismo)

23. Regularmente usas aparatos ortopédicos, abrazadera, o algún otro disposi-tivo de ayuda?

24. Tienes un hueso, musculo, o lastimadura de coyuntura que te moleste?

25. Algunos de tus coyunturas te causan dolor, se hinchan, sienten calientes, o se ponen colorados?

26. Tienes historia de problemas con artritis juvenil o enfermedad del tejido conectivo?

Yo declaro que, hasta mi mejor conocimiento, mis respuestas a las preguntas mencionadas arriba están completas y correctas.

Firma del atleta _____________________________________________Firma del Padre/Guardián ____________________________________________ Fecha ____________© 2010 Academia Americana de Médicos de Familia, Academia Americana de Pediatría , el Colegio Americano de Medicina del Deporte , Sociedad Médica Estadounidense de Medicina Deportiva , la Sociedad Americana Ortopédica de Medicina Deportiva y Americana de Osteopatía de la Academia de Medicina del Deporte . Se concede permiso para reproducir para fines no comerciales , educativos con acuse de recibo.

Medicinas y Alergias: Por favor liste todo medicamento que se este tomando en este momento con o sin receta médica, inhaladores, y suplementos (nutricional y/o herbal) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ No Medicamentos Tienes alguna alergia? Si No Si la respuesta es sí, por favor identifique la alergia específica en la parte de abajo. Medicinas_________________________ Polen __________________________ Comida _____________________ Insectos que Pican __________________________Que son sus reacciones? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

El PPE es requerido anualmente y no deberá ser obtenido antes de Mayo 1 del año escolar para cual es aplicable.

Explique las respuestas que marco “Si” en la parte de abajo. Circule las preguntas que no sepa contestar.

Rev. 1/15

Preguntas Médicas Si No

27. Toses, tienes respiración ruidosa, o tienes dificultad para respirar durante o después de hacer ejercicio?

28. Has usado un inhalador o tomado medicina para asma?

29. Hay alguien en tu familia que tiene asma?

30. Naciste sin o te falta un riñón, un ojo, un testículo (hombres), bazo, o algún otro órgano?

31. Tienes dolor en la ingle o una bola dolorosa en la ingle, o una hernia en la ingle?

32. Has obtenido monocleosis contagiosa (mono) durante el último mes?

33. Tienes erupciones, ulceras de presión, o alguna otra infección de la piel?

34. Has tenido alguna infección de herpes o MRSA?

35. Alguna vez has tenido una lastimadura en la cabeza o conmoción cerebral? Si la respuesta es sí cuantas? __________________________________ Cuanto tiempo ha sido lo más largo que te han tenido fuera de deportes o la escuela? ___________________________________________________ Cuando fue la última vez que te dieron de alta?______________________

36. Te an dado un golpe o fuerte soplo a la cabeza que te haya causado confusión, dolor de cabeza prolongado, o problemas de memoria?

37. Tienes historia de tener un desorden de convulsiones?

38. Te dan dolores de cabeza cuando haces ejercicio?

39. Alguna vez se te ha entumecido, hormigueo, o debilidad en tus brazos o piernas después de que te peguen o caerte (Aguijón, Quemador, Pinzamiento de un Nervio)?

40. Has perdido el sentido de tus piernas y o brazos después de ser golpeado o de que te hayas caído?

41. Te has enfermado alguna vez durante haciendo ejercicio en tiempo caliente?

42. Te dan calambres de tus músculos frecuentemente cuando haces ejercicio?

43. Tu o alguien en tu familia tiene anemia de células falciformes?

44. Has tenido algún problema con tus ojos o visión?

45. Has tenido alguna lastimadura en tus ojos?

46. Usas lentes o contactos?

47. Usas protectores de ojos, por ejemplo gafas o protector de cara?

48. Te preocupas de tu peso?

49. Estas tratando o te han recomendado que subas o bajes de peso?

50. Estas en una dieta especial o previenes algún tipo de comidas?

51. Alguna vez has tenido algún desorden alimenticio?

52. Tienes alguna preocupación que te gustaría platicar con un doctor?

Mujeres Solamente Si No

53. Has tenido un periodo menstrual?

54. Si, la respuesta es si has experimentado algunos problemas o cambios con tu participación atlética (i.e., irregularidad, dolor, etc.)?

55. Cuantos años tenias cuando empezaste tu menstruación?

56. Cuantas menstruación has tenido en los últimos 12 meses?

Explica abajo las respuestas a las que contestaste “Si"

Name______________________________________: _____________________________________________________________________________Date of birth_________________________:_

Date of recent immunizations: Td Tdap Hep B Varicella HPV Meningococcal



1. Consider additional questions on more sensitive issues• Do you feel stressed out or under a lot of pressure?• Do you ever feel sad, hopeless, depressed, or anxious?• Do you feel safe at your home or residence?• Have you ever tried cigarettes, chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip?• During the past 30 days, did you use chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip?

• Do you drink alcohol or use any other drugs?• Have you ever taken anabolic steroids or used any other performance supplement?• Have you ever taken any supplements to help you gain or lose weight or improve your performance?• Do you wear a seat belt and use a helmet?

2. Consider reviewing questions on cardiovascular symptoms (questions 5–14).EXAMINATION

Height Weight Male Female | BP (corrected for height/age) / ( / ) Pulse

Vision R 20/ L 20/ Corrected: Yes No


Appearance • Marfan stigmata (kyphoscoliosis, high-arched palate, pectus excavatum, arachnodactyly, arm span > height, hyperlaxity, myopia, MVP, aortic insufficiency)

Eyes/ears/nose/throat • Pupils equal • Gross Hearing

Lymph nodes

Heart * • Murmurs (auscultation standing, supine, +/- Valsalva) • Location of point of maximal impulse (PMI)

Pulses • Simultaneous femoral and radial pulses



Genitourinary (males only)**

Skin • HSV, lesions suggestive of MRSA, tinea corporis












Functional • Duck-walk, single leg hop

*Consider ECG, echocardiogram, and referral to cardiology for abnormal cardiac history or exam. **Consider GU exam if in private setting. Having third party present is recommended. ***Consider cognitive evaluation or baseline neuropsychiatric testing if a history of significant concussion.

Cleared for all sports without restriction

Cleared for all sports without restriction with recommendations for further evaluation or treatment for _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Not cleared

Pending further evaluation

For any sports

For certain sports __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*Reason _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Recommendations _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I have examined the above-named student and student history and completed the preparticipation physical evaluation. The athlete does not present apparent clinical contraindications to practice and participate in the sport(s) as outlined above. If conditions arise after the athlete has been cleared for participation, the physician may rescind the clearance until the problem is resolved and the potential consequences are completely explained to the athlete (and parents/guardians).

Name of healthcare provider (print/type)______________________________________________________________________________________ Date ________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________

Signature of healthcare provider___________________________________________________________________________________________, MD, DO, DC, PA-C, APRN (please circle one)

©2010 American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Sports Medicine, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, and American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine. Permission is granted to reprint for noncommercial, educational purposes with acknowledgment.

Pre-Participation Physical EvaluationKansas State High School Activities Association • 601 SW Commerce Place • PO Box 495 • Topeka, KS 66601 • 785-273-5329


Rev. 1/15


Para Que Los Estudiantes de Escuela Intermedia/High School Mantengan Elegibilidad Las escuelas pueden tener reglas más estrictas que las preguntas sobre o enumeradas a continuación. Póngase en contacto con el director o el entrenador sobre cualquier asunto de elegibilidad. Un estudiante para ser elegible y participar en las actividades inter-escolares deberá estar certificado por el director de la escuela que cumplen todos los estándares de elegibilidad.

Todas las reglas y regulaciones de KSHSAA son publicadas en el Manual oficial de KSHSAA cual es distribuido anual-mente y es disponible en tu escuela en la oficina de la directora.

PPE no se tomará antes del 1 de mayo anterior el año escolar para el que se aplica.

A continuación se presentan breves resúmenes de reglas seleccionadas. Por favor Ver Su principal para obtener información completa.

Rev. 3/15

NOTA: La Regla de Traslado 18 en parte declara, que un estudiante es elegible cuando transferido si es que:

EMPEZANDO EL GRADO SIETE—Un estudiante de grado siete, al empezar de su séptimo año, es elegible bajo la Regla de Traslado en cualquier escuela que decida atender. Adicionalmente, los requisitos como elegibilidad académica y la edad también tendrán que ser cumplidas.

EMPEZANDO EL GRADO NUEVE EN UNA ESCUELA DE TRES AÑOS ESCOLARES EN UNA ESCUELA SECUNDARIA JUNIOR—Para que los estudiantes de noveno grado de una secundaria junior de tres años sean igualmente tratados que eso de una secundaria de cuatro años, un estudiante que exitosamente a completado el octavo año de una escuela intermedia de dos años, puede transferir al noveno grado de una escuela secundaria de tres años al principio del año escolar y ser elegible inmediatamente bajo la regla de transferencia. Un estudiante de grado noveno debe entonces como un estudiante de décimo grado, asistir al servicio secundario del sistema escolar. Si asisten a una escuela diferente como un estudiante de décimo grado, no sería elegibles por dieciocho semanas.

ENTRANDO A LA HIGH SCHOOL POR PRIMERA VEZ—Un estudiante de doceavo grado es elegible bajo las Regla de Traslado en cualquier High School que el estudiante escoja cuando entre por primera vez al principio del año escolar. Adicionalmente las reglas de elegibilidad académica y edad tendrán que ser cumplidas.

Regla 7 Evaluación Física- Consentimiento de Padres - Estudiantes deberán pasar el atado evaluación y tener permiso por escrito de sus padres o guardias.

Regla 14 Estudiante Legitimo - Estudiantes Elegibles tendrán que ser legítimos estudiantes de su escuela y tener una buena reputación académica.

Regla 15 Registración/Asistencia - Estudiantes deberán estar registrada y asistir no más tarde que el Lunes de la cuarta semana del se-mestre que piensa participar.

Regla 16 Requisitos de Semestre - Un estudiante no tendrá más de dos semestres de posible elegibilidad en semestres grado siete y dos en el octavo grado. Un estudiante no tendrá más de ocho semestres de posible elegibilidad en los grados nueve a doce, independientemente de si el noveno grado es incluido en la secundaria o en una escuela secundaria superior.

Nota: Si un estudiante no participa o es inelegible debido a la transferencia, becas, etc., el semestre(s) durante ese período se contarán hacia el número total de semestres posible.

Regla 17 Requisitos de Edad - Los estudiantes son elegibles si no son mayores de 19 años de edad (16, 15 ó 14 para secundaria o estudiante de escuela intermedia) en o antes del 1 de septiembre del año escolar en el que compiten.

Regla 19 Influencia Indebida - El uso de influencia indebida por cualquier persona para asegurar o retener un estudiante hará de inelegi-bilidad. Si la matrícula es acusada o reducida, reunirá los requisitos de la KSHSAA.

Reglas 20/21 Aficionados y Reglas de Premios - Los estudiantes son elegibles si ellos no han competido bajo un nombre falso o por dinero o mercancía de valor intrínseco y han observado todas las demás disposiciones de los aficionados y de las reglas de premios.

Regla 22 Competencia Fuera de la Escuela - Los estudiantes no pueden participar en la competencia exterior en el mismo deporte durante una temporada en la que están representando su escuela.

Nota: Consulte el entrenador o director antes de participar individualmente o en un equipo en cualquier juego, sesión de entrenamiento, concurso o prueba llevada a cabo por una organización externa. Los estudiantes no pueden participar en la competencia exterior en el mismo deporte durante una temporada en la que están representando su escuela.

Regla 25 Anti-Fraternidad - Los estudiantes son elegibles si no son miembros de alguna fraternidad u otra organización prohibida por ley o por las reglas de la KSHSAA.

Regla 26 Anti-Prueba e Instrucción Privada - Los estudiantes son elegibles si no han participado en las sesiones de entrenamiento o las pruebas de colegios u otras fuera de agencias u organizaciones que en el mismo deporte mientras era miembro de un equipo atlético de la escuela.

Regla 30 Estaciones de deporte - Los estudiantes no son elegibles por más de cuatro temporadas en un deporte en una escuela secundaria de cuatro años, tres temporadas en una escuela secundaria de tres años o dos temporadas en una escuela secundaria de dos años

Los estudiantes nombre _____________________________________________( POR FAVOR ESCRIBA CLARAMENTE )

Para ser elegible para la participación en grupos de atletismo inter-escolar/grupos espíritus, un estudiante debe tener en el archivo con el Superin-tendente o director, una declaración firmada por un médico, quiropráctico, asistente médico que ha sido autorizado para realizar el examen por un médico con licencia de Kansas o una enfermera de práctica avanzada que ha sido autorizada para realizar este examen por una licencia médica de Kansas, certificando que el estudiante ha pasado adecuadamente un exanimación física y está físicamente apto para participar (ver manual KSHSAA, artículo 7). Una historia completa y examen físico deben realizarse anualmente antes de que un estudiante participe en KSHSAA actividades como atletismo/animación deportiva inter-escolar. La historia anual y el examen físico no se obtendrán más temprano que el precedente año escolar, para lo cual es aplicable el 1 de Mayo. La KSHSAA recomienda completar esta evaluación por parte de atletas/animadoras al menos un mes antes de la primera práctica para permitir la corrección en deficiencias e implementar las recomendaciones de condición.

Consentimiento de Padre o GuardiánNo sé de ningún problema físico existente o cualquier razón de salud adicionales que impiden la participación en las actividades. Certifico que las respuestas a las preguntas en la parte de la historia de la forma de exploración física Pre-participación (PPE), son verídicas y exactas. Yo apruebo la participación en las actividades. Autorizo la liberación a la KSHSAA, a la enfermera de la escuela, al entrenador de atletismo, a los administradores escolares, al entrenador y al médico la información contenida en este documento certificado. Previa solicitud por escrito, yo puedo recibir una copia de este documento para mis propios registros personales de salud.

Reconozco que existen riesgos al participar, incluyendo la posibilidad de daños catastróficos.

Por la presente doy mi consentimiento para que el estudiante mencionado arriba a competir en las actividades de KSHSAA aprobado, y que acompañe a representantes escolares en viajes escolares y recibir tratamiento médico de emergencia cuando sea necesario. Queda entendido que ni la KSHSAA ni la escuela asume ninguna responsabilidad en caso de accidente. El firmante de abajo se compromete a ser responsable por el regreso de todo el equipo deportivo asignado por la escuela a los estudiantes.

El estudiante nombrado arriba y yo hemos leído la Lista de Elegibilidad de KSHSAA E información en cómo mantener elegibilidad listado en esta forma.

Para que los estudiantes de escuela intermedia y secundaria determinen elegibilidad cuando registrándose.

Por medio / escuela secundaria y del instituto de secundaria Estudiantes para determinar la elegibilidad al matricularse

Si se da una respuesta negativa a cualquiera de las siguientes preguntas, debe contactar a su administrador a cargo de evaluar la elegibilidad. Esto debe hacerse antes de que el estudiante se le permita asistir a su primera clase y antes de la primera práctica de la actividad. Si aún existen preguntas, el administrador de la escuela debe hablar por teléfono al KSHSAA para una determinación final de elegibilidad. (Escuelas tramitarán un Certificado de Transferencia Formulario T-E en todos los estudiantes de transferencia).


1. ¿Eres un auténtico estudiante de buena reputación en la escuela? (Si hay una pregunta, el director hará esa determinación).2. ¿Has pasado a por lo menos cinco nuevos temas (los no previamente aprobados) el semestre pasado? (El KSHSAA tiene una

regulación mínima que requiere pasar por lo menos cinco temas de la unidad de peso en el último semestre de asistencia).3. ¿Planean inscribirse en al menos cinco nuevos temas (los no previamente aprobado) de la unidad de peso este próximo semestre? (El

KSHSAA tiene una regulación mínima que requiere inscribirse y estar presentes en al menos cinco temas de la unidad de peso).4. ¿Fuiste a esta escuela o una rama en su distrito el semestre pasado? (Si la respuesta es "no" a esta pregunta, por favor, conteste

las secciones a y b.) a. ¿Vives con tus padres? b. ¿Si vives con tus padres, ellos han hecho un movimiento permanente y de buena fe en el centro de asistencia de tu escuela?

El estudiante o el padre autorizan a la escuela para liberar a los expedientes de los estudiantes KSHSAA y otros documentos pertinentes e información con el fin de determinar la elegibilidad del estudiante. El estudiante o el padre autorizan también a la escuela y el KSHSAA para publicar el nombre y la foto del estudiante como resultado de participar o asistir a actividades extracurriculares, eventos escolares y KSHSAA actividades o eventos.

Firma de Padres o Guardián Fecha

Firma de Estudiante Fecha Fecha de Nacimiento Grado

Rev. 3/15

Pre-Participation Physical EvaluationKansas State High School Activities Association • 601 SW Commerce Place • PO Box 495 • Topeka, KS 66601 • 785-273-5329

HISTORY FORM (should be filled out by the student and parent/guardian prior to the physical examination)


Name Sex Age Date of birthGrade School Sport(s)Home Address Phone -Personal physician Parent Email

General Questions Yes No

1. Have you had a medical condition or injury since your last check up or sports physical?

2. Has a doctor ever denied or restricted your participation in sports for any reason?

3. Do you have any ongoing medical conditions? If so, please identify below: Asthma Anemia Diabetes Infections Other: __________________________________

4. Have you ever spent the night in the hospital?

5. Have you ever had surgery?

Heart Health Questions About You Yes No

6. Have you ever passed out or nearly passed out DURING or AFTER exercise?

7. Have you ever had discomfort, pain, tightness, or pressure in your chest during exercise?

8. Does your heart ever race or skip beats (irregular beats) during exer-cise?

9. Has a doctor ever told you that you have any heart problems? If so, check all that apply: High blood pressure A heart murmur High cholesterol A heart infection Kawasaki disease Other: _________

10. Has a doctor ever ordered a test for your heart? (For example, ECG/EKG, echocardiogram)

11. Do you get lightheaded or feel more short of breath than expected dur-ing exercise?

12. Have you ever had an unexplained seizure?

13. Do you get more tired or short of breath more quickly than your friends during exercise?

Heart Health Questions About Your Family Yes No

14. Has any family member or relative died of heart problems or had an unexpected or unexplained sudden death before age 50 (including drowning, unexplained car accident, or sudden infant death syndrome)?

15. Does anyone in your family have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Marfan syndrome, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, long QT syndrome, short QT syndrome, Brugada syndrome, or catecholaminer-gic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia?

16. Does anyone in your family have a heart problem, pacemaker, or implanted defibrillator?

17. Has anyone in your family had unexplained fainting, unexplained sei-zures, or near drowning?

Bone And Joint Questions Yes No

18. Have you ever had an injury to a bone, muscle, ligament, or tendon that caused you to miss a practice or a game?

19. Have you ever had any broken or fractured bones or dislocated joints?

20. Have you ever had an injury that required x-rays, MRI, CT scan, injec-tions, therapy, a brace, a cast, or crutches?

21. Have you ever had a stress fracture?

22. Have you ever been told that you have or have you had an x-ray for neck instability or atlantoaxial instability? (Down syndrome or dwarfism)

23. Do you regularly use a brace, orthotics, or other assistive device?

24. Do you have a bone, muscle, or joint injury that bothers you?

25. Do any of your joints become painful, swollen, feel warm, or look red?

26. Do you have any history of juvenile arthritis or connective tissue disease?

I hereby state that, to the best of my knowledge, my answers to the above questions are complete and correct.

Signature of athlete _____________________________________________ Signature of parent/guardian ____________________________________________ Date ____________© 2010 American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Sports Medicine, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, and American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine. Permission is granted to reprint for noncommercial, educational purposes with acknowledgment.

Medicines and Allergies: Please list all of the prescription and over-the-counter medicines, inhalers, and supplements (herbal and nutritional) that you are currently taking: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ No Medications Do you have any allergies? Yes No If yes, please identify specific allergy below. Medicines _________________________ Pollens _________________________ Food ________________________ Stinging Insects ______________________________What was the reaction? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

PPE is required annually and shall not be taken earlier than May 1 preceding the school year for which it is applicable.

Explain “Yes” answers below. Circle questions you don’t know the answers to.

Rev. 1/15

Medical Questions Yes No

27. Do you cough, wheeze, or have difficulty breathing during or after exercise?

28. Have you ever used an inhaler or taken asthma medicine?

29. Is there anyone in your family who has asthma?

30. Were you born without or are you missing a kidney, an eye, a testicle (males), your spleen, or any other organ?

31. Do you have groin pain or a painful bulge or hernia in the groin area?

32. Have you had infectious mononucleosis (mono) within the last month?

33. Do you have any rashes, pressure sores, or other skin problems?

34. Have you had a herpes or MRSA skin infection?

35. Have you ever had a head injury or concussion? If yes, how many? _______________________ What is the longest you've been held out of sports or school? __________________ When were you last released?___________________________________________

36. Have you ever had a hit or blow to the head that caused confusion, prolonged headache, or memory problems?

37. Do you have a history of seizure disorder?

38. Do you have headaches with exercise?

39. Have you ever had numbness, tingling, or weakness in your arms or legs after being hit or falling (Stinger/Burner/Pinched Nerve)?

40. Have you ever been unable to move your arms or legs after being hit or falling?

41. Have you ever become ill while exercising in the heat?

42. Do you get frequent muscle cramps when exercising?

43. Do you or someone in your family have sickle cell trait or disease?

44. Have you had any problems with your eyes or vision?

45. Have you had any eye injuries?

46. Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?

47. Do you wear protective eyewear, such as goggles or a face shield?

48. Do you worry about your weight?

49. Are you trying to or has anyone recommended that you gain or lose weight?

50. Are you on a special diet or do you avoid certain types of foods?

51. Have you ever had an eating disorder?

52. Do you have any concerns that you would like to discuss with a doctor?

Females Only Yes No

53. Have you ever had a menstrual period?

54. If yes, are you experiencing any problems or changes with athletic participation (i.e., irregularity, pain, etc.)?

55. How old were you when you had your first menstrual period?

56. How many periods have you had in the last 12 months?

Explain “yes” answers here

Name______________________________________: _____________________________________________________________________________Date of birth_________________________:_

Date of recent immunizations: Td Tdap Hep B Varicella HPV Meningococcal



1. Consider additional questions on more sensitive issues• Do you feel stressed out or under a lot of pressure?• Do you ever feel sad, hopeless, depressed, or anxious?• Do you feel safe at your home or residence?• Have you ever tried cigarettes, chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip?• During the past 30 days, did you use chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip?

• Do you drink alcohol or use any other drugs?• Have you ever taken anabolic steroids or used any other performance

supplement?• Have you ever taken any supplements to help you gain or lose weight or

improve your performance?• Do you wear a seat belt and use a helmet?

2. Consider reviewing questions on cardiovascular symptoms (questions 6–17).EXAMINATION

Height Weight Male Female | BP (corrected for height/age) / ( / ) Pulse

Vision R 20/ L 20/ Corrected: Yes No


Appearance • Marfan stigmata (kyphoscoliosis, high-arched palate, pectus excavatum, arachnodactyly, arm span > height, hyperlaxity, myopia, MVP, aortic insufficiency)

Eyes/ears/nose/throat • Pupils equal • Gross Hearing

Lymph nodes

Heart * • Murmurs (auscultation standing, supine, +/- Valsalva) • Location of point of maximal impulse (PMI)

Pulses • Simultaneous femoral and radial pulses



Genitourinary (males only)**

Skin • HSV, lesions suggestive of MRSA, tinea corporis












Functional • Duck-walk, single leg hop

*Consider ECG, echocardiogram, and referral to cardiology for abnormal cardiac history or exam. **Consider GU exam if in private setting. Having third party present is recommended. ***Consider cognitive evaluation or baseline neuropsychiatric testing if a history of significant concussion.

Cleared for all sports without restriction

Cleared for all sports without restriction with recommendations for further evaluation or treatment for _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Not cleared

Pending further evaluation

For any sports

For certain sports __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*Reason _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Recommendations _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I have examined the above-named student and student history and completed the preparticipation physical evaluation. The athlete does not present apparent clinical contraindications to practice and participate in the sport(s) as outlined above. If conditions arise after the athlete has been cleared for participation, the physician may rescind the clearance until the problem is resolved and the potential consequences are completely explained to the athlete (and parents/guardians).

Name of healthcare provider (print/type)______________________________________________________________________________________ Date ________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________

Signature of healthcare provider___________________________________________________________________________________________, MD, DO, DC, PA-C, APRN (please circle one)

©2010 American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Sports Medicine, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, and American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine. Permission is granted to reprint for noncommercial, educational purposes with acknowledgment.

Pre-Participation Physical EvaluationKansas State High School Activities Association • 601 SW Commerce Place • PO Box 495 • Topeka, KS 66601 • 785-273-5329


Rev. 1/15


NOTE: Transfer Rule 18 states in part, a student is eligible transfer-wise if:BEGINNING SEVENTH GRADER—A seventh grader, at the beginning of his or her seventh grade year, is eligible under the Transfer Rule at any school he or she may choose to attend. In addition, age and academic eligibility requirements must also be met.

BEGINNING NINTH GRADERS IN A THREE-YEAR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL—So that ninth graders of a three-year junior high are treated equally to ninth graders of a four-year senior high school, a student who has successfully completed the eighth grade of a two-year junior high/middle school, may transfer to the ninth grade of a three-year junior high school at the beginning of the school year and be eligible immediately under the Transfer Rule. Such a ninth grader must then as a tenth grader, attend the feeder senior high school of their school system. Should they attend a different school as a tenth grader, they would be ineligible for eighteen weeks.

ENTERING HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE FIRST TIME—A senior high school student is eligible under the Transfer Rule at any senior high school he or she may choose to attend when senior high is entered for the first time at the beginning of the school year. In addition, age and academic eligibility requirements must also be met.

For Middle/Junior High and Senior High School Students to Retain Eligibility

Schools may have stricter rules than those pertaining to the questions above or listed below. Contact the principal or coach on any matter of eligibility. A student to be eligible to participate in interscholastic activities must be certified by the school principal as meeting all eligibility standards.

All KSHSAA rules and regulations are published in the official KSHSAA Handbook which is distributed annually and is available at your school principal’s office.

Below Are Brief Summaries Of Selected Rules. Please See Your Principal For Complete Information.

Rule 7 Physical Evaluation - Parental Consent—Students shall have passed the attached evaluation and have the written consent of their parents or legal guardian.

Rule 14 Bona Fide Student—Eligible students shall be a bona fide undergraduate member of his/her school in good standing.

Rule 15 Enrollment/Attendance—Students must be regularly enrolled and in attendance not later than Monday of the fourth week of the semester in which they participate.

Rule 16 Semester Requirements—A student shall not have more than two semesters of possible eligibility in grade seven and two semesters in grade eight. A student shall not have more than eight semesters of possible eligibility in grades nine through twelve, regardless of whether the ninth grade is included in junior high or in a senior high school. NOTE: If a student does not participate or is ineligible due to transfer, scholarship, etc., the semester(s) during that period shall be counted toward the total number of semesters possible.

Rule 17 Age Requirements—Students are eligible if they are not 19 years of age (16, 15 or 14 for junior high or middle school student) on or before September 1 of the school year in which they compete.

Rule 19 Undue Influence—The use of undue influence by any person to secure or retain a student shall cause ineligibility. If tuition is charged or reduced, it shall meet the requirements of the KSHSAA.

Rules 20/21 Amateur and Awards Rules—Students are eligible if they have not competed under a false name or for money or merchandise of intrinsic value, and have observed all other provisions of the Amateur and Awards Rules.

Rule 22 Outside Competition—Students may not engage in outside competition in the same sport during a season in which they are representing their school. NOTE: Consult the coach or principal before participating individually or on a team in any game, training session, contest, or tryout conducted by an outside organization.

Rule 25 Anti-Fraternity—Students are eligible if they are not members of any fraternity or other organization prohibited by law or by the rules of the KSHSAA.

Rule 26 Anti-Tryout and Private Instruction—Students are eligible if they have not participated in training sessions or tryouts held by colleges or other outside agencies or organizations in the same sport while a member of a school athletic team.

Rule 30 Seasons of Sport—Students are not eligible for more than four seasons in one sport in a four-year high school, three seasons in a three-year high school or two seasons in a two-year high school.

PPE shall not be taken earlier than May 1 preceding the school year for which it is applicable.

Rev. 1/15

Student’s Name _______________________________________________(PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY)

To be eligible for participation in interscholastic athletics/spirit groups, a student must have on file with the superintendent or principal, a signed statement by a physician, chiropractor, physician's assistant who has been authorized to perform the examination by a Kansas licensed supervising physician or an advanced practice registered nurse who has been authorized to perform this examination by a Kansas licensed supervising physician, certifying the student has passed an adequate physical examination and is physically fit to participate (See KSHSAA Handbook, Rule 7). A complete history and physical examination must be performed annually before a student participates in KSHSAA interscholastic athletics/cheerleading.The annual history and the physical examination shall not be taken earlier than May 1 preceding the school year for which it is applicable. The KSHSAA recommends completion of this evaluation by athletes/cheerleaders at least one month prior to the first practice to allow time for correction of deficiencies and implementation of conditioning recommendations.

Parent or Guardian ConsentI do not know of any existing physical or any additional health reasons that would preclude participation in activities. I certify that the answers to the questions in the HISTORY part of the Preparticipation Physical Examination (PPE), are true and accurate. I approve participation in activities. I hereby authorize release to the KSHSAA, school nurse, certified athletic trainer, school administrators, coach and medical provider of information contained in this document. Upon written request, I may receive a copy of this document for my own personal health care records.

I acknowledge that there are risks of participating, including the possibility of catastrophic injury.

I hereby give my consent for the above student to compete in KSHSAA approved activities, and to accompany school representatives on school trips and receive emergency medical treatment when necessary. It is understood that neither the KSHSAA nor the school assumes any responsibility in case of accident. The undersigned agrees to be responsible for the safe return of all equipment issued by the school to the student.

The above named student and I have read the KSHSAA Eligibility Check List

and how to retain eligibility information listed in this form.

For Middle/Junior High and Senior High School Students to Determine Eligibility When EnrollingIf a negative response is given to any of the following questions, this enrollee should contact his/her administrator in charge of evaluating eligibility. This should be done before the student is allowed to attend his/her first class and prior to the first activity practice. If questions still exist, the school administrator should telephone the KSHSAA for a final determination of eligibility. (Schools shall process a Certificate of Transfer Form T-E on all transfer students.)

1. Are you a bona fide student in good standing in school? (If there is a question, your principal will make that determination.)2. Did you pass at least five new subjects (those not previously passed) last semester? (The KSHSAA has a minimum

regulation which requires you to pass at least five subjects of unit weight in your last semester of attendance.)3. Are you planning to enroll in at least five new subjects (those not previously passed) of unit weight this coming semester?

(The KSHSAA has a minimum regulation which requires you to enroll and be in attendance in at least five subjects of unit weight.)4. Did you attend this school or a feeder school in your district last semester? (If the answer is “no” to this question, please answer

Sections a and b.) a. Do you reside with your parents? b. If you reside with your parents, have they made a permanent and bona fide move into your school’s attendance center?

The student/parent authorizes the school to release to the KSHSAA student records and other pertinent documents and infor-mation for the purpose of determining student eligibility. The student/parent also authorizes the school and the KSHSAA to publish the name and picture of student as a result of participating in or attending extra-curricular activities, school events and KSHSAA activities or events.

Parent or Guardian’s Signature Date

Student’s Signature Date Birth Date Grade


Rev. 1/15

Blue Jay Basketball - GTST

These camps and OTI’s will be directed and coordinated by the Junction City High School and Middle

School basketball staff. These camps and OTI’s are designed to emphasize fundamentals and team

concepts using individual and group instruction.

HS – MS – Youth Camps

HS Grades 9 – 12 Monday –Thursday June 13th – June 16th Cost – $25


MS Grades 7 – 8 Monday – Thursday June 13th – June 16th Cost – $25

9:00am – 11:00am

Y No camp due to gym space

HS – MS – Youth OTI’s (Opportunities to Improve)

HS Grades 9 – 12 M – W – F June 1st – July 15th Cost – FREE

9:00am – 10:30am

MS Grades 7 – 8 T & Th June 9th – July 14th Cost – FREE

9:00am – 10:15am

Y Grades 3 – 6 T & Th June 9th – July 14th Cost – $25

10:15am – 11:30am

HS and MS will NOT have OTI’s the week of Team Camp

Youth – No OTI’s June 14th and 16th (HS and MS Team Camps)

Camper’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Grade Entering: ____________________ Shirt Size: ____________________ (Youth/Adult Sizes)

Parent’s Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Parent’s Phone Number: _________________________ Address: _________________________

Registration due the first day of camp

Make checks payable to Jays Basketball

I hereby authorize the USD 475 basketball staff to act for me according to their best judgement in any

emergency requiring medical attention. I hereby waive and release the camp staff and USD 475 from any

liability for any injuries or illnesses incurred from camp.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________ _____ Date: ______________________

Character Toughness Accountability Family Extra Effort


Updated 5-11-16

2016 SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES Junction City High School Athletic Department

(785)717-4214 Fax (785)-717-4202 900 N. Eisenhower Drive, Junction City, KS 66441




Deb Lumb

BASEBALL Andrew Biery


Nate Schmitt



Brad Adams

CHEERLEADING Raina Tomlinson


Becky Steiger

DANCE TEAM Ellie Dillon


Randall Zimmerman

B/G GOLF Tim Hickert

BOYS SOCCER Andrew Proctor

GIRLS SOCCER Mitchell Dehoff



B/G SWIMMING Beth Schlesener


CONDITIONING Randall Zimmerman

B/G TENNIS Matt Micheel


Randall Zimmerman



Robert Laster

For camp brochures, please visit athletic department/team web-site, stop by the JCHS Athletic Dept. or contact the head

coach of the sport your son/daughter is interested in participating.

All grades identified will be the grade your son/daughter will be in during the 2016-17 school year


Strength & Conditioning

June 8th – August 5th @ JCHS weight room

High School only will start up conditioning again from Aug 10th – 12th 4:00pm-5:30pm

9th – 12th grade (session 1) 9th – 12th grade (session 2) Monday - Wednesday - Friday Monday - Wednesday - Friday

6:30am – 8:00am 9:00am – 10:30am

***Students are allowed to attend either session to accommodate summer conflicts.

Middle School (grades 6-8) Elementary Tuesday - Thursday Tuesday - Thursday

8:00am – 9:00am 9:00am – 10:00am


Baseball: Contact Coach Biery for summer opportunities – [email protected]


Basketball (Boys): Camp for Grades 9-12: June 13 - 16 @ JCHS 5:00pm – 7:30pm - $25

@jcbluejaybball Camp for Grades 7-8: June 13 - 16 @ JCHS 9:00am – 11:00am -$25

Summer opportunities to improve - June 1 - July 15 – M/W/F – 9:00am – 10:30am Contact Coach Schmitt for more information – [email protected]

Basketball (Girls): Summer workouts - June 1 - July 15 Grades 7-12 – various times @JCHSBlueJayGBB Contact Coach Petty for more information – [email protected]

Cheer Practice June 7-24– Freshman Success Academy (main gym) – M thru F – 6:00am – 8:30am @JCBluejayCheer Camp: June 26-29

Dance: Summer practice - June 6,8,10,13,15,17,20,22,24 - August 1, 3,5,8,10,12 @JStepperDance JCHS – Fiffe Gym - 6:30am-8:00am

Camp: June 26-29

Football: Camp for grades 9-12: May 31-June 3 @ JCHS 8:00am – 11:30am

@JCBlueJayFB Camp for grades 7-8: May 31-June 3 @ JCHS 1:00pm – 3:30pm Camp for grades 3-6: July 11- 14 @ JCHS 9:00am – 11:30am

All camps $25 if you register before May 15. $30 after May 15.

Summer workouts for grades 9-12: – M/W 8:00am– 8:30am. Contact Coach Zimmerman for further information – [email protected]

Golf Golf Instructional opportunities at Rolling Meadows Golf Course @JCbluejaygolf Open to High School and Middle School students

Please contact Rolling Meadows Golf Course at (785)-238-4303

Soccer Summer workouts – T/TH 8:30am-10:00 am @ JCHS

@JCBlueJaySoccer Please contact Coach Proctor (Boys) for further information– [email protected]

Please contact Coach Dehoff (Girls) for further information – [email protected]

Tennis (B/G): Summer Camps/Workouts @ Junction City High School

@jcbluejaytennis M – F…..starting June 1st and finishing June 30th 8:00am – 12:30pm - (elementary / middle school / high school)

Contact Coach Micheel for further information – [email protected]

Volleyball: Contact Coach Booth for summer volleyball workout information - [email protected]


Wrestling: Camp for Grades 9-12: June 27– July 1 @ TBD -$20 – 10:00am – 12:00pm

@JCHSWrestling1 Contact Coach Laster for further information – [email protected]


Junction City High School Athletic Department (785)717-4214 Fax (785)-717-4202

900 N. Eisenhower Drive, Junction City, KS 66441

Fall Sports: B/G Cross Country, Football, Girls Golf, Boys Soccer, Girls Tennis, Volleyball

Winter Sports: B/G Basketball, B/G Bowling, Boys Swimming, Wrestling

Spring Sports: Baseball, Golf, Girls Soccer, Softball, Girls Swimming, Boys Tennis, B/G Track

Monday, August 1, 2016 - Fall athlete and parent orientation night 6:00 PM @ JCHS

Monday, August 15, 2016 - Practice begins for fall sports. Athletes must have JCHS Athletic Packet turned

into athletic department 1 week prior to start of fall practice.

NECESSARY FORMS FOR STUDENT PARTICIPATION Students attending Junction City High School will not be eligible to participate (games, practice, tryouts) in any sport without clearance from the


ROOM 102 AT JCHS ONE WEEK BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF PRACTICE. When all the paperwork is completed and turned in, the

student athlete will be entered on an eligibility list to be given to the coaches at the beginning of tryouts. An athlete must be on this list to be

allowed to practice/tryout/participate. Failure to have these forms on file with the Athletic Department may prevent the student athlete from

having the opportunity to participate in that sport.

*** The JCHS Athletic Packet may be obtained from the athletic department or by accessing the Athletic Department web-site.


Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Form (MUST BE DATED AFTER MAY 1, 2016)

Students are not eligible to represent their school in interscholastic athletics, spirit or performing groups until a signed physical evaluation form

by a practicing physician is on file with the building AD. This form will certify that the student has passed an adequate physical examination and

is physically fit to participate in interscholastic athletics, spirit or performing groups. This form shall also be signed by the parent or legal

guardian, stating the student has permission to participate.

The physical examination must be reported on forms provided by the KSHSAA and shall not be completed earlier than May 1 preceding the

school year for which it is applicable. The completed form must be filed with the building AD prior to the first practice session in which the

student participates.

Physical examination forms may be obtained from the school’s athletic department of which the student attends. You may also obtain

a copy of the physical examination form by accessing the KSHSAA web site at

OPPORTUNITIES FOR SPORTS PHYSICALS We recommend that you contact your family physician, Irwin Army Hospital, Konza Prairie Community Health Center and/or the Geary County Health Department to schedule your sports physical as soon as possible for the 2016-17 school year. Please keep in mind the following:

Physical examinations taken after May 1st are applicable for the next school year.

First ½ day of school for the 16-17 school year: August 15, 2016

First day of practice for Fall Sports: August 15, 2016

JCHS Athletic Packets are due August 8, 2016. This is one(1) week before the first day of fall practice.

Turn your JCHS Athletic Packet into the JCHS athletic department office (room 102) at the Career Academy

Campus – 900 N. Eisenhower.



Junction City High School Athletic Department – Twitter: @BlueJays_AD

Matt Westerhaus – Athletic Director 785-717-4214 [email protected] Deb Lumb – Athletic Dept. Secretary 785-717-4214 [email protected]

Head Coaches:

Baseball Andrew Biery [email protected] twitter: @jcbluejaybsb Basketball (Boys) Nate Schmitt [email protected] twitter: @jcbluejaybball Basketball (Girls) Derek Petty [email protected] twitter: @JCHSBlueJayGBB

Bowling (B&G) Brad Adams [email protected] twitter: @jchs_bowling Cheerleading Raina Tomlinson [email protected] twitter: @JCBluejayCheer

Cross Country (B&G) Becky Steiger [email protected] twitter: @jcbluejayCC

Dance Team Ellie Dillon [email protected] twitter: @JStepperDance Football Randall Zimmerman [email protected] twitter: @JCBlueJayFB

Golf (B&G) Tim Hickert [email protected] twitter: @JCbluejaygolf Soccer (Boys) Andrew Proctor [email protected] twitter: @JCBlueJaySoccer

Soccer (Girls) Andrew Proctor [email protected] twitter: @JCBlueJaySoccer Softball Jeremy Harmison [email protected] twitter: @softball_JCHS

Swimming (B&G) Beth Schlesener [email protected] twitter: @JCBlueJaySwim

Strength and Conditioning Randall Zimmerman [email protected] twitter: Tennis (B&G) Matt Micheel [email protected] twitter: @jcbluejaytennis

Track (B&G) Randall Zimmerman [email protected] twitter: Volleyball GG Booth [email protected] twitter: @VolleyballJC

Wrestling Robert Laster [email protected] twitter: @JCHSWrestling1

NECESSARY FORMS FOR STUDENT PARTICIPATION Students attending Junction City High School will not be eligible to participate (games, practice, tryouts) in any sport without clearance from the


ROOM 102 AT JCHS ONE WEEK BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF PRACTICE. When all the paperwork is completed and turned in, the

student athlete will be entered on an eligibility list to be given to the coaches at the beginning of tryouts. An athlete must be on this list to be

allowed to practice/tryout/participate. Failure to have these forms on file with the Athletic Department may prevent the student athlete from

having the opportunity to participate in that sport.

*** The JCHS Athletic Packet may be obtained from the athletic department or by accessing the Athletic Department web-site.


Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Form (MUST BE DATED AFTER MAY 1, 2016)

Students are not eligible to represent their school in interscholastic athletics, spirit or performing groups until a signed physical evaluation form

by a practicing physician is on file with the building AD. This form will certify that the student has passed an adequate physical examination and

is physically fit to participate in interscholastic athletics, spirit or performing groups. This form shall also be signed by the parent or legal

guardian, stating the student has permission to participate.

The physical examination must be reported on forms provided by the KSHSAA and shall not be completed earlier than May 1 preceding the

school year for which it is applicable. The completed form must be filed with the building AD prior to the first practice session in which the

student participates.

Physical examination forms may be obtained from the school’s athletic department of which the student attends. You may also obtain

a copy of the physical examination form by accessing the KSHSAA web site at


GENERAL KSHSAA ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES The guidelines listed below are written in general terms and are a summary of some of the KSHSAA eligibility rules. More detailed explanations of these rules and guidelines can be found in the KSHSAA manual or can be accessed

through the KSHSAA website at Coaches and administrators are expected to be familiar with the

rules of eligibility. If there are questions about eligibility, inquiries should be directed to the Athletic Director.

SCHOLARSHIP: A student must have passed at least five new subjects (those not previously passed) of unit weight, or its

equivalency, the previous semester or the last semester of attendance. At the middle school level, a student shall

have passed at least five new subjects (those not previously passed) of unit weight, or its equivalency, the

previous trimester or last trimester of attendance. ENROLLMENT:

A student must be enrolled in and be attending a minimum of five new subjects (those not previously passed), of

unit weight, or its equivalency, during the current semester.

TRANSFERS: A student who makes a bona fide move with his/her parents to a new permanent residence within the boundary of

the school to which the student transfers is immediately eligible as it relates to the transfer rule.

A student changing school without an accompanying move on the part of his/her parents will be ineligible for interscholastic extracurricular activities for 18 weeks beginning with the first day of attendance.


A student who is a member of a school athletic squad effective Tuesday following Labor Day through Friday

preceding Memorial Day may not participate as a member of an outside team or as an independent competitor in the same sport during the same season. Participation with an outside group may make the student Ineligible for

the remainder of that sport season.

CLINICS: A student cannot participate in group training/practice sessions, clinics, or tryouts held by outside agencies in a

sport while he/she is a member of a school athletic team in that identical sport. A group is defined as two or more

students receiving instruction from an instructor during the same period of instruction. A student may receive private instruction at any time during the year. Private instruction is defined as one student receiving instruction

from one person during the period of instruction.

GENERAL JCHS ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES In order for a student to be eligible to participate in KSHSAA activities at Junction City High School the student must

be a bona fide undergraduate member of that school and in “good standing”. Junction City High School’s definition of a student in “good standing” is, but not limited to, the following:

A student must not be under penalty of suspension or be a student whose character or conduct brings discredit to the school as determined by building administration.

A student shall have passed at least five new subjects (those not previously passed) of unit weight, or its equivalency, the

previous semester or last semester of attendance. Credit recovery courses will not be allowed to be used for the purpose of becoming eligible at semester.

A student must be enrolled in and attending a minimum of five new subjects (those not previously passed). Credit recovery courses do not count towards the minimum of five new subjects.

A student must be on grade level as defined by JCHS graduation requirements. JCHS administration will address transfer students on an individual basis.

A student may not enter into step 2 of the truancy process. A student must meet all other KSHSAA requirements regarding eligibility. A student-athlete must also comply with expectations set forth in the “Athletic Code of Conduct”.

In addition to Junction City High School’s definition of a student in “good standing,” a head coach/lead sponsor may establish additional expectations that define a student in “good standing” for their program. The head coach will also

monitor the academic/behavior progress of his/her team members.



The following "may" and "may not" list is designed to help coaches, school administrators, students and parents understand what they may do in connection with KSHSAA governed sports/activities. The list is not intended to be all-

inclusive. The items included are the ones prompting frequent questions about what coaches or athletes may or may not be permitted to do under KSHSAA rules.

Because KSHSAA rules governing students and coaches differ during the year the list is divided into three sections: 1) during school year, 2) during school season of sport/activity and 3) during the summer. As you review this list it is

important to keep this in mind as it relates to KSHSAA rules.

During the school year outside the season of sport/activity (revised 1/1/2015):

1. A school coach may not coach their athletes in the same sport. 2. A school coach may coach senior athletes in the same sport following the conclusion of the school season. 3. A school coach may not check out player uniform equipment to students (team jersey, pants, etc.).

Schools are premitted to have an organizational meeting prior to practices beginning to check out uniforms, lockers, equipment, etc.

4. Each KSHSAA member school will need to establish their own policy as to whether any school owned helmets and protective player equipment (pads/shoulder pads, etc.) may be used in All Star events or full contact camps. The management of the full contact camp or the All Star event will need to communicate with each KSHSAA member school regarding the use of school owned helmets and protective player equipment and liability insurance for their use.

5. A school coach may check out team equipment to students (balls, implements, etc.) 6. A school coach may attend camps or clinics. 7. A school coach may not attend camps or clinics with their athletes. 8. Students may attend camps or clinics but may not attend camps with their coach(es). 9. A school coach may transport (but not in school vehicles) students to non-school competitions in their sport. 10. A school coach may not be reimbursed transportation costs by the school or school booster club. 11. A school coach may not transport students to camps or clinics in their sport. 12. Students may play on non-school teams but there are restrictions on the number of same school squad teammates which

may be rostered, practice or play together on non-school teams. Limits are: 3 for basketball; 4 for volleyball; 5 for 8-man football, baseball and softball; 6 for 11-man football and soccer.

13. A school coach may supervise an offseason conditioning program for students not currently on a school team. 14. School conditioning programs may not be sport-specific and shall only include weights, running, conditioning and general

skill development (not a sport-specific skill). 15. Sport-specific equipment may not be used in conditioning programs. 16. Offseason conditioning programs must be open to the entire student body, and participants must provide their own

clothing. A school may not offer more than one offseason conditioning program at any given time. Offseason conditioning is limited to “weight training and general agility drills – not sport-specific drills and general running conditioning.”

17. A camp/clinic (not organized by school coaches) held during the school year outside the season of sport must be advertised and open to anyone, not just a specific group of students. Camps/clinics may not be longer than one calendar week in length. The same group of students may not attend more than two camps/clinics organized for the purposes of skill development.

During the school year and during the school season of activity:

1. A student may not practice with or play on a non-school team in the same sport/activity (see KSHSAA Handbook Rule 22 – Outside Competition).

2. A student may play on a non-school team in a different sport (subject to the school squad limitations). 3. A student may receive private instruction at any time of the school year, subject to the limits outlined in the KSHSAA

Handbook, Rule 26. (NOTE: Private instruction is defined as one student receiving instruction from one person during the period of instruction.) Group sessions are not considered to be private instruction.

4. A student may not attend camps or clinics in the same sport/activity. 5. A student may attend camps or clinics in different sports/activities. 6. A student may serve as a clinician for a camp conducted by their school coach for their sport/activity. 7. A student may serve as a clinician for a youth development camp or clinic for elementary students (Pre-K – 8th grade)

being conducted by non-school agencies or organizations (e.g. softball pitcher instructing at a softball clinic) without violating the Outside Competition Rule.


During the summer:

(Defined as the Saturday before Memorial Day until the Tuesday after Labor Day) – revised 1/5/2015


Defined as the Saturday before Memorial Day through Labor Day.

Important Dates for 2016 Beginning May 28 coaches may coach teams in non-school competitions and/or conduct workouts or practices.

Beginning May 29 until July 16 coaches may conduct a “one-week coach’s team camp.” Only students enrolled at the school may attend the “coach’s one-week team camp.” No “coaches’ one-week team camps” may take place after July

16 in any sport. KSHSAA catastrophic insurance does not cover a “coach’s one week team camp”.

Beginning July 17 through July 30 basketball coaches are restricted to working with no more than 3 students who initiate a request for individual help/coaching instruction from their coach. Basketball coaches may no longer coach

their players in leagues/tournaments. Coaches may supervise an open gym, but no sport-specific instruction may be


Beginning July 17 through July 30 football coaches are restricted to working with no more than 5 for 8- man football and 6 for 11-man football when those students initiate a request for individual help/coaching instruction from their

coach. Football coaches may no longer coach their players in leagues/tournaments. Coaches may supervise an open gym, but no sport-specific instruction may be given.

Beginning July 17 through July 30 volleyball coaches are restricted to working with no more than 4 students who

initiate a request for individual help/coaching instruction from their coach. Volleyball coaches may no longer coach their players in leagues/tournaments. Coaches may supervise an open gym, but no sport-specific instruction may be


July 31 through August 13 volleyball, basketball and football coaches may only participate with their athletes in weight lifting and non-sport-specific conditioning. During this two-week period, no other coaching or instruction is

permitted by volleyball, football and basketball coaches.

Through Labor Day, coaches in other sports may continue coaching their summer teams, even if that team has potential members of their school team. No coach’s one-week team camp may take place after July 16. Coaches

cannot have school team practices or conditioning specific to a single sport. School weight lifting and non-sport-

specific conditioning, available for all students in a school, may continue through August 14, 2016. Fall sports practices begin August 15, 2016.

Football Helmets & Shoulder Pads

Member school football coaches may not have a contact football camp. Shoulder pads may not be used during summer workouts/practices. With approval by the school district, school-owned football helmets may be used during

the school coach’s one-week team camp. The school district must approve the use of helmet/shoulder pads by players

at college or other summer camps. (These camps may not be sponsored by the school employed coaches.)

Fundraising to Pay for Athletic Camps If students wish to fundraise to pay for summer athletic camps, clinics or tournaments, they may not do so at school-

sponsored events. When soliciting money they must represent themselves as an individual(s), not as a school team. Any money collected for the purpose of paying for summer camps, clinics or tournament entries must not be

deposited and run through a school account. Schools/booster clubs cannot be involved in funding these activities or distributing the money. Booster clubs, individuals and school or charitable foundations are considered the same as

member schools in this regard.

Unfinished Business

Blue Jay Wrestling Camp When-June 27th-July 1st

Who-9th-12th grade students

Where- TBA

Cost-$20(seniors are free)



Registration Name_________________ Birth Date_______


Street city state zip

Home#___________ Emergency#__________

Grade_____ Approximate Weight______

Wrestler health insurance______________________

Team camp is designed to develop strong

fundamental skills for beginner, intermediate and

advanced wrestlers in all areas of wrestling. Coach


Parent’s signature__________________

Make check-out to Coach Laster (mailing address

701 Rockledge Dr. Junction city Ks, 66441)