The Path To Real Sustainability

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The Path To Real Sustainability

Viridian Advisors was formed in 2007 by five partners who share a passion for

sustainability and a belief that creativity and change leadership are essential to the

development and maintenance of sustainable behavior.

What We Do

• A unique “fresh Eyes” Discovery Process that helps our clients see anew what they use, what they waste and what they can do about it.

• A facilitated SPARC™ planning process that uses scientifically-based Creative Problem Solving process to build group ownership and enthusiasm for sustainability strategies.

• A comprehensive understanding of green products, technologies and best practices.

• A sophisticated branding expertise that allows our clients to enjoy the benefits that its sustainability efforts can bring their brands.

Our Bedrock Beliefs

• There is much we can learn from others. • Things get done when those who must do them have a

hand in the plan.• The opportunity is more compelling when the goal goes

beyond getting to state-of-the-art, and aims at creating state-of-the-art.

• The more people we can engage…the more community we can build, the greater the impact we can have.

• Business value can be significantly increased when sustainability is built into the brand.

• What we measure gets done.

“No problem can be solved with the same consciousness that

created it.”

“Our people link our systems and our success. The best technology only gets you so far. Employees will

devise innovative ways to achieve clearly stated goals when they understand the linkage with the

company’s vision and values.”

Vince Van Son, Manager, Environmental Finance

and Business Development, Alcoa

“Great companies get remarkable performance from ordinary people. No-so-great companies take talented people and manage to lose the

benefits of their talent, insight, and motivation.”

Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton The Knowing-Doing Gap

“It wasn’t a matter of telling our story better. We had to create a better story.”

Lee Scott, CEO Wal-Mart

• Re-design

• Re-imagine

• Re-create

• Reduce

• Reuse

• Recycle

"...We've moved from an economy built on people's backs to an economy built on people's left brains to what is emerging today: an economy and society built more and more on people's right brains.“

-Daniel H. Pink, A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future

Corporate transformation will not come directly from new technologies but from the desire of

workers for “noneconomic goals” like freedom, personal satisfaction and fulfillment.

Thomas Malone, The Future of Work

Rich Carlson

(312) 899-0614